EXTRA SESSION OF CONGRESS TWFSTT-rirrn pat. Brratr The Senate had a lone and rnr lonie aeainn to-day with little of interet to enliven the proceeding. The llniim bil for the repeal or the ailver purchasing clause of the Sherman net irm kept stcadilv to the front, anil It was mill helore the sen ate nt the time of Adjournment. Horsx Not In session. TWK.STY-SIXIM UT. rhatr Stibmtiitlnllv the entire dav was consumed by Mr.Stewartf Hep .Nevada) wno iook pnitive grotinu attains! the re peal of the Sherman art until silver Wa rwmonetized. The vote of tli Senate. 36 yea to 2 nay, to proceed to tlie eonlder tion of executive ftusines thl afternoon was the flrt let hack the repeal men have thu far sustained in the Senal. After a nort executive leaston the Jennie adjourn- in, Horsg Not In ession. twrstt fiKVi'STn pay. Srsatf The tirst two hour were tcc-i- Yied hv Mr. Morgan, l'emorrat.of Alabama in advocacy of hi resolution lo provide lor a Joint select committee on linni.ee and Which he avowed waa Intended to sujiersede the Finance t'onimlttec of hoih the Senate end Home. The repeal lull wa taken up by a vote of .17 to 21 and Mr. Morgan res olution went to the calendar, from which it eno ly tie taken on n motion nml bv a majority vote. The remiiimler if the dav consumed hr .Mr Stewart. Republican, of Nevada, in a cinitiniiniinn of the speech on which he had spent three hours of terdav session. Alter n abort executive session the senate adjourned. Hum The house to day adopted the rode or rule which w ill govern it durum the Fifty third Congrc, .subject to the deciion of the Committee on Role, which tinder the mica ha almost absolute power to direct the business of the b-dv. I he rules vary hut liilie ruin those that con trolled the I'lftv-econd Congress. When first reported they contained one radical chance and re-enacted the clause which permits ion members to constinite a (twr um in Committee of the Whole. Thi clause wa borrowed Irom ihe rnlea of Ihe Filtv-rirt Congrc, and altlioimh eve'y member of the Com mil ice on R-ile wna ,in favor of it, yet the pressure brought airainst it on tho Democratic side proved too power ful and Ihe clause was stricken out. Afier Ihe adoption of the rules Speaker Crisp announced that it would be in order for niemhera to aend bill and lesolnnons to Ihe Speaker' dek for printing and tei'er ence, and petition to Ihe box for referenc only. Immediately every pave on the lloor wa convened Into a messenger mid loaded with hill. The nonaction of the variom comniitice Indieatea that there n to be no general legislation until the Senate acta on the silver retieul bill. The program i that nothing ahull be permitted to Ret in the way of the measure. On motion of Mr. Wilson. Democrat, of West Virginia, the Comtnitiee on Way and Mean grant ed leave to ait during the session of the House. The House then adjourned until Saturday. TttPNTY-rHIIITII PAY. Prsuti!. In the senate to dav Mr. White, of California, oRrred areaolution calling for information regarding expenditure under the Chineae exclusion act and whether anr additional appropriatioii it necessary, which was agreed to. Mr. Voorliee moved to take tip the She man act repeal bill, which waa agreed to and Mr. Stewart, of Nevada, gave way to Mr. Walthall, Democrat, of Missis sippi, who addreed the Senate, hit speech bring in favor of bi metallism. At the conclusion of Mr. Walthall' speech Mr. Stewart iigiiiu tnik the floir and proceeded with the third installment of his speech, be (run Tueaday. At 4 16 Mr. Stewart closed hie speech. The aenate then proceeded to executive busm. and at 6 p. in. adjourn ed. The dreary, dilalory debate In the Senate i lacking in all Interest except a it show the policy of ileitiy. The Hons by ita ad journment a lew duy ago Im shown prc tically that nothing will be laken up until the senaie acii on the repeul. There is a Tumor, however, that a hll to repeal the Federal election law will he rilled up in the House next week ll It Is discussed its consideration will b,. in the nature of a safety valve, it. order lo nll"W p.'ir tisiiuship to the fr uit once. more. Parti hi fell i I. received a and blow in lliu lepeui hjtht. JIoi'kk Not in session, 1WPNTY-NIKTH PAY. Benate la the aenate today the repeal bill waa taken up and Mr. hauikner (Deiu.), of Weat Virginia, announced till intention to vote for repeal, but ex prened his belief in ailver aa a money metal, and declared hit Intention of offering an amendment to the preeent bill providing lor the coinage of M.0OO.OOO0I ailver per month until the agregate circulation ofmver of thecountrv all reach IROO.OOO.OUO. Senator Faulkner waa followed by Senator Turpi (Uem.). of Indiana, who