The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 21, 1893, Image 5

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    3Ettc -fr Star
fiuhmrripfioit $l.RO r year, in uiii'iiiirr.
'. A. MTKPIIKNNON, Kdllnr and IMib.
frrawrltt' V)uttr.
PsssiMiirer trntn arrive nml tcnvu Itevn.
olilsvllle n follows:
Allrilieny Valley (nihrii.
Rnstwiinl. Westward
TrnlnH, - - ft 47 . ni.lTrnlii ft, . - 7.411 n. m
Trnln I, - - I cm . in Train 2,. . I 4 !i. in
Train . - - ft.,K)p. m iTriiln III, - - .4 p. m
Clriir.flehl if- Mahoninu HaiUray.
Trnln No. 70, li'iivp ill 7.IH n. m.
Tniln No.?l,jtrrlvi' nt 7. 'Op. in. nwT-iirrn k.
Mulls nrrlve nnd lesrw Hie post-onVp n
Arrive. Iti'Piirl.
rmiM tub wrT. rim th r.snr.
LIS p. m. - - 7.i p. m.llt.Wp. m. - - n.snp. in.
.Wii. ill. - - 2.w p. ni.l'.ll n. in, - - 1 11 p. ni.
Arrive from Iliillimcl mill Prcseoltvlllr
!!.: n. ni.
Arrives finiii Punic Tiii'i1ii yx. Tlutriliiy
nun r-nt lining s 11, p. in.
DvpiiriH (nr I'resroitvllle, Itnilinii'l, 1'iinli'
3 imp. in.
(MIW hours ?.(m n. ni. los.nn p. m.
Money orlcr nlll Mn from 7.nn.m.1ti
7 H' ni. ItcuMer olthc open fruiii 7.") n. in,
tdM imn. ni.
I.i'iinl llolhlnys from 7"n n. ni. nml
from IMin to :i.iin p. m. .1. Vi. I'iiI'bt. I'. M.
John Schultze Is in lining .1. S. Mor
row's storo this week.
Fishing In this section has been
superseded by frojf hunting.
Tim thermometer registered 17 de
grees In tlm shade liiRt Moiuluy.
Forty yards AxtnlniHtor cariot for
sale, Inquire of Henry A. Rood.
Hubert Fan-ell was acting as ticket
agent during Ills futlii'r's absence.
IIonr.T. Boll Neff deliver "Luck and
Pluck" Juno 27th In Centennial liull.
A Congregational meeting will lie held
In tho Presbyterian church this even
ing. Many bnnks In tln state will take
advantage of tho Sntiinliiy Imlf holiday
Tho banks in Roynoldsvillo w 111 not
observe tho half liollilny Saturday uftor-
Childivn's Day will lie observed In the
Baptist and Presbyterian churches next
Tho A. V. R'y pay car was welcomed
along tho road last Friday hy tho em
ployees. Hov. F. II. Hock preached In the M.
E. church at tho place last Thursday
O. II. Johnson Is conduct lug a suc
cessful Huinmer school in West Kcyn
oldsvlllo. Tho Kcystono baud festival Saturday
evening was not a glowing success,
A break down at Hopkins mill gave
tho employees a day's vacation last
j Tho Falls Creek Jli rulil says there Is
Homo littlo satisfaction in seeing tho lco
man at the phiniher's door.
Tho O. U. A. M. Council of this placo
will attend services at tho M. E. church
on Sunday morning, July 2nd.
A museum of freaks is holding forth
in the room formerly occupied hy S. KI1 Is'
store in tho Boo Hivo building.
Tho "First National Bank of Heyn
oldsvillo" liMiks liko business printed on
Ave, ton and twenty dollar bills.
Ilov. Kensett, of Singapore, India,
will proach in tho Methodist Episcopal
church at this placo on Sunday evening,
July 2nd.
Tho A. V. R'y Co. will sell excursion
tlckotB on their road on July ,'lrd and
4th, good to return until July iith, 1S!.'I,
Tho DuDois Evening Exretm has en
tered Its second venp. Thn Pvnwua lu
, .,.
