Sti'wwrijili'iin tl.fii) prr Jfnr, in nifrnmr. V, A. TKIIIKniftOi, Krlllor and Pnb. " WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, IBM. LOCAL LACONICS. Head noil's lul. Why? "The Burglar" Sept. 6th. Saturday in legal holiday. Tennis alioo chimp at Robinson'. Harry II. Mincer ha moved from Jackson street to Hill street. A Salvation Army tit holding mooting at thu Electric park In Dullols. "Tho Burglar" will hn played at tho oIhtb house Monday, Sept. 6th. The Lecture Association will moot at tho gas office noxt Monday at 8.1)1) I. M. Gentlemen call and lnsx't Boll's Ann woolens for fall and winter suit. Why? Rev. Goo. H. Womor will occupy tho M. E. pulpit noxt Sunday, morning and evening. Whon In nood of hix go to Honry A. Hood, "tho bIioo man.' Ho can milt yon to a T. Mra Wesley Mot tor kindly romom Ixjrod u with a bountiful txxpict of choice flower yesterday. Tho amount sulwerllx-d on tho pajior circulated by K. W. McMIUon to aid Joolah Wolfn, wan tb"4.r. Tho Juvenile bras Imnd serenaded Mr. and Mra. .Taooh Wolomdurf lost night. Tho Ixiy makn gixxl music. Tom Million, of East Hrady, an cent while Koyuoldsvillo hoy, wan among tho party who visited tho mlnos at thl plaeo lost wook. A mania for slaying mustache must havo struck Reynoldsvlllo, bh a largo number of follows look aa If tholr iiiHr Hp aro tx abort. A "harvest homo" picnic wo hold In tho Sykosvillo park lost Friday. A danoo wa hold in tho evening which endod in a big row. Hov. K. T. Dorr will preach in tho Baptist church noxt Sunday. Tho Hov. gentleman will return from h Invocation Thursday, Aug. .list. Tho Hopkins Mandolin Club camo to town Friday evening and "picked" a few choice selections at tho residence of Mr. Reams on Main street. John Schultzo and Miss Maggie Kain aro to Ira married next Tuesduy. Their names wore called out In tho Catholic church last Sunday morning. Hey noldsvllle and Hathmel played bull at Rathmel yesterday afternoon and tho nino from this place got loft. Tho score was 12 to 6 in favor of Hathmel. A numlxir of tho men who wore coal minora at l'ancoast in that town's palmy days, with their friends, will hold a picnic thero sometime next month. A festival will bo hold in tho (i. A. H. hall Saturday, Sept. 2nd, by four of tho patriotic orders of Hcynoldsvlllo. Dinner and supper will bo Borvod. Kev. H. A. Coojx;r, of F.ast Liver pool, Ohio, nephew of Ninian CotHir, preached two excellent sermons in tho Presbyterian church at this place Sunday. "Oklahoma Jim," Brookvillo's great "Wild Wost" Bhowman, Ih now content to tako life as ho finds it daily in tho county seat. Ho earns his bread by "tho sweat of his brow." Miss Maudo Heynolds and Miss An nlo Mitchell drove to Sykosvillo ono day lost weok and got lost on tho homo ward trip. They wore nearly three hours coming from Sykesvlllo to Royn oldsvlllo. The Presbyterian Sunday school was to have picnicked in tho Heynolds grove last Thursday, but the shower In tho morning changed tho arrangement and tho picnic was hold at thoir parson age on Grant street. J. K. Brown, auditor of the A. V. ' B'y, accompanied by his family, took a trip over the Low Grade Dlv. Friday, to got a sniff of fresh air and see the wild looking country between Red Bank and Driftwood. A little green snake was found on one of the chairs in front of Hotel MoCon noll last Friday and it was put in the cage with the monkey, but they lot one another alone. The monkey was not "fooling" with snakes. A base ball nine from this place went to Emorlckvllle Saturday and "meas ured bat" with a nine at that place. The Reynoldsville boys stepped on the home base seven times and the Emerickville players only got there twice. The crank and pitman rod on the flat gang at Hopkins mill la what broke last week. The mill was shut down four t days and a half. This was the longest shut down, on account of a breakage, alnoe John H. Schofleld become superin tendent. A special meeting of the Board of Trade was held in the Masonlo hall last evening. The committee appointed to V secure funds for rebuilding the woolen tollls here, reported 18,360 having been raised. The amount wanted is 115,000. At the regular meeting of the Board Friday night of this week It will be known whether Sykes, Allis & Moor house will locate here or not. Engine No. 6, on the C. & M. passen ger train, is always run