aid he favored bi-rue talnitn. Senator Jone (Uem.) of Arkantaa.follnwed ia a ilrong speech opnoaing the repeal bill, M 8:30 o'clock Mr. Yoorhee roe. He laid be would not ask an unreasonable eaaion. but he thought 8:30 an unreasonable hour to adjourn. If then were no senator who dwired 10 speak he would have lo ask a vote. Mr. rial. (Kep.) of Maine, mad eotn arcaatic remark and Mr. Voorhee replied 10 them, and t be gentlemen indulged in a Hire little wordy avrap. into which (ereral otber senators were drawn. After a abort executive aesainn the senate adjourned, Houki. Not In session. THIRTIKTH PAY. Pinatp. The silver debate was continued without any deflulte action until adjourn ment. Hoi sp The session of the iiouse to-day jasteu mil a Drier nan nour.anu no Dullness of importance waa transacted when the House adjourned until Monday. KILLED DOING HIS DUTY. Gbot Down by On of Three Robber, Two of Whom Wert Killed by Fluoky Hardware Merchant Immediately After. Cashier A. T. Blacbly of the Farmer and Merchant Bunk, Delta, Col., waa shot dead by robber while defending hi trust, on Thursday morning. At a moment w hen no customers were present, three men marched Into the bank and covered the employe with gun. The apokeaman. presenting a revolver at the bead of Cashier Blacbly, demanded that he hand over what fund were in the bank, when Blacbly refused the robber withont any further warning opened fire on the unfortunate man, killing him inatantly. The three men then grabbed all the cash in igbt, amounting to perhaps 1100 and start ed for tb outside, where they had hone hitched. W. Ray Simpson keep hardware ton near tb bank. The noi-e of the shot tbat killed Blacbly attracted his attention. The uproar bad al.o drawn quits a crowd of people to tbe pot; but they wen not pre Miad for tbe robber, while Simpson was. Hi Winchester wai losdrd and he was a cool and sun (hot. Simpson got into the street 111 front of I lie bunk just as tb three robber were rushing out of the building. The hardware mini opened Hre while the robber were mounting their horse. Hi aim was sine and with tbe first cract of Ins title one of the robber fell deud. "Cruck!" went the rifle again, and unotber robber d ad with his boots on. Tbe (hooting took plaoeln a few second, but this sbort tim waa tb temporary salvation of tbs remain ing robber, who mounted bis horn and aiarled on a gallop dowu tbe road for tbe country. The bank was soon the center of an tx citert, angry multitude of vliiceua, who, when they recovered from Ihe shock, rush ed to Ibeir home secured horres, guns and ammunition and set off after tbe fleeing rubber. OH AND ARMY ENCAMPMENT At Indianapolis. 7,000 Comrade Died In the Feat Year. Pittsburg the Next Place of Mee-tng. The NewUfllcei Elocted. Is his annual report, rea I before tli (irantl Army encampment nt. Indianapolis. Commandcr ln-'.'liiel Weiaert In an Intro- duo ory way reviewed the progress of the order during the nsl year and made appro priate allusion to the death during that time ol two illustrious comrades. Rather lord II. Haye and Benjamin F. Butler. Continuing he said: "While our leaden are fast palng away there lina been an unusually Inrgedealh lo-a among the ranknnd II lent those who carried the gun nnd knapsack during the late war, and post charter throughout the order lime been repeatedly draped with the Inaignlu of mourning. The loss by death In the (irand Army of the Repiihlic during the past year la 7.no:2. 1 his is in excess or any previous annuiil mortuary return. Add to the figure the estimated loss among veterans not member ol the order, amounting hv a conservative estimate to ".'n"), we have a tottil loss by death among the union veterans of 14..V"i. In tbe return for I'eccmher, 102, there w Increase of 3.tsi oer the June previous In good standing and a larger increase was conlidemly looked for in June, but the desited reult waa not obtained. After n nst earnest effort made hv hendiuartera to In creae the membership In good standing a loss from June, WJ, of over 2,sj must I reported. 1 am pleased, however, to be abl teport the delinquent list lor the earns period reduced hv almost 4,h00. The total membership of the lirand Army of the Re public ia 44.'I..Vil, of which .1II7.Z24 are in good atmidiiig; suspended 41.001; by delfu quent reporia, 4.070. i begum by mutter during the past yeat Isl'4.404. 