MUSIC WITH MEALS. One. flcflprrt In Whirl olttntinmn ltntol KorprrM Arp l'p ti lnti. TIip hotels of 01,-liihnnm nn to Inst full Tvorn few nnd fir between. Having tried everitl with little siitisfnctlim. n pnrty of hungry "tenderfw-t" vns directed by ft cnimnereiul Ir.-tVfler to n litlle t,'l"'e on n corner. The cnnnm-reinl limn oniil it did rrt lnolc inviiiivr, hut It was clem That wna an Inducement tho pnrty had honr.l of li 1'-"f "-""ir. nnd it turned In for Flipper. Tho dining room vns oik1 in which tho family lived. A fulding bod Rtood in one corner. An old timo bureau was opposite. A hex stove Venn in the way, and about it. were several old fashioned richer. A f"v fnmily picture hung from tho wall, with tho eld, old motto, invoking the Mousing nf tho power celestial on tho household. Tho pnrty nkcd for supper Mid was told to ho seated until tho meal wns prepared. Two girls, di-lirnto nnd with much wcnrlnosn in their faces, sprend tho tahlo. When tho meal wns brought on, they simply snid. "Supper is ready" nnd disappeared. Tho pnrty gathered nlmt the meal, and It wns agreeably disappointing. Whilo It wns being devoured that is tho best word to tine, even at this distance from tho table tho two girls came Into the room, accompanied by their mother, woman whoso hair was white and whoso face wns a ntndy. There must hnve been n timo when sho wns beauti ful. They enmo In as If they lind been billed for tho occasion. They went to one corner of tho room, and then tho party discovered thnt there wns ono of those old time mclodcons in an out of the way place. The mother took her plnce at tho keys, nnd as tho mournful melo dies responded to her touch the daugh ters snng, "Nearer My Ood to Thee," "Nellio Gray," and then "Lorenn." Think of "Lorena" on a melodeon In Oklahoma! Tho party having finished supper, ono of them paid tho bill, and then tho music ceased. It was a ques tion which no tmo of that party was ever ablo to agreo upon, or they had not np to last ncconnts. Wns tho music of that night for tho purpose of entertainment or to forestall tho possibility of dupli cating any of tho orders? Chicago . Tribune. Frlrmlfitilpt of Snnlio. There is a certain coolness almost to be called a positive want of cordiality between snakes and human beings. Moro, the snnko is never a social favor ite among the animals called lower. No body makes an intimate friend of a snake. Popular natural history books are filled nnd running over with anec dotes of varying elegance and mendac ity, Betting forth extraordinary affec tion and co-operation between a cat nnd a mouse, a horse and a hen, a pig and a cockroach, a camel and a lobster, a cow and a wheelbarrow nnd so on, but then is never a snnko in one of these quaint alliances. Snakes do not do that sort of thing, and the nnecdoto designer's imag ination has not yet risen to the feat of compelling them, although the stimulus of competition may soon causo it. The enso most nearly approaching one of friendship between man and snnko known to mo is the case of Tyrroll, tho eoo snnkekeeper, and his "laidly worms." But then the friendship is mostly on Tyrrell's side, and, moreover, Tyrrell is rather moro than human, as any one will admit who sees him hang boa con strictors around his neck. Of course one often hears of boys making pots of common English snnkes, but a boy is not a human creatnre at all. He is a kind of harpy. Arthur Morrison in Strand Magazine. Exasperating Days. Aren't there some times in your life when everything seems to go wrong no matter how hard yon try to have them go right? Those are tho trying days when you want to blame all the trouble on the way yon got out of bed in the morning or on other people instend of looking the matter squarely in the face and saying, "It's one of my