The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 21, 1893, Image 2

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What 1i Oolng On the World Over.
Important Event Briefly Chronicled.
Financial anil rammerrlal,
Omaha Comptroller Eckel liai directed
6ank Kxarolner (irifHth to take charge of
the American Natlonnl bank bere.
Mobhhi.t, Mo. The Kxchange hnnk of
Moberly, which la the depository fur the
city, mode a fen.ral asigna ent for the
benefit of creditors.
LAxaixo, Mii n.-The commissioner of
banking has received notice that the Rate
bank at Crystal Kails has made an assign
ment. CLtvri.AKn, O. The Williams Publishing
Company one of the largest printing homes
In the Bute, passed into the hands of a re
ceiver to avoid a threatening onslaught of
creditors. They expect to clear themselves.
CoLrmrs,0. The franklin Iliiggy Com
pany has been put in the hands of a rcceif
er, W. S. H. Rixlgers.
Westosj, O. The Exchange Hanking
Con.pany, a concern capitalized at (SO.OOO,
closed Its doors. The hank has had a heavy
run, and being nnahlo to obtain assistance
was comr elled to sua end business. It ,is
thought depositors will be paid in full.
At Petroit, Mich., a run was started on
savings banks on Wednesday but was sub
sided through the influence of business men
who are heavy depositors. Nearly all the
banks affected have potted bulletins calling
for 00 days' notice for the withdrawal of
I'.MNtsvii i.a. O. The Lake County Hank
of Aaron Wilcox & Co. snspended tempo
rarily, being nnable In stand the run on it.
The bank Is declared to he perfectly solvent.
iNMASArous. The citizens Hank of Fair
mount. Ind., has suspended ofcrations ow
ing to stringency in the money market.
RiVFftsinr, Cai,. The Riverside Hanking
Company foiled to open Its doors Werlnes
morning. It Is believed depositors will be
paid in full.
Wasiiixoton. Comptroller Kcklcs ap
pointed Hiram Wnllworth, of I'lnttsburg,
N, Y receiver of the First National Bank,
of Arkansas City, Kan. The closing of the
bank is due to having most of its resources
tied up In loans and other Investments
which could not be converted into cash, and
it was unable to respond to the demon Is of
Fairfield, III. S. Bonliora, banker, has
Arkansas City, Tha First National Bank
bas suspended. Deposits 00,000.
Chicago Steps have been taken to re
open the Chemical National Honk.
The run on the Omaha banks is over, and
only one closed its doors.
The New York Clearing House Associa
tion voted unanimously to adopt the report
of the committee, suggesting that loan
certificates be issued for the purpose of
equalizing tne Dun en consequent on ine
great demand for business accommodations
recently received from all parts of the
country, with the object of resloring confi
dence to the business community. The
Loan Committee of the association will now
Tscelvo applications for the certificates,
which will be supplied In denominations of
$o,(00, (10,000 and (20.000 The previous
' occasions on which certificates were issued
nd the amounts were: 1X73, 25O3,O0O;
4184, (25.000,000 and 18(10, (10,500,000.
CasUal. I.nanr Indnslrlnl.
At Bellaire, O., the coal mine of Trolls,
Kidds, Schick, Halls, Morgana, Meecbans
nd Rankin are closed down and over 1,000
men are out of employment on account of
lb Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company
being behind in Its vouchers to the mine
operator from January. They owe the op
erators over (100,000.
At Masalllon, O., Russell A Co., manufac
turer of farm machinery, laid off 200
employes, on account of an overstock of
The 2,200 men employed in Haverceyer'i
eager refineries, N. Y., were notified that
they would not be needed for several day
In conaeaueno of thestrlke of the firemen.
PlMiutni AecM.ais aa4 Fatalltlee
Rev. Dr. William Salter, pastor of the
First Congregational Church of Burlington,
la., accompanied by bis wife, waa driving
long the carriageway in Aspen Grove Cem
etery, when a tree fell acrosa the vehicle,
crushing Mrs. Baiter to death and fatally
injuring Mr. Salter.
