The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 09, 1893, Image 5

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    ffifrg Stan
BubKcrifttitm $1.60 per year, in itdntnet.
An InrtcnpnnVnt Iik-rI pnpor. putillMirrt nrrry
Welnlny nt HijiiiIiIkvIIIi, JinVmiii Co.
r.. iIpvoImI to ttp IntprmtH of Hi'mlilyll
ana .IrnVrwinrmintr. Non-polltlrl, will tn-nt
nil wild fnlrnmw, mill will iMMwiMH'lHlljr Minu
if livwnriU Hip IiiIniHii rnnm,
PulMPrlptlon nrlwtl.Mpw ir,ln mlni'.
(loinmiiiili'Hlfon liilfniliMl fur piitilli-ntloti
mum nn nrcmnimnli'il liyllm wrlii'r'n imnio.
nol for piililli-mlim, hut nn n RimrnnM-x of
ood fulfil. ItitoroatliifT niw Hi-inn willrllort.
Ailvnrtlnlng rntmi nrnilx known on npulh'H
Hon nl lliKofili'K In Armililii' llloi'k.
Lpnultty cuinniiiiilciitlimii nnd rlinnno of
Sifvcrtlii'mrnt should WM'h 'this ofHre l)jr
Monilny noon.
Aihlri'KH nil (nnuniinli'MImm to V. A. fti'pn
nmm. Ki-rnolilivlIlK, I'll. .....
Knli-n'O nl the potottlri nt KojrnnldnvlMo,
Pa., b Ktviind rlmut mnll mntli'r.
C. A. DTKPIIKNMIW, Kdltor anal I'Mb,
There srem to lm favorites In rmmt
II callings and proftMwInim, cvin county
suiH-rtntomlonts have hwn known to
have favorite when certificates are Is
sued. It In not irenornlly known tliat pedes-
trlntm linvo tho right of way and that
people driving miiBt turn out, If nnw
sarv for them, at leaHt so fnyn tho law
It In generally tho othor way, thono who
walk give, tho vehicles tho wholo road
I)o not lie dim!oiiragd at tho duties
that seem no (treat before you. Thoy
may seem great a llttlo way off, hut
somehow thoy always diminish or vbiiIhIi
altogether as wo eomo noar them.
Some rno has said duties and diflleultles
are liko the nightmare as Boon m you
stir, thev vanlBh. Learn to look on the
bright aide, and you will ho surprised
at the number of things that will turn
up to help you.
The commissioners of tho World's
Fair sacrificed their word and honor In
tholr determination to keep tho big
show open on Sunday, and when they
were forced, by non-attendance, to want
to close it, then they are found pullty
of contempt of court and will, In all
probability, lw compelled to keep it
open ovcry Sunday at a grcut excuse,
Greed generally gets people Into troublo
when it bocomos their master.
Tho Pittsburg Time has lunded Its
special charge of fifty-two teachers at
home again from tho World's Fair, and
now that magnanimous sheet Is looking
after tho "fresh air fund" of Pittsburg,
Tho Time is deserving of the praiso It
gets for liberality. If there is a city on
the globe where tho street urchins need
fresh air, it Is Pittsburg. Tho man,
woman or child who spends the sum
mors In tho "Smoky City," could stand
most anything so far as heat Is con'
corned, even tho infernal regions.
Tho Farmers' Kncampmont, to be
held at Mt. Gretna from tho 10th to tho
20th Inst., promises to bo an event of
more than usual interest to farmers
than those engaged in contemporary
industries. Tho National Farmers' Al
lianeo and Industrial Union, under
whose auspices this summer encamp
ment will bo held, is said to bo tho
largest organization of farmers In tho
' -world, and neither labor nor expense
lias been Bpared to make this meeting
the most notable in tho history of tho
Tho hour before fulling asleep at
night is one of the most important of
the twenty-four. Tho reading or con
venation of that hour usually takes
deeper hold on the minds than that of
any othor. Long passages may bo
easily memorized by reading them ovor
-carefully several times during the last
waking hour. Thoy appoar to imbed
themselves in the mind while it rests in
Bleep. The impressions parents leave
on the minds of tholr children at night
have much to do with the formation of
their characters. Punishments inflict
ed at that season sometimes loosen the
bonds which bind the hearts of children
to tholr homes, while kind words and
affectionate counsels given at that hour
often prove a savor of life unto life.
