Itewitr of Olntmtnt tnt Catarrh That lu mi i in Mermrv. M mnrrur? wl 1 nnrl 1iitrnjr th nn ff ftim-II nntl ritntilt'tf ly ilt'rnniffi h whole nvtt in when enleritiK -t llinni'h flu mnrMHmrfiirw(. Rim b nrliclej tlnmlil never b inert rteei-l cn SiM-ripttnim Horn reinilnh'e I 1ivirlnn, of tlio it tit lire tltef w til tin U leh folil to theirrwul yen run tnlh!y ilerivt from theni. llnlt'n 1'nlurrh I tire nmnnfnf't nrrt by F. J. (lii'tiT ft Co., Tolr lo, O,, i nnirttti no tneretiry, And I Inken Intrrtmlly, . tlt-ic il rvrlly iixn the Hln'l nn I Siiiienus nirfHi'e of t lift nvtem. In Vurtnir IhII'm nttirrli Cnre tm mire Intact ti e (reniiin. t In tnkeTi tnti riml iy, nntl i trifl-le tn Toledo, O'tto, hY r .1. i heitev A 'o. T- ttmnninl fre. t?"Hk)iil by UrufKiatis price .fc. per butt;. Vrltioi? lirntrirff in nbl tu !ny the most lifti.ult iiiuic in fliultt. The furhnln fulgenB li a Meikm 1 lant, A Child Rnny The lrnnnt Pnvor, irentle ait Ion And nothing rffertRof p of Fit, when In newl of ft Us fttlve, And If the rut her or mother he voMlve of bllloiift, the mott grfitifyinK rtwuUs follow lu Din; to thftt It If the Wnl family remedy kuoa kud every family nhouM hnve a bot'le. The I'renrh cpn.n plmwi a total vt 3!U,0U0 lurei?i work inple. DaflRavio C ii rtntiMCR. Tlif-e (wnnart , wH.rh Nit r ed'y deerfe- tin entire mnflilrm of the eiiinm'i'itly n Mmowm'b Hhhrcnmi Tho: IK. Tlrne Mi.Teritip fiom Athnir c mi l nroiM'huil DifvcMfi, (Joii-flm ami C i.iIh, till mi Id try thtm. I' .-1 r.MiM. Tne voting Kml of Tn W$' ta!unte lift is insured r ?1,ih),K0. IlMoV tnlvi'rnl t'miKh & fir. mr, pio hpt, pleiifl'int i n I effe;tiHl. l nuut. Harlow knife irrnde in 1710 in Mill nV.t lling in t eiilerviiii Mi. InijiAUed dlUftMlnn eured by IVftthtTn'ti IMin. Ik-vtlniiu' iin rthtei. X'j ceuie a boi. A child of 4 year old it half the LeigM thnt it will e er reach. Jfnfflcted with erreyenM lr. If Thnmn on'fthye-wuter. Oruuitifttmieli HtJ-c perlxitna Kteel !rei r nrc used in loO iniltB t f thi Mexicmi ruilWtiy, IN MISERY WITH DYSPEP8IA ' I wbk In mleiy with dyi'l Mb. Home Kmelhii-1 no up) etlie, Hi:d Vhni I did ent t hearty meal I fell much dtsinhn for h mpnf ter. 1 did not wem to have nny ntnblt Ion; wai re-tle Ht nilit, mid in the morning tired turn ne'vnii. Mv dic- ion wi irretulnr uiid nn AntiNlH( tnrv. My wife urLed mo to tiike Mood' Harj.Hiiil i, ii nd the re-titt ih tliut 1 Imv ueverfflt better In all my U: thuu Dow. J Hood's54 Cures bnveKninod nine imiinl., nnd ftm rw from nil iiirIU' ym)!mn. I ( Hti mt n hrar y ipohI with n tfim.l rt llh." i i H., KIN Anitttf rilftTii Aveniif, New Vitrk. Ilood'ft I'lllft ure iroiiul nuii enieleul. '3 "German Syrup 99 My acquaintance with Boschee's German Syrup was tnade about four teen years ago. I contracted a cold which resulted in n hoarseness r.nd cough v.-hich disabled me from fill ing my pulpit for a number cf Sab baths. After try ing a physician, without obtaining relief I saw the advertisement of your remedy and obtained a bottle. I received quick and permanent help. I never hesi tate to tell my experience. Rev. W. U. llaggerty, Martiasville, N.J. THE JUDGES Of tii WORLD'S COLUMBIAN .POSITION Have mule ttio HIGHEST AWARDS OIoIhU arl Iitlaniu) tu WALTER BAKER & CO. On each of the loUowing named iirticlc-t: UKE.VKFAST COCOA, .... rremliim No. 1, Choeolate, . . Vanilla Cliocolato, Vorniau Swwt Chocolate, Cocoa Butter. For "purity of luatcrUtl." Mxifrl1nt ritvor,1 find "uniform even cutiiiHitiUou." WALTER BAKER tC0T DORCHESTER, MASS. Vv WE CANNOT SPARE htalthy flesh nature never burdens the body with too much sourfd flesh. Loss of flesh usually indicates poor as similation, which causes the loss of the best that's in food, the fut-forming