SEX RELATIONSHIP. A CALM AND DISPASSIONATE VIEW CF "THE WOMAN QUESTION." Th Future vt it Null?! rru.irlf y lr prmlM In flrejit l'ai-1 till tin Vnrrlinjr lti IutltnI.rim liuiun rttmithe Ili.ilot-y of Anclrnt firrrc-c mt,l INim. The rl;;lits i;'"' wrv" of " !" now debated with n vijjor nnd virnlcm-o which incroiiKO every ilny. Tin si' who demand for women tint r,1y nil tin1 riv ilogrs which men iosses, luit nl.-o con tinued exemption from their rcpoiii Wlitics, would r:ivry tlm i:riiicii1e ef f ninlo emancipation to a point which him aroused opposition on tho part of many who in every Kfiit question of tho day Are ndmittrdly leaders of the party of Jirogrosi. Whilo the contest ni.T' s n to whether women nre to know, My and do everything thnt tho coarsest of men c;in, or, on the other lmiid, hu kept completely In tho background, people tiro npt to for get whnt is really tho crucial point of the wholo question. Thny forget that the position of wom en, nnd of men, too, for thnt mutter, is innepnriiWv bound up with tho rela tionship, between the nexes known ns marriage; nre npt to futp't tho impor tance of thnt relationship not only to In dividuals, but to tho state; nre npt to forget thnt too rigorous a subjection of women may bring us nenr to bnrbnrism, too great an emnncipntion may lend to thnt corruption which has so often in the world's history been tho ontcomo of a civilization which has not placed duo restraint on tho passions nnd impulses. Tho prosperity of a country depends en tho proper maintenance of tho rela tions between husband and wife quito as mneh as on its outer strength, and however great nnd powerful a country may seem to be, if theso domestic rela tions aro unhealthy, if tho wtfo has not her place in tho social polity, thnt coun try is rotten to tin' core, nnd its completo (loony nnd demoralization nre inevitable. Speaking generally, thero nro four as pects or ideals of tho status of tho wifo four ways in which her position is re garded by men. There is the method of the barbarian, that of the oriental, that of western civ ilization, that of corrupt civilization, Which last is practically the degraded form of tho third. Tho barbarian re gards his wifo as a mero slave n squaw to cook his food, carry his burdens, sub mit to his ill nsngo. Tho oriental Fees in his wifo a plaything to gratify his pas sions, to be kept in the strictest seclu sion, nnd to le treated altogether ns n brainless being: regnrded by him, In fact, so far ns any respect is concerned, much as the squnw is regarded by the avage. From the third point of view tho wife's position is very different. True, she is the mother of her husband's children; true, Bhe hns duties to perforin which her husband would disdain: true, her husband is 4ho bead of tho family, and the bears his namq. Cut with nil this sho is looked upon ns her husbnnd's equal, is the sharer of his counsels, his Intelligent partner and hns a right to ex pect from him the fidelity which in the case of the savngo or the oriental is so one sided. The credit of placing this view of mar ried life before mankind has been claimed by Christian writers for their religion. But although we must admit thnt Christianity has done much to im prove the position of woman, yet the high ideal which wo have termed that of western civilization existed in a very strong degree in ancient Greece, still more strongly among the Romnns nnd the nations of western Europe, whom hey conquered nnd civilized long before Christianity was preached, and the noble qualities which we admire in thoso races may often bo directly traced to the in fluence of wives and mothers. But high as is this ideal, history shows thatthore aro dangors which threaten those societies where it prevails; dan ger the outcome of that very civilization which it has done so much to perfect. Luxury, prosperity, too groat liberty, want of mutual respect and continual striving after new sonsations are too npt to destroy thnt wholesomo stuto of things which has boon tho palladium of every great nation, and we too often have ex amples of the fourth ideul, which, though springing from the third, is so distinct from it that 1t deserves to bo classed by Itself. Whore a wifo is no longer con tent with taking her share in the battle f life, no longer content to recognize the fact that thore are things which it better becomes the woman to do than the man, and vice versa; whon she insists on aping and sharing the follies and vices of the man, on casting from her that modesty and reserve which are woman's greatest charms; when she spurns maternity and domostio duties as trivial or monotonous, then indeed the marriage