The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 20, 1893, Image 7

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The Chi nil Schedule Revised. The
Cut For the Sill to Go Into
Effect Made Later,
The changes which are mad In the tarlfl
bill by the Pemocrnta since It was given to
the public two week ago are ai follows:
Tin plate, from 4it per cent al valorem to
1 1-fi cents or oiinl, wlih a provision the
reduction shall not go Into effect until Octo
ber , 1W4.
1'eurl buttons from 40 per cent ad valorem
to I cent per line ami 13 er cent ad valorem
Velvet and tapestry velvet carpet, figured
or plain, printed on the wrp or otherwise,
and all carpets and carpeting of like charac
ter or description, Increased from ' to 30
per cent ad vuloiem. Tapestry brusaels car
pet, plain or figured and all carpets and ear
petlngof like diameter or description print
ed on the warpor otherwise, increased Irom.
lib to 3U per rent ad valorem. Treble Ingrain
three-ply and all chain Venitlan carpets in
creased Irom 2i to i)U per cent ad vuloretn.
Wool, Hutch anil two-ply Ingrain carpets,
from M to 23 per cent ail valorem. Druggets
and buckings, printed, colored or othejwise.
felt carpeting, llgured or plain from 2U to
25 per cent ad valorem. Haiony, Wilton
and Towmuy velvet carpets, figured or plait:
ami all carpeting of like character, from 2i
to 30 per cent ad valorem.
Carpets and carpeting of wool, flat ot
cotton or composed of part of either not
specially provided for in this act, from 2n to
i per cent, ad valorem. A change is made
in the time when the woolen schedule shnll
go Into effect. 'f tie first print of the bill
staled the woolen schedule shall go Into
fleet July 1. If'1 1, and that on all rates of
duty in Woolen schedule except on carpets
there shall lie a reduction of 1 cent on the
hundred every year until r.J. J his Is
changed so I lie woolen schedule shall go
into effect the same time as the reniaindei
of the bill and Uie reductions, which are to
follow will be on all woolens except carpets,
there being no change in this particulai
'J he silk schedule Is now as follows: Bilk
rartially manufactured from cocoons or
rom waste silk and not further advanced ot
manufactured than carded or combed silk.
25 cents per pound. Thrown silk, not more ad
vanced thun singles.traui.orgunzine.sewing,
ilk, twist, floss antf silk threads or yards ol
every description, except spun silk, 25 per
cent ad valorem; spun silk in skeins, cops,
Warps or on beams, 30 per cent ad valorem.
I hangrs in the cotton schedule as follows:
Cotton thread, yam, wraps or wrap yarn,
whether single or advanced beyond the con
dition of sing by grouping or twisting two
or more single yurne together, whether on
beams or in bundles, skeins or crops, or in
any form except spool thread, oi cotton,
hereinafter provided for, valued at not ex
ceeding 15 cents ptr pound (in new print, 12
cents per pound), 20 per cent ad valorem,
valued at over 15 cents (new print, 12 cents)
ier pound, and not exceeding 30 cents (new
print, 20 cental per pound; '2. per cent ad
valorem, valued at over 30 cents (new print.
20 cents) per pound ond not exceeding 45
cents (new bill, 30, cents) per pound, 30 per
cent ad valorem, valued at over 45 cents
(new bill, 30 cents, and not exceeding 4'J
cents) per pound. 35 per cent ad valorem.
The new bill has this addition: "Valued
at over 40 cents per pound 40 per cent ad
In the pottery schedule changes: Magnesic
Are brick from free list to (1 per ton. Clays
and earths wrought or manufactured de
creased from t2 to 1 per ton.
The following is lelt out of the new bill:
White granite common ware, plain ' white
rr cream colored, lustered or printed tinder
glme in a single color, sponged, dipped or
edeed ware 30 per cent ad valorem. Unde
rrated china porcelain, earthen and stone
ware, etc., reduced from 40 to 35 per cent
ad valorem and decorated from 45 to 4J per
The following has been added to the wood
schedule taken from the free list; Lumber
Hi any sort planed or tlnished, for each side
so planed or finished, AOcenta er 1,00 feet,
board measure; and if planed on one side
and tongued and grooved, 1 per 1,000 fret,
board measure, and if planed on two sides
and tongued and grooved tl.6u per 1 000
feet bouid mcasure.and in estimating board
measure under this schedule no deduction
shall be made on board measure on account
of plmiiug, tongulng and grooving."