While tho Mystlo Shriner's parade was
passing the reviewing stand at Cincinnati a
platform supporting 1,200 people, eight feet
In the air, fell. At least three fatalities o
curred, with possibly 11 or 12. L. C. Beiidln
nd Charles I.athrop received fatal injurlea.
The tlx Wright brothers were standing
antler tree at Adrian, Mo., when lightning
killed four of them outright and injured
the other two so they may die.
Wichita, Kan. Some of the best inform
ed wheat grower of this section, who have
been over this and neighboring countie
making a close Inspection of large fields of
wheat already cut and in process of harvest
ing, state that the report .of good yield
were quite unreliable aud that field after
field would not run over three bushel to the
era. The crop, they aay, was pre maturely
ripened by the ravagea of cinch bug. Bine
the wheat cutting commenced the bugs
have gone to the corn ami they promise to
play havoo with that crop.
The failure of the green crops in France,
owing to the intense heat, promise to cause
. fodder famine and imrortation from
. America will probably be necessary.
U. Helens.
' At a meeting of the board of director of
lb Union seminary, New York, it ha been
decided that Prof. C. A. Brlgge, D. D-. will
continue hi work In the department of
Biblical theology hitherto. The directors
lao decided that special provision should
be made o that none of the student of Un
eota aenilnary will suffer from the re trie
Hon which ba been put upon the Loard oi
Wa.klnst. News.
Hi name of 67 clerk were dropped
from the roll of the General Land Offlce
Thl reduction w made obligatory by tin
Aptroprlatton bill pasted by the last Con
The Ohio Central Committee decided to
bold the State Democratic Convention in
Cincinnati August!) and 10.
t'rtmn anil I'enatile,
The 12-year-old son of Mrs. Efll'n,
farmer wile, was left In charge of his
half-sister, 2 years old, in Charles Mix
county, 8, I). Because the baby became
frrtf til the lnhHma:i boy took down a shot
gnn and shot the little one lu the head,
killing It instantly.
While temporarily Insane Mrs. Jamf
Klrkrnhill, near Fpangler, Wash., poison
rd her children and herself. She and one
child died.
fhnlcrn. Advice..
There have heeii four deaths from cholera
ic ratifies at Celte, in France, since Friday.
At Mecca, in Arabia, during the same per
lod there were I'm deaths from cholera.
There have h.-en .TSO deaths from rholeta
at Mecca, Arabia, during the last five days,
China will retaliate for the exclusion of
her subjects from the I'nited States by
prohibiting the importation of American
In New E 'gland on Wednesday, the
schools celebrated the one hundred and
sixteenth anniversary of the adoption of
the American flag.
Havemyer's sugar refinery, Brooklyn, N.
Y., was tied up by a strike of the nreniK'i,
who dimundcd thorter hour? during the
At the International Typographical
t'nlon, meeting in Chicago, resolutions were
adopted favoring the adoption of type-getting
machines in newspaper olMces. W. H.
I'rescott, president, was re-elected and the
meeting then adjourned.
The house of commons at London passed
the third clause or section one, of the Irish
Home Rule bill. The debate on this clutise
commenced on May 30, and has continued
ever since. The hoae will now proceed to
discuss clause four, which deals with the
powers of the proposed Irish Legislature to
deal with certain religious matters: the
rights of life and property and corporate
fishing rights
Frcderich Fuchs, a pea-ant living at
Pchoenhaide, (ier.i any, smothered his 2-year-old
daughter, cut the throat of his
eldest boy and threw his second son into
cesspool, where he drowned. It is said that
his wife helped him to commit the deed
and both were arrested.
The Issuing of Iioan Corti floa tes Expect
ed to Relieve the (Jtrlngtncy and
Restore Confidence
R. O. Dun Co.' "Weekly Review of
Trade" says:
Concerted action by the banks of New
York has changed the situation materially.
More failures, and a tremendous drain of
money to the West hud such effect that tho
banks wero unanimous In deciding upon
the issue of clearing hottso certificates, but
as a precautionary measure to prevent
trouble rather than because the urgency of
the troublo, made it necessary. Increased
accommodations for the business commun
ity are expected to result.
The weakness of banks at many Western
points continues and the character of the
failures reported inriinatce that the wide
spread stringency is having a serious efl'ect
upon mcichants and manufacturers.