exasperating days, and if I can only keep my temper until night comes tomorrow will be dif ferent." . The trouble is when we feel ruffled ourselves we somehow impart the feel ing to others, and nine times out of ten we either get into a quarrel or do some ngly, horrid little thing that we wouldn't think of on other occasions. If yon can, on these hateful days, manage to think twice before yon speak once it will save a lot of worry on the morrow. In fact, that is a good rule to go by at all times, for of all the unruly, mischief making members the tongue is the most prom inentPhiladelphia Times. Costly Gown, 1'oor Minister. A sweet damsel of Baltimore is about to be married to a minister. She con fided to the Other One that hor wedding dress was "a dream" sutin at $7 a yard and $500 worth of duchess lace, "Only fancy," observed the Other One reflect ively to mo, "only fancy that gown of course I mean a girl wearing such a gown married to an everyday common preacher. Of course it isn't as if hewere a bishop or anything like that, but an unheard of person living in an unfash ionable part of the city. Really, it is very iuliarmonious." "Then why are you going to the wedding?" "Why? Be cause I am a student of human nature, and such odd coses are an interesting study." Detroit Free Press. Why Not "For Butter or Worse?" It is a Kentucky woman's idea that the coat of arms of her state ought to bo changed. In pluce of the two men's fig ures with clasped hands and underneath them the legend, "United, we stand; di vided, we full," she thinks there should he the figures of a man oud, a woman with clusped bunds, the some motto be neath. Rochester Tuuus. . How Time Have Changed. ,: "Oh, for some new coined name by which to call liim! Oh, for some name no other lips could give!" was the prayer - of Violet until she married him. Now , she is content to call him Old Beeswax Exchange . Txtlnc Iron Castings. "Have yon ever noticed," said a Bt Lonisan yesterday, "those massive iron pillars now standing erect in the base ment of tho new Planter's House? Well, did you ever stop to think of the im mense weight they will be compelled to support steadily for ninny, ninny years? Oh, you hnve. Hnt I suppose you hnve thought the manufacturer just mado thoBO pillars nnd sold thorn without knowing anything nbout how much weight thry won! 1 bear or how long they would benr it. Let me tell you about that. "Those pillars nro cast in tho siuno manner as cast iron stoves by running tho liquid metal into rand molds, but nlonsido of each pillnr is cast nn iron bar from tho snme metal. The bnr is pre cisely nn inch squaro and feet in length. When cold, it is subjected to a very simple test. Each end of the bnr is placed npon a table and weights are snsjiended from tho center by a rojie. It must bear a tensile strength of SOU pounds to the square inch. The test may begin with 400 pounds and lie gradually increased until tho bar is found to be perfectly supporting the required weight If it breaks, for instance, at 480 or 490 pounds, then the pillar cast from the pot of metal which cast the bar is discarded, broken up and put into the pot again, with more pig iron added. The pillars, yon know, are largely made from scrap iron, and the manufacturers cannot know tho strength of the cast until it is tested. The addition of pig iron in the event of failure brings the cast up to the stand ard." St. Louis Republic In HrltUh Honduras. British Honduras is a crown colony, and of its 80,000 population there are about 300 whites, mainly English. There is an American colony of about 20 people at Toledo engaged in sugar growing and rum making. They are mainly from Kentucky, and it is a prosperous colony. Tho country is healthful for a tropical country, and there has not been a