MAKING MG GUNS. WORK AT A 1'SITKD STATES OVKKNMKNT AKSKMAL. Why at rnmpmltf or nnltt t'p Cannon In Mtrnnajer Than One ('nut In a Single Piece t'oat of Mod ern tlunmnktng. f HE makingof guns to-day is not tho simple foundry work of a few years ago, but n science requiring tho deepest math ematical enlenlo- Hon, tnn niint intricate and careful preparation of designs, and skilled arorkmanship scarcely second to that equired in the muuufactnre of the InoMt watches. It wan necessary for the United Htatea Government, in or lor to insure a certain supply of guns, to establish a National gnn factory for the army, Bnd also one for tho navy. While those factories are sufficiently large to supply tho pence demands, hey could not supply the demands in sane of war. To provide for the latt'T imergenoy, instead of increasing the plant of tho established factories, it as deemed wiser, ly giving sufficient ly largo contracts for gnus to privnte TNTF.Rton or Tin? 6rma to induce them to introduce gun making as a branch of their business, 10 that at the present day there are a number of steel works capable of build ing guns equal to those turned out at the National factories. The army gun factory is situated at Watorvliet arsenal, West Troy, N. Y. The grounds contain over one hundred BHKTNXINa 0!f AM XtOHT-INCH JACKET. acres, and are advantageously located on the Hudson River and Erie Canal. The factory consists of the old gun shop oonneetod with the large new gun hop ; the forp er is devoted principally to the manufacture of guns of smaller calibres, and the latter to the manufac ture of large calibre guns. The new building consists of two wings con nected by a, oentral section. The north wing ia 400 feet long and 128 feet wide ; the oentral section is 165 feet long, and the south wing is 400 feet long and 158 feet wide. The extra width of this wing ia to accommodate the enormous lathes (some of which are over one hun dred feet long) which are needed for the manufacture of the largest calibre guns. The shops are filled with lathes, bor ing mills, drills, slotting, milling and rifling machines. Overhead, running the entire length of the building, whose BORING THB TTBK OP total length is 9(15 feet, are two travel ing cranes capable of carrying the huge manses of metal to any part of the building. The manufacture of a gun is a very interesting operation. A modern high power gun ia a complex structure "built up" or composed of a number of parts. There are two reasons for "building up" a gun. First, it makes it stronger ; aocond, since the parts nsed are made from smaller moauus of metal, the quality of the metal can be made better and quite uniform. The rough forging, from which the parts of the gun axe made, are made at pri vate worka for the Government and hipped to tha factory, where they are carefully inspected to see that thej fulfil the requirements. . The piece which form the part next to the bore of the (run and which W railed the "tulve" id first picked up by the traveling crane, and placed in on of the huge lathe to be turned ami tMired to the proper sisse. This tube it the longest piece in the Rim. By it self it would not le strong enough to atand the powder pressure, so it has t le strengthened by "hoopa" and ( "jacket." When tho tube is finished the jacket, which ia the first piece "assembled," il turned and bored. The interior of thi jacket ia slightly smaller than the ex terior of the tube, an that when aa aembled it will compress the tube and so increase, its strength, since the pow der gaa tunst first overcome this com pression before it begins to strain the tule. This is the reason why a "built up" gun ia stronger than ono made of a single casting. Tho condition is aomewhnt similar to two trains, ono at rest (the case of tho single casting) and the other backing. The engine of the first can start ahead without much ex penditure of force whilo that of the latter has first to overcome the retro grade motion before it can start ahead, and, therefore, must expend much more force. Thu "built up" gun whose tubo is under a strain of com pression can for a similar reason atand a much greater powder pressure be fore bursting than a gun made by single rusting. When the jacket ia fi limbed it ia placed in n hot nir furnace aud heated xew orx snor. to about 550 degrees. This heat causes it to expand sufficiently to be placed over tho tube. To assemble the tube and jacket tha former is placed on end in a shrinkage pit in tho middle sectiou of the factory, unci tho jacket, after be ing heated, .is slowly lowered into place. It is then cooled by a stream of water which is thrown against it. The hoops are next finished, ami as soon aa the jacket is cool a row of hoops are shrunk on one by one in a similar manner ex tending from the jacket to the muzzle. It is necessary to still further increasi the strength of the gnu