Collodion to 45 per cent ad valorem. Kth
ers Incrra ed from 25 to 35 cents per pound.
Acetate of lead, while or brown and lith
arge. 30 pr cent ad valorem in old bill,
cna.irerio whllc,;i renCs per ponn J;brown
H cents; -litharge, 1J cents. Nitrate of lead,
from 30 percent ad vu'orem to 1J cents er
pound. Orange mineral and raw lead, 35
per cent ad valorem In old bill; new orsnee
mineral lj cents per pound; red lead, 1J
per pound.
W hite lead and white paint containing
lead, dry or in pulp, or ground or mixed
With oil, 35 per cent ad valorem, chanted to
Hrrntsper pound, Ferro manganese in
black iron and steel plate from 35 per cent
ad valorem to 9-10 cents specific. Wire in
creased Irom 30 to 35 per cent.
Lead in shuts from 1 cent to U cents pet
pound. Malt increased from 20 to 25 pel
Oranges from 10 to 8 cents of cubio foot
cpacity. Chocolate confectionery Inserted
at 25 per cent ait vuloreni. Champagne re
stored to piesent rates. The wine of hemp
. increased from 10 to 30 per cent ad valorem,
Oil cloth from 20 fo 25 per cent. Laces,
edgings, embroideries, inseriings, neck ruf
fling, ruchinrs, trimmings tuckings, lace
window curtains, and other similar tam
boured articles and articles embroidered by
Land or machinery, embroideret or hem
stitched handkerchiefs and articles made
wbollv or in part of lace, rufflings, tucking
or ruc'hings from 36 to 40 per cent.
Burlaps added to dutiable list at 15 per
cent ad valorem, brushes and feather
dusters Increased from 25 to 30 per cent.
Jewelry 25 to 33 per cent. '
Petroleum, crude or iefined, added to free
list, il countrv importing admits American
product free. Original drawinga and
akatrhea unit ertista' Trfm mt Lphti and
Tngravlngs and statuary of wood added to
reelist, Mother of pearl sawed and cut
taken from free list The limit of value of
wearing apparel of persons returning from
foreign countries reduced from (500 to 1250
Champagne is restored to the present,
TTba date when the bill goes Into effect
lias been changed from March 1 to June 1.
And Give Them (2,000 Insurance
Worklngman Commits 8ulcide.
At I'lainlield, N, J,. John Oroblensky,
German machinist out of work committee
uiclde by means of morphine In order that
his destitute farailv might receive (2,000 in
surance money. Five months ago lit wai
ditcharged on account ot the hard times ant
was unuble to get work.
Last vee'e he visited Philadelphia, New
ark and 'ew York looking for work, H
returned ,'rum these trips despondent, and
the thought of the suffering which hia wifi
and children must endure during the win
ter evidently weiithed upon bis mind. A
few days ago he started a discussion with
members of Central Lodge 4!, A. O. IT. W.,
to which he belonted. as to whether tb
death benelit (if (2,000 would be paid in case
of suicide. H made a small wager that il
would not. The question waa decided
against him. This seems to have made him
resolve to kill himself.
- TbtPrendergaat Jury Completed.
A lory to try Patrick Eugene frendergatt
foe tht murder of Carter Harrison, mayor
of Chicago hat at last been secured. Tht
12th man accepted waa W. P. Whit. He
was tbt 207in man txamlnel
Summarised Proceeding of Our Law
, Makers at Washington,
FtTg In the Henate Mr. Hoar unex
pectedly submitted another resolution
calling upon the president for specific an
swers to dilutions which. literati v complied
with, would lay before the senate and
country the history of the actions nf Hit
present administration on the Hawaiian
matter. After a lively debate between the
author ot the resolution and Mr. Oray,
(item.) of Iielaware. tht resolution went
over until to-morrow.