01 The commander aaid there wete four post of the grand Army of the Republic In nnn.ln, one in the City of Mexico, one In Honolulu, anil he hud leceivcl an n plica tion for one at Lima, the republic ot rent The olllciul re port show that 177,M-.f2 w disbursed by the various posia 011 tbe work. The woman Relief corp have distributed for the relief or comrade, the families of destitute comrade and the widows ami orphan the mini of t.W.tlJO.H"; amount turned over to the post during the year. il4 40ii.;M: amount for Memorial liay U.:ill.:!i:, making a total amount evpended lor reuei since organisation Ol nv UJO.'SJ, 1'iilsburg, I'n , wm selected aa the iext place 01 meeting of the national encamp ment of the (irand Am y in ISUI. Capt. J. t. II. Adnin,' of Massachusetts, was elected cotuniitinler-iii chief, to succeed Commander Wt-issert. of Wisconsin. Ivan N. Wulker. of liuliuiiHtioli elected ser.ior vice-commander, and J. C nigger, or lexus, was elected junior vice commander. SK FT' 11 Ol TIIK NEW I'OMMAMIPR. I ftrit.dll t Itu onn, chiet, was bom in 1M1 and in lud enlisted in .uiij. i.enu 1 eriev roore s rinu balta. ion nil .ll ,- ll.n ,.(,.lu,, nf . t. - - "- u, n - T BCI1 11-eilS regiment. He was promoted to captain loi lua valor. He participated in everv butt e i.f tlis urmv ..f tli.i l'..i.An 1.. I. 1.:. - ,,,, ,,111,11 regiment wn engaged At Kre lenckhiirg he saved the colors from capture after eight coli r-bcatei h.,d liceu killed. He was cap tured in lot and held u prisoner for nine mouth. He has held seveial ( lllce o! trust since Ihe c use of the war. and i now sergeaiit-at-iirni of the com.uonwealtli. He lifts ftln'rivs he,.), lo-tn-., it. il.u ..I (1. A R. anil ha been at the last twelve iiuitouiti encampments us a uclcgate. womkn s 1. 11.1 i f i one. Tliefevcmlt inioiittl ,...nvu.il,n p leailirKottlie oiiuin Reliet t'ori no tliel lit lllllilltinOiil.lt 1 Cirria V MI.....H ' I " - ' mtri III of Allegheny, I'a., prrsided. Sue imido un luldiess. '1 he r-l on shows thin Iheie is 11 ttlllll of two liel.lirllllchlH. t'.llv.tlvr, ,.ir,.l..M and tin increase ol h MHi h, ineiiilicrshiii. The total inenihcr. bin i over i.oihi uiii, 1 .r,lHI liinw.e.ou i,.ii,..i.uru I I.. " oip ojiiii leuei grained iliiring the year 1 4M.7H7. wilh surplus ot over rt'i oiK) in the treasuries ol the various ileimrtiuciit. Twenty eight state mid 13 department tire represented, . ... iiilii i in t-.ceiieui conouiOII. Die IIY.H.IIPK. t-i. I (..I' 'C.....I - .r' .v'Mn iinnin,, 101111 re ceipt. 4.Uii.2t: total expenditures, t.',470 H7. lluluiive on hand. 1.0l1I.m7. HAMILTON FISH DEAD. The Ex-Secretary of State Passes Pescei fully Away. Hon. Hamilton Fish, ex-secretary of state died at bis country residence, Garrison, N. Y., Thtitwlsy morning from silments Inci dent to old age. He was born in New York. August 3.1S04 and was educated at Columbia college. New York city, at which he graduated n 1H2H, studied law aud was admitted to the New lork bar in 1H30. In 1887 he was a member f the date legislature, was elected to con- frees in 1M2, ad served Iro-n 1M3 to 18V n the autumn ol lSI7he was chosen govern or of New York, serving till 1830, and in 1H.M be was elected Fniteil States Senator. Un the expiration of hi terra in 1U7 be visited Kurope with his family and spint several yean tliere. studying carefully tbe institution and governments of f the differ ent nation. He returned bom at .the com mencement or the civil war, and exerted hi influence and contributed liberally of his fortune in order to maintain tbegevern nieiiL In 18G0.on the resignation of Mr. T, TV Washhurue. who was antiointed ambassador to France, 1'resident Grant called Mr. Fish to the position of secretary of state, and reappointed him at the commencement of his second term, March 4,1873. To Mr.Fish belong tbe credit of surgesting tha joint high commission with Great Britain, which met in 1871. for tbe purpose of settling tbe various difnoultios between the two nations and his Isbors in Ihe negotiation ot the treaty of Washington were arduous, and enhanced his previous reputation as a dip lomatist. In November 1873, he negotiated with Admiral Polo, tbe Spanish minister, a settlement of the question retracting theVir ginius, an American vessel which had been seiced by Ihe Sietniards for coiiveviug meo, arm and munitions to the insurgents iu Cuba, THE DEATH OF HOME RULE. Killed In tha Hons of Lords by a Vote of 419 to 41 After a spiritless debate, with the excep tion of Lord Salisbury's speech, tb House of Lords at London on Friday night re acted the Irish Hum Rule bill by a vote of 41910 41. lxrd Salisbury ipok for an hour and a quarter. Hi conclusion waa marked by quiet eloquence. Tbe Fjirl of Kimbcrly briefly replied to Lord Halisbury. Tb Lord Chancellor then put the motion for the second resdingof the bill. He rained some merriment by saying, "1 think Ibe 'content' have It" when very loud and determined wa 11. t rivul cry, "the tion 'foment have it." The Hi use divided at midnight and Ibe