The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 22, 1893, Image 2

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BwaiBS) Ships, Sweep Docks and Harms
Ralls and Wires.
It It estimated that 200 livet bave bran
lost dnrine, (the ya!e which twent ovei
the British const Sunday and Monday and in
addition, the crews of several boats art still
missing, gome Idea of the force of the
tale can be gathered frtm the fart that two
heavy railroad ensdnet were blown off the
track near Inverness, blocking all traffic
ortb, and necessitating tbe dispatch of two
wrecking trains to clear the track, The
wreckage trains hae not since bf en heard
from to It is supposed that the work baa
been Impeded by a fall of snow.
Reports from Hnrve and Calais say the
storm along the Normandy roast is the
worst one experienced in the lal '0 years.
Wrecks are reported fronj every point along
tht coast. Innumerable small crafts have
vanished from the waters along the coast.
Vesselt were draxged from their moorings
and sunk with all on board. More than 3uo
lersona were drowned at Calais and In the
mmeiliate neighborhood. Fifty bodies
have been recovered.
The channel steamer. Foam, which left
Dover for Calais had the greatest dilllcnlty
n entering Calais harbor. Her otlicera
xunledil) wrecks, principally fishing boats
n the 13-mile interval between (
and Calais. They found the east pier bead
at Calais hnrbnr swept away. More thnn
BD feet of the pier had been swe t away.
The harhor looked at if it hsUl been shnken
by an earthquake.
The Hritish steamer Hnmpshlre went
town off tiurnard'a Head on the Cornish
mast. Twenty-three men were lost. So
far definite reports have been received of
the loss of 20 steamers and suiting vessels
along the Hrttith const, with a los of about
7A men. Travelers. liMiing smacks and
mall craft of other aorta have been re
torted by the score as missing from every
important point on the coat. The people
of! the Orkney Islands, off the north oat
of Scotland, have suffered terribly. Many
houses were nnroofed. walls and barns lev
eled and haystacks blown out to sen.
1 he steamship Killarney which arrived
at Cork reports that she found the National
line stenmship Helvetia making signal of
heiress about 10 miles from Milford. The
Killarney stool by the Helvetia for rive
hours, and then, as the fury of the storm
waa increasing, was obliged to leave. A
tug finally towed the Helvetia into Milford
Haven. 130 deaths have been reported in
Havre, France. The losses of the fishing
fleet will doubtless raise the number to 20J
or more.
Two Children Suffocated and a Kumbei
of Others Injured.
The Edge wood Female Seminary, Madi
son, Wis., was destroyed by fire. Two chil
dren were suffocated and several others in
tired. The dead are:
Majorie Rice, Stevens Tolnt, Wis ; Mag
gie Stack, t4 Forty-fifth street, Chicago.
The following were overcome with smoke:
Frances Hnnneburg, of Chicago; Kate
6weeney, of Michigan. One of the sisters,
name un' niwn,
The three latter will recover. The fire
started in the upperstory of the main build
ing, where the girl students, some 50 in
number, were sleeping. The halls were
soon tilled with smoke and the Catholic
aisters who conduct the seminary, had the
greatest difficulty in get. ing the girla out
when little Mnrjorie Rlcr and Mnguie Stack
aged 7 and 6 years respectively, were reach
ed their bodies were lifeless, the little onei
Laving been suffocated.
A new slnicture and several other build
ings were destroyed. The loss is ITV"),
nearly fully insured. TheDoruinican Sisters
:ere given the seminary buildings and
rrouiitls seme ytais ago ty tx-tiov. C. C
Initial Trial of Electricity on Canal Boati
Entirely Satisfactory.
Electrical propulsion of commercial bnah
on canuls is a demonstrated success. Muli
and steam power are doomed. The new powe.
was tested at Brighton, four miles distan
Jro-n Rochester, N. V., on the Erie Canal.
The old steamship Frank Hawley, fittec
with an electrical motor by the Westing
house company, taking power from the
trolley wire overhead, started off without
bitch or hindrance when Mr. Hawley, tht
promoter, of the scheme, pulled the lever.
The electric current was tsken from tht
treet railway, about 600 volts power
Tbe trolley poles are similar to those on tht
electric railway cars, but with a lateral
binge, allowing for a deflection of the boat
six feet either way. They are only tempo
rarity used. Later it i intended to use a
trolley running over the top of the wirt
with a wire drop from the trolley to the boat
and thence connecting with the motor. Tht
boat sped faster than the law allows, six
miles an hour, without hitch or break. Ev
ery difficulty encountered in canal naviga
tion was successfully overcome.
