The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 21, 1893, Image 4

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    HuhiirripUnn tt.H0 per year, in tulranrt.
An liiilptwiuliMit Iih-hI rniH'r, fiiiltltslitrifvtry
Wediit-silay ill lti-yiuililivllli, .Ii'ITitsoii I'o.
di'Viiii'd In thi Intorests if Ni'trnolilsvllla'nVisionrniliitT. Noii-rmlltlral, will trt'lit
nil wlih fulrni'n, mid will lH-)''vliilly frli'iitl-
IJ lowiirus I in niiHiriim rill.
Hiilw'rlnlliiti hi 'lnfl.!WiMr vcnr. In ndvnni'iv
('titiintiinlrtittotii liiliMidiMl fur tiiilillrntloti
lu. n...... ...I. ..I I.. II.. .ll.... .
not for utitilli'titton, lull n n miartititi'f l
goiMi rutin. ititirisiititr itt'ws mini nnitritiwi
Ailvprtlslntf rnli' miifln known on npiillrn
tlon nl. tlip (illli'i In A mollis lllitrk.
liiMiirlily rotiiitiutili'ntliiti find clianm' (if
nrtviTtiii'tni'iilii Hlmiild rvni'h thin iilni'B by
Mmidiiy niNin.
Aililri's nil I'liniriiimlrnl lntiM to f A. Ptrrili-
f'.nti'rwf ill llic imslofnVo nt tlcynntdsvlllc,
11., an nii'iind cIiihh nnill mutter.
CI. A. fTI'.lIIH'OH, ICilltor nnd Pub.
Tito Alli'tflii-ny Htrort railway Imvo
control ltliit-il nnil ntf ttnw iinilcr mm
miumui'Miciit. TIip rnpltiil HliH'k nf tlm
now oorpin-nllnn I ."i.iumi.ihki.
A vnln mini's nintto Is: "Win (fnld
ami wcitr It;" n wiii'tniM iiiiim'm; "Win
K'iIiI nnil kIiiu'c It:" 11 mlwr'n: "Win
Kolil mill Hpiirn It:" n prnllljjHti.-'H: "Win
Ifulil nnil Hprml It:" a lirnki-i-'ri: "Win
Kolil nnil li-nil It:" a "iuiiIiIit'h: "Win
golil nnil limp It:" a wine mini's: "Win
jjolil mid w It."
Hun. Hurry Alvln Hull, of St. Muryo,
Klk Co., linn bi'cn iippiiintiil by l'n-sl
ilont Clfviilanil an I'lilti-il Stilton Dlntrli't
Attorm-y for tin1 Wi-Hlorn llntrlrt.
Rcnntor 1 Tiki 1 l a briitln'r-ln-liiwiif It, K
Wolli-nilorf anil In known In Ilcvnolil
vlllo. I'lilitli-nlly Hf'iik liijr Hurry In
climbing up tlm lailuVr. Ho Im only
thirty-two yimi olil. U ti-rm hh Statu
Suiiator rxpiroil with tho i-l(isini of tho
lilHt RI'HHilin.
Tho whiili'sali) tlrm of .liwcph Ilnnm
& Co., Ih to bo ini'iirporntiMl iitiilip tho
Iiiwb of Now Jorsoy, with u rnpltiil
stock of I00.IHM. This xtoek to bo
dlviilotl Into .'1.IMKI hIiiuvh of iiivfrrtvil
stork at $100 a hIiiii i', to hear 7 per cent
lntoivst fivo nf tax. ami an eiiial num
ber of common stork of tho hhiiio valno.
Tho liami) of tho now llrni will Im the
I'ittHburtf Dry (JimkIs Co. It jfoeH into
effect August Int. I.t:t.
It oun not lio that onrth U mini's only
abiding plnoo. It omi not Ihi that our
lifo Ih a bubblo cast by otornlty to lloat
a moment on Km wave and thon sink
Into nothiiiK-noss. Kino why Ih it that
the kIoi-Ioiih awplrutluiiH which loap llko
antfi'lH from tho tcniplo of our hearts
are forcvor wnmlci'ln"; unxiitiHllcil?