F.xpnrts in two weeks of June are but (2
700.OUU or 15 per cent, below lout year and
imports show a small decrease in place of
the enormous increase reported for months,
but balance are still adverse and likely to
be for some time.
There bas been an advance of more than
cent in wheat, with sales of 'only 27,000,
Ono bushels, 2)c in corn and c in cotton,
with sales of UTO.OOO. l'ork has fallen .V,
oats ic coffee )c and oil lc. Wheat receipts
are still large and accounts of the growing
crop decidedly more favorable from the
Northwest, but conflicting as to cotton. The
market for stock baa been stronger, al
though the advance has averaged less than
half a dollar per share, and the demand for
money has advanced rate on call quite
The failure during the past week number
S13 In the I'nited States against 131 last
year, and 34 in Cunada against 2d las
Bank clearings total- tor the week ending
June 15, as telegraphed to bradtlrttt, are
as follows:
New York 5Ml,2ftnlO T) 8.7
Chicago tU.302.H32 I) 26.1
Boston W1,74'.5U4 1 0.4
Philadelphia nti.3.W,010 i) 2.2
Ht. Louis 2,7311,384 D 4 8
Han Francisco 14.8H2.li00 1) 4.0
Baltimore 14,K4fi,tH8 I 4 8
Pittsburg 12.84U.llK0 D 18.1
Cincinnati 12.321,000 D 16.7
Cleveland 5,023,200 D 12.0
Totals, U. S (l,081.Sn,B27 T 0.8
Inclusive of New York 445.070,017 D 11.0
(1 indicates increase, D decrease.)
The Pubiio Sentiment In the Borden
Murder Case Change to the De
fendant, Whose Aequlttal
Seems Certain.
At New Bedford, Mass., the defence in
the Lizzie Borden murder trial rested their
case Friday afternoon and the trial was ad
journed until Monday. The defence over
threw all the important point made by the
The change In public sentiment during
the past day in the case Is remarkable, and
before court convenes again next Monday
It is sale to say that Lizzie Borden will be
come almost a saint and a martyr in the
eyes of the people of New England. 6h
ha triumphed over the combined eff orts of
the police of Fall River and fro u this time
on it is safe to aay that not only will the
majority of the people be convinced of her
innocence, but they will hold op this fam
ous case as an example of law' misdoings
and the fallacy of circumstantial evidence.
The case on the part of the Government
eeius to have been made up largely of sup
positions, iuuendoes and never before has
the theory of exclusive opportunity receiv
ed such a blow.
Of course there are those who will always
beliere ber guilty and her misfortune in
being unable to prove a complete alibi will
always count against ber to soma extent
She has uot demonstrated that she is not
guilty, but on the other band the Htate be
absolutely failed to make it esse, and this
failure in New England town will un
doubtedly bring about a reaction and make
host of friends aud bring a vast amount of
sympathy lor Liazie Borden.
Mr. Phillip Krech Kill Four of Ber
Children and Herself.
Mrs. rhllllp Krech, the wife of a farmer
near I'lea-ant Hill, W. Va., killed herself
end four children and tried to kill the nst
of the family, eight In all, in fit of In
sanity. For some time Mrs, Krech ha been very
melancholy and often said she was afraid
he would die and leave her children. Wed
nesday Mr, Krech was away from home.
Mollie, the eldest child, aged 18, was wash
ing, and at the dinner hour the children
were all given milk and bread. When the
children had finished eating Mrs. Krech
said to Mollie: "I have given Johnny and
Freddy unison, and we will all jump into
the well."
Mollie followed he mother to the front
of the house and -aw her pick up tho 10
months old baby and chih it into the well,
which contained eight feet of water. She
then picked up a three vear old child and
threw it into the well also. Then the crazy
woman seized another of her children, bov
8 years old. but Mollie rescued him from
her mother's group. The mother tried to
throw Mollie into the well, but after a lies
liernte struggle the girl succeeded In escap
ing. By this time the two children in the
well were drowned. The two bovs, Johnny
and Freddy, to whom she had given poison,
were lying on the door dving, and the other
children, with the exception of Mollie. had
run to an uncle to tell the awful news. Then
Mrs. Krech, seeing that she conld kill no
more of her children, Jumped into the well
When neighbors arrived they fonnd ths
mother anil two children in the well dead.
