ffilte it Star Subscription tt.fiO )tr tcnr, in mfmnrr. An Inilopcnilrnt Incnl pnncr. piMIhrtl nvcry WotlncMlny tit ItoynoliNvlllc, .l)'tTcron t'o. Pli., rlcvntwl to flip lntirrt of HcynnliMvlllc ami .Tcfft-rwm enmity. Nitn-imllilrnl. will t rent nil with fnlrnew. mill will bo imperially friend ly tnwnrU the liilxirlnir rln. BnWrtptliin price H.lto per yenr. In mlvnnee. rnmmiinlrntloin Ititcmlctf for pnlil lent Inn mint be ncrnmpnnlctl by tint writer' tmme, not for nuhlli'iillon, lint. n n niinrnnti-i- of (toort fitlth. IntercMlnij nnwn Item nllrltel, Advert I lii rnte mndo known on nppllcn tlon nt the office In ArnolflV lllock. I.eniility rnmmnnlrntliin nnil chnnmi of nil vert lement nhoulri renrh this oftli'n by Montlnv nnnn. Alilre nil rommnnlc-ntlonn to P. A. fltr-pn. enon, KevnnliNvllle, I'n. Kntereif nt tlir- pmtnnVe fit HeynoliNvllle, Pa.. n ernnil i-lnn mull mutter. ). A. nTKPIIKNNON, Killlnr mill Pnh. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2K, ISM. The Purloin Courier rllrl not romn to Rfyrm1ilnvlllo yfntortlny fnrsnmoivnsnn. Tho yoiinir jtmt Htnrtin"; out tn tho vo,vrk of llf nhmiltl know tint way they "monn"' to go. Hnvo a imt'ixwo ami plan. A mnn ilown lit Hoynohlsvlllo who wnntod a iloiwl wire thine:, bought n now clothiwllno tho other tlay and tried to hnnjr himself. After tho ropo broko four times ho (rnve tip the job, beemwo, as he snitl, hnnpln wns not In his line. 7ii IWn Courier. If thoro is any ono Individual who Is fully awitro of tho fuet that it Is hard to please some folks.lt Is the country editor. Dissntisfaetion Is not a new thlnjr born In the nineteenth century. (Jod oneo made a wholo world for ono man. and still tho man was not satisfied. The hill authorizing boroughs In Pennsylvania to apoint regular hoards of health passed both houses of the legislature and was signed by the governor. Tho bill gives the burgess the power to niixilnt five monitors, one for one year, ono for two years, one for tlmt; years, one for four years, and one for five years and one every year there after. One member of the Imiml must be a physician. The happiest households are those in which the small, sweet courtesies that make life pleasant, are most faithfully observed. Avoid tho first temptation to remit these because "wo understand one another."' Wives and sistoi-s may not complain aloud when they are left to help themselves to daily bread from crockery platters, while other fellows' sisters and wives are served on bended knon from garnished proeelnin. But they hco and feel, and think! Tho name William has a curious history. It was not at first given to children, and even a man had to earn it. When tho ancient Germans fought with tho Romans, tho Germans had only light weapons. Tho Romans were well-armed, protected by armor, too, and some of them wore a gilded hamlet to shield tho head. Whenever a Ger man succeeded in killing a well-armed Roman who woro ono of thoso gilded hemletotho homlot was put uimn his head, and he was ever afterward known as Goldhelm, or as wo would say Gulden Helmet. With tho French this was called Guilheaumo, shortened to Guil lamo; and with Latin speaking nations Gulielmus. Finally tho French Guilla me became Wullamo; tho German Gil helm, and tho English William. Rev. J. C. McDonald, tho popular Methodist minister, who formerly sorved the First M. E. church of Ridgwny, but is now located at Tunxsu tawnoy, has mado a discovery recently that is interesting. Ho has noticed that ministerial job work Is not bo good in old Jefferson as in lit tle Elk. He married a couple in Elk county last week, and in sending us tho marriage notice for publication re marks. "I see by the certificate given by the court at Ridgway that it is No. 1337, while the day following I married a couplo with a lioonse from the court at Brookville which was only No. 1100. What is the matter ? Is Elk county a more marriageable county than old Jefferson? Had little Elk not hotter hang out a sign, so all the young ladies may know where to find a sure thing ? Elk, with only 23,000 Inhabitants, has over 1300 marriagos since the now law and Jefferson, with over 40,000 inhab itants, only 1100?" Ridgway Advocate. One of the conspicuous things at the Republican convention at Brookville last week was the absence of some of the fellows who promised a numbor of votes they controlled, if given a certain amount of money to use for that pur pose. The votes were not forthcoming and