Llbbr Frloon In 1909. t "I hsre Iwn iutTrer from chrnnta rllrrli(fH tv (iiira 1 cmne out of l.iblif I'ritoiiln 1.1(1) nnd nt times It was Terr re- I verennil mv Imt nti iek of It ltrrt ma over lix n-pcki (liirliu wnicn time 1 tried all tlia remedies I lind prefio:ily u-ed nnd lisd eternl dnctors ireut ran for lln muna but linthliiR would ston lu I whs induced to try (initio of Thurston' lllneklierry Conlil and iiltrr nsiiiK lets than half it buttle was relieved ami mil once more regular. Thanks to your Cordial, l ciieerfully reeoiiimMnl it to iill the "olil boys" who are troubled witli thin ilresdeil lise.is- or anyone else tor sum mer complaints, t his testimony Is unsolic ited Your truly, J. l. Styron, Traveling Vnlr-ntun. ' Thnrsi oil's ll'nrkherry Corbal I" prepared hv runrslon Client. cal Co., tlrund Itupidi, Ohio. A fin Kranciscj "uoetor" produ ceo dim iles for ) npiece. Tberels mnretVnrrh In this sertlnn a tha eonn try tlmn nil otht-r rtiseses put tnRether, ami until thf Iti-t few Ti-ar- MsspitptMts-(l t' ba Inrura ile. rorn urciit tnrtny eHrUiK'ttr pr rifiuitep'l il a lne:u U wrs. slid pri-scriliefl Inrsl n-nicltei. nntl ly coMsttoillv fsilitirf to cur with lH-al tn'HirTi,iit.prnn''iincc'l II Inrum'ile. t-'clt-ri'-c lis- provfii c;ilnrrh to h a cin-tlu-tlnnnl illsrte nnil ihervlore ri'ilri-1 int itii tHMuit irrettiirnt. Hull's i ninrrli 'urf, insu nfai't ireil n F. .'. f'ln nry A- ('., Tolnln. tllilo, i- I he mil jr ttiri-tit 'Hlouai run- o-i lb- tnitrkf t. It Is Ink. ii Inlur' nih lo tinges tmm I ilrl to a t'l'v,fl,. !t a'is lirrtlv on the IiIihhI and uuii'inis M;irfii''i's ol the sini. Titer niter one buii'lr. il lnlliir-4 1 r any mm II fulls In curt-. H-inl tor circulars ami te.-tlnnmlala tree. Addri-s y. .t. Cnrsrr . Co., Toluilo, 0. tl.-oM by lirtiieW'Stis 15c. The la et ocean a iiuusiiip luggcs Ion la I aiibiiiHrine tr illi-v. Hatch's t'tilvi r-il Cuiwh Svruti Is piwltltelr oneiimliil. Try Iu accents at umuKisK. The nllest trie on earth ia u gam trea In I Australia ll f,e . I e lire It n inure. Ki matter nf Iwor Imut stamllnff. Wrlta !nr In-- lriHti-e. !et0liitl al. etc., to H. J. Iiillen-nurih - i) , llnrtii, 'llota Cu N. 1. rice II; by uiuJ, II li. Kite Mir I horsewhips are thu lain, KNOWLEDGE Tirinp comfort mid improvcr.-ent nnd tend!) to i)r)iiiil enjoyment when rlplitly used. Tlio many, who livo bet ter tlmn others nnd rr.joy life more, with k-ss expenditure, ly inoro promptly nd:'.ptin;r t!io world'a 1m st products to tlio needs of liliy.-ical beinc;, will fittest tho vniuo to LenltU of tlio puro liquid laxative principles embraced, iu tho remedy, (Syrup of Figs. It i excellence is duo to ttn presenting in tlio form most acceptable und pleas nut to tlio taste, the refreshing nnd truly bcneliciiil properties of n jerfcct lax ative; effectually demising tho Hyntem, dispelling told", headaches nnd fevers nnd pcnniiiicnily curing constipation. It pi vi ii uitihfuetiou to millions and met with tlio approval of tlio medical profession, b'-c:iuso it nets on the Kid ney, Liver und Iiowcls without weak ening them and It is perfectly freo frocx every object lonnblo substance. Syrup of Fipt in for sole by all drag fists in GOc nnd $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by tlio California Fig f?yrup Co. only, whose name U printed on every package, idso the name. Syrup of Figs, nnd being voll informed, you will not accept uny Dubblituto if ottered. p u at jpjTHE KIND g la THAT CUKES i CnAHI.FS BIMMOVB, Coium, m. y. A MARVEL IN C0H0E8 ! Kidney and Liver Disease! roa is teahs, el CTJEED BY 3 BOTTLES ! ElI 1awa HAnflAPAmi.LA Co.: (tFM'l.KMiXN i lluvina hem rrttnrM tn ajH BfJhenllh hvlhcu-f i.f