The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 21, 1894, Image 2

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    The London Vegetation Society has
committee of women to assist in
promoting a knowledge of the artistic
cookery of vegetable.
The latest sharp game reported Is
that of a New Yorker who advertised a
handy method of writing withont pen
or" ink. It costs the inquisitive publio
3 apiece to be told to use a pencil.
The United States Navy now ranks
seventh among the world's fleets. It
consists of forty-one vessels. During
the past year nine ships were launched
nd si completed and placed in com
mission. According to Beerbohra figures
ahipments of wheat to Europe from
America, Canada, Russia, India, Ar
gentine and Australasia were 321,400,
000 bushels in 1893 and 499,800,000
Bnehels in 1892.
The current work of Congress is
looked after by 141 regularly accredit
ed correspondents in the press galleries
of the Senate and the House, and they
serve 171 papers. New York is repre
sented by twenty-one correspondents,
who serve fifteen papers.
In the shifting movement of this
(restless country some people yet have
been content to abide by the ancestral
roof tree, muses the Chicago Herald.
Dr. fleorge Adam died at Canaan,
Conn., a few days ago at tho age of
eighty-one years in the same house in
which he was born and in which ho
bad lived all his life.
Hays the Atlanta Journal: Edwin
Atkinson, who is very careful with
figures, and who investigates thor
onghly before he gives Bti opinion,
thinks that the number of unemployed
persons in the United States has been
greatly exaggerated. He writes to
the New York Journal of Commerce
an interesting letter on the subject,
in which he estimates the total num
ber of unemployed in the country at
1,150,000 and says that this includes
the large army of permanently and
voluntarily idle. Mr. Atkinson's esti
mate is the lowest we have seen,
though another statistical expert, in
the same issue of the Journal of Com
merce, places the number of the un
employed at 1,200,000.
The meagre and unprofitable resulU
,f the sturgeon fishery in tho Colum
bia River this season shows that the
iturgeon as well as the salmon is fast
being exterminated in thoBe wateri
liecanseof wasteful and entirely im
proper methods of fishing. A few
years ago it was believed the Columbia
Jiiver could easily supply the entire
ICast as well as the Pacific markets with
iturgeon, but this year the catch hai
not been a tenth so large as in forme!
years, to the great loss of fishermen
nd packers. But on the Frazcr River,
in British Columbia, where adeqnat
laws for the proper protection of the
fish exist and are strictly enforced,
the catch this yoar has been bettel
than ever before. One big packer hai
removed his business this year from
'Washington to British Columbia,
'The rapid increase of crime in
this country is largely due," main
tains the Atlanta Constitution, "to th
delay and uncertainty of criminal
justice. In 1889 in the United Statei
35fi8 murders were committed. Id
1890 they reached 4290, and 5908 in
1891, while for 1892 the total is 6700,
an increase of nearly ninety per cent,
in fonr years. But although we had
more than 20,000 murders in four
years there were only 331 legal execu
tions. Judge Lynch, however, took o
hand in the matter and disposed ol
6S8 criminals. This lynching record
pnts our lawbreakers and judges upon
notice that the people demand speedy
justice, and when they have reason to
believe that they will be disappointed
they will sometimes dispose of the
business in their own way. With
murders increasing at the rate of
ninety per cent, sinoe 1889, it is evi
dent that something must be done to
heck the rising tide of crime or
general demoralization will be the re
sult. The certainty of punishment
without unnecessary delay is the best
remedy. Many a criminal who is
reckless enough to court death at the
bands of a mob shudders when he eon
templates the prospect of dying on the
gallows in a jail yard in the presence
of only a few officials. These quiet,
orderly, private executions have
better effect than publio hangings or
lynching. They inspire awe as well
as terror. Justice surely and speedily
administered in the courts will stop
lynching and reduce the number of
murders. If a murderer can be con
victed in England and legally exec a ted
within thirty days after the com
mission of his crime, why cannot we
be equally pr3mpt in our methods?"
The Bursting of a steam Pipe on tht
Brandenburg, a German Ironclad,
'While on a Trial Trip Causes a
Terrible Disasters,
A terrible accident occurred on board the
(icrman Ironclad Brandenburg near Rtoller
irund, three miles from tht Duels, light
bouse, at the entrance to Kell bay. The
big vessel fur tome time past has been In
Klele't Fohrd the chief war harbor of
Germany undergoing experiments.