remit wui tb rejection of Ihe motion, The Home then ad loomed Caihikr Gs tie now, of tbe I'abat Brew ing Company In Chicago, was counting 18,000 iu hi offlo when tb door opened and be wa knocked senseless by ona of two man. When be recovered tbe money nod man wera gotta. A citizen of Uolorado can force tbe yield ot silver If be br.i tt mine to CRUSHED TO DEATH IN A CAR. ELEVEN PEOPLE KILLED AND Many Badly Injured by a Collision on tha Ft. Wayne Hold Near Colehour. Two fait train on the rittahurg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago railroad crashed Into each other near Colehour, a small town near the Ind'ana Htate line, Thursday morning, and In an instant 11 lives were lost and nearly a score of other unfortunate were maimed and mangled. Following is a list of the killed: CiiRaTta E. Corn), Carthage, Ind. A. 8. Tsuri x, manager of Hchlller Theatre, Chicago, Knit UotigKRATH, a nephew of Temple. F.VAR RniXKY, freight agent of the Wiscon sin Central railroad. J. V. Adams, Fairfield, III. F. M. Bomard, Terre Haute, Ind. W. D. KtcHARiam, Chicago. Alsrrt Hum, Vlncennea, Ind. Wm. HHotiiaRtR. New Albany, Ind. VdXMiwH Tramp, body taken to Murphy' morgue, floutb Chicago. The badly wounded are: William Ritchie. Kdwardsport. Ind; William Brewer, Joseph Vale. I-ouisville, Ky: Claude Peber. Herman l.itcber, Freelandsville. Ind: Harry Klein, Vmcenne, Ind: Michael Vale. Louisville, Ky;W. A. Mill, Conboge, Ind: Henry Hog eumeyer, Kstibnrn. Ind; John Briscoe. Igansport, Ind; W, H. Turner, colored. Caier Mayer, Vineennc. Ind; William Blllingaer. Clyde, Ohio, Joseph Kchetibom. Camden, Ohio. The casualty annenr to have heen Id re. suit of a blunder inexcusable by even the ran roan oinciai. ror some reason or other the two fast train were Permitted to run In opposite direction on the same track and the wreck which ensued wa complete. The engine crew saved their lives by jumping. Tbe two locomotive came loiret'her with a crash tbat wrecked both and drove the bi- page car or the I'an handle train completely throii h the smoking car behind It. In this car were about 40 aengera and In It the lo or life occurred, no completely wa tbe car wrecaeu iniii u seemeu miraculous mat an of those in It escsned alive, but when the rescuer rallied lo the scene and began the work of rescue. It wa found that manv who hud been in the ill-fated car were foremost iu ihe work. Kugineer I.elghlheier and Morria Hart, of tbe two trains tbat tame together and Operator Kennedy, who reci-lvvd the train orders, have been arrested. THE WEEKLY CROP HEPOHT. Drouth Conditiona Continue to Preva I In the Ohio Valley. The weekly crop report of the Weather Bureau says: The weak wa unusually dry throughout the Central Valley, tbe Upper Lake region, thence westward to the Rocky Mountains, thus adding another week of drouth condition over the corn ilalei of tb Central Mississippi valley and thence eastward over the Ohio valley. Tb state giving the most favorable report for the week are Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska, Tha rainfall was generally in excess over the South Atlantic Stale and in the interior of the Middle Atlantic and New England state, covering a belt of country about 300 mile in width, over which the sever hurricane of last week passed. Virginia High wind have damaged all crops; pasture have been grcatlv lieneHled, North Caiolina Hurricane Injured crops In this Ktste seriously; corn blown down: fodder stripped; tobacco leave bruised and cut. Cotton less Injured, South Carolina. Storm did damage, open crop whipped out, bolls blown oil, plant twisted and He flat on the ground, and i sprouting; much cotton drowned out and till covered by water; young corn blown flat and much broke i oil' and stripped or ears and leaves; bottom lands overflowed twice and large quantities of corn washed away; Iruit trees stripped of late fruit, 'encea house and pine timber blown down 0.1 coast, crops black from sea water, half of Bea Island cotton crop completely ruined by the tide water, rice badly damaged, but upland rice iu better condition. Tennessee Favorable weather In eastern porilon, everything doing nicely, Tobac C3 being cut in other sections iWouth con tinue, tbe corn and pasture being badly damaged. Cool night and drouth ruining cotton in many localities. Kentucky Drouth continue; plowing suspended, stock water scarce and poor lookout for crops daily Increasing. Illinois Entire alisenr of rain; corn cut ting commenced: thrashing about complet ed: iastures dried up; stock water scarce. Indiana Drouth continued; corn turn yellow without being matured; In most of ibedistrirt the pasturago ruined. Weat Virginia Com. tobacco, buck wheat