Freddy, who hud been given poison, was
lying dead on the Moor, and Johnny died
few minutes afterward
The Coroner Must Conduct the Ford
Theater Hearing Himself. Alns
Worth Barred From Exam
ining Witnesses.
There was a sensational development at
Washington, I. C, in the initicst to ascer
tain the cause of the disaster at Font's
Theatre building last Friday, Chief Julicn
Bingham, of the District Supreme Court,
rendered his decision regarding the applica
tion made by Colonel F. C. Ainsworth for a
writ of mandamus compelling the Coroner
to allow Ainsworth's counsel to cross exam.
Ine witnesses, in which he not only refused
to issue the writ, but dcclartd that the pro
ceedings of the Deputy coroner and the
jury have so far been Illegal and are there
fore void.
Judge Bingham declared that the Coro
ner is a judicial officer and can therefor
not Authorize any person to perform his ju
dicial functions. Die Court decidtd that
Hie Coroner hos absolute authority to con
duct his investigations and can exclude
Whoever lie desires.
1 he result of the decision Is that the in
quest will have to he com irenced over again
and Colenei Ainsworth who is believed to
be in a great measure responsible for the
terrible cstastrophy cannot be represented
before the jury by counsel.
Coroner Patterson, whose absence from
the investigation has been due to ill health,
will begin the new Inquest with the same
Jury. Before the hearing the Jury will )iav
to go out to (ilonwood Cemetery and vie
the body of Mr. Loftus.wliich reposes there
in n vault, in order to satisfy the law that
someone was killed by the lulling of the
The Deadly Cigarette Bets Fire to a Six
Story New York Tenement House.
The six-story building filled with sweat
hops at Nos. 10 and 12 Montgorery street,
New Y'ork, caught fire and in the panic
that resulted four people were killed, two
fatally injured and five sustained lesser
injuries. The fire started under the stairs,
and it is supposed was caused by a light -d
cigarette being thrown into a pile of rub
bish. When the Inmates of the building, about
250 in number, became aware ol their dan
ger there was a rush to the lire escapes, and
as the people cou'd not all get out at once
there whs a light for precedence. A number
of people on the eco d Door Jumped from
the window. The list of dead ia as follows
Celia Davis, 13 years old; Akivos Itoox, 28
years old. 11 usuan tailor; Joseph Hender
son, Russian tailor, 20 years old; Annie
Katzen, 16 years old. The damage to the
building was less than (5,000.
Gold Shipments Stopped, For the Pres
ent, at Least.
The financial condition of the country, ai
riewed from a treasury standKiiit, snotti
general improvement. Bank and com
mercial failures are tewer, Euroi is buy
ing our grain in great quantities, gold ship
ments have censed at least for the present,
confidence is being restored and money If
not so tight.
The treasury net gold has increased from
(89,000.000 to (01.300.00 1 and the demand
for small money in the West will have the
effect to further increase the treasury gold.
The rate of exchange is sufficiently high to
warrant the shipment of gold abroad, but
the fact that commerce! paper ia lor sale in
London has a deterrent effect.
There is a general feeling that the worst
is passed, the weaker financial institutions
and business firms having succumbed, whils
those that passed through so fur unscathed
are stronger for havaig weathered the finan
cial storm.
rh French Court Finds They Are
Shielded by the Statute of Limita
tions. All the convicted prisoner In the rename
asea except diaries De Le aeps have been
liberated by order of the Court of Cassation
which quashed their sentence on the
pounds of irregularity and that the offense
ire covered by the statute of limitation. In
Minsequenc of this decision M. Eiffel was
it once liberated from prison. M. f'harle
ie Lesseps 1 in the St. Louis hospital, suffer
ing with an acute attack of dyspepsia.Tbera
were five defendant convicted on the trial,
n-bich ended February 9 laat. These were
Ferdinand dr Lesseps, bl (on Charles, Mar
iut Fontane, Henri Cottu and Clusters Eif
'el. The Visible Supply of Grain.
