The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 24, 1894, Image 7

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    Tli Steal Plcnannl War
f preventing (he grippe, colds, headache ami
f r I to m the liquid lantlv remedy,
Byinp f Fie, whenever the system needs
gentle, yet effective cleansing. To be henenud
one must get Hie true remedy manufactured
by the California Fig Xyrnp Co. only. For Ml
by nil druggists In .Vic. and fl bottle.
In Anstrlalhereare I. 3j,0i0 laving bank
"'Browr' TinoftrntAl. Trothr' r ex.
nellenl fur I ho relict of Hoarseness or Hon
Throst. They are i v redinxly tflectlve."
tTiturfcm Horn. i,omlim. .'nr.
I'ero ha but .111 telegraph olllces in the
ntire country.
" It-It It a ilnly to Ih-public to send tlili
certificate. I IihcI ilif grip in the winter ol 'HI
ml US mi severely Hint It deprived me of tin
ttif of my arms so that in v w Ife had to drest
and undress me. J tried rive doctors and not
out accjupL-hcd anything, iheu I deler
nulled to Iry
Ilood's Saraaparllla
Pefore 1 had taken one imtle I had the use nl
my arms, thank Hod. These hi lad huh i an
tn verified by niHiiy js-rsonn hen. I am pastm
of the M. V;. i lunch," c. W. (,
Chinch Creek. Md. Oct only Ilisalv.
lloo'e I'lll. arc the beat afler-alunrr Kllla.
P N U 4
Thin Children Grow Fat
on Scott's
fat fo o d s
make fat
They are
thin, and remain thin just in
proportion to their inability to
assimilate food rich in fat.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil is especially
adaptable to those of weak diges
tion is partly digested alrtady.
Astonishing how quickly a thin
person gains solid flesh by its use!
sllmost as falatable as milk.
Prepared h Soon Bnwne. W V, All droiflata.
Highest Awards
latedalaaad Diploaiaa)
World's Columbian
On tha following article,
namely :
com BLUER,
Tor " parity of material,"
excelleiil rlMror. and "uui
forui even cooipotlUub."
j T a source of much
II fl 1 1 suffering. The ay item
Ufflf should bo thoroughly
I (ties, and the lilood
kept In a healthy con
dition, e. 8. 8, re
move all tuli.t n
whatsoever origin, and build up the gen
eral health.
Pot tlire year. I was fo troubla Willi naliriil
niton lUt lilt Icatalliu i chain, i I tu.d nricuiUI
and ri ta.n ffmcd.p.. but could eat Be rcliaf I A
1tw tcttiea oig jm Jaj JB 1
Wc and pel. fa 11 ffl
attaiwnl rure,
J. A. RICE. Otttwa.Kaa.
Cut ft on Uirdand Caia
lJiM-Mt mailed fraa.
swrr sftUTr co ,
AlUnlm, Cm,
The Child ! Beit Tearher.
Hare you teen H? Older
IciUa will find It very
amuauif. Would you like
one? For SI. 00 we will
end It to your aaartat,
icbargea paid.'
S2t lintom ttreet,
Philadelphia. Pa
for aale hy the SaiiiT Pact.
Ddlutu Bailboad
OBau-anT in Mmuaaota. Send fur Uapa and Circua
u. They will bewatloyoo
lad OominitaloneT, Bu fauL, laum.
() l'er1r. and 9e. field FeeereSo.,
at.-, and Itlc. Mead JJr. ataaiM lr aaavpiea.
141 WaudMraea. I'lllabyrak. fa.
UK I BU I S) WaaliluaUA, V. V. Mo a.ly1
lautu f aleal otilalued. wnu foe lavautor'a
a imp
OK MalKCUIiP. OneMB.P Brbeldlerand
ai'nHnai atufiue; I, i n.r.caoeiuierirauiutu en
I fek'lHidlrr aula mill: I HutMr BfuaraUir. Wrluj
partWuiara J.U.CaniplMb, N.CuuitMirLud,W.Va.