The house Joint resolution for the protec
tion of those parties who have heretofore
been allowed to make entries for lands
within the former Mllle Lao Indian reser
vation in .Minnesota was reported favorable
from Hit Committee on l'tihllc l ands and
passed. The smate then adjourned.
llni-fg After some unimportant business
'.he Mouse devoted the balance of tb day
lo matters rtaining to the District of Col
umbia, srvrsrn pav.
flrsATF In the senate Mr Cullom. Ke
pubiican, of Illinois, made a long speech
against the repeal of the Federal election
laws, which lead to a lively colloquy be
tween liitnnnd Mr. Hill, Democrat, of New
York, after which the senate adjourned.
ilot-sK. In the house to-day there wnsan
Interesting and amusing bebate on the bill
to admit Utah. Mr. Kawlins, the delegate
from Utah said polygamy was dying from
natural causes and In a short time would
cease to exist altogether. Who were
the men responsible fur the
establishment of polygamy in Utah?
asked Mr. Unwllns. They were the men
who were born, reared, educated ami actu
ated by the sentiments of New England a
sentiment which burned witches. prosecuted
quakers and drove out Koger Wil
liams. Utah has a smnllcr lit
rentage of foreign born citizens than
Massachusetts or New York, and "thers
Is less polvgamy in Utah than in Massa
chusetts." '1 he bill went over after (nine
routine business the house abjourned.
PrsATt A very spirited debate was car
ried on in the senate twlsy, bused on Mr.
Hoar's resolution requesting the I'residenl
of the United States to furnish to the senati
certain inform -tlon in regard to the ap
pointment of Mr. Illotintas rommissionei
io Hawaii. At the close of the debate the
resolution was referred to the committee on
Foreign Itelations, After a short executive
Si-sloii the senate adjourned.
Hoisr. The moln Interest In the II oil si
todav centered In the Hitt resolution, re
ported by Chairman McCrcary, from the
Committee on Foreign Ailalrs, calling on
the I'residenl for a ropv of the Instruction!
issued to Minister Willis of Hawaii. Tb
resolution asked particularly In regard tc
Minister Willis instructions as to the
lauding of United States troops and as to anj
contemplated choline in the form of gov
ernment in the Island, pursed. After an
Amendment prohibiting polygamy, the bill
admitting Utah to the Union was passed
After some routine business th House ad
journed. KIKTH PAT.
Bbsiatf, There was but one matter ol
national importance In to day s session ol
the senate. That was the Introduction by
Mr. Yoorbees, chairman of the Financs
Committee, of a bill providing for tbt coin
age of the seigniorage or profit from the sil
ver coined and purchased under the llland
and hheman acta, at the rate of (2,000,OOC
t month; the purchase after that coinage it
completed of tR 000,11 0 worth ol silver bul
lion a month: the withdrawal of all notes ol
less denomination of (10; the withdrawal 01
the (J..VI and (5 gold coin; and the appoint
ment of live commissioners to an Interna
tional conference tor the establishment of a
ratio between gold and silver. The bill wai
referred to the Committee on Finance and
the senate then adjourned.
Hoi sr. The monotonous round of roll
talis in the effort to secure a quorum and
then induce that quorum to tuke up tht
Arizonaenabling act, consumed both the
lime and patience of the bonne. Finally
lien. Wheeler announced that, as it wai
very evident the Itepulilicans were filibust
ering, he would move that the House ad
lourn, which motion prevailed,
Ffnate. Not in session.
Horse. In the bouse today the bill for
the admission of Arizona wus put through
Slid the bill for the admission of New Mex
ico was well under way when a wrangle
over what was to be done with Okluboiu.t
Intervened and the debate thus precipitated
lu&ted until adjournment.
Trade Still Waiting as Mueh as It Can,
Although the Volume a Few Years
Ago Would Have Been
- Called Large.
H. G. Dun .fc Co.' Weekly I'.eview 01
: Trade says:
It it proof of the enormous vitality of the
I country that, while mills are slopping in
; every direction, and the army of uiieni-
pioyeu is larger iu:ui 11 nas ueen lor many
years, other mills are constantly starting up
to answer the demand which a single year
of unprecedented disaster has only diiuin.
ished Industry is dol; g nothing on specu
lation, but the needs which the wonderful
growth and past prosperity of the people
have created, are pressing upon supplies
exhausted by months of reduced production
Trade still waits as much as It can, and yet
the volume of business on a mere hand-to-mouth
basis is such as would have been call
ed large a few years ago. Measured by
clearing bouse exchanges, it is 15 per cent,
less than a year ago, (he decrease being
greater in the West and 8011th and less in
tbe Kst. Measured by railroad earnings,
it is 12.H per cent, less ihun a yeur ago.
The fierce struggle of the 1'iltsburg region
for iron business drives prices to the lowest
point ever known. (11 for Heasemtr Iron
and (lu 75 for steel billets, and takes away
nearly all new work from the east and west,
where depression increases. Yet some ad
ditional furnaces went Into blast last week.