element. Scott's Emulsion of pure cod liver oil with hypo phosphites contains the very essence of all foods. In no oth er form can so much nutrition be taken and assimilated. Jit rangi of usrfulntif hat no limita tion wnert wtaitun txiftt. mmm I er- mm t$ am iruifiiu TICKINGS OFTHE TELEGRAPH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC What In Trunnplrinit the World Over. Important Eventa Briefly Told. rim hk4 Pennlilr. W. C. I'nrlli, wtnliliy nml lufliifnllal cillien of I'nlln tvt .. recently Rrtented, ctinrted nitli being utie f tlit munleri nt y. M. l.angdnn, lilt art tier In tlie whole tele lurahtr tu.lnrM, committed tulnile in bit ceil, tevering tilt ar'criei with a piece ol broken pint ditli. I'oiiceman Meder ofPt. Iiiit eri outly it tint fatallr tluit by Cliarlet Bmitli, colureil, wlioiu lie itai iitleiiinting to nrrett. At be fell, the oftk'er fired at Smith, inflict lug a fatal wound. 1'rof . W. O. Keith, ex-rrincirial of one of the public nlinolt nl Hot Spring., Ark., It under nrreit charged Willi tiring a tchool building El Chief Weieber Henry S. Coihran of the 1'biladelphla Mint wri found guilty In I'bi!ailel hln of larceny and enibe;zlement for Healing ti;o.i(M worth cf gold tan from a vau.t In the Mint. f nitinl. I nhnr antl tnittt.irttt. The United States tlla.. onit auy ho of fered to nil lit Wheeling V, Va., fcti.rict to cititrti. After a i II liionthi' ,lmt.!owu the Juliet III., rolling mill ha. started. Alter a long Idleticw the Cleveland Holl ing Mill Company t old rail mill ttnrteil up on nu order fur struct iral iron. The Illinois Steel Company'i I'nyvlew Iron plant at Milwaukee hat storied all -partineiiti nt a result of the icductioti in the price of puddling to lT'i. In the crnernl assembly of the Knights ofl.ahnr, nt rhllwle'phi.1, Terence V. I'owdi riy was rc-elicled tieneral Master Work nmu by a vote of liO to W f'tnnnrtnl and Commerrlnl. The Joseph Turner A i-'ont Worsted Manufacturing Company of t'ieveland, one of the largest concerns of the class, hai assigned. About WW tople are employeil. The assets are .VK),fn); liabilities belweni 13.-iO,000 and HW.OU'). A tpecial meeting of the stockholders of the Kdison Klectric Illu.iiimiting Company, was held at New York and authorized the ieue of ll.".W,KW additional bondt for buildings and developing the underground sytteni. I-1 res A fne burned the Ozark and Glrard hotels Hot Springs. Ark , the residence of Shannon and several cott-ges, and badly scorched the Irnm and i'uttiuan hotels. Lost about t.Vt.OOO. 1 he drnnd 1 Pink repair and blacksmith shops, nt Chicngo, were burned. Lost i(i2, WO. fit. asters. Arrlttenis anil ratnlliles Mrs. Albert I'll bolt and two children were smothered le death In a leucine. .t house fire at I.ewitton, Me. Dora 1. Kim ir.lcu leaped out of a fourth ttory window In New York to wave good- by to her husband at he went to work, but lost her buiance, fell out and wat initnntly killed. A f relnht train ran Into nn open twitch at Yon liuren, Ark., Wednesday and killed J. W. Drown. Henry 8, Will and William Spoon, cur thovera. Wnshtngtua tiews. Secretary Carlisle hat ordered the releae of the Russian convicts arretted at San Krunciaco. 