Stat. 8u!rriitiim $1.60 jwr V'"', in mlrrtitcr. A n ImlPiMMHlenl lorn I pnpr, iHiMNIit'fl every Wrtlni".flay lit ItrynohlMvllln, JotTorMon Co. I'd., ilovoti'd to the liitiriitM of Iti'vnolilNvllIn muf .Ti'nVrMon minify. Non-ixiMt li-iil, will front nil with fiilrni"w. ntnl will lie mimclnlly f Homi ly towitril I hi liilxirltiK rliitw. Ptilnrrliitlon p,rloel.iieryi'nr,lii sifvniu'e. Cormnutiloiillorm Ititomlofi for rtulillrntloii mint lie arooinimnleil hy the wrnir' mime, not for pulilli'iitlon, lull n n iriiiirniiifw of gooilfullli. hilcrflliiK iikw lli'iiix miIIi'IIimI. AilvortUlnir rate miule known on Hilit'n tloii in the ollli'o In Arnolil' lllock. LeiurhtT cotiimonlriitlonM soil oiintmo of srivrrtlwrnonlM Hhotilil rearh thla ottlre by Moniliir noon. Alilrin nil nmiiniiiiloatlons toO. A. Mlppli enon, HoynoliNvllle, I'u. Kntoroil ill the ikwIomVo nt itoynolitMvHIo. Pft., niwonil oliix ivtii II -tiint t r. !. A. flTRIMIICNNON, F.rtltor nil ft I'lib. WEDNESDAY. JUNK 14. Tim IVii1i-'h Pariy Imlil b oonvontlon at WIUlniiiKMiil. to-ilitv nml to-morrow. ltd not In .iiniliio liimto lo linmil III news; ns a komi'I-hI tlilnjr, lonvo tmitliors tlio piisslnir of tlinf sort of coiiiiiiiHllty. Partli'iilartt of tlio horrllilo cnliiHtro plifl wlili'h oronrroil at Wuslilnnlmi, 0. C, Inst Frlilay. will Im fiimiil on nn Inslilo jingo of this Ihhiii. Tlio Prohlliltion Hlrtto ('tinvoiitlon wan lirlil at lTiirilHliiii'jf last wook. II. T. Ami'B, of Willlaiiinport, was numlimt pd for Niiiroino Juilgo ami .Tmnos S. Kont, of Dolnwitro county, for Statti Tronsnror. Noxt Saturday almnt rlghtoon Itopul llcan I'nnillilati'ii will illworor tlmt thoy havo lx'cn (IitcIvciI liy tlio pooplo of JofTorsnn county, or at loiwt thoy iliil not pot as many votos as thoy cxMiloil. Twonty-slx ciiitilliliitog ntnl only ofHoos enmiifh for sovon niukos It. plain tlmt snmoboily In going to got loft. Kaoh ono of tlio rami lilntos aro now s!iii"tilno of winning, Tlio hiirgoss of DnHois wa horn Friday night fiirnlHhltig tntislo for a show, oonwipiontly tlio mooting whloh ho had oiillod to ho hold in thn opora honso In DiiIIoIh Frlday nlght for tho purpiiso of making nr rangomontH tooolohrato tho 4th of .Inly, was a onmploto falluro, no onoattondod. Strango that DnHiiis pi-oplo woulil for got to attond a pnlillo inoootlng? Tho odltor of tho Indiana I'mtjivss rooontly tiHik a trip ovor tho A. V. H'y from Alloghony Junction to Foxhiii'g, and In upoaklng of It said: "Tho lx'au tlful soonory along tho Imnks of tho Alloghony rlvor soomod Ilko ono con tinuous lawn, intorsporsotl with gush ing rills and ravines. Tho road was In excollont condition, smooth and solid, and tho coaches first olass, clean and well vontilatod." Penfleld was visited hy a flro early Thursday morning of last wook whloh will, doubtless, bo a great loss to that town. A groi'ory store, Adams Rxpross office and the Wrik h Firm print lug office wero burned. Tho printing ollleo has not been a groat financial hiioooss at PenfloM and may novor be lvjilnccd thero, whloh will 1k? more of a loss to tho town than thought for In-foro tmrncd. A printing establishment In a town is a necessity In tho nineteenth century. Under the new fee hill for Justloo of tho Peace, which went into effect re cently, thoy can now charge' for oath and information 50 cents, docket entry 25 cents, warrants fiO cents, transcript 60 cents, entering discontinuance of assault and battery eases 50 cents, enter ing action 25 cents, summons or sub poena 25 conts with 10 cents for each additonal name, return of summons 25 cents, entering satisfaction 15 conts, execution 30 cents, return of proceed ings on certiorari or apeul J 1.00, re ceiving or paying over whoro tho amount is over $100, $1 per hundred. Tha Treasury Department has Istmed a report on immigration into the United States which eontains somo very Inter esting statistics. No account of immi grants was