The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 08, 1893, Image 3

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    It Is Not
What We Say
But what Hnoii's Harsupsrllla Per
tLat te'.ls the .ten
Hood's Cures
Pains in the Back
And k Witter trouble iti,eil ma four yrnraot
nffprtnir. tit-);f when I conimfin-cil lo
take Howls arwtjwrillA. An Improvement
w quickly rt tftx) ami I continued taking
IIootl fearm) nr. Ha till now my lfk la niron
and ! am In erfrct u';.ith. 1 think noiiriemti
Hood's5 Cures
praise Hissls Min-Rpsrill as much as it will
TKle Itself." .lolls r'AXTON. Ncnttilatc. I'll.
IJ4'a I'ilU cure crr..lli atk.n. Try a boi.
PHI' 4 S
"What is August Flower for?"
As easily unr.wertd as asked. It is
for Dyspepsia. It is a spteial rem
edy for the Stomach and Liver.
Nothing more than this. We believe
August Flower cures Dyspepsia.
We know it will. We have reasons
for knowing it. To-day it has an
honored pluce in every town and
country store, possesses one of the
largest manufacturing plants in the
country, nr.d Fells everywhere. The
reason is simple. It does one thing,
end dots it right. Itcurcsdyspcpsia
Tl.ltTrsre lion the twrt
In the World I
kTHE kind i
M.lonv, .V. V.
R On Crutches 10 Years!
rn tivsri.t uvs I riti n. trstlfy to tht enlctcvS
gif IjANA'n AHsaI'AKIIXA. 3
U Tor rvi-ril mn I haw tarn tunVrlng fmtn ft VI
Hloul lklMrlr railed hy diffvmitpf
MiihtitM hv ttu-w (: I'liwiMin wtio aiienat-d m AC
tu( wrtii'ti Imffli't) On aklll if tluinali. It l-H
t..a.-d ii.v li.r-, AWAYy
J'l'HI-. )'MII, itittl kuviitK s frntenin
FHrMinttriK Mir, wlii it iwtluiii: wenM ii.-ai. I'M
t ,.,.t ..ii iv a rilVKRr1
DnOKI:, i r iiw.i.trti 1 v.a fwntiHJ toM
pmy ltl atid hnv imtii iiiihIiIi1 U tvulk??
gf. without i-rutt iin l'r ii r ( yt'tir
U Leva. 1'a.J 1 iun l,at-tl tliM't- holt';-, oa U
fc-.k (t l4.'thf;i . 1 cmii tMiW Nltrntl
Uinv hitHkvhwld duikmantl wulk m well H
ru tVfr. s;
fini 1 am ur' thr.t niv rtac Ii m near mlrnulo UU
IJuiytiiuiU tfiht Hfiu Nl llii- irt rut Uy. W
Kg I urn vi ry ii.icrtlv v..ur, Wta
Mk.W,.. V. 3llt. iJ.t i;U CItKRRIER-
m OFNTLfMrNi i'Im-Io U-fKmonlal uf Mrt B-S
JP Chftricr. i rimttK i-imJowimiiI uf ytJiirn
vaJtifeti.ciiiipuiiil. WnlNhcvr hrr tUtoiuvut b'Bi
lllwtrut) la vrry rBit4'tt Eii
f MaloDf . N. Y. WJuUJHtiil iiri.ti
Dina Sartipartlla Co., Btltut, Main.
11 A I ' 1 V'l'CTItAliKMAKKS kxHiiitHHll W
A J I iuid Htlvit c 4(o pattMtiubimy
of ltivrnlitii. Hr rttl fur lu vt'ittttrn Oultlt'.or hwltiKit
pMlut, I'A ritlt'K u'f AHKKIiL., WamHimiitun, U-U.