over the bottom of the bore, whore the powder pressure, is the greatest ; consequently the jacket baa shrunk over it a row i f hoopa. The gun is now almost completed, thongb it still has to be placed in the lathe to he rifled and turned on tho outside. When this is finished the breech mech anism is fitted and the gun is ready foi shipment to the proving ground. Every gun after completion is thoroughly tested on the proving ground before it ia sent to the fort whore it is to bo mounted. The sea coast guus in our service weigh from fourteen to sixty tons and cost on the average of $1000 ton. The smaller gnns are made in a sim ilar manner in tho old gun shop and differ from the one described only in having a fewer number of pieces. Horn of tho smaller guns can be completed in a few weeks' time, but to complete a gun of the largest calibre it require! several months of continuous work.- New York Herald. New Styles In Hair Dressing. The briof day of the Brighton bun if past, and somewhat less atrooious ban dressing prevails. The two favoritt styles at present are the simple coi just above the nape of the neck and the double loop somewhat higher. In the latter the hair is twisted into two coils close together, each one repre senting the figure "ti." Instead of thi customary pin of shell or silver oi gold, a clasp, fastening the loop across the center, is the only adorn meut. New York World. A TWKLVK-rNCH OCT. Bound to Ue With the Times. "Say, why don't you shake that old eggshell off?" "Shake nothing ! Don't you know that crinoline is the style again?" Truth. Cadet at West Point receive salary 01 Jo j-t, TEXTILE EXHIBITS. AMERICA COTTOX, BILK AMD WOOL AT THK FAIIt. Drllllant Contents of Somber Cases In the Manufactures flullrilnc . Railroad Train Made ' of 811k Spools. OTTON, silk and wool enter largely into the textilo ex hibit in the Ameri can section of the Manufactures Building and it now is complete. It oc cupies the northeast corner of tho build ing and has been ilnlihed "undertak ers' row," because of the number of black cases. How ever aonilut li a cases are the contents nro brilliant enough and attract crowds of people. The space, which is one of the largest in the building, is divided into three cctions, wool, silk and cotton. The wool and silk exhibits are made by tlm association, the members of which are JlATT.nOAD THAT MADS wholesale dealers. The cotton exhibits arc made by individual firms. Une does not expect, as a rule, to see lot of pieces of cloth piled up in a picturesque way, but that is just what the woolen exhibitors have done. In one case is shown a lot of blankets made entirely of American wool. They are DISPLAY OP FASHION ADLK FARMCS. light and soft, and suggestive of warm comfort in cold weather. In the over coat materials the goods are graded from tho very heavy shaggy cloths down to the very finest. There are thirty-four of these oases representing 115 mills extending from Milwaukee to BCENTC IX THIS Maino. The progression of the work is shown by a dirty fleece jnst shorn, and this being the first step each suc ceeding process is exhibited, the card ing, spinning, weaving, and finally the completed cloth. All the grades and styles knowu to woolen manufacture are shown. Heveral canes are tilled with bright colored yarn and the finer thread used in making cloth. The silk department is the most pio tnresqe, as the soft quality of the goods admits of full scope in the wiudow dresser's art. One of the most inter esting and at the aame time instruc tive exhibits is nt the north end of the space. There is long show case with row of bottles. In the first is the moth, then in miccesHlon are shown the moth eggs, the hatching prooess, with the worm one day old and so on up to the age of four weeks, when it begins to make silk. Keeping up the pro gression the coeoou ia exhibited in its various stage from the time it is cov- ered with the shell that looks like tj peanut to the time when it ia uncov ered, reeled and ready for the loom. . mm A JAPASESK OARDRKKIt. The eilk has three natural colors, white, cream and yellow, and 100 cocoons are required to make one skein of the delicate silk. This is reeled by a machine in charge of a girl. The cocoon is put in a large machine, and one end of the silk thread is found. The motion, although rapid, is very OP 8IMT BPOOM. gentle and not unlike the process known to mnny a small boy who has listened to fairy stories from his grand mother while he held her skein of yarn. In the same case are shown some very pretty designs made of silk skeins aud braids. One is a lurge fan shape with a fountain scene on the side, all worked out with bunches of bright colored silks. They are not sewed together, but simply placed to bunches, and are very artistic. The most elaborate of all the die. plays is made by a silk thread firm. It is nn engine and car made of spools. Eight