Wheat receipts at the Wes- have been
3.201,812 bushels against 5.540.013 the same
week last year and Atlantic export only
500,704 against 1.87B.3i)l last year, and stock
in sight increased rapidlv, bin prices declin
ed with tale of only 4,000,000 bushels here.
Corn receipts were very large, 3,643,52J
bushel, against 2331.300 last year and
exports weie fully maintained; the price
yielding ic.
The week hat brought fewer sales of
stocks by loieign holders that usual and
tome buying.
J ailures are numerous and large.339 In the
United Slates for tbe week, against 279 last
year and 40 in Canada against 25 last year.
Tht People Preparing to Follow, the
Lead of Admiral Oama.
The latest dispatch from Brniil readt a
"Admiral DeGama't manifesto, declaring
for the insurgents, has produced much ex
citement, greatly increasing the popularity
of the Insurgent's cause. Tht Monarchist
element predominate everywhere and
people are prepared to follow the lead of
Saturday night 1.500 government troop
lining tbe ibore near the war and marina
arsenals opened heavy fire with tht machine
guns and rl flea against the Cobrat for tht
purpose of covering an advance by storm
ing parlies. Cobras replied strongly, caus
ing tbe government troops to abandon tht
attempt after two houra of heavy tiring. The
government lost over 100, while 'be insur
gents had only two wounded. Tbt Bring on
both aidea wai very wild.
"Many Important business house pro
pott to suspend bualnas nntil the end of
the revolt aa they consider tb present
situation Innrianswrona "
What I Transpiring the World Over
Important Eventa Briefly Told.
farttnl. labor aot laitxstrUf.
Plnce December 1 the New York Central
nd Hudson river railroad company ha
discharged nearly 1,000 men at poind be
tween New York and Buffalo, 300 of which
were relieved on the Hudson river division.
Some of the men had been in the employ
of the company 80 years. The laid oil nien
Include trackmen, brldgemen, laborer,
All the mills In I'.ockvllle, Conn., woolen,
filk and stockinet, begin running on three
quarter time next Monday. Tbe mill
employ, when running full capacity, near
ly 4,000 person. The mills will run five
Jays a week, eight hours per day.
The Newark, O., glass work resumed
apernllons, giving 400 men employment
The Wheeling, W. Va,, Iron and Rteel
Romany has decided fo reduce the wage of
Ita employes 31) per cent. The proposed
reduction will be resisted.
The fun ace a Dunbar, Pa., will resume
within a we.-k. after laying Idle for more
;hau two year. The resumptloi will give
rmployment to over 400 men, and also put
in operation the Ferguson and Farm Hill
tool mines which will Jgiee employment to
130 coke worker.
Tht ofllcluls of the Lehigh railroad at
(Vllkesbarre, l'a., deny tbe report that all
rnglntcr over the age of 45 yearsare to be
Uncharged. In a few days at the furthest It
1 believed all the old men will be back at
work on the road.
At rarhcrsburg, Jacob Ilrrson Jackson,
rovernor of Wist Virginia from HSO to
IHHI.dit-d suddenly Wednesday while sitting
n a chair at his home,
Mr, Porter, widow of Admiral Porter,
lied In Washinuton. Hhe was a daughter
if Commodore Patterson and was bora in
S'ew Orleans 74 years ago.
A large fire occured at Morgantown, N, C.
An entire square in the business part of
town was destroyed Including a hotel and
teveral store.
At Portland, Me., the block on Middle,
I'earl and Vine streets, owned by the estate
of John F.. Donnell and occupied by the
Atwood Furnishing Company, of Boston.
Los, (150,000; insurance (120,000.
Disasters, Arelitenta and Fninllilee
Johnny Williams, 3 years old, was burn
ed to death In Boston Monday. Tbe lad
had been left alone in hi home.
Waehlnetoa News.
Jn the house the concurrent resolution to
Investigate the personnel of the navy wai
For the last three weeks It bat been snow
ing constantly in Colorado and the snow 1
now five feet deep In many places.
The thermometer registered 20 degrees
below zero at Watcrtown, N. Y., and 14
degrees below at I.owville.N. Y., Rome cat
tle were frozen to death near Watertown,
Wednesday night.
Jose; h II Elliott, or Flnley vllb, Pa., ha
been awarded (2.H0-) damages against Dr. J.