1 k TPILI'rCTBAUKHAHK Ciamlaetlia
I A I lil' lo. aad adaiee .w u palealauillty
tfleveacioB. nd for iuvc-aUMw bulde.or how 1.14 m
Ki iIMi y.MKU, WaauuwToiijU
Qrmcii VtcToma le jtrowlnR twbl.
Jonw J. Inoatxa, the Kauaaa orator, l aa
Ten sixty.
Tun Kins of Slum haaaent hit eldest lontc
Oxford Collotrn, EnRlnnd.
ToHATitm PiiKNict.t.T hna been eleoted t're
idnnt ol the Minnesota F"nrmer' Alllanne).
Bmatoh Hbto!, of Vlrirlnln, la now In
hlaapventr-aecoQil jenr, but 1 atrong and
active roan.
T Trlnen of Wale I anM to be irrowlnii
really handaoinea be beoomeR Krayer, gravel
nd thinner.
Hinmia Otot.tTTt. nn Itnllnn Depulr, wnntt
toMraltrhten the National finance 'of that
country by Imposing a tax on beard.
Mayor Jon P. Hopuwa, of Chlrmno, alh
twenty-ninth to ovnpy the oflif. Fourteen
of the twenty-nine were born In the Btnta ol
hew York.
F.poab A. Pot wn tha eontempornry and
Ferrotinl aaorlata In early life of Tlimnai
lunn Knfrllnh, now a member of Cougrnat
from the Mate of New Jersey.
William M. Chase, th fnmon American
painter. Is one of the most expert pistol shot
in the world. Nome of his score are still
preserved Inth Paris shooting naileries.
Jo ah Rtraii, nompoor of the "He.intl.
fnl Klun Diuinlie," Is a sh'kly old man, bent
with rlieuniatiam andtortured with tlmirout.
lie live tn Alt Wien, tint historic) part of
Da. Jaox Browh. of Hlielioyirnn. Mloh.,
ha translated his vnlnaMe work, "Tnrnlpa
h a IHsens Pruilufer," Into Hwedlsli, frit
whlijh he has recelveil n denorutlou from the
KIiir of Sweden and Norway.
F.KWARO ATKiwsnw. spenklnir of tb F.qitlly
Union in lloston recenlly, dcnlnrnd t'ortitilitia
Vnnilerbllt to he the niO't tisnful mau who
ever lived In New York. H snhl the work
Of theenpitiillst was work of the hurdt kind.
Thtrk are numerous Inatfinnea. wli"re sons
have siicppeded tlielr fathers In the Houso of
Kepresentiitive. hut ouly twli-e, It Issnlil. In
the easn of Thomas F. iliiynnl nnd Iionuld
tJameron, have they tueceejod tholr fathers
la the H.'mln.
At.rnr.n risritoT Is the first American to
be Kmduated at a school of forivtry an I to
take tip forestry as a profession. He Is the
consulting forwster on the palate of tleorge
W. Vandorlillt in the North Cnroltiia mouii
talna, nnd has published a pamphlet.
Tut- family of the late Mayor Carter Har
rison, of Chicago, has placed nn order for n
llarre Vt.) granite monument for the dead
mayor. The spire of the monument Is forty
feet high, of dark stock, and the only polish
Is on the letters,
F.iiWARn DnsBAR, the author of the hvmn,
"Tnere'e a Light in the Window for thee,
Brother," died a few days ago in the Jail at
ColTeyville, Kan., where he hr;,'ipplled for
lodging as a tramp. Dunbar was once a
noted evang diet, hut hi oareerw cut short
by a term lu the .Minnesota Htcito Prison for
Tnr.srare 311 motdors' onion.
Dosto report 20,000 unemployed, v
Drloipm ha 20,000 miner on strlKQ.
Pittrbvbh hns .1000 Knights of Labor. -MarniRRS
threaten to abolish hop-picker.
Matk hbhter, N. H., has 14,000 textile
Bah Joe (Cal.) employers will dispense
ith Chinese.