(Nrk i w HtUvnmdf hy netivn aicnnu aWllnv
;HH I.WW tiur nihchluf. nnlcil, utfout t mvll
Um Ut-at TvMwrltc r lb ti wttrlit; xrluklvi ifirrllury
plvU. Adi.nva N. 1 V I'll W lil'l KIL (.1)., IhMKiu.Mttiw.
cures rising
nllrnil otiilil-lwariiiK kuuian, 1 liave been a
mlil-if for uuuiv ver, nd In eueh taxi
where "Mother s friend" liudheunuked filial
M'umililwU wnniiera Hid relieved much
BuflerliiK. H la ttiu lieat remedy for rldnir of
the bieut kuowu, and wort), tlie price lor Uut
ttiolaa. AliUt. M. M. llHuai'KH,
AluuiKouu.ryt Ala.
Bent by nprm, eharnei prepaid, on receipt
at price, (l.u per bottle.
Mold lj tM druiaU. AlLiJiTA, UA
THE LABOR WORLD. hne. S4I union frnmein.
JrA! employ 321 .OM co.lon aplnJlca.
fnirAc-o report 76.000 akllled men ldl.
Omaha. Noli.. hiu a colored bitrbera' union,
Nr.w Yona hn over 300 Inbor ornlz.v
T.ACKniT bands will form Nntlonal
Haooklttv br. s Worklnirraen't Free
ti AttTronn. t'onn., baa 423 nnlon ettf
!. amf.nto Valley, f'allfornlB. h Indian
hop plfkcra.
Kmt Rood mnnufniitiro employs 2.1.000
New Yorliera.
Joi.trT (111.') steel workera have br.-l their
wnirea cut 33', per cent.
Tnr. Kail Kiver Spinners' Union has
donated ("C0 to Idle member.
Si-othsd ha n bank operated by rnllroml
employes. It has l,7M.00O on deposit.
BnoTnr.Btioun trainmen pay out 4M.003
per month in death and disability clnlms.
A rtTTsnrao firm has paid all the wairo
temporarily withheld during the Mrinireney.
AvrntrAt delegate may attend the con
vention ol railroad worker in 1'ari ucil
A wntiAM walking delegate ordered a
airldn In a shoe factory at Mlddleslioro'
Mass. Lost.
Complaint now come fro.n New OrleBn.
I.n.. that unemployed 'adoring men from the
far West are swarming Into that elty.
I.owei.l(Mbs. clergymen will aid the un
employed by srlllnK eonl at wholesale rates
and through other effective agencies.
SravAST In tlhlna receive from sixty cents
to a dollar a month wages and board. Car
penters, masons, bricklayers, etc. . arc glad to
get 04 a month and feed themselves.
Wrkn the great shirt, collar and cuff In
dustrie ol Troy, N Y.. are running full
time they employ from 15.000 to ltt.000 per
sons, and the pay roll reaches tl. 800,000 pet
Oiat.s In a Louisville (Ky.) laundry struck
rathertban handle the linen of the Louis
ville and Nashville special ears, upon which
road a strike was on. The railrondvrs lost
their strike.
Tna Walters' Tlenevolent Association of
Boston was donated fsno at tholr thirtieth
annlvornry by their emnloyers. The asso
ciation has disbursed 4&0.000 In sick and
death benefits.
At New Castle, l'enn., the rittshurgnnd
Lake Erie liailro.ul, thu Etna and Kosena
Furnaces and other establishments are dis
pensing with Itnlian laborers. No less than
300 Italians have left New Castle wllblu the
past month for Italy.
TIloxhix Is still pertorming on the tight
rope in London.
Ex-Orr.E Ixm'.ki.i.a, ol Spain, celebrated
recently Her sixty-seventh birthday.
Thb Income of Henry Lalvouchere from
London Truth is estimated at (50.000 a year.
Vttcsinr.NT Caiixot. uf France, bus finally
leclded to become a candidate lor re-elua-Ion.
Hr.NATou (iAi.i.iwicn, of New Hampshire,
has the baldest and smoothest bead In the
Sins. finANT, widow ol the fleneral. ha
fetermlned to make her luture. Iioniu In
The Empress of llussla's physician when
n attendance upon his imperial patient re
ceives a fee ol S50a day.
The Rev. I.. M. Wise. I. I..of Cincinnati,
las just celebrated the fiftieth anniversary
5f his ordination ns a rabbi.