backwards from Falls Creek to Reynoldsville in the evening. Last evening just as the train come around the curve at the cut above town at a fast speed, a cow stepped onto the track. The engine and two coaches ran over the bovine. It waa miraculous , that the train was not thrown over the embankment, a there is no cow-catcher on the tender, i Hixlena, little daughter of Morgan Thomas, got ono of tho fingers of her left hand split open Monday evening by a hatchet which her little brother was playing with. The popular Hopkins Mandolin Club will ho at tho (1. A. It. hall Saturday to delight all who attend with some of tholr choice muslo. Elegant refresh ments will lie served at tho hall. Tho Daughters of Ht. Ooorgo, who moot In tho I. O. O. F. hall, aro very much annoyed by some one picking ojxn the hwk of the trunk In which they keep tho key to tho "gonln" de partment. Pearl, slx-yenr-old daughter of Oeorgo Holler, was hurled in Delilah cemetery last Thursday, Aug. 24th. Hov. P. J. Mattery conducted tho funeral services. Inflammatory rheumatism sapped her young life away. Tim Kpworth Leaguo will go to Dill loin Saturday to play hall with the League at that place, All who desire to go with the Ijcaguo to DuBols that day can get excursion rates by applying to M. W. Womor. Hov. .?. J. Hunkln, of Pondold, will preach for the Hoynoldtivllla Presbyter Ian next Sunday. Hov. Johnston, pas tor elect, ex x-et to lie here and take charge of and preach for tho congrega tion the third Sunday In September. A mixmllght picnic was hold In Thomas Reynolds, jr., orchard, Para dim), last Thursday evening. A jolly gixxl time, was the pass .word of tho evening, and according to roxirtM, every person had It. A few young people went out from Reynoldsvlllo. What Is called tho first nine of Reyn nldsvlllo and a picked nine of tlio same place, played ball Friday. Tho latter cbivs had a battery from Ilrookvlllo. A heavy storm stopped tho gamo at the sixth Inning with tho score stand ing It to 2 in favor of tho picked nino. Willie, son of E. J. Lofts, was squint ing Into an air gun Saturday when tho thing went off and tho shot penetrated tho skin just at tho corner of his right eye. The ixiy's father forbid him hav ing a gun and tho lad wont to a nelgh 1xr' and won playing with tho air shooter. Rev. J. N. Williams, of Tarentum, tnlkcd on tho World' Fair and tho moral lesson to bn gleaned from It, In tho I. O. O. F. hall at this place Sunday afternoon. Just about tho time tho meeting ojxinod a heavy shower came up and kept many at homo who would havo attended. A numlxir of young ladles of tho ProHbyterlan N. T. L. Society went out to Robert Walto's yostordny afternoon to havo a good tlmo and lixik for cimiiis In tho evening. No doubt Mr. Walto's corn field hxiks worse this morning than It would had a hulf dozen ctxms boon in It lost night. J. II. Hell ho accepted tho position of gcnerul HUerlntondont of tho Doll, Lewi & Yates Coal Mining Co., a now ofllco just created in that com pany. S. H. Elliott remain general manager of tho Rochester and Pitts burg Conl and Iron Co. and tho B., L. & Y. C. M. Co. Jim Sing, tho Chinese laundry man at New Bethlehem, was Invited to go out for a gloss of boor ono night re cently and whilo ho was absent somo person entered tho laundry and carried tho Chinaman's little money box away which contained KOO.OO and somo valu able papers. Thoro la no cluo to the robber. Hcynoldsvlllo and Rathmel ball teams playod on tho grounds at this place Monday afternoon in a drizzling rain. Tho gamo was a good one, but in the eighth Inning there was some troublo about Rathmel putting tholr best batter in whon It was not his turn and It resulted in breaking up the game at a tie score of 0 to 6. Miss Ella Seeloy porsuaded a number of young people to go to Jacob Sutter's last Wednesday night and have a sur prise party. When the young people got to Pleasant avenue the Misses Suttors were in bed, but of course they soon donned tholr habiliments and made tholr appearance and entertained the party royally for a few hours. D'Alma & Stone's railroad show came to Reynoldsville In a box car Friday and pitched their tent near the compa ny store. It made a hotter appearance on the bill boards than it did on the street. The storm, which got here just after the afternoon performance was over, blew down