Mondsy was selected for a forced draught
trial. To get the Ironclad In first class con
dition from the test 40 artittcee were sent
aboard from the Imperial dockyard. While
eleven of these artifices were In the engine
room a tremendous explosion took place,
The main tleampipt of the starboard en
gine had buret.
Kar above the noise of the creeping ttesm
were besrd the heartrending cries of the
injured and Panic temporarily
spread among the crew, but after a mo
ment' t hesitation every effort was put forth
to rescue the unfortunate men In the engine
room. It was then foand that eleven of the
artificers all but one bad been killed. The
man who escaped owned his preservation
from the fata of bis comrades to the fact
that at the moment of the explosion lis was
standing on a ladder near the top of the
room, lilt companions were sll on the
floor of the room.
W hen the steam had cleared away and
the panic bad subsided a further search
was msde among tbe crew for the dead
and injured. It was then tllicovered thst
thirty nine men in all had been killed and
nine ininred. 'J his list Includes the ten
dead artificers. Thirty seven of the men
were killed instantly. Two of the wounded
died a short while after receiving their
Four steamers were promptly 'dispatched
from Kiel to tbe scene of the disaster. 1 hey
Carrie I a number of physicians and surgeons
and a large quantity ot Jmedlcal supplies,
the guard ship I'eliran, with Prince .Henry
of 1'russia on board, also put off r Instantly
to the Iliandenburg's aid. I lie dead and
wounded were carried from t lie Hranden
burg to the steamers and conveyed ta Kiel.
Hie inured were taken to the hospital. It
is believed that they will recover.1
The details of the accident art very bard
to obtain. It Is said that at soon as the ex
plosion occurred all hands were summoned
on deck and the pumps were ringed. It was
not tnen known what the accident amount
ed to and fears were entertained that the
Brandenburg was in danger of sinking.
All day long the most intense excite
ment has prevailed in Kiel. Most of the
dead and Injured lived here or in thenelgh
borhood ami; many of tliera were men ol
family. The wharves were crowded from
the time the steamers left for the scene of
tbe explosion until they returned with the
victims. As the dead "and wounded were
borne tenderly from the vessels to the
shore the air resounded with tbe cries of
the bereaved, while those who had not lost
any friends nr relatives uncovered tiieii
head. A strict inquiry will be made into
the cause of tbe disaster.
160,000,000 IN GOLD.
The Produotion of the World Is the
Largest Know for Years.
Returns received at the Treasury Depart
ment indicate that the gold output for lH'.l.'t
will reach the almost unprecedented
amount ot H7, 000,000, an increase over
1W2 of H.000,000. In Colorado the output
has increased from 3,0OJ.UOO in WJi to
5,000,000 in 18IW. while the gains in the
other gold producing sections are unusually
large. Tbe Australian production will
carry the production of the world, It is
thought to loO.OOJ.OCO, which is a gain ol
tlL'.ouO.OOO for tht year. Willi one or two
exceptions this is the largest output ever
The gild fields of South Africa seem to
bt rapidly taking the place of the California
and Australian llelds as the bonanza tinds
of tbe present decade. Reports from the
Vitwatersrnndt region alone show a total
product for 1HH3 of 1,478,47H ounces of ore,
yielding a product of refined gold of a
value In excess of 12.'), 000,000. The produc
tion In this region is increasing at an aston
ishing rate and South Africa bids fair dur
ing the present year to push her way to the
head of the list cf gold producing countries.
The figures tor 1802 put Australia . at the
head of the list, with a production of t.'U.
870.7000. tbe the l ulled Htaies second at
tltt.OOO.OOO: Kussia third at 1)24,800,200 and
Africa fourth at .:), 700,000. The full re
turns from South Arica for 18113 will prob
ably show a production In excess of (30,
000,000 which will force her Into third pluce
and if tbe increase continues she will pass
Kussia during 1804 and will be beaten by
the United States In aggregate production
only by means of a large increase in to is
Tbe production of 'silver, according to
the reports received at the mint, baa fallen
off during the past year and will nut exceed
185,000, in coining value for 1893. As the
coining value is now more than twice the
market value tbe actual mercantile value
nf the silver mined will drop below 00,OUU,.