and late vegetables improved by light rains: gra-i reviving; live stock lii good condition. Ohio Urolith broken over eaiteru ami southern sections; pasture mt I laye -o-taioes improved by rains; corn ton lar ud vuiired, some being cut. A DEADLY CYCLONE. A Convent Hit and baveia. of tha Bister Killed. A severe cyclone (truck the pretty little town of LockKrt, onBiiyou La Four Creek, La , and left it a mas of desolation. No serious results wen apprehended Juritll the w'nd shifted suddenly to the southwest and blew at a terrible rate, carrying everything In it path. The store of W. G, Barrio was half demolished; residence of Uua Abritat mid C. J. Richards; Oliver Rivet's barber shop. Isadore Leblano's residence, C D, Burrio'a large cooier shop. Convent of Im maculate Conception und Peter I'ullucky'a fruit shop was complete'y destroyed. Many other building wen badly damaged. The killed an: Sister Pulcbarie. Hister Lucie.Mlsa ?Iuble Gatiibreaux, Mr. Oliver Bevel, Bar ber, the servant of the convent.un unknown man with rcalp torn off. A large cumber of persons were seriously wounded. Thu property lost will approx mat 1100. 1100. Tha Peril of Progressive Euobr. Judge Moon in bla charge to tba Grand Jury at Chattanooga tbt other day, created a sensation by declaring tbat progressive eucbr waa gambling. Ht said: "Not only I gambling oarrUd on in regular gambling resorts, but ptoplt of high standing and re spectability gamble. They may not put down money but tbey set an example for other In playing for pritsa and award. In the progresilv tachn gams tbe per son play for flu pictures or gold-beaded canet. Examples an set that an a viola tion of law and It I juit at demoralising us common gambling. A conviction of one man of tha higher elan it batter, at an ex ample, than tb conviction of only ordinary veopl for common gambling." "Mime le the 'buslnese before pleasure' that you beard of to much," aid the muo hi tho theatrical box window l'biladelphlu accord. IMPROVEMENT iNBU8INEB8 Extends From th Banks to tn Mille, Mending tha IndnatrlalCandltloo. R. U. Bun .t Co.'t Weekly Review ol Trsde, of New York tsys: Improvement bst extended from I lie banks lo tha mill. Th condition of great Industries his distinctly mended, tbnugn still seriously depressed. More Important by far than any rise In stoct I the fact that more wotks have resumed during the past week thin have ttopped operation, o tint the producing fore of th country, after month of constant decline hi begun lo Increase. Dispatch mention 2R textile ml 30 metal work which have resumed some only with part fore while IU textile and nine Iron work hav Hopped. It is expected that most of the Fall River mill will Hart, the band assenting to reduced wgea. Th money market I mon healthy. Th premium on currency ba almost vanlibed, the embarrassment In domestic exchanges have well lush disappeared, and while very little money T yet available lor commercial or Industrial loam, then I some relief in that respect also. It wa time for ome im provement. rale of wool have bn the lowest on n rord lor years, 1,271, 10 pound at tbe prin cipal mar ate for 1I1 laat week, as against 7.oifl.!too for the same week last year, the average of 104 grades being 17 osnts, the lowest fur msny years. MOXRV MARRXT (lilt ATI. V IMrROVIII. While money markets have greatly Im proved they are vt far from the normal condition, and ihe crop are in doubt. The prospect tor corn hae not Improved, and the Injury done by drouth teem to Insure a mu 11 smaller yield than was expected. The t rice during .the week liaa atlvanead ful y i tent. Western receipt of wheat hav also been only 3,37.VW bushels for the past week, against 7,. 'If. 0.14 laat year, and as accounts of short crops abroad grow more dellnlie, the price her ha strength ened fully 1 cent. Incomplete return of asset and llabilltlis for the mouth of August show Ihst about l.fWO failures amounted lo M,446 08) and the returns lor tbe remaining failures of th month will 1 robubly ral-e th amount above IHO.OtHl.nOO. Th asset reported were 107,1111,210. Till bodv of defaulted liablll tles for lbs singls month of August exceed the aggreitata lor anv entire quarter txcept five, during the past ten years. The failure for the week In the Fulled Hlates have been only IViS against HW last week and 480 lor the week preceedlng, and 2S In Canada against 8Jj for the same week last yesr. While one large mortgage com pany swell the aggregate of lislulilies for the week, the averure of other failures were lower than usual, 202 he ng for less than l.i 000 euch and only four over 1100,000 each. TUT Rt'MMRS RAROMKTXR. Bank clearing total for the week ending Hept. 7, 11 telegraphed to btatlttrrrtu, are as foilow i New York f 410.030. 