your rtrupah!ia 1 .rl iljsji Einy duly to let vlhtn know Ut great bcutUt lM hv rii lived. &i Q For 11 ynr I hire iwn troubled with HI arvrrr pitiiiBih the Storaurhi, also KM-g mm "r J maw. to uaaj uut f or glJWH'ki At ft time 1 had ! May ia bed, I hM1 lUid UlTtt bottle Of DANA'S SARSAPAllILLA 8 I fel Ilk a new mam. Miriiriia f3 D( Tf. 11 U sny tSluwd ilii d.. mi of Um Kid-El iyt. Vmii TMpwlfullT, Cohon.N. Y. CUAHXES SIMMONS. M Tbe truth, of thhnwlicrt;a.,ltobj H Urun-iu ol CokuM, X. T. Bj Kim pareaass of " SUBSTITUTE!!, 'jj (i ptrton hs tritt to Mil isu semsthlngii else whis sou call tor Dial's.) Our bob 111 tlas trt bslng filled lth a COUNTERFEIT f ARTICLE b "Subitltuter." Buy of th.H HONEST DEALER who Milt you whit youri li (or, tnd If u rrcl no bomflt hr III ritur your mowy. Otnt SttMparlllt Co., Bolful, Milno. 1W IM K. TkmmmUmmA Modt. Injur twj lroa Mid hum rmi. .Th-.R,",,W Hu" fcWf l'ol't BrHIIant. Odor Mm, Durnl, mu4 tb mbiuhw wya foe o U r-9 j .?.' V jf I 'Kits' ' A'.'v.V.i AN f'JCll O 3Tt fit LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS FOItEIGN AND DOMESTIC. What la Onlnaj On tho World 0ar. Important Eventa Briefly Chronloled. 'rrlinl. I.aher aa4 leitasielst. The Ki'wards Manttfactitrinn Company, of llo-t.iti. oieratltiK a preat cotton plant nt Aticn.tn. Me., has announced a 10 per cent, reduction in wanea. About 1,100 baudi are nl'e.cd. The CbeBpenke and Ohio and Pouth rve.lprn Ihtllroad Company hava ordered cut of in per cent In the wiijps of all Hi era plnrrs, from the rrrsldcnt down. The cut tHhes efTect October 1. The Kemimilon Arms Cntnpany'i wor.i, nt lllion, N. Y., after ft month's shutdown, marled up in full. 'Ihe Aetna Standard mills, at llrldgeport, ., resumed work. Una thousand men are employed. Many Inriremanurnctttrlnit establishment! In Cleveland. ).. and suburbs are adding to their working force daily and id'o men are not nearly so plentiful as a fear weeks airn. Ilusiiiess tuetiln tho vicinity report a big Improvement iu trade, with collections very good. At Lancaster. I'n., notice was published Hint the I oncstoga cotton ml. Is, orerated by John I arniini A Co., and employing near l.ooo hiuuls, would run only alternate weeks after Oct, 1. The mills hare been working full time lucessnntly since lwil. Thai rikers at the Thompson Run coal mines near New Calle, I'a, have resumed, accepting the reduction of S cents per ton on which they struck. The Haskell A ltarxer Car Works, nt Michigan lily, I ml , employing 1,000 men, have resumed operations. Mnnarlnl find Cninmerrlnl. The National bank of Ashland, at Ash land, Neb., resumed business in an excellent condition. Tho Exchange Hunk nt Wheeling, W.Va., which suspended hist month, baa reopened under a new orgniiiratiou and largely In creased c.-.pilul. This resumption will releasu about I9IO.0UO which has been tlfd up. The Hocky Mountain Dime nnd Hollar Savings Hank, of Pcnver, opened for busi ness. This Is the first of the four failed tnvltiR banks lo resume. Deposits amount ed to fully lire times Ihe withdrawal!. The I'nlly slutcmrnt of Ihe '.'liited Htstej treasurer shows for the llrst time In two weeks t he receipts of the government to be In excess of the expenditures, tho figures for tho month thus far standing as follows: Receipts. l7.!!72.8.'il; exendltures, 17,002, 000, Of tho latter amount f X,,rl8,500 was on account of pensions. The gold reserve to day was li).), 081,317. The net balunce is now tU,81'J,i7C. t'rlme and I'ennltles, Henry S. Cochran, the embezzling Phila delphia Mint weigher, was arraigned and held in .10,000 bail in order to give him lime to procure counsel. Bupt. llosbyshell testllled that tho shortage