CnAMf. the great shipbuilder, says that
)e tloeft not go abroad oftener liecause an
icean voyage prostrates him with seasick
ness. While ho was in India the Austrian Arch
Inke frail. Ferdinand, shot MOO bead of
rame inclu ling Mvo elephants and twenty
Colonel II. H. Lamer, father of the lata
flduey Lanier, the poet, died a few days
(luce at Macon, (la. He was n lawyer and
eminent iu liis profession.
Prkhidknt Wootintrp. ot tha Slormon
Church, though eighty-two years old, nian
Iged to get about the 'hicngo Kair as well
is most olthe younger visitor.
I 'iiarlotte M. Jonok. the English novelist,
seveuty years old. Out ol the profits she
ins derived irotn her thirty novels the has
given 10.000 to charitable soclotlos.
The Hultan of Turkey la a monomaniac on
'be subject of carriages. He has hoen stead
ly engaged In making a eolleotion of such
vehicles for the past twenty year and now
has nearly 500 of all makes and kinds.
rmxcKsM Maud, at Wale, who is more
1ke her father than any other of the Prince
f Wales's children. Inheritsthe paternal love
( humor. She Is an inveterate punster as
well, and she and her father make a merry
juilr when they are in Joking mood.
The coke trade Is Improving.
Enulamd has 4'iOO idle clergymen.
The bullion value of a silver dollar is now
There are fifteen crematories intbe United
Halvaoou Is going to try to borrow 10,
uuu,uuu iu Europe,
MtrBioAN' Saturday Half Holiday law I
optional lor bank.
Immense sohnols of porglc have been in
Kew l ork waters oi late.
TnAVEi.ERs In Italy are forlously annoyed
by tno scarcity ot small coins,
Socialistic disturlmnons are causing much
trouble to the (ioverument In Sicily,
Mrs. Ann Hickey recently dieil in Groat
llurrlugton, Mass., at the age ol 1H.
Tue recently discovered gold vein in Itasca
County, Mlnuesotu, assays 45 a ton. had last year 285 public and eighty
three private sohnols and high schools.
The gold mining fever ha again broken
out in lirown and Morgan Counties, Indiana.
Or the issue of S.ono.000.000 of Columbian
postage stamp, 1.200,000.000 remain unsold.
The Mississippi River Commission wants
t)4.2-l(l,000 (or improvement on the big river
IU 1HU3.
St. Lout ha just sold 1, 210.000 twenty,
year four per oeut. bonds at par iu the Lou
don market.
The Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce has
elected Mr. I'opp to membership. This is
said to be tne nrst woman wuo uu oeen
elected to such a body
Statistic ol the yellow fever epldemto at
Brunswick. Ua., show that the mortality
among white wo nearly four time as great
a that among colored people.
While returning from Napoleon, Ohio,
Jaaob Winnook, a land magnate of Henry
County, quarrelled with his wife and fired
two bullets into her body. She is barely alive.
but reluse to prosecute Wiunook ou bis
ngreemeut to give ner ouu aoroe or nis best
A Haveuuii.l (Mob.) policeman chased a
man who bad stoleu a package of meat from
a market to nl borne. He louna tue cnu.
dren eating the products of their luther's mif
demeanor, so near starvation that tbey
oouldn t wait to have It oooked. He went
back and paid for the meat out o! his own
A xiub-ykab-old bov in Wt Virginia la
corresponding with Hutu Cleveland on the
subject of baring himself, a Democrat, ap-
puimau iu auueeeu iu umuw, a uepuuuuan,
w. wueuuoaivr,
Bsntoeder, Spstn. a Seen of Essth snd
iiesoistion. t ir Ftnisbesths rnghi
ful Havoc to Life, Limb and
Property Btsrt.d by Dyi
osmlt Explcslon.
Pispalchn from SnlRnder,Sraln.corifirn)
Hi reiort that the ship Cabo Marhiracc
was blown to atom by a huge quantity ol
dynamite on board, by which hundreds ol
people were killed and wounded, and tht
greater part of the town dot roved.