Taactically all tbe Main Line Employes
All the employes of the Lehigh Valley
railroad system are on a strike, because Pres
ident Wilbur refused to treat with a com
mittee of the Brotherhoods and
only to bear grievances of 'the men as indi
viduals. Tbe road is practically tied up.
Only mail trains are allowed to run, the
tuatle'beiiig carried on all kinda of mixed
trains. Tlie officials or the company are
doing everything in their power to provide
for the running of through passenger trains
1 although their success bus been indifferent.
Crews who had not received the order to
strike before taking out tbeir trains almost
invariably proceeded to the end of tbe run,
in compliance wiib the law of 1877. which
makes it a misdemeauur to abandon a train
nu the toad.
Tbe English Miners to Resume Work
at tbe Old Wages.
Tbe confrcence between the Mine Ownert
Association and delegates from the Miners'
Federation, waa held at tbe Foreign Ofilct
London, under tbe chairmanship of Lore
Rosenberg, and It was agreed that the min
ers should resume-work at the old ' wages.
They will work for these until February
When a conciliation board will be formed.
Tbe news that work would be returnee
was received with demonstrations of urea
lov in a the min nu centers of the Mid
lands. The leaders of the strikers read tht
riisDtches a out! in the streets and the wait
ina crowd of strikers cheered themselve.
Loans. Church bells rana in all t. mln
ina towns and ihaiikagiviug set vices held It
the dissenters chapels.
Tna National Tobacco Company Is try-
ina (0 bave tbe charter of tbe Aaaerioao
Tobacco Company (the clgaret trust) revok
ed in New Jersey. -
The entire business portion of Brooklyn,
Dane county, Wisconsin, waa destroyed by
Are. Lots (73,000; small Insurance.
mines sun rrAt.Tits.
lames Newton Hilf was found guilty of
murder In the tirst degree for the killing of
Mis. Ri ta Rotzler at Allegheny, l's., last
riArm. am) OMirnrtAU
The Wisconsin Marine end Fire Insurance
Jompaiiy Hank, better known as tbe Mit
hcll bank, will resume. Ita creditors will
eieive dollar fur do lar. The bank starti
a-iih I.VXi.fX'O capital.
' rontioaj,
fifty-two miners, entombed by a fire ina
mine at Coal Ridge, l.i.gluinl, were all
t.itely rescued.
The Russian minister of ngricullnre, In
his estimate of the probable grain crop;
ligurcs nn Increase of Ift.US4.noo tchttverts
f rye above the aver.ige. An increase is
prtdivltd in all other grains..
misi rt i-AXiova.
The Vavyoit m'saion at Cleveland has
begun feeding the poor. Ninety-twit men
and thien women were given soup, meat
and bread the tint day,
Vtiited Slates troops have been sent to the
Mexican border to g.iard the interests of
Am tlcaii citizens, although 'the recent
Mexican nuthtiak la attributed to a lot
of bandits w ho will lice when soldiers Bp-
Novel and Sucoesst-il Method of Land
ing Three Burg. era.
Three burglars, trnpped by electricity and
the camera bave confessed to robbing the
store of Foster, Stevens A Co., Grand Rap
Ids, Mvh hardware merchants. For tome
time the firm has been a loser by persi
tent till tapping, and all other devices fail
ing, two electricians arranged a camera fo
cused on the cash drawer, and an electric
connection waa made with the Kdion com
panv s plant loopernteit. A burular-alani
device was fitted in the cash drawer, so the'
when the till was opened the electric c n-
nection was made and the shutter of ilia
camera opened exposed the lens, at lie
same Instant setting on a calcium flu-h
liicht. As soon at the flash liuht fuse burn
ed out it broke the circuit and the camera
lent closed automatically, with the iihuu-
grapha of the till tappers imprinted on t lie)
instantaneous plate The three young nun
In tbe crowd were startled with the flic
liaht. but as no demonstration follow.
they finished the Job in peace. T
suspects were arrested and when v
fronted by the photograph tliev broke ra.
and have made full confessions. 'I h it
names are Lew is Stonehurner ami Clin I -a
and Henry Snyder. Thev all live there.
Floyd and Echelt:. tbe MinneapoliaJBank
Frank Floyd and Philip M. Bchelg, who
were arrested Wednesdsy at Southampton.