case of yellow fever in several years. The prin cipal product is mahogany, and it will be years before the forests ore exhausted. Great quantities of logwood aro also shipped to Europe We ship only ba nanas and plantains to the United States, shipping last year 728,000 bunches of ba nanas to New Orleans. The great prob lem with us is labor, and we import na tives from the West Indies. We need immigration, nnd Sir Alfred Maloncy, the governor, is a very pro gressive man and is doing much to bring us to tho notice of the world. We hnve no railroads beyond a trnmway drawn by mnles, penetrating tho plantations for nbout six miles. There is not a tele graph instrument or line in the provinco and only a short telephone lino between government buildings. Wo have no monoy of our own, but use the silver of surrounding republics, which is so do precinted that in American money is equal to f8.00 of tho money in uso. In terview in Washington Stnr. Ho Wfifi n Nobleman by Nature. Don't toll me now that men are callous and selfish when tho woman is nn old one, for I won't believe it. We were hurrying to catch the ele vated train when a poor old Irishwoman stopped, and directly in the way of all other would bo passengers endeavored to readjust a strap that had slipped from the package she was carrying. Her hands were cold, and she seemed unable to loosen tho bucklo, when a good looking man came up and seeing her dif ficulty laid his own packages down on the platform while he asked: "Can't you manage it? Here, let me do it for yon." Of course "time and tide" and ele vated trains wait for no man, and we rolled away from the station just as he had completed his self imposed task. We saw him pick np his bundles and walk toward the waiting room to gel warm for the wind was cold never seeming to regret the train he had missed for doing a kindness for "some one's mother!" I found myself hoping that his wifo, if he had ono, would not scold him for com ing home late. Oh, the world is full of chanty if we only stop and look for it! New York Herald. For Weary Feet. "My old colored cook," said a woman recently, "koeps a pad of her own man ufacture always before tho kitchen sink. It is made of several pieces of old carpet tacked togother with strong thread, the whole being made over and renewed quite frequently. When I asked her the other day why she kept the rather un sightly rug on her neat linoleum covered floor, she explained that it was a great rest to her feet to stand off the unyiold- ing floor. "And when my attention was thus callod to it I could see that it must bo, and the idoa was worth handing around. "I have heard saleswomen and mon, too, complain to one another in the shops of the pain which they suffered from constantly standing on the wooden floors. and I presume this condition would be much roliovid if a strip of rope matting could bo sfcretobed for their use." New York TiiQf. Blighted Hope. Teddy Yonderchump, a young society man, has been paying his addresses to Miss Rose Bondclipper of Madison ave nue. His visits have been very frequent of late, and last night Tommy, Miss Rose s younger brother, said: ' "Yon ought to come and Boe us every ventng, Mr. Vanderchump," 'Why, Tommy?" "Because it mokes Bister Rose so hap py to have yon go away you ought not to miss an evening. They missed Teddy for the rest of that evening. Texas Sittings. Kaes Iadkta Families. Millions of men in India live, marry and rear apparently healthy children up on an income which, even when the wifo works, is rarely above fifty cents a week and frequently sinks to half that amount Exchange. Ayer's Hair Vigor JlaUea the hail- soft anil H,o.y. I ltnve iikmI Ayer'.i llnlr Vlimr for neir y li.e years, mill my Imlr if nmlst, y, n.itl In -xi-ekl-iit slute of prr i r i.'ii. Iiim fni-iy Y-nrHiilii.nnrt Imve '.I.Mvii I'm- L. Ini lnriwi Hiv live years." V:i. l-i-liiy (It!, ullat Muslims; 11111," lii'wc...