The vessel was discharging 2,000 ton ol
Iron, many barrels of petroleum and flont
ard several wine casks. The captain hd
declared only 20 cases of dynamite. Other
wise lie would not have been allowed to
The fire started at 3 o'clock Friday after
noon in the coal bunkers. The custom of
ficers and police hastened to lemove the 20
cscs of dynamite which soon were landed
at a fe distance from the vessel. A In
was then chartered to tow the C'aho Machi-
caco seaward. Meantime desperate efforts
had been made to quench the flames. The
captain and crew of the steamer Alfonso
XII. boarded the burning vessel to help
light the flame. They worked for an hour
and a half without success. At the end ol
that time the fire reached the petroleum.
Then came a aerie of awful explosion as
the flame went from barrel lo barrel of the
oil, until they reached the contraband dy
namite. The tug bad Just been morecl
alonirilde the Yctel and many lownsp nplp
bad gone aboard either to sati'fy their
curiosity or to help extinguish the lire.
1 hen came I he explosion of the dynamite.
All on board the ('alio Machii aco and ninny
along the do' k were blown to ti,. Tht
tug vanished. The quay with its enormous
crowd of fictator ro-e slowly in the air.
The people were scattered in every dir.c
tion into the sea. rire brands fell In show
ers over sea and land for a radius of a mi;.'
and a half. The C'aho Mnehicaci's ancinn
was hurled eOJ ynrds nwny und fell on tin
balcony ola bouse whlih it completeU
wrecked, It then tank deep in the pave
ment below. The shock wa felt In every
part ol the city, tlousrs rocked on theli
foundations and more than luo were set Ion
fire by falling sparks. The destruction In
the harbor was equally appalling, Th.
launch of the Alfonso MI., whlcli wn?
lying alongside mid contained all the crow
not aboard the Machicacn, vanished with
The survivors fled ashore shrieking, lc:iv
Ing the promenade adjoining the qua)
strewn with dead, dying and inangied rem
nants of human bodies. Wherever the ter
rified fugitives turned they met onl
frightful destruction. Horror nas added m
horror in the wrecked and burning build
ings from which rimt pittous rries f ,r hcl
Many of the fugitives were thrown dotui
and trampled upon. Number are said t
have lost their reason. The people were tot
pnnlc stricken to think of anything but
aving their own or their relatives' lives and
ignored their burning property.
When night fell the sky luridly reflected
the (ires burning in various parts ol
thucity. M oiidex Nunez street, running
parallel with the quay waiiblae from end
to end. In the hlindmc light and beat titc
bands of rescuer worked lo extricate the
iteail and wouniteri. tin ovety nle wer
scencsof icdesuribahlecoufuston and over
whelming grief. The tire went on uncheck
ed throughout the night.
the tow N l III INS.
Work after block were in ruins. The pen-
pie were terror siricsen. I iiounatids nlian
tinned their homes atxl lied to the helds o
outlying villiiL'es. others remained to
search frantically among the luins and hall
bared bodies for their lost friends or rela
tives. hildren. w hose parents were dead,
wandered weeping through the street i-a
ing for help.
During Saturday morning as many as
possible were collected at the town hail and
were led and clothed, in the afternoon
many injured persons. Insane from terroi
or pain, wore found crouching in alley nays
ana out houses, far I roin the scenes of tht
The sea was tossed as If by an earthqnakf
Tremendous waves broke tin over the water
front and large vessel were tossed like
hell against the dock.
It I estimated that more than LOW per
ions pirished.
Chief Constructor Blchborn'a Beport
Very Favorable.
Philip Hichborn, the chief constructor ol
the navy In lila annual report to the secre.
tary of the navy at Washington reports that
good progress has been made on vessel in
course of construction during the past year.
During the past year the following vessels
had their nillcial trial trips, the result In
all cases being satisfactory to (he govern
ment trial board: Monterey, the Detroit,
the New York, the Machias and the JJan
croft. The following veels have been launched
during the year and are low Ik in uhed to
nuai Completion: (olun.oia. .Marulehvau
Oivropia, Cincinnati, Kaianditi. Indians,
Massachusetts and Minne .pol s. The tug
aiuynower ana tliegun Dual i sioi nave neen
soul during the year ami their names strick
en from tho naval register. Forty seven
ves.els have been r paiied al lb difforeut
navy yards during ins year.