Why Is It tho stars that hold thoir
foHtival aiiHind tho midnight thi-ono aro
sot alwvo tho grasp of our limited fac
ulties, forever mocking uh with their
unappiiiachablo glory? And, finally,
why Is it that bright forms of human
beauty aro presented to our view anil
taken from uh, leaving tho thousand
stivums of our atToetion to flow back in
Alplno torrents upon our hearts? There
is, a realm where tho ralnlmw never
tados; whero tho sturs will 1 Hpivad
.out boforo us like tho islands that
slumber in tho ocean, and wheit) tho
beautiful beings which pass boforo us
like shadows will stay In our presence
for over.
In speaking of the though tlossness In
youth, Kuskin said: In general, I huvo
no pfttioneo with people who talk aliout
"the thoughtlessness of youth" indul
gontly. I had inllnitely rather hear of
thoughtless old ago and indulgence duo
to that. When u man has dono his
work, and nothing can any way bo ma
terially altered in his fate, lot him
forgot his toil; but what excuse can you
find for wilfulness of thought nt tho
very time when every crisis of tho fu
ture fortune hangs on your decisions?
A youth thoughtless! When all the
happiness of his homo forever depends
on tho chances or the passious of un
hour! A youth thoughtless! When
his every act is a foundation-stone
of future conduct, and every imagina
tion a fountain of life or death! Bo
thoughtless in any after years rathor
than now though, indeed, there is only
one place where a man may be nobly
thoughtloss his death-bed. No think
ing should ever be left to be done there.
The Baker ballot bill has boon recon
structed so as to conform 'bettor than
before to the popular idea of a secret
voting plan. The ballot is decreased to
one-half its present size. Only one sot
of ballots and sample ballots are neces
sary. The percentage required for par
ty nominations is reduced from three to
two. The time allowed for printing
ballots is increased. It provides that
tho bullets for spring elections shall be
done under the supervision of tho coun
ty commissioners. Certificates of nomi
nation for members of the House of
Representatives shall be filed with the
county commissioners, instead of tho
Secretary of the Commonwealth. One
mark in a circle at the top of the col
umn of candidates shall be a vote for
every one in that column. Whore the cir
cle is not marked a mark for every candi
date voted for is required. A screen or
door must be placed on the front of each
booth, thereby better securing privacy.
It provides for greater thickness of
paper for ballots and tho corner of tho
paper folded over shall bo printed black
so that the number cannot be seen
through the paper. In case a voter votes
for more persons than he is entitled to,
the ballot shall not be entirely thrown
out, but so much of the ballot as Is prop
erly marked shall be counted.
IPmiKiikiwnide RbkIii.I
Margaret Jane Iteynolds, tho venor
able widow of Matthew J. Myers, passed
away on Sunday evening, Maruh 0, 18113,
at hor residence on North Hamilton
Street in tho nltiotloth year of her ago,
For a week or more Mrs. Myor'a condl
tlon has been such that her death was
at any moment expected. Though in
feeblo health for years, hor life was pro
longed to a remarkably rlpo old ago.
Mrs. Myers was born in Now York
city, Dec. 2Sth, 1).l, and was therefore
In her With year at tho time of hor
death. She was the daughter of Abram
Reynolds, of the same family to which
Sir Joshua Reynolds, the great Kngllsh
painter, In-longed. She went to llvo
when a young girl with her uncle, Sum
uel Reynolds, at Athens, N. Y. She
was married to Matthew ,T. Myers, Oct
7, 1X24. In New York. Shortly after
their marrhigo her husband Itccnmo n
partner In a business having a branch
In Mobile. Ala., mid Mr. nnd M
Myers, neither of them In robust, health,
sM'nt, their winters nt Moblleon account
of the warmer lilmate. It was on ono
of tho journeys north from Mobile,
when they hnd come via tl'o Mississippi
and Ohio Rivers to Cincinnati, thence
by stage to Cleveland, nnd theneo by
lake nnd canal east, that Mrs. Myers
received an Injury to her buck In the
stnge journey from Cincinnati to Clove
land which rendered her an Invalid
for life. In H:i( they moved to Athens
where they lived until after the death
of Samuel I tevnolds, when in IKJ2 they
eamo to I'oughkeepslo. Mr. Myers was
one of tho most prominent citizens of
the village and was once Its president.
He became president of tho Merchants'
Hank at Its organization in .i, nnd
retained tho position until his death In
1H.-.2. At the time of his death Mrs.