'Hie conticts il was found. were political prisoners and under our laws could not be detuiued. Mlscellnnenas. Estimates at Minneapolis make tho ag gregate Nortbwettern ttock of wheat 21 025,000 bushels; an increuse of 2,003.000 bushels over week ago. Michael Heinti of Walden, 111,, who wat injured in the Mock Island wreck at Chi cago the night of November 8, died Wed nesday night. This makes the thirteenth death resulting Iroru the collision. BEYOND OTJR BORDERS. Kighty ttitdentt and persons engaged in literary pursuit! have been arretted and lodged in the citadel, Warsaw, on suspicion of being engaged in a nihilist plot. The town of Flensburg, PchBw!g Hol. stein, lias been inundated by theses being driven over the lowiaudt by the terrilio galea. The Brussels committee appointed to or gnnizt an international exhibition for Ib'.tS hut decided to postpone the exhibition un til 1KKJ. Stories of shipwreck and lots of life con tinue to arrive in London. It it impossible to approximately estimate the number ot persona drowned in the great storm, but it u very lurgt . CONSTABLES MOBBED. Beaufort, B.C., People Object to a Belt ure of Bmugf led Whisky. State Constab et Kt sn and Stroeuel were mobbed by a large crowd at Beaufor, 8. C, while in inn to seize tome whisky. Brick butt, egna and curtei are said to have been heaped upon the constables. The Govern:! held a long lontultution witii the Attorney General and telegrams have been tent to the sheriM at BeauTort und tbe captain ot the local military company, but their pur port is not kuowr. riwuu und fctroei! went tn Beaufort to see aootil liquor that lia I been siiiui-gled into (tie Hlair. 1 liey g, t a'toard simmer wiui a Warrant, but I In, JuiUiu declined tu recognize it. The coiixtabltw got hold ol a barrel of beer, but were met bv a niub as they lell me l.oat. rimaii tayt lhat there were 3'JU to 400 persons in the crowd. Drnynien and everybody else refuse to t tittlhein, totuey began to roll the bar rel. The crowd followed and pelted ihem with brickbats and other luiMuia. Hwau s iiom, wat broken au.l hit eye terribly cut. During tbe transportation of the barrel it wut siuuaiied and in contents rolled out, When it reached the Jail ouly an buttler were left. A Bad Prairie Fire. ' A terrible prairie fire bat been rsglag east of Guthrie, Ok., in Unonln county, 1 vatiatlug many farms and destroying tiro her, tropaand biiikdinet. Mrs. John Hal, sgi A6. was burned to ties lb and otbeit bud y injured. latxr mwi WAira. ronrtox. The great cotten mills at I'ottentlorf, 20 miles south of Vienna, wat burned to the ground The mill wut the largest of lit kind In Austria and gave employment to 1,000 Of trail vet. An anarchltt'i bomb wat exploded lnlhe machinery of s factory In the village ' of l iefenbacli near tiablonz.Her. Considerable damage was done to the machinery but no body wat Injured. Terrific enow storms prevail in the Highlands of Scotland and a number ot railroad trains are imbedded In great units. rAriTAL Afrn l.Asrm. The I farl ford llty Glast Company has signed the tcale ami w resume nimedl alely. The I'nlte l Gluts Company hat alto signed in the northern district and will ttart two furuacet at Cleveland, N. Y. Hit armor plate shipment! for last month from the Carnegie tteel works nt Homestead amounted to over 27 ,t tons. rniMti viii ntisAt.Tim. At Kankakee, HI., Jesse 1). fimlih, aged in, shot dead hit divorced wife and Mtt. Graybill with whom she was living and then killed himself, U A. llillinrd, who embcrzied 111,000 from 'he Chicago "Tribune" whlie cnhler, tenle iced to four years in the 1 1 nltetit i try. riiirt. Six four-story brick Koret at Pt. f.enls, occupied by the I'addock Hawley Iron ( 't'iii nny, dealers in Itoti and farm imple ments. l.o.on buildings and contents about l2.Vj.0iJO; insurance one half. NKAKCIAL AMI lOMVKIU AU I!o cmlorfl Jt Soot, of New York dealers Indiy I'oodr, have assigned. ... - -. r, i urn. A mil! wnvestr-.i -It H irlingtoti, la., the iiicnurj- gjingdowii to 2" above zero LATEST BRAZILIAN WAR NEWS The New York "ilerahl'' has reclvedthe following dipntclies from the lirtz llini Miuitier of l oroicn Allu rt at l!io: "The ironclad Javarnv, rebel ship, carrying their heaviexi artillery, was sunk