The Tourer of Silence. The r.irsccs will not burn or bury their dead, because they consider n dead body Impute, and they will not Buffer themselves to defile any of tt.e elements. They therefore expose their corpses ti vultures, a method revolting, perhaps, to the Imagina tion, but one which commends itself to all those wlinarc acquainted there, with. And, after all, one sees noth ing but the quiet, whit?-rotd pro cession (whito Is mourning among the Parsers) following the bier to the Tower of Silence. At the entrance they look their last on the dead, and the corpse bearers a caste of such carry it within the precincts and lay tt down, to be finally disposed of by the vultures which crowd the tower. And why should the swoop of a flock of white birds be more revolting than what happens at the grave? . Meanwhile, and for three days after, the priests say constant prayers for the departed, for his soul is sup posed not to leave the world till the fourth day after death. On the fourth day there is the Ucthanna ' ceremony, when the large sums of money are given away In memory of the departed. The liturgy In use Is a series of funeral sermons by Zoro aster, Of superstitions, the Tarsees have liad more than they retain. Con nected with burial Is the popular con ception as to the efficacy of a dog's gaze after death. Dugs are sacred, and supposed to guide the souls of the dead to heaven, and to ward off evil spirit; hence It Is customary to lead a dog Into the chamber of death, that he may look at the corpse before Jt Is carried away to the Tower. Thf Nineteenth Century. wnk ot ooq s ways or noiping us to help ourselves is to give us soiucthli.g hard to do for Him. DEATH SEEMED NEAR By reason of Intense suffering: with sn alre"S on mv tli Kh. 1 went to Maryland I'niversity Hospital, where they said my trouble w chronic blond poisoning and pave nw little hnie. I returned home and took Heel's Kar HurlllH. 1 have useil six bottle anil the an. ares b is entirely disappeared, and i have been In line ueallh ever slnee. 1 know if ii bad not been for Hood's Sar-nparllla I thould be in my grave. J have gained in weight from 14? a liar Hood Vv Cures ro to 170 pound to-day. 1 praise rTnod's Par. utpanlla for It all." h. i.heen tela Hanover Street, nnllitnnre, MiL Uoed'a Pill are rarefully prepared aud are made of the bet luar.dlcuu. Try a bum. me 911 "German Syrup 99 Jtjdge J. B. Hiix, of the Superior Court, Walker county, Georgia, thinks enough of German Syrup to send us voluntarily a strong letter endorsing it. When men of rank and education thus use and recom mend nn article, what they say Is worth the attention of the public. It is above suspicion. " I have used your German Syrup," he says, "for my Coughs and Colds on the Throat and Lungs. I can recommend it for them as a first-class medicine." Take no substitute. a Letters from Mothers speak in warm terms of what Scott's Emu lsion has done icate, sickly A children. it s use nas brnurht o thousands back, to rosy ueuitn. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with Hypophcs phites is employed with great success in all ailments that re duce flesh and strength. Little ones take it with relish. PrvbrSeotBawna.R.T. Alldroerlrta. WIFT S SPECIFIC . For renoTstinii tho entire av"tm. ) eliiniiuiiiiiK all l'tiiaona from tha .loot I. whether of acrofuloua or irmlhiihl urigm, Uiia proitfuittioc tut uucguaL, ' For elRhteen months I bad an eating eore on uiy tongue. J was treated Itv beet local Physician. but ouuiued no relief ; the sore gradually grew worse. I finally took R. . ., and was entirely cured after mine; a few bottle." L. 1. nut-rauisc, tienaerson, lex. Treatise on Wood and Skin Die- lualled free. Tac 8 win