the tent and left it In more of a dilapidated condition than it was before the storm. The grocery firm known as Swab Bros., doing business in Reynoldsville and Rathmel, has been dissolved. D. F. Swab will continue the grocery busi ness at this place, and A. A. Swab will have charge of the store at Rathmel. These gentlemen bought McEee & Warnlck out last fall and, apparently, have made a success of the business which was new experience for them. Miss Winnie Llewelyn, who has been down in Alabama for several years, came to Reynoldsville a few weeks ago, and last Thursday she and H. M. Stewart, of Westvllle, Pa., went to Salamanca, N. Y., and were united In the bonds of matrimony. Mr. Stewart was in Alabama when Miss Winnie lived there and that is where the love affair began. They will live at West vllle. The bride has many friends In this place. Skinned Himself. A few day ago a black snake orawted through thn stone wall Into tho powor house at Dig Soldier ml no, and within a few feet of where It entered, the nakeshlp Immediately made Its exit but left three foot and nino Inches of old black skin nn its way out through tho stono wall which it had no further use for. Tho snake's old suit was of no use to any employee at the powor house. Labor Day Sept. and. We slated last week, on what we con sidered good authority, that Monday, Hcpt. 4th, was Labor Day. The state ment wan Incorrect. At the last ses sion of the legislature thn time wa changed from tho first Monday to tho first Hattirdny In September. Tho act wa approved May 1st, IRM, thereforo, Saturday of this week 1 a legal holiday, known a Labor Day. Ten-pins Stylo. While a gamo of halt wa In progress Friday a heavy storm camo up and, In a hurry to get over tho fixit walk, ono fellow fell In and ho grabbed tor tho next man to him and In ho went, and so on until seven were splashing around In tho Handy Lick creek. After they got out of tho water they ran a fiwt as they could with tholr wet clothing on to got out of the rain. A New Bridge. Tho county commissioners havo decided to build a bridge across the Handy Lick creek at l'ancoast. The Moplo In that section havo ojxincd a now road and wnnt a bridge. Com missioners Wood and Mulhollnnd wero up Monday looking around and think It will be tho clienM'st In tho end for them to put up an Iron bridge, but havo not fully decided yet what kind thoy will build. Suimounts Obstacles. Hov. (ieorge H. Womor, who ho boon attending tho University at Delaware, Ohio, for three years, I visiting his parents lit this place. This young man is deserving of much credit for tho success ho ho made In overcoming obstacles that would have discouraged many a young man in his determination to got nn education, and Ih another Illustration of tho fact that " where thero Is a will thero Is a way." A Corn 8upper. Tho Patriotic Daughters of America gavo a corn RUpxr In tho G. A. H. hall lust Thursday evening and a largo num ber of peoplu wero well "corned," for everything hod corn in it, oven tho ico cream had corn-starch in it. Notwith standing tho "cornlshness" of tho sup per It was an excellent ono. Tho button-hole boo, not, which was two gold-bronzed acorns tied onto a green rihtxm, was appropriated for "a corn supmr." They Knifed Him. D'Alma & Stone's show, which wont from this plaeo to Ilrookvlllo Saturday morning, is at that town yet and olght of tho showmen aro boarding with Sheriff Young. A man by name of HiiHHult got Into a fight with tho show men Saturday night and they cut him up badly. It requlrod thlrty-soven stitches to sew up his wounds. Eight of tho men wore arrested and lodged in jail. They will got a hoarlng to-day. Russell may not live. Dot Lost. Ono ovonlng last woek a party of young pooplo of Reynoldsvlllo hired a rig to drive to Anitla to attend a party. They started and wore at almost every other place in the neighborhood of Punxsu tawney, but did not roach Anitla. They got lost, and are lost yet too tho farmer whose orchard thoy en tered and carried off enough apples to try to appease their appetites at an early hour in the morning, after thoy had found themselves and were home ward bound. Proboscis Skinned. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Jamos Kempsle and son, James jr., were driving up Main street and In some way thoy accidentally ran Into a buggy that was standing on the side of the street, and the Kempsle rig tipped up and the oc cupant tumbled out. The boy got a little skin peeled off his nose and it bled freely. Mrs. Kempsle waa on her way to DuBoIs. After the mishap she wanted to take the boy homo, but he was not going to be cheated out of the trip to DuBols just because he got his proboscis skinned, and they proceeded on their way. A Whopper. . While at Brookvllle lost Friday we heard the biggest snake prevarication, to be told for the truth, that has been given to the public for many-a-day. We promised not to give any names, and will keep our promise. The lady went out on the porch, with broom in hand to sweep, and there, colled up glistening in the sunlight, was a large snake. She struck It with her broom and It broke Into a thousand pieces as U It was all glass, and the head rolled off the porch. In a few minutes the pieces all came to gether again and the woman was so dum-founded that she let the snake crawl away. The lady says she was not dreaming and was perfectly sane when the above happened. The story comes from a good class of people, but we do not try to palm it off on our readers for a true one. Fined $3.00. Two young mnn' drove over from Piinxsulawnoy ono day last week and while In town went Into Hotel liolnnp. There Is a oloset between the bar-rixim and billiard parlor, and ono of the follows sUpx)d Into It and fired a revolver through thn partition, but fortunately thero wo no ono Injured. Ilef ore thn smoke cleared away tho fellow denied shooting and then after ward said It was an accident. Thn twain got Into their buggy and drovo up town, hut six in returned. llurges Hay wa notified and ho searched thn man who hail donn thn shixitlng and nary a wcaxin did tin find. Thn llur gess wanted to search the other chap, hut ho refused to allow any iMirson to go through hi ixxkot, and ono of thn hotel men held him and the llurges ransacked hi )oekots and found a revolver. Tim Piinxsntawneylte wore fined flvo dollar, thn weapon wa given hack and thoy wore given a few minute to "skip" the town. In the Bantile. A fellow who hailed from ('raven town lodged In thn Koynoldsvllln hxk-iip Wednesday night. Ho had filled up on "tangle fixit" and before ho got too "txiostly drunk" to even hold up hi head, hn abused the livery horse ho wo driving shamefully. Thn horse wa taken earn of at Tapxir' livery stable while thn driver slept off thn ofToet of tho liquor on the soft side of the Ixmrd bunks In thn cooler. Just why thu llurges lot hi 111 go In the morning without paying a flue, wo can not account for. If tho fellow abused the horse, as It is reported ho did, then a line of not loss than ten dollar should have boon I in m wed on him. A man who will abuse a dumb animal, 1st he drunk or seller, deserves punishment for it. Joined Hands. On Monday, August 2Hth, Jacob Wol emdiirf and Mis Jennie K. Fiillor,diitigh tor of G. W. Fuller, wero married at tho homo of the bride's parent. Hov. 11. A. Cixixr, of East Livorxxil, Ohio, Mirformed the ceremony before a few Intimate friends of tho contracting par ties. Tho wedding present wero numerous and handsome. After tho ceremony an elegant dinner wa served and In tho nftormxm thn bride and groom drove to Dullols. They have rontod tho room ovor Henry A. Heed's sIkmj storn and havo gone to housekeeping. Thoy havo our host wishes for success In tholr matrimonial career. "The Burglar." That charming drama, "Tho Burg lar," was produced at tho Loland 0xra House lust evening with a cast every way excellent. Tho piece I admlruhly mounted and so played a to lead to un bounded satisfaction. "Tho Burglar" has a very Interesting plot, so wound up that It strikes thn hours of progress with a dramatic effect highly suggest ive of genius In the author. Tho Inci dent aro alt nicely arranged, while all tho characters are so artistically drawn and personated as to lead to a finale that must bo productive of good. Al bany Eivninij 1'oft. At Reynolds Ojxira House Monday night, Sept. 6th. Is It Possible ? Somo people may havo doubts a to whethor it really was a DuBols girl who asked advice of tho Pittsburg Time, in tho following item which ap peared in that paper last Saturday under tho head of "answers to cor roHimndunts." Tho answer was not glvon as soon as tho young lady had hoped it would bo: Sir: Through tho medium of your paper can you adviso a young lady, 20 yours of ago, how to overcome bashful noss In gentlemen's company? If so, you would do mo a great favor by an swering in Monday's issuo. DuBols, Aug. 10. B. P. R. Will be a "Dandy." Robert J. Thomas, the tonsorial artist, went to Pittsburg yesterday afternoon to buy some more now furniture for his barbershop. "Bobby" has rented tho new brick room just back of the First National bank and expect it to be ready for occupancy in soveral weeks. When "Bobby" got Into his now room his shop will be second to none in this section. All fels furni ture will be new and the latest style, his room centrally located and well adapted for the business. Unexpected Visitors. The ladies of Pleasant Valley Temple, No. 25, wore agreeably surprised Mon day evening when eight or ten mombers of Echo Temple, of Brockwayyllle, made their appearance for admittance into the lodge just as It opened. Af ter the lodge was over, the ladies and their visitors went to Hotel DUlman and partook of a supper that had been prepared for them. Both lodges are branches of the Knights of the Golden Eagles. Shooting Mark. Comrade Albert Reynolds crossed the Sandy Lick yesterday afternoon to get out of the borough limits to shoot mark. He had a piece of white paper about the size of the head of a flour barrel whloh be tacked up on a large tree and stepped back a short distance and fired at it. We cannot assert whether there were any other holes in the paper when taken down than that made by the tacks or not. THEY WERE DELIGHTED. Nearly One Hundred Visitors take In Dig Soldier and Rochester Mines. Thn Western Pennsylvania Minn In stitute, oomxstod of mine lnpnetor, ml no nngluixir, mine foreman and fire bosso, moots every four month In thn Court House at Pittsburg. At those meeting thoy discuss all live question pertaining to thn ventilation, drainage, construction of tipple, and general and practical oxirallon of mine. The new state law wa practically framed by this Institute. Hon. H. II. Elliott ho Ihhiii a memlsir of thn Institute and on several occasion made gissl address es on thn scientific problems of mining and fMxiratlng coal. At tho meeting held In July Mr. El liott, on behalf of thn Hell, f-ewls A Yates Coal Mining Co., Invited thn niemls-rs of thn Institute to visit thn coat work at this place and Dullol. They cou hi not come at that time, hut accepted the Invitation and set Aug. 24th, a the day to mukn the visit. Iast Thursday thoy came to Hcyn oldsvlllo In two extra coaches attached to A. V. train which arrive hero at one o'clock. The pnrty numlxirod eighty. Thoy wore distributed at thn Ross House, 'Commercial House, Motel Mo Council and Hotel Ilelnap for dinner. After dinner a H-clal train of an en gine and two coaches wa waiting for them at tho Main street crossing of the H. A F. (!. H'y, with Ira Smith, conduc tor, and Archie Huntingdon, engineer. General Malinger H. II. Elliott, Hiimt lutondont Geo. Molllnger, Mining En gineer F. M. Brown and hi assistants, It. V. Pratt and Cluis. Davis, wero also on hand to do their part In making tho visitor feel that the intention was that all wero to enjoy themselves. At the company store the party left the cars and visited tho largo brick olllifi whore a short time wa Ssint in hxiklng through the building mid at thn map of the company' coal pnixirtlo. Tho mam, which aro fine ones, are thn work of F. M. Hrown. Again tho par ty hoarded the train and wero taken to the Hlg Soldier initio. At Hlg Soldier thoy walked up thn stoop grado from tho railway to the track to tho mine. At this txilnt General Manager Elliott xtopiM'd onto a pile of isiards and his guest gathered around him and ho made a short address, which lie Is-gan by extending a cordial welcome to thn visitor In behalf of the II., L. It Y. C. M. Co. Among other thing he said: "Wn huvft Invltml rim hnrn toi.Hil work, net its it HiiImIioI work) now jrmi n-menils-r Hint. I low n tlir you mhi four inlrl. Veil k why four? I will snswi-r Hist we rsun-t ivi.ritiiiilly to tiikn out nut less limn until IVins daily. W Kstlinnli-,1 II, Ht mm rope could tHkn out Wn tons, nml four roS' would Is, niiilril totsknoiit. . Wn now ttml Hint mm ros. In hem will tiiloi out nesrly ton alotin 011 tin, y hi i.,n w now lisvi., nml wn Hlmll iirolmlily never u hut Hints of tin, nn I raw instead tit four for a wlrn rois, Ii.hvIiik tlio other nun for 11 tntvelliiK wy. Now Hint. Is the reason why thxrxnmfniirsntrli's. Von will tlnil s tljipli, 1 here with trs.-ks liilil upon 'M.'t"-half of It. In thn tlnuln IiiiIMIiik yen will only Mini omi-hiiir thn numlsir of (lump Init pliii'esiM'cuplwl, Ism'hiimi wn hsvn not I (in Iiiinn npnnnil up enoiiKli yet to rnoiilrn sny Itrontor liiitnlsT. V.,u will flnil thn nniflnn risim down hers wllh only onn pnlrof nniclnns n II, snd with places for two. Thn liullihiiir s to Im nxtiind fill feet fiirthnr. It will Ihnn lis hi two pilot heiiHKs on tin, top limtnnd of onn. Von will And thn hollnr hoinui wllh four holler In It, whnrn It Is liitnndnd to have nlKht, snd so In Ihn rompmssnr ImlldluK which Iihh only ono compri-Hwr In, whnrn It will nvmilimlly hsvn two. Vim saw thn map down them, snd wn havn not hnun hum lonii l-IIIIIIKll to KOt this OpI'lllHj up." After tho short speech thn visitors scuttorod around to Insixxst tho excel lent system by which such a largo amount of coal is handled. Tho roM3 haulage, tipple, siwer house and com pressor wero object of groat Interest to many of tho party, essiclally those who work around mines where &" or 30 cars is a big day's shipment. Twelve mlno cars hud boon lined with new board and fitted up with seats to take any who desired to go into thn mlno. This was quite an experience to some of tho men who wero accustomed to mule speed In ontorlng tho mines. Somo of tho visitors said they had peculiar sensations a they traveled Into the darkness at a lightning express rate. The Harrison mining machine at work was another curiosity to thn sighfawer. During the stay at Big Soldier one trip of fifty-five cars, with 110 tons of black diamonds came out. The haulage sys tem used there is a combination of the tall rope and endless rope system. A grip car is used to handle the train. About five o'clock the excursionists started for the Rochester mine at Du Bols and with a clear track they were not long in reaching that large coal plant. The haulage system at that mine, which Is somewhat different from that at Big Soldier, was inspected. When the party gathored at the train, well pleased with the day's trip, Mr. Adams, president of the Mining Insti tute, informed the gentlemen that the party was to be divided, part to stay at DuBols all night and the remainder to return to Reynoldsville. The names of those who were to stop at DuBols were read. After this business was disposed of Alex. Dempster, In behalf of the visitors, extended tholr heart-felt grat itude and thankfulness for the hospital ities received. The speaker began by saying: "We all know where we sprang from. According to the Good Book there was one Adam, and we have all fol lowed that Adam. Now, to-day we have finally followed Adams, (President of the Society), that means more than one." Space will not permit publish ing Mr. Elliott's and Mr. Dempster's addresses. Three cheers were given for the B., L. & Y. C. M. Co. and for Mr. Elliott and his assistants, and the train started for Reynoldsvlllo. The ten State Mine Inspectors were with the party, as follows: 1st dlst., Henry Louttit; 2nd, Wm. Jenkins; 3rd, which Includes Reynoldsville mines, Thos. K. Adams, also president of the society; 4th, Jas. Patterson; 6th, Chas. Connor; 6th, Joslah T. Evans; 7th, Jas. Blick; 8th, David H. Thomas; 0th, Ber nard Callagan; 10th, Rogers Hampson. Ruf us T. Foster, of Colliery Engineer, Scranton; Ezra Gray, DuBols Courier; W. C. Elliott, Reynoldsville Volunteer, and ye editor of the Star, were with the party. The members of the Western Penn sylvania Mine Institute were greatly pleased with their visit. PBRSONXLS. Milton C. Coleman Hunlayod at Oak Hidge, Pa. Austin Itlnkeslee, of Coal Glen, wa In town Friday. John W. Pliilllppl, of Punxsutawney, wa In town Monday. Ml Minnie Hmnltzer Is visiting friends at Mundorf, Pa. Miss Emma Hteele, of llrookrllln Is visiting Mis Hettle Itoor. Wm. Copping and wife visited friends at WhltoHVlllo thn past weok. Thomas Iowthor and wife, of Clear field, visited In town last week. Jas. II. Clover, and wife, of Hronk visited In thin plain) last Friday. Mis Mary Smith, of Hottohwond, wa a guest at Hixxl Knox's ovor Sunday. Dr. E. King Gorow returned from Washington, D. !., Monday evening. Mr. Dr. J. E. Free, of