no doubt the men remainod at home to make up a big lie to smooth matters with the defeated, candidates the first time thoy meet. The man who sells the votes he controls, in his mind, to three or four candidates who are run ning for the same office, will generally be found at the polls with a handful of tickets working real hard, but a close observer will discover he is really not working for any of the candidates promised, but lu some cases for the fol low who did not hire him. This thing of candidates hiring men to buy, votes with beer, whiskey, eigare, Sto., should be stabbed to to the heart that it may die insUnter, and about the only way for this to be done is within the' power , of the oundidutes to strike the futul blow, and that u by entering into a mutual agreement during a campaign not to spend money for such purpeses. TWENTY-FIRST OUTINO. A Delightful Trip to Reading and Atlan tic City. Tho twenty-first annual excursion of tho Pennsylvania Editorial Association waa enjoyed last week by tho members and their ladles. Tho trip this year was to Reading and Atlantic City. Tho party met at the Neverslnk Mountain House, on the Neverslnk mountain, ono of tho lofty jwaks that towers twelvo hundred feet nlxivo the level of the sen. Tho ascent Is mndo to the top of tho mountain, whero tho hotel is located, by an electric railway. While tho people down in Heading were sweltering under Sol's hot rrt.VH, tho editorial party were snltllng fresh air, while a delight ful bii.'ezo wiped tho moisture from baldheads and toyed with tho ladles hangs. Tho Neverslnk N a delightful summer resort. H cost l2S,(m to build the hotel and fcil.000 to furnish it. Tuesday evening a concert was given at tho Neverslnk by Reading's local talent. Tho program, which had liven carefully prepared, was well ivndered. Wednes day morning the party descended tho Neverslnk mountain In electric cars and passed through a xirtlon of tho city to Mount 1'enn and there tho party got into the ien cars of tho Mt. l'enn Gravity railroad and woro hauled to the summit by nil engine. From this mountain, eleven hundred fuet ubovo seu level, tho sight is simply grand. Reading, tho city of brick houses, lies at the base of the mountain and a beautiful stretch of country greets tho eye. Tho descent from this Mt. was mado on the gravity road. At Miller's Park a dinner, that would please tho most fastidious cpiciuvan, was served by tho Reading Press flub. After dinner trips to various parts of the city were made. Thursday morning n special train of seven elegant coaches on tho Philadelphia & Resiling R. R. inveyed the editorial party and mem bers of the Reading Hoard of Trade and Press Club and their ladies to Philadel phiu where n stop of one hour was tiiiulo and then the party boarded the steamer "Atlantic City" and crossed the Dela ware, tin tho ISew Jersey banks of tho Delawaro another special train of seven conches on the Philadelphia & Reading railroad was waiting for tho excursionist and soon the train was speeding toward Atlantic City. The un from Camden to Atlantic City, a dlstnnoo of fifty-six miles, was mado in 04 minutes. At Atlantic a banquet was given at tho Mansion House, after which tho monitors of tho party enjoyed fivo or six hours strolling along tho beach and bathing in the old ocean. Jos. 8. Morrow and yo editor were Ixilh well salted, not only outside but also Inside. Tho party left tho salt breezo of the Atlantic at six o'clock in the evening for Reading, returning tho sumo route they had gono. R. II. Thomas, tho treasurer and sec retary of tho association, wus as pleas ant and accommodating as ever. Much credit is duo to Cyrus T. Fox, secretary of tho Board of Trado of Reading, also manager Reading News Bureau, for his untiring efforts to make tho visit to reading a success; tho asso ciation also fully appreciated tho kind efforts of all tho monitors of tho Board of Trado and Press Club and Mayor Hhunaman to givo tho party a heurty welcome. Following 8ro tho resolutions passed nt a business meeting of tho Edi torial association held at tho Novorsink hotel Wednesday evening: Tho Kilitnrliil fihoocliillon of I'ennHvlviinln. on lis 21st minimi oulinir. desires to nut on reeonl lis sense of ohllmttion to tlm Mending iciiiironn company una lo ino I'eiitisyiviuiia Knllmnd I'oiiipitny, for the treiiermi ronlln iiiinee of tlm favors that have ix-en for ho ninny years extended 10 our Hsrss'latlon, tnaklim thoso