F. McGrew, who administered carbolic acid
to his wife by mistake, she afterward
Thn publication of the fact that Chicago
i preparing to feed and lodge the hungry
and homeless ha caused a lido of ragged
humanity to set in from all over the
The plurality against Maynard In New
York wus 101 ,1 Nil, the Republican polling
570,222 and the Democrat 473.1.' The
Itepubllinns huve the senate by 0 and tbe
house by 22 mid the constitutional conven
tion by 45. For secretary of State, Palmer,
Uep. has 31, 4HI plurality. The total vote
was MUIIOU. Palmer received 541,088;
Meyer 520,014, Ilngardus,Pro 34,801; Wright
Peoples, 17.0111; l)e Leon, Social and Labor,
24,(51. uud scattering 3.305. The other Re
public in state candidates are elected by
pluralities running from 23.0W to 35,000.
Cholera has broken out in tbe City ft
NaruHr, capital of the Belgian province of
the sain name. ,
Aasiatant Secretary Reynolds Makes
Borne Important Deoiaiona.
Assistant Secretary of the Interior Rey
nolds made four important pension ruling
He decided that the act of congress prohib
iting payment of pension after July, 1S03,
to a non-resident of the United State
except for actual service disabilities, appliet
to widow who are non-resident aliens; thai
where a soldier dies, . leaving legally
divorced wife and minor children over 14
years old. his mother occupies a pensionablt
status and can apply for and receive a pen
sion as dependent mother ot such aoldiet
and that where an invalid pensioner diet
leaving no increase or renting claim lend
ing ut the bureau, but has accepted the rate
of pension then received without demurring
the widow cannot hie an original claim foi
rerating of her di-ad husband's pension. It
is also decided that the commissioner ot
pension ha no authority 10 change tht
terms of a contract for pension atio-neys'
fee where the contract with tbe claimant
wns In accordance with the law. nor can he
refuse a pension to a claimant because tin
allowance is insufficient to pay tbe fee con
tracted for. Certificates should hams
irrespective of the amount due.
Ask Rent Free,
A circular ha been issued to Boston land
fords by the associations for the employ
inent of the unemployed, asserting that 5J,
0X1 workmen, having as many more person
depending on them, are unable to find
employment, and asking that no rent b
required of such until they are employed.
Another appeal, addressed to the citizens of
Boston, ask them to see that the city pro
vides work. A movement is on foot for a
procession of th unemployed on the com
mon and meeting in Fuueuil uext Tues
day. A Bankrupt Btat.
North Dakota' treasury ia empty and
more money hat been appropriated than
will be received belore tbe next meeting of
the legislature and tb constitutional debl
limit i overrun.
- Clvll-ef vice Commissioner Charles Ly
man of t'onnictlcut ha resigned a presi
dent of the com in Ission.
The senate has confirmed the appoint
ment of Marcellus L, Davis, of Arkansas fo
be consul at Merida, Max., and John R,
I'roctor of Kentucky to be civil service com
missioner. Tbe senate bill to repeal clause In tht
last pension appropriation bill, which pro
hibited the payment of pension to person
residing In foreign countries, was pasted.
Tbe Chilean Congress has approved the
protocol for the settlement of the boundry
between Argentina and Chile.
Ten thousand persons are III with Influenza
In the I'ruvlnct of Itbein-Hessege Ger. The
disease It alto very prevalent in thel'rovlnct
of Nassau.
Fourteen people were killed and thirty
Injured in a Itussian railway wrei.
The French chamber of deputies have
adopted Btitl-ansrcbist measures by large
majorities. '
The eonl operators of the Flat Top region
met at Itoanoke, Va., and protested against
free coal. Fifty million dollars capital was
represented at the meeting.
A. L. Sweet of Chicago ha bought ex
Gor.t.arrabee coal mines In the Black hills
for(l'K),fi00. A railroad to develop them
Will be built and it it estimated that the
mlnas will yield, 5,000,0'K) ions. , . 1
At Redalla, Mo., ltlchardard Robinson,
rolored, was hanged for tbe murder of hi
white mistress.
The Crane Iron Company, Philadelphia,
has assigned. Tbe company has a paid up
capital of (l.OJO.OOOand a funded debl of
Misc tt.l.ANroi .
Chris Kvans, Ilia California train robbet
and outlaw, has been found guilty of mur
der In the first degrre and tbe penalty fixed .
at Imprisonment for life.
lly the decisive vote of 71 to 33 the Bouth
Carolina house of delegate has defeated s
bill to provide separate coaches on railroac
train for the race.