) very plain in its remarks sometimes,
yet it seems to thrlvo.
The members of tho Pennsylvania
State Editorial Association aro enjoy
ing their summer outing at Reading
and Atlantio City this week.
A little six-year-old son of J. B.
. Deemor, who lives out toward Emerlck-
ville, foil off a fence one day last woek
'And rimitfA Vila do-tit fi.i.fitm
The Christian Endeavors of tho
Baptist and Presbyterian churches at
k ttkla ,tl iio.s will lil .,.....1.... IH
the Baptist church next Sunday even
ing. Brook vllle and Ronovo will play ball
at Brookvlllo to-morrow, Thursday,
at 3.00 p. M. The game promises to be
an Interesting one. Admission 25 cts.,
ladles 10 cts.
J. A. WeUh, the gi-oceryman, got the
bycicle chanced off at Ed. Goodcr'a
jeweler tore Monday evening. No. 5
wag the lucky one. It was one of the
Advance blcyoles.
A new fence has been built along the
lley Bide of the M. E. church to
Protect the building from being de-
stroyed by people backing wagons
V against It. The fence Is also an improve
taient. C'hidren's Day exercises in the Pros-
I VltrtAilan navt GaY)iatK mnmilnni
In the place of the regular preaching
errloes. There will be no services in
the church In the evening.
A freight wreck on the Main line of
the A. V, R'y delayed the east bound
passenger train over two hour yester-
day. The train is due here at 1.00 P.
Hi, but did Dot arrive until after 3.00. .
Tho B., It. ft V. R'y will run an ex
curs I on from Roynoldsvllln to Klimia
bridge next Sunday, .Time 2Tith. Train
will leave here alxmt 8.4.i A. M. and will
return In the evening. Fare for round
L. .T. McFutlre, of this place, has ac
cepted a trial position of traveling for
L. M. Sterns A Co., wholesale green
grocers of Dullois. Mr. McEntlro Is a
good salesman and will, no doubt, give
the firm ho represents good satifactlon
Ed. Oooder, one of our Jewelers, and
ltnbt. J. Thomas, a tonsorlal artist,
were down tho Sandy Lick hunting
frogs last Thursday. They brought
tlilrty-cle.lit homo with them. It Is
said that frogs aro morn palatable than
Rev. .1. V. Hell, of DuMols, will
preach In the Presbyterian church
Wednesday evening nt 7.4.1, after which
a congregational meeting w ill 1st held.
All of the members of the church and
congregation are earnestly requested
to lie present.
Tlio Clarion Assembly, nt St rat ton
vllle, will open Wednesday, July Huh.
A good program bus lieon published for
each day until the close, August 1Mb.
Chaplain C C. McCaho w ill Imi at tho
Assembly and deliver three addresses on
tho 2Hh of July.
Roderick McDonald, of the II h-
woods settlement, who was willing
oneo to serve the people of this county
as assiH'liite Judge, but for want of
enough votes to get the nomination did
not go on the Im-iicIi, was in Reynolds
vlllo last Thursday.
Harney Martin, son of Michael Mar
tin, died Sunday morning mid was hur
ried In the Catholic cemetery Mondiiy
nioriiing. The Ancient Order of Ililier
nlans attended the funeral In n body.
Harney was not thirty-two years old and
was n single man.
We received an invitation from the
lsmrd of trustees ami faeultyof I he Cen
tral Stale Normal school at Lock Haven
to attend the sixteenth minimi com
mencement of the school. Commence
ment week Is-glns Sunday, June i'dli.
The normal is an excellent school.
Tho Itig Run Willi; Krhn is a good
paper. The olllce's new outfit will soon
be in working order and then Hro. Ry
land promises a better paper. The
Eilm is, religiously sicaklng, a Chris
tian Endeavor piiNr, but consldernblo
local news Is scattered through Its col
umns. A Imix of choice wedding cako was
sent to this olllco last Friday which was
soon devoured. The "devil" smacked
his lips and said, "I wish that bud lsen
a band-lsix full of cuko." The olllco
foreo enjoyed tho cake, and wo are
grateful to Mm. ('. A. Provost, of
Philadelphia, for tho same.