The statement of the visible supply ot
grain in store and (float on last Saturday,
compiled at tb New York produce ex
change. 1 a follow: Wheat, 68,602,000 bu;
dec, 2,419,100; corn, 8,159,000 bushels,
decrease, 29,000; oaU, 9,031.000 bushel, de
crease, l,606,000;rye 593.000 bushels, Increase
17,000; barky, 876,000 bushels, decrease L-
: too.
The Lake county bank at Palnesvllle, O.,
which wa forced to (uspend lat week
because of run, I solvent. A statement
ihowa that the assets were (150,000 and thr
liabilities (350,000, The Capital National
Bank ha reopened it door with (50,000
more capital on hand than required by
Comptroller Eckels. Norman B. Ryram ex
Treasurer of State, will be president, M. B.
Wilson, formerly president, will be vice
president, and Charles J. Dobeity will
remain as cashier.
Most of the firemen at Havemyer's sugar
refinery in New York, who struck for
shorter hour have relumed to work. Th
p ice of those who remained out have been
Andrew B, Cox, who on Saturday com
pleted continuous service of 50 years in
the employ of Russell Co., Massillon, O.,
has been notified by the company that his
salary will be paid regularly whether he
work or not, Just as he chooses.
The 1.600 street csr employes of Minne
apolis struck against tignlng a contract ren
dering conductors and drivers responsible
for damages to cars. After being out 10
hours the company withdrew the contract
and the men resumed work.
A fire at Btindoff near Scrnnton destroyed
the Methodist church and many dwellings.
Loss (150, 000. Ihe busiest of tlietonn is
A (50,000 building at Wabash avenue and
Congress street, Chicago, burned down. The
Richardson Carpet Company, (linn Pub
lishing Co tpany, Vase A Sons and A. B.
Chase A Co., piano dealers, wers burned
out. Loss, (200,000, well insured.
Commissioner Miller has prepared
statement which shows that the total sugar
bounty for the fiscal year ending June 30,
will be I0.403.0S9. The amount actually
paid Is as follows: On csne S'lgar, (8,601,
094; on beet sugar, (531.3(13; on sorghum
sugar, (10,817; on maple sugar, J'W, 119. Total
A lone highwayman fired upon a mall
stage containing even person near Jack
son, Cal., Thursday. Weils-Fargo Express
Guard Tovey was shot through the heart,
but as the horses ran away the robber failed
to hold up the stage. Driver IladclifTe wai
wounded in the hack.
A government ponder msgaxHt few
miles from Athens. Greece. exploded
Twenty persons. Including officers and sol
diers, were killed and great damage was
done to surrounding property. The crown
prince has gone to the scene to aid the suf
ferers. The loss is estimated at 3,000,030
The Infnnta Eulalie and party arrived in
New York City on Friday evening from
Niagara Falls
Joseph Jefferson, the actor, is sick at
Buzzard's Bay. He is not dangerously ill,
but very weak.
Three young men were drowned in Chegu
aniegon bay, near Washburn, Wis., while
sailing in a sailboat, which capsized. They
were Lyle Kellogg, Jack Ford and one Gor
don, mm. ERA APVICES.
Paris. The following cholera returns for
.Saturday were reported: Avingnon, 1 death;
I'rivas, 2 death; Montpellier, 3 death;Cette
1 deaths.
Morello won the Chicago Derby In handy
style, going the mile and a quarter in 2:10,
three seconds faster than tbe track record
Grasshopper are destroying crop near
Hilluboro, Texas. '
Commissioner Me rrill, of Massachusetts,
ha notified six en dnwment companies now
doing business that it i necessary that they
make a return to hi m, within 30 da), of
their financial condition. Tb is is th initial
tep to compel these order to cease doing
The inquest In the Ford theatre disaster
at Washington, Saturday, developed more
testimony damaging to Colonel Ainsworth,
the chief of the Pension and Record Divis
ion of the War department and Contractor
Dant. The hearing will be continued.
Welcomed With a Salute and Towed in
by the Mlantonomah.
The Norse ship Viking arrived In New
York harbor on Saturday. The monitor
Miantonomuh fired salute a she passed
in between the long line of yacht and
teamen sent out to receive her. A stearasr
with th New York reception committee on
board was on hand to welcome the sailors.