state must fall into disrepute; then the fatherland must surely suffer. It was this which led to the unspeak able horrors of imperial Bomtt; it was the nnsexed women, their profligacy only equaled by their audacity, who were re sponsible as much as Nero and Domi tian themselves 'for the downfall of Ro man civilization. Otho and Silius would have been impossible but for Poppcea and Mettsalina. In latter times, too, and even in Christian countries, where the marriage tie was in theory hold so sa cred that if duly celebrated it could only be dissolved by death, we have seon a state of things aa bad. Westminster Review. Vustiwha. aud Beard. Englishmen only a generation ago had such a detestation of mustaches and beards that the practice of shaving all hair off their face down to their mutton chop whiskers wus all but universal From one extreme our clean shaven fa thers plunged into the other, and beards and mustaches rapidly became the fash ion. The fashion has of late years again been modified. Beards are lees common, but .the mustache is cultivated in Eng land u widely as on the continent. London Standard. Trials of Rentneky Minister. In spenklng of a well known minister who was until not very l ing ngo pastor of a largo congregation in tiiis city, a member or tint church said yesterday! , "Few people know what ho suffered. lie Was tho nearest approach to Job that I ever saw. Tho newspapers might have bid a great sensation out of ono of his ; trials. Though ono of tho best known i preachers in Louisville, considering his I stay here, his wifo was a morphine enter. , On ono occasion when ho had to go to I church to marry a young pair his wife I locked him in his room. Ho finnlly suc 1 corded in climbing through tho transom ' nnd arrived at tho altar nfter kcepingnv I cry ono waiting for nenrly half nn hour. "She often locked him up to try to I keep him from prenching, nnd her treat ! mcnt of him wns often too inhuman to bo described. Yet with all that acora I plaint never left his lips, nnd ho perform ' ed his religions duties under a mental I agony that few nre cnllod on to fear. Sho took nn active part in the church so ' cieties, and not until about tho time of their departure wns her terrible hnbit known outside the family. Her children were often leaten like animals. I know these things to be facts, and if the name wero divulged it would thrill the city with astonishment." Louisville Courier-Journal. Dvorak Awaken the Miulcal World. Dr. Dvorak's bold declaration that the negro melodies of America aro to be the foundation vf a great national school of music ranging through every stage of the art, from ballads to symphonies and oratorios, has aroused the musicians of Europe. The Commercial cable brings us an interviow with Ernest Reyer, the distinguished French composer. He says thnt tho negro melodies, even if they do not servo as the actual basis of the coming American school, will de termine its character. The presence of the great Bohemian master in this country is a blessing to nrt. And it is a remarkable thing thnt, nt tho very moment Rubinstein, Richter, Joachim nnd other famous musicians wero discussing Dr. Dvorak's discovery with correspondents in Europe, thecom poser himself was writing the gratifying announcement that he had just finished a now symphony reflecting nil through it tho negro melodies of the western world. New York Hernld. Sheep Mieniing In New York. They nre shearing the sheep in Cen tral park, nnd a good sized job it has turned out to be. There nro about SO ewes nnd ns many lambs besides the two or three rams. All of the flock are Sonthdowns of the purest breed, nnd their wool, averaging from six to eight pounds a fleece, is very fine nnd of more value than that of the ordinnry sheep. Shepherd Conwny nnd his sheep dog are nttending the sheep nnd lambs on the green, while threo or four professional sheep shearers are nt work on the reRt of the flock at tho sheepfold. As fast as an nnimal has been shorn it is turned out to pasture with the lambs and rams, and the contrast between the thin, white np- pearanco of the shorn sheep nnd the j thick, brown fleeces of the rnms nnd , lambs is an interesting sight. New I York Letter. i Closing With a Hymn. Secretary lloko Smith recently attend cd a semiprivate dinner in Washingto and was called unon for a sneech. (Jnitn i I a number of newspaper men were pre sent, and Mr. binitu concluded his re marks with nn nppeal to them to stand by the administration and stop criticis ing it His remarks wero pitched in a strong religious strain. Whon Mr. Smith sat down, the gentleman who was pre siding at the dinner said wiih a perfectly