kept prior to 1820, but it is estimated that between tho close, of the Revolutionary war and that year thoy numbered aliout 250,000. Slnco 1820 the number has amounted to 10,500,000, In round numbers the various' foreign countries contributed the following to this enormous total: Germany, 4,750,000; Ireland, 3,000,000; England, 2,535,000; Norway and Sweden, 1,032,000; Austria Hungary, 585,000: Italy, 527,000; Run sla and Portland, 517,000; France, 380, 000, Scotland, 348,000; China 200,000; Switzerland, 185,000; Denmark, 104,000; all other countries, 2,700,000. Most of the immigrants enumerated ill this last item came from British North America. Samuel States, of Dull township, Democratic candidate for nomination for county commissioner, was in Royn oldsville last Friday looking after his political interests. On account of sick ness of his wife Mr. States has ndt been able to make as thorough canvass as he otherwise would have done. He has been somowbat of a politician for a number of years, but this is the first oHloe he has ever asked for. For twen ty-seven years he has been engaged in the lumber business and farming. The people of Bell township have known the gentleman above mentioned for thirty-four years and be stands well in that community. Mr. States wants the Democrats, of Jefferson County to con aider his ease and if possible give him their support at the primary on the 21th lost. Bummer Excursion Routes and Rates via the P. K. R. Co. The 181)3 edition of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company's annual book of Summer Rxcurslon Routes has just ton issued. It is tastofully gotten tip and presents in a most practical and com prehenslve manner alwut four hundred popular summer resorU, from which excollont selections may lie niado for either limited trips or extended so journs during the summer and early fall months. The great variety of routes suggested, tho complete schedules of rates, the graphic and exhaustive descriptions of tho different places, the explanatory mais and the Illustration,' make this volume a most valuable guide. Copies of tho Issik limy ho obtained at any ticket ollleo of the Pennsylvania Itiiilroad on payment of ton cents, or upon application to tho (ieneial Passen ger Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad, Philadelphia, It will ho forwarded upon the receipt of twenty cents. A gentleman, under forty years of ago, whoso hair was rapidly becoming thin and grey. Is'gnn the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and In six months his hair was restored to its natural color and oven more than Its former growth and richness. Children's tan slipHrs 7.1c. at Robin son's. For Sate. One cur 18-Inch Michigan plno shin gles, one cur 8-neh cypress shingles, ono ear I8.neh cedar shingles. H. StIAKFKR. Ladies. Doyouiwaut a good Parlor carpet ? I Have 40 yards, will sell at a siierlllco. llKNUY A. MUF.!). Hosiery for men. women and children at II. .1. Nleklo's variety store. Free Text Book Law. School I llrcotors or Controllers shall purchase text lssiks and other necessary school supplies for use in public schools of their respective school districts as such now text lxsiks and supplies aro required ill addition to those at present in use In the hands of pupils or owned by tho school district out of the schisil fund of tho district, mid when so pro cured tho necessary hooks and school supplies shall bo furnished free of cost for use in tho schools of said district, subject to the orders of tho Directors or controllers thereof, whoso duty it shall ho to provide for tho return of and for tho safe-keeping and care of tho books, which shall bo returned at tho eloso of tho school term in each year, or as a Board may direct. Child's red and tan shoos 50c. at Rob inson's. Tho people of Reynoldsvlllo and vicin ity know when they have a gisid thing; that accounts for tho great ineivnso in