DIVORCE IN BURMAH. An Original and Kxhanaciv. Method of Rattling Family Trnnhlr. In Bnrmah, as In civilized Enropo, gaspirton often disturb the fnmily circlo, bnt instead of filling lawyers' poektita and giving society papers highly spiced parnraplm tlio following effectual inojo of divorco procedure is adopted: The family relatives on both sides nro cnlled in even distant ennsins living ft long way off anduiany are the long journeys made in jolting bnllock carts, and many the animated discussions by the cigar puffing circlo of relatives squatted cere moniously on the bamboo matted floors. If an amicablo settlement can bo ob tained thus and very difficult it is to smooth down the qunrrejs, as rule, for the Burmese are n spiritefl race tho eld ers or patriarchs of tho villago or dis trict aro called in, Biid after the circum stances are expl lined arbitrators nro ap pointed from among them, who proceed as follows: Two candles wax if possi ble, but generally rnshlights are select ed of equal length and thickness, and lad ing simultaneously lighted are placed on the table if the establishment boasts of one; if not, on the floor. This is done with the greatest gravity, care being taken that neither party hai any advantage over the other in the shape of drafts through the doors and crannies, and that all present aro seated At sufficient distance to prevent their breathing from affecting the flame. The gradual burning down of the flames is then watched with breathless and sol emn silence, which culminates as one or the other of theso slowly burns down and splutters out its life in the waters of tho basin in which it is fixed. A deep "Ah!" a guttcral sigh of relief, greets this termination, and if it lie the husband's candlo that bui ns out first be and his relatives walk slowly out of doors, solemnly and silently, leaving his better half in possession of the goods and chattels contained therein. If the wife's candlo expires first, she and hers do like, wise, nnd with a small present to tho jndgos and umpires tho divorce is com pleted. Chicago Herald. , Advance In tlio Vtiluo of ricturp. At tho sale of tho art collection of the late Mmo. Denain.once a famous actress of the Theatre Francois, a comparison of prices with those obtained at the auction of the Didier collection in 1808, from which tnoBt of the paintings, etc., brought to tho hammer were derived, is most instructive as showing the wonder ful variations in tho valno attached to masterpieces of art. Thus "The Four Seasons" (Prudhon) brought 80,000 francs, against 83,500 francs in lHtiH; a portrait of Mine, de Sombroval and of her son (Nattier), 40,700 francs, againat 6,000 francs; a portrait of Rembrandt (by himself), 40,000 francs, against 4,000 francs; "The Rainbow" (Th. RouBseau), 17,000 francs, against 4,700 francs; "A Riverside View" (Eonington), 17,500 francs, against 4,200 francs; "The Recon ciliation" (Fragonard), 10,200 francs, against 1,450 francs; portrait of Mile. Olivier (Grreuze), 15,000 francs, against 8,500 francs; portrait of a Monk Con fessor (Rubens), 12,800 francs, against 8,000 francs; "A Forest Landscape" (Diaz), 12,500 francs, against 8,000 francs. On the other hand, a few works by Prudhon and Decamps were knocked down at prices far below those obtained in 1808, and a portrait of a girl by Ve lasquez, presumably his daughter, was sold for 10,000 francs, against 15,100 francs at the Didier sale. London Tele graph. Bom All the Year Round. Splendid as the blooms of the June ones are, we want roses all summer long, hence have to look to the teas, Chinas, Bourbons and Birailar ones to give them to lis, and they won't disappoint us. Bummer roses, as we call them, bloom from first to last, giving us their small er, though sweet stfonted, flowers until freezing weather comes. When the cool nights of fall come, they make a glorious display of flowers, allowing of the cut ting of many a bouquet. The well known' Hormosa, Louis Philippe, Mal maison and Agrippina are members of this class. Other good representatives are Appoline, Edward Desfosses, Louise Odier, Bongere, Caroline Marniesse, Ho mer, Oloire de Dijon, Mmo. de Vatry, Souvenir d'un Ami, Marie Ducher and Sombrieul. These are all hardy in this latitude with but little protection, and in many places with no