At Londonville, Yt., the thermomotet
registered 40 degree below zero at 7 o'clock
Saturday morning.
The Metropolitan Traction company ol
New York offers (50,000 to any person whe
before January 1, lWl.will give the boanljoi
railroad commissioners plans for s systeir
superior or etial to tbe trolley.
Evidence to prove Mayor Harrison' inur
derer insane has been introduced by bh
New York Police Astounded By a Moon
shiner's Nerve.
A roan who gave his name as Lltovltch
rented a store and a basement under it In
tbe tenement at Gil and 70 Canon street, New
York, several months ago. He laid he waa
going to run a candy factory, which explain
ed bia action in putting a furnace Into
the basement. A month ago be (old his
stock In trade and gave up the store room
relnining the basement and 0nlnginlta
shoe shop.
The police were Informed that Litovitch
kept a whisky still running in ilist base
ment. Tliev did not bel:eve it was possible
to operate an illicit still in the heart of the
city and in a tenement house Inhabited by
rorty lainllies without detection. Jietective
Herirts. llreiiiien and l'arrcll were sent with
six men, neverthele-s. to mid thepluceand
a messenger was disp itched for Revenue
Otlicer Jeroloinan, who livts not fur away,
at Avenue i) and rifih street. After break
Inn twodiKirs the detectives found them
selves In a completely appointed distillery
on a small scale. In the room with the boilei
weie three hogshv. ids full of mush, which
was steaming. There was a hot lire In the
furnace under the boiler. Out from the
distillery a passageway led to the yard an I
irom the yum there were oiner entrances
into the house, from which escape by the
main enlrnnre wns essv. Revenue Collcctol
Kidman and Deputy Collector Hparks were
notineii, una so was j. Ivy, tne owner 01
the liiiililiinr. who runs the risk of having
the building in which the still was located
confiscated. Collector Kidman spoiled the
three hogsheads of masb by adulterating il
s itu Kerosene oil.
A Few Moro Changes in the Wilson Tar
iff Bill.
Tbe cigarette schedule of tbt customs
bill waa increased for tb purpose of allow
Ingan Increase of internal revenue taxeton
Cigarettes. It is thought that the increase
will yield about (4,500,000 revenue from
this tourco.
Changes were mada in tht bill as follows
Common soap made dutiable at 20 per cenl:
flax netting made dutiable at 30 cent, was
25; Kill wines in casks, not chaugeii a to
rate, out a proviso auueu mat no aucn
winesshall pay more than 1O0 per cent: in
ternal tax 011 cigarettes raised Irom 60 cents
io ti.ou per pound on cigarette In papei
wrupir to take effect after first duv of
July, 1M!4; aluminum raised from 15 to 25
percent; wire (clieuul classification 30.
changed so as to make is include certain
drill rods and needle rods, which w ill raise
their rate from 30 to 3 j per cent
They Got 03 Per Cent of the Award at
the World' Fair.
Tbe World Fair Board of Award bavt
struck a balance on tbe awards they bavt
made, disclosing for the first time that tbt
foreign exbibitoi will secure 03 per cent.
of tbe prize while Ibe American exhibitor
will securs only 37 er cent Chairman
Thatcher of the Roard says this showi-p
will put an end to the criticisms made by
tne loreivuers anu isaen up in tins countrv
that the foreign exhibitor were not receiv
ing full cousideralioii. lie anticipates that
the American exhibitors will now be heard
from, and that they will feel that the bean,
has not bten sulUciently patriotic loaari.
home exhibitors. Rut Mr. Thatcher tayi
that be and his associates have been govern
ed by the findings of the Judges, and thai
the tatter are responsible lor giving the for
eigner th bulk of the priies.
Bv walking from New York to New
Orleans In sixiy-eigbt day, without spend
ing a cent Edward A Williams sous (1,501
Famrsica Mii i.v and hi dog arrlveo
in New Yuri; Wednedav. having walked
from Han t-'ranc;K-o, It, JB0 mile. He dart
d June M
Catering to Woman' Vanity.