business at Rood's shoe store. Henry Is a worker and knows how to buy and sidl good footwear. Nice new lamps, with Pittsburg burn- el's, at Sehultzo's. Forty yards Axmlnlster carpet for sale, Inquire of Henry A. Rood. A. L. Peters, of Hopkins, has a new one horse Conklin truck wagon for sale at a bargain. W. C. Arnold, who done so much "blowing" for Dullols at Clearfield last wook, told a Roynoldsvillo man after forwards that ho was ashamed of him self for lying so, hut after Fairinan spoko for Punxsulawney, Dullols men asked him to outdo Fairinan, and ho made a good attempt. Ladles' patent tip, Philadelphia too, $1.25 at Robinson's. Cheap stationery at H. J. Nickle's variety storo. A now schedulu went into effect on tho B., R. & P. R'y on 4th Inst, which changes tho morning and evening trains so that very close connections is mado with the A. V. R'y trains at Falls Creek for Bradford and Purixsu tawnoy. The new time table will bo found in this issue of the Star. Very pretty tea Bets for $4.75 at Sehultzo's. When in need of shoes go to Henry A. Reed, "the shoo man." Ho can suit you to a T. A little white pig, belonging to Mrs. Goo. Rhoads, has wandered from its sty, and any person who will drive it back to its own wallowing ground and swill trough will be rewarded by the lady above named. Good house, for rent. Inquire of Honry A. Reed. Fire liiuraiM'e, Since 1878. Norwood G. Pinnoy, Brook vlllo, Pa. Old and reliable companies represented. Xo bivkerwje. All orders by mall will rocolvo prompt attention. Walter Spry, of Reynoldsvlllo, is ray authorized and licensed solicitor. Cy oloue policies also written. 0-21. Base ball shoos U5o. at Robinson's. There is such a thing as a worldly spirit, and there is such a thing as an unworldly spirit; and according as we partake of one or the other, the savor of the sacrifice of our lives is ordinary, commonplace, poor and base or elevat ing, invigorating, useful, noble and holy. Happy days and restful nights result from using Ayer's Sarsaparllla. It so regulates all tho bodily functions and strengthens the nervous system that worry and fatigue aro comparatively unknown and life is truly enjoyed. It Is certainly a mo-t wonderful medicine. Croaker Fertillier. Tho Croaker Fcrtlllaor for sale at .1. W. Johnston' feed store, West Reyn oldsvlllo. Frank I'. Host, agent for tlio fertilizer, also soils It at his farm In Wlnslow township. Do You Need 8hoes t Wo have tho latest stylos at popular prices. Ukkih Siiok Htohk. Special Notice. Try my buggies, they aro n good as tho best, and low in price. You will pay middle men a big price and got, no bet tor. .1. K. Johnston, Kathmel. N OTICR. Thkasi'hy Dkp't (imcR of 't (imcR of ) t'OMITHOl.t.l-'.IIOKTIIKCl'ltHKNCY, Wasiuniiton. May 27, 'HU. 1 Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has is-eii made to apiM-ar that "The First National Hunk of Iteynoldsvlllo," In the Horough of Itoyuoldsvillo, in tho County of .IcITcrson, and State of Pennsylva nia has complied with all the provisions of tho Statutes of the United States, ro fiilrcd to ho complied with before an association shall Ixi authorized to com mence the business of banking. Now therefore I, James II. Rckels. Comptroller of tho Currency, do hereby eortlfy that "Tho First National Hank of Roynoldsvillo," In tho Horough of Itoyuoldsvillo, in tlio County of Jef ferson and State of Pennsylvania is au thorized to commence the business of banking as provided In Sect inn Fifty one hundred and sixty-nine of tlio Re vised Statutes of tho United States. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of ollleo this 27th f lit v of May, Jamks II. F.CKKI.H. No. !!". Conipt'rof the Currency. 0 0 ByragQt, Prei. W fi Aleitnder, Cubier I A Altitndsr, An I Ctihlar. Sccley, Alexander & Co., BANKERS, Oiuiinlxed In ss4. l'nid up rental .