protection at all. Joseph Meehan in Pittsburg Dispatch. The Growth of a Metropolis. Things seldom seen in New York now adays: A runaway, a man trying to as certain where he is from the sign on a lamppost, sheep or steers being driven to slaughter houses, a 'man carried on a stretcher, girls selling newspapers, boys sweeping crosswalks, advertisements pasted on the curbstones, a torchlight pa rade, a chowder party keeping step com ing home, a goat south of Fifty-ninth street, an omnibus on tho west side of town, a barber shop in the second story of a building, or a woman as ready to take pennies in chango in a street car as to give them for fare. New York Sun. Asking the Wrong Tarty. "Some of you," said a political orator, "remind me of Johnny Bizirn, who un dertook to break the yearling bull, and to moke sure he did not get away tied the rope around his waist. The break ing process angered the yearling, and he ipbt a crack in the atmosphere toward the swamp, Johnny only hit the ground in the high places. In their mad career they passed a neighbor, who yelled to John, 'Where are you going? 'Blanked if I know,' he replied as he sailed through the air. 'Ask the bull.'" Northwest Maguziue. Not a Faying Occupation. Hicks What a chance for a follow to Eab these women's pooketbooka that ey hold in their hands so temptingly! Wicks Eictdlunt, as you say. An in dustrious thief might (natch scores of W every hour and make as much as half a dollar a day. Boston Transcript A ttwamshlp Lin to Africa. The first vessel of a new line between the port of New York and snndry ports of southern nnd eastern Africa has sailed from here with a cargo of machinery, merchandise nnd lumber. 8he is a Brit ish bnilt, twin screw steamer of 8,000 tons, well adopted to the trade in which she is engaged. Tho British company to which she belongs owns other steamers of about Hie same power and tonnage, and it is intended that a vessel of the line shall leave this port every month of the year for trading purposes. The Worcester, which ha just taken her departure, will first touch Africa at Cape of Good Hope, nnd after entering and leaving the port of Cape Town will proceed northward along the east coast to Elizabeth, East London, Durban, Delagoa bay, Mauritius and snch other places as may offer opportunities for trade. The company which has estab lished the line is British, but its ships are ready to transport such American products, goods nnd wares as can be marketed in eastern Africa nnd to bring here upon the return trip such African commodities as may be marketable in this country We shall be very well pleased to get some better share than we now have of the African trade, which several Euro pean countries are desirous of control ling, and we shall be pleased to encour age the Castle company in its efforts to enlarge the exchanges between the two continents. We could wish that it were an American company, that its ships were American, and that its profits, if there happen to be any, were to be di vided between this country and Africa. New York Bnn. Growth of the German Democracy. In the middle of the confusion and wrangling of other parties the Social Democrats are full of activity and of hope. They have many reasons for their confidence. For some years past the em peror, the political parties, the church, oven Prince Bismarck, have coquetted with them more or less, have acknowl edged that their aims are often excellent and have promised with here and there a qualifying "but" or "if to carry them out as far as is humanly possible. They are therefore justified in the hope that voters whose minds have been trained to hear them with attention by this general chorus of approval will be the more dis posed to listen to promises which are rot qualified by "ifs" and "bnts." Then the Social Democrats are well organized and know both what they want and how they propose to obtain it. These are great advantages to a political party in all countries, but are more par ticularly so among the Germans, whose natural instinct it is to obey orders and to march in file, even when they are in re volt. It is therefore quite possible that the Social Democrats may double their numbers at the next election, and it will not be surprising if that estimate is sur passed. London Saturday Review. A