Eng., on the arrival there of tbe Iteamet
Baale from New York, were arrained in
the Bow street extradition court and re
manded for a week.
Schieg is charged with stealing 190,000 It
cash and a lot of valuable Jewelry from tht
vault of the bank of Minneapolis, Minn.
last September. Frank Floyd and his broth
er Ix3ii. the latter of whom it now nndei
arrest In New York.are charged with aiding
and abetting Scheig in the theft. Scheig wa
paying teller of tbe bank.
The Boy Couldn't Stand Seeing a Little
8tster elapped.
Monroe Wvatt, a wealth farmer of Flor
ence station, near raducah,Kvdied Wednes
day from the effects of a blow dealt him by
bis step-son, Fred Hughes, Saturday night.
Wyatt had slapped one of his little
daughters when Hughes interfered striking
bint several blows on the bead with a fire
shovel. Hughes escaped and hao not yet
been captured.
Entire Ttwn For Bale.
The remarkable spectacle of sheriff
selling an entire city for debtwat pretented
when Kanawha City, W. Va., or rathet
2,0110 lots in Kanawha City wat sold. Kane
wha City is the ambitious name of a new
town that was founded several years ago to
rival Charleston. Several hundred thou
sand dollars were sunk in it by Investors
and lots sold at high premiums. Tbe boom
collapsed and most of tbe city wat told for
Wants a Little Fresh Air.
frank 1'. Scearce, the awell Lexington,
Ky., forger sawed himself out of Jail and is
now at liberty. Sees ret wat a prominent
society and butiness man until a shorttirae
rgo, when it was discovered that be had
been guilty of swindling to the extent of
.W.fXKi. Scearce left the following note to
Jailor Wilkerson:
"Dear I'ncle Billy 1 will return on Jan
nary i. lettis). the day set for my trial. I'o
not bother about me. .1 will keen mv word
flza akt has 100,000 tramps.
Tax living graduates of rrinoeton number
Florida oranges will be very plentiful this
Tramps take possession ol California
Thkbi are over 1000 Chinese Masons in
At Renttle, Wash., a Chinese firm will erect
a four story block.
Tax indebtedness of Spokane, Wash., li
plaoed at 380 to eaob family.
Oeobob Shaw, a prospector, waa found
frown to death at Tellurlde. Col.
Thk number of cattle killed at Eansai
City, Mo., aiuce January 1 is 786.S7IH
The town of Tekoa, Wash., has adopted
tbe ball-and-chain remedy for tramps.
Up to date, in New York, this baa been thi
worst theatrioal season for many years.
Bbowk UxivsasiTT has an enrollment ol
607 atudents and a faculty of eixty-Qve.
More than 1500 tramps eromed tbe Cali
fornia Hue going south from Oregon during
Oabbett Ethebtoe, a Missouri miner, re
sent ly sent out a lump of coal weighing 31441
A mokbteb gat well baa been found near.
FIndlay, Ohio, that breaks tbe world's reo
ord with 50,000 ftsst a day.
Bixtjoa Ashing is prohibited In the State of
Washington betwee 4 p. as. oaSaturdaye
and toe same hour on Sunday.
Q a Attn Rarioa. Web.," to offered free efctv
telephones and lbs public the ear viae at $M
t year, It a franchise shall be (rented a now
euapeoy. - '..
kKOt'XMIKO THE rAMOl't amiibacite col
.traits. l'orrsvii Lr The work of reopening the
abandoned coal operations on Thiirnn tract
was began Tuesday by the Red Ash Coal
Company, which Is composed of Pcranton
and Wllketbarre capitalists, at the bead of
which It Senator Morgan B. Williams. It
is exactly forty-six years since the machin
ery was removed and the work abandoned
after fire bad burned its way frnm the sur
face to the bottom of the 0 JO foot slot.,
which caved In.
The first loaded car was hoisted from the
slope, which Is down sixty feet. Thousands
of tons of the best quality of coal remain
In the mine, which wat only partially
worked. By fully developing the operations
the company expects to have one of the
largest producing collieries In the lower
anthracite coal field.