Dr. J. A. liurgoon, who has lieon
generous with printer's Ink has become
widely known, passed through Reyn-
oldsvllle on the east Isiund train Mon
day noon. A patient met him here and
the Dr. got ofT tho train, prescrllied
for tho pntlent and was ready to go
again as soon ns tho train was.
Tho weigh scules used by tho B., L.
& Y. C. M. Co., which wein located
below Tom Reynolds' residence, huvo
been moved to Rig Soldier whero nil
coal will Iki weighed hereafter. Tho
coal from tho Sprnguo mines will bo
backed up there from Preseottvllle,
which seems liko up-hill business.
Tho Democratic primary will bo held
next Saturday. Tho agony Is not so
great with tho Democratic candidates
as it was with the Republicans. In tho
Domoeratlo runks thero is only ono can-
dldato for prothonotary, ono for register
and recorder and ono for treasurer. For
sheriff and commissioners is whero
somebody will get loft. Fifteen candi
dates and eight to lie nominated.
Soveral Pittsburgers, who were out
on a fishing excursion, wont through
Roynoldsvillo tho other dav and as tho
train passed tho tannery ono of thorn
romarkod that he did not see how poo
plo could stand the noise In that neigh
borhood. Another one asked whv?.
The smart follow said, "So much bark!"
If ever thero is a time in a man's life
that he wants to be smart it Is when on
a fishing excursion.
Homer Dean, a lad twelve years old
who wag making his home with hlg
grandfather, Rev. J. E. Dean, died
Sunday night of diphtheria and wag
burled in the Baptist cemetery yester
day morning. The doceased was a son
of N. F. Dean, who now lives at Che
boygan, Mich. Mr. Dean, hag been
married twice and Homor was a son
of his first wlfo. Two of J. C. Williams'
children, who live next door to Rev.
Dean, aro slowly recovering from a
severe attack of diphtheria.
We are indebted to Smith M. Mo-
Crelght for an invitation to attend
the Commencement Week at Grove
City Collego. The invitations are
the neatest ones we have seen
for some time. Smith McCrelght,
of this place, is a member of
tho graduating class. Commencement
exercise began at 10.00 A. M. to-day.
Since the above was in type we received
a similar Invitation and program from
Miss Mattle Waite, who is attending
the same Bohool,
Brookvllle Not Behind.
The Miople of Brook vlllo are not
going to be behind on Improvement
Tho main street of that town is to lie
aved with brick this summer.
Wilt Run Full Time.
Wo stated last, weok that tho em
ployee of tho tannery nt this plaeo
would bo put on half tlmo or a number
of them discharged. The officials have
since rocetved orders to run full time.
Wo are ghul the difficulty, whatever
It mny liavo lieon, has been settled,
otherwise It would hBvo made A differ
ence In tho distribution of money In
Formerly of Thl Place.
Wo clipped the following from The
Ihiih Slitrol Hot Springs, South Da
kota: Miss Minnie A. Ileer came In
from Ileynoldsvllle, Pa., tills morning
to take tier old position as oMrntor and
manager of the telegraph and telephone
exchange at this place, which was left
vacant, by the young gentleman going
off with the surveying party. Sho Is
well acquainted with the work, hns
many frelnds hero and Is a capable and
painstaking operator and will make an
acceptable officer. We are glad to sco
her back.
Oust tier.
Reynoldsvlllo Is not a paradise by any
means, yet tho town hns been free of
houses of HI fiiliin for many years. In
the days when the A. V. railroad was lie
lug built through this plnce, licentious,
lewd women wore not strangers here,
but the town tins lsen fairly resM-cta-blo
for a few years. About four weeks
ago a low, base feminine enme to town
and opened up a house of ill fame on
Jackson street. Tlm debased piece of
Immunity should Isi given about, four
hours to leave town! Such snares to
lead the young Into by and forbidden
paths should not be tolerated. Oust
the licentious creature.