Belgian Sunday Law. The Belgian postoffice is about to issue what is called a special S'inday stamp. It will be a 10-centime (2-cent) stamp and at one end will have a little flap. This can be torn off or left intact at the user's will and will carry in French and Dutch these words: "Ne pas livres le dimnnche," "Nict bestellen op zontag," which means in English, "The postman is not to deliver on Sunday the letter bearing this stamp." This novelty is Intended to start a popular agitation against Sunday gov ernment work in Belgium, which is to be stopped if possible in the future. It is said that a large number of people will post letters unnecessarily on Sun day mornings in order to give expression to their sentiments. It will be interesting to hear how many of these stamps are used. Cour rior des Etats-Unis. A State Without Militia. Delaware will soon be without a state militia. This condition of affairs has its origin in the adverse action of the state legislature as to an appropriation needed for the support of the national guard in that diminutive but prosperous com monwealth. As soon as the legislature defeated the militia bill every officer and enlisted man in the admirable and well disciplined little force voted to diB band, and they are now engaged in car rying their convictions to a conclusion that is, while personally creditable, most discreditable to Delaware. It may even prove to be dangerously inconvenient, for the posse comitatus is not the power it once was and, in fact, can bnt rarely be assembled, much less depended upon. Washington Star. Mr. Kennau's Serious Charge. George Kennan, the Siberian traveler, writing on the Russian extradition treaty in The Forum, makes the startling as sertion "on the highest authority" that even now "the Russian secret police at St. Petersburg open and read the pri vate letters of the American minister and the members of the American lega tion." He adds significantly: "It seems to me that a government which makes a practice of opening and reading not only the private letters of its own subjects, but the lotters of the diplomatio repre sentatives of a friendly state, is not a government upon whoso honor it is safe to rely in a question of extradition." She Was His Wife. Alfred Stockham, a residont of Weth- ersfiold, Conn., and his wifo and one child went to Hartford to see the circus. After the procession had passed they started up Main street together. A dis pute arose between them, and the fellow struck his wife in the face, breaking her nose and felling her to the (round. When arrested and asked why he struck her, Stockham replied, "Why, sha's my wuu. The Besult of a Dog's Shake. A fire which destroyed the house of John Downey on Grand island, near Buffalo, was originated in a queer man' ner. A large Newfoundland dog, which was asleep in the room, shook himself, and m so doing upset a lamp, which ex ploded and set fire to lbs noose. BETTING ON THE 8ENI0A WRANGLER. A Story Y the t'ndergradnnte Ilayi of the Late TrofeiMor Adams. I was an undergraduate of St. John's college, Cambridge, when the Inte Pro fessor Adams was there as an under gradnate also. I well rememler his ap pearance. He was rather a small man, who walked quickly and woro a faded coat of dark green. As I had entered ns a pensioner nnd ho as a sizar, we did not sit at the same tnblo in hall or indeed dine at the same hour. In my time the Fellows' hall and ours was at 4 o'clock, the sizars' (who had soma dishes left from tho Fellows' table) at 5. Chapel was at 0, when every member of the collego was due and when some came. Fellow commoners and pensioners saw but little of tho sizars ns a rule, nnd I fear they woro looked down njHjn on ac count of their poverty, except indeed those few who were certain to do great credit to the college. The fastest and the vainest man would have been civil to Adams, for ho was known to be a pretty certuin Senior Wrangler; besides men bet on him nnd backed him as they would a race horse. But he was so ex ceedingly good, so unusually safe, so ut terly and entirely tho favorite that odds were laid on him nt 8, or even 4 to 1. Men little thought indeed that he would very shortly discover a comet, and that science all through the world would "cap him in concert with the un dergraduates to