134 D 37.1 Chicago 73.BH7,2t!t D 2.V8 Boston (W.O70.2U1 l 3H .8 Philadelphia 62.1111, 700 ll'i5 Ht. Louis 17,tl22.7:iU 20. Baltimore 12.47. 1M 1) 80 Han Francisco ,007,o,0 D 2.V0 Pitteburg 8,8 4 I. D 84.3 Cincinnati 7,721,400 D 44.5 Cleveland 4,10"i,8s0 D 20.0 rnlala, I'. H 733.ft7.1.7l.,i D 34.11 Kicliiiive ol New York 32V4!t.S.H D 41.3 i indieatea Increase, I) decrease. penn8ylvania"day. Gov- Paulson and Otbera Mado Ad dresses. An Interesting Program Thursday wa Pennsylvania day at the World's fair. At 10 o'clock Governor Tat llion rode into tho park with the ofllcers of bis stair. Riding ahead as escort were the gorgeously uniformed City Troop of Phila delphia. They passed through the park and then formed In column before the Pennsylvania building, and the governor and his party passed inside, saluting the old Liberty bell, which Hands nt the entrance ai tbey went. An informal reception was held lor an hour and at 11 o'clock the Infor mal ceremonies bgan. A. B. Farquhar, the Pennsylvania execu tive commissioner, acted a matter of cere monies and gave the address of welcome. Governor Altgeld followed Farquhar. Then Governor Patlison sHike. His address waa short. Addresses wen made by General Daniel A. Hustings, Charles Kinery Smith, ex-minister to Russia: Lieutenant Gnvernor Louis L. ft stres, James Beck, of Philadel- fibia: George V. Masaey, of Detroit, ami Na lonal Commissioner John M. Wuodside. After tbe governor's address ihe Cymrodar Ian society. ofScranton, 230 voice strong, sang a chorus. Th afternoon exercise wen of va'ied character. The reception for Governor Pattison and his staff began at 4 o'clock. Tbe governor was assisted by lb officer of his staff, the stuie commissioner and the ladies of their party. Luncheon was isrved nd at 8 o'clock tliere were Pennsylvania fireworks on Ihe lake front. Among the pecial design wr Liberty bell, th Penn sylvania building und a portrait of Gover nor i'attison. HAWAII AN u GERMANY' Two Importint Nomination Made by tha President- Tha President nominated Theodore Run yon, of New Jersey, to be Ambassador Ex traordinary ami Plenipotentiary of the United Plate to Germany, and Albert 8 Willis, nf Kentucky, to be Envov Extra ouliuury and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Hawaiian Island. Itunyon'i appointment 1 In the line of promotion. He was appointed Minister lo Germany during the recess and now be come '.nibatsador. Hon. Albert Willi, whom the President ha designated to as sume the responsible position of Minister to the liawaiiun Islands tian ex-member ol Congress He Is at present practicing law Iu Loiivilleand is recog tilted as a leading member of the bur of that city. Ho is about SO yean old. FAIR FINANCES. Receipts From Concessions Far Ahead of tba Pari Expoaitlon. Advance figures from th Exposition aud itor' report were given out at Chicago. Tbt most Interesting feature of Ihe report wa found In tbe Item of receipt from conces sions Tha revenue from tbat source had reached tht enormous flgunof (1,013,048.01 011 August 31. Tb Pri Exposition receiv ed but 1000,000 from concession for tb rntin six month, while tbe managen of the World' Fair get about f400,000 a month. Tho last two months of th Fair will go fur above Ihe average in that respect. The lotul receipt of tb Exposition In data from all sources hv been 12(1.141,888 .80 and tb disbursement l,810,35tt. Base Ball Beoord. Tbe following table show th standing ol lb diflereul base ball club up lo data 1 w. t, r'ct. w. !.. r'ct, Boston.... 80 82 .714 Cineln'tl.. 64 68 4NJ Pittsburg. 08 44 .007 Baltimore 60 e2 .44c Pblladel'a 00 47 .1.84 ft. Louia.. 47 fW .41f ('level' nil. HI 48 .600 Chicago. .. 47 .4lf Mew York 61 62 .640 Lnuiv'i. 41 66 .SSf Brooklyn. U 63 23,Waab'n... 87 7U ,82i LATE TELEGRAPHIC JOTTINGS OTH FHOM BOMB AND ABHOAD. What la Oolng On the World Over. Important Evente Briefly Chronlolad, feeltal. I aknr aarf laaastrlit. Th Pennsylvania Bteel Company at Pteellon, Pa., have resumed, employing 2,000 men. The Llanc-Grojean Work at Hnrrlsburg, Pa., alto resumed. Th Iron Mountain railroad ha cut salaries ranging from 175 to t!f), t.l, and Iho from t3 to 178, S per cent. Tbe Falcon and Russia Iron mill at Nllea,. )., resumed work. Advice from New England and New York stat tell of resumption of work by many manufacturing Industries and Im proved conditions. The Hobb Glass Company, of Wheeling, W. Va returned work. Tb Rlvenide nd Ben wood steel and Iron works also re sumed in 1 art, giving employment to about SOO men. Mill of th Dwlght Manufaeturing Com pany at Chicipee, Man , ihut down tniled nllely and flW persons aie out of employ ment. Five Toledo, O., factories bsve resumed operations and nearly 2,000 men are at wo.