The strange vessel wo taken in tow by the
Miantonomsh. and the sailors were wel
comed by Miyor Gilror, and other, who
made speeches. The Viking will remain In
New York a week and then proceed,. to Chi
cago. Tonawanda Under Martial Law.
Tonawanda N. Y., wa placed under
martial law Saturday on account of tbe
lumber shovers' tnke. The employer will
put new men to work under the . protection
oi the military,
The chamliers In the Federal bntldlng
where the Mtndny closing case was argued
before the t'nlteil States court of appeals
were crowded by an Interested audience
who anticipated a decision Saturday morn
ing. Chief Justice Fuller announced that asth
case in question was one In which great
public Interest was felt, and as delay would
only cense anxiety on the part of those In
terested, the derision would he announced
immediately the reasons lesdina up to such
decision he ine reported later. He first dis
posed of the plen of the defense that the
court had no Jurisdiction, and therefore
asked for a dismissal of the case. This wai
denied. He said that he could not concur
in the plea that the Jurisdiction of the court
was at issue. The overruling of the motion
for dismissal was a straw indicative of tb
derision of the appeal.
Returning to Ids decision of the appenl
application of the dlreitory for a reversal nf
the finding of the lower court. Chief Justice
Fuller held that the government l y art of
congress agreed to lurnlsh (2.590.000 in
souvenir coins This was conditional on the
local corporation spending an additional
(2,.,i00.0i)0 and giving to the government a
bond that it would complete the buildings
of the world's Columbian exposition in time
for the openlnir. May 1. This was subject
to two conditions;
1, The local corporation wss to pav.all
the costs and charges of the fuir until it
2 The gates of the exposition were to be
closed on Sunday.
Taking Into consideration the rights nf
the parties and the naiuie of the conditions
the court held that it could not concur in
the proposition that tho appropriation
amounted In a charitable trust. It was
rather a simple contract. A charitable
trutit was only recognized In cases where
money was laid aside for the benefit of the
manses to be distributed or disbursed for
benefit, in the present case the govern
ment appropriated (2,.rio.i)0 to assist a
corioriilion to carry out its plans.
In concluding it was held that the local
corporation was In actual and lawful rosses.
sinn of Jackson park, a p.issesdon recogniz
ed by an act of Congress.
The corporation invested over (lll.0M.09O
in the enterprise and was responsible fur its
In view of these facts the decision of the
lower rotirt ernntlng an injunction closing
the gates on Sunday was overruled and the
case remanded for further hearing.
In revokitiK the injunction closing the
gates on the Sabfiatli, hy a unanimous de
cision, the Judges held that the I'nito.l
State Government ha I no riuht to Interfere
In the matter. The Fair will now be open
every Sunday. The mill openers can do
tiothinir more than appeal to the I'nited
States Supreme Conrt.and as that hodvdoe
not con v. u until October, that would'i Tac
tical )y be useless.
rrnrnrs trove it is not the financiai
The reont statements published In Jsome
of the dully papers regarding World s Fair
finances are grossly misleading. The entire
expenses of the Kxn.witlon for Mav, includ
ing payrolls, were (2."0,0i) less lliau the
amount published as the payrolls alone.
The total expenses for May were less ihnn
(MOO.UOO or about (19.4'Kl per dav, and the
total receipts were (720 090, the 'Exposition
beirg open 'mt 27 days. These expense
were much larger than they will be In June
or thereafter, owing to the then unfinished
condition of the grounds and buildings 'and
the work of insinuation, which Is now fin
ished. The expenses are being reduced
largely every day. The receipts for May
include returns from concessions, the opera
tions of which had hardly begun. The
average revenue from admissions and col
lections thus far this mouth exceeds .r.".0u0
per duy. The daily receipts from these
sources, especially the latter, are constantly
Increasing largely. The admissions at the
I'hilndelphiu Centennial Exposition for
October were nearly three and one-half
times us great us in June.
The attendant e nt the W orld's Fair Sun
day hardly exceeded 50,000. This was in a
measure to the hot weather; the thermome
ter reselling H degrees in the shade. Most
of those present weie objects of discomfort.