A Fifty Dollar Joke.
Frank J. Black, proprietor of Hotel
McConnell, HrH-traled a joke on his
futl when the First National Hank
opened for business. Tho bank gets Its
money from the mint in slips of fifty
dollars, one twenty and three ten dollar
bills. Frank went to the bank and
twilight one of the slips and went down
to the hotel barn mid his father was
there. Frank said, "Here, father, is an
advertisement that I will tack up here,"
and lie did. His father walked tip
liMiked at It and said, "That Is a pretty
advertisement, hut some one will de
stroy It Is-foro long." Frank made It
tils business to seo that It was carefully
taken down lieforo lie left tho barn.
Fond of Mutton
Homo of tho dogs In tho nolL'hlsirliood
of Washington township aro certainly
fond of "necking" sheep. Over two
hundred sheep have been killed by dogs
in Unit township this spring. One man
owned a llis'k or forty sheep and In
two night's raids ho was left sheepless.
Another farmer owned nineteen old
sheep and several lambs and In ono
night tho canines reduced tho number
to two or three old sheep, which wero
badly crippled, and the few lambs.
After a dog runs tho sheep uwhilo they
got so badly frightened that they stand
still mid tho dog goes for the neck and
lets out tho life blood, otherwise not
mutiluting tho sheen. Ceoriro Burton
thinks tho dogs nro contemptible, but
suys the people who shoot shot into tho
sheep uro meaner than the dogs. Ho is
about rltrlit In that statement.
Almost Run Over.
Mrs. Mnrciu Dally, of Pancoast, had
a very narrow oscupo from Instnntdeuth
at tho Muln street crossing of tho H. it
F. C. R'y last Thursduy afternoon.
Tho old ludy walked onto tho railroad
as un engino with a heavy coal train
came along. Tho engineer gavo tho
warning whistle, but it was unheeded.
Mrs. Dully throw herself and rolled In
the dust as the engine passed by a half
foot from her. ' She was not injured,
but her nerves wero badly shaken up.
Tho passenger train on tho A. V. R'y
was pulling out of tho yard at tho tlmo
and Mrs. Dally says sho thought tho
train sho heard was on that roud, and
did not realize her dunger until in tho
middle of tho track with tho iron horse
a fow feet away from her. The en
ginoor was not to blumo and would not
have been had tho old lady's life blood
bespattered his englnn.
Climbing the Ladder.
Prof. B. R. Kllno, an erst-whllo
Roynoldsvillo boy, now principal of tho
Mt. Pleasant schools, spent Sunday
with his parents at . this place. This
makes the professor's third term as
principal of the atmve schools. When
he went to Mt. Pleasant they wero pay
ing the principal tllO.OO per month, now
they pay tl 00.00 por month for -of
eight months. Somo people in this
section might think that good pay.
We will say just here that if the school
teachers of the country, gonorally
speaking, wore paid bettor wages school
boards would not have tho difficulty
they often have to contend with by hav
ing Incompetent teachers. The man or
woman who educate and prepare thera
sulves to bo good teachers are not en
couraged by the prospects of getting
from WO.OO to $40.00 per month for
their work. Prof. Kline has been reg
istered at the Westmoreland county
bar, but it requires two years' study
after that before he can practice. He
will mako a good aelf-made lawyer.
Republican Primaries.
We feel safe In saying that never, In
the history of JofTerson county, has
tliore boon as much money expended In
a primary campaign as tho Republican
one that closed last Saturday. Candi
dates wero numerous and were all
liberal with their ash, but, alas, some
wero defeated. Tho votes cast In
Roynoldsvillo borough 2211, and Wlns
low township mm, will show that there
were not many stay-at-home Saturday
Those nominated havoastar before their
names. The vote In the borough, Wlns
low township and total vote if I'ounfy Is
given below:
"Tl Wlat. TUI
.ImIiii H. Ilnrr
Wllllnm II. Sillier
J. (I. Allen
iwi. Ik o.