(,()(. SiwIthoUtvr: tlco. (I. Hlil-tlL'tle, I.. I'. Seeli v. Thus. MrCrclKht, K. II. Sei-ley, . ii. Aic.xiiiincr. I hi a Kcneriil Imnklnir business. Accoiuils solli'lii'il. 1'i lviile iinpers fur our customers lllid nwiiy nml kept In ; moor r.tCLT. JOTICR TO TAX-PAYEKS. V. I Will I tcilfl, lit Die fnllowllltf Utiles lillfl place, to receive eoiinty anil Kliite luxes for Urn year n'i:i. to-wll ; Warsaw Iwp., West, Thursday, Juno 1st, nt Hie house of (I. W. klehunls, In the forenoon. folk twp.. Thursday, .tunc 1st, nt the house of I'llllon rlhoirner. III the aflcriiiHili. HiMilh Iwp., I'lldiiy, June incl, at I he lioiisn of Milton I'lilnc. In the fin-ciioon. litirneit Iwp.. l-'rldiiy, June 2nd, lit tho tiouso tit William Wnihiee In I lie iiflerniKin. Klilreil twp., Saturday, June Mid, lit tho Jones hotel. In the furcmmii, and In Hie afli r liooli nl Hie sieve hi Howe. lieu ver twp., Monday, June .11 h, at Hie store of H. ('. Itelll, In Hie forenoon. Won In I lie iMirouuh, Monday, June .11 h, at the house of K. II. lie 1st, In Hie afternoon. Klmtuold Iwp.. Tuesday, June lllli, at the hotel in itimtiiohl. In Ha1 forcmHiii. I'orlcr trp.,Titcsilay,.luncilth,iit the Iwiuso of flisirtie Itlsh, In Hie afternoon. Perry Iwp, Wednesday, June 7th, at the house of Sharp N'enle, In (he forenoon, and In Hie HflerniMiu HI I he storo nt InisthnrK. I luyvllle IhiioiikIi, Thursday, Juiiu stli, at Hie IValrul hotel. I'liimsutawney tMiroiiKh, Friday, Juno nth, HI Hotel I'imtull. Vou nit lap- Saturday, Juno I'llli. lit Hotel I'liiilall. Hell tw p.. Monday. June t2Hi,nt tlio houso of llenrv Itrowti, In the forenoon, (iasklll Iwp.. Monday, Juno I. 'Ill, at nilwon's store, In Htn forenoon. Illu II i ii horoiivh, Tuesday, June. ):itli, at the MrCllire House. Henderson twp., Wednesday. June 111 Ii, ut the house of Andrew I'lfer. In Hie foreiMsm. MeCalmont twp., Wednesday, June 14th, nt Hie limine of llmiicl North, In Hie afterniMin. Oliver twp., Thursday, Juno IMh, at Hie. store In Ollveliurii In I he forenoon, null at Mi'Klnstry's store in tint afternoon. Knox twp., Friday, Juno lilth, at MeC'raek ce's store. In Hie foreniMin. I'lneereok twp., Friday, June 1(1, at the storo of K. Weiser. In the uflcrnonn. Hose twp., Saturday June 17tli,nt tlio Treas urer's Office, llrisikvllle. Washington twp., Monday, June 111 li, at Itis'kdule la the foreniMin, and lit the Wnsh IiikIoii hotel In the afternoon. Snyder Iwp. and llris-kwiiyvllle hnrouxh, Tuesday, June Saih, at th Ionian llousn. Warsaw twp. east, Wednesday, June 21st, at the house of J . A. Fox, In I he forenoon. 1'nlon twp. and Corsica horouxh, Thursday, June 22nd, at Menu's hotel. rlumuivrvllli) hnrouith, Friday, June Zlrd, at the Commercial hotel, In the foreniHai. Clover twp., Friday, Jiineeird, at the houno of J. Fsheliiian, In the afteriiism. llriNikvllle iHiroiiKh, Siitiinluy, Juno zttn, nt the Treasui-er's oltlco. Heynoldsvllle Ismiuiili, Tuesday, Juno 37th. Ut the llnlel Mc'Conuell. Wlnslow twp., Wednssilay, June 2sih, at tho Hotel McDonnell, Parties paying taxes at tlio ahnve times, and places, will save ten per cent., as that uniouat will he added when placed In the hands nf the collectors. Mercantile Licenses will lie collected at nil places vlslled, mid all licenses remalnlnx un paid after tho Hrst of July will lie placed In the hands of the proiwrolllclals for collection. A. O. MeWll.l.I.Vnfli Co. Treas. The First National Bank o! Repoldsvlile. CAPITAL 900,000.00. C. UltK'hell, Prenldvnlt Scott McClelliMid. Vice Pres.! Joliu II. KaiieUer, Cashier. Dlrcctorsi 0. Mltehell, Hcott McClelland, J. C. Klliu, Joseph Strauss, Joseph Henderson, 0. W. Fullor, J. II. Kaucher. Does a KoiivralbaiikinirbusliiesHnnd aollctts tlio aevuuiils of uiervliants, professional men. fiii inem, laochaiiles, miners, lunilsjrinen and olhurs, proniUliiK tho niosl cuieful attuntlou to the bualnewi of nil persons. Temporary quarters In Centennial Hull Building, oupoalU) Howl Ueluap. VrotltPnotrtriii Vr. pilll'ltDTIIONOTAHV, WILLIAM 