000 the smallest figure for many years.
Tbe Senate Befusea to Confirm Him Foi
By a majority of nine votes the senate in
executive session rejected the nomination
of Mr. Wheeler 11. Peckham to be an asso
ciate justice of tbe supreme court,
For confirmation: Democrats Bate,
Blackburn, Briue, Bullock. CaOery, Faulk
ner. Ueorge, Uray. Harris, ilunton, Lindsay,
Mul'herson, Martin, Mills. Mitchell of Wis
consin, Palmer, Pascoe, Itaiuom. Koch,
Turpie, Vilas. Voorhees and White oi
Louisiana. Republicans. Dixon, Hale,
Mitchell of Oregon; 1'etligrew, Plait, Proc
ter, Squire, Slockpridge. Populists Kyle,
Against Confirmation Republicans
Aldricb, Allison, Cameron, Carey, Cbandlei
Cullora, Davis, Dolph, J-'rye. tiallinger,
Hansbrougb, Hawley, Higglns, Hoar,
Lodge, Manderson, Morrill, Perkins. Power,
Sboup, Stewart, Teller, Wasburne, Wilson.
Democrats Berry, Call, Cockroll, Coke,
Daniel, Gibson. Uoraian, lrby, Jones of
Arkansas; McLaurin. Murphy, Hill, Pugh,
Vest, White of California, Populist-Allen,
1'effer. Total 41.
The proceedings of tbe executive session
prior to the taking of the vote consisted
entirely of spsechraaking. Senators, Vilas.
Mitchell (Ore.), Ueorge and Uray speaking
for confirmation and Senators White (Cal.j
and Hawley against. All the addresses
except those of Senators Vilas and Ueorge
were very brief and consisted mainly uf
explanations of tbt votes of the sptasers.
Soutb SeaBhip Disasters by Natives and
The Iron steamer alert, while on bei
voyage from Port Albert to Melbourne re
cently, sank during a terrible gale, and of
tbt IS men aboard but one managed to
reach land and tell the story. Another
outrage tas been committed by tbe natives
upon a trading vessel oft Coast Pentecost.
The natives are stated to bave attacked tht
schooner Petrel at or near this port, where
Ueorge I.ifou was killed a few months
ago. They boarded her and tomahawked
several of tbt crtw.
ummarlsed Proceedings of Our Law
Makers at Washington.
rorrvrtoHTtt Fiat.
Rbvats Discussion of the Hawaiian
uestton occupied the entire session of the
Horse Mr. Bland announced fn the i
House today that he would more at a later
day to amend his pen ling bill so that silver
certificates would be Issued only as fast as
liver dollars were coined, with the added
authority to the secretary of the treasury
to Issue the certificates in advance of the
coinage If he so desired. The measure,
therefore, went over for a time After some
routine business by special order, the re
mainder of the dav was consumed in pay
ing appropriate tribii'e to the memory nf
the late Senator .Stanford of California. At
the conclusion nf the eulogies, as a further
mark of respect, the house at 4:15 ad
louriied. roKtv-SIXTH HAT.
Senate. A bill was reported in the sen
ate by Mr, Coke, of Texas, and passed,
continuing In force the act for the protec
tion of tisb In the Potomac river. The sen
ate bill making Labor Day, the first Mon
dsy of September, a legal holiday, was re-
?orled by Mr. Kyle from the Committee on
Question and was placed on file, Mr.
Uray, of Delaware, then resumed his argu
ment on the Hawaiian resolution.
Horse. The debate on the llland Silver
Helgniorage bill was resumed to day in the
House , some routine business preceding It.
The speaker laid before the house the Ha
waiian message from the President trans
milted yesterday. At the request of Mr.
Iltirrnwk It was read and then referred to
the Foreign Affairs Committee.
rirtiitH pat.
PrsATB. Alnio.t the eatirt time of the
Senate to-day was consumed In the discus
slon of the House bill compelling the Hock
Island Railroad Companv to stop Its trains
at the new towns of Enid and Itouud
Pond, In Oklahoma
The whisky tax. and the position of the
W. U T. It. on the question, were then
brought up by Senator Frye and discussed
until adjournment.