A flotirlihlng establishment la New
York derive most of It inrotne from
renting Jew o!ry, Instead of lelllriff It
outright, to women who cannot
BfUiM in buy. The business lg per
fuctly leiitlmntc one. Only a fait
amount of Interest Is) rhnrgol for the
use of the gmuls nnd nothing 1 evet
attempted In the way of deceiving
rusto:iiem as to the actual value ot
the Jewelry they hire. You can goto
tlila store ntitl get a wntch set with
ttir'iunlse, to weitr on the lapel of
your ntw electric blue down, and you
can kep the watch us lonff ai you
please by p'lylng the rat of Interest
hi reed Unm when you take p sesslon
of It. f if course you mint pay a cle
p nit utn Hinting t i the full alue of
the turqtnilsa bauble ttefore you take
It out of the Minn, but when you iro
buck with II ull the money will be
refunded except 1I10 small gum
eliurgid fur Its use. It 1st so with
rllatuotid. und ring. Indeed, the
whole 1M and category of Jestc'ry
firiiht be Included. (Jn the night ol
a lur,e ball the shop will be nearly
cleared of lt icntable Block. Hy the
ti.'xt day tioon everything Is returned,
and the jewelry, newly polishc I and
glutting it ever, are buck In their
cases w.iitinir for the next '-'
A sttrlet Pabhatarian
Trlinus 1 won't ride on the street
cara on Sunday because- the employe
bavo to work. Sccundu An I 1
don't fo to church because tht
preacher has tj ..reach on the day ol
'csU Judg-o. '
Oscr let us deal w ith vir'.rje anil we
arc moving; in a apiritnal world; a
world as difforent from materialism as
is wine from the cttp that holds it. Hy
moral greatness we are put en rapport
with better things. Matlock, in
'Duama. Heasun and Moralitu."
"That man made money just by Li
land." "What? That nddcrsi.ed, misj
Bralile little spectmonY" "lee; uea a
brick maker."
There Is more Ca" arrh In this seetlon e the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the liut few years was supposed t b
inciiraole. for a great many years doctors pro.
iionneed It a local disease, and prescribed lor si
remedies, ami l,y eonstantly falling to cure
with local treatment, pronounced It incurable,
deuce lias proven catarrh to 1h a coiisiitu
tionKldlsnixeand therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cnre, man
ufactured bv F.J. Cheney Co.. Toledo. Ohio,
Is Ihe only constitutional cure on the market.
It Is tnken Internally In doses Irom l'nlro.s to
a teasismnfiil. ft acta directly "U the biood
and muriiua surfaces of the system. They niter
one hundred dollars f r any case It. falls, to
cure. Semi lor circular and testlmoniala
free. Address .,.,., n
F. J. CnKNr.v Co., Toledo, O.
tys'old by Uruggiets, 75c
Massachusetts is on Indlnn word, tignlfy
lng "country ubuut the great hills.'
TmnT nisEAsas eommsnee wlt'i a rmih,
,!," or Sore Throat. " i?"J ?.
Trocha iv Immo-liate rsllef. MoiU only t
tv4i. i'ric X cents.
Greek cooks tnffed roast pigs with
thrushes, eggs thyme, mint and garlic.
Heerhnm's Pill correct had offnets of over
eating. Meecbam' no others. Scents a box,
National grants In ai I of education were
first made in the United States in 1903.
CoiiL'h nk'hfsV On going to bed tuke a dose
of Hatch's Cniversal Cotinh Pjrrup.
Dew lis a preference for some colors.
" After a sunstroke 1 suffered with nervons
prostrst 011. 1 lot all appetite, and my
strength ml ed nn : I was on ll.e point of yiv
tsuriip. I Iik i re d rniich about Hi! u'n
imiilltt, and concluded to give it a trial. He
lure 1 had taken Im.f a bottle my nj h lite he
cumo so voracious thnt I would be compel. td
Hood's8s Cures
to est letween meals, food's Senwi'nrilln baa
low Inly rwtnied my stnnalh and general
health, that ti rrihle nervoti, ness isenlireiy
g"i,e. f feel sx nearty anJ vlytfrnu ssever.
The 1 a'ns in my hack have great 1 decreased."
Kiiwahii Scoi.i.ik, IXU Ogden Krett, 1'nila-
Ueli-hia. I'a.
Haul's fills cure 'all' l.lver ills, Bllloussosi
JUU.1K. luUUrslloo, HIcS Umdmtb.
If nj on doubt thai
wcn euro Uiem atcb.
'Unt ru q ni
daaTB. left Kim er fa f.
paiUctUrt mtt'i inwii
trrj oir rut ib tit, vnr
itmiflal lacking t
w.wi, w na m-mry
ftorJuto pn taw tarn, ttnuip .rllia or Hot flfriiir fall, wa
rti'.raoua a euro and our a -kr lyirultt. tba co.w
lliii'tr that w.Ucura i-muumtij, p it(v irol amuc
HkO, Irea, cocs kuifcbv to.. ChMuu, Uw
One bottle for fifteen C2nts.