Srscinc Co., Atlanta, Oa. IQENTS WANTED ON tAUII or tuuunUMlnu ui fcsti lie It New Psseul Uitesu Beal km kfaahw fauell. AsesM ataalu laiw .JUtk. ikwn kVaxc aV ;ol7UUss. WW LT S s 0 TICKINGS OFTHE TELEGRAPH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. What la Transpiring tha World Over. Important Events Briefly Told. AtFostorin, O, the Mnmbonrg glass works, which has been Idle for several months, has resumed, employing 73 men. At Muncie, Ind.. the Xeleon Rlas com pany has started its plant, ranking bottles. All of Muncle'i eight glass factories are now at work. At Bristol, Ta., J-eedom's big carpet works, which shut down five weens ago on account of dull trade, have started np, giv ing employment to GW persons. Within the past few dnys nearly 1,000 operatives in the potteries of Trenton, N.J., have been discharged and work in many of the lotteries has come almost to a stand still. The Palilmore and Ohio shops at Gar rett, Md., whlc1! have been almost entirely shut down for four months, started with a full force of 550 men. The (irand Rapids (Mich.) Chair Com pany has resumed Willi a full force of 300 men. After along shutdown the spring and axle works at Fort I'luin, N. Y., have re lumed in full. The coal mines at ItucVinpham, O., and the XX m!ne at Shawnee, t) lave shut down, throwing over GOO men out of work. The Hnskell and llarbcr Car Company, at Michigan City, Ind., which shut down last August, resumed operations, employing about half of their 3,000 men. The I.nughlln nail mill, after tevernl weeks' shutdown, and Aetna-Standard mills, w hich have been idle for months, resumed work in full at Martins Ferry, O The Pennsylvania Pteel Company will shut down its Immense plant at fc'teelton, I'a., except the bridge and construction departments from December 2-5 to Feb ruary 1, owing to the lack of orders. About 3,500 men will be thrown out of em ployment. At Louisville, Ky., the Henderson woolen mills have resumed operations and are expected to run at full time the rest of the season. About 200 jeople are given em inent. Waehtnstoa News. W. B. Hornblower of New York who failed of confirmation by the last senate as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.was renominated by the President, Mr. Bland of Missouri introd need his new silver bill in the house. It Is a free coinage measure, providing for the coinage of standard silver dollars of 412) grains. Measures art now pending before con gress for the admission of New Mexico, Arizona and I'tah to statehood. Joseph B. Doe of Wisconsin has been nominated for Assistant Secretary of War. Net customs duties aggregating t4P8 1'9 have been paid on World's Fair exhibits which have been sold or retained In this country. The value of these exhibits 1 12,000.000. Mtsnaiers, Accidents and Fatalities An engine on the Texas and l'acifle ex ploded about a mile west of Kastland, Texas. Charles F. Klliot, engineer; Jesse Beaver, fireman, and Frank Spencer, head brake man, were instantly killed. By the loss of the schooner Jason, of Highland Light, Mass., Tuesday, 20 sailor were drowned. Only one escaped. ftanltnry. At Beaver Falls, I'a., grip has assumed the form of an epidemic, Mostof the man ufacturing establishments are crippled ow ing to employes being laid off with the disease. One hundred cases of grip are re ported at Johnstown, Pa. At Leaven worth, Kan., twenty-five deaths from grip have been reported in the past lOdays. ThediseRse is almost epidemic, and within the past two weeks fully one half of the homes in this city have been visited. Fires Turner hall, Allegheny, Pa., was damag ed by Ere to the entent of about f 10,000 and Janitor Carl BenningbofTi wife and two children suffocated. The bnsiness