The chair-pushers did a thriving business,
is did also the soda water and ice cream
concessionaries. The same class of people
as on previous Sundays pasted through the
turnstiles. The working man was conspic
uous bv his absence.
The Government buildings were closed as
usual, but most of the. Mate buildings were
There was no time to arrange for religious
services, a proiosed by the Exposition di
rectors, hut the usual musical program was
carried out on the band stands,
Tbe Directory claims that the paid admis
sions Sunday were 57.07U.
The First accident since the opening nf
the Fair occurred Wednesday evening by
the derailing of a coasting train on the Ice
railway. N. D. Richmond, Dunlap. III.,
was killed and four other injured,
The salary list for Mav at the World'
Fair was (M50.09 I, Three thousand em
ployes will be released to cut down ex
Fire destroyed two valuable paintings In
the French steamship exhibit iu the Trans
portation building.
The paid admissions to tbe Fair on Wed
nesday stere 83,452, a gratifying increase
over the past.
The total sdmissioiis at ibeFair on Thurs
day Were 103,675.
Thursday was "German Day" at Jackson
Park, and in consequence the attendance at
the World's Fair exceeded that of any other
dav. This was, also, "Indiana Day," and
patriotic Hoosier helped swell th throng.
Kx-i'resident Harrison w a prominent
figure at the exercises at tbe Indiana build
ing, where he received genoroua applause.
At tbe German building Carl Schurx wa
the orator ol th day.
Thev are figuring on total attendance
at the Fair of 15,000. 000. The average dailv
i aid sttendancn In May waa 39,000. aud
line may double this average,
Only 13,179 Out of 110,000 So Far Obey
tne Law.
Co-rplete cfficlal returns of the Chinese
re titration under the Geary act have been
received by the Internal Revenue Comm a.
I oner, at Washington. They show that
out of 110.000 Chines in the I'nited' State,
13,179 registered. Th registration by dis
tricts In Pennsylvania, West Virginia and
Ohio I as follows:
First Ohio. 27; tenth Ohio, 87; Eleventh
Ohio, 17; Eighteenth Ohio, 25; First Penn
sylvania. 845;Ninth Pennsylvania. 50;Twelfth
Peniisvlvania.75;Twniy-itiir4 Pennsylvan
ia 242; West Virgiaia. 2(1.
Base Ball Reoord.
The following table shows the standing of
the diOertnt base ball clubs up to date:
w. u P'ct. w. I.. I'ct.
Brooklyn. 20 15 .634 Clevel' nd. 18 18 .500
Philadcl'a 20 15 .634 Wash u... IK 22 .463
Boston.... 17 10 .HWCincin'ti.. 19 24 .442
Pittsburg. 24 1M .571 Chicago... 1H 21 .439
New York 22 21 .512 Si. Louis., 16 24 .400
Baltimore 23 81 .612,LouisT'le. tt 20 .m
Will the Widow rapture trim.
Mis i Mar! lion Square I heard Mrs.
FUber ar she wouldn't mind marry
Inn thnt toiwr mnn of your. Mls
HharpKlrl I'll never rIvo her the
chance. The nmn a widow would
marry Is pretty auro to mako a iroodj
huahantl Texan Hlftlngn.
Tne two bridges ot Aerxe had SJO
nd 311 boat respectively.
Hood's53 Cures
M Irordlal'y rrrnminrd Hood's Simarsrllla
to all stitferlmrwftli indigestion. Impure blond,
linmot-H, loss or Hpiiettte, or run down, or out
nt order generally, ff irl mil rr I v hrht
rtou IT I here Is any t.elp fur you. I have found
t a very gn at In iiet'.t for nmlsrls, ebtlls nnd
lever, rnt-iimatl-m. kidney complaint ami ca.
tarrli. pith irirn f roiihltlrml tiie
liiclirnHe." llr.Niiv S. Komikh, hearl or
ninth. X. V. y. H lie sure to get Knott's.
Iliii4'n I'IIIm urt t-Mnlly, ,-t ,miiiill)-uud tint
lruily, mi tlie liver mil bowols. tf cent.