Tnr. Kiel I Man sulphur deposits employ
18,000 miners.
I eighteen Htutes ten hours 1 the legal
lay for children.
Tbfbe Is a great scarcity of domestic sex
tants In New York City.
Loooibk at Marsh II "Id, Wis., arc hampered
by twenty iuchos of snow.
A rRNHCS of the unemployed shows 33,000
ben out of work In Colorado.
Half the country window gins factories
ire getting ready for complete operatiou.
ftecRETARY or Stats OKHonK. of
dare two hours should constitute a day's
Mill dividends at Fall Ttlver, Mass., for
he last quarter, show good average re
mrns. Fivi-rr.KT restaurnntsarelielngestahlished
!n New York for the benefit ot the suiter lux
Six thousand men and women employed
is clerks In various mercantile establish
ments ot Chicago have been discharged.
Colored men have been Imported to Lin
ton, Ind., to take the places of white strik
ing miner. They are to receive 1. 60 a day.
Philadelphia engineer protest against
members of the craft working, In some canes,
over sixty days a mouth, while ol her good
men only manage to secure from eight to fif
teen days' work.
Eioht-hodr-dat experiment at Woolwich
Arsenal have been satisfactory and 1H.OO0
men employed in British War Department
factories will get as much pay aa they form
erly got for working nine hour and a half.
The women employed In the American
watch factory In Waltham, Muss., havt
ligned a petition which Is to be presented ta
the managers of the company asking that no
further cut be made In the wages olthe men,
their fellow emnloves.
A Savage Tale of Blood From tho Moun
tain Fastnesses.
Thomns and Frank Mullins, who were
Implicated in the murder for which "Doc '
Taylor paid the de.ith penally in V'iniinia
fix months ago, imve been hldlnir near
liluetield, W. Va., coun'y several weeks. A
reward o ti.O 10 wss offered fur their rap
ture and Sheriff Johnson anil Deputy Tim
othy Hall went on tVcdnesuay to capture
'loth sides opened firs with Winchester.
FhenO Johnson was -hot ttiroutth the head
at the lirst olley and Hall wu knocked
senteleax. Neither ot Hie .Mullins was hurt.
They left Hall for dead and sat down in
front of their cabin. Hall regained con
sciourneand wimoot n.oving put a, bull
through Frank Mullm's heart.
The same instant ilioina. .Mullins shot
awav nearlv all of riall' lower jaw. but
not lietor Hall"' second aim Imd been tak
en, which sent a bullet through 'Ihiunaa's
lieHd. Hail cannot recoverand was barely
able to relate the stoiy of the light.
Coughed Up a Lizard.
A'nineyearoid girl residing in the town
of St. Johnsville. N. Y., died in a peculiar
manner, bbe hud been ill lor some titue.tht
exact cause being unknown. The other day
he began coughing and coughed up an aul
mal about fie inches Ion, reseuibliutr a
lirard. mid with a thick membranes runniiw
around its middle. The meniDraiice caO
In the child s throat and it required a greas
effort lo pull out Hi animal. J he child died
from exhaustion. The nii innl bud acleurlv
formed heul. eyes, tongue and body, it it
belirvtd to have been uli until it on
kilieil iu U'luoviug it from the child
tli roe t.
New Jersey's Legislative Muddle.
At Trenton. N. J the twosei.ates met on
Wednesday, but neither organization bada
quorum and both adjourned till next Mon
day. Home of the Keputilicau leaders
fasor holding a Joint meeting at once for
the election of a Utate Comptroller and a
Btata Treasurer and then adjourning sine
Th Chinese Coma to Their Senses.
A proclamation ra'llnj 0on all Chines
Jeaideut to ragiauir. was laud by the
Chinese consul at Han Francisco. Numer
ms copies were nnstwl in Chinatown and a
a lesuit iLere .. c,.. vJO KiaU j;iuui ir
DtrflTRiRtt rages In Russia.
Itali Ib almost in a of bsnkrop'cy.