Myers was In such feeblo health that
hIid whs not expected to outlive llllll
more than six months at most. She
then lived lit the old homestead on
Mansion Street, mar Hamilton, but
afterwards moved to 4l North Hamil
ton Street. Michael .1. Myers who
eniiio here from Whitehall some time
after Matthew .1. Mycin' death was
the hitter's nephew. Mrs. Myers was
brought, up a IJnaker. but shortly before
her husband's death they Ik it 1 1 united
with the Presbyterian Church hero nt
the time of tho pastorate of Hev. H. 0.
Mrs. Myers wus rciiiurknhlo for her
quiet, unostentatious beiiellcenee. Al
though an Invalid herself sho cured
tenderly for an invalid half sister, Huth
Key nolds, who died a year or two ago.
Half of her Income she set apart for
charity, not eating to spend money up
on herself : her home. Slnco I H7" she
hnd not been out of the house and for
several years had not lieen ablo to go up
stairs. Mr. and Mrs. Myers had no
children of their own but brought up In
their household several children, among
them Mrs. A. 11. Smith and Mrs. Pal
mer. Mrs. Myers' neni-est relatives are
a niece nnd two nephews: Sarah and
Augustus Reynolds, of Kingston, and
Henry Reynolds, of Peru, Ind.
Sandy Valley.
Mr. Ford and wifo left to-day to at
tend tho funeral of tho brother-in-law
of tho latter.
Miss Bernio Bulleiitine, of Rtchards-
vllle, spent Saturday and Sunday with
friends at this place.
Tho Misses Kloru Shoemaker and Ad
dle lb inn. of Hormtown, passed through
this place on their way to Pancoast last
Muster Joseph Steele, of this pluco,
has been very ill tho past week with
inllamatory rheumatism, but Is slowly
It would bo well for everyone nowu-.
days to wear a linon ulster. Dust is
knee high to a grasshopper and we
swallow it by the bucket full.
A number of our girls had intended to
attend the festival at Pancoast Satur
day evening, but the rain proventod the
display of the Sandy Valley beauties at
tho foregoing place. i
A festival will be held at the church
next Saturday evening for tho purpose
of gottlng a new Blblo and also to help
pay the minister's salary. All are cor
dially Invited to attend.
Tuesday evening J. Bull Noff delight
ed tho people In giving his lecture
"Luck and Pluck." From beginning to
end they listened with rapt attention to
his good thought, his burst of eloquence
and his side splitting illustrations.
Everyone present was highly pleased
and expressed a desire to hoar it again.
Lueal Ai? im, DuBois, Pa. At Centen
nial Hall, Reynoldsville, June 27th.
Tickets ou sale at Henry A. Reed's
shoe store. Admission 25 and 15 cents.
"It has cured others and will cure
you" is true only of Ayer's Sarsaparllla.
The motto suits the medicine and the
medicine the motto. What better as
surance could you have that a remedy
will cure you, than the fact that it has
cured such multitudes of othors?
For Sale.
One car 18-lnch Michigan pine shin
gles, ono car 18-lnoh cypress shingles.
one car 13-inch cedar shingles.
s. Shaffer.
Do you want a good Parlor carpet V
Have 40 yards, I will soil at a sacrifice.
Henby A. Reed.
As a blood-purifier, the most eminent
physicians presorlbo Ayer's Sarsapa
rllla. It Is tho most powerful combi
nation of vegetable alternative ever
offered to the public. As a spring and
family medicine, It may be freely used
by old and young alike. "
The people of Reynoldsville and vicin
ity know whim they haye a gisid thing;
that accounts for tho great increase In
business at Reed's shoe storo. Henry
Is a worker and knows how to buy and
sell good footwear.
Men's shoes l.00 at Robinson's.
Attend tho museum of nature's won
ders, opposite the postolllco. Admis
sion 5 and 10 cents.
When In need of shoes go to Henry
A. Reed, "the shoo man.'' Ho eiin suit
you to a T.
Cull on At water, tho plumber, next
diHir to Whitiiilll's tiiusie stow, for es
timates on water pipes, sanitary plumb
ing, sinks, hose, lead mid Iron pipes.
Shoes for style, shoes for wear, shoes
for comfort at Reed's sins- store.
Croaker Fertilizer.
Tho Croaker Fertilizer for sale at,
J. W. Johnston's feed store, West Reyn
oldsvillo. Frank P. Rest, agent for tho
fertilizer, also sells It at his farm In
Wlnslow township.