amounted to 128,000. Two men robbed the passengers of a Runta Fe train near Guthrie. Oklu., of about 11,000, at the muzzles of revolvers. They were captured. Three robbers who held up the Now Orleans Limited train on the Illinois Cen tral railroad just outside Central la, HI., Thursday night, got the worst of the bar gain. The train hands gave them battle, mortally wounding and capturing one of them, while posses of citizens captured the other two. The robbers got no booty. Three of tho train crew were wounded. Those who were hurt in the shooling during the at tack were: Engineer Young, Conductor Odum, Fireman McDowell, ltobert J. L. Jones. Disaster) Aerlilente an Patnlitlna James Chessberry and Isaao Koland, two colored men working in the main wheel pit of tho big tnnncl at Niagara Falls, fell from scaffold a distance of 00 feet. Chess berry waa instantly killed, aud Iioland fa tally hurt. Near Whlttier, N. C, the boiler of Keel, ey's sawmill exploded. The mill win wrecked and six persons were killed. The names of the dead are: ltlchard Nichols, Jas. Kelley.Ben McMabon, Gales MoMahon, Jennie Ounterand Henry Smith. The bodies were blown to pieces. Washlaaloa New. The House Judiciary Committee ordered favorable report on Ihe bill introduced by Mr. Oates, of Alabama, repealing that sec tion of Ihe alatutes which requires proof of loyalty during the Warof the Rebel Hon aa a pre-requisite to being restored or admitted to the pension roll. t'balera Advices ITAMni na Ten new cases of cholera and two deaths from the disease have been re ported within U hours. All the cases oo cur red iu the suburbs. MIsrellitneoNs. The dry sjiell at 8t. I'aul was broken Mon day with thunder, lightning, bail and rain. Two men were killed by lightning. The remains of J, Knox Polk, 10th Preal dent of the United States, and those of bis wife, were removed from Polk Place, ths old family residence in Nashville, Tenn., to a picturoKjuo spot iu the State Capitol grounds. The finest varieties of peaches are selling for 25 cents a bushel and much of the fruit is rotting on the trees at Hagerstown, Md. The destitute starving in the vicinity of Brunswick, Ga , on account of the exodus csused by yellow fever number about 100,000. . BEYOND OUH BOHDEBS. Part of tbe shaft of the Dolcoath mine, in Cornwall, fell In entombing thiny miners. All but eight of tba minora were rescued. Ef forts are being made to rescue the others, but It is feared they will die before they can be releused. bhk win you see papa to-morrow? He Y-yen. if you will give rue a letter of introduction. Ho never know me when bo sees tue.. THE NATIONAL GAME. THrie, of New York, lends the League hi baiting. Kixsrow Is do!n3 ell tho catching for Brooklyn. Tnaaa nevnr w.ia a more prosperous year In hasntall in New Ealsn l. TttsChleagos will take a trip to Cuba after tliecliiimplonshlp s-ason closes. Tbe l'hllndalphlns lend in fli'ldinj nnd batting but by a very small margin. TnuMraox, nf Philadelphia, recently mile n ho:ne run In four su'wessive ga-nea. Itosrox will rnnkentotir of the Northwest with Ht. Louis nfter the season 1s over. Halmm, of Philadelphia, la tha only Lb iguu player to acore five runs 1st ono game. NitniEn the Ht. Louis nor BaltlmoreClittis has won a game in l'lttsburg In two aeaous. Nrvkb before hits a Chlcni-n foam finished SO low ns the Chicago tenmof 18W will lln.nl). Sr. Locts players have made fewer home runs than any olhur lot among tbo Leaguti dozen. Tna Bostons hare score 1 mnr) runs than nny other L?agu teum this year. Ttiey piny for runs. Kr.rrr. will eoae'i Hirvarl next a"asm, while Irwin will look after the University ol l'eniisylviinin boys. Hitonr fences