The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 06, 1893, Image 4

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    tfulitcriiitiiin tl.HO per year, in mlranm.
An tiif1rHmlrnt lis'itl pspor, piitilWird pvpry
WeUtiPsiliijr at ItojrimlflsYlliV, ,itTerin Co.
l's,., ilpvtit.wt Ci tint Interests of Itcyrmlclflvlll
anil .leffprson rounl r. Nimpol It Irsl. will t rent
Itllwllli fillrmws, hikI will lH't"HH'lli(ljr frleml
ly tnwnrils the Intvirln. pIbsb.
SulMPrltitlnn irlcpil.M)perirfftF, In stlrsncp.
Coninninti'iitlmn Intrmleff fop piihllrntlnn
must ho iHTimipiinlPfl by Iho writer's tmnip,
uut for iiulilli'iilloii, lint fin a ftuntiintt'e of
good fulfil, tntprpxtlni news Items solic ited.
AdvurdHltiu rules msilu known on upplli-a
tlon nl f hp office In Arnold' Hlork.
Ipnu:tity romnmnlrnllon snl ehsnifp. nf
nilvprtlHctnptits slmiiltl rpni'h llils iiffii'e lijf
Manilny noon.
AIIm"m nil mmmiinlpfitlonii loC. A. Ntnph
non. KpvnohNvlIlp, l's.
Kntereil nl Ihp pmlofllrp tit liojrniililsvlllo,
Pn., tin seentifl i'ln tnnll ntnttpr.
C. A. HTKPIIRIDNOKI, Kdltor and Ptsb.
Wo all know that It lit much ontdor to
toll others how they should walk than
it Ih to kirp nn tlio "straljfht and nar
row way" ourselves.
It In a IiIi'khItix (or sumo yountf men
that their futhoin are ablo to kin-p tho
tablo supplied or they would get very
hungry. It U nut noeossHry to go out
aldo of our town to find suoh gentry.
Thoso who havo lived many yearn In
thin world are long ngo convinced of tho
faet that false. )eporta havo wing and
are often swifter than the truth. That
Is one reason why puoplo who have
respect for a man's character should
decline tti Indulge In unauthentlcated
gossip. It Ih possible, by a llttlo
carelessness In this direction to do
people deadly harm.
When tho paving of tho Main street
of Hrookville Is completed It will beono
wlsV'h tho citizens of that town will
havo reasons to bo proud of. Tho pav
ing will cost something like $20,000; but
it will bo In good condition for many
years. After tho work Is finished and
tho rubbish cleared away, it will bo dis
covered that board sidewalks aro un
sightly liesido a brlek-pavod street, and
property holders will have to put down
something a llttlo bettor.
Thinking of pleasant things as much
as possible Is a great help when matters
soora to bo going wrong, and ono Is
tempted to brood over thorn and grow
morbid. Saddest life has Its real,
precious morclos, and most lives have
far moro of ieace and gladness, If appre
ciated aright, than of distress. We do
groat Injustice sometimes evon to thoso
who actually havo treated us unkindly
by dwelling on our Injurtos. Thore is
dangor lest wo may como to believe
that, Instead of their ill treatment of
us having been exceptional, it expressed
their deliberate and hostllo feelings.
I know that thore are women of most
undeslrablo nature, who wander up and
down tho country having no homes of
their own or forsaking tholr own homes
talking about their rights, and we
lenow very well that they, thomsolvos,
are neither fit to vote nor keep house,
-writes the Rev. T. Do Witt Talmage.
Their mission seems to be to humiliate
the two sexes at the thought of what
any one of us might become. No one
vould want to live undor the laws that
such women would enact,nor to have cast
upon society the children such women
would raise. The best rights that
woman can own she already has in her
possession. Her position in this coun
try at this time is not one of commiser
ation, but one of congratulation. The
grandeur and power of her realm have
never yet been appreciated; she sits to
day on a throne so high that all tho
thrones of earth piled on top of each
other would not make for her a foot
stool. Here is the platform on which
he stands. Away down below it are
tho ballot-box, and the congressional
assemblage, and the legislative hall.
A young man does not always And it
easy to got on in the world without edu
cation, or family influence, or personal
friends, or property, or health; but
he will find In the long run that It
is far easier for him to make his way
among men without any or all of these
advantages than to make substantial
progress in the world without the repu
tation of a good character, even though
he has all those othor possessions.
Character stands for something every
where in spite of its frequontsllgh tings.