in ihe tort by Loyal Kurt Son Joan iSt. John.) The north ern column ol the army which operates in Santa ( murine under command of (Jen. Argola, destroyed the rebel forces, which lost guns, carriages, munitions and horses, liaviiie manv dead and wounded." Iiraziliau Mmi-ier Meudunca said con corning the sinking of the Javarnv: "Its impnriauce lies in ihe fact that the Javaray was the aecoud liest vessel in the poseion of Mello. lie f litis eotild carry n lie miles. She bus been doing iiiol of the destruutlon In the City of N ctlieroy, near lllo. she hail dot-eilamae tothe extent nt mil'lons " Word tomes from Itiit thai the situation there is ciiucal. l'eixoto has again berii iiioiintiug g'liis on the hills n it Inn the i ity liuiiis contiiiry to his undemanding with the Imeifll iliplomats. liem-tul boiiiburdiiient of the capital actio Inevitable, and the lighting with siiiinl nrina is uliiio-t incessant. '1 lie dip lomatic corps has removed to i'etropolis. He'ii-y nrtillery tire continues daily. Kort Yiiii-iguKhoti and Lege have hen 'greatly batleied. A heavy gun at fort San Joan w..h struck by a rcoei shot ami dismounted Durinir Hie boiiilmrdiug on Snliirdav, a shell luirst lit I'ort l.eise. killing en olHcer anil seventeen men, Parts of the city.owing totlie fusillade of nlles and machine guns, are in peril. There liaveabeeu many cans allies in Ihe streets. I he foreivii diinoiiuls consider it Impos sible totnle fiinher steps lor the protedinu ot life end properly, and the naval com manders concur in ilia general opinion which lavors letling but li sides proceed wi'hout any further uiterlenMice. Admiral Mellu is inclined to bombard the city ufter forty eight hours not cu. It has became known to Peixoto't admln ixtration that Mello lute i.ds to make an ef fort to get mil ol the harbor of Itio Willi his flagship Aiiiilabaii in oroi r io meet I'v'xo to s nurships. wnieti ure coming down from New York, and gie tin in battle on the open sea. 1'icpurntioiii to g,ve him a lint reception as he tries to run Hie famitlet ol the ions nt the harbor's cm ranee ure being acjoriiiiiLly uiude with all huMe. (imerai liombaniineiit ol the cu Ital teenia the evit able and ihe lighting witli aiua.l arms it almost incessant. QUEEN LIL'H VERSION. She Writes Blount of Uer Woes in lit. v wail. The correspondence of (Jueen Liliuoka. Inni with Comn Issloner Hlount wat given out by Ihe Siale department and forms the fourth volume of papers on the eied Ha waiian question. The queen detnils all of the events of her reign. She claims she wat warned on December 17, 1NUJ that the American representatives were preparing foranne ation. She advised with thellrit iih iniiiiftur on the subject and he told her to lay the matter before the diplomatic corps. Sheclalmatho people had demanded the newcoiiijiuuion and tliev had elected a new legislature for that iiumose. Earlv in January Uih queen told her household guards ehe Wat going In promulgate ihe new constitution and asked tuem t be reudv lo queil any uprising, r-ho clainn t'hey pledged tier their obedience. She says her cabinet, olticert promised tn support her. She cairns Mr. Culburn acted the part of a iruilor by consulting a lawyer, Mr.Hartwell, on Jaiiuury U ami telling him her In tuitions. She informs Blount that Colbtirn's "Irea sou" set Ihe cabinet against her and gave Ihe revolutionists the cnance they were alter. The story of the revolution it much the tame as thai given by Blount. TO HUMILIATE POWDER LY, Hia Betigr.tticn Will Not Be Accepted But Hia Office Deolared Vacant. On account of the refusal of the Hayet faction in the General Assembly or ihe Knights of Labor to vote for General Mut ter Workman I'owderly't nonii nations fot