The "beautiful blue Danube" Is froren
NrwTorkrr eat 13,000 bushels ot oysters
New Tom State has 40,000 union liquor
Trr real cause ot the Sicilian riots Is aald
to be famine.
Trr supply of eranherrle ba so far been
greater than the demand.
Df.troit merchant are asked to give un
saleable good lot he poor.
Alt experiment I being made In growing
lloorioe near Tacoma, Wash.
A bill to kill murderer by electricity has
been Introduced Into the Maryland Kenate.
Terrs are seventeen crematories for th
burning of human bodlea In the United
Trr Heading Railroad how a deficit of
KHI.noo for the year, and liabilities of (,
000,000. The total output of Colorado gold nn
silver mines Increased In value about t2,
000,000 last year.
HurosM I demanded In the Rank of
land. The bad management ot the concern
is becoming notorious.
The statement of the Missouri Paclfle Rail
road shows a decree of 2,000,000 In earn
ing during the past year.
Matthew Marshall, the financial writer,
Bay the public I recovering from It ills
trustfulness and Is buying the better grades
of securities.
Alt attempt by the Carnegie Bfeel Com
pany to roll a six-Inch beam of aluminum at
Homestead, Penn., failed, but another trial
Will be made.
At Ran Antonio, Texas, Mr. Ttrldget
Daniels was awarded t20.000 damages
ngainst tho Soul hern Paclllo Unllroad for
the killing ot her husband.
Obrat Bbitaih I to have thirty-two new
warships, among them two battleships to
cost VMO.OOO apiece, nnd acmiser designed
to be the biggest, swlfest and most powerful
in the world.
Trr body of William O. Bhort, formerly a
well known druggist at Louisville, Ky., but
whose whereabouts have been unknown for
some months, has lieen found iu a medical
college at Atlanta, (Jo,
A nrroRT has been sent afloat that an
agent of the deHised llawailsn Queen lia
been In Canada for some time, securing a
little nriny for Honolulu It 1 raid 1M
members of the North net mounted police
force have enlisted. '
the wiiiii.fsm.k run rs auk mvr.s urt.ow.
II MMN, ri.ol H A.Nl rkall.
WHEAT No. 1 lied I (14 fa; I M
No. '! Hed tlj t .l
CtlKN No. 2 Yellow ear... 4.1 44
High Mixed ear 41 4J
No. 2 Yellow Shelled 4U 41
Shelled Mixed 118 HI
OATS No. I While 31 Ml
No. 2 While S3 J 34
Nn. 3 White 33 3 IJ
Mixed 31
HYK No. 1 .Ml
No. 2 Wesiern, New .ri3 M
IT .til' It Fancy winter pal' :i 4 uu
Fancy Spring patents A 10 4 ::.'i
Kiiwv Straight winter.... H 10 3 3j
XXX Maker 2 7. 3 mi
live Flour 3!1 H '
Kiickwheat tbuir. 3 3
HAY' Hilled No. 1 Tim'y.. 13 2 13 Ti
Haled No. 2 Timothy 12 .Ml I I 0 I
Mixed Clover in I") II Ml
Titnolhv from country... l'i IK) PI li'i
FF.F.D N'o. 1 S"h Md V T 17 .'nl IS H i
No. 2 White Ml, Idling, i ml 17 imi
Hrown Midillings l.'i .Ml in mi
Hrau. bulk l.'i "" HI
BTKAW Wheat .1 SO II ihi
Oats II M II 7.1
HA1IIV I'llolll'CT".