1117 2IH7
Olivlil (lourlcjf 34
K. Ni-fT ri
rims. (). Wllwin :
lii-o. IV, Wtii-iilek loii
K. S. Sfininkli.
.Inlm Wiille , im'i
N. II. Corey ft
Arthur Morrison .1
W. II. I. urns 4
.l.ii'oh ('. Smith ,ni
W. T.I -in
.losl-pll Hollers
Iinnlel brewer
.losi-iili Ilnrr
S. M. Shields
Tliomns K. I.ovn......
.liiiiM-s rtilhiniii
Ilro. H. Citlnplifll
f. K, Kwlnn
I. II. Mel.mmhllii
Aletniiclrr Ki iiiii'ily
.l nines. II. .lorilnii
215 yum
. . ",n,irni- Wlnle 'on.
lir. A. I-. Iliilmer nil
lllllllel Heller III
W. 8. Steele H
Mil '.'4H7 Sl:i7
fil Ili7
Hon. S. A. Craig was elected pres. pro.
tern, of tho county convention which
was held In the court house at Bnsik
villo Monday afternoon. On arcount of
the time required to count the vote
there was not as lively a time there as
was anticipated alsiut the nomination
of Swisher for register, recorder, Ac.
After the vote was counted nominees
wore announced. Chns.O.Wislon, defeat
ed candidate, then arose and declared tils
faith in the Republican party, thanked
the people for what they hud done, and
pledged himself to stipHirt the whole
ticket this fall. E. Neff in a like man
ner thanked the people, deduced his
faith, mid pledged himself to support
tho ticket. SH'cch making Is came
epidemic, and many other successful
and defeated candidates were heard
from. A resolution was olTered, Ed. C.
Burns was re-oleetod county chairman
and the convention adjourned.
Mctiilicrs of the county committee for
Roynoldsvillo borough, Clms. Ritie,
John W. Fink, Jerry Heckmnn. (ieo.
Harris. West Wilislow, Jos. Hutch
ison, S. (;. Austin, S. E. Brillhnrt.
East Wilislow, O. II. Broadhead, L. A.
Hays, J. I,. Long.
A "Pointer."
Tho Mmmmj ("imiiii; tho paper that
has done more to "boom" DuBols than
uny other "boomer" In that town, was
printed on red paper Monday morning,
which marked the fifth anniversary of
the great conlliigration that visited
DuBois live years ago. Tho Momiiiij
Ctmriii; then a venture a year and a
half old, was burnt out of house and
home, but the management wero not
hoH'lesHly discouraged and tho Courier
Is a better piisir now than It was then.
It Is also more selfish than it was before
tho fire. This paper would havo a
much bottcrcireulation In Roynoldsvillo
if it wore not for tho way it belittles
overy thing that g(K;s on, not only hero,
but in ull the surrounding towns, In Its
blind selfishness to "Isiom" Its own town.
It Is a newspaper's boundon duty to
stand up for tho town in which it is
published, but it should glvo tho devil
his just dues. A kind word oneo in
five or six years would not lw out of
placo. Personally, wo consider tho
Courier a fair morning paper, yet onu
grows weary of tho way it is seasoned
with "DuBois hruggudoclu" every issue.
1 his article is not written for a news
paper contention, but Is merely a
"iMiintor" to tho Courier, for we know
by expressions frequently heurd among
our business men that tho paper Is
muklng enemies in our town and keeps
its list down in consequence thereof.
Keystone Entertainment.
Tho entertainment given in the oiiera
house last Thursday evening for benefit
of the Keystone band was not as largely
attended as it deserved. Tho band boys
were fifteen dollars ahead after all ex
penses wore paid. The entertainment
consisted of vocal and instrumental rau
sio and recitations. The talent was:
May Isoman, Llllie McCrelght, Ella
and Mary Kearns, Frankio and Goldle
King, Will. I'. Wilson, Alox. Whitehlll,
Will Green, Hurry King, Will Hibbard,
Tom Kearns, J. A. Raskin, Arthur and
Jennie Haskln, and the Hopkins Man
dolin and Guitar Club, composed of W.