members of the Executive Bjard tbe latter tendered hit resignation Suturday. The Hayet peop e held a caucus and de cided ol In accept Ma-ler Workman l'ow derlv resignation. Ti.ey claim a majority ol Ilia unciiib y an I tay they will dec'hire. Mr rowderiy't office vacuni to humilia'e Intn, Then they will elect J. K. Sovereign of DesMoinet. la, general master workman, Mr. Sovereign it at home and says he will accept the orHe. He will telegraph the names ol eight men as tin candidates fur the Kxacutive Hoard. From these Hit Hayet ieople will elect lour. Caught in Wrecked Care. A southbound freight tram on Ihe 81, Louis and ban Francisco hail war ran inui au open switch at Long Bell lumber niiile, near Van tluren. Ark. The Ireigbl collided wlin a switch engine and a siring of cars, demolishing both engines and teieral of Inn cart. Four uien wnre caught in the wrei and ba lly uiang ed. two of theui meeting instant death. The dead are J. W, Brown and W. T Hwirn. Tbe mjuitd tie W. . bpoou uud W . it. Beimel i. STRIKERS GROW RIOTOUS. They Stone a Lehigh Station and New Train Handt. The strike on the Lehigh Valley railroad Is still far from settlement. At Hugar Notch, three tnilee from Wl.kesbarre, there was more or less excitement Sunday. A mot ley gang of men and linyt gathered and made all torts of threats ngnlnst tbe men who were at work. The most unruly of the srowd threw stones through the window of the station and compelled the operator to flee tor hi. life. As Sugar Notch it an Important Junction of the road I lilt epl lodede ayed tut ruutiing or trains for quite a while. The striken held a large and enthusiastic meeting in the nliernoon. N? desertions were r poneil, hut luur non-union men olned iu ranks, ihe Hrottien.ood men realize that this It a battle lu Ihe death. If tin y cannot win this con e-t with all the brotherhoods nulled, it wl.l be usele-t lo loliliinie I lie various ingnn Zilioiis. I '.rot li -erhnoil men troiu ail over, tne country nre pouring In money to tne local tie isury, and the strikers w ill be weil piondid lor lor three months. An aitemp: wjs be made by an nnrn'y crowd lo drive a sliiftine i rear fiom their engine on one of the Lehigh Valley branch es, near I lie llillinan lent breaker. Ihe excitement ran high lor s time and stones and ci'iM were thrown nl hcj until a posse of deputy she rifin nrriec I, ' 'J here Is a blockade 1 1 lour freight traint at South Wilkesbarre and all the crews have atiomlon.d llieir engines, lli.e t ain coiitaininv coal car, leaving South Wilkesbarre lor liiirvlew was uncoupled by 8' mi ni fcreuiit and pari of Ihe tram pulled onl, leaving lour cars two-brn emcn behiniL 'Ihe titl) Infer threw their II igt a suv nml jot i eu the sirise't. Tint 7. ir o'clock pastengcr liain due here from the West was stou it nortU of I hue ty I lie sunie evening. Hie depot hai been closed lor fear ot violence; new men are coining in and others are leaving, ihe out look at present il anything but encourag ing lo one side or the other. the l eiiusylVBiiln maiket fre:ght from Jersey Citr bound South on the Central railroad collided with a Lehigh com train at the Washington street crossing in Perth Am boy, N. J., nml engineer Mallory, nt Ihe Lehigh, w ho had taken the place ol a strik er nml who wan making lilt first trip wat killed A number of the deserting crews who were si en at Wilkesbarre tai l they had been suhjected lo au almosi continuous In a. lade of Moms uud coal Irom Sugar Notch to Wilke-barre and mot' of them were to thoroughly fiightened Unit they were glad to quit on the spot. DESTITUTION IN CAN ADA. 400 Indiana iPerish t iom Hunger and More Will Die. The greatest destitution prevails among Ihe Indians all over