grave face, "The choir will now sing I Want to Be an Angel.'" Washington Letter. Reduced Immigration. The total immigration to the United States during the 10 months ended April 80, 1803, was 834,825 a decline of 119, 133 from the immigration of the corre sponding 10 months of the previous year. Emigration from Russia and Poland shows the greatest docline in this period, having fallen from 04,000 to 83,078. There is a very slight de cline in the arrivals from Great Britain and Ireland, but the tide of emigra tion from Italy shows no abatement Charleston Nows and Courior. Hawthorne In a Itcan Fot. The story goes that a few weeks ngo an auctioneer nonr Lewiston, Mo., put op an old bean pot, and having no bids knocked it down to hinaself for") cents. Inside ho found a copy of Hawthorne's "Fanshawe," the original edition. He remembered seeing in a Boston paper that a copy of this book had recently been sold for $181.50. Hewroto to a Boston dealor, who offored him $100 for his find, which he took. It is said he might have got more. Philadelphia Press. Endurance of a Young Baulan Woman. Last winter a Russian girl of 17, giv ing way to fatigue, fell down asleep by the road, and when she awoke found herself buriod so doeply in snow that es cape was impossible. Fifty-one days later she was still found breathing and was brought successfully back to life. During all this time the poor girl had to oat only some crusts of bread that happened to be in hor pocket. Courrier desEtats-Unis. After traveling the globe for 20 years a letter has been returned to its sender, Fred C. Anderson, at New London, Conn, The letter was properly address ed, but had not been claimed by the per son to whom it was inscribed. A singular accident occurred to Cobb Harris near Oneonta, Ala., lately. Ho was riding a mule, when the animal sud denly threw his head up, striking Harris on the chin and breaking his juw)one. Place a large dish of water in a room where the heat is very oppressive. Change ouce or twice, and the tempera ture will be perceptibly lowered. People Find Thnt It Is not wise to expeihueiit with cheap compounds purport Inn to bo blood-pnrillcrs, but which have no real medicinal value. To make use of any other than theoid standard AYKH'.S Snrsnparilhi-tlic Superior Itlood-puriller is simply to Invite losi of time, money, ntul lieallh. . If yon nre mlllcted with Scrofula, Cntiirrli, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Running Sores, Tumors, or any other blood disease, be assured that It Pays to Use AVER'S Snrsapaiilla, nnd AVER'S only. AVER'S Sarsaparilln can nlwnys be depended upon. It does not vary. It la always the same In quality, quantity, ami ellVct. It is superior in combination, proportion, appearance, and in nil that goes to build up tho system weakened by disease and pain. It searches out nil impurities in the blood nnd ex pels them by the natural channels. AVER'S Sarsaparilla l'rrixred tv Pr. .T. C. Aycr ft Co., I.owrll. Mum. Bold by all llrnunlMn. Price 1 ; nli hottk'n, S. Curesothers.will cure you The Percheron Stallion. SULTAN ! Will tand for nun-en at tho following plnees: ,1. E. Mulholland. near l'anlc, on Monday and balance of each week at owner's barn in I'unuliso settlement. Description. Sultan is n bright dap ple gray, il years old, in hands high and weighs 17" pounds: has good style and tine action, and a good disposition. Will show for himself. I 'edigree. Sultan was siceil bv Old Sultan, imported from France by V. T. Walters, of Hnltimoiv. Mil. First dam Die Colli', by I'l-ince Napoleon, also Im ported from France: second dam, bv I hl Nigger, imported: third dam, Wax work. lmiMi'tcd. Terms.Vi.lNI for the season, payable with tho Urst, service of tho horse:'l.(0 to insure mure with foal, piivablo as soon as man' is known to lie with foal: or ifs.ill to insure living foal on foot. Parting with an insured mare liefoiv known to h with foal forfeits the Insur ance. All reasonable care taken, but not accountable for accidents. Thomas Reynolds, r., Owner. AEclirfious VccVtv: (UNtCCTASISH.) NO PAPER LIKE IT ON EARTH Unique not Fccentric. VVitty nnt Funny. KeliRiou. not 1'iouB. Not (or Sect but for Sou!., WHOLE SERMONS IN A SENTENCE. Send a (lime In .tamps for three feck, trial. THE RAM'S HORN, It.M WOMAN'S TCMPLC, Rc PerYeir. CHICAGO It once. ONLY PAPER THAT EVERYBODY LIKE Grocery Boomers W O O BUY WIIEKK YOL CAN' (JET ANYTHING YOU WANT. FLOUK, Salt Moats, Smoked Meats, CANNED OOODS, TEAS, COFFEES AM A I.I. KINDS Or Hi 1 Knurrs. T CONFECTIOXEKY, TOBACCO. AND CICAKS, Everything in tho lino of Ficsh Groceries, Feed, Elto. . (IoihIh Mlreved free mm plat-e in town. Call on iih and