section of Creal Springs, 111., was burned including the Herald printing office, the bank and several stores. Loss, 150,000; insurance two-thirds. BEYOND QUE BOHDEBS. Influenza is increasing in Germany.Three hundred marines are in the hospitals at Kiel from the disease. The Inqnest held at London npon the remains of Prof. Tyndali has resulted in a verdict that the professor died from an over dose of chloral. November Fire Xioss. The fire loss of the United , States and Canada for the inomb of November amounts a 111.411.1,000. Although this is less than .lie sumscliargearile against the same month 11 IBM and 18112, the current year promises a make a record of lire waste unparalleled ' the year of the Chicago tire and out of sll proportion with the country's growth. The loaaes in New York t'ily for Hie nonlh lust closed show a total of !2ol, 700. The losses for the entire veer of 1890 were I1(hJ.UU8.45; for 1WII. f i:i7.10 150; lor leti2, rlH2.7O4,7O0. As lHiia has atrtadv piled op I totul of 144.U40.4U0, It is probable that the sompleted tear will make a total of over rlUi,UO0,UU0. Thousands are Starving. It is estimated tbut the uumber of nnem ployed in Chicago it nearly 117,000 and iq great bas their suffering become that the Illinois Conference of Charities and Cor rections at a special meeting appointed committee of 100 representative citizens to at once proceed to raise charity fund of 1.000,000, for the relief of the most pressing want of the worthy and resident poor. By actual count 1,117 men sought shelter in Chicago City HallFriday night and as many more were stowed away on the stone floors NalnMa nth Tat World's Fair management has de cided to give all the building except Manu facture to Jaokson Park, along with 1250, KX) to car for them. CALENDAR FOR 1894. if 1 ii : 4 1 Mil Juu. Til III Is 19 ni"i'"j"4iii"si"7 Mill! io n a is'M II7'I a IB M riH aiMi ... :will... ... ... ... ... ... ... i 9 S 1(1 Id 17 ... ... ... I X1 a, 4 ft 7 SI IUI1 I2II4'5 IS I7:IK IDIjUillliaiSl.tMtH lurk Sept. Oct.. Rot. On. V 10 .................. i k 4 5! 71 1011 Vi IX 14 It. iuI&i.ui a n 16 IT IK It) t)U 'tl Ti at,at.yii "i !4 "ii "l"7 W1...I... ... ... ... ... April. ... 1: X; 4! 7 H 0 10 1 1 IV IS lll'll IK IS 14 in I7ia o ju vi H IMBI7 IK llll' MH.Wlr4l ... ... ... l 41 ft d lo ll, Ii' ... ... ... ... 11 a 41 ft 7 a: i I VIA . 1 7 1 1H. lit 111211141(1 l 17 ISI20I:'JV'A'.M 'aarr-.,1-1.- Jut. "4 "t&"m"i iri-i nn 1 il 9 ... ... ... ... ... ... i II. X 4 61 e 7 8 0101112 IS 14 IS IS 17 l 19 ? 21 IS III 18 H'lf il '2i I- ' 1 "I -'- ISHSI ...'...!.. ai i.trxrs is 1804. In tho year 1191 thero will bo fonr rvlinsea twoof the sun and two of the moon and a transit of the planet Murcury across the sun's disk, as follows : I, A pnrtlnl oellps" of the moon. March 21, visible. In thn l'nltn-1 States wt ot tho lfldtli meridlHn, where the moon will set with tlio eclipse still on. This will hen s-nnll eclipse of 2.117 digits, or about one-fourth of the moon's apparent diameter, and npon tho southern limb. This ocllpsn returns April 1,, when it will still smaller ; and tt will pass ofl In an Appulse, April, 12th, I'.t-IO. II. An antiiiiur eclipse of the suu, Aprils, Invisible in America, HI. A partial eclipse of the moon, Septem ber 14-15. visible throughout North America ; sire, when greatest, 2.77 digits, und upon the northern limb of the moon. IV. A total eclipse of the, sun, April 29th, invisible in I'nlled Htntes. V. A transit ot thn planet Mercury across the sun's disk. November 10th, visible, throughout the United States. Tho plauet will enter upon the sun's disk on the east side, and p-iss upward and across tho s.tuie, occupying tin. 4:1m. 22s, u so dolntf. IBS SEASOJtfc p. n. m. Winter begins mi, rec. 22.and InstsH'i 1 6 KprlngleginnlS!4.Mareh20.nnillasts!)2 20 li Hiimmerbeglns1S!i4.,liine21,and InstsSS 14 24 Autumnleglnsl894.Juue2l,anjl.