Men who are themselves lacking In a
good character appreciate it and value
it in othors. A band of robbers would
want an honest treasurer. The young
man whose word cannot bo believed,
whose honesty is not above suspicion,
and whose personal life Is not what it
ought to be, is not the young man that
the business world has open places
for. He may have health and wealth,
and family position, and a host of
friends, but if he is without character
he Is at a disadvantage In every posi
tion in life. When a young man who
has lost his good name makes an honest
effort to recover it he finds that his
way upward is a hard one a great deal
harder, in spite of all other helps, than
it would have been if he had made a
right start without these helps.
Friends are comparatively powerless in
their efforts to win oonfidonoe for one
who has proved himself unworthy of It
on former oocablons. Then it it lit that
the young man is likely to realize
aa never before that "a good name Is
' rather to be chosen than great riches,"
even as a worldly Investment. Because
It is so hard to get on without a good
' name, or to regain it when once surren
dered, every young man who has that
possession ought to count it above prloe,
and to have a care lest he lose It.
Squlrreil Season opens September 1st.
I have just received a line line of
GUNS, Single and Double Barrels.
I have these in Single Gnns: the Shattuck, Champion, II. & A., Scmi-IIammerlcss.
Can sell you No. 1
Full Line of Ammunion.
Avalon Terrace.
The Intent addition of town lots
thrown on tho market In this borough
Is Tom Iteyntilds' batch of 102 lots
known as Avalon Terrace. There are
few, If any, prettier hits In Hcynolds
ville than those for sale In this terrace.
Tho now lots beglp near Mr. Jesse L.
Test's proierty at tlio corner of Tenth
and Grant stroots, and extend almost to
Cold Spring Hollow. Grant street,
which runs directly through the contor
of Avalon Terrace, will be o)on up to
Beech street. There Is some what of
an ascent from Main street to tho
terraco and back of It thore Is another
hill, but the lots on Avalon Terrace
are as pretty and level as any man
would desire, to own. Tho view Is
vory beautiful. The lots on both sides
of Grant street are CO x 150 feet, and
aro otTored for sale at a vory reasonable
price. Thoso who havo never boen on
tho ground have no conception of what a
desirable place It would bo to own a
homo. Any person who anticipates
buying a lot ami building a home may
be sorry In after years If they do not
visit Avalon Terraco before they solect
a plneo to build. For title, terms, fco.,
apply to .TesHO L. Test. Some I'eoplo
think Mr. Reynolds Is foolish to sell
those lota for the money he asks for
thorn, as they will bo valuablo lots in a
few years.
Thoso laced bluchers at Reed's are
easy as an old hIioo.
Fair Warning.
To the jm rent of children who endanger
their Uvea on the It. d F. C. Ify:
I onco more appeal to tho parents
of the children who so persistently con
tinue to got on and off the cars on the
R. & F. C. R. R., and ask thorn to pre
vent the practice, if possible. Not a
day goes by but this is indulged in.
We endeavor to prevent this, as much
as possible, and thore aro parents in
this town who well know that I have
gone to thorn personally, and Informed
them of the conduct of thoir llttlo ones
In this regard. It is astonishing what
the children will do. Only a fow days
ago our Superintendent, Mr. Molllnger,
discovered several small ones playing
on the track underneath a train of cars
that was liable, at any moment, to be
put in motion by a locomotive at work
close by. Will you not keep your chil
dren, both largo and small, away from
the cars? This Is the third time I
have publicly appealed to you to do it.
Nothing now remains but for us to lot
them keep on, if you will not stop them,
and suffor the consequences, or have
them arrested, and in either event
those who fallod to prevent this danger
ous practice will no doubt consure us.
It does soom that we have done all that
should be required of us.
S. B. Elliott, Gen. Manager.
Fifteen hundred dollars worth of
English woolens just arrived at Boll's
for fall suite. Why?
A full line men's loatber boots at
A new line of necklaces and scarf pins
at H. J. Nickle's.
The time has come to try your soles.
If you wear Rood's 14.00 shoe, your soles
will stand the test well.
la the L. O. D. Included ?
The Klttannlng Globe said last week:
"The Allgheny Valley Railway em
ployees are to have a two weeks' excur
sion to the World's Fair, tendered by
the company. The exourslonlsts will
have dining and Blooplng cars en route,
and during tholr stay, placed at their
disposal." How about the Low Grade
Div. men, are they in it too? There
is no railroad in the country that has
a better class of men or any more de
serving than just the Low Grade Div.
men of the A. V. R'y.
It needs no special message of the
President to tell the people of Reynolds
vllle where Reed's shoe store is.