coma blah. Durlnu Its eliiN-kHred career this yciir lln fc'uJ'.h'TQ L-n'-tUH p dd (1.120 for balls. Pitciikr FtsHr.n. of Hu!Talo. holds a re cord. He pitelmd in three auwcsslvu games 111 which his opponents were shut out. A.tsox. of Chleago, and O'ltourkn, of Wash Ington, huvrf Played ball from the tlm ol the t'eutemilid to the Columbian Fair. (loorigNouaa has Introduced n hew play siucn he Joined Ht. Louis. Two or thri-etlmcs Iih has Imiten out short bits by headlomr slides to first. Kvaar tonm fn the Lensu-s aa now been whitewashed, llronklrn was tho last nna to sueeumli to the shut-out late, the Clevelun Js doing tho trick. Boston's recor l of consocutlr? victories nt homo and abroad has not been npiironched by tiny other club this year. Neither hat Washington's record of consecutive dufents. Ik First Baseman Mot Cincinnati hal found il jewel. Over six feet high he has a long reneli, Is a good hitter al.-t fields hit pomtlou well, belii particularly strong ou grouud bulls aud low throws. Whkm deaf-tnntn Hoy, of Washington, wants to tell an unipiro what he thinks ol him he slams his bat down hard and stamps viciously onee or twice. Hut he uevr says a word. No umpire has ever yet lined him tor talking back. 1 HrrroBD. of Now York, fa now ficldlmr, t'lrttm and riinnlnir buses up to his Cali fornia standard. 'l'henonieniil Jim'' did but poorly in Ids first weeks, but Ward never I wt liiitli in his iill-reiitid iiblhtv. From tha waist down BlallurJ ia built' Uku uu Ideal apriuter. NEWSY aLEANINaS. Cnot.KBA has spread considerably. IUaTFoan. Conn., has rajnete l the troilay. WesTKBX Nkw Yoiik reports n grasshopper plague. Nsw Jrnsrir nnnoun'cs 053.OM bnshels of cranberries In sight. Ths army worm Is doing groat daiua ti In some parts of Miunes jta. Tne.iiE am now twenty Inhabitants to tho iquate mile in this country. A nnviri. of gold mliilnt In Coloralo, New Mexleo. Arizona and Idaho is report j I. CEtfraAL New Mkxioo has been su'ijo'it al most dully lor thruu months to violent earth- ipcikes. CosroMs receipts aro uniisu illy light this year, and a largo dullelt la expuutod by thu I Treasury. AcouoNrof Japanese ara to snttli ixpii I rich agricultural luu is In tlioHn:itliuruHtatei of Mexico. Chaules pe Lessecs was UbTate I nflcr about six mouths' IniprUoument for l'ananjii Canal frauds. Mesuonalaxd ia thrnatenel with Invasion by tho Mutiibeletritie, the bravest warriors iu Africa, barring women. Ths hull II -rtit Is regaining Its old popu larity in Mexico after a mural Bpas u which teiiiiorarlly dcthrouud it. The hop crop In Central New York will bo rrom tilluen to twenty-live pur cent, lighter than tho crop of last year. Tna Inclinations nr.) that tlio cranlierry crop In l'lymoutti County, M isHajhusults, Will be thu largest ovur harvdste.l. Tna wheat crop of Kansas last year was m nilll mil ImullBl. Tin, nwrxn f.. l,lU ..u,.,. I I nnw MutlmntA'l nt nnlw (il fl'IO nfl.'l li,l,..lu Thb merchants of New Orleans, Lv, hnvn rebelled against the aetiou of banks there In charging thorn 1 5 per tlOJJ on New York ex change. M. BAnTnor.m regrets to flnl that his got' does of liberty in New York il ir.ior is show ing signs of wear, and suggest that she be gilded to promote, her lougovity. TRADE INCHEA8INO. a. Gradual Becovtry in All Ltnes of Business. With Exports Exoied leg Imports. Many Hanu. faotoriea Besumli.g. It. O. Dun ill Co.' s Weekly Review ol Trade soya: borne Increase is seen both In production and iu distribution of products. True, it is small as yet, but after the wont llnanciul b'.izz ird for 20 years, it is not to be expected that all roads can be cleared In a day. But all conditions, except at Washington, favor