Twelve bottles for
R - I - P. -
Ripans Tabules are the most effective reo
ipe ever prescribed by a physician for any
disorder of the stomach, liver cr bowels.
Buy of ant druggut anywhere, or tend rrici t3
THE RIPANS CHMICAL CO Mi ANY, to Sru.xs Sr., Klv Voce.
What Brings Release From Dirt snd Cresse? Why,
Don't You Knew ?
OW comes the
season when
dainty and delicious
cake and pastry are
required. Royal
Baking Pow
deris indispensable
in their preparation.
For finest food I can us
none but Royal. A. Fortim,
Cttf, Wbitt House, for Prit
iimtl Clrtilani end Arthur.
aoYii ass'so sowers eo., imwau tv.,s.v
A Tor' Rsaitv nn llreatfclns.
Vo brealho with our lung, trnr
lights, our kidneys and our liver. If
t waan't fur our bieath we would dio
alien we alnpt. Our breath keeps the
life, a-going through the nose when we
tre asleep. Hoy a win stay in a room
11 day ahrfflltj not breathe. They
dicitl l wait nnlil the7 got out in the
'real) air. I'.o( in a room n akn bail
lir called carh.uiiclde. (. nil oniculo ia
as poison as mad lojr. A lot nf sol
liers were once in a I. luck li"le i 1 Cal
cutta and enrl.riiiicido got i 1 ill th and
killed them, diilasom -times ruin t lie
drt-ath wi:li rnr-elH thu; eipiie e the
liagrar.i. A bite diagram i 1 ei for
the right kii.d of Liu.iUii (A(l
A Ki-wanl ot .Ver't.
I bonclit four do 'en er of o-t f re
jther day," he begun, a he c to. ed
grocery, "and I fo.ind "
"iwo do1.1 had fines.,
Well, I'm not reairfin-iblo.
ot cm "so.
1 i u t see
hrinigh an egg ahell.
"I was goii g to any thai "
"I know it, but 1 shan'i ma up the
"Won't yon let meaay t'.iey we.e all
good every one of th m'l"
"Not a bad one in tho lot."
"James, put hi-n uo ant.ll.ei' To en
as a reward for ljing!" Lietruli free
M. W. 'OTT, Eng.. of the U. H. Murshall')
f'fHr, Atlanta, tla.. wrius: "for msny
fear n,y wife hus been a constimt n(f' n r
rom indlrc-stion. sic headache, nervous ros
tration and all other complnitit fhtit 'ho re
noile sex Is heir to, and, after trviiiK runny
rrmcuics nnu ncnr
with but litilo or n re
lief. 1 persuaded her to
try Tr. Pu ree s favorite
Prescrietlr-n and 'dold
en Medical IlScovey.,
blio wns so out ot heart,
she returricO the snesrer
thnt ft would to like,
all the rest of no good r
tint on mv account, she
.Said she. would try It. eo
J got ono bnttlo rtirh:
and before she hud used
hnlf of a bottle she frit
that it was benefltiriv
Mns. Scott.
snil she tins continued to Improve ever
siuee, and now thinks It tbe most wonderful
remcdv on earth for her x, end recommend
ft to all suffering ft-males. Sue has not beta
so wi II in ten yi-srs.
I write this without any selloltntlon ani
with a free, gnrxl will, so that vuu may let all
v.'ho mav suffer know what ft ha dene for
her." Si, Id hy nioOklno deuk rs everywhere.
PM I) 51
KfrrKarmni, Minnr. R. R. Hond ?
via otlK-rn. into fmti-r
i. r or l"PLvWi
tha h.s.L '
' nff tha Mi a dnwa to tha htaL
protprtinc the hunk In ifl'rMna. liter
)oBt Vc Bfcn'V Quality ThrHihuu
'Succefylly Prosecute CI aim a.
Lata I'rlucipal Kxamifiar L B Paaaton fluraaay
a jia la. wai, dauiuuta(utgciaiui, acty a
CaatS Untni All ELSE IA.lS. I ,
Cuuia arrua. Tata O
IP. TWIM Uu-jO. vse V
In t.R:A. P'.ld bv (IniM.w
one dollar.
A - N'S