A TRAtTER's MYSTRRIOl'S DKlTn. For some years psst David
Beeper, 70 years of age and a great trapper
hat lived alone nt a wild snot In the moun
tains four miles from Llgonler. He wat
found dead in bis cabin Wednesday and
there are enough mysterious featmes to
warrant a thorough investigation. Thean.
nouncement of his dtnth will be bad news
to a multitude of sportsmen in western
Hi'smMtiBos Three maskd robbers en
tered the residence of John Horning of
Horningsford. Mifflin enmity, and after
breaking all tbe doors held up Mr. Horning
and his family at the points of their revol
vers and compelled him to open tip hit safe
tnd give up 1100 In cash. The thieves then
prepared themselves tome supper and after
Mulshing their meat gathered up the futility
tilver and decamped
ti iiiFM.c or oi.AKir.ttt,
Harrisiiuro Secretary Edge of the state
board of agriculture was informed that sev
eral fresh cases of glanders has broken out
imong horses in Wllketbarre. Thirteen
horses In that city affected wltb the diteate
were recently killed and cremated In tbe
hope of flopping its spread.
Lebanok Iron ore, said to assay CO per
:ent of Iron per ton; was discovered Jon the
large tract of land of William C. Freeman,
in South Lebanon township, three miles
tast of tbe famous Cornwall ore bills.
Joseph Gamowa v. a farmer of near Fay
ette City, was thrown from his buggy in a
runaway. His feet caught In tbe gearing
and hit body wot dragged for two miles
and bruited into a Jelly. He wat 80 years
Wii.t.tAM Hai'Mit and Allen Stephenson,
g'asablowera. fought with knives at Belle
vernon, as a result of a drunken quarrel,
lloth sutler from a dozen or more bad
wounds. I bey will likely die.
Martha Cummikc.s, a young women liv
ing near Huntington, went to the World's
Fair five weeks sgo. The last heard of her
was two weeks' ago and it is feared she has
met with foul ploy.
The fish commlttion at Harrlsbnrg line
given totice that next month 5.000 rainbow
trout fry, all hatched a year ago will be sent
to Ohio 1'y le to stock tbe Youghiogheny.
At New Caatle, a 6-year-old daughter of
James W. Clark wat probably fatally burn
ed by her clothing catching fire, while sbi
was burning a pile ot runoiin.
l.t'THER Jones, of Pcranton. while suf
fering: from a stroke of apoplexy fell
igatntt a re ore picket and sustained injur
ies Irom wlych he died.
Mrs. Roiikrt Cook, of Br nil ford, shot her
eif twice In the breaat with a revolver, be
cause her husband came home intoxicated.
She will probably die.
Two votine- men. both well dressed, sun-
posed to be from Newark, N. J were in
ttantly killed by the l'acillc express near
Altoona on minaay.
New Castle merchants will not slve un
employed workmen reductions in prices
lor goods and the mlllmen may start a
general ttore.
Masked men beld nn Isaao Stickles, a
peddler, not far from tireensburg, knocked
him senseless and rubbed hkm of two silver
Vxioktowk. The Lelth works of the H.
C. Frick Coke Company fired 'J0O ovens.
This plunt has been idle since May for re
pairs. The diphtheria epidemic at Mabonlng
lown Is increasing to an alarming extent.
The schools bave been c used on account of
The Irwin plate glass company has sul
fi cient orders ahead to keep ita plant run
ning tor three months.
ATflreentburg John Hamilton was sen
tenced to seven years in the penitentiary ful
horse stealing.
TJi.vssks BANOERof Mrander's Mil's Butler
county.ctokcd to death on corned beej
Frak Covmi.EY. 13 vearold, was klllec
by an Erie railroad traiu near Ureenxille.
Stmikiko Wilkeabarre weavers are going
to work at reduced wagee.
Llttlo N'adce was In trouble She
came crying Into the house, bur lit
tle gathered up lit ono hand,
us If to preserve some most precloui
"I've li'oke my smellin'-tiottlo:"
she gobbed, l.ftliiK tear-wet, implor
ing eyes to my faca
"Your MDellintf-bottlc!" 1 re
peated. "I didn't know jou had one.
Where are the plects'r"
She hold open her apron, and what
do you think lay, there' The scat
tered petal of a rose! This was her
to-UKd "smelllntt-bottle," and
while she was union it It had fallen
apart .
jne ranting High Shoultler.
The fashion for high shoulder, wltb
ill its smartness, is rapidly passing
swav and the over-fashtonalilo gui
pure lace is being supplanted by point
d'Alencon as a decoration for gowns.
The new lace Is of a lovely yellow
tone, its net clear and rather broadly
meshed ami scattered with conven
tional designs in a series of stitches
that look ilka the patient grouping
it a myriad millet seeds,
Thebb are always some rare bar
gains at tbe meat market. talve
loo Slews.