-;;..-, Wye. Ay cr's Mai r Vigor 1 levontM iiuir irom lulling out. 'A litmiiM i at ypnrs ni:o, by n-rnnmieii-' -.Men of u (rlpnil. I Ik-kiui timse Ayei's ll iir ipir to slop tin- Imlr Item IuIIIiik f'it iin'l prevent II ImiiltiK (iniy. The Hi-it flVi-n worn mint siitlsfnt-tory. f -i;r:n!ir.:il nt-tMruHnit sine, hnvp kept i-iy Imir tlili k niul of n natural rotor.'' II. K. llxiliam, Mi-Kluni-y, Total. Aycr's Hair Vigor Restores hair ni ter fevers. "liver n y-nr sen 1 lind a severe fi-yer, nnil when I recovered, my linlr hrgnn to f ill nut, nnit what llllle remained turned pray. I tried various remedies, lint without snoeeM, till nt Inst I noiwn to me Ayer'i Hair Vlffnr, nnd now my Imlr Is (trowing- rapidly nnd Is restored to Its original color." Mrs. A. Collins, HlKliton, Mum. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prevents hair from turning gray. "My hair wns rapidly tiirnliiR urny nnd falllnii out; ono Imitlo of Ayer's llnlr Vigor lias remedied the trouhle, and my Imlr Is now Its orlRliml color and full liss." B. Onkrupm Cleveland, O. 1'rppnrvd hy Pr..T.C Ayi-rftCo.,T,nwrll,MsM. oM by llruiatliu and Perfumers. The Percheron Stallion. SULTAN ! Will stand for iniit-es at tho following plui-os: .1. I'.. Miilholland. near l'anic, on Mondnv mid tmlnnee of each week ut owner's burn in l'lii-iuline settlement. IK-wi'iptlon. Sultan is a bright tluii- nlo Ln-nv. tl veni-M old. HU hands lliuli nnd woijrhs i"lK) pounds: has good ntylo nnd lino action, mid a good disposition. III snow for himself. 1 Vdiin-eo. Snlttin wns sired by Old Sultan, imported from Fi-iitu-o by V. T. Walter, or Iliillinioi-i, Mil. 1-ii-st ilain Olo I 'nl i, hv l'l-inco Napoleon, also Im ported from l-'i-iUH-o: second dnin, by Old S'lggor. imported: third limn, Wax work, Imported. Terms. $.".IKI for tho season, payable with tho first Horvleo of tho horse: IW.IMJ to insiii- ninro with foal, pnynlilo as Kiion as mini is known to In- with foul: or if-H.OO to insure living foal on foot. 1 art ing with an Insured niiu-o iK-fore known to he with foul forfeits tho instii--uiieo. All reasonable eai-o taken, but not accountable for aechlcntH. THomas Reynolds, Ir Owner. I&MlSflOEK A ttrlidlniK VpiV1v V (UNSICTANIAN.) NO PAPER LIKE IT ON EARTH Unique not Fccentric. Wiiiy not Funny. Religious not I'iout, Not (or beet but for Souli, WHOLE SERMONS IN A SENTENCE. Send a dime in stamp! for three yreeki trial. THE RAM'S HORN, 11.60 WOMAN'S TCMPLI, Ri PcrYur, CHICAGO It once, ONLY PAPER THAT EVERYBODY LIKES Grocery Boomers W O HUY WHKRE YOU CAN GKT ANYTHING YOU WANT. FLOUR, Salt Meats, Smoked Meats, CANNED GOODS, TEAS, COFFEES AND AM. KINDS OK H U try Produ T FRUITS. CONFECTIONERY, TOHACCO. AND CIGARS, Everything In tho lino of Fresh Groceries, Feed, Etc & (Until a ih-Urered free, any place, in tinvn, Call on mm ami yet price. N W. C. Schultz & Son System Renovator CURES ALL Liver, Kidney L Stomach i. NISI-nSKS RTtpm Rnnnv.tnr 1. the only remedy In the world that truly purines tli blood and nets up. ou the kidneys, liver and bowels without limiting them weak. Mont niedk-lues undertake to cleanse without bulldluii up. This Is wrong, and It weakens the organs. Renovator mult up while It is demising the system. V rice, 1.00 uer bottle, or six for 18.00. After years of succes at bis offlce. Dr. Bur sjoon has concluded to put up his tape worm remedy In sucU manner that patients can treat themselves at their own homes, mis i Is a blessed boon to sufferers from this terrible afllio tlon who live at a dlHtauee. Write. Ut. Ituraooa't Hutatilcal Cancer Cure has no equal ou the luce of tho earth. It positively cures all kind of caneers-luternal and external, without the useof the knife scro- tula, syphilis, aud all sorts of blood poisons uud lumors. This remody Is In the reach of all. A 82-ouuoe bottle, au a-wet-ks' treatment, for 18.00. These medicines are fully endorsed by the best physicians. Willi each of Uiera there Is a guar antee to cure or money refunded. Ifyourdrug Rlst does not keep Usaui. tuslst that he does, or order then froui DB. J, A. BtJBQOON, OT Peon Ave., 1'ltUburgls Bend stamo for book of Instructions.. 