lUTTKR Klgin I rcumery 2R 2'
Fancy Creumery 21 2"i
Fancy country roll. ...... 1H yt
l ow Wade iV cooking.... 10 1"
CHKKSK-Ohio. new II) 12
New York, new 12 l.'i
Wisconsin Swiss I t l ij
Linibiirirer (New niakl. .. Mj It
APPLIES Fancy, l hid... 4 (if) n (XI
Fair to choice, f bbl.... 2 2i 3 f.u
N Y A MfnewjIlfunsVbbl IB 1 !KI
Lima lleaus 31 3)
Fancy V bu (id fli
Sweel, per bbl 2 (X) 3 fa)
CAHHAUF. per hundred.. 0 U'J Duo
ONIONS Y'ellowlilobcefbll 5') M
Mixed Country 40 ."hi
Spanish, ier crate HO 1 on
Tl' 11 Nil's purple top 40 Ml
col i.ruv liu
Live chickens if pr .V) 31
Live Ducks V pr 00 M
Live lieese jg pr 1 IK) 1 in
Live Turkivs J1 7 J m
Dresseilcliickens v lb.... I) 10
Dressed ducks Vn 11 12
Dressed turkeys '( Dj...,. II ID
Dressed geese 8 9
E(I(IS Pa. V Ohio fresh.... 13 1)1
Kxtla liveieee Tf tli 8Y (10
No 1 Kxtra live geese V lb 44 W
Mixed 21) 3.'
Mi I I HMoi a.
TALLOW Count ry.Vtb... r.J
itv ft ii
SKF.DH t lover 7 21 7 4tl
Timothy prune 2 2ft 2 3 )
lllue grass J 4U 1 TO
RAliS Country mixed ... j I
riONKY White clover.... 14 Id
Buckwheat ID 12
MAI'I.K SYK1!P. new crop. 7ft 100
CII'F.K countrv sweet lihl 0( 0 0 .Mj
FLOt'n 2 n.V2 70
WHKAT "..'o. 2 Red Wl "ftHJ
RYK-No. 2 60 52
COKX-Mixed 3 ft 3.'J
OATS to 3nj
KdtiH 11 12
BUTTEK 11) 21)
FLOI'R- l flOfa 7ft
WHF.AT Nn. 2. lied (UJ Oft
CORN No. 2, Mixed 41) 42
OATS No. 2, White S3 33J
HIJTTKK Creamery Kxtra. ' 24 21)
KOUS Pa.. Finis 1ft HI
FLOL'R Patents 2 00 4 M
WHKAT No 2 Red (HI bill
UY'K Western to 62
AXJItN No. 2 43 41)
OATS Mixecl Western 33J 34
HUTl'F.H 'realm-rv 1) 2 ft
KUtiS Mule and I'enii 14 14)
UVX-kTlK It HKI'oKr.
KATl.ll:H.lV. I'lTTnllL'K I TiM K VAI1M,
Per 100 ih.
Prime Steers f 4 l.'i to 5 21
Oood butcher 3 00 to 4 20
Common n 8 40 to 8 U)
Hulls and dry cows 2 0 Mo 3 23
Veal Calves Sou to 7 00
Fresh cows, perjiead 20 (JO to 45 00
Prime 95 to 100-Ib sheep.... I 3 40 to 8 75
Uood mixed 8 00 to 8 2ft
Common 70 to 75 Bj sheep... 1 2ft to 2 00
Choice Lamb 3 00 to 4 00
Selected ft 60 to 6 85
Prim Yorkers 6 60 to 6 6ft
Heavy 6 40 lo 6 45
Rougha. 4 'JO lo 6 00
A Well Trained Oat.
I once had some cats which reall?
tould be taught to do anything.
I'hey were white Iceland nieltese,
ind their eyes were aa blue at the
Ik lei Id June. Unlike others of
Ihelr species, they dearly loved to
Rlay In water, and they would spend
ouri tithing chips out of a pan
if water. One ot thom, .label, was
I regular John Hulllvuu of a cats He
would Ught anything and everything,
the only safe war to take hi hi out
va In a bag. I hod one made with
perforations which 1 carried on my
trm nnd In which 1 saw something
which 1 fancied he might possibly
think he could fight, when, aa a
measure of safety, 1 would bob hi
(end down and tighten the tlraw
itrlng. He knew his bug as well rs
I dli, nnd when he witntod to go out
be would go and take It down, bring
It to me and sit down and look wist
fully first at the bug and tlmn at me.