To Prevent the Lynching of a BruteWhc
Assaulted and Murdered a Young
Miss Tlirdle linngh, aged 20 years, Iht
only daughter of C C. Kaugh, a wealthy
farmer of near Alliance, O.. was assaulted
ind murdered by Curt Davidson a farm
band, who then attempted suicide by cut
ting hit tbroat with a razor, I'angh and
his wife were away from borne. Davidson
soarded with the family. No one wltness
td the crime, but Irom the apiearance of
Ihe kitchen It seems that Miss Itangh bad
waited until her two brother and David
inn had gone to bed and then covered the
Hreandwas ta-lug off her thoee when
Davidson returned and ttruck her on the
bead with a piece of Iron The fellow then
ricked her uu and carried her to tbe barn,
110 yards, where after assaulting her be cut
brr throat from ear to ear.
The crime waa not discovered until morn
ing, when Miss Haugh'a brother found her
mutilated remains, nearly stripped of cloth
ing, lying on the barn floor. About tht
mine hour a farmer living half a mile from
the Kaugh home discovered Davidson lying
on a pile of straw in his barn yard with his
throut cut. He Is about 40 years old, un
married and has worsed for Itaugh for
several years. The phvslclant tay David
son may recover, hut if he doet 'he will
prohutuy be Ivnched as the town it In a
frenzy of excitement.
The threatening assembly of men nt ap-
fiarently designated points In the city dur
ng the evening convincedthelocal authori
ties that .MurdererDavidson was in imminent
inuger ot rope or bullet. The Mayor wired
-heril K rider to come at once Irom Canton
The sheriff arrived shortly after 1(1 o'clock.
The guard on Davidson was re-enforced, but
In lesa than an hour the situation became
in threatening that Comnany K ol the
Eight Keglment of Ohio's 'National Uuard
was ordered out.
As midnight approached the situation be
:aine to threatening that the city snllior
itles beld a conference with the sheriff and
ather county ofttcers. It was llnallv decid
ed to send bim tothe county Jail at New
Llbson. Orders were given secretly and at
midnight a city ambulance was brought up
to tbe rear entrance of the bouse where the
murderer was under guard. Davidson waa
quickly transferred to the ambulance, but
before the start was made 300 men appear
ed at the starting point. Kn route to the
Italian the mob was reinforced by -IK) ex
cited citizens, and there was an nnbroken
llorra of groans and maledictions from lbs
riursiirers. Tbe ambulance had been
urneil and reached the station tjnst as the
train pulled in. There was a rush for the
helpless figure when It was dragged out, but
the guard closed around it and the militia
kept the mob at bay. Tbe instant David
son was dumped into the car tbe train
pulled on".
Tbe sheriff acted none too soon In taking
the murderer out of the city. Eighty resolute
men had pledged each other to take the
wretch from the Khaw house and. hang him
between 1 and 2 o'clock. Tbe details had
been arrangrd and the rote roenred. The
sianal waa to be the shutting off of tbe ar:
lights in the streets at 1J..10. i wenty of the
men were in a hall mid were preparing
disguises that were to render identification
less easy in case of resistance by the oltlcers,
when one of the men doing picket duty at
the house where Davidson was held report
ed the intent on of the sheriff to spirit tbe
prisoner away. Hixteen of the twenty men
favored stormins tbe Sbaw bouse and an
ticipating the otlicera.
Fame has sixty labor papers.
Bricrlatees hnve 311 unions.
Loxdo has 9500 union printers. '
All Fall River mills are running.
Fall River. Mass., has ROOD weavers.
Tbe Chickasaw Nation needs cotton pick
ers. Cioarmarers have (504,000 in their treason-.
Racravexto, Cat., has worklngmen'epolltl
enl oluba.
Bread riots bave occurred among Wiscon
sin miners.
QriEitxsLAJD bas aliteen labor members ol
tbe Assembly.
Thousands of unemployed men from Col
orado are going to Texas.
Gervasy prohibits tbe employment ol
union men on Government works.
A store saw placed In tbe quarries at nut
land, Vt., does the work ot about 100 men.
Firrt per cent, of the workfngmen and
women of Fenuaylvanlo are out of employ
ment. The Salvation Army at Han Francisco save
dinners to over 1D50 people on oue day re
cently. Machinery in a Plttaburg steel works en
ables 2000 men to do tbe work formerly done
by 6000.