Do You Need Shoes t
Wo have tho latest, styles at popular
prices. Rkkd's'Smiik StiMIK.
Special Notice.
Try my buggies, they are as good as
tho best, and low In price. You will pay
middle men a big price and get, no bet
ter. J. K. Johnston. Ratlimel.
Nice new lamps, with Pittsburg burn
ers, nt Schull.e's.
A. L. Peters, of Hopkins, has a new
ono horse ( 'onklin truck wagon for sale
at a bargain.
Cheap stationery lit If. J. Nickle's
variety store.
Very pretty tea sets for $4.75 at
Hosiery for men, women and children
at II. J. Nlcklo's variety store.
tiood house for rent. Inquire of
Henry A. Reed.
I'lrc liiMirmwc
Sineo 1878. Norwood O. Piimey, Brook
villo, I'u. Old and reliable companies
represented. An liiiiki riuji. All orders
by mail will receive prompt attention.
Walter Spry, of Reynoldsville, is my
authorized and licensed solicitor. Cy
clone policies ulso written, (1-21.
Ladies' low shoes 91.IHI at Robinson's.
(iauzo vests at Ilk;., 2Ue. and 25c. ench
at tho variety store, Woodward build
ing, Main street.
Buy your tan shoes from Robinson.
All styles and grades.
Rubies' red slums 25c. at Robinson's.
Washiniiton, May 27, 'll.'l. )
Whereas, by satisfactory evidence
iivsented to the undersigned, it juts
icon inado to appear that "Tho First
National Hank of Reynolilsvlllo," in the
Borough of Reynoldsville. in the Cnuutv
of Jellerson, and State of Pennsylva
nia tins complied with all tho provisions
of the Statutes of tho United States, re
quired to bo complied with before an
association shall bo uuthori.ed to com
mence tho business of bunking.
Now therefore I, James II. Kekels.
Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby
certify that "The First Nutionul
llunk or Keynoldsvlllo," In the ItoroiiL'h
of Keynoldsvlllo, In the County of Jef
ferson and State of Pennsylvania is au
thorized to commence the business of
bunking us provided In Section Fiftv-
ono hundred and sixty-nine of tho Re
vised Statutes of the United Stutes.
In testimony whereof, witness niv
hnnd and seal of office this 27th day of
May, IHttt.
No. 4!MW. Coinpt'rof the Currency.
Oltlri! on Wpst Main street, opposite tlie
Commercial Hotel, KeynolUsvlllu, Pa.
Itt'HlfllWlt (It'll ttt. In ttiillillnir iipili Mutlin.
(lint I'lmrrh, (p1)mhIIo Arnold hltM'k, titmiie
iiuhj hi oiwrulfiiK.
F HANK J. JILACK, rmprklm;
The lencllnn hotel of the town. Ileiidqimr
toin for eiininiiircltil men. Hleum lieiit, free
bus, huth rooms nnd closets on evury floor,
ample rooms, lillllurd room, telephone con
nections 6lc.
OREEXi- COXSEIi, Proprietor.
First class In every purticulur. Located In
tho very centre of the huluis part of town.
Free 'lius to und from trains una commodious
BHmplo rooms for commercial tru velum.
Omnibus to and from nil trains. Eumuonn
roHtuiirant. House heated mid llKhtcd hy
gas. Hot und cold water. Western Union
Telcirriiiih ottli-e In tmlldlnit. The hotel U
fitted with all the modern conveniences.
PHIL P. CARRIER, Pwprietor,
Sample rooms on the Rround floor. House
heated by uuturul gus. Omnibus to and from
fiilijis't In net Inn of the demnernt nf .IcrTer
son I'o. nt the iirlninry elei'lloii, tune, Iswi.
Ullli.leel In net Ion of thn Prtnoel iilx of .lelTer
Mill I n. Hi the inliiinry election June i4, Intel.
VI ninmlMlvntt,
Or Ki.iiiikii Township,
Siilijci't to iii'llnu of tlm fictiiiicriits of ,li (Ter
miii Co. nt the pilimiiy election. June J), ti:i.
Or WissLow Tow.fsiiir,
Hntiji cl In nel Ion of Hie Hi'tnociiili of .IrlTer
miii I o. nt the pt-iiiiiity cliTilott, June I".i:t.
0 0 Bfngnt. Pru w B Alritnler, Ctibltr
F A Alcitndtr, An t Cuhltr.
Seclcy, Alexander & Co.,
Oritnnli'd In is,
I'nitl up Ciipitnl Sl'iii.OOii.
lien. II. Siirinriie, Tims. MeCrclKht,
I,. I'. Seclcy, K. II. Seclcy.
W. II. Alexander.
io ii tfenei-iil hiinkliiir hiitlnc. Accounts
solicited. I'rlvnie piiiH is fur our cie.oiiieis
tiled nwny mid kept III
: 1'inntF r.trir.
J township roa THK HSCAI, ykaii knhimi
.ll'NK iVril, Kill. ,
TitrAsritKirs Ai toi st - Monp.v Itr.cKivi.n.
Itec'd from Stale iippropHiilloti l linn mi
I lorn cel., Iiieliiillim i ii x of nil kind 4 14
" ro.triMis.iinsi.nied liiuKllin-i,&c. ;:u 44
Total receipts
TllKASI 'lir.H's Ace'T - Moncy I
7 llfiH lis
'AMI (II 'T.
1'nr tiiilldlmr nny.. ,
" leiieliciV wnire
" rent nnd rcpnlrs
" fuel iiiol cioi I iiiuenetes. . .
I-Vcs nf coll s, f :m IT: trens,
Sitlliry uf sec,, expenses, mm.
Ilonel-y, piwliiifc, c
I'ur I l 1 1 1 1 1 M -t mid iiiidllin's
:t 4m
i 11 im
:ivi 11
4.MI 71
4s )
li Hi
leht mid Int. piild, If nny
"Is 1:1
" ol her eS'ties 'I!i i
Total money paid out, flu 127 4i
Itr.soi iu i;s ANII I.IAIIII ITII.-l,
Ain't due district, If any smi lio
" ' Ireas, If any 'i 's 4s
Total debt of district, If any i ii;7 j;i
)) . .1. Mil. 1. is, 1 , ...
Tim's lirTi iiisoN, 1 Auditors.
The iiIhivc iicciiinii has been duly n ml 1 1 ed
by Hie millions of this (llsli lei, nnd ccrtllled
by lliein lo be correct,
II. Stkvknson, President,
.1. II. Svkps. Secretnry.
The First National Bank ol
t . THO hell, rcslilciilt
Scott t ( ,.nnd. Vice fret
John II. KHiu licr, 4 ashler.
('. Mitchell, Scot! .Mcl'lelliiud
.1. ('. K'linr.
Joseph Stl-iuiss, .loseiih llcnllel-siin,
epli Sll-iioss,
l. W. 4'ullcr,
.1. 11. Kiiuciier.
IhS'S 11 irenerill baiikltiK bllsliiessalill solicits
the ncciiuiits of nierehlllits, profes-lulllil men,
fnriners, mis luiulcs, mlni-rs, luiulH-iiiieii mid
olbers, priiuilsloi; the niosi ciiref ill iitleution
to Hie business of all persons.
TemiKiiiiiy (imrlers In ('enteiinlnl Hull
MiilidliiK, oppiHite llolel llelniiii.
I'lirsiiiiut to 1111 Act of Assembly, I will at
tend, at I he followlu tliiit-s and places, to
reeelvociinnty und state tuxes for Hie year
lsttl, to-wll j
Wnrsuw lwi., West. Thursday, June 1st, nt
the house of II, V. Klclinrds, In the fiireiiiMin.
I'olk twp.. I'liursduy, June 1st, lit lliu house
of Fulton SlmtTiier, In tlmiifternisin.
I lent Ii tup,, Friday, June 'Jnd, lit Hie house
nf Milton Paine, III the forenoon.
Ilnrneil twp., Friday, June the house
of William Unlluce in the afternoon.
Kldred twp., Suturduy. Juno :ml. nt thn
Jones hotel, In Ibn foreiHHin, and In Ihu after
nisiit nt the store lit Howe.
Heaver I wp., Monday, June .1th, lit the storo
of H. I'. Heltx, In the foreuisiii.
Wort Ii vllle iMirouirh, Mmidiiy, June 5th, lit
the house of V.. II. (ielst. In the Hfternoou.