The Newly Elected President of the Tftmii
en's Itellef Corps.
Mrs. Sarah Mink, of AYotertown,
N. Y., wa elected 1'reKlUeiit of tho
ralkinal Worn
en' Relief
Corps at the con
vention In con
nection with the
cncuiiiimient ot
the i. A. It., at
I ndlu nap oils,
lately. Mrs.Miuk
1 well known
; Ssinrougiiuuii icw
intf lormcriy re'
tut sahah mink. Hided i n tyra
ruse, und latterly in VVatcrtowo, und
having for many year been ut-tive in
(J. A. K. affairs. Her husband la
Major Churles V. Mink, who was
commander of Mlnk'i Huttery.
Love Is mid to be blind, but It
ienerally get tbere ahead of the old
man Just the same.
Ket as Wlrked as Painted.
Tt has become m mnvh the custom
for those cities jealous of the greatness
r. . t i -l.: ..i i: v.
iu i.Hir ,i. vilirPKH IV. I'UUIieil fllTluue
and malioieu libels upon her Christian
rharaeter that it i a pleasant surprise
to find in a voire from Canada a fair
minded description of Sunday life in
Chicago. Ia the course of an'interest-
iag letter pntiiished in a widely circu
lating Dominion newspaper the corres
pondent thus dispose of that vener
able slander, the ' wickedness of Chi
There are over !Ui0 churches in this
city, from the piilpitsof which ring out
vim warnings each rsabliath to those
who have ear to hear. These churches
have a Beating capacity of .!!(, IM'.O.
In addition to tht three of the theater
and one large hall and several smaller
ones are utilized on tiitndnv morning
for religious purposes. Hiipoiiig that
each of these churches are but half
tilled at each service, that would pos
sibly he a fair average for this or any
other citv. wonhl give an attendance
of 12!t.(l(i0 for ea -h service, two her ices
each Sunday (the Roman Catholic and
F.piscopal churches have more,) will
how an attendance of .' Add
to the K.fKMor 10.0IMI vhn attend the
several aervicea in the aforesaid thea
ters and hall will bring the total p
lo considerably over 8(H), 1X10 church
attendants each Kttmlnv in Chicago
out of a population of HtHMKHi. Ihen
take into consideration the many 8nn-day-achools,
some of them having an
average attendance of 4,0M) end fl.000.
Ho. notwithstanding nil that might be
said aliont the wickedness of Chicago,
she will compare favorably with like
cilie even in Puritan Canada."
A ttahlt Died Out.
The habit of inhaling snr.ff wa so
prevalent fifty year ago, not only with
gentlemen but with many elderly
ladies, thnt there were few counting
rooms or offices that did not have n
huge box supplied with the favorite
tnnccaboy snuff mid the sweet smelling
bean on the desk, counter or bracket
Kpecially arranged for it, ami callers
would inhale a pinch or two, then draw
forth a huge yard Htpiare red silk
handkerchief, and there would be a
resounding blast. . Fortunately, no
American then wove a mustache. Men
did not carry white linen handker
chiefs, but sometimes used white silk
ones in those days. A bud personal
bubits usually increase, it's n marvel
that this one died out some years ugo.
flow's Thl t
V etfe. One Hundred Hollars fleward for
tnvf-stenf Catarrh that cannot be cured by
lali'st atarrh Cure.
!'. .1. Cheney Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, lite undersigned, have known K. .1. Che
nev fur i lit' hod 15 years, snd believe him per
fect! ,-honorable In all buines trsnfactiuns
snd titiane ally ahl- to tou r uut any obliga
tion marts by their firm.
West Thuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
Wai.ihmi, tTinvan Mauvin, Wholesale
liniKgists, Toledo. Ohio.
Ha Tp atarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act
Ing direct Iv upon thahlno.l and mucous pur
! of I lie avMem. Price, "V. per bottle, bold
by all llruggista. Testimonials free.
The little toe is ssid to be disappearing
from the human foot
Rakber Reals ss. ItkeMinallsm.
flnce the general wearing of Ku liber Boots
among farmers and other outdoor workers,
rheumat ism has very sensibly decreased. Kee;i
your feet dry and you can exp we the rest of
your iKidy with less danger. Among the vari
ous kinds of Rubber Moots, the "Colchester
rpsdlng Boot " has become the most popular
of all. The great Improvement of the Kpallng
sole gives ease and comfort In walking, pro
tects the sole from injury aad adds to the gen
eral duratilllty of the Boot. Be sure and see
the "Colchester sspadln Boot" before you
purchase any other kind.
In 1072 the whale fishing was begun by
vessels from Nantucket.
We Car ItvsiMre.
No matter of how long standing. Writ
for free treatise, testimonials, etc., to H. J,
Uollenswonh A Co-, Owego, Tioga Co. Is. Y.
Price li by mail, $1.14.
There are 200 4.VI milts of telephone wires
in this country.
Tteecham's Pills Instead of sloshy mineral
waters. Beeuham' no other. M elm. a but.
The Fgvptains attributed the invention of
ber to Osiris.
Are your lungs snref Hstcti's t'nlversal
Cough eiyrtip w 11! cure them, at druggistr. i
Salmon was formerly belivtd to promote I
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal cujoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet
ter than others nnd enjoy lil'o more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
tho value to health of thu pure liquid.
Iaxutivo principle embruccd iu tho
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence ia due to its presenting;
in the form most acceptublo aud pleas
ant to the tuste, the refreshing aud truly
beneficial properties of u ierfect lax
ative; effectually cleansing the system,
dismlling colds, headaches and fevers
aim ieriiiatieiitly curing constipation.
It hui given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because It acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Rowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in COo and 11 bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
aud beiug well informed, you will nut
accept any aubstitute if otferL
Cream of Tartar and Soda
Hove use in cooking well known to every housekeeper j but
the method of refining them to moke them chemically pure,
nnd of mixing them together so a to produce their greatest
leavening power nnd best resulta when combined, Is a mutter of
greut exactness, requiring the most expert knowledge and skill,
Royal Baking Powder
Is the product of this knowledge and experience and the
1 expenditure of many thousands of dcllnrs in patent nnd
appliance for its preparation. It is a ct mpoiind of strictly pure
grape cream of tartar nnd absolutely BMla, combined with
exactness nnd care by tamon chemists, ar.d it will produce more
wholesome nnd delicate bread, biscuit, take, rolls, etc., than can
be had where this modern nger.t of cooki'tg is rot used.
Beware of the cheap compound ca'ltd baking powders to
catch the unwary. They nre made with alum and nte poisonous.
(iul'ds In Clilno.
Speaking of employer's union, all
classes of Chinese men have their guild
aud these arealmost asold as the coun
try. One of the finest Club House of
('(linn is that of the Canton merchnnt
Df 1'iki Chnw. It is matle up of a great
number of rlnelv finished rtxim ele
gantly furnished in Chinese fashion
and located in tho best pnrt of the city.
Here the merchant come to drink ten
aud to chat. They have a temple and
a theater connected with it, and the
club consist of five hundred members.
I visited at Shanghai some of the finest
specimens of Chinese architecture) I
have seen. They were guild halls be
longing to tea and rice merchant., and
lln v had wonderful garden of cave
ami lucks built up in the busiest pnrt
uf the citv. These guild regulate the
commerce of China. They till tho rata
of interst, the time on v, hich goods, may
be soli, the weight nnd the Ktnmhird
of goods. A member using different
scale than the one prescribed is fined,
and n mail acting contrary to the guild
can. in many instances, not goon with
liis lmsincsH. One of the druggists'
guild has just adopted some new rule
which lie before me. Those prescribe
that accounts shall be settled thren
times every year, and that n discount
of 5 per cent, limy be allowed on cR-di
triuiHiictitiiis. No member in the guild
shnll be permitted to trade with the
other whiln he is in debt to a member
of the guild, nnd any member w ho vio
lates these laws shall pny for two thea
ter piny for the guild, nnd for the
drinks and a feast fur twenty members.