Another trick of this Intelligent
ereature wan, when wo were In tho
park, whore be dearly loved In go, to
run to u flower bed, lilt ot n Womotu
ind bring It to mo. As these Ice
land rats ure the most desirable of
household nets, It Is a pity that it is
Imnst Impossible to keep the 111 any
Ir-ntith of time In this climate, t.lko
trout, they reiulro n low tempera
ture Anything above sixty-tlvc do
frees Is unfavorable Iq tlii'iti. Inter
view In Culciiiru llotahl.
rooking end Throat llrnps.
SpncluilsU on throat diseases nre
begin lug to take unusual Inter
est in cullncry methods. The?
advlso a k II 'lie.l iiuaranliue on waoh
days nnd boiled dinner davs, giving
us a reason that the steam from boiling-
clothes ami IcHed meats that
ro jiilre runch beat produces many III
ne scs of tho resniiatory o gans nnd
aggravates slight or chronic dlsea-es
or the noo, throat and lungs. I'u
tlents are adtlsed to vacate apart
metits having datk or 111 ventilated
kitchens and to Keep all babies and
ailing children o it or tho kitchen
when rook In if Is golmr on I'ltta.
burgh Dispatch.
Colorado's Cunt rilitit ton.
Colorudu lias ,3,(i(j0,0(io acies under
artillclul Irrigation. The farm prod
uct exceed SI -.1)00,000 a year; thoro
are l,nim,uiin (dttle, 2,000,000 sheep;
the coal Held cover 40,000 square
miles; tho supplies of marble, granite
and other building slouo uro Inex
haustible. I It PnlHort?"
Tarls hns an InMiian e company
that refuse to Insure the llfo of any
jne who uses hair dye.
There ought to be an elect rid msohlne to
Jog the memory 1 wo forget too much nnd
learn too little. We know what's beet but
forget It nt tho wrong tlmo. Brain aotlon
should be like a flash. There are thousands
now suffering Intensely with neuralgia. Let
thum remember the oure, Ht. Jacobs Oil.
It effects are electrical. ,
Illcli in Heiiinln.
There have, been more remains of
mastodons and other extinct mam
moths found In lelit mknee Itiver,
Florida, than In any other atream Id
the world.
oRweei SIKteea."
IIoo l's cslenilur. always a welcome guest,
has made Its appearance lor 1HU4, and Is
mora beautiful than ever. The head is that of
a lovely girl Just "sweet sixteen," indelicate
and ual oral colors. Besides being a thing of
beauty, it is especially valuable fur the gen
eral information presented.
The figures are plainly printed In pleasing
and harmuulous colors, and t lie effect Is most
satisfactory. The calendars can I w obtained
of any druggist, or by sending six cents in
stamps for one and ten cents for two to C, I.
Hood ft Co., Lowell, Msss. Over eight mil
lions of them were printed to supply the
immense demand.
These calendars are issued by the pro.
prlelors of Hood's Narsuparllla, the well,
known medicine which has gained such
reuown by Its wonderful cure in case
where the blood was poisoned or Impure.
'The great laboratory In which It is uiaile
has a capacity for fifty thousand bot
tles a day, uud is the largast building In the
world devoted to the manufacture of a
medicine. The sale of Hood's Harsaparllla
in all sections of the country are enormous.
The proprietor have uever claimed that it
would cure every ailment, but they show by
thousands of testimonial that Hood's
Haraaparilla purine and vitulir.ea the blood,
builds up the system und curas those dis
eases caused by impure blood and debllllr,
such us scrolnln, salt rheum, catarrh,
rheumatism, etc. It Is a great preventive
of the grip, audit reatore the wusted vital
lorces after a siege of that dreaded malady,
lortifyiiigthe system against luture attacks.
Tun fact that great cure is exeruised in the
preparation of tills me.liulue, and that noth
ing has ever been claimed for It exoept a
warranted by previoua cure, has much to do
with the confidence felt by the public, in its
curative powers. The motto of the pro
prietors is, "it H not W,at we say, but what
Hood's Haraaparilla does, that tell the
story'," uud it la what Hood's Sarsaparllla
has done, as shown by the published state
ments of persons whom It has cured, that
has placed it at the head In the Held ol medi
cine iu the present day.
Impaired digestion cured by B.sch-m's
rill, lleochaui uo ol tiers. Its can's a bux.
ffafTlletedwIthsoreeyeans Dr. lanaeThorap
ion 'a Kya-water. Uruuxiataae.ll at Aio per bom.
A tciutjbix case or tiuopsr ccued.
J .no. Mallon, Esq.,
JVo. rj McUan St., Jit
jldnriia, Cincinnati, a,
writes! "1 took sick
with dropsy, lost my sp
lK'tite, could not sleep,
became levi rlsh; ainiiys
thirsty, lot nil siicuuiti,
ftciMich hecnino puin
tul, breath short and
hud to give up worlt.
J he best physicians in
Cincinnati, tailed to
help me. My hint and
body were swollen tn
enormous size, nnd 1
wits suDirlug terrilde
1.. m . . . an"!. J mi uoc-iore ail
Job Maixoh, Eaq. Jltl ,,,, ,,, ot ,.
again, that I wo liable 10 drop dead at any
moment. My wife cent for the pilot, to pre-
Iiarcd me for death- While wall fug tor death,
remembered reading of ynur'Uoiden liediiai
Discovery,' and thought I would try It as a lust
bopu. When 1 hud taken threw bottles, I ws
BloKatt well. The swelling entirely disappear!
ud I was soon able 10 rwp'uie work. I
jra. 1
beaitn Is better now toao aaa been
tweoty-Sve yean."
The orlarta or Rarrlng.
It Is a strange tradition among the
Arabians that earrings came Into use
Id the following way: When Pharaoh
suramoued Abraham and reproached
him for hW untruth (in saying that
Sarah washUtlstor), Abraham prayed
for the King, nnd Allah healed the
King, who now gave Abraham many
rich present, and among others an
Kgyptlan slave named Hugar. She
bore him a son, whom he called Ish
mael. Hut Sarah was barren, and
the more Jealous since the light of
Mfihnmmpil alum nn IblonaaMa
bead, she demanded Abraham to put
away iiagar and ner son. lie was
undecided until rnnimnndeil h Allah
to obey Varnh in all things. Yet he
entreated ber not to cast off her
Imnrlmalrl anrl liar ann line, thla mn
exasperated her that sh-; declared she
woiiiu not, rest until ner nana nuu
tisipn linhrnerl In lltionr' til.arwl Than
Abraham pleiced llagar'a ear quickly
and drew a rlnir thxuiuh It. an thai.
Sarah was able to dip be; bands In
too blond of llaxar without bringing
mo inner into (lunger, from that
time It beratne the custom among
women to wear earrings.
IN all receipts for cooking
requiring a leavening agent
POWDER, because it is an
absolutely pure cream of tartar
powder and of 33 per cent
greater leavening strength than
other powders, will give the
best results. It will make the
food lighter, sweeter, of finer
flavor and more wholesome.
FREE yn 'iavo not re
"tUU' ceivetl one . of the
Jugusl Flower and, Ger
man Syrut Diary Alman
acs for ,180. Eoncl your name
and address on a postail at once,
Raking for Almanac CVo. 33,
and you will receive by return
mail,'f?f3 of all expense, one
of the most complete J II lift tra ted
books of the kind ever issued,
in which you can keep a Daily
Diary or Memoranda of any
matters you . desire. . Write
quick, or they will be nil gone.
g; o. greem.