thousand spools of silk are used. Each piece is ten feet long. The w heels are mado of largo spools and the spokes of smaller ones. They are all of black. The panels of the car are worked out in different colors. The engine is the most wonderful piece of work. Every detail has been worked out in a marvelous way, even to the counter-weights on tho side of the drive-wheels. From the smokestack flies backward a lot of silk floss, very black at first aud ending in thin steam. The bull is mado of gold-colored silk and the reversing lever is made of tin spools put end to end. The only ma terial not made of spools is the head light, which is a reflector with an eleo trio light. Another case snows a life-size figure of a Chinaman watching a big silk worm at work. All of the products of the silk worm arn shown aud they take many forma. There is a collection of hosiery fit for a princess and beautiful silks for gowns. Many of the articles are made expressly for this exhibit, while others are just the stock of the firms. TEXTILE EXHIBIT. The cotton exhibit is extensive and includes all branches of the trade. One of the prettiest exhibits is made of bath towels, which have been ingem oualy worked into the shape of Turk- ixh bower. Ihe many cases include all of the different cotton fabrics made ia the country. Chicago News. Frank Austiu, of Eckerly, Ind., had a oolite dog that was very fond of him, Ho was going on a journey the other day, end thu dog wanted to accompany him, Austin drove him from the train, anil the dog was so dejected that he lay before the engine, aud the train passed over him. There are seasous when suicide aeem to be almost epidemic in large cities. A resident of Butler County, Kansas, is saii to have taken the Keeley eure lor vie nauiug nauit. it Ik's iiiij r nr i MMsm rr TBI LAW AND THB HOLIDAYS, An Opinion from Attorney Oentral Hansel's Law firm That Will Be Bead With Intersst. Tha law firm of Drown it Hansel, Lancas ter, furnished the following to the "Pitts burg Times" being a copy of an opinion which they gave to certain banking institu tions which they represent. Tbe opinion wilt be found worth preser vation by such as are Interested In the sub ject! We hsva considered the art of May 21, 18(13, designating election dayl ss legal half holidays, sml alto ilia set of May 31, 1WJ, designating the days and hslf days to be ob served as legal holidays and the etlcct of these laws upon the f kit merit, acceptance and protesting nf bills, notes,drafta, checks, and other negotiable paper on such days, snd ws liae conferred with thesnllcllors nf a number of other banklnir Institutions ta this comity, bimI after coming to sn tinani mon conclusion with them.we sr prepared to advise and limtrnct yon a follows: Here after the following dnys and half dnys will he leiml hnlldsvs and hulr holidays In this ('nniniiiiiweilth: I. I.Rlltl. lllll.tlUT The lt ol Jnnimrv, cotmonly railed "New Year's Iisjr." The i'.'nd dnv of Kebmsrv, known as "Weshlngion's Hirlhday." flood KrldHjr. The JVIth day of M.iy. known at "Memo rial or Decora! I n Pay," The Fourth dny of July, called '-Independence Dnv," The t)M Saturday In September, known as "1-nhoV lar. ' The first Tuesdnr after the fltst Monday in November Klection Day, Any day npMinted or recommended by the ttovernor of this smteor the Presi dent of the I'nited States ss a diiy of thsnksiilving or fatliig and nrnyer, or other rellsiotis observance, generally known as "Tlinnkniiiving Pay," and generally lulling on the lust Thursday of Novemb-r. The 2-")th dny of December, known as "Christmas Pay." II. lUi.r Hni,niAY Every Hnturiliiy of the year from 12 o clock n6n until midnight. The third Tuesday of February of each year, known as "."prinit Klection Pay," from 12 o'clock noon until midnight. In all cases on which leiial hn liln occur on Hunday, the followinii day (Monday) snail te deemed and declared a ptiiilic Holi day, except when the :Mlth day of May "Memorial or Peroration Pay," fulls on Btinday, the dny preeeiling it(Maturday)shall De unserved as me Holiday. Hereafter all bills, checks, drafts, and notes otherwise presentable for acceptance or pay 'i ent on any holiday shall be dreni ed to he payable ami. ba presentable for acceptance or payment on the secular or onsine-B nay next succeeding sueii imiinay nr half holiday, except that checks, drafts, bills of exchango and promissory notes payable at sight or on demand, which would o herwlse be payable at any half holiday (.Saturday), shall be deemed to be payable at or beiorc vi o clock noon or such nan holiday, hut demand or acceptance, or pay ment of any audi check, draft or note not paid before 12 o'clock noon, shall not be made and notice of protest or dishonor thereof shall not b given until tha next tuccedlng secular or inisiiiess duy, and no iiaoimy is iniurrru turouitn iiuoire to E resent or