Hilling, Mont., visited friend here this week. Mr. Nloodnmiis Hoardlngor, of Wll liamsxirt, Is visiting at Hopkins Mill. Mr. Etta McKoan, ir Yeany, of Charllro, Pa., visited in town last wook. Wm. Craig, who wa Hell' nutter for sometime, wont to Moadvlllo Satur day. Mrs. Andrew T. King visited her parents at Dullol during tho past weok. Mr. George Miilfnrd, of Buffalo, N. Y., I visiting her sister, Mr. Andrew T. Ming. Wixxl Reynolds, who I now hxiatod at Pittsburg, I at homo on a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. John If. Kaucher and son, Howard, went to Philadelphia yesterday morning. Dr. J. H. Hoffman, of Pittsburg, visited his brother, C. F. Hoffman, Haturday. Mis Mattle Weaver, of Latrohn, visited her sister, Mrs. Kate, lost woek. Miss Helen Henley left here yesterday for a visit at Chautauqua Iittko and IjukewisxI. Rev. J. N. Williams, of Tarentum, Pa., visited his Reynoldsvlllo friend thn past week. Mr. Wm. If. Lucas and Mr. John D. liowthor visited friend at Falls ( 'rook Monday. Mis Mary HhafTor, of Clearfield, I visiting her lstor, Mr. John C. Connor, at Hotel Ilelnap. Master John Koust returned Haturday from a two months' visit a Conrad, Potter county, Pa. Mr. and Mr. Alex. Campbell, of Hradclcxik, Pa., wore visitor at I). W. Histon' lost week. John (3. Hirst, son-in-law of Mr. Jo. Butler, moved hi family to Lawson ham, Pa., this weok. Chas. Epler wa called to Shamokln, Pa., Saturday by thn death of his brother Elmer's wife. Mr. and Mr. J. O. Donhisnr visited the latter parent in Indiana county during tho post week. Mr. L. P. Sooloy and son, Elbert, of Pittsburg, havn Ixsm visiting In Reyn lildsvllle the post week, Mr. and Mr. Philip Koehlor spent Sunday with Rev. J. H. Jolbart and family at Emerickville. Mis; Una and Nannie Wilson, of Piinxsutawney, wero visitor at (ieorge F. Cant's tho post wook. Mis May Isnman, who ha boon at Ifcxihoster, N. Y., for sometime, returned homo Saturday. Mis Emily Ellis, Mis Anna Medlen and Mr. John Philips, of DuBols, spent Sunday In Reynoldsvlllo. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Hay, of DuBols, spent Sunday with thn latter parents, Mr. and Mr. Jacob Boh worn. Mrs. Joan n McKearnan and daughter, Nellie, of Ellleottvllln, N. Y., Is visiting her sister, Miss M. E. Moore. Mis Minnie Whitmoro, who ha boon teaching school at Sugar Hill this summer, camo homo Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Lewis and daughter, Edna, and Henry A. Reed were at Marion Center over Sunday. Misses Nora Balslgnr and Elvie Kel ler, of Widnoon, Armstrong county, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. II. C. Keller. Mr. and Mr. Frederick Hencor, of Unlonvlllo, Center ., visited thoir son, E. C. Hencor, at this place the past week. Mrs. L. A. Flenner.of Punxsutawney, returned homo Saturday after a week' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Dellart. Mrs. Harry Kugler, of Philadelphia, returned home Monday after a seven weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Phillips. James M. Lord and MIsa Hannah Stauffor returned to the Lock Haven State Normal school Monday after a two months' vacation. Phil P. Carrier, proprietor of the Commercial House at Brookvllle, was in Reynoldsville Monday afternoon. Mr. Carrier runs a first-class bouse. Dr. J. S. McCrelght Is at Cleveland, Ohio, this week representing the Reyn oldsville Daughters of Liberty at the National Council being held In that city. George L. Adams, of Stroudsburg.Pa., was In Reynoldsville Saturday. He is general superintendent of the Union Tanning Co., with headquarters at Ridgway. Mrs. J. F. Alexander, the milliner, returned from Jamestown, N. Y., Thursday, where she was ca'.led four or five weeks ago by the serious Illness of her mother. Mrs. S. T. Dougherty and daughters, Nellie and Vlrdie, left here Saturday to visit Mrs. C. E. Rumsey at Mahoning town, Pa., and from there they will go to Ashtabula, Ohio, to visit. Mrs. Annie Gibson, who has been at Punxsutawnoy for sometime, came to Reynoldsville Friday and on Saturday she and Mrs. J. S. McCrelght went to Curwensvllle on a short visit. W. J. Leahy, ex-sherlff of Clinton county, and wife spent Sunday In Reyn oldsville. Mr. Leahy Is the gentleman who was to have moved Into the Car rier House at Falls Creek which went up in smoke a few weeks ago.