House. The entire session of the House
was consumed to-day in debate upon the
bland bill.
rirTT-riasr pat.
Sfsate The House bill providing for
railroad stations at town sites in the terri
tories was passed in ttie Senate toduy. witn
an amendment requiring an election in two
counties in Oklahoma Hint are affected by
the bill to determine the location of the
county seats. An amendment was offered
by Mr. I'efTer. populist, nf Kansns.allowlng
women to vote at such elections. The
amendment got the support of only 15
Senators and wus lost.
Jlui'ssj Committee on Foreign Affairs
reported toilav the bill to protect tbe isignia
and name of the American National Jted
Cross Association. The bill makes it un
lawful for any person or association of per
sons to use the symbol of the Red Cross
Society. This Society wr.s funned for the
purpose of mitigating the evils Inseverable
from war. The debate nil the Bland's
seigniorage bill then drug along until ad
journment. rirrv-ssroRii pat.
Sf.sutf Tbe s-nate adjournal a few
minutes after 4 o'clock this afternoon after
Snding the whole dsy considering the
nomination of W, H. l eek bain ot New
York to he associate justice of the supreme
c mrt. The vote to confirm the nomination
resulted in a rejection ny a vote of 32 to 41.
Hot se All day long Mr. Bland or Mis
souri struggled to get a quorum to pass
liis coinage ol tne teigniorage dim, out witn
2.V1 members present and answerable to
their names on a call of the House, he was
never able to musier more than 103 on bis
motion to close debate on the measure.
SattAToa Pasco, ot Florida. Is a native ot
Ilr.v. W. P. Fife Is called tho "Moody of
the South."
Thr King ot Italy Is not much over five
feet lu height.
The King of Bavaria has a salary of il,
412,000 a year.
The Princess of Wales denies that she has
Withdrawn from soolety.
Tns friends of Br. Nunsen, the Arctia ex
plorer, entertain gravu fears for bis safety.
Mas. Colfax, widow of the former Vice
President, is said to be practically peuuiless.
Mas. Hetty Ohf.xx, thn richest woman In
America, Is said to pay tT a woek for board.
Ex-Empress Fhedkhic, mother of Emperor
William, bears tho distinction ot being tbe
most unpopular person in Berlin.
Mm. Kavarbo (Mary Anderson) Is staving
ut Nice, Italy, this winter. She Is III with a
uervous nfTection, and oho neither visit not
receive visits.
Ex-United States SENATon Mobto
Smith Wilkinson, President Lincoln's con
fidential adviser, diod, a few days ago, at
Mankato, Minn.
Cat-tain E. L. Zalinset, tho Inventor ol
the dyuamlte gun, haa been placed on the
retired list of the army ou account of dis
ability caused by paralysis.
The Prince of Wales, so It Is said, has to
haudle his bat so much in acknowledging
tbe honors done him on the street that he
has to bave a new brim to it every fortnight.
Joseph Keppler, the cartoonist, first at
tracted the attention of an employe of Frank
Leslie's publishing bouse by some clever cari
catures on the back and margin of a restaur
ant bill of fare.
Miss Harbiet Lame Johnson, who presided
at the White House, during Buchanan s ad
ministration, has purchased the old Travis
mansion In Washington and will make it hei
permanent home.
Lieutenant John H, Alexander Is the
first colored man to hold the professorship
of military science and tactics lu any institu
tion. He was recently appointed to tbls posi
tion in tbe Wilberforce University, Ohio.
Buffalo's blind lawyer, Louis L. Ullmno,
has been made a United Status Commissioner.
Heia thirty-one years old and was made,
blind by an attack ot scarlet fever wbeu be
was five years of age. He was educated at
the Institute for the Blind lu BAtavia and tho
Perkins Institute in South Boston, Muss., and
at tbe law school in Buffalo.
Senator Colquitt, ot Georgia, who was
Stricken with paralysis about a year ago,
cannot walk. He is rollel into and out of
the Senate Chamber in a wheel-chair, which
be occupies during the sessions. Despite
this physical Infirmity Mr. Colquitt is said to
be a formidable candidate for re-election,
lii term will expire March 8. 1893.
Executed at Midnight.
''Budd" Stone, the notorious murderer of
the Wratten family, was executed in the
county prison yard at Jeffersonvllle, Ind.
The cilme of which James K. Stone, or
"Bud" Slone.'as he was familiarly known,
wus convicted, was committed near Ci leu
dale. Ind , on tbe night of September 18,
li3 and wus the peculiarly atrocious and
bloody murder of Mrs. Elizabeth Wrutteu.
her sou, Denson Wratten and his wife and
three children. All were killed instantly
escept the little girl, Ethel, who lived for
several days.
White Fiends Scraps and Cut a Colorod
F'rom Agelthorpe, Ua comes a story of
such a horrible murder that Oov. Northen
lias doubled tbe reward for the criminals.
Hob Collins, a respectable negro, was
1 ragged from borne by aeven white men,
itrlpped, beaten with a buggy trace, scraped
sua out with a blunt kuifeand left naked
nearly seven hours in a freezing atmos
phere. He dld 1 ist uller being found,
What. Is Transpiring the World Over.
Important Eventa Briefly Told.
latitat. Laker an lariaatrlal.
The strikers at the Olrard stove works In
Youngstown, O., will resume work at tbe
old wages.
The miners at Cannalfon, Pa., bare ac
cepted 14 rents per ton reduction agreed
npon by the Columbus convention.
Tbt car works of John M. Jones at West
Troy, N. Y bavt shutdown fot an indefi
nite period, Between 3.0 and 400 men are
(brown out of work.
Fire started in the Joiner shop of the im
mense Bath, Me., Iron works Tuesday
morning Machine shop No. 2, the Joiner's
shop, bending shop and ship tbop were
destroyed. Los 1175,030. The company
will rebuild.
An Immense tannery at the village at
and Bank, N. Y., was destroyed by fire
The loss Is f 100,000.
rime aaa Praam.
' ltiitnle Itaynor, aged 17, shot bis father,
Charles Hay nor, three timet st tbell
borne In Waukesha, Wis. Tbe boy, wbc
Is In Jail, says lit committed the deed in
defense of bis mother, and tbe latter cor
roberatea lilt statement,
William O. Dlmitk, agent fof the Mer
chants Dispatch, at Buffalo, shot and killed
bimseil in bis apartments. He bad bien
suffering with tbe grip.
At a negro dance near Rosedale, Mo., Jae.
Pmitb emptied a double barreled shotgun
into a wagon load of the revelers, wound
ing five girls.
Dr. Duestrow, of St Louis, one of tin
llrnnile mountain millionaires, shot bit
wife and B year old ion. Tbe wife still lives.
The doctor was arrested.
James B. Scott, the heud of tbe firm ol
lames B. Scott A Co., metal dealers, Pitta
Dnrg, dieJ at bis residence, 2'7 Ridge ave
nue, Allegheny, The immediate cause ol
death was diabetes. Soon after the Johns
low n flood, when everything was in chain
here, Mr. Scott was appointed '.'dictator"
with lupteme command.
Washlntlna News.
Tbe Senate bill making Labor Day. tht
3 rat Monday in September, a legal holiday,
was reported to the Senate by Mr.Ky!e from
die committee on education.
Tbe senate bas confirmed Thomas B.
Ferguson of Maryland to be Envoy Extra
ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
Sweden and Norway.
The Gloucester, Mass., fishing schooners
Tuesday brought in tbe'largest catch of her
ring for oneday on record, the total amount
ii g to 5,075,000 in number and 0,081 barrels
Tbt Massachusetts House by a vote of
100 to 51) passed tht bill abolishing Fast day
In that State.
Tht Turks killed I'.'S Armenians and
wounded 310 during tbe recent riots at
The right name cf the prisoner who
brew tbe bomb in the Terminus restaurant
I'trls, is Emile Henry, He is a decorative
iculptor, but two years ago quit work to
propagate anarchistic ideas. A rich English
widow, whom he married, furnished the
Another Mysterious Fire on the World's
Fair Orounda.
Fire again broke out in tbe colonnade be
tween the Agricultural Building and Ma
chinery Hall, World's Fair grounds. It
gained rapid headway and tht tire depart
ment available In tbe district was massed
at tht point of danger.