-k. The wage of machinist employed by B. Hoe A Co.. New York printing pre manufacturers, have been cut 2J per cent. Tha Ctimherlanl. Md and tin plate mill, which ha been closed down for three mentli, resumed with order enough on hands lo run ll winter. On liundrel and fifty men are employed and more an coming. Th National Congress of trade unionist at 1 fast pns-isd resolutions favoring an elphi-honr working day aud national pen sions for the aged poor. Notice of resumption In various purl of tb Easltrn and Middle State continue to come In. f'hnlera Aavlre Ht. PiTgRSHt'Ro. Eleven new cases of cholera and seven death from the disease occurred in this cily Monday. Brrmsj. Three mora children suffering from cholera wen taken to the Moabite hospital when they died. Rosii.f'l here have been 27 new case of cholera and 23 deaths in various parts ol Italy during Die list 21 hours Including 11 death at Pa ermo und 0 at Naples. Since the beginning or the outbreak then have been 70 deaths from cholera at Palermo. I'ersnnMl. Jerome Bonaparte died at hi summer home, Pride' Crossing, near Beverl y, Mas Monday night. Bunker Benedict says that the President lind several teeth pul ed when aboard the yacht, and that all stories about cancer etc., are the veriest bosh, ( rime nail I'ennllle. John Hnrt, aged 21, near Kockfon, III., murdered his two sisters, Mary and Nellie, aged 20 and 2.') respectively. Hart is su posd lo have been temporarily insane. Near Fulrvletv, Tenn., Mrs. Vilon Berry was hot nnd fatally wounded by a neigh ber. Mr. John Scott, ami young Berry wa liot and killed by the Kcott woman' son. Mlwrllnnenn. In a local option election at Roanoke, V., bv a majority of 142 in a vote of 3,501) it wa decided to dote all saloons. No union brewer may serve on any mili tary fore hereafter. The National Ccn ventlou at Milwaukee ho issued tha decree. BEYOND OUR BORDERS. Tbe twenty-iixlh annual congross of the trad it unions of Great Britain and Ireland wai opened at Belfast. The congress Is estimated to represent about 1,23),0X work ing men. A widower named Wall rtn l hit four children were burned lo dejth in t'icir shop in Harumerimitli. a suburb of London. MASSACRE OF EMIN PASHA S and Bis Followers Slaughtered b Revengeful Arabs and The r Bodies Devoured by Canniba's Adisfatch from London ray: A. J. Bwanii, a missionary at l.'Jiji, confirm the report ot the slaughter of the noted African explorer, Kiniti Pasha and hi baud of Nubian warriors, by revengeful Arabs. With a baud of 30choseu men Emin wa traversing the Ruandu country, along a river that Hows into the Cm go, bound for the coast, Tli hostile bund followed th party until they hud them surrounded by greatly siiierior numbers, when they closed in on the explorer. 'J he Aral were led by a man of giant isltire, who, utter dramatically announcing "It I you, Emin, who killed our le.low at Victor Nvuuiu. and (o I kill you, ' cut off Eniin'i bead with one sweep of a huge cimeter. Hi followrra were then massacr ed and tbe warm and bloody head and bodies turned over to the Munyeiua native cuniiibuie, who devoured litem, while the Arab danced and shouted wit j demoniacal glee. A Bmall Cotton Crop. A review of the cotton crop of tha United States for the year ended September 1, J18C3, published by th N. Y. "Chronicle," ibow th total crop reaches 0,717.142 bale, while tb exports arc 4.402,803 bules, and the spin ners' lukiiigs 2,481,016 baits, leaving a sto.'k on baud of 243,271 bales. The crop state ment for the last three years shows; lM:i, 0,717,42 bales; 1802, 0.038.707, a' d 1801, 8,6.V,M8. This year la the smallest crop luce 18SU-7. WORLD'S FAIR ATTENDANCE. Tb following ar tb official figure foi Ihe paid admissions lo th fain May (nonlh) 1.050.03', June (month) 2.H76 111 July (month) 2.700,2)1 August (inouib) 3,626.4 September (to dale) 1.422,481 Total ...11,434,101 A BIRTH AT TRE WHITE HOUSE. The President' Family I Inoreased by Ihe Coming of a Daughter. Mr. Grover Cleveland presented the Prtslrient a little daughter at th While House at high noon on Saturday. Thl I Hit unadorned atalemont of an event which thrilled the heart of all her countrymen, and wa Unshed under the sest to meet Ihe enngrsttt story responses of Emperor and King. The event wa not n complete sur prise, a from time to time within the last few months rumors of ita prospective occur rence, veiled a such announcements al ways are, trickled like coiilldencea Into the column of the press. Dr. Bryant, of New York, th family physician of Mrs. Cleveland, returned wilh Mr. aud Mrs. Cleveland Irom Gray Gnb!e some days ago, and Ibis