Klnuuold twp., TuesiUv, .lime lit Ii, at the
hold In Itiiiirgiild, In the foremsm.
I'orler twp., Tuesday. June nth, m (he house
of (ieorxe llish, in Hie aftei-uoou,
retry twp., Wednesday, June 7lh, at the
house of Sharp Neule, In Hie forenoon, and In
the llfterniNin at. the store ut Frostiiiirtf.
t'liiyvllle iNU'ouKh, ThuiMJuy, June stli, ut
the Central hotel.
riinxsutiiwncy hnrouxli, Friday, June Rth,
at Hotel I'anlall.
Voiiiiic twp., Saturday, June 10th, at Hotel
Hell twp., Monday, Juno 12th, nt the house
of Henry Hrown, In the forenoon.
(iuskill twp.. Monday, June llli.ut Cilbson'
store, in Hie forenoon.
Itlir Hun Isiroiivh, Tuesdiiy, Juno l:it Ii. ut
the Met 'lure House.
Henderson twp., Wednesday, June 14th, at
the house of Andrew I'lfer, In the forenisin.
Mel alniont twp., Wednesday, June 14th, ut
the house of Hiiniel North, in the iificrnoon.
Oliver twp., Thursday. June l.lli. at the
store in Ollvehurif In the foremxui, und ut
McKinstry's store In the afterinsiu.
Knox twp., Friday, June I'll h, at Mct'ruck
en's store, In thu forenoon.
I'lneeniek twp., Friday, June 18, ut tho store
of K, Weiser, in Hie iifterniNin.
Hose twp., Suturduy June 17th,at the Treas
urer's Ottico, llnsikvllle.
Washington twp., Monday. June lUtli, at
Rockdiilc in the forenisin, und ut the Wash
ington hottd In Hie ufteriiiMiu.
Snyder twp. and llrockwuyvlllc IsiroUith,
Tuesduy, June 'Jot h, at the Lokhii House.
Warsaw two. eust, Wednesday, June Slst, at
the house of J. A. Fox. In the forenoon.
ruloii twp. uud i'orslcii IsirouKh, Thursduy,
June 'nd, ut (ilenn's lintel.
Summerville bonmiih, Friday, June 33rd. at
the Commercial hotel, in Hie forenisin.
Clover twp., Friday. June ind, ut the house
of J. F.shelmiiu, In Hie ufieriiiNiu.
lirookvllle Isirotmh, Suturduy, Juno 24th, at
the Treasurer's olttce.
lieyuoldsvllle tsiroiiL'li, Tuesday, June 37th,
at lliu Hotel McConnell.
Wlnslow twp., Weduaadtiy, June 28tli, at the
Hotel McCnnnell.
I'urtles payln tuxes at the above times,
and pluces. will muvo ten pur cent., as tlnt
ainount will bo added whuu placed lit the
hands of the collectors.
Mercantile Licenses will lie collected utall
pluces visited, and all licenses renminbis' un
paid after Hie tlrst of July will lie placed III
the hands of the proper officials for collection.
A. O. He WILLIAMS, C. Treas.
Specinlisl in
Lenses for the Eyes.
We Have Recived our
New Sorins
Do not fail to come and see
them. They are Beauties.
we mm
Kin'i your iy on our nflvertirieinent. Of
course you are jirovokwl. You have jiaid much
nioro for your Clothing awl Gents' Furnishing
Goods at other places than you would pay at
our store and the quality not any better.
Enough to
Provoke - Anybody.
You have seen our windows and you have
also heard of our low prices; does it not seem
impossible that we can give you the same arti
cle almost twice as cheap. Some one is con
tinually coming in and exclaiming, "Why we
can do better at this store than at any other
place in town!" Then they want to know the
reason for this. 1 hat is very easy. Ave sim
ply point them to our long established motto
which reads like this:
Originators of the
That settles it. Then that is not all they al
ways come and bring a friend with them.
Our line of
Gents' Furnishings
Cannot be excelled anywhere, and our styles
are always the very latest, not saying a word
about the price which you know is not to be
thought of.
Clothing for the Young and Old, Rich and
Poor, in all styles and colors. Our suits range
in price anywhere from $5.00 up. Be sure and
see us as we are glad to talk to you all and
show our goods. ft
Yours Respectfully,
Originators ot tSe Small Front Sustem.
Dress Goods 1
ion wmua