The tire started near tht point at which
the firemen made a tierce fight against tbe
flames last week. When first seen tbe
flames were crawling up the pillars Quick
ly they mounted higher and the fire grew
butler and more dangerous. The first alarm
was toon followed by a second call, but be
fore the additional engines reuched tbe
burning structure its destruction and that
of tbe large buildings adjoining ou either
aide was threatened.
Another call was sent out and all the
avullahle engines in Woodlawn and Hyde
Park were soon hurrying to the scene. The
drifted snow on the groundsjniudethe work
of the tireman slow and before sufficient
streams were directed toward the burning
struc ture its timbers were cracking in a
rapidly spreading blaze.
The fire was lirnt seen about 100 yards
west of the part burned lust week. It was
Inside the colonnade and skirling the south
end of the canal teparuting Agricultural
Building and Machinery Hull. Tbe fire was
west of the center line and nearer Machin
ery Hall. Starting at a point nearly back of
tbe Eiivntian obelisk, it snread east and
west through the colonnade, covering a
distance ot 60 feet.
The light woodwork offered little resist
ance to tiie flames and the pillars and or
nate roof decorations along tue colonnade
were soon in ruins. Three groups of animals
In statuary, standing on the roof, were
Tbe firemen were hampered, not only In
reaching the colonnade, by the snow, but
the drills delayed them in fighting the blaze
It wtsditticull to move tbe engines and
lines of host were clogged in tbe snow. Tbe
engines drew a water supply from the csnal
and no difficulty In this supply was en
countered. Shortage of coal, however, was
some disadvantage, as the supply wagout
mudeslow trips.
The Firm of James B. Scott A Co. in an
Assignee's Hands.
Knox and Reed, attorneys for Benjamin
O. Foliansttee una William I', Follansbee,
surviving members of tht well-known
firm of James B. Scott A Co., tin-plate and
aheet-irun dealers, of Putaburgh, Pa., bate
made a voluntary assignment lor tbt bene
fit of the creditors of that concern. Tbt
legal proceeding was entered within a few
hours following tbe demise of Mr. Janice
B. Scott, the bead of the firm, which oc
curred a few days ago.
Caught Disgulssd as a Farmer.
Frank C. Brady, who in August. IBbJ,
decamped from Portland, Ore., an embei
teler from tbt Hunnysidt Improvement
company of that city, to the txteut of ;.V
uoo has been captured. Brady first went to
England. Some months ago he returned
to the United Stales, came to Kansas in
disguise and settled on a farm near l.tareu where tit lived until captured.
LAl'EH Mtuwa.
rhlMES AND fenaltifs.
Frank Harper succeeded In getting checks
ftJrla.OO and DS,(Ki0 cashed at a Chicago
bank and then made good his e-enpe.
Checks had been raised from IT) and IJ,
Mrs. Jennie line er, a white woman, was
murdered near Ptatiton, Ala. Two negroes
bave already been lynched and the aven
gers art hunting for more victims.
Near Bliss, Idaho, James Cross shot and
killed two men wbo were going to testify
against him In a cast of theft. Lynching Is
Tht Ftderalgrand jury tt Chicago return
ed an Indictment charging Lieutenant Man
ey with tht ninrder of Caiitaln Htdbtirg at
Fort Sheridan.
miasters, accidents and
A cave in occurrtd In Bunker Hill
mine. Idaho, by which Pat Curran, a ship
boss, and two other miners wert killed and
two severely injured.
The steamers C'sdoxlon and C'lytha,
both British, have been in collision In Harry
Roads. The Clylba sunk and four ol ber
crew wert drowned.
Dr. Daniel H. Williams, of Chicago, bat
been appointed by Secretary links Smith at
urgeon in chief to the Fre-dmen't Hospital
in place of Dr. Charles B. Purvis who has
held that position for several years. Dr.
Williams is the leading representative of
bit race in Illinois.
Candee Rubber Company of New Haven,
Conn , baa cut wages of its 2,000 employes.
Fully 3,800 silk ribbon weavers at New
York tre on a strike.
Tbomas 11. Blythe died at San Francisco
without leaving a will. Ills estste It fjvalu
ed at 14,000,003 and the State Is now claim
ing It.
Council at N'ewberg. N. Y.. decided to al
low women to vote at the special elections.
The Trant-Missi'Sippl Congress at San
Francisco, after an exciting debate, adopt
ed by a vote of 251 to 511 a resolution declar
ing tbe right of elective franchise for
women of the United Slatea.
An Insane printer, who gave his name as
lobn McDonald created a sensation in the
Roman Catholic Church of the Epiphany
at New York, by disrobing while services
were in progress, The man was ejected
with difficulty.
Horrible Entertainment at tbe Mid
winter Fair.
Carlo Tbeiman, attendant at Boone's
animal show at the midwintei fair, San
Francisco, was attacked by three lloos nd
to horribly mangled that be may die. Jt
was during the evening performance.Three
huge beasts were ltd into tbe cage by fjTbei
nian, preparatory to Boone's entrances.
All at once the electric lights went out.
Immediately a shriek of sgony came from
tbe stage, followed by the crunching sound
of terrible jaws and tbe groans of the man
In tbe cage. The large crowd of spectators
was pamc stricken. Finally lanterns were
brought. In the tage lay I'heimun with
three lions clawing and munching his pros
trate farm. Col. Boone seized an iron bar
and entered the rage. With shouts and
blws be drove the beasts from their prey
and dragged the unfortunate man from the
rage, 'ihsiman was taken to a hospital.
He bas 43 wounds. By one blow from a
lion's paw he has been 'scalped from tbe
forehead to tbe nape of the neck. Under
each arm there were terrible bites, where
tbe lions bsd attempted to reach a vital
pot. One of them nearly succeeded, for
he Just missed a large artery. The man's
legs and thighs were also bitten and scratch
d. At the hospital he recovered conscious
lit St.
Internal Bevenu s Meceipte.
The receipts from internal revenue during
the first ten riavs of the present montti
aggregated 15,070,211 as against f4.5l4.MJ4
during the corresponding period last year, a
gain of "i()l,fiU7. The tremendous increase
is regarded by the Treasury officials as a
sure sign of returning business activity. The
significance of it will lie undersood when it
is known that since the beginning ot the
present fiscal year the receipts from internal
revenue had constantly declined month by
month until tbe aggregate receipts for the
half year were fuliy12,ooo.(SM) less than for
tbe corresponding period of 18:H
There are 125 clerks' unions.
A weaver in Germany receives sixty cents
a day.
Fio-paceers in Asia Minor, It skillful, can
make twenty oenls a day.
A confectioner Id Venezuela can earn
from tli to I6 per mouth.
Seven million persons are employed In the
cultivation of the vine in France.
The Meriden (Conn.) Cutlery Company has
cut wages five to twenty-live per cent.
The textile congress of France has decided
to adopt u standard list of prices, as In Eng
luu ).
Inmates oT the State Trlson at Providence,
fi. I., are making boots for tbe BraJUan sol
dlcrp. A Nashville (Tenn.) labor lender wants
the unions to employ lawyers to prosecute
people who violate labor laws.
An agricultural luborer In India Is sup
pose 1 to receive five cents a day, but in gen
eral his wages are not so large. .
The average farm laborer In America
doesn't make ti'iO a vear and a large pro
poniou live on less than 150 a year.
Moshcf (Conn.) mills have shnt down, bnt
no reut will be charged operatives in the
company's bouses so long as the factory is
The Tortland (M0 Central Labor Union
wants a law to prevent the employment of
children uudcr fourteen, aud ua Employers'
Liability uut.
When a lioss In Luxemburg needs an em
ploye he fills out a blank aud for five cents
the news is postal in ail the postofflues in
I'snxr. th English. Employers' Liability
bill, which has p issid second reading, tbe
bonne will have to pay damages to lueu in
ured In their employ.
John BrBNs aud other men prominent in
Euuliah labor olrules are to oonie to this
country to confer with their brethren lu the
cause on this side of tbe Atlantic.
The lute General Maltzeff, of Persia, was
reported to tie one of the heaviest employers
of help in tbe world. In his twenty-nine
mines be gave work to 55,000 workmeu.
Hillsboro, New Mexico, a new mining
n.iinp, boasts of having no unemployed men.