H. Fugus, John L. Sliffor and William
Boardinger. All who wore present
speak very favorably of the entertain
ment. Direct From Wales.
Lewis Lewis, of Wales, was at Reyn-
oldsvlllo last week and called at the
Star oftloe. Mr. Lowls was on his way
to tho World's Fair and Is taking in
gome of the important plucos in Amer
ica and of course could not pass Royn
oldsvillo nor the Star office by. His
speech bewrayed him.
Can Get Duplicate.
All persona having had photographs
taken by me can get duplicates of the
game by calling at G. J. Corwin's, the
photographer, as he haa all my old
plates. J. C. Williams.
This Town Will Celebrate In a Befitting
MannerCome and 8ee I
The eltlaens were a little late In de
ciding to celebrate the 4th in Reynolds
vlllo, but we will celebrate In grand
style. A meeting was called last week
and tho ball was sturtod rolling. Di
.1. B. Nenlo was elerted chairman and
Fred. A. Alexander secretary. A solic
iting commlMiee for funds was appoint
ed, which was comsmed of A. M.
Wisslward, John O. Conser, Alex. RIs
ton, John V. Dlllmnn and Henry A.
Reed, who tisik up their duty and met
with good MHH-ess.
Monday evening another meeting was
held and tho following committees up-
Advertising, printing and purchasing
cotn.-F. J. Black, Will Green, George A. Stcpnenson, Dick Ramsey,
C. F. Hoffman, Prof. W. It. Stanley,
Dr. J. S. ileCrolght, Snin't Suxton.
Reception committee- C. A. Steph
enson, I. A. Alexander, II. H. Mincer
and Will Wiley.
Musle torn. Dick Ramsey, M. .Kearns
and Win. Carl.
Amusement com. Will Green, C. F.
HolTmun, F. J. I Hack, Dr. J. S. Me-
Crolght, Geo. McKnlghtr, Frank Sutter,
Marry King, Clms. Watson, Goo. Beifk.
Invitation com. Dr. .1. S. McCrelght,
A. M. Wisslward, R. J. Thomas.
Soliciting com. for festival, up town.
M. C Coleman, (ieo. Harris, Dick Ram
Com. on bull for festival and dunce.
F. .1. Black, John C. Conser, Fd. J.
Decoration coin. Win. Wiley, J(h
(ieisler, Clms. Watson, R. J. Thomas,
J. Corwln, Ed. Goodor, Aaron
Kndgors, Herman Sindorf, Win. Ford,
Hurry King, David Coehrnn.
Soliciting com. for festival, down
town. R. J. Thomas, ( has. Schultze,
.loo (ieisler.
Soliciting com. in West Reynolds-
vllle. J. D. WiHidring, W. F. Schnltzo,
Sum'l Sutter.
It will not lie necessary for our citi
zens to go out of town to huvo a find
time, becausn It. will bn here, nnd if out
siders desire to enjoy themselves they
will come to Reynoldsville for that pur
jmiso. It is exM'cted tliut tho Fourth
will lo celebrated In an clalsirute mun
ner. Come mid see!
Curwensvlllo lias accepted an invi
tation to come to Reynoldsville on tho
4th of July. A brass band, fire company
and fifty peoplo will come from that
. Children's Day Service.
The following interesting program
will bo rendered nt the Baptist church
next Sunday evening at 7.:i0, to which
all aro invited:
Hymn "I'mlse yn the Lord" s-l.l
llreollliH Sunt
iiynui "All I nil" ScIiikiI
Keeltiilloii "( hllilrmi's liny" llerllnt dowser
Kei ltiitloii "( nil to Hervh e"- (i. Mllllnn, li,
Mi'Knliflil, K. Kvhiis, K. Imvls.