Canada, and from La brador to Drltlth Columbia comes tales of suffering, l'rlestt and missionaries are vainly endeavoring in n small way to re lieve the misery nml siifTering which has only commenced w ith Ihe urrival of the cold weather and the government hut been appealed to. line of tne Indian towns in the northern part of the province of Quebec has bieu wiied out by reason of the famine. II it already known that more than 4ou In dians have perished because of hunger. II is expected Hint thousands more must in evitably starve before the winter it over. YOUNO STEVENSON WEDS. Hon of tho Vice President Wedt a Re publican's Daughter. The marriage of Lew-it Stevenson, only eon nml secretary of the Vice President, oml Miss Helen Davis, both of lllooiniugtoii, HI., was solemnized at the Second Presby terian church that city, Thursday evening. The bride it the daughter of the editor and owner of a ltepub lean newspaper which has ulw-ava iiiiitfieed Mr hin,-u..,.n ., , - -ir. -.....-.,,1 iuiiuu' ally. li,e wedding ceremony was perform- a,. ,r-ciiic in i, iie'iii.', , re ception followed. .Mr and Mit. Stevenson will tail for France December ii and on their lettirn iti inlirii.rif will ..... t . I Hotel Normandie, Washington. A tlie gnesta were Secretary ol the Navy Herbert Hlld Miss llerhert T WO CAUI nIT'I'S HESION. Tim French and Servian MlniatersDecido to Step Down. Owing to Ihe rejection of ihe proposed income tax plan the Dupity Ciihinei, at Puns, At I're-iilent Crtiot re qtt'tt. M. Cliatluinel Leco ir, l'reiiient of Hie Piemile, called upon loii uv and tried u iiorimn. inni in niriii anotner e ubluet. Diiimiv relu-ed It la be lieved that the crisis will c ml. line through out Ihe wee. Owing lo the tarlll conflict with Austria Hiingiiry, the Seiviun ubinet huve a, so r sitned. (2,000,000 Conflagration. The mott tleStrilRtlvA llm bnnwn In Springfield, Mast., for yean started In the n i. i . .... . uioi; uwneu oy j. n, jiexter and Henry 8. Dickinson, nt M WorthlniMnn urui Th. flames when discovered had gained consid erable headway freni Ihe fact thai the lire seemed lo haveHiurted in the center of the building some lime before it appeared on '"-1 uitit-a. uuu ine names soon tpread beyond Ihe control of tne llre- niin. John Doolen't building, next to the Dick Inson b.ock, went next uud then the Mayor --- " v, ineii auucteo and toon the Hotel Glenuower wot com pletely iiirroumled by tire and tpeedhy C-'ooow probl,b:e '" ' ''Uttied at The Fair May Be Saved. There it a possibility that the principal World't F'air buildiuut will be retained an other year. At u meeting between the offi cial! of the Exposition uud member! of the South Talk Bourd of Con mitsioiieri repre sentatives ut lue Exposition promised to prepaie a scheuu.e ol buildiuus at Jackson i'aik which ttiey have the auuioriiy loturu o erioiue I ura tomuiisaioiiert. i tie latter promised In decide what sum. of money liiey would accept Iron the Exposition in reinrii for a relea-e from all ordiiiuucia. lounactaor bonds, which relate to the res toration ol Jutkiuii l ark to in orgiuul ton- dit.on. Queen Lilon the Throne. Oueen Liliuokalanl wat ra.estahil.h. ed Wedn.tdiiy upon the Ha waiian throne If the plans of Minister Willis carried. That was Hie duy hxed. uceordina to tbe lasteai loformmion Int el ved by Hicieiury liresliiim. According lo a high otticial. the administration baa nol uie least iloubt that the queen hat been lettered. Mini-t.r Willii lui-l re, on-received in Washiugloii did not have Ihe 1 ast iloubt regard! igthe restoration of the queen on toe aitUoimed duv Horrible Self-Mutilation. Fred White, living at Otsego, Wright county, Minn., who, while insane iwoor three roonlbtago, gouged out bit eye and wat committed to the asylum at SI. Peter.eut off hit right leg above the ankle snd with Ihe left hand cut off bit right hand at the writ, using sn at. It It a case of religious insani ty. Ht will probaby die. Salter Will Ott Salted. Cleveland I. Baiter, under arrest In Cin clunaii for selling tpurlous Ht, Loula. Chi cago 61. Paul railway tirkets, will be taken care or In St. Lniva. an o Miner bating none tu that city lo bnnj bill) back. Portuguese Cliarat'terlntlca. The men of Portugal are at fond of ahow at are thu wonico. Their An ger ate nnurly alwayt loaded with rltign, and about their Loillet hantt chains as thick nt rnpot, from which are su'apenUpd liunt'hes of trinket. The I'ortuguotc dandy Is fond of anythlntf that draws attention to his mticli-ctucniftl perton. Above bis showy vest he wcurs a era tat of rich colors, and In his buttonhole a full blown rose. 1 know I am safe lo say Inn thnt most of the promenaders whom 1 have seen on Sundays In the chief thoromhfaict with rldlug whips In their hands and handsome spurs on their hce's have never set foot In a stirrup The spur Is to them a sort of sign of nohlilty which they arrogate to themselves, a relic of tho privileges of the old chivalry. Whore le Hip J'orttiK'iitfC, be he? muleteer or calkor, whose ancestors did not wear golden splits Ht the Lot tic of Otirlque or of Aljntiurrotu? I have noticed Unit a g'fM many off), clhls work In spurs ns t shout to go IF you wish the lightest, sweet est, finest cake, biscuit, bread and rolls, Royal Baking Powder is indispensable in their making. In a Wor d Where "Cleanliness is Hex! lo Godiinsss" n Praise is Too Great for SAPOLIO DR. KILnril'R SWAMP-ROOT CURED ME. Gravel or Slone IN THE BLADDER LARGE AS A GOOSE EGG. Dr. Kilmer k Co., Illnphamfon, K. T. Ilontlenicn:-" was undei the naif of different physicians for nearly two vears: triisi . v, rv UiK-ior in our to-ii;)()iiiliiiis to sudor uuU decline uritiil Was a Dhvali-al wrrrk. J be moat harried physic ians pronounced niy rose GRAVEL or STONE In the Bluddrr, and tuld tout I would never tie at.y better until it was removed by a turglcul ofcratioii. Old I thought what next Every one felt sad; I myself, gave tip, nt an owrnlioii eemed tout nil cert n In death. I shall never toriri'i how tiniclv the good news of yom KH AITIF-ltOO-fr Twichisl me. I solid you by ttils saiiii' mail eHinpleof the stone or gmvcl th il v.iis rilssolied and ejs-lli d bv tlie iim ol SWAMP-ROOT, Tho Crtsl gltntr Bltdrlcr Cure. It must have l.(s-n ns iiirge nan giaal slcd esj eirir. 1 am fislina as well to-ilav asevcr I did. I kept right on usimr SWA .VI -HOOT, and It aavisl my pre. II nuy ono doubta my tUito UK'iit I will furnish proof." Lahobm BowaittuiTii, Slnrysvllle, Ohio. A I Isrnirglata SO rents and SI. OO l.e. ' lbfhllii.' Ouiat- to lluttltl. " f ree-CortsulUUui trM. Dr. Kilmer & Co . Bingbaxulou, N. Y. STHE KIND I THAT CURES WESI.FV PTFHRY, Kidney Trouble for 12 Ycars,B Completely Cured. M tjDs Sauai aui 1.4 Co , f2 Wmlik"1 I'.f'" "'MPe." Mtled irjgj mylMtk. AI 1. in., it w..l..r.i w.. ......... . .M .rouisl. ha I , i,. h, ai.ol.r k o l!,, ff ni'elpM," hl,h l.ii bj couIuLm rrio.i Uly rt urrnH (he r.iis. Out.,,. If U,suliMlv.Kaua,;sbf ' nivtiu II 1 SARSAPAIULLA 1 sasixiiiiia eoui'i.KTri.v ci Ri n MMilroulilr wltk Kldneist labau-k Fx .rh.i .. .. .... iii ...II- .... in. tor In my nu. tT.j nj .ublib liaa , mu'w.i' J '" '"-7 .MI UttW. u i.m. I. E2 ... lour. mils. ! n MorrieUJWD, X. V. WfckLET STEIiRY. E OtSTti Wi- .rft.nly,a.;rUU sritli JL I BrS mrT7 I.". L.. it. I, ni.i. i. rc !-.