A Bostos editor baa been appointed State
Inspector ot boilers, stationary engines and
Riots have been precipitated at Los An
geles, Cab. In tbe work of exterminating
Chinese garden workers.
A Pittsritro iron worker, after hunting
work for two months, was sent to the peni
tentiary at Syracuse, N. Y., as a trdtnp.
The Htutn Convention of Railroad Tele
graphers at Byraouse, N. V., declared against
strike. The union emhraoes eighty-live per
cent, of the craft In New York State,
Bobtok coal handlers have asked nnion
men not to reeeive ooal or wood after S p. ro.
Teamsters are now working fourteen hours
a day, and they get from $9 to til a week.
Tbe occupation employs 1600 men.
Ble-geat Southern Exhibition Yet Held.
Tbe opening of the third annual Augusta
Exposition In connection with the Georgia
State Fair took place Wednesday, .'i0,00J
people being present The exhibits are
typical of the Industry of tbe Southern
States, and in its trope the exhibition sur
passes anything yet held in the South.
Twenty-live Elates and eight foreign coun
tries are represented.
Burned Alive in a Wreck.
A pa-sengtr irain on the East Alabama
railroad jumped the truck on a curve and
rolled do n a 10 toot embankment. The
wjeck lot.k lire from the uveiiuriilna of Hit
stoves ami a pimic followed alining I ho
terror im ken pn.iw.feiH. 1 human Dn -er.
ol Luiayetre. was unlit under a seat
ami luitiieil tu a crip. 'Ihe cu-e of
Ihe derailment la not known. The smoker
and one tonili were burned. Driter was
creinned heture the eyes of the other pas
sengers who were puerlett to save biu-
Tbrao Boys and a Gun,
Will's the three sons of John Burgraff, of
near Marion, 8. D aged 6, 11, aud 13 years,
were busking corn, tbe eldest picked up a
gun for the pui pose of scaring the other
two. and In the attempt to shoot over tbeir
beads blew tbe head off one and fatally
wounded the other.
Louis Jackso.m, aged eO, of New York,
bas been sued for breach of ) remise , by
Rosa Ulautdorf, a widow, fihu wants
they got 120,000.
Cbicago'a Big Rockery the Bcsne of s
Wondsriully Bold Bobbery.
J. O. Drake, treasurer of the Indiana
Illinois Iowa railway.wat assaulted In hit
office in the Rookery building, Chicago ane
robbed of many thousand dollar! which lit
bad parked In a valise preparatory togolti
out npon tbe road to puy employes. A
trail carrier In passing Mr. Drake s nfflct
heard groans within and upon enterit
found 1 he official lying upon the ft 001
bruised aud In a semi-conscious condi
tion. "I've been robbed bv two men." tsld
Mr. Drake leehly, and ihe on safe, over
turned valise and scattered pairs confirm
ed histtstenient. Big welts on hU head
bore evidence of savage blows. He had but
little to aay, but the sum or 0.000 was
mentioned as mtssinc ond It was stun un
derstood tbat tbe robters had made away
with that amount.
The assault occurred about 7 o'clock a.m.,
when there were Tew people In the ruilld
Ing. No one about the place remembers
of having seen a suspicious character and
dense mvstery snrroiitids the allair which
Is one of the boldest robberies that has oc
curred in Chicago for venra.
Mr. Drake mine down early In the morn
ing to secure no nev tu puv off aloiut the
line. He look 2u.(Kmi from lliesalr.lntei d
lug to leave on the train. He wus fol
lowed intothe olllce by two ordinary look
ing, smooth fnced men ami ttruck down and
the I'.tl.UHj taken, lie was struck on each
temple and his bead bears the murks of the
He could give no very accurate descrip
tion of the roliOers, but Indicated that they
heavy men and wore lurge ulsters. While
Mr, Drake lay semi coiiM-iuiis on the Hoor
the robbers unlocked his valise and scoopen
Ihe pay envelopes into Hie lerce pockets of
their ulsters. Occurring as it did in the Itook of the largest and be-i known ollloe
builiiings of Cliiiniro, situated in the heart
sf the business district, the robbory caused
Intense excitement. IliHness was almost
it a ttandstill in the neighborhood during
Ihe day. It but been the cintom of the,
treasurer to ay the eiuploves ol the road In
:hecks. Had the custom ' been continued
li e startling robbery would not have been
Ittempted In all prohablity, but within t le
past week the officials decided to pay lu
oiuirt, ri.orR Artu rr.Ep.