agreeable it ml liealtlifiilnutiiiKH IMisslhle for our members. tin the iH-raslon of the most Interesting visit 1o Heading, wo have Ix'en mot In n most fraternal spirit hy tho Press eluh and have hoen most generously ontertalnod liy them and hy the txiurd of trade of that tlirlvinx and entororislnu eltv. A snoelal ronitnlttcn of iaillos oxorled llsolf to make pleasant the slay of our ladies and. on Wednesday evening, n most Btrrooahlo entertainment wis jrlven by other lad Ioh and vent lemon under tho aiisnleos oi ino rrcsHeiui), in ino parioroi ino iever- hiiik Mountain notoi, wneru we round nnu clasa accommodation. we are under further ohlldatlons to Uio Koanltiff Traction company, the Head nir A Soutli-weslorn Katlroad company, tho Novor sink Mountain Katlroad company and Mount l'enn liravuy Kauroan company Tor Hunstah tlallv nliu'Unr their respective mads freely at our service durlnK our stay In Hoadlnx. nicy win please ono and ail accept, our VliailKH. Notice to Horsemen. An act to prevent deception and fraud by ownors or agents who may have con trol of any stallion kept for sorvioe by I proclaiming or publishing fraudulent or false pedigree or records, and to protect such ownom or agents in tho collection of foes for services of such stallions, I passed at the reoent session of the Penn sylvania Legislature and approved by the Governor, provides that every own or or agent who may have tho custody or control of any stallion who shall charge a foe for tho services of such stallion, shall, before advertising or of fering such services to the publlo for any foe, reward, or comixmsatlon, file with Clerk of the Court of Quarter Ses sions of the County in which such own er or owners, agent or agents resldo, or in which such stallion shall bo kept for sorvioe, a written statement, giving the name, ago, podlgreo.reoord, description, terms, and -conditions uiion which such stulllon will serve, and any owner or agont who shall neglect or refuse to file such statement, shall forfeit for the ser vices of such stallion. The Clerk of Quarter Sessions Court of Jefferson County has received the nooossury hooks and blanks to carry out the provisions of the new . law, and is prepared to Issue the certificate of li cense therein provided for, the fee for such license or certificate being $1.00. Rsthmet. Mrs. Phillip Oearhelm, who has been sick for tho past threo weeks, Is not improving very much. About 40 members of the K. of P. lodge at this place attended the reunion in Dullols on Thursday. Dr. E. Q. McIIenry has so far recov ered that ho Is ablo to lie around and make calls on nearby patients. Geo. Dyko, afflicted with spinal affec tion, returned homo on Friday from tho Adrian hospital, whero ho has been under medical treatment. The Republicans are Well pleased with tho selections made at their pri maries for county office and feel confi dent that they have placed winners In tho field. Democrats ditto. The steel wire feneo which was pur chased some two years ago to enclose tho Prosioct cemetery Is ts-Ing put up by Smith .V Miles. Tho fence Is of good, sultstuntlnl material and will 1st a credit to the ones that conceived tho Idea of having the grounds properly enclosed. Children's Day of tho Union Sabbath school nt tho M. E. church on Sunday evening was tho grandest entertain ment ever given in our town. Tho program was complete and was curried out to tho letter, each ono performing their part in. a manner which was creditable not only to tho children but to their Instructors In the Sabbath school. Pallor, languldness and tho appear- aneo of ill health being no longer fash ionable among Indies, Ayer's Sarsnpa' rillu Is more largely resorted to ns t tonic-nlteratlve, nervine, stomachic, and builder up of tho system generaljy (iood house for Ilenrv A. Reed. rent. Inquire of For u nice fitting pair of shoos go to Kohlnsou s. 