Ileeltiillon -"('oiiseeriitloli" Tlrllh tlm. Ill
Aiilhem "Helolei! In the lird" svhool
Iteell nl Ion 1,M ll Koxes" Klvil Colenilin
Hymn "The Hose of Shiiion" Srlnsil
Ffnrnl nftVrlliKs-Herlle Ili lMe. Mllllo IIihui,
Atflil'S Hlone. Ailn Senlt. I-'.iIiiii lliin.til.c.v
lolo rioronen Hlonn
In I no truss or I hrlst I (ilory."
Kni'ltiitlon W. V. MiirshiiU's cliiss
"Your Mission."
Keeltiilloii "Hen AiIiiiii. llowiKminn liuvls
lo'loll" , Kill.. Mllllren
Iiynui "l-olil us In Thy Arms" I'rlmtiiy fl.i't
Keell nt Ions, pinlse service Kiillli Kin if, Olive
Seelev. Ilerllin Mnisluill.
Short n.lilress Huii't
Kei'llntlon A. W. Pent.
"The story of Ihe 4'hniiel ( nr."
Hymn -"Hull on thou lirlnht Kviinir. l" Sehool
Joined the Ranks.
Miss Kittle Phillips, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Phillips of
Reynoldsville, was married at high
noon last Wednesday, Juno 14, in Phila
delphia, to C. A. Provost of the
"Quuker City." Tho young couple left
immediately to visit tho bride's parents
at this place. Kittle Is a charming
young lady and will make a good wlfo
for the gentleman who has just lead her
to hymen s altufc Mr. Provost is an au
ditor In tho Pennsylvania Railroad Co.
office at Philadelphia and, apparently,
Is a promising young man. The Star
wishes them life's best blessings as they
go hand in hand along its plains of hap
piness, up its hills of difficulties and
through its valleys of discouragements
and disappointments.
Not Many Changes.
A new schedule went into effect on
the A. V. R'y last Sunday. Tho pas
senger trains are the same as heretofore
with the exception of No. S, it gets here
at fi..r)7 P. M., Instead of fi.iiO. The
morning train stops at Falls Creek 20
minutes for breakfast and the eat
bound evening train stops there for
lunch. Heretofore both these trains
stopied at DuBois for meals. See
schedule on first page of THE STAR.
Will Get in Trouble.
The small boys who have been doing
some contemptible tricks In and around
Wilder Boyles' new house in West
Reynoldsville will got Into trouble if
thoy do not stop. Mr. Boyles has an
idea who the guilty parties are and he
will give them an application of the law
if caught.
Will Elect Teachers.
The Reynoldsville School Board will
meet at Seeley, Alexander & Co.'s bank
at 1.30 p. M., Thursday, July 6th, 1S93,
for the purpose of electing teachers for
the ensuing term.
Jos. M. Cathers, Sec.
C. E. Jones and wlfo visited friends In
DuBois last week.
Mrs. Joseph Morrison spent Sunday
with her son at Sugar Hill.
Miss Willie Rita, or Pansy, Is visiting
her sister, Mrs. M. Thomas.
W. W. Barclay and daughter Bertha,
wero In Reynoldsville Monday.
Kd. Stool, of DuBois, visited friends
In lteynoldsvlllo last Thursday.
Jim Foley, of East Brady, visited
Hcytioldsvlllo friends last week. '
Master .loo Stivenson, of Kittannlng,
Is a visitor at D. M. Butistnoro'g.
Mrs. Georgo W. Strike, jr., visited
relatives In Rldgway the past week.
M. Thomas, one of are barbers, visited
his parents nt Pansy, Pa., last week.
A. A. SwAb. one of our grisH-rymen,
was In Dullois on business lust Frlduy.
Miss Murtha Lusk has been visiting
her sister at Dugus Mines the past week.
Mrs. D. E. Ilibner, of Dullois, visited
Rev. J. C. McEntire's family last Week.