Following are directions for making
a good wife unhappy: See your wlfo as
seldom as possible. It she is warm'
hearted and cheerful in temper, or if,
after a day's or a week's absence, she
meets you with a smiling face and in an
affectionate manner, be sure to look
coldly upon her, and answer her with
monosylables. If she forces back hor
tears, and is resolved to look cheerful
sit down and gape in her presence, till
she is fully convinced of your indiffer
ence. Never think you have anything
to do to make her happy, but that her
happiness is to flow from gratifying
your caprices; and when she has done
all a woman can do, be sure you do not
appear gratified. Never take an inter
est in any of her pursuits; and if she
oaks your advice, make her feel that
she is troublesome and impertinent. If
she attempts to rally you good-humored'
ly on any of your peculiarities, never
join in the laugh, but frown hor into
silenoe. If she has faults (which, with
out doubt, she will have, and perhaps
may be Ignorant of), never attempt with
kindness to correct them, but continual
ly obtrude upon her ears: "What
good wife Mr. Smith has!" "How hap
py Mr. Smith is with his wife!" "Any
man would be happy with such a wife
In company, never seem to know you
have a wife: treat all her remarks with
indifference, and be very affable to every
other lady. If you follow these dlreoH
tlons, you may be certain of an obedient
and heart-broken wife.
Court Proceeding!.
(Rrookyllle Kopuhllcsn.1
We understand that the list of civil
cases for September term of Court has
boon withdrawn, because, of a conflict In
time with Jefferson county's week In
the Huproine Court, and the necessary
aWnco of a nnnilxT of our attorneys.
Judge Clark has railed a soclal term
of two weeks of Court to conveno on
tho fourth Monday In October, for tho
purtMiso of hearing civil cases.
Tho regular crlmnnl court will con
veno on tho second Monday In Heptom-
bur.and It la probable that District Attor
ney McCraekon will find business enough
to occupy the time of the Court for one
week at least.
A number of Important case from
this county have been carried to tho
Hupremo Court whleh convenes in
ittxburg tho first Monday in October.
Dish pans for 20, 2", and ! cents at
II. J. Nlcklo's.
All persons having pictures at Cor
win's studio will please call for them
before the Kith of August, as the gul'
lery will bo closed for four or six weeks,
Tho Amorlenn Farmer or Woman'
kind free to all cash suhscrlliors.
A Band to be Proud Of.
tl'linxMilliwnrjr Spirit. 1
The Iteynoldsvlllo brass band, which
nmo over Thursday evening, to attend
the opening of the Hotel Whitney, gave
us a nice llttlo serenade. Frank Black,
who accompanied the boys, said it was
without equivocation or exaggeration
easily tho finest brass band in tho coun
ty. And we havn't tho least doubt of it.
Tho boys play In perfect harmony, and
tho result Is, music. And such music
as wo seldom hear from threats of silver
and brass. Iteynoldsvlllo ought to bo
proud of her Imnd, and no doubt Is.
Do You Need Shoes ?
We have tho latest styles nt popular
prices. ItKKii's Shoe Stohk,
Fourteen quart tin pails 25 etc., 10
quart pails 20 cts. and fi quart pulls 10
cents at II. J. Nickel s.
The farmers are about dono with
their haying and somo aro beginning to
harvest their oats.
Tho Grangers of this place will hold
a picnic In Miller's grove on the 17th of
this month. All aro Invited to attend
A good tlmo Is expected.
The O. U. A. M. of this placo, which
was Instituted last March and which
carried away the first prize in tho
grand parade in Dullols on July 4th, is
meeting with success and oncouragO'
nient. May success lie theirs.
A party of huckleberry pickers of this
pluoo, accompanied by two of Ileynolds'
vlllo's charming young ladles, hied
themselves to the mountulns on Tues
day of last week and returned on Friday
night bringing with them eight bushels
of berries. When asked what kind of
time ho had Billy said: "Oh, gee!
Wo had fifty-seven bushels of fun
heaped measure, too, at that."
Duy your baby moccasins at Robin'
Five Cents a Line.
All cards of thanks and resolutions
are charged for at a rate of flvo cental
per lino.
The people of Iteynoldsvlllo and viola
ity know whon thoy have a good thing:
that accounts for the groat Increase in
buslnoss at Reed's shoe store. Henry
is a worker and knows how to buy and
sell good footwear.