gradual iccovery. Business goto on in un questionable confidence I bat tbo generul duiire of the people wi I in some way pie vuil. Money has become abundant nnd eisy si 8 per cunt here oil cull and stagnant specu lation lorlllnulelv favors irreaier ireeilom in com men iul loans. (Stocks und products art I dull wi hout sericm fall iu prices, nnd tin' industries are rapuliy rullyiiig to muke gooc the seal city of uppues causeil bv weeks ol Innelioii. Tba vilnlitv of the demnnil f tn ' goods shows that the wonderful consuming power of the people, if lessened for a Inno lias not ceased, and the sbrink-ge in tlx record of commercial disease aud mortality snows progress toward health. Exports of principal products in Aligns were 44,7!i7,62M,or 3,4IH,M0 more than las ?ear, which, with tbe known decrease it ru ports here, iodicutea a small excess of ex ports. For three weeks of September thi increase in exports has been $4,800,000 ant tbe decrease in imports t0,&00,0U0,promisiu a larger excess of exports this month. Thi receipts of wheat fall fur behind last year'i being 6,l).'l,5,lsl bushels fur the week, ayains 8,581,405 for the same week lust year, anc in three weeks 14,170,533 buttle. s, agaius 23.(127,713 last year. The industries are giving strong proof tha consumption of goods was not aa mud arrested as many feared when the collaps, of trade manufactures came. While man nfaolureraabow vxtreiuecamion auddeclim to start work without rdrs, improve! financial oondltions ei ab e them to accep many orders whioa wo.nd have been o were refused weesa ago, and actual order rendered frequent by tba exhaustion of re tail supplies iu many directions. The mini ber of works resuming this week have Jbeei at least 58 wholly and 24 in part. The failures for tbe week number 810 li tbe United Htates against 188 last year, am in Canada 40 against 23 last vear. Onl five failures were for over 1100,000 eacb.Th, liabihtieain failures for the second week il (September were but 3,0i2,12a against 5. 810,008 the first wtek. PRACTICAL JOKE3. rsnally Silly or Malignant and lometlmes Fatal. Innocent and hilarious fun li all rlchtwhenlt Is not carried beyond the bounds of respect fur the feelings of others, but when It oversteps this limit and disregards personal rights, comfort, and even safety, It Is time to rail a halt. The practical joker I, under almost all circumstances, an unmitigated nuisance. Ko long as ne gn ins little Joke on nothing more Is required. It's agreeable or taken In matters not In the least. somebody Whether good part If tlio vie tlm la merely angry the joker puts on a most contemptuously lofty air and cans upon the members of the com munity to observe tha surliness of the Individnal who can't take a Joke, That it was only Intended as such appears to cover not only a mul titude of sins, but a multitude of Idiotic pcrforman-es that nobody but himself or tiv se of his Hit seems able and willing to appreciate. If there are serious or posHlbly fatal c me queiiccs, there ure tears, protestations, any amount of affected grief and re gret "so sorry, but hadn't tho least Idea that anything wrung would come of lb." Tha recent drowning of n promising young girl who was put under water for a .oke, tho disfiguring for life of n young man by the explosion of a car tridge, when somb dy didn't moan itiytliing, and scores of like Instances :iiic1uhI vely prove that human nature has sotno alurmlngly weak spots in it and that thcro ure yet In tho world, in spite i f all tho newspapers and 'jthor enlightening Influences, very many extremely foolish persons, and that there Is still great need of rad ical reform in many of tho current ideas