WHEAT No. 1 Red I flfl f 07
No. 2 Red 04 65
CORN No. 2 Yellow ear... 45 40
High Mixed ear 42 43
No. 2 Yellow shelled 45 4tJ
Hhelled Mixed 44 45
OATH No. 1 White 35j 80
No. 2 White 341 85
No. 3 White m 84
Mixed 82 83
RYE No. 1 Ml 67
No. 2 Western, New 53 64
FI.OUK Fancy winter patf 4 00 4 'US
Fancy Hpring patents 4 25 4 60
Fancy Straight winter.... 3 60 8 75
XXXHakere 8 00 8 25
live Flour 8 2-5 8 50
Buckwheat flour. 2 3
HAY Baled No. 1 Tim'y.. 13 00 13 60
Muled No. 2 Timothy 11 00 12 00
Mixed Clover 11 00 12 00
Timothy from country... 18 00 20 00
FF.F.D No. 1 W'li Mil V T 1H .50 1(1 00
No. 2 White Middlings 17 00 17 50
Brown MiddliiiKt 15 00 10 50
Bran, bulk 15 00 15 50
STRAW Wheat M 7 01
Oats 70i 7 50
ItAiKV l-komii'iA,
BUTTER Elgin Creumery i'9 83
Fancy Creamery 2" 2
Fancy country roll 20 23
Low grude k cooking.,.. 10 15
LHF.EHE Ohio, new Hi 12
New York, new 12J ll
Wisconsin Hwiaa 1-ij 15
I.imliurger (New mak... l.'l II
Am.ES-Fitncy, V bhl... 3 25 3 f0
Fair to choice, f bhl.... 1 60 2 75
GltAI'KS.( oncord.o iny b'sk 11
Deluware, posy basket... 10 12
Catawba, mny basket.... 10 12
Niagara, ony basket 1U 12
N Y & M(new)BeantVhbl 1 00 2 0)
Lima Ileum Sj 4
Fancy bn 65 70
Kweet, per bbl 2 00 8 (0
CAHHAtiE per hundred.. 3 00 4 00
0NIONH Yellow(jlobeibu 55 J
Mixed Country 40 50
Spanish, per crate 100 125
ri UNH'W purple topi 40 -Ml
1-otl.lKV ETC
Live chickens tt pr. .
i.tve i'iicki ft pr....
LlveOeeseV pr 1 ( 1 25
Live Turkeys fib
Dressed ch H kens v ID,.,.
Dressed ducks V It
Dressed turkeys t lb.,...
RUGS Pa At Ohio fresh....
K.xtru live Geese V lb
No 1 Extra live geese Jr lb
TA LLOW Country, V lb .
II v
3EED8 Clover
Timothy prime
Blue grass
RAGS Country mixed ...
rIOXEY White clover....
0 25 6 50
1 75 1 85
1 40 1 70
k U
15 17
. Ill 12
Al l KrtVUIll
MAIi.E SYRUP, new crop. 50 1 00
?l PEK count rv'sweetei bol 0 00 6 60
WHEAT No. 2 Red
12 773(3 60
RYE No. 2
XRN Mixed
Hill AtlELflllAT
WHEAT No. 2. Rett
XRN No. 2, Mixed
)ATS No. 2, White
3L"1TER Creamery Extra.
UG I'a., Firsts
ff-OUR Patents
tV HEAT No Ued
tYE V'e-tern
XlRN No. 2
MIS Mixed Western
HITTER Creamery
LGGS Mute aud J Vint
(1 fi0Q$3 75
200 4 CO
05i OH
6 62
45 45J
30 i
17 it
24 20
l'er 100 lbs.
'rime Pteers.
iooU butcher
4 nito
3 75 to
3 30 to
2 00 to
6 40
4 Ml
8 H4
3 25
6 60
'om mini
Hullsuml dry cows
k'eal Calves
'rali cows, per head
frlmeOSto 100-Bi sheep....
looil mixed
."oiniuon 70 to 76 lb sheep...
.'bone Lambs
4 00 to
20 0U to 45 0J
8 20 to S 80
2 70 to 8 00
1 00 to 1 60
3 00 to 4 00
It oat.
(elected 6 10 to 6 15
'rime Yorkers 0 00 ti 6 JO
ieavy , 5 75 to Mil
loughs. 4 SO b 6 26
The Dairy.
Butter statistics are surprising;.