$io the Round Trip to the Atlantic Coast
via the P. R. R.
On August 24th the last of the
popular summer series of the seashore
excursions will be run. A choice of
four destinations allowed whether
Atlatic City, Cupe May, Ocean city, or
Sea Isle City. The Rate of 910 from
Pittsburg and proportionately re
duced rates from other place is
most extraordinary offer when the
distance covered 1b considered. The
tickets are good for return passage
within twelve days, which gives ample
time for a restful vacation by the sea.
The success of the remaining excur
sions is assured by the patronage ac
corded the proceeding two of the same
series. Great satisfaction has been
expressed on all sides at the manner of
Bervloe with which the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company handled the attrac
tive trips, everything possible being
done for the convenience of its patrons.
The special train will leave Pittsburg
at 8.50 A. M., arriving In Philadelphia a
little after 7 in the evening. The night
may be Bpent in the Quaker City and
any regular train taken the next day
for the shore.
The rates apply on regular trains
leaving Pittsburg at 4.30, 7.00, and 8.10
P. M., or on special train leaving at 8.50
A. M. on the above montloned date.
The special train will leave Clearfield
at 9.30 a. M., tickets $8.00.
For detailed information address or
apply to Thos. E. Watt, Passenger
Agent, 110 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg.
. Horses for Sale
At reasonable prices. I will sell one
heavy mare and colt four years old, one
Uorse four years old, one horse three
j'tarsold, two mares eight years old,
one mare eolt two years old.
' M. C. Coleman.
You'll Oct There.
Tho work of paving Main street
should be well dime, judging from the
numoor of persons who are stationed
along the sidewalks overseeing It.
urooKvtuo Itrmnrrnl.
When the paving was dons In Iteyn-
oldsville overseers and Inspectors were
exceedingly numerous, and each one
always brought an opinion with him
which he freely and gladly contributed
until there worn opinions enough to
pave Main streeet from one end to
tether, but they varied so that it would
make a horse cross-eyed to travel over
It, hence the street wag paved with
something more expensive.
A new lino of necklaces and scarf pins
at H. J. Nlcklo's.
Indies slippers 2fio. at Robinson's.
Ijiughter Is tho host medicine. A
physician once prescribed a bitter dose
for a very sick man, and it was diluted
with syrup to mako it more palatable.
A 't monkey got up on tho table,
tasted tho syrup on the edgo of
tho glass, and swallowed the medicine,
The ugly faces and funny grimaces of
tho monkey amused tho sick man so
that he laughed until ho ruptured an
Internal al weens and immediately pro
ceeded to get well. Punxsutawney
Ten pin hat racks for 10 cents, at II,
. Nlcklo's.
Men's heavy Congress shoes II. 25 at
An entertainment will be given In tho
Mission Chapel at Panooast on Thursday
evening, August 17. Tho entertainment
will consists of instrumental muslo by
the band, vocal muslo, recitations, Ac
Admission 25 cts., children 10 cts
Doors open at 7.00, entertainment will
begin at 7.30. Proceeds to apply on
minister's salary. t
Lodging at the World's Fair for sale
at the ST A It olllcii cheap.
When In need of shoes go to Henry
A. Rood, "tho shoo man.' Ho can suit
you to a T.
'Flrt Flr! Flrt"
RKYNor.lwviM.K, PA., July 5, 1HD3.
To nil iriom it tuny cimrern:
My dwelling house on Hill stroet,
Iteynoldsvlllo, Pu., was struck by light
ning on Juno 25th and was Insured In
N. G. Plnney's agency, Urookvlllo, Pa,
by Walter Spry, solicitor. Tho loss
was paid Thursday and I can rccom
mend Plnney's agency as prompt and
reliable. 10-0. JOHN WILLIAMS.
Good house for rent. Inqulro of
Henry A. Reed.
Wo aro making a spcclul offer to each
of our rcudors paying a year's subscrip
tion to tho ST au in advance, and to all
new subscribers paying In advance, we
will give them the best local paper in
Jefferson county and will give them
free, either tho II omankiud or Ameri
can Farmer, for one year. Tho two
papers above mentioned are excellent
monthly paixsrs and tho sulwcrlptlon
prlco of each is 91.00 a year. This offer
Is mode only to those in Pennsylvania.