protest sight or demand Items on alf holidays. In other words, protests of paper falllna due on any holiday, or on any haturduy of tha year, shall hereufter not be made tie lore the following secular day, and In the case of Msturdays, nr of any holiday tailing on Saturday, paper shall hot be protectable uniii jiuuuur. irruniiiur un wriru aim executions tuned. Judgments entered and other legal process executed oil Halurdayt, as heretofore. Hnbject to the foregoing restrictions as to rirotests, any bank may keep open lis doors f, by a rme of its directors, It snail elect to to do and may transact III business on Sat urday afternoons, and we recommend that In all cases the board shut! determine this matter by a resolution. We are of the opinion that In discounting notes falling due on Haturday or on r.ny legal holiday, the discount should be taken off up to the day on which they are protest able, that it, the next secular day succeed in the holiday or half holiday on which they would mature. We are further of the opinion that a note falling due on a legal holiday. of on a Hatiirday.cannot be charged up until the succeeding secular nr business day, but that it can ba charged up at any such hour on tucceeding recu'ar day. We are of the opinion that this law applies only to paper mads on or after May 31, MVS, ex cept that paper made after May 23, 189t, maturing oil Tuesday. November 7. of this year election day should not ba protctted uulit Wednesday, November 8. THE REMODELED BALLOT. CIIAROKS MADS ST TUX LXOISLATtTRI 111 Tm BAKKB LAW TKHSII.Y STATED. The ballot ii decreased to one-half the lize required uuder the original law. Only on tet of olllcial and t mi pie ballott are required to he primed and distributed, Instead of duplicates, at before. The time allowed for printing the ballot Is extended. The percentage of party nominations Is reduced from 3 to 2 per cent of tbe vote cast at tha previout election, Tbe printing and distribution of the bal lott for tpring flection it to be done undtf the tupervisinn of the County Commission ers, instead of the Township Auditors. One mark in a circle at the top of a col umn of candidates shall count as a vote for verv candidate in that column. Where the mark is not plad in circle a mara opposite ine name oi every canal' data voted for it red 'li red. A screen or door it to be placed In front of each booth to better seiure privacy to lue voter. When an elector votes for more candi dates than he it entitled to vote for. the bal lot shall not be entirely thrown out, but that portion wnicn is properly marked shall ba counted. It will be noticed that a circle Is to bt printed at the head ot the column of candl dates instead of a square at the right of the P'rty name. Thlt It to avoid confusion In the mind of tha voter, by designating the uiuerence in iiiaraing to vote lor an entire ticket and voting for candidates individual ly or iu other words, independent votinz or "scratching." Tbe elector who desires to voieuisiuu piny ucxet win mark In the circle, and he who wants to vote only a part of li will mark in a square to the: right of tbe name of each candidate Toted for. uncatier inew &ra. fllacb Hebrvws. In Cochin, on the Malabar coast, mere is a race oi Diack Jews, com pletelv like the native Inhabitant. It has beenthought that the black coss of these Jews Is owing to Inter marriage with Hindus; but of this there U not the sUwhtost evidence. A Gorman traveler informed thellev, Dr. Phillips, a missionary la North ern Africa, that he bad discovered a race of nogroos, near the Kingdom ot liambarra, who are Jews in all their religious rites and observance. Noarly every family hat the law of Moses written on parchments. Jews Are found In almost every district and country on the fuoe of tbe globe, and numbers have settled all along the North African const, where, indeed. they have had communities for more than a thousand years, some hare mi grated there In conseaunce of Sd.iu i isu persecution. SOLDIERS' COLUMN KfTItf' THU FLAGS. THIS ain't Joe Brown It IsT Why, Joel You're bent, 'nrj rrar. 'nd to to -" fl tl L i 1 1 a ;m here- Vn I Forgot I'd been i v't sway ten yetrl hsd to come, Joe. od to come For one more Thlrtlrth o' May, to tee the boys, 'nd help 'em so ne In keeping Decoration Day. Bur whar ve bound fur this time, Joe? To tet the flags? We'll both on 's go Nd mark the end o' the march, that's done, Nd call the roll o' the boyt that t gone. Say. Joe, you 'n me have come to near The atiil place where They're camped, that we can almost hear Em answer their namet from Over There? Ther's jett ten graves. I r'member 'em all Tun men that's answered Detail Call. Five flags fur me, 'nd five fur you. . What t nil the rest fur? Ten'll do! Nd whsr't the rest o' the boys to-doy? Ther' should he twelve on 'amounting you. I hope they ain't took to stayin' away? That ain't the way