of what Is meant by having a good time. Mothlng should bo looked upon as a pleasure tbut gives pain or anxiety to othor peop'o. Sensational scares, the Idea of a gigantic hoax, the no li n that to get ahead of somebody tlse it 14 necessary or proper to do lomcthlng to mislead, is ono of the whims that it would be an excellent tiling to breed out or humanity by uisy und persuasive, measures if pos liblo, If not. by the most vigorous tnd peremptory treatment. There I plenty of rational amuse metit to be had In tho world without 'esortlng to such a very questionable 'mm of entertainment as tlio practl :ublo toko. . Oh. the Pity or HI If anybody has any ndvlco lie Isn't using ho might send sotno to this un ftirlunate young man who writes as lollows to tbo S.tn Francisco Exam tier: "1 am a fairly good-looking young Biun, twenty-five years or uge, not rery large or very strong. I teach n mountain scho.il eight months In the r ur for tod it month. During the liiinmer vacation I pick berries for 4 tents a box. Into thlrty-flvo miles 'rom a railroad t r pnsttiWco, and It Is )ut seMom.I sco a paper of any kind. "I board with tlio trusteo of the listrlct, a grass widow forty years )ld, with u family of ten children, she Is determined to marry mo, but wants me to pay 25 for the divorce. As tho other trustees are afraid of her lio has things nor own way, and 1 feci that if I ab olutely refuse tc :omply wllh her request I shall lose my position and suffer physically ilso. as she scalded ono man who ie fused her. ' Mio is a typo of tho comlnj wo man (l feet tall, weighs 200 p-uinds plows her own potato-tlold, breaks hci tiwn horses and mules and chops hot iwn wood. Were I onco hers all theso duties would fall to my !ot She says that at the end of the rear she can soli her potatoes for ,!10(), ind that If I dig them I can have 150 (minus t.'j for the divorce). "All the article in the Examlnci jlveadvlcj to young ladles. Can't lonio one adviso an unassuming young man and solve the weighty problom, hhall bo work or shall ho wed aud work?" Those Wooden Nutmegs. There may possibly have been an original Incident among the many peddlers from Connecticut, of ono who cheuted by selling wooden nut megs to his customers, but probably not, says tho Hartford Times. The cost in timo and labor, of making such artistic frauds would more than balance tbo receipts. Iouhtles the wooden nutmeg must go with tho basswood hams. Alt tho sumo, tho Joke has served the purpose of giving tho old-time tin pcddlors und clo:-k peddlers from Connecticut a bad naino for superior cunning und trickiBhnoss. It served at least one good purpose In giving birth to ono of tho best toasts cvor offered at a dinner old nnw and well known but perfect In Its way The Nutmeg .State: Whore Car We Find a Greater':" "What clly has the largest float ing population?" inquired the teacher. "Cork!" answered the bright little boy at the foot of the class. Chlcugj T-itt:nc. Brecharu'a Pills are better than mineral a-U-Ts, bttx bum's-no others. wiuu a box. The ndult humun hear, is long. five inches Hood's5 Cures tibnut Hood's Hrap rillu. J want tv full bow qu iltly II curwl mm of our fttomuobe I con'd pot vtii take a kwhUovt of water but what I uf fre4l frntn HimtB'm mud mrititt. I utmUl uimhI elTtH-U (ruin Ihe fimt tbree d -wa ut HtKHra KHriutiarlilN. I O'inttnued untls I took li bolt and uavt bvn Mil. K. W. TtaaaaM, 41 Chester Park, Boston; MmS s rills are Uw bast artarsluiaat Puis. - AM Highest of all In Leavening 11 NL .ABSOLUTELY PURE An Amphibious Boat. A new Canadian Invention for use In the lumber districts Is coming into general use In Northern Ontario. It is called a steam