whom he soon became a mighty don, though I bellovo one of the most gentle and unassuming that ever lived. A couple of days after Adams had come out Senior Wrangler, I knocked in late and had a chat with Ballard, the porter, before going to my rooms. I said, ell, Ballard, we ve got tho Senior Wrangler, but that was of course." Bal lard looked glum. I could not under stand it, for ho was as proud of the col lege as any of its members. "Ah, sir," he said, "Mr. Adams did not behave well to me." "Not well to you! Why, what on earth has he done?" "I have lost 5 by him, sir." "How?" "Mr. Adams is not a gentleman as often knocks in late, but two nights before he wetit into the senate house he did. and I made so bold as to say, 'Mr. Adams, I hope no offense, sir, but I suppose yon are certain to be Senior Wrangler, because 1 have laid 10 on it already and I have n chance of laying another 5.' Now you'd hnrdly believe it, sir. but Mr. Adams told me thero was no certainty at all about it, and that ho might come out second or third when nil the while he must have known he was dead certain." "Well." I said, "I don't know what he knew, but nil the university knew. But how did you loso your 5?" "By not put ting it on, sir, which I should have done if he hadn't knocked in late. I kept the 10 on, however, nnd won what came of that." So really Mr. Ballard had not very much to complain of. London Queen. Women and Cnmle Tapers. A man snid the other day that in rid ing out and in daily on a suburban train for years he had never yet seen a woman buy one of the comic weeklies, though they sold by do.eus to the men travelers. It would be interesting to know what kink is miming from tho female mental ity which deprives her of this boon, for it is nothing short of a boon to bo able to see the funny side of life. It helps over many hard places and lubricates many creaking joints in domestio ma chinery. New xork limes. itllacrllitncoua. Q MITCHELL, ATTOKXEY-AT-LAW. Office on Went Main Htii'iit, olimwlto the C'ommereiitl Hotel, ItrytmlilH villi., I'll. D U. It. K. HOC V EH, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. licHlcli'tit (leiillKl. In liulldlnir near Mi'tho- (11h1 chuivli, npponltu Ai-noltl block. Ijenlle hums In operating. tfotele. II OTKL McCONNELL, HEYNOLDSVILLE. PA. FUAXKJ. JILACK, Proprietor. The lending hotel of thelown. lleailqunr ti'r for 'oimi!trvhil men. Kteam heat, free hiiH, tmtlt roomx urn! cliwetN on every floor. tiuniple 1-iHituH, Ititliurtl room, telepliuiie con- iieetionM ki. II OTEL HELNAP, HEYNOLDSVILLE, PA. GltEEXit- CVXSEH, Proprietor. KlrntcliiMH In every particular. Located In the very centre of the IniKtncsH part, of town. 1'ito 'him to and from IraliiH and commodious sample rooms fur commercial triivt'lortt. QOMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROOKVILLE, PA., P1UL P. CA lilt IE It, Proprietor, Sample rooms on the irround floor, House heated ty nuturul gas. Omnibus to and from au trains. System Renovator CURES ALL Liver, Kidney & mxr-axr-x System Renovator Is the only remedy In the world t hat truly purities the blood nd acts up on the klunoys, liver and bowelswithoutmakliiK tlieiu weak. Most niedlclues undertake to cleanse without building up. This Is wrong, lid It weakens the organs. Renovator builds up while It Is demising the system, l'rlce, f 1.00 per nouie, or six lor so.w. After vnars of sneees at his Offlce. Dr. Bur goou has concluded to put up his tupe worm remedy In such a manner that patients can treat themselves at their own homes. 1 his Is a blessed boon to sulferers from this terrible UIUIO' ftinn Khn liv at rilntatien. Write. lir. Burtoon'm Hotanlcal Cnneer Core baa no equal on the face of the earth, it positively cures all kind of cancers-Internal and external, wit hout the use of the knife scro tula. syphilis, and all sorts of blood poisons and humors. This remedy Is In the reach of all. A ffi.niiiif.aKf.tflu an u.waalf a treatment, for 18.00. These medicines are fully endorsed by the best pnysicians. WHO eaen 01 inem merit is a anttta in cum nrnwinev refunded. IfyourdruK' gist does not keep them, Insist that Ua does, or Tilt .1 A. BTTROOON. DOT fenn Ave., fittsburgb Bend stamp for Dook 01 lustrucuous., tViVor sale at II. Alex Bioko's drug store. K Town Talk I Bargains ! The general