The census returned show the eoor. M
nous ctresrste of 600,000 tons, or
t,Z0O,0M00 pounds, manufactured
in tbe United States In 180; and the
lusotlty bat probably increased
ilnce. How much of all this was
tleoniarffarlne, ao'.d under the name
it butter, It Is now getting a little,
late In tbe day to Inquire. But tbe
the returns are professedly all of gen
uine butter, and this may be tbe fact.
It Is said that the 1800 product In
this country would require 1,000
freight trains of 30 cars each, and
eaob carrying SOtons, to transport it.
Iowa seems to be the largest butter
producer her return, three year
ago, being a hundred million pounds
(100,000,009), worth 821,000.000. Illi
nois stood next, wltb 95,000,000
vorth 820.000,000. Wisconsin's pro
duct was 45,000,000 pounds, worth
89,000,000, and Minnesota's nearly att
great hers being worth 88,000,000,
while Bllt blgan's waa worth 87,600,
000. In 1885 the RS-teiaed value of
cows was 8700,000,000 or more than
the capital of all the national banks,
at that time. Inciodible as It may
seem, It appears that the annual ,
dairy butter product of the United
States eicecds In value that of all of
the lumber, wheat and Iron com
bined. That, at any rute, is tho
statement of a statistician who pub
lishes the results of his Bgurlng.
Other dairy statistics, milk, cream,
and cheese, also make a bin sliowimx.
Curious Occupations of Hindoos.
Census blank recently distributed )
by tbe Engltih Government In India
for the purpose of ascertaining the
size of the population have Just been
returned to the home olllce, and "
among them aro at curlooa docu
ments as were ever collected In a sim
ilar undertaking. Under the hoatl of
"profession, occupation, etc.," a num
ber of Hindoos admit candidly they
are "professional dobtors,"' "constant
borrowers," or ' men of secret re
sources," Others have put them
selves on record as thieves, village
thieves, and brigands. Pome of more
modest aspirations call themselves ;
tavern keepers, visitors of taverns,
traveling story tellers, mendicant?,
pensions on their sons-in-law, or sim
ilar Idlers. One Hindoo says that
"he cannot work because be Is u
fool" Others confess to a more seri
ous occupation, such as "expounder
of oracles, " "eye examiner," 'norce
rer," "storm prophet' "tamtam
player," "doctor of Greek medicine."
Another says that he conduct a mar
riare bureau for young domestics; a
second declares that "be I making a'
business of marrylns oft his daugh
ters for money," which latter Is un
doubtedly a very lucratlvo field. One
profession which seems to be very re
munerative is that of "hiring out u
a professional court witness," and It
followed by several nindoos Sk
Louis Post-Dispatch.
Hatch's Universal Couirh Pjrup will curs
that cough aurjirialn-ly quick. cents.
The unclaimed funds n the Engl at
Jourts amount to 3r;l,2,!,410
Beechem1 fltls are better than mineral na.
ten. bwx ha uiv uuol tiers. ueuts a box.
There are (KIO varitiea of cotton
Lung and Kidnsy Trouble,
Dsieia. sail rheum, an aitack of ahinirloH
and a severe cotntb compelled nietogiveui
work a a mason anil after five years nf suffer
Ini nearly look away my life. Then 1 took
Hood's Hh ran purl 1 1 a, which efTeeletl a cure
The nelchliora think It very atranae to see un
at work again. I. la the i-treniilh given tne It)
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which enables me tu do It." Isaao Ahkh
Vienna, N. J. Get only Hood'a sarsuimrilla
lleae'a I'lIU are thebe-t f.i-j--ll. ner fills a
aist 6 saeliun, curs lieaitwctie. ftceius Irsabus
rn v y -j
Cures CcuEhs. Hoarseness, Sore TUruat, Ciuuu.
Whooping Lough and Asthma. For C'muA
ticmii has no nvl t tiaa cured thousands whue
all others failed ; will cure you il taken In l.aic.
Sold ty LiruLTcists on a guarantee. For Lams
fcatk or Chei.ueSHlT.OII'S i'LASTER. s: cut.
Ti.w i , -.. , rt, v This remedv la s-tiaran-
teeO to cure f iu. PHr-eptnta. iuieutor tree.
la a scientifically prepared Liniment;
and barmlcHa; every Ingredient in of
recognized value and iu constant unt
Ly the medical profesbion. It short
ens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminibbea
Danger to lift of Mother and Child.
Book "To Mothers" mailed free, con
taining valuable information and
voluntary testimonial.
Bent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt
Ot priue, CI M pal bwllie.
bolu bv all drueattu