Some of these guilds prescribe that
promissory note shall be dated on the
dnv of sale, and nil of them fix the
rttie of giving credit. 'The ranker'
guild tlx all mutter relating to inter
est, and these different organization
nmkft the dealings of foreigner with
the Chinese more safe than such deal
ings would be in other countries. The
Chinamen respects hi contract, and if
he does not hi guild innke.i him.
Frank V. Car pen til' letter Jiom
Thr population of St. Petersburg
has diminished bv ts.1,000 in the List
seven years, but that of Liberia has in
creased. SHILOH'S
Cum Cotiirh. Hoarscne. Sure Tbruat. Croup.
V hooping Couifh and Asthma. IKor t'cMtunt
Horn it hat no rival ; hai cured thousands tier
ail oihtrn failed : will cure you if Ukcn In time.
Sold by DruifKlsts nn a puferantce. For Lame
backorChett,UreSllIT.orrsi'LASTEK. tscti.
lav ici t Mtaiirh? ThianvmedT ia miftran-
tsMKl to our ou. PrlMAOotai. lojeutor Xrae,
FnimHi and I'alntu whlrb itnln (be
ha tula, intiir t hi Iron nnd hum M,
"Thf lll-lnv Hun Ktuvo I'ohHh U Hrllllnt, Cdor
humlilc mill th4Hriiiinfr iwvi lof du Uu
iv- hum iwifiKr miu vvitv purcnaM.
Ymi cannot do tbi untoi you uurirtand them
and know bow to fatfi-in il(lr rfitufrpnifiit.: ami
you caunot mihdiI jmm nnd tlnllnnt lenrniiiK T
trltiii-t u urn nutut buy (he kiiowlfiltt actiulrud
iy utltvra. Wa offer thin to you lor ouly '4t ueula.
evn If you mt?rrly kwn thnn a a diversion. In or.
tir to banillv owli judu iouMly, you muit know
oniaihlnif i.bout tliein. To nivci ilila want we are
Ml Unit a tniik iriviuif the esiMniKi t An QK
ot a practical poultry miM-r lor Will J aww
Iwrnty-Avv yrarn. It wa written by a man whul
all hi in I ml, and flint, and wuty to niakliiK a uo
rvuor I'hlt'keu raUinti not a a patlnir, but an a
bualnriA d If you will profit by bis twenly-rtva
)ara' work, you uan aava many C'bU'ks annually,
and niakv your Kuwla sarn dollars for you. 7 ha
point Is. tbut you mutt lis abla to detawt tnmbla in
tha Poultry Yard as aoon as ll aioiri, and kuow
bow tw rinily It. This unok will tvarb you.
II trlit bow to dotact aad vurtu dlM-ajMn to fd for
airs und albwi fur faitvuiutti whlt-h fowls tosavvfor
braediuii pureuMi aud everything. Indeil, yuu
buuid know on thl mtijact to tiake It iirottiAiile,
bent po.tpald for tweuty-llve iwuts In ttampa.
Book Publishing House.
134 I.bumaku ST.. S, Y. City.
gji : o s t siULZ
I Do Not Be VictittmStLcJM
The Pot Called the Kettle Black Because
the Housewife Didn't Use
Ilfiti of Interfwta
li!ot ppople need more enoonrago
ment tlian iflmke.
Oliio and Michigan uro better pro
vitVd i(h fmlilic mcliml librariefi than
any oilier HtnteR. The former baa 1WI
nnil the li-tter 154 volumea for everj
1 K pnpila in aempe attendbnre.
Little hock ban received tiO.000 bales
of cotton thin eft win.
For every 1.0(H) inhabitants the
VnitfM. States runs trains 9,700 miles
Mankind wornbip nucres, but think
too litt 1 of ths means by chichi-in
Dignity is espenMve and, withont
other pood qualities, is not particularly
The government pars the Adams
F. x pre-MM Com p an y Slfn.OlM) annually
for the transportation of lavnds and
s ecietodifferentaectionsof the United
Had Torpid Liver For 14 Year.
Biliousness, Poor Digestion,
Loss cf Appetite.
In Finn-"! ha.e been trouble,! wit
Torpid Liver for 14 ictus and (one tbroucr
coiirst fii oiiious lever;
nitinv llroisi it bps tK'.'n tui-
Iiosslblc for uic t.i du any
timl of IslMir. Dr. Kilmer's
lirst recomroeiiileil to rue
by Holt house, Itlsi ktnini at
Co., illriiirirMsi liecntur,
I ml. Aft r tailing- one
bottle 1 wa uncertain
whether I was reully de
riving any lienefit or not;
After taking- the atstiiuK
buttle, bop-ever, I tunnel1
tbut my health was improv
ing snil I continiicil until I hail taken Cbottkal
I can now cheerfully nssiinmenU
to every one who tin torpirl liver, for It h.
complt'Uly cured nie," 1. W. t'unisTiANBii
Jan. ICth. 1KI. Ixsatsir, 1ml.
At IrEV.Isl SO rent and 1.0Osl.
M jovnlld.' Uulde U Health " frne ConMlltaUun frae.
Dr. Kilmer A Co., ninehaniton, N, Y.
Dr. Kilmer'o U & 0 Anointment Cures Pilei
Trial Boa Fr. At Druoolsts SO cants.
'11 Ml !
No innli rrqn.trd. Only n daininsr nestled to drlva
tnu cuncb ih. tx, easily and utm-hiy, isavint iha clinoh
at'So utrly atDwili. Ht-'iulrlnf no ho a to ba matt in
the itaihr nor nor lor tia Id vols, Thay ara atrwataj.
snab snd alurable. Minium now Iu uss. Xd
tthifto., it in form r -w..rtfi. tin up In Inibci.
aak yatar afalr for ihiw, or arnd Ino. la
Uui for a ou ul 1U, attortf J ui alttu'td by
INnod I'niif r li nml -V (.nld 1'npra Hn.
S .nif 1 0r rtd .V. rtMip lor BHNiploa
141 WuimI irrri. I'liiaburub Vt.
I l or .milKl'stlon. Itillaasai M.
Ilradaibi-, t n..HlrU.n, llud
land all dumrili'iii vi Uia btuuA'b
LUVt-ranti Hi-wrif.
af irt'iiily w-t prompt ly. ierrsrtl
ulelli.n fullown ttn ir uh. Hiid
T riS tIniL'fiiii nrafiit It mail Hoi
'iala .. ?ht: 1'Ht'kAU-r i IhiXNi. SlL
f lrUt' (ret- ivriPll'lfat 'lllffH
hm a.iv iai'. .n o ah vr.t new s eri.
mmt-- ..aj.. a- am , .
it fifty nno dotihla thai
BRin i-urn Iha in stob
n tin ate ruxe id SO to SI
days, let him wrtofoi
iMAilii'Utsni and t litem
i.-alvoiir leJiali Illy, Oui
l.n tni-l il tacklnir It
OO.tifio. When rn rrnrr
lo.:tdo pnuavium, sunuiprillaor UovHortiiir fail, wt
ru .rbiiU'i i uit at.d oir ka"l-1 yiilulenu t ihaonl
t hirer l hut w.JKure miantntly. V ill iff fruwf aval
at-ultd, (rt. c ook liLaauTf to., Cnlougo, 111.
iraatad ny oar
MrchmilrHl Trrnimfnt. Saod for book.
I.JB-Seeleii & Co.; "MuUiMr
ilVWiyfl; UahlnKiuu, U.vl
li.lukul pr, l)a4uibialuilclaiiap, all; aluaa.
II nr c.iinnil.Htcu It, tiauilltt toe New I'al.ul IMipmt
H cat Ins Kr.Min IViit ll. Asailts making av net
w.eli. MuuieKias.-r Mr.Co.,X Vol, LaCrsM.WU
yfbATv Jl
I I Best Cuugb byrup. Ta.u u,od. Das I I ,
II In lima. Hold bv ilruustsla. f 1