-tatsNI) IS 41 WinterbeglnslS91,teei?1,trop.yr.,365 C 15 rUNCTS BBIOOTEST Oil BEST StrS 3b. Mercury February 21st and CMolier 15th, letting after the sun as evrning star: April 13th and Auznst l'.th, rising before the sun as morning star. Venus January 10th, setting after the snn as evening star s March 22d, rising before the sun n morning star. Mars-October 20tb, rising. at sunset, an cvenlngstnr . Jupiter T)ee.ember22d, rising at sunset, an evening star. Saturn April 11th, rising at sunset, nn evening star. Uranus Muy S.I, rising at sunset, an even ing star. Neptune December Otb, rising at sunset, an evening star. MOtlNlNO STARR. Mercury See Planets Brightes'. Venus, from February Id to November 30. Mars, until June 27. Jupiter, from June 4 to September 1. Hat urn, until Jauuary 19 and alter Octo ber 21. KYKNINO STARS. Mercury See Planets Brightest. Venus, until February 10 and after Novem ber 3(1. Mars, after June 27. Jupiter, until J nne 4 nnl after Septemlwrl. Hat urn. from January It) to October 21. FIXED AXD MOVAHLE F.piphs.ny Septuaireslma Sunday , . ,, Hexagesima Sunday Oiiinciaagi'Mima HuuJay.... hhrove Tueeday Ash Wednesday Vuadrajf-slma Sua Jay Mid-Lent Sunday St. Patrick's Day Palin Sunday Oooil Friday Faster Sunday Low Sunday Kogation Sunday Ascension Thursday (Holy Sunday alter Ascension. . . Whitsunday (Pentecost) . .., Trluity Sunday t'orpus Christl St. John the Baptist Michaelmas Day Advent Suuday Christmas Day FXSTIVAIJi. Januarvft January 21 January 2H February 4 , February fl , February 7 Februarv 11 March 4 March 17 . March 18 March 23 March 25 April 1 April 29 Day).... MayS Mayo , May 13 May 20 May 24 June 23 ... September 29 Decern ber 3 December 25 PROMINENT PEOPLE. Is A P. RAKirr, the evangelist, 1 fifty-three. Bos BoNHEfTB, the animal painter, was born at Bordeaux, France, aud is now seventy-one. f Cohnm.tpb Tamperrilt is said to have (riven 1 1.000,000 to religious work In the last two years. Evxx in premiership the record ha given way under M. Tricon pis, who baa become Prime Minister of Greece for the fifth time. Thomas P. F.oah, of Cincinnati, who is to go to Antwerp in May a a Uuited States commissioner, began his career on a salary of 2 a week. Our ex-Minister to Englanl Edward J, Thelps takes his recreation when at leisure) from his exacting professional and oollege duties by driving a favorite spun of chestnut horse. Ex-Prksipxrt Habeisok's favorite tune Is "The Soldier' March," from Gounod "Faust." Be can not discriminate, as a rule, between tunes, but in this case he recognizes the tune Instantly. Tnm second medalist ot the Roval Geo graphical Society this year (M. Helous. the African explorer, being the first) was Wood land Bockblll, an Amerloan diplomatist, who had made himself famous by his explora tions in western China and northeastern Thibet. A wohaklt trait of Queen Victoria ot Eng land is her intense love for little obildreu love whlun she shares with every other mem tier of her fa-nlly. She delights la having the small creature about her, aud nothing so quickly brings tears to her eye it a pathetic story about a child. . Marvin HnoiciTr, w'na oontrol the vast Chicago and Northwestern Kailway system, with its 10.00J mile of traol.s, began hi railroad career by carrying water to con struction hands on an Iowa line. He wo then a boy of fourteen and at sixteen he was station agent with a salary ot tii a mouth. Tbi Japanese Government has granted permission to Dr. Mary A. Buganutna to practice mediolne In Nagasaki. This 1 tha nrst time that woman physician ha been allowed to praotloa In Japan. Dr. Suganuma Is an American woman, and she married Mr. Suganuma, formerly in the tele graph depart meat ai Osaka, Oscar Fanaoa-, Udrlddea erlppl living ZfhtiOfmUM, Jf. J wss mafrtod to a widow wImsm soaiMBtniMittS be had ma4e Ihroah a piew ol keee utU by tola m1 puctIihii byhs r JZ . Animals lHicelver tver. Swindling and deceit are known among animal. In military stables horse are known to have pretended to he lame In order to avoid going into military exorcise ' A chlmpnn ten had been fed on rake when sick; after his recovery he often feigned coughing In order to procure dainties. The cuckoo eometlrae lays Its eggs In the sparrow's nest, and to make the deception aurer It takes away one ot the sparrow's eggs. Animals are conscious ot their de ceit, as shown by the fact that they try to operate secretly and noiselessly; they show a sense of guilt If detected; they take precautions In advance to avoid discovery; In some case tbey manifest regret and repentance. Thus, bees which steal often hesi tate be Tore and after their exploits, as If they feared punishment. Some, one described how a monkey com mitted theft: while he pretended to ilcep the animal regarded him with hesitation, and stopped every time bis master moved or seemed on the polntof awakening. Such, und many more well-known facts, may be due lo fear of punishment, which natur llly follows a misdeed, Just as Is ob served among habitual thieves. A River Flowing from I ho Rr-a. On the African shore, near the Gulf of Aden, and connecting the lake ot Asal with the inuin ocean, inav be found one of the most wonderful rivers in the world. This natural curiosity In the shape of a river does not HoW Jo but from the ocean toward the inland. TilJ surface of l,(ike Assal Is nearly ,o0 feet below the sea level, and it Is fed altogether by tins paradoxical river, the latter being atiout twenty-two miles In length. It is said to be a wonderful fact that this river of Immense vol ume, especially at high tide, fur nishes exactly enough wacr to coun ter! ulancc tho extraordinary evapora tion of the lake, and that In conse quence tie lake's Hurface remains at a uniform level year after year. 'cw York Dispatch. Hatch's Universal Cough Syrup Is positively uiieiiinlid. Try it. 2.1 c -nts ill druggist. The largest pump; la the world are in the ewn of London. uied Bcerhem' I'llls with a drink of water morn liiga. heichani s-nootiiom. 2ft cents a box. In France froz n milk is sold In cans, For Revere, Lingering Coughs, Weak Lungs, Bleeding from Lungs, llroncliltis, Asthma, and Consumption, in its early etagt, Dr. Flcrco's Uoldcn Medical Discov ery is a sovereign remedy. It not only cures the cough but also builds up the strength and flesh of thiwe reduced below a healthy standard by " Wasting Disease. " t ill not make fat folk more corpulent. B. F. Wn.r.v, of Itoi Fldtr, CViiiceise IVj., .. writes: "f hai bronclillle for twenty years and over, and I could not work with out coughing so hard as to take ail my etrenntn away. 1 took Ave bot tles of Dr. Pierce's tiolden Medical lioov crv, and give yott mv word and honor that I can do any work that there is to do on tny 'ranch 'without coiiiiIi lng. I have not taken ?.ny.. (Jhu 'tiolden Medical Discovery for a year." Mn, Wu.xv. WAS A PHYSICAL WRECK. Could Scarcely Ride or Walk. Suffered for 18 Years 1 Cherry Valley, N. T. Sept. 5, 18H3. Dr. Kilmer 4 Co., Ilinghumton, N. V. Gentlemen:- You may use my testimony with r pHswure ror I would T j-bsi ii l hko to ih) what I ran for suffering women, 1 endured agonies for eitilitn years with Female Weakness In every form, and as a last resort turned to you for help. 1 have taken five bottles of yourHwamp-Hoolf one bottle of Female Iiomcdy, and used two bottles ot U it O auomtmcnu Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Cured Me. When I commenced taking your remedies I could neither ride or walk without suffering Intense puiu; now 1 can do both as well as I ever could in my life, for 1 in entirely cured of Female weuknes. 