warping tug. It propels itself on land as well as on water, and Is used by lumbermen whoso operations are carried on among small lakes connected by streams of uncertain navigation. The vessel has proved not only a success, but a groat boon to the lum ber trade. Six of these unique crafts have been built by the Inventors dur ing the past senson, four completed at their yard In Ottawa, and two shipped, read)' to be put together at their destination in the Nlplsslnu district. They are built In scow shape, with steel-shod runners for moving over land: nre thirty-seven feet long, ten feet beam, decked all over, and havo sleeping-room for four men in the bow: the bottom and up the now la covered with steel boilerplate. An engine twenty-two horse power fur nishes steam for ten hours' work, with three quarters of a cord of wood. In the water It moves six miles an hour forward or backward, as ro quired, propelled by side wheels. On land It Is propelled by having a cable drum on which is colled flve elghths of a mile of steel wire cablo, which Is fastened with pulleys to a tree or some object In front, the boat moving as the wire Is colled up. The bollpr is hung on an axle In the con. tcr, and a screw arranged on the front enables tho firemen to tip It forward or back, and keep It level going up or down hill. It will move over ao elevation of one foot In three on land, and draws about twenty-eight Inches lo the watei. An Artist In Hand. A curious sight In the streets of Toklo Is to see nn old man seated on a smooth piece of ground having round him little piles of sand of dif ferent colors, red, bluo, yellow, black, etc. I'laclng a pinch from each pllo In his right band, ho will draw on tho smooth ground tlio Hguro of a man or woman, tho dress all properly colored, by the sand trickling through his fingers. It is done with great rapid ity and shows remarkablo dexterity. "August Flower" I have been troubled with dyspep sia, but after a fair trial of August Flower, nin freed from the vexatious trouble J. li. Young, Daughters College, Harrodsburg, Ky. I had headache one year steady. One bottle of August Flower cured me. It was positively worth one hundred dollars to me J. W. Smith, P.M. and Gen. Merchant, Townscnd, Out. I have used it myself for constipation and dyspepsia and it cured me, It is the best seller I ever handled C. Rugh, Druggist, Mechauicsburg, Pa. f An agreeable laxative and Kim Towto, Bold by Druggists or sent by mall. i0c,a00. and 1.00 per parkntre. f-amplea free. ff Tt .The Favorlta T00T1 ru9EH IW lAWfortheTeetbaodhrta,a6o. This Trade Msrk Is oaths best ' WATERPROOF COAT SSToVu? I" the World I A. J. TOWER. BOSTON. MASS. dTTTE WALTj PAFER MEHCMAmr f II TP 1 1 BELLS THE BEST, O kill I II THE CHEAPEST WALL PAPER llnnd Pnter'le. and -V-- fluid Fwpers Ac., Sm. m"! IOi. tSend .tc. 'itHip tiir aMOiples. itl Woudrtirrel. I lllburgb. I'm. t M Oft srtuyni.ilo by active am-rjta nolllnx ti M r. rr ear niut'lnues. Wuateil. Agent ti Hrll tlnrh-t TvM-wrlur Iu Hie wrM: eKclanivi, territory tflvru. Address N. TVI'tWKlTtKl O , tloluu, M-i Where Dirt Gathers, Waste Rules." Great Saving Results From the Use of SAPOLIO Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Bating Powder About Ilghtnlng. AUhongh lightning and thunder occur always simultaneously, an in terval of shorter or longer duration Is usually observed between these two phenomena, which Is due to the fact that sound travels only at the rate of 1,100 feet per second, while tho pass ago of light Is almost; Instantaneous. Based upon this fact it Is an easy matter to tell, nt lenst approximately, how many miles a thunder-storm is away. A normal pulso will beat ab