Dish pans for 20, 25 and 35 cents at
H. J. Nickle's.
Mrs. Annie S. Gibson lost a gold dol
lar with a pin on it last Friday evening
some where between the G. A. R. hall
and G. G. Sprague's resldenoe on Main
streot. She valued the pin highly, not
for ite real worth, but because it was a
present from her deoeased husband, and
will reward the finder If they return the
pin to her.
School tablets with shoes at Robin
son's. Buy your new shoes while the styles
are fresh. Reed's shoes are nobby.
Hoys lookout for the panther.
Miss Flora Arnold Is visiting friends
at Dig Hun this week.
If you want the news, subscribe for
the Star.
Ambrose Strouso spent Sunday In
Miss Rosa Deemor was ablo to bo
among her friends at the picnic Friday.
John Ross and wlfo wore at DuBois
over Sunday.
The Brookville fair begins on the
2th of this month.
Buy your shoes whore the dealor does
as he agrees. Reed does that.
Mrs. Johathan Doomer Is visiting
friends at Bells Mills this woek.
Somo of our young B)orU took In the
danre at Sykosvlllo Friday night.
Will Deemor Booms to have consider
able business at Big Soldier of late.
Wilson Coffman, formerly of Sykos
vlllo, wont to Jefferson lino to spend
tho coming winter.
A good muny men will havo to "foot
it" this winter. We wish all such had
a pair of Rood's H.'I.OO shoes.
Al. Funk and wlfo and Henry Funk,
of Greonsburg, and Mrs. Edward Mix,
of DuBois, were tho guests of J. W.
Ross and family a few days last wook.
Horse, harness and surry for sale.
Enquire of J. S. Morrow.
For a nice pair of flno shoos go to
Ton piece decorated toilet set for
W.50 at II. J. Nickle's.
Australia raises the only kangaroos,
but Hoed sells kangaroo shoes.
rifttng with th rtb.
Holuen Craft At tho Jefferson
House, Brookvlllo, Pa., Aug. 2, 1803,
by Rev. J. W. Blalsdell, Samuel Hoi
bon, of Punxsutawney, and Lizzie
Craft, of Rochester Mills, Pa.
LV.IimS... Al 1 1 nf an
win wjuh tjuitrv Wll I'ttliB CWJ., 1X9
1""' w !'" myj vin, nuu u uum t UttllB JU
cents at H. J. Nickel's.
There will be an ice cream and cake
festival at the house of Miss Mary Mo
Koo, Itathmel, on Saturday evening,
September Hth, for the benefit of the
preacher. Everybody invited.
Do unto othors as you would have
them do to you. Deal fairly. That Is
Henry A. Reed, "the shoe man's."
f!Anr.flnv On Pi.l.iuu u.... o luin ..!
year-old uaugntor or Mr. and Mrs.
Ed.Carlson.of Rathme), of diphtheria.
Burlod in Prospect cometery Satur
day afternoon.
Vnil must, wnftp ihnfl. If Ih. lima ..
close. Fit your shoes to the times and
1 . TT A it... . ..
ouy oi noiiry a. jteeu, "ine snoe man."
Ten llln hat racks for 10 nnntji. nf. TT.
J. Nickle's.
Horses for Sale
At reasonable prices. I will sell one
heavy mare and oolt four years old, one
horse four years old. ono horse three
years old, two mares eight years old,
one mare colt two years old.
Reed sells a handsome shoes at 93.00.
"Fire! Fire! Flrel"
Reynolds ville, Pa., July 5, 1893.
To nil whmn it nmy concern:
Mr dwelling house on Hill street.
Reynoldsvllle, Pa., was struck by light
ning on June 25th and was insured in
N. G. Plnney's agonoy, Brookville, Pa.,
by Walter Spry, solicitor. The loss
was paid Thursday and I can recom
mend Plnney's agency as prompt and
reliable. 10-6. John Williams.
Are you roIiik to attitnd tlio l'lltHbunr Ex
position and see tlio Wnndnrs of the Wnrldr
The gitmuwt aud xruuUum M thut of Dr. Bur
goon. Hid you ever sue thousHiids of tape
worm, and citneoi-B In nneeolluctluiif Btopst
Dr. Uurnooii'. office, DC7 I'ciin avu., IMtUburic.
Ave mlnutn. walk from Union station, and
see thetni tlielr equal has never been seen.