they useter do! Taint right! They all had orter com To mark the graves for 'Morial Day, No matter 'f work pushing tome! Why Joe! Yon' re cryln'l What alls ye. Joel What's that! Good Lord! That can't be to! All dead but us? Why. Joe-But thar, That couldn't be, outside o'war. Did fa 1 In battle? Yet you're right. We've all been in a long, hard fight. They lell In battle. Yes, that's to! Nd that's the way we've got to go. An', Joe, I'll bet Not one o' them boyt over let The colors outeu 'Is tight! Well Joe. We've'got these flstt to tet, Here'! ten fur me 'ml ten you keep, Ther's two of us Is wakln' yet. To stan' guard over them that sleep! But which of mint), Joe, d e s o-e Will set the flag fur the next that ge? Jam C. Ptirtly, In H'asnlajton. Chlokamauia Tbe terrific natnr of the Brest stmsrele at Chickamauiia may be II unrated by ti e re cord of the 2lt Ohio. In the course of tbe battle that reulmeiit Hrwt 41. KM rounds of fixed ammunition, anil fonirht till Its last lht was expended. It suffered a lost of one officer and fifty rnen killed, three officers and nlnety-eiiiht men wounded, and twelve ufneera and one hundred and four men captured, yet even such migniflcent bravery as Its men exhihlied could not sufBci to give victory totiie union arms. The to'sl number of troops enxaied on either tide in tbe battle hat never been tat Isfactorilv determined. The total tlrerigth of the army of Kosecrant was from 55,000 tooft.uuu eneclive men, anil quite useiy was not far from the first-named figure. Brigg'a force hat been variously estimated as having been from lets than 50,000 to fully 70,000. The probabilities are that the two armies in number were very evenly matched. Tbe losses of Knsecrans. In killed, wound- ed, and missing, were over Id,' 00. The loss es of Uragg team to have peen at least at heavy, for there was terrific slaughter dur ing his desperate attempts to drive Thomas from Horseshi e Kldge. Were we to consid er as accurate the Federal estimate of the Conferate loss, and the Confederate estimate of the Federal loot, tbe figure would be verv greatly Increased.' The Battle-field ' at Chtckamaago." Ului asdObay, Phil adelphia, Pa. "Maryland, My Maryland." The ttorr of how the Doom "Maryland. my Maryland" was tet to mtitie and adopt ed at a Southern war long formi a roman tic and interesting incident of tha Civil Wat The music at first chosen was Frederic Berat't "Ma Normandie. "but that was toon "swept away," to use Mr. Randall's own language, when the lovely (lerman lyrie. "lannnnnaum, tj iannnoaum wot se lected as a more spirited air. Hhortly after the battle of Manuasas, General Beauregard invited several Maryland ladies who were living In Virginia, to visit his headquarters, near Fairfax Court House. The ladies ana their escorts camped the first night at Man assot, were they were serenaded by tbe famous Washington Infantry of New Or leans. Tha bovs in trav. at the end of tha serenade, called for a song from the ladies, and Mist Jennie Cary. standing at Ibe door of the tent tang "My Maryland" The retrain wot quicxiy caugm up ny toe soldiers, and tbt camp rang with the words "Maryland, My Maryland." As the last notes died away, the wild Confederate yell was given, with "three oheert and tiger for Maryland." A spectator of tbe scene relates tbst there was not a dry eyt in tbe ladies' tent and not a cap with a rim on it In camp. This Is how "My Maryland" came to be adopted as a national war-song of the Booth, "Tbe suthor of 'Maryland, ny Maryiana " olci aud ubat, I'nue delpbie, fa. A firave Dog. The bravery of a dojf was notably shown recently in a strugglo between Mrs. liurrlll, cook at Hoar's Head Tavern, Leeds, nnd a ruffian named Itottierty, who was Insano with jeal ousy, says tbe London New Tbe villain had enticed Mrs. Hurrill into s remote room,' and was about to dis patch her with a razor when the hotel log Issued from under a couch, and jprlnglug upon the assassin seized bim by the coat sleeve close to the wrist. This compelled the man to attempt to shake the animal off. Meanwhile he necessarily relaxed his bold upon the woman, who now found strength to cull for help. Roth try, however, succeedod In releasing himself, and once moro he rushed at the woman, razor in hand. The dog, however, was still more almblo; he sprang between them, aud leaped to seUe the fellow bv the throat. It was at this moment that the lundlady, having heard the icroams, rushed Into the room. With great presence ot mind the landlady dragged Mrs. liurrlll out, and closing the donr shut the man in the room with tbe dog. The animal did not further molest Rothery, who there upon cut his own throat, and was found by a policeman a few minutes later at the point ot death. From a Last Will. My faithful servant Johann Is to receive 2,000 empty wine bottlos, the toatents ol which ho druik du.lnj ciy lifetime..' oils -in -Ti OM