'or Miilo One car 1-lneh Michigan pine shin gles. one car lH-inch cypress shingles, ono ear 1-lneh cedar sli ingles. H. SlIAFI'KH When In need of shoes call and what Robinson has to show you. see Summer Tours. July 11th and 2"th, August Hth and 2-nd are tho dates selected for this series of personally-conducted tours to tho North. Wutkins Glen, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, Montreal, Ait Sable Chasm, Lakes Chnniplain and George and Saratoga am among the many attractive places to lie visited. The rate of f'M.m applies from New- York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash lngton, Harrlshurg and intermediate stations, and correspondingly low rotes from other points. This rate includes every item of necessary expense during tho entire time of fourteen days spent on tho trips, and Is remarkably low con sidering the large territory covered and tho luxurious entertainment afforded at the different places. For detailed Information address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, or apply to nearest Passenger or Ticket Agent, Pennsylvania Roll road company. Tho people of Reynoldsvllle and vicin ity know when they have a good thing; that accounts for tho great increase in business at Reed's shoo store. Honry Is a worker and knows how to buy and soil good footwear. Shoes for stylo, shoes for wear, shoes for comfort at Reed's shtio store. If you don't believe that tho wind bloweth whero It listeth, but it always lists to blow toward a man who Is emptying ashes into a barrel, try It. Nice new lumiis, with Pittsburg burn ers, at Schultze s. Ladles' serge congress Ooc. at Robin son's. liltkcrllutirou. Q MITCHELL, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Office on West Main street, opposite the Commercial Uotol, Ucynoldsv lllo, Pu. jyi. B. E. HOOVER, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Resident dentist. In hiilldlnir near Metho dist church, opiHMtte Arnold IiIik'V. Uentle nosit tn oiorutlii)r. JJoteU. JJOTEL MoCONNELL, REYNOLDSVILLE. PA. FRANK J. BLACK, Proprietor. The leading hotel of the town. Headquar ter for cunimetviul men. Steam houl, froo bus, Imth rooms and cIomoU on every floor, sample roomit, billiard room, telephone cou iioollon &c. JJOTEL BELNAP, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. GliEEXd- COXSEIi, Vmprkton. First class 111 every particular. Lex's tod In the very centre of the buslneisspart uf town. Free 'bus to and from trains and commodious kample room for commercial travelers. MERICAN HOTEL, BROOKVILLE, PA. JJUFFIXOTUX ( LONG, Prop's. . Omnibus to and from all trains. European restaurant. House heated and Uiihtou by gas. Hot and cold water. AVosturn Union Telegraph olllee in building. The hotel Is fitted with all the modem convenience. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROOKVILLE, PA., 1'JIIL V. CAItlilEli, Proprietor, Sample room on the ground floor. House healed by uatural gas. Omntbua to and front au train. Impure blood is tho cause of Innumer able maladies. Hence, one of the great est benefactions to humanity was the discovery of Ayer's Snrsapnrllln, which, more than any other modlclno, has saved America from Itecomlng a nation of invalids. Do You Need Shoes t Wo have the latest styles at popular prices. Rr'.KD's Shop, Stohk. A suloon keeper In Clnrksvlllo.Tenn., began business by publishing the fol lowing note in tho local pators of his town: "Having oionod a commodious shop for tho sale of liquid firo, I on brnco this opportunity to inform nil I have commenced to make drunkards, paupers and beggars for tho so)r element to support. I shall deal lu spirits which will excite men to deeds or riots, robbery and blood. For a small sum I will prepare victims for asylums, poor-houses, prisons and gal lows. I will sometimes oven corrupt ministers of religion, defile the purity of tho churches and cause temporal, spiritual and eternal death. In reply to why I hnvo the audacity to bring such accumulated misery, my honest reply Is, "Money." I have purchased tho right to demolish character, de stroy health, shorten lives and ruin souls. If I don't do It somelstdy else will. I pledgo myself to do all I horeln promise. Thoso who wish any of theso evils brought npop themselves or their dearest friends nro requested to moot mo nt my bar." J)! SHOLUTH )N NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that, the partner shin heretofore existing between W. H. Ilel and I.. H. Hell, riot liters, nt Kevnoldsvllle and lltillols, doing business under the firm iinnm of llell Itros.. was, on Ilic l,ih day of May, otssoiveu oy mutual eons,. m. n. 11, belt Hill continue the clothing business at Keynolilsvllle anil will celled all hills dun Hint store and will pav all debts contracted for It. anil I.. S. Ki ll will collect all hills duo the Ihillolsstoro and will pay all ileitis con tracted for It. W. II. IIKI.I.. I.. S. IlKl.l.. Iteynolilsvllle, Pit., Juno It. I1i:i. 0 0 8prgo, Prti. W B Almndir, Ctthitr F A Alennder, An t Ctshltr. Seeley, Alexander & Co., BANKERS. Organized In ls. Taiil up Capital 800,000. StorhhnU1rvi: (loo. II.SiiiMu'ue, Thus. MoCrolght I.. I'. Seeley, K. II. Heeley, W. II. Alexander. Iio n general banking business. Accounts solicited. Private pallets for our customers tiled away and kept lu 7f-; VHOOF VAULT. IcINANl'IAI. STATEMENT OF WINHI.OW Tiiw.vsinr roa tiik fiscal ykaii kniumi ji'Nt m il, IMi:i. , Titr.Asi'itKn's Accocnt Money Uki kivkii. ltec'd from State appropriation don no r rom eoi., uiciuiiing taxes or an Kinus 4 ?m 14 Co.treas.uhseiilcil land,tlncrt,&c. eCl 44 Total receipts 17 HI'S US TltKASCHKU'S ACC'T Ml INKY I'AlllOI'T. l or building houses, If any... ! :4 40 teacners' wages ft it;t rent and repairs Till 00 fuel and oonl Itnzcnclos.. . 11X1 II Foes of coil's, $!WI 47 treas. SHU 24 4.HI 71 Halary of see,, exM'nses, sta tionery, postage, &c 4s (l For printing and auditor's roes n in deht and Int. paid, If any S4s III other expenses 2IH 11 Total money paid out, elu l.'7 411 ItKsocncKS anii Liabilities. Am't due District, If any i ftno (HI " Irons, f anv 2 lis 4S Total debt of lllstrlcl, If any i Hit 1 W. J. Hti.i.ts, I ,,..- Tlio's Ht.TCIIIStIN, f A,"llt,,rM The alstvo account has Ih'ch dulv nuillleil by the auditors of this ills) rlel, mid cortllled by them to lie correct. II. HTKVKNSiwt, President. .1. B. Sykks. Secretary. THe First National Bank ot Reynoldsvllle. CHPITHL, $80,000.00. '. mtrlioll, ProsldoiitJ Heott .TOcClelUnd, Vice Prcs. John II. Kauellpr, f 'ashler. Director! .Mitchell, Pcott McClelland, J. P. King, jiMonii strnuss, incnii itoiMiorsoti. . O. V. Kuller, J. if. Kaucber. Does a general banking huslnessnd solicits the accounts of merchants, professional men, farmers, mechanics, minors, lumbermen and others, promising the most careful attention to the nusiness or all persons. Temimrsry quarters In Centennial Hall llulldlnv, opposite Hotel Uelnuu, N OTICE. TUEASURY DEP'T OFFICE OK COMPT HOLLER OF THE CURRENCY WASHINGTON, May 27, 'U3, Whereas, by satisfactory evldonoe uresonted to tho undersigned, it has been mado to appear that "The First National Hunk oi Koynoldsvllle, In the Borough of Roynoldsvillo, in tho County of Jetforson, and Stato of Pennsylva nia nas compiled wan all tne provisions ot tho Statutes of tho United States, re quired to bo complied with before an association shall be authorized to com mence the business of banking. Now therefore I, James II. Eckels. Comptroller of the Currenoy, do hereby cortify that "Tho First National Bank of Roynoldsvillo," in the Borough of Roynoldsvillo, in the County of Jef ferson and btute 01 Pennsylvania is au thorizod to commence the business of banking as provided in Section Fifty' one hundred and sixty-nine of the Re vised statutes of the United States. In testimony whereof, witness my haud and seal of office this 27th day ot .May, inu.i. James R. Eckels, No. 4008. Compt'r of the Currency CALL ON C. P. liOPPMftN, Specialist in Lenses for the Eyes. SCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION FREE. We Have SECOND NewSnriiiffDressGoods! Do not fail to come and see them. They are Beauties. BING & CO., NOLKN BLOCK. We Ugt pi wonli Kee) your eye on our advertisement. Of courHH you are provoked. You have psiid much more for your Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at other lilaoen than you would pay at our store and the quality not any better. Enough to Provoke . - Anybody. You have seen our windows and you have also heard of our low prices; does it not seem impossible that we can give you the same arti cle amost twice as cheap. Some one is con tinually coming in and exclaiming, "Why we can do better at this store than at any other place in town!" Then they want to know the reason for this. That is very easy. We sim ply point them to our long established motto which reads like this: Originators of the SMALL PROFIT SYSTEM. That settles it. Then that is not all they al ways come and bring a friend with them. Our line of Gents' Furnishings Cannot be excelled anywhere, and our styles are always the very latest,- not saying a word about the price which you know is not to be thought of. CLOTHING. Clothing for the Young and Old, 'Rich and Poor, in all styles and colors. Our suits range in price anywhere from $ 5. 00 up. Be sure and see us as we are glad to talk to you all and show our goods. Yours Respectfully, BOLGER BROS., OrlQlnators ot the Small Pro.lt System. Recived our INVOIGB -OF- MHIN STRCT,