Woodbuuy; N. J.
eaa-- waaSlaw.BBaSlB rpjmU mr'gl cjBJjayja, WM mUtHat0MW'Ma"a
Especially for Farmers. Miner, P. It. Hsnds and other. Double sole extending
down to the heel. KXTHA WKAKIX. OI'AILITY. Thousand of
Kubber Hoot wearer testify till 1 the BKNT they ever bad. ASK
YOUU DKALtU FUR THEM and don't be persuaded into an inferior article
Une bottle for fifteen cents,
Twelve bottles for
Ripans Tabules arc the most effective rec
ipe ever prescribed by a physician for any
disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels.
Puy of any druggist anyutlcre, or ind price lo
Thi Bert Ycu Say the Lets Petjcls Rtcsrabtr." Ont
nerd tYitti Yea,
Mllllnn el Uellar
Are annnaTIr lost because poor seed la atanfsl
Now, when Ton aow von want t-i .., Fnt
Intnnce, A. m. lamb. Penn., made tMirion tan
acr of vegetable: H. Hee, Cal., rr .pp-d lilJ
bushrls Hslaar'a anions pr acre- 'rank 1 lose,
Minn,, Inn bushels or nnrint wh"t from tea
acre: A. Hahn, Wis., Illn bushels onla-ofn per
acre; Frank Winter. Montana, gill liu-hels S
IKiunds oats from one bushel plAtited. This le
whsl calls reaulnr.
Ir vott wii.i. cut this ,rr asd sssoit with
tflc to Die John A. Ha'xer Seed l.'o.. L Crosse,
Wle., you will receive Ihelr inaitinmlh cnla
lowue and ten sanmle parksfes of farm ised.
Catalogue alone, fo postage. A.
Canada b-s no gold coins.
Cal"Brr. t'annst b ( re4
With local Bptdlcationa, as they cannot rearn
the eeat of the disease. Catarrh is a IiIimh) or
consul ol tonal dlie-ase, and in order lo i nr
It you must take Internal reiued es. Hull
Caiarrh 1 lire Is taken Internally, and ai ts ill.
vclly on the IiIihmI and ihucmis snrlace. Hall'
Cslarrh Cure is nol aipiei k umllc'nr. It e.a
preserllieil by one of the liest ilivalelna Iti I III
country for years, and Is a n-itular prescript ton.
It 1- i'OMisi-e 1 or tlie liest toalcs known, eoDl-
oineu wiin in la-st 1110
rei-ily on the nun 011s
bined with the la-st IiIikhI piirlllers. acllna di.
redly on the notions aurfae . The iMifefB
eoinblnallnii of the two Ingredients Is what
tnsliii-es sin h wnaderftil results In curing- cue
irrh. Fend for testimonials free.
F. J. CiieMRr A Co., Props,, Toledo, tt ,
Bold by druggists, price 75c, 1
There are 3.(KK),0UO bachelors in this
country ocr3Q,
Arc your Inni's sore? Hatch's fn'Tersal
Cough r- rui will cure H em. li'.c at driigglst.,
Oeneva has a watch school.
l rViiiil ( ts(iif virK, t'Mwiiiikt Irons
4 ! f , lK"-t v.iit.u t'tr Hie nifim y
in llie wnrld. Nuns mnj puto
sianiK-ii nil me D'inrirn. I.vrry
air Aairr.intt(i. i ike no tilttii
lutt. .S-e N-cal n.i'n fi.r full
)?4 riiti'in in' i ir ciMfi nil le
lr'.'lllV",'', 'ir "li nutl urn
rrtl f- tlfn't n or xnti l.r .
. rulXr---sw irKiim in-
tlirliy mflil. pfiMnyp free. Y" cin the hti
biirL'aiiitt ci drultrb y,Uo jitiah our ktiuea.
P N U 4
Conaonptlfea And people
wbo tiftve weak Iuiikii or Atb
fcj.bfoldii4 Ft iCur fur
'npomption. It taa cares
Ihmsudi. ft ha not injur
ed fine. H la hot harl to tan.
II la tli ttflai cough ayrop.
Hold TerTwber.
fa ill lalli Im
one dollar,
ft heu.
! .pJlicakless.V
' l OOTr.yUJiTin TV
! V vTldchuT
I TS fv-Efnni