11. HIJTTRR, Or Cl.ATVII.i l! Ilollllirilll, Stihjis't toncHou of Hie repuldlcann of Jeffer miu Co. at the prlinsry election, June 17, lstr.1. JMIIt ritOTIlHNOTA H V, JOHN H. HARK, Or I'lsn tiKr.K Towsnir, Hulijecl lo action of the republicans of Jeffer son Co. at the primary olccHou. June 17, lsa:i. <rrllT. pilt HIIF.KIKF, R. NRFF. Or Itrrsm isvii.i,r lloaoeoii, Hiiliteet In iietlon of Hie n'piihllcmis of Jeffer son Co. at Hie ptlmaiy election. June 17, lw. ! MIMtll F, DAVID C. (iOPRLRY, Or HllllOKVII.I.R llOIIOt llll, Hllhlect lo nctlon of the repildlcatl of JctTcr sou Co. al the pi Imary election, .In tie 17. Hi;l. piltHIIKKIFK, CIIAKLRMd. WILSON, ' or IYmxscmwnkv Itoinn on. Hlllieel to act Ion of Hie repuhlleiins of Jeffer son I 'o. al the prluimy elecliou, June 17, Kill. pill Sit Fill IF, OI'.OIMIR W. WARNICK, or Ukvsiii.iisvii.i.k Moikii oii, Subject lo acllon of the republican of JefTer sou Co. al the Primary election, June 17, plt SHFItllT, K. W. McMILLRN, Or IlK.rMii.nsvii.i.K liiiiiot'iiii, Huhlecl to action of Hie demin'rnts of Jelfer son Co. at Hie primary election, lime, Islet, pilt I'llOTIIONoTAItV. J. .1. VOPNO, Or 1'rNxst'TAWNnr tloiioriiu, Sub.lect lo action of the lienuwrals of JefTer son Co. al Hie primary elecliou June 21, l"li:i. V?ouutit (i vritrrr. pill TIIEASI'KF.II, JOHN WAITR, Or Wissrow Townsiih, Sllblei't to Mellon of the reillbl leans of JetTer the prluiary ehstlon, June 17, s'.i;i. pilt TltF.ASI'ltF.H, N. D. COKKV, Or I'l'NXSI'TAWNKV llOIIOI'dll, Sitliject lo action of the republicans ,,f Jeffer son Co. at Hie primary election, June 17, I "Til. pill TltKAsTUFIt, AHTIIL'R MOHHISON, Or I'.NION ToWNSIIII', Suli.leel to action of the republicans of Jeffer son Co. at the primary elecliou lune 17, Isici. Pll, W. H. LtrcAs, or Coiisica Iloiiiiriiu, Sublect to netlon of the republicans of Jeffer son Co, al the primary election, June 17, isui. 0 ommttoiirr. Foil CXlMMISF.IONF.R, W. T. COX, OrWi.Nsi.ow TowNsiiir, Siilijis-I toiictlonof Hie repiiblli'iiusof lelTer son Co. nt Hie primary clccilon, June 17, I'.CI. Foil (TIMMISHIONKII, DANIRL IIURWRR, Or I'KIIIIY Towssiiih, Subject to action of the repu hi leans of Jeffer son Co. nl the Primary election, June 17, lxl. Foil COMMISSIONKIt, .IOSRPII DARR, Or IIiiook vii.i.k Miiiioi'OII, Subject to act Ion of the republicans of Jeffer son Co. ul I l.i' prlmnry election, June 17, IsiKI. Foil OOMMIKSIONMt, JUS FPU HULLKRS, Or Wakkaw Township, Hiibject to action of Hie republicans of JelTer son Co. at the primary chcilnn, Jium 17, ls!M. Foil COMMIHSIONKH. M. F. WOODS, Or F.miiikii Township, Subject to action of Hie licmfjcrnts of Jeffer siai Co. at the primary election, June 24, IMi.1. Foil COMMISSIONKIt, A. W. MULIIOLiLAND, tir Winsmiw Township, SuliJiMt to action of tho IH-mocrals of Jeffer son Cu. at the primary eliH'tiou, June 24, lsji;i. Foil fXIM.MIHSIONWl, S. M. SHIRLDS, Or Cuivkb Township, Subject to action of the republicans of Jeffer son I'o. ut Hie primary election Juno 17, lsici. Itlterrllatttou. Q MITCHELL, ATTORN RV-AT-LAW. OfHoe on West Main street, opposite the Coninierclul Hotel, Heynoldsvllle, Pa. D R. 13. E. HOOVER, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. ttesldent dentist. In hulldlns near Metho dist ehurch, npismlte Arnold block, lienlle ness In operntluK. JJOTEL McCONNELL, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. FRANK J. BLACK, Proprietor. The lending hotel of the town. Hondmiar tors for commercial men. Steam heat, free bus, bath rooms and closets on evory floor, sample rooms, billlurd rouin, tulophune con nections &c. JJOTEL BELNAP, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. 0 HE EN & CONS Ell, Proprietor. First class In every particular. Located In the very centre of the business part of town. Free 'bus to and from trains and commodious sample roouis for commercial travelers. MERICAN HOTEL, BROOKVILLE, PA. B UