ASK FOR THE LORE OF SKULLS GREAT STORY TELLERS TO THOSE WHO CAN INTERPRET THEM. N. HANAU. Chat With a rrof. -nor of Sknlt-nlnicjr Who ! In Clinrt-o ItoHirxtrr Mtiwnol if llnmnn Osteology Anrlritt FnnhlonS off I informing Hie Htn1. ft i tu t tvivTi 'Mt pro1- ably the most cnmplete itinseitm of hu man osteology Is located in Rochester under chatge of Professor Chnrles II. Ward, who hits nil Interim tionul repn tiitioti lis ii ti imlliority on this question. "Skulls are grent story tellers," sulci Professor Wnnl. "For instance, the original of thi eiist of tlio top of n skull overturned the theories of Imlf of Europe, nnd prolmhly Its diseorery was the most si iisutiouul thing in the realm of science of tho decade. liefore this piece of bone, which you can hold in your hand, was discovered, nothing had been found which tended to show that human life existed in the pregla clal period, in the days of tho cave bear and other autcglucinl fotsuils. Not only doea the pi nee where it was found indicate all this, but the skull cornea nearer to supplying the much laughed at 'missing link' than anything ever before discovered. There ia no question whatever that it ia a portion of a hu man skull, lint the forehead is lower than that of any normally developed skull ever found, and the superciliary or aupororhital arch ia heavier than ever before seeu on a human skull. This Is one of the most marked points of dis tinction between the skulls of a gorilla and of a man. " Yon can see what 1 mean from this picture," continued Professor Ward. "Tho arch is that of tho eyebrow, just over the eye socket. "Ono of tho most interesting things in tho ology of skulls is tho fashion of deforming the head prevailing among the savage races of North and South America, it is accomplished by pres sure brought to bear on the skull through infancy. The cliff dwellers flattened tho back of the head. Skulls have been found on an itiland in the gulf of Mexico which were divided in to two lobes, evidently produced by fas tening a strap from tho back of the neck to tho forehead of tho infant. If there had been more travel in those days, the fashion might have spread. The fad of flattening the front of the head evidently prevailed among the ancient inhabitants of Peru, as the mummy remains clearly indicate, and this haa led to a belief that there is some race connection between the an cient Peruvians and tho Flathead In dians of today. " Vou can see tho effect produced by the process 1 have described from this picture. Wore this deformity produced on the head of a grown man, it would be followed by insanity and death, bnt the brains of the infant gradually ac commodate themselves to the new con ditions, I should judge, however, that it would be difficult to have a very highly developed intellect with a skull of that shape. Here, yon see, is the skull of Peruvian lady of high rank. We know that this was some Inca queen by the pomp with which Bhe was buried. She paid the nsual tribute to fashion, or her parents did, in having her skull flattened up to the latost stylo. "Here," said Professor Ward, "is the skull of a maiden of 18 years, who, with a number of her companions, was knocked in the head with an as and was eaten on an island in New Zealand several centuries ago at a great feast." " For goodness' sake, how could yon find out all that?" "Simply enough. Ton can tell it all for yourself, with a little help. Of course we know from the place where it was found that it was in a land where cannibalism prevailed. Father found no loss than seven skulls, all with a fracture like this horrid one, where the victim was struck with an ax or some similar implement Thon all have the hole knocked in at the base of the skull, evidently with the purpose of extract ing the brain, for the human brain is considered a great delicacy by cannibal epicures. We know from the sharpness of the edges of the orbital cavity and other infallible indications that this is a woman's skull, for an expert can al ways tell a male from a female skull at a glance. Lastly, you can see by counting for yourself that the dentition of this girl's skull is not complete, and that therefore this Is, as I have said, the skull of a New Zealand maiden of 17 or 18. "1 had a curious instance not long ago of tho way in which an observer can find a story in a skull. A skeleton was sent me from a hospital in Vienna to be mounted. The skull had not been opened. The man had been taken ill on the street suddenly and had been taken to the hospital. In polish ing the skull I found a fine black line which would not come out I opened the skull and found that the line was a portion of the point of a blade which pro jected half an inch in the skull, and which had broken off so short that it would nave been impossible to tell of what the man died unless the skull had been opened as I opened it. Here was a murder mystery which the law will never probe, for tho wound was mor tal. " Rochester Post-Express. Pennsylvania, In tba lea Asa. In the ice age the thickness of the toe Which covered northeastern Pennsyl vania has beeu supposed have been great enough to rise 8,200 feet above the sea level. Until a short time ago, no signs of glacial action hud been discovered at a loftier elevation than this, but John 0. Bravner has explored Elk mountain, which ia bclioved to be the highest point in northern Pennsylvania, and thore be found scratches made by the ice at an altitude of about 8,700 feet It is evidont therefore, that the ice sheet which overspread this region dar ing the glacial epoch must have been thicker than geologists have