Dr. Huricixm has taken iHW tapo-worrus In 411
months, and ha. cured thousand of pemile
of cancer without the use of the knife. Dae
HvHUttn Renovator and live, fur sale at all
Drug Store. Catarrh, parasltU. tnue-wurms,
to. secret disease, of men and women a
specialty. He dultu. the world to show as
niany cures of so-called Incurable disease as
he can. Remember uew aduresai send stamp
for book.
ritukurc. Pa.
VTVot sals at II. Alex Stoke' drug iture.
f Ifnctt, ttn. W I Alntiln, OtwkUr
f A AlniMitr, An't Ouklw.
Seeley, Alexander & Co.,
Umsnlied In IHH4.
Paid up Capital $00,000.
Oco. O. Rnrngue, Thus. MK'mlght.
L. I Heeley, E. D. Hceley.
W. B. Alexander.
Do a tfonirnl nankin business. Accounts
solicited. 1'rl vtite pupvrs for our customers
Hied away and kept in
The First National Bank ot
CHPITRL $80,000.00.
V, mitrhell, Prltnt
droll mXielland, Vice Pres.)
John II. Kaneher, Cashier.
C. Mllclicll, ftcoit McOlellnml, J. O. King,
Joseph Ktriiuss, Jiwnh Henderson.
O. W. Fuller, J. If. Kauchcr.
Does a general hanklnhnalnnBfi1
the accounts of merchsuts, pnifemlonal men,
farmers, mechanics, minora, lumiwrmen mnA
others, promising, the most careful attention
iu me uusiiivss or ail persons.
Temporary quarters In Centennial Hull
Building, opposite Hotel Helnup.
Grocery Boomers
Salt Meats,
Smoked Meats,
Everything in the line of
Fresh Groceries, Feed,
Goodt delivered free annf
place in town.
Call on us and pet prietm.
W. C. Schulti & Son
Office oa West Main street, nnooslba th
Commercial Hotel, Iteynoldsvllle, Pa.
jya. B. E. HOOVER,
Resident dentist. In bulldln. nsap Mathfw
dlst church, opposite Arnold block. Gentle
ness In operating.
FRANK J. BLACK, Proprietor.
The leadlne hotel of the town. lieadauatv
tent for commercial men. Steam heat, free
bus, bath rooms aud closet, on every Boor,
sample rooms, billiard room, telephone con
nections ate
GREEN & COW8ER, Proprieton.
First class In every tmrtlculur. Located In
the very centre of tlio business part of town.
Free 'bus Ui and from trains ana cnmmndlnu
sample rooms for commercial travelers.
PHIL P. CARRIER, Proptietor,
Bamole rooms on tho around floor. House
heated by natural gas. Omnibus to and from
all trulus. ,
All persons are hereby cautioned not to med
dle or Interfere with tlie following personal
property, to-wlti One horse, 1 cow, 1 set bar
uess, 1 sleigh, 1 buggy, 1 organ, and household
furniture, now In the possession of John V.
Wylam and Mrs. Anna Wylaui, a. the same
belongs to me, having bought It Aug. JOib,
Iswi, aud la left with them subject to my or
ders. . - . W. A.OATHBaS,
Bathniel, Pa., Aug. U, im.
Country Produce
C. P. HOFFflftN.
Specialist in
Lenses for the Eyes,
We have received this week a
New Line of
and those desiring rich and styl-
isn haoncs will find them on
our counters.
Come and See.
WHEN we say Dentistry we do not refer to the dentistry
of your grandfather's time, which somewhat resembled
butcherv. but to Modern Dentistrv with nil Ha
m '
and painless operations. And
vj 1'iaiuic, aa uur umuo i cquipiwi wiin an me latest in
raiumciiiB nuu appliances ior
After vou have called on
of the dentists' office with a
ollections of how, amid pleasant surroundings, you were
relieved oi your pain ana your teem were made articles of
service and adornment.
Gold, Flatina, Silver, Bone and all other filling mater
ials used in their proper places; and Rubber, Gold Lined
Rubber, Alumnium and Gold Plates made to ruflemhlft no.
ture as closely as possible.
Is our BDecialtr. We rerv resnftrtfnllv nnlWt vonr wniV
and assure you of the best work and Attention.
Drs. Richer & Gerow,
(Successors to Dr. McCreight. )
Deposit Bank Building, Main $t.,0p. Belnap House,
Dubois. reynoldsville.
EpUsie Hardware Co.,
And everything kept in a First-class Hardware Store.
Roofing and Spouting Done to Order.
- vu wsi , k7
this is what we are enabled
llie practice 01 WIS
na on. vnm will nnf hint
shudder, hut with nln