1 can do my own house work, and I foul that I am entirely restored to In-all Ii. I shall never cease to thank God aud you for making me a well and healthy woman from the physical wreck that 1 was. At UmickUIs. SO rent and $1.00 Rise. lsa.VUutelunJtk"lrM-lueauilatkm fna. Or. kilottir k Co., - Ulunhamtou, N. Y. THE JUDGES the world's Columbian; exposition Have made the HIGHEST AWARDS Mk1h1h and HI)loipas) to WAITER BAKER & CO. On each of tli folluwlng named art Iciest UCKAKFAST COCOA I'roiniiim No. 1, Chocolate, . Vnullla Cliocolbte, .... German Hweet Chocolate, Coroa ltuttcr. r'or "purity of material,' 'eKi!ellent flavor, ui.d "uniform wen c4Ulposltlon.,, WALTER BAKER iCOT DORCHESTER, MASS. BR AIHSsm FRONT ?POO IT COSTS NOTHING (jOfl REWARD if II TO MY KU W mm J Or .nnass yuO m MfBeeeVfBR Its mnma M Ss U silslalas four IBisMae rr TOTWY. SSi soiwir)eaer .Mr. Sk el masnHDineaatsalw rm A Woman's Athletics Keat. "Women are beginning to tnka a real Interest In sport," obaerved the Casual Caller, as he sat down on the edge of the Sporting Editor's desk. "Yes; they attend baseball and football frames quite numerously, re plied the latter. "I noticed In a morrrfng paper quite a feat In the Jumping line performed by a woman." "I didn't notice that," replied the oracle on sports, with great Interest "phow It to me." "I can't show It to you, for I ha?e n't the paper with me, but I can tell you about It." "Well V" "I forget her,narne, but I remem ber distinctly the details of her Jump." "Well, let's haTe them," said the newspaper man, Impatiently. "She Jumped baiL" Then the Casual Caller made a wide Jump, too, and reached the door only a trifle In advance of a paper-weight one and a half pounds heavy. Pitts burg Telegraph. TitERt- are thousands of ways in which people cati show without knowing It that they do not love On.1. Take no Substitute for Royal Baking Powder. It is 'Absolutely Pure. All others contain alum or ammonia. XMAS MONEY FOR BoysMGirls DIJr.TACor STATESMEN AM 1 HU I U POLITICIANS: Mq K.nlwy, Hill, lWv Mirmun, II I nine, Iipw KuhhII, Ituttur. CoiihUiiK, Wbitelnw Heltl, llor Grct'ly, luinlt'l Webmer, bti- innrcK. tviHUMiune, ur. Imm. CArliHle. TIiav are lhol)Ctnl n re nimintvit In a iH-w nnl tnhlnic tyl. Above Itronp coiulel fur 10 cunti, fotti or -lumps. AOE IB, lllfin A i' imn mv syriiiiiit; 1 a t luiittsa mlsi mill snliilni iniinw. UOlhH VO, AOI Kzcbauge llulldlnf. lloaton, Mass, We have Poets, rreschers, Aetree and Preskteuts at same price. AN IDEAL FAMILY MEDICINE S'nr Indletlnn Jtiuousnt-. I r ad at fa f. loimtlpaHlon. Bud t oMnlt iUi, UsTrnaivc Hrtath and all diM-rder tit U HUiuaU. PIERRE Offpmnoodfvful fln ohMimftr tmall lnvittiuvnU. tiU'.OulnTt-fiitfU tier now wlil yruw to tDouuO lu he nxt ten yearn. Vor cl cuIum, mp Biid Merli luiL" Jflrw- t UAH. I., UVOICsIKVkrT. ill KM' HANKtH. I'tfrtf. Hnwlw Qklt II 1 TI1 ! 'I'C TRAlKMAHK Ewnmlnatl m J I l iil 1 und HilvUt utu patfiitnlillity of Invention. iVnd for lnvtuttir- (lulde.dr how tKi't MpHtftit. I'ATHK'K '! AUUKI.L, WAHMiNitTttM, D.O. .c mijy. l pn.mi'tlj. Ft r fart 7ffUy (HircMlno folio It.t-lr um. bt id V iy tli-uitiriitfl r arnt hy mail J'it J (6Ul.,"tV. Wfliaifct boJK,$a, bX f i rf smmplef (Ulrf Epeclnlly for Farmers, Miners, B. R. Bands and others. Double sole ertendinr gown to thn heel. KXIHA WKAItl.Nti UI'AliJTY. Thousand or Kuhber Hoot weurers testify this la the llKhT they ever had. ASK YUUK DUALKIt KUK TIIKSI and don't be persuaded iutoan inferior article "Don't Put Off Till To-morrow the Du ties of To-day. Buy a Cake of SAPOLIO ulan an Ike Four RaaaaaNT Wkal m iMMrtniana. ao 2 bbcal onafakta. aw. uUmmv tkuurU Ur Ui ua TKal ttw wtMrt wama ftHHl of atrOV DMUrV (tfhsMi 4 llUMiTMa -ftf ata laa mmGkn wMaWtwo co. tw srMrrs Bean-ess Caaast be Care tT Incut applications, as theycamio. r -a the diseased portion of the ear. 