hitherto thought New York Ledger. Play WMe You Pay ! A CASH PAYMENT OF $10 to $25 Will put you in immediate possession of any in strument in our stock. You pay the balance about as you like. We Assume All Responsibility! If the instrument is damaged, we stand the loss; If you find anything wrong with a piano or organ we sell you, we take it back and give you your money. The largest stock of Pianos,Oreans and Sewina; Machines In North-western Penn'a is ours from. They are our choice of all makes now on the market and we are certain you will agree with us when you see our goods. MEHLIN NEWBY United States Organs, 2-r Yotey Organs, Chicago Cottage Organs, and SEWING MACHINES. The names of these instruments are a sure guarantee of the highest stand ard of excellence yet attained. We have them in ALL STYLES AND PRICES. Our prices and quality of goods sold in Western Penn'a. :SPBND f pbnny:- In a postal card to see our Catalogue before you pay $100.00 on a piano, $40.00 on an organ and $20.00 on a sewing machine more than you could buy the same for at DAVID C. HMOS. & EVANS SCHUBERT terms are not MMLLS BROOKVILLE, for you to select HMOS, PIMOS. Farrand & and machines equalled for the PA. MUSIC HOUSE No Fancy Prices Though quality is tho bent. We make the ftnteinent for the benefit of thone who are not our customers, and so may not know it: Orn trices MAKR Cl'STOMKKS OK AM, Will COME. A full line of Dress Goods. The Beet and Cheapest ever brought to Keynoldsville. A full line of Henrietta at 25c. in all shades, 40c, 50c, and 81.00. Silk warp Henriettas. Summer Silks for 50c. per yard. Ladies Coats and Capes the finest and cheapest in town. A nice line of Children's Jackets from 2 to 12 years. Clothing. Men's suits the best and cheapest you ever saw for the money. We don't say so except we can convince you. Men's Suits, four button cutaway from 10, 12 to 15, worth 14, 10 and 18. Men's straight cut worsted for 10 to 12.50, worth 16, to 18. Children's Suits 2.75, are worth 3.50 to 5.00. A fine line of Boys' ' and Men's Negligee Shirts. N. Hanau. OF ItE YSOLDS VILLE. CAPITAL $80,000.00. '. W IK hrll, Prmldrnll droit IflrClflland, Vice Prra. John II. Kaurhrr, Cashier. Director: C. Mltc-liHl, Orntt MK'lellnnd, J. C. King, J(M4'ph PtmiirtM, Joseph lletHlersnn, U. W. Fuller, J. II. Kuuchur. DMa a senoriil hank Ins business nnd solicits the weounts of merehiints, profemlonul man, fiirmors, moelinnlrs, miner, lumbermen And others, promising the most careful utlontlon to tho business of all Demons. Klrxt Niitlonul Bunk building, Nolun block Fire Proof Vault. (UNSICTASIAN.) NO PAPER LIKE IT ON EARTH Unlqua not Eccentric. Witty not Funny, Religious not Pioui. Not for Sect but for Souli. WHOLE SERMONS IN A 6ENTCNCC. Send dim in stamps for three jrecki trial, THE RAM'S HORN. $1.60 WOMAN'S TCMPLI. R4 Per Year, CHICAGO It ones. ONLY PAPER THAT EVERYBODY LIKE THE HUTGHISON HOSPITAL For the Treatment ol Cancer, SEWICKLEY, - PENN'A. A CARD. Hlnce my removal to Pittsburgh from Allegheny, my practice baa grown to aucb proportion that It becume necessary to obtain commodious quarter for the accom modation of my cancer putlunts nnd I have, at un enormous expense, purchased the well known HUTCHISON HOSPITAL FOB THE TREATMENT OK CANCER, atHEWICKLEY. In addition to the Hospital property I have also pure baited the Hutchison treatment for the cure of Cancer, and retained under con tract the aervlcea of Or. Hutchison and the entire hospital corps. Including physicians, cook, etc., who. In connection with my own coterie of physician and assistants, will be prepared to treat all CANCERS and CANCER OUS DISEASES, TLMOIW and MALIGNANT ULCEUS on any part of the body, and all NON-CONTACEOt'S DISEASES successful- ly. Communication of Inquiry can be ad dressed to my offices, 007 Ponn avenue, Pitts burgh, Pa. Correspondence solicited. Dr. J. A. Oiiriioon's office hours for consul tation at Pittsburgh are from H. a. m. to 12 ni., and from 0 tot p. m., where I treat success fully all cases of Tape Worms, Catarrh and all Secret Diseases, Liver Complaints, Kidney and Stomach Troubles and Kindred diseases. First National Ban NnvYoRir. FINE CANDIES. IN SEALED PACKAGES AT H. HUX. STOKC'S. THE LEADING DRUGGIST, Reynoldavllle, Pa. LISTEN! Till I toll you of something that Is of great Interest to nil. It mtiHt bo re membered that J. (3. Froehllch is the Popular Tailor of Reynoldsvllle, and that is what I am going to dwell on at tMs time. Never mind the World's Fair for a few moments, as his exhibit of goods Is something on that scale. The tremendous display of seasonable suit ings, especially the fall and winter as sortment, should be seen to bo appre ciated, A larger line and assortment of fall and winter goods than ever. I ask and inspection of my goods by all gentlemen of Itoynoldavlllo. All fits and workmanship guaranteed perfect. Yours as In the past, J. G. FROEHLIGH, Reynoldavllle, Pa. HTNoxt door in Hotel McConnoll. Gltu Meat Market I buy the best of cattle and keep the choicest kinds of meats, such as MUTTON, VEAL REEF, POliK AND SAUSAGE. Everything kept neat and clean, Your patronage solicited. E. J. Sclniltze, Prop'r. J. S. MORROW, DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. OPERA HOUSE - RLOCK Reynoldsville, Pa. 3M. J. RlQQS Proprietor ottbeGtieap Cash Grocery Store, WEST MAIN ST.. Has an elegant and fresh line of Groceries, Provisions, Flour, Meats, Confectionery, Tobacco, Cigars and every thing kept in a First-class Grocery. Farm Produce always on hand. Goods delivered free to any part of town. Call and get prices. Subscribe for "The -X- Star," I.SO PER YEKR. fj