John C. Dlllmnn, proprietor of Hotel
Dlllmnn, was In Piinxsutawney yester
day. M. Mohney and Aaron Rodgers made
a business trip to New Bethlehem last
John Norris, of Curwensvlllo, was tho
guest of Dr. J. S. McCrelght the past
Mrs. CC. Benscoter, of Bnsikvillo,
was a visitor In this town several days
last woek.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Milllron went to
Clearfield county yesterday morning for
a few days.
Mrs. Dennis and Mrs. P. F. Bolger
left here Friday for a visit to Pittsburg
and other places.
Mrs. W. S. Stone went to Allegheny
last Friday to visit her son and returned
Monday evening.
Miss Mary Misiro, Miss Suo Ayors
and Mrs. C. Mitchell wero visitors in
Dullois last Friday.
Mrs. William Broad jr. returned last
Thursday from n two weeks' visit with
relatives at Clarion.
,1. S. Morrow and wlfo are at Reading
and Atlantic City this week on tho
Editorial Excursion.
Miss Vernn Ring left hero Tuesday
morning for a trip to Reading, Phila
delphia nnd Atlantic City. V
Mrs.C.E.Andrews.of New Bethlehem,
visited her daughter, Mrs. M. J. Mc-
Enteer, at this plaeo last week.
W. K. McF.lroy, of Pittsburg, special
agent for tho A. V. R'y Co., was In
Hcytioldsvlllo on business last week.
Mrs. Walter Fleming, formerly a
Reynoldsville lady, now of Buffalo, N.
Y., visited in lteynoldsvlllo last woek.
A charming young lady of Pleasant
Avenue fell Into a watering trough
alsttit eleven o'clock lust Friday night.
Jus. S. Abornathy left Roynoldsvillo
Monday morning for a ten days' visit at
Wollsboro, Rlossburg and other places.
Grant Lucas, of Brookvllle, principal
of West Reynoldsville schools last
winter, was In town during the past
Mrs. Kllzals'th Robb was called to
Youngstown, Ohio, last Saturday by the
serious Illness of her sister, Miss Annie
Henry Shields, John Patterson and
Guy Corbett, who have been attonhing
school at West Sunbury, are at home on
a vacation
Misses Lizzie and Mario Davis, who
have been attending tho Allegheny
College at Meadville, returned home
last Saturday.
Mrs. Vada Smith, net Foust.of Potter
county, camo to town last Wednesday
evening to visit her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Foust.
J. J. Hoffman went to Houtzdale
yesterday morning as a delegate to the
('. T. A. U, Convention now in session
at that place.
Reld Wilson, who has been attending
Duff's Business College In Pittsburg,
returned home last week. He is a
graduate of that Institution.
Martin Phalen was at Allegany, N..
Y., the past week attending the Acad--eray
whore his daughter, Miss Lydlot
Phalen, was attending school.'
Miss Lydia Phalen and Gertrud.
Farrell, who have been attending flu
St. Elizabeth Academy at Allegany,
N. Y., will come home this week.
Martin Gleason, engineer on gravel
train, has been off the past week taking
a trip to Niagara Falls and vUltlng
several places In New York state.
Mrs. Margaret R. Ardery, who has
been at Edglngton, Illinois, for two
years, is now with her daughter, Mrs.
W. L. Johnson, in WeBt Reynoldsville.
Mrs. Varner Smith, of Youngsville
Warren Co., Pa., mother of Mrs. O. F.
Smith, who has been visiting here since
last fall, returned to her home last week.
Frank Flynn, Ed. Drlscoll and John
Kearns, who have been attending the
St. Bonaventure College at Allegany,
N. Y., will come home this week on a
Mrs. J. W. Stevenson, jiee Althea
Davis, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is visiting
her parents Mr. and Mrg. M. M. Davis.
She will remain here until September.
Mr. Stevenson will be here several
weeks next month.
M. J. Farrell and wife left here last
Friday for Niagara Falls, where they ex
pected to stay until Monday and then
go to Allegany, N. Y., to attend the
Commencement Exercises at St. Eliza
beth's Academy, where their daughter,
Gertrude, U a student,