fact gave rla to renewed g sslp concerning thl Imt orient event In the live of the Chief Executive and hi wife. But the Impression that Dr. Bryan) was her In alien Jiince upon th President rather served to quiet the rumors that he waa remaining at the Executive Mansion for the emergency. The baby wa born st exsclly high noon, just as Ihe ball on the Staie, War and Navy buildings opposite the White House drop ped Irom the top or the stsfl. Although there had been an air of exrec ianey about tbe While House during the morning, Ind ented by the fact that Ihe servants stood In group eicbur.ging whis pered confidence and by the noiseless tread with which tbey glided about the htiibiing, Ibere was nothing 10 signify that anything iitiii-iial was tn occur in the large room aiiloiiiing the abinet c'laniber on tbe second lloor w here the President receives bis visitor. The President wa notified of It hv Dr. Ilyrant directlv after it occurred. lie first a-ked the condition ot Mr. Cleveland, anil being a aured Ihe (lunger was passed anx iously Inquired'. ' I II a boy or a girl?" Something like 11 shadow of disappolnt iihiiI swept aero Mr. Cleveland a face as the physician told blm thai the new-born babe was a girl. V bile be was talking Willi Dr. Bryant little Ruth was brought Into Ihe l.sllwav by her nurse. When she espied her father with a about of delight she s'rtlched out her snna lo him. The Presi dent took her lovingly In bis embrace strok ed her hair and kissed her tenderlv. saying wilh a note of tremulous endearment lii his lone, "Ruth, my dear, you have a little sister." Mrs. Terrine, the mother of Mr. Cleve land arrived 111 Ihe White House late Satur day night. The last report, received a we go to pre- with this ne of our par 1 that mother and child are doing nicely. I his I Ihe lirst lime a child has been born In the White House to Ihe president of out country. MARKETS. riTTSRfBO. TIIK Wllot.rsAI X CHRIS ARK OIVKM SILOW. I.I1AIN. rLOt'lt ANOrREII. WHEAT No. 1 Red 81 I 64 No. 2 Red 02 6 CRN No. 2 Yellow ear... 62 A3 High Mixed ear..- 40 M No. 2 Yellow Shelled 47 4i Shelled Mixed 40 47 OATS No. 1 While 32J 33 No. 2 White 32 82 N". 3 White SO 81 Mixed :d 80 RYE So. 1 52 63 No. 2 Western. New 4S 50 Fl.til'll Kancy winter pal? 4 00 4 26 l aiicv Spring patents 4 20 4 46 Fancy Straight winter.... 3 trt 8 W) XX linkers 9IU 8 5 Rve Hour 8 25 8 60 HAY Ruled No. 1 Tim y.. 13 2 13 60 Ruled No. 2 Timothy 12 00 12 50 Mixed Clover 11 00 12 0: 'timothy from country... Is) 00 20 00 STRAW Wheat 8 25 6 50 ' ata 0 60 7 00 FEED No. 1 W h Md T 17 Hi 18 00 No. 2 White Middling. 18 00 18 Ms Brown Middlings 15 00 16 00 Jlrau.Jnilk 16 60 16 00 miRY rROIipcTS. BI T! EH Elgin Creamery 2l 30 rainy Creamery 21 'IS Entity country roll 20 21 I.ow vrude ii eookins-.... 14 1. CHEESE Ohio, new W 10 New York, new 104 10J Wisconsin Swiss 14 i Limbiirger ll' all make)... 12 12J FRt'lT AMI VEUKrABLKS. APPI.ES-Eanry, bbl... Euirto choice, tv bbl.... PEAi 'HES. per crate PEAHrt per bbl BEANri N Y it M(new)BeanVbbl Lima Beans POTATOES rancy Rose. V bbl Ordinary v hul Hweeiper bbl . . ........ rorLTBY arc DRESSED CHICKENS Spring chickens It lb..... Dressed ducks flt Dressed turkeys 4V lb..... LIVE CHICKENS Spring fhlcKsu I. iv chicktns V pr Live Ducks 4 pr Live Turkeys JVttj EGGS Pa 4 Ohio froth .... FEATHERS Extiu HveGeeae 9 lb No 1 Extra livegeeseWlb Mixed 2 71 1 60 75 3 60 200 4i 2 25 1 60 3 60 3 On 1 75 1 00 4 00 2 10 44 2 60 2 00 6 611 15 10 10 11 13 ltt 30 40 63 70 40 60 8 7 lii 13 63 CO 4 60 25 33 k 4 4i 41 5 7 60 7 75 1 10 15 1 40 1 7t i H 17 IS 10 12 60 1 00 5 W 5 80 Ml: XL I. APRIL'S. TALI.0 W-Country, ... ity SEEDS Clover Timothy prime... Blue graas RAGH Country mixed ... HONEY' White clover.... Buckwheat MAPLE SY'Rl'P. new crop. CIDER country sweet bbl cljicisjs.vn. FLOCR $2 WHEAT No. 2 Red 3S3 23 SO KY E No. 2 CORN-Mixed OATS EGGS BUTTER . miLADKLFHlA. FI.Ol'R WHEAT-No. 2. Red CORN No. 2, Mixed OAT'S No. 2, Whit B I' TT E R Creamery Extra. EGGS Pa- Kirem . . ... NKW YORK. FI-OUR Patent WHEAT No 2 Red RYE Western CORN No. 2 OATS Mixed Western BUTTER restnery EGGS Male and Prnn 4(4 43 27i 12i 22 60 43J 27 13 27 11 90(S;3 75 tj 68 43 30 25 10 41 3i 31 I 00 4 60 70 70, 62 47 301 16 17 63 31 2t ltt i.tvg-trocg RESORT. IAST L1SRMTY, riTTHUl R'l STOCK YAH DA. CATTLE. Prime fitters Hood butcher Common Bulls and dry cows Veal Calve Eresh cow, per bead 4 80 to 3 63 to 3 20 to 2 OJto S 00 4 5t 3 60 a 26 e 23 6 00 to 20 00 to 40 00 SNRKP Prime M to 100-Ik sheep.. , Qood mixed Common 70 to 73 lb (beep.. Choice Lamb 8 00 to 8 03 3 23 to 8 60 1 60 to 2 00 8 60 to 6 23 uous. Good Yorker.,.. 6 15 to 6 25 6 00 to 6 M 6 HO to S 00 4 Ot) to 6 00, Medium Heavy Roughs.