yet irlcen. W. C. Sclmltz & Son & O N System Renovator CURES ALL Liver, Kidney ft, Stomach DISEASES. System Renovator Is the only remedy In the world thut truly iiurilles the blood and nets up on the klilneyn, liver and bowels without niukiiiR them weak. Most medleluea undertake to cleanse without building up. This Is wronii, and It weakens the organs. Renovator buUtU up while It Is cleansing the system, frice, f 1.U0 ler uotiin, nrsix lor so.uu. After vuars of sucees at his ofnre. Dr. Rur goon has concluded to put up bis tape worm remedy In such a manner that patients can treat themselves at their own homes, l'hls Is a blessed boon to sulferers f rora thlsterrlbluutulu tlon who live at a distance. Write. Dr. Uargnoa't Hatnnlcal Cancer Cure has no equal on the face of the earth. It positively cures all kind ol cancers-luternal and external, without the useof the knife scro fula, syphilis, and all sorts of blood poisons and humors. This remedy Is In the reach of all. A Vi-ounoe bottle, an It-weeks' treatment, for fa.oo. These medlulncnnre fully endorsed by the best pbyslciaui. With each of them there Is a guar antee to cure or money refunded. IfvourdruK glst does not keep them, uiuibt that he dues, oi HUM IUC1U UUIU DR J. A. BURQOON. OT feim Ave., l'lttsburgb Bend stamp for book of Instructions.. tV'Fur Hale at II, Alux Btoke's drug store. i Luuuuv i roinicc Town : Tan I Bargains ! 'Tho ponernl topio of tlie people in Where llicv set ilicir niivmiH 'ft Their reply re-erhoes from the w oodland and the valley: RT THE RACKET STORE. You know they are always busy in every town where there is one. Why? BCCailSC pii es are the fame to all. " poods nre of 1st -class quality. " money is always re refunded if not satisfactory. " ' an apportionment of of goods ishandled that is in daily use. " they buy for cash and sell for cash, which enables you to pet HOC K W )TT( )M I'KI C KS, and you do. Yours Jtespect fully, M. J. Goyie, HKYNOLHSVILLE, l'A. Wo are o Headquarters. Fall Line In EVERY DEPARTMENT. o 9 i? ? O 7) 5 9 9 2 y a Ui A 7: ED. GOODER, The Jeweler, - Main Street. Just in THE OP THE CINDERELLA LESSENS LA IlOll AND T1IEIII ECONOMY SAVES YOU MONEY. CALL AND SEE oun STOVES. I '"v 'if -'fir lt:L., - 1 f lC-lg"-W.'a"'-'"'4''4l -Mr: ' Iff I I 'H- h y- 1 In fact anything you may desire In our line in our mammoth store. The Reynoldsville Hardware Co. N. HANAU 1 Panp.v mm Il UUMI Thouph qiinlily " the br't. We make the statement for the benefit of those who are not our customers, and so may not know it: Ont ckk i;s MAKK H'STo.MKKS of AM. WHO COME. A full lino of Dress Goods, The Iiest and Cheapest ever brought to Heynoldsville. A full line of Henrietta at 'ific. in all shades, 4l)c, ftOe., nnd .SI. 00. Silk warp Henriettas. Summer Silks for BOn. per yard. Ladies Coats and Capes the finest and cheapest in town. A nice line of Children's Jackets from 2 to 12 years. Giotnino. Men's suits the best and cheapest you ever saw for the money. We don't say so except we can convince you. Men's Suits, four button cutaway from 10, 12 to S?1.r, worth 14, Hi and 81S. Men's straipht cut worsted for 10 to 12.B0, worth 1(5, to 18. Children's Suits 2.75, are worth .'5.B0 to $5.00. A fine line of 1 Joys' and Men's Negligee Shirts. N. Ilanou. 'Jewelry, Season ! IT WILL l'AY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR LINE OK STOVES BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE AS WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND BEST LINE IN TOE COUNTY. will be found llw JL 14.11 U i J,l ? x ASK FOR FINE CANDIES. IN SEALED PACKAGES AT H. nUEX. STOKE S, THE LEADING PKlWilST, Reynoldsville, Pa. GENTLEMEN I I am poHllivo thnt I hnve wimrtlilnp rich in Mtoits for yon If you will pull nt my tuilor hIhiii. I lmve iwi-lvod nn cx ivllctit seli't'tion of Spring and Summer Goods. I i-nn how yon the fincnt srlcctlon of pood In this i-lty. All IUh (ruarantopd to lio iK-rfeet. Ono trial of tho excel lent cmhIm nnd work In convincing fop all. Hopini; thnt I may receive a call, I rcmuin Your obedient servant, J. C. FROEHMGH, Reynoldsville, Pa. SrNcxt door to Hotel McC'onnoll. Gitii Meat MarKei I buy the best of cattle and keep the choicest kinds of meats, such as MUTTON, POKK VKAL AND HKKF, HAUSAGE. Everything kept neat and clean, Your patronage solicited. H. J. Sdiultze, Trop'r. J. S. MORROW, 1'KAI.F.It IN Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. OIVEKA HOUSK . HLOCK Itcynoldsville, Pa. LOOK! FOR THE People's Bargain store. Quick Sales and Small Profits. General stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods and Shoes. A. KATZEN, Proprietor. Subscribe for "The Star," $1.50 per year.