iut one stroke to the second, and by count Ing the pulse beats during the inter val of tbe llgntnlng and the thunder the lapse of seconds Is arrived at and consequently tho number of feet, which can be reduced to miles. For example: If thirty seconds elapse between tho flash of the light ning and the crash of thunder, tho storm center Is at a distance of 3', 0u0 feet, or about 6 miles. An al most accurate calculation can be made by using a watch with a minute dial. Louisville Post-01s patch. DR. KILMER'S SWAMP-ROOT CURED ME aFTEfl TWENTY YEARS SUFFERING WITH Chronic Rheumatism. Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Blnahamton. N. Y. . ",;,rr.,h?.J'i;:'. " yearal haObcen troubled with Hlieiiriiatlsm and dmn.rMl 0 great d"l without rcnlizitig any benefit. Tin 1:., l,"f "''mn was rniicn to tr. r. inner mnmr. T li'SSjaWSM-assB ltoT, which was CyZa5E5 ',. .,J l.-l.villlu.'lllll.'.l If II1C. 1 IllOUgtlt would trv a bottlo and I used fourteen bottles, it has done me tnoro good than nil the Iioctors nnd all t lie other med lelnea I havo ever taken In tho past twenty years. Tho i.t year has been one of comfort In place of suffering. A great mnnyarc oslnir your N V A n H -ItOT in Van Wert. Yours respectfully, Feb. 19th, 1HO. Whs. Cai.vin Kahi.ey, van wcrt, Ohio. At Drnggla(a50 rent and SI. OO Hire, .u..ii,.. uuiaoioti-alia"rr-e-niltsUVarrr. J'r. Kilmer & Co., . I!lnr-hamtou, X, Y. Dr. Kilmer's U & 0 Anointment Cures Pilv Trial Box Frte. . At Druggists. SO cents. MEND YOUR OWN HARNESS WITH Tunmprtu'tt i nuiiiouii a v SLOTTED CLINCH RIVETS. No fivtlt iw)n.rrl. Onlr a himmtr nrxied to drive tftit c inch tfH-rn il and quiet;, Jvm the clinch iNBoiuuljr MootUk Koiioirlnf rtA tin to b mni in thf loattirr nor tiurr Ut Ut Kirts. Thjf are troni, lnirii nd 4arblr. Millions now in um. Am ieiiLih. uniform ir pwu-KkI, put nn hi troien. Ai oar dtwr fmr tbm, or wnd 40e. la tamp! 1W a ixta ol lou, asturieu auea. Uttit td by JU0S0N L. THOMSON MFG. CO . Walt ii ak. maih, FN U 3f 'W3 AM IDEAL FAMILY MBDICINK For IiKllvcatloM. HilioaMrUf laaaairaiwai. ssniaaivr n rrail n( ar.d all duordera OX U 8tomaii uicr ami tfdwrin, Itibama Vanifi r t irfitljyft pr.mi.!lj. rrfrt (liiriirn follows) thf ir uw. ftoid 1 by dniytrlata or ni hy mnit 1o fTliai,7fr. t'arki4re' fur nn' h i ii) it v (iirta SI I I'A .N e IIKMIOAI. CO., Wew Taeh. FRAZER AXLE Bestinthe World! GREASE Get.the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! If any ona doubt that w can curu Uia auil ob tlaaio caae la 10 toM day-x ! am writofor paiUt?ulara and IdtsmU rataourraJlab Itty. Our An-inrlaJ bsvklnsj tg a-ao.OOA. Wfaan merrarv BLOOD POISON I A SPECIALTY. I kx.ida potaaaiaaB, araapsrlllaor RntSnrlnsT fU, w rutraats? acara and mir klarle Cyphtlun J tha oaly tblna tti;i will mra nermavaantly. P alii prooaoaf arakd. tf. COOK KlHKliV Co.. Ckioa fO, iii. S.S b a as! -Ths- TargMt martaf tS tarn world on hue inaaa for 1 aara r.B.SeieltCo.,'g-.Bi,fcrii!;!'""' ara It A rV I.1 V 'lC TKAPE M.VHKS Btwmlniitl n J 1 lial 1 O, Hllfl Ullfrl.tlalOl.lflltalIIIIV of liivuntlun snl fir I'Hi-uiurt (hilli.nr hnw t--K'( a patvut. PATRICK u'KAUKkl.U Wamiiimitun, U-C. "r A.NTKO LAU1KH U mull clrt'tiluni, tin wrttinK T ut burn a, isii litMeti niC' fscnd "lf mt'iti"l HtitmiMMi iitVfUt U 1-ALtlKS CU-tr-KATlVli; TulLKTCO., Box 71, P. I , Xihhawaka. Ind. FIENSION W Hah lam I on, U.i Successfully Prosecutes Claims. Lavta Prlucipa.1 Kxauitcar V 8. Paoaiun Bui aau. iyrtm i. war. ljtuUuaUiij;tjJa,au), atl auita. ft Ptao'a Itamadv fea rtsrrli im ihss rVftt. Faalrat to I'm. and fti-apst. tooid my siriifgiaM or aaui by oiauL Uo. & T. liaxalilna, Warraa. p in; i'iiliifssl S - i-i j c fi. 7 Ml TRUSSES