P N II '21
An agreeable Laxative and Krm Tojna,
Bold hy Ilnigglsui or sent by mail. 5c 600i
and 1 1.00 per package. Snrapleg free.
TTg Y1f The Favorite IO0TH f OOTII
AiV t V f or Uio Toeth and iireath, o.
wthf Kiiun if
r-. m m m ) e a assassr
Tuoiiikruf, N- Y.
A Victory Over Disease 1
" Terrible Pain in Head and
Stomach I "
"My Face waa one Man of
Eruptions I "
"Walked tbe -Floor Night ;
After Night I"
Th following from Hn. Hams prove
in wuw uiHruii ruwxti oi ifaniB
OTr disease.
OrMTLrMrKr I til A 4 TMtwOf iff. AtMM
lOynraunl hl the Mflislra wtiith lift im
in vfry biit aim nr. I havr hid ft II t". !
MATING I r a l.-ig tlmr run. 'I' K H K I.
iiHinthi, alo nvm bain In my ituniarh nip
iM.erii to h rautrtf by I.lvrr T -. b I .
Nlaht mttr night 1 have bt-v-ii rum
Mn to wit Ik th? floor brrsu of tht
Irrrlhle ln, and thu wm n4 all, my
fWer wit one mum ol eruption an Ui
I flint a to b? fvvered nlfnoai entirely
with aenha. 1 rrad jour iaptia( and tbouglit
1 would Irj one bottla ol
thmiffh I hid tried an many different medlrlnet
without an heln. I hail hut lirtlr faiih. Bt-fore I,......Vsaai. I (.1 . ..... ..1
better. I have now taken two and do nut
lrl iiRr Uie aine Wfuuan. I ran aro to lMd aiMisWi
Ml, :: ALL KIMHT The tcr.
rthle- uula hae dr .started. The tired E"-
reellnc I had ia entirely (one. MIJ,1
bajsasrv wriii m uuna tinvj sinirv haiis winies
ftjcuT me rnlirt-ir. lourt rettierlfullT,
Atoonwroga, a. x. juv.inini'A mamb.
BSJ To whom it mi.r concerns-1 hrthr rtrtify tt
JUir Irtilli of Mil, abost. J. W. HAHKV. f
Q Dsns tsrssparllla Co., Belfast, Mslae, j
111. O. I'll KI.I'lTllH O VVN'M Treatment el
mil mnif r- - felp. Brawn
FP FPV t-'ff"-'-.""!
I I II I I II I hHM - 'llieovereil thai
L.I ll.L-1 U Kpilensy la i-ailaeil hy a
"w irfTa I'iK-ullar ilflrsns.iii.iit of
. X 1X thi' slomsrh snd prrpsretl
his IIKHHAL KKMEIHK8 for Epileptics,
which have curi-il thouaahila of cawa, ksuil for, testimonials, aud his , T-
''Til-alls, oa the Cause and Cure I I I I J Lv
nf Xiillflnay." J. (tlltxoN BROWN, I 1 1 I tY ViC)
47 Oram! it., JEKMEY CITY, N. J. 'J -'
lANJO A Ml IIIIU E.ry play.r of .(that
J9 th. abo should si-nil for inv liamphlflt of
uaoful Information. Adlri-s jrmbPU KOUElta,
Jh., Hiohvisst, Scllivas Cot-STV, N. Y.
1 A 'I'lV VI'C TRADE MARK. Examination
VY 1 Fill I H, ami ail vW. aa to pal.nuihlllty
nt Invention. Hflnd for Inventors Uuldfl.orhow togt
a pal.ut. fATHlCK O'FAKKEIX, Wuuisutos. U.O.
war asasiiiyia u y q al rial UK
Cures SickHeadache
mikes child birth easy.
Colrtn, TL, See. 8, 1888. My wife used
OTHEB'S TBISITO before, her third
confinement, and, aay oh would not be
sTitaoat tt tor hundred of dollars).
sent br eaness oa receipt of price, $1M per bee
t rMr,a
WsftAaV SsWrtfV' 1
ri .nil x
Garfipjd Toas
Curat Ouuatlpsuion, KJtoi ComLUtiou.&Tm Doctor