3r For sale at 11. Alex btoke's drug store. Conn Ton Tan l Bargains ! Tho goiuTiil topic of the people Where 1 lie v ffct ilicir t o iargains. Their reply re-echoes from the woodland nnd the valley?: ht the RACKET STORE. You know they are always bupy in every town where there is one. Whyf 9 B6C3US6 l'l'icea are the name to all. ' ' goods are of 1 nt -class quality. " money is always re refunded if not satisfactory. " an apportionment of of goods ishandled that is in daily use. " they buy for cash and sell for cash, which enables vou to get HOCK BOTTOM PRICKS, and you do. Yours Respectfully, M. J. Gome REYNOLDSVl LLE, 1'A. We are o Headquarters. FuH Line In EVERY DEPARTMENT. Q 7i Q p 7i P o I I p ED. GOODEER, The Jeweler, - Main Street. Just in TIIE CLEAN LIN ESS OP wCmBillllissSt-. lessens msmf0 LABOll AND to THEIR . lVi ECONOMY : , SAVES i.-, YOU I MONEY. J V CALL .zzzsrri Z2-- AND SEE ' ' I S T 0 V ES. 4 rr-ttx .. 3 In fact anything you may desire in our line, will be found in our mammoth store. " The Reynoldsville Hardware Co. N. HANAU. 1 Fancy Prices, Tlll'fh 'M'llWy bnt We, make tho statement for Hie benefit of those who are not our customers, and so may not know it: Oi k mucks MAKK (TSTOM1.KS OK ALL WHO COMK. A full lino of Dress Goods. The Host and Cheapest ever brought to Keynoldsville. A full line of Henrietta at 25c. in all shades, 40c, 50c, and 81.00. Silk warp Henriettas. Summer Silks for 50c. per yard. Ladies Coats and Capes the finest and cheapest in town. A nice line of Children's Jackets from 2 to 12 years. Clothing. Men's suits the best and cheapest you ever saw for the money. We don't say so except we can convince you. Men's Suits, four button cutaway from lo, 12 to S?15, worth M, 1(5 and 618. Men's straight cut worsted for. 10 to 12.50, worth 10, to 18. Children's Suits 2.75, are worth 3.50 to $5.00. A fine line of Roys' and Men's Negligee Shirts. N. Ilanau. "VfitclioH, Season ! IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR LINE OF STOVES BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE AS WE CARRY TIIE LARGEST AND BEST LINE IN TIIE COUNTY. X V,H Xx V X X s X X O ASK FOR mead, FINE CANDIES. IN SEAIiED PACKAGES AT It. RUEX. STOKE'S, THE LEADING DHUGMST, Rtynoldsvllle, Pa. (5ENTLEMEN I I mn positive that I hnve Hnmethlnjr-i-ltih In Btnro for you If you will call at my tailor Rhop. I havo received an ex tiullont neleutlon of Spring and Summer Goods. I ran show you the finont selection of poods In this city. All fits guaranteed to be perfect. One trial of the excel lent poods and work Is convincing for all. Hoping that I may receive a call, I remain Your obedient servant, J. G.' FROEHLIGH, Reynoldsville, Pa. W'Xi'Xt door to Hotel McConnell. Git ii Meat Market I buy the best of cattle and keep the choicest kinds of meats, such as" MUTTON, PORK VEAL AND BEEF, SAUSAGE. Everything kept neat and clean, Your patronage solicited. E. J. Schnltzc, Prop'r. J. S. MORROW. HF.AI.KU IN ury uooas, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. T" . OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Keynoldsville, Pa. LOOK! FOR THE People's Quick Sales and Small Profits. General stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods and Shoes. A. KATZEN, T1 .J. jL'ropriexor. Subscribe for ilif Sliir" $1.50 per year.-