topic of tlie people is Where they get their 1 I'll"! Ill C (I mi i in, Their reply re-echoes fronl the woodland and the valleys: RT THE RACKET STORE. You know they are always busy in every town where there Is one. Whyl B6GailS6 prices are the same to all. " goods are of let-class quality. " money is always re refunded if not satisfactory. " an apportionment of of good s i s hand 1 ed that is in daily use. " they buy for cash and sell for cash, which enables you to get ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, and you do. Yours Respectfully, M. J. Goyie, HEYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Ttie First National Bank ot Reunoldsvllle. CHPITHU $80,000.00. '. Mltrlirll, PrettluVntl Heott Jlc IclliUMl, li e I'rra.t John II. Kam lirr, Boliler. Director: C. Mlti'licU. Heott Mi'Cli'llanil, .!. C. King, Jownh rMrnimH, .Imciiti iicnMrrNou, (.. W. Fuller, J. II. Kaui'licr. ftoos n uotieriilliiinklnirttllHlneaHaiid snllrlts the ai'i'ountH of niereliniilH, priifeHHloiial men, farmers, moi'hauii'H, mlnei-a, lumbermen and other, prnmlHlntf tho most earefiil attention to tlio liUHliieHMof all porKotiH. Temporary quartom In Ci'iitennlal Hull Building, oiNHlto Hotel lieluaii. VMS toyfe HoKjst .AlMlUkras VccMy (UNSIOTARIAN.) NO PAPER LIKE IT ON EARTH Unique not Fccentric. Witty not Funny. Relittious not Fioui. Not for .Sect but for Souls. WHOLE SERMONS IN A SENTENCE. Send a dime In stamps for three peeks trial, THE RAM'S HORN, $t.W WOMAN'S TEMPLE, Read Per Year. CHICAGO It once, ONLY PAPER THAT EVERYBODY LIKE) Just in THE OF THE CINDERELLA LESSENS LABOR AND THEIR ECONOMY SAVES YOU MONEY. CALL AND SEE OUR STOVES. , , In fact anything you may desire in our line in our mammoth store. The Reynoldsville Hardware Co. N. HANAU. No Fancy Prices, Though quality is the best. We make the statement for the benefit of those who are not our customers, and so may not know it: Oru prices MAKE (THTOMKKS OF M.L WHO COME. A full line of Dress Goods, The Rest and Cheapest ever brought to Reynoldsville. A full line of Henrietta at 25c. in all shades, 40c, 50c, and $1.00. Silk warp Henriettas. Summer Silks for 50c per yard. Ladies Coats and Capes the finest and cheapest in town. A nice line of Children's Jackets from 2 to 12 years. GIOtllllKJ. Men's suits the best and cheapest you ever saw for the money. "NVe don't say so except we can convince you. Men's Suits, four button cutaway from 10, 12 to 15, worth 14, 16 and 18. Men's straight cut worsted for 10 to 12.50, worth 10, to 18. Children's Suits 2.75, aro worth 3.50 to 5.00. A fine line of Roys' and Men's Negligee Shirts. N. Hanau. Grocery Boomers W HUY WII1CHK YOU CAN GET ANYTHING YOU WANT. Salt Meats, Smoked Meats, CANNED GOODS, H TEAS, COFFEES U AND Al.l. KIND" OF T FIIUITS. CONFECTIONERY, TOUACCO. AND CIGARS, Everything In tho lino of Fresh Groceries, Feed, Etc. & (ImhIh ttellrrml free any place m ff, O Villi on iih ami yet jtrleen, W. C. Sehultz & Son N Season ! IT WILL TAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR LINE OF STOVES BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE AS WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND BEST LINE IN THE COUNTY. will be found Country Produce ASK FOR; FINE CANDIES. IN SEALED PACKAGES AT M. ALEX. BTOKE'S, THE LEADING DRUGGIST, Reynotdmvlllc, Pa. GENTLEMEN I I Bin positive that I have fwinii-thinp; rk-h in ntire for you if you will call at my tailor "hop. I have rewlved an ex collont Boloctfon of Spring and Summer Goods. I can show you tho fini-dt sult'dlon of pood- in thlu city. All fits guaranteed to bo perfect. One trial of tho excel lent poods and work Is convincing for all. Hoping that I may receive a call, I remiiln Your obedient servant, J. G. FROEHLIOH, Reynoldsville, Pa. sHTNext door to Hotel MeConnell. Gitu Meal Market I buy the best of cattle and keep the choicest kinds of meats, such as MUTTON, VEAL HEKF, PORK AND SAUSAGE. Everything kept neat and clean, Your patronage solicited. E. J. Sclmltze, Prop'r. J. S. MORROW, HF.AI.Klt IN Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ' Reynoldsville, Pa. LOOK! FOR THE People's Baroainm Quick Sales and Small Profits. General stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods and Shoes. A. KATZEN, Proprietor. Subscribe for "The Star." $1.50 per year.