Work ia offered to all miners who go there.
The gold ore runs from 46 to ai0i a tou.
The Master Workman ot tbe Cooks' As
sembly, K. ot L., at Omaha Is a colored
man, and the Worthy Foreman la a white
inuu. Tbe Treasurer is white, uudtbebw
lutury colore., .. ...
qililHT A5D tTRlOU
Delaware lias no Htate prison. ,
French lovers have a sealing wax
The Himalayas have been soon 224
miles away.
The oldest collection of poetry la
the book of Psalms.
Out of every 1,000 births in Eng
land twelvu are twins.
The deepest artesian well is at 1'ots
dnm, Germany, 5,500 feet deep.
Home mahogany trees in Honduras)
are worth from $500 to $B,000 each.
Detachable heels for boots and elioea
are a recent invention of au Knglinh
mati. A woman of Hpring Hill, Mo., line
baked a loaf of bread from yeast thirty
years old.
Three million American citizens of
over thirty years of age were unimir
ried iu 1890.
There is a man in West Virginia
who writes his name thus: Llewcllju
Roman treaties, laws and publio
documents of importance were written
on tablets of brass.
The longest wire span is a telegraph
wire over the river Kistuah, iu Indin.
It is over 0,000 feet.
A seventeen-year-old ginut in Aus
tralia menNtires eight feet 3J inclieH,
and weighs 800 pounds.
It will cost 83.r),004,2."i7.fi9 to run
tho government of New York city
during the coining yenr.
The bank clearings of St. Louis Inst
year amounted to $1.1M,014,2!)1
against $1, 231, 271, 903 in 1S92.
. Sliiguken, Oniika, Japan, claims to
Love a dwarf thirty-six years old who
is only seventeen inches in height.
For bleeding at the tiose, Dr. Hut
chinson recommends plunging tho
feet aud hands in water as hot as can
be borne.
A rattlesnake killed by James Ora
liam of Columbus, Ind., ineaNiired
nine feet in length aud had thirty
nine rattles.
Lord Byron's coronet is said to have
been transformed into a chafing-dish
by its present owner, Mr. Chillis, uf
An increased impulse to flax eulturo
in Scotland seems likely to be given
by tho invention of machinery for
scutching the flax.
Before the Mohammedans took pus
session of Arabia nine-tentha of nil
female children born were immedi
ately buried alive.
The burning of Moscow by tho
Russians in order to drive out the
French, caused an estimated loss of
over $ 20,000,000.
An armless boy of Middletown,
Conn., named William Mylehreet, ha
completed the painting of a wagon.
His feet did the work.
From a lobster farm at Hon tli port.
Me., twelve miles in extent, one mil
lion of the crustaceans are annually
shipped to nil parts of the world.
Natural Food in Missouri.
"Nature provided ns with thn beet
of food for every one," said Col. J.
H. Criap to tba corridor man tit tho
Lnclode, "anil we have not preserved
it. If tho wild turkeya had been pro
tected in Missouri, and the hens nut
been slaughtered and the young left t
perieh, every stream in the state to
duy would have thousands of turkeys
along the bunks. If the does had
been left and only the bucks killed,
the forest would abound in deer.
"Had prairie chickens been killed
for food alone and not for wanton apurt,
the fields would be full of them. Tho
Government ought to establish a largo
game park and raise birds and animals
udnpted to this country. Theu estab
lieli game laws and rigidly enforce
them. It will be but a few years, ni,-
Ichh this is done, before the game is
entirely exhausted. The same is true
of firth, and tlsh culture should lie es
tablished npon a sculo commensurate
with the capabilities of the ut reams. "
St. Louis Globe Democrat.
Our Courts In Japan.
The proceeding in the United States
Consular Court reoeutly brought i.ut
a singular fact iu connection with tlio
American courts in Japan. ' It seems
that they are tinder the old common
law of Eugland, which existed prior
to 1770, and under this law some
curious things may be enacted. For
iiiatauce a verbal statemeut is enough
to constitute a will. If a muu so de
sires he cen if arraigned for certain
oHctist s deuiaud triul by combat, while
under another section of the law a
muu may be hanged for stealing a shil
ling, (Japun Gazetto.