'I here i-uuly one way toenre Deafness, and that l by uon-tllu-tloual remedies. Ilrafnea Is cnu d by nn In flamed condition of the mucous lining nf tha Kiistochlnn Tube. When this tube gets In flamed you hare a rumbling sound or Imper fect henries'- nnd when it is entirely closed) I if nf nese Is the result, and unless the inflam mation can he taken nut and this tube re stored to lis normal eondttlon, hearing will be) ilestrored foreren nine caws out ten are) caused by catarrh, which is nothlne hut an In flamed condition of the oiucot: surfaces. We will irlve One llnndre I l)illrs for anr eaenf Dpatucss (caused by catarrh) that ean at Ik- cured by Hall's Catarrh (Jure. Heiitl fee Sirculain, Tree. F. J. rnrnrr A Co., Toledo, O. J roll by tlrwcglsts. London sewers have a total precipitation reservoir capacity or 31.2.V) 0m gal.ous. A t'klld Killers The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothlna effects nf Syrup of Figs, when In need of a lat- alive, and If the father or mother lie costive ot bilious, the most gratifying results follow Its use; so that It h the beat family remedy know and every family should have a bnt'le. There are 80 miles of tunnels In Oreat llritain, their total cost exceeding iil,0U,OUO. Cotton inn fni.ns. Those who are suffer, ing from Couth-, Colds, Sore Throat, etc., should try HitnwK' Hhonchial T hoc Has. .sold onfc ta borit. Connecticut has ),noo farms. Ifamlctrd with sore eyes use Dr. NivThoron son's Kye-wnter. Druavlstasell ntlic perlmttle. THE WONDERFUL MECHANICAL SPCUCA. PIANO MOVEMENT BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED. The Child ! Best Teseher. Hare you teen it ? Older folks will And It rerj amutln. Would jriiu Use one? For I. tK we will send It. to yum sddtvss, charges pa 1 4 KINDERQSRfEN MFQ. CO. 92ft Ssnsom Street, Pailsselphl. Pa. m v no TTTE WAI.Tj PAPER MEROHAW VMT BELLS THE BEST, Ullll I II THE CITEAI'EST WALL PAPER tlonri rnner:r. and.1e 41old Pnsera Sc., hr. sni Klc Mi nd ,1r. lamBs fr snuiwle. 341 WsodHtrrrl. I'lltsbarsb. 1,000,000 ACRES OF LAM for ssls bf ths "atKT PaUI. A Dcluth Rsilbosd OoaraKT in Minnesota. 8ud for Msps sod Citeus hu. They w III be Mat to you Address HOPEWELL CLARKE, 1td (Vi', psuL Minn. PATENTS vi,',! I ituill l'alru nlitali td -TIIOIAP P. Sill PHON, SMhltislnu, li. r. o s ly s ree ror invetimr huhi All 1 It AT Hurtry ril to thafmin mtniito llH ANLir W,M n,v ' Hv pair. TH. IIIUNK, Blit-imvlllr, 4. Brsla-Barelsters : . Fir IBM. it i7ll,h KI C'ofjsnvptlvfta and popij I wbo bftva weiik lunf or Attb I nia. bouldtiM Flto'tCur fur I Cnnsinniptlnn. It taM carJ I thoRMDcl. ft hu not Injur I ed ontt. It Ii not bad to tut. I It la tba boat eougb ayrup. 1 Bold ?erywbera. 4, I ' " ' " ' LT EATY I)wmMti for all kmimo, aod NaMJy lur Usuw iLb piv.i Istusm You a Ml nejqutraa to Had a paav ay ot iMay arxh vv miai al lHT IWratI tn IrkMf tw MebciMall. Cukttm ai uihMa 4finHtW lasun ffivn w pav Ibat Kimply wrrtroui what, aflat oatvlul ttudy you tawiafat v inr aMr tnutm to mm. mmm aVM I tiwttri iMai if yuur aiitwanua .oaly aantalw riW iu tt aiat a rud pntponttm W itm turn mr4 TIim vntsr yMir mmm aasj attavaai iiniBfnaaiia yuatr aai aaa4 laaw m ya y mi i ! aaa art tt ml ffmH Mm la la mm cum ci 'iMtv oitv, C