DACEY On Monday, August 7th, 1HII3,
an infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Pat. Daeey of Rathmul. Remains
were burled In Catholic cemetery yes
terday afternoon.
Reclaiming- Old Bobber.
Crude rubber is worth from 40 to 75
cents per pound, and yet a pound of hose
or packing costs very much less. This
would be hardly practical if it were not
for the advances that have been made in
the art of reclaiming or recovering rub
ber, which can be done at the total cost
of about 8 cents per pound. There are
several large factories in the country de
voted solely to this purpose, and a great
many manufacturers do recovering on a
small scale at the seat of the production
of new goods.
These old goods are placed In large
tanks at the place of reclaiming. A so
lution of muriatic or sulphuric acid and
water is poured upon the waste, and the
whole set to boiling by a system of steam
pipes passing through the tank. After
10 or 13 hours' boiling the cotton fiber,
which is found in all rubber manufac
tures and which is the serious drawback
In the reclaiming process, disintegrates
and falls Into a powder, and there is no
difficulty then in the use of the waste,
New York Telegram.
Leigh Banff Breakfast Bouquata.
Leigh Hunt, that early day aesthete,
declared breakfast to be the meal of all
others when the poetic influence of a
table posy was most to be desired. Hs
Would bring in a few clover beads or
prigs of grass culled from beneath the
protecting bars of a park railiug or city
square if be could find nothing more
beautiful, and with these to look at his
fancy took him roaming out Into bound
less green fields and pastures new,
Chicago Tribune.
Narrow, but ViafuL
The good lady was going around
among a lot of poor people distributing
all manner ot old clothes which were
gratefully received, when the met a
newspaper man looking tor a clew to a
killing case.
"Charity covereth a multitude of sins,"
he said sarcastically.
"Well, that Isn't what I'm looking
for, she responded.
"Nol" and he looked surprised.
"No." she said, "my mission is a little
narrower than that. We out it down to
charity covereth a multitude of skint.
Detroit Free Press.
0 Ifragu, Prtt. W B Alfnalw, Otiklir
r A altiaMir, ' Onhlir.
Seeley, Alexander & Co.,
Orjtiinlml In lfwt.
Paid up Capital $60,000.
Goo. O. HnriiKUn,
Thou. Mrl'roldht,
F II. Heeloy,
Ij. i . neoiey,
W. H. Alexander,
Tn a Ronrrnl bunking bunlnmiN. Accounts
unllrltuil. Private pHpur for our customer
niuu away ana snui in
Every Woma:.
Sometimes needs a r"
able monthly regulating
Aro prompt, snfe nnil rristii In rttntt. Thi wrr
Hold by II. Alx. Btoke, drufrjttfit.
Mrs. Ida M. Wynkup
Has boon introducing to the Public a
soap known as
The musicians and Surgeons
Hor many customers can now be sup
plied with thoso most beneficial articles
by calling at the store of Wm. Copping
ana tne drug store of j. j. King at 10.,
r-ant Main street: tne stores of M. J
Coylo, Mrs. J. McEntire, Iteynoldsville;
Wm. ilurge and u. li. btaurrer, west
M. J. Riggs,
Proprietor ot the Cheap
Cash Grocery Store
Has an elegant and fresh
line of
Groceries, Provisions,
Flour, Meats, Confectionery
Tobacco, Cigars and every
thing kept in a First-class
Farm Produce always on
Goods delivered free to any
part of town.
Call and get price' ''j v
c. p. HOPraftN,
Socialist in
Lenses for
Him & Co.'s
In the place to bny
WE wish to talk to parents on the sub
ject of Children's Teeth. Would you
cause your child to be disfigured or
crippled for life? No, of course, you would
not, if you could prevent it. Still how many
of you allow an incompetent and unthinking
dentist to extract a temporary or milk tooth
for your little one just because it has ached.
Parents, put the mouths of your little ones
under the charge of a
Coin Deist,
who will fill the teeth and stop the pain until
the proper time for extraction arrives.
How many persons are disfigured for life
because the teeth were neglected while young ?
Look around at the mouths of your acquaint
ances. If your children's teeth trouble them or
need attention,
and we will show them and you that the den
tists' office is not necessarily a torture room,
but is rather an asylum of relief and comfort.
Consultation and Examination Free.
Drs. Richer & Gorov;,.
Main Street. Opp. Hotel Belnap.
the Eyes.