- j if Jtuaui, A.J.Ct'. M, M.IIJ. j ii Otna Sarsaptrilla Co.. Beltatt, Maine, j Scrofula MiM Delia Stevent. of Boston, Mas., - tniivai (V lltBVta I ways suffered from hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried various remedies, and many reliable phyticians,but none relieved me. After taking tix bottlec of jjsnaraj I am now well Taraverygrate-ESJEZ ful to you at I feel that it saved trie from a life of untold agony, and M I thi.ll take pleasure in Ijllf Pfl speaking only woidt of ItUIUII praise for the wonderful medicine, sxd in recommending it to all. TnullH is Blood ind Ski. Dluiai atsUsa ext. SWIFT SriiClFIO CO., Aixanti, Ga- PIERRE Offfnwoit4wfiU mt c?ae for tUMUl tavMtiMMibs. iiUU iavejattMi wn fjMiw will grttw u uwuaaa Hi fkst i sl (Mi ywan. Vor rt 9Ulr, maua wkI ivi4 uuoUtei aJit va C II A . I M If I B. 1 1 V fcfT Hi EST AWHfc.k, ilrro. mlk fht HINTS WANTED ON tAUIt or eoiusalsafcNi to kst la I'es Sew PatstM O m eai luk IVaalu feavll. Aeeaas awtiat f Mr week. !1aueSi'Msais;Ue.,Xiill.UCtMta.Wia. ' i ia. 'A .v tv c .-. , ...w. i ifjsw it m.jL r tn battle, and when tlictn knights ot the quill peacefully reader tip their One, bureaucratic sou It to (tott, 1 have no doubt that their spurs will be laid on their tombs. Hut have we any right to dwell so lotia In a half mocking spirit oo people of such numerous: and trust, worthy moral qualities, and who, but for their unfortunate ludolenre sod their exaggerated egotism, mlibt la hold up as a model to other nations? Tor tho Portuguese aro naturally good, hocpltab.e, honest In thslr dealing, generous and brsvo, and we are very certain that In the event of nuy threatening of tbe liidom-ndenoi) of their country we should once mora fee this heroic nation, In whom slumbers a powerful nstlooal spirit, ' rise as one mnn ngaltist the Invader, as In 1388 and 1800. DrPEt.mon I irnvo myvif awsy the other night. 1'enclope Well lon't worry over It You aren't out itiytfiiiig. nui ne ueceivea vassaatttttiatttaawe r.nV!?."' nl p'" which sl.lo tbe oaij'ls. inture trie iron anil Inim ,n.i I,", f"lltl Is, Odor less, tuiranle. sua Ihe enr.sumer bass (, , "r Klmm a,c.t with r,p,, jqll " " a COLCHESTER SPADING BOOT KrForrnfrn. Minora. R. R. Rand r ill ar.t t.oesv Thu f.i.tutt nt tun aa utile ftiteooi thn wlmle Jenftt.i t th Mile fJi'WD lo th heel. prnirrflnff Ibf ahnnk In dltrfclint, aim IHI WOWDlSfUL MtCHSNICSL Sff-LLIA. PIANO MOVEMENT BEAUTIFULLY FIsJISHED. The Child's Rest Tearher. Have you teen It? Dhler folks will It very amutint;. Wiaihl you like one? For s) I. OO we will isend It lo your address. jhiharRot paid.' KINDERGARTEN MFG. CO. 92S Ctntem Stmt. Philtdelphia. Pa ATUE WATX PAFEB JfEltCHAJtT VfllTM SELLS THE BEST, Olfll I II THE CHEAPEST WALL PAPER (unit Irtrw3f niiJV fJold l'ntrti V.. 54 J WttuUMtrrri. I liipbnrlit Pa. 1,000,000 ACRES OP LAND for ule by tb Siht Paul A. nnnu Bin sAisi CoMi'AJtT id MtLiMMsU. baud for M&pt wni Ciicn AaAxmm HOPEWELL CLARKE. OommlMlooor, flu fuL Alum, AM IDEAL. FAMIt.V MEDICINE irtr issaiccsiiiuss, iiiuaasWMu II (-at u uaw.ugB, Ms) wsntslcJilaB. 4) K suite Urlls UMl Ml dttOJ ikil 9 Ml UM ffV-lT'h. Uit ana IsoweU, KlPAWti TABULES met ireuLl Vtt tinxtn.T PatWsMtt ifli40'ltn fuiiowt thoir a. Itw.ja1 by aruryiu tr rent by nwli box Vll'AMt. I UKJU1CAL CO., New Tork. iii - ...-" sii. si -ir-t'i'N California! We'll Uat aul Valltaii. it tm t-imuui a tMi rvMiuntM, - - - -w iiv-iTii.c uq. au wait i vwH'issssH.H .nip v i rnfi-et ov mm OUl n-wi.lfllt. Ktuii aU-. ItMlHl .StHe-lo , V I ,,. I A MK tun.m-rluu i. tsama Barbara Co., t-'i(orni vat v ts TU ak" iiw.nti.n vt Invention Hcnd tur I'iur Unitin.or biiwhiKHt, pale-nt. ATKlCkU fVAKhstLU K amis tux? U-O. Ie aa4 eaoala wkobave weak laaaset Asik Ba.thwiM aa. Piae'sOare for UMMWttptlttaw 11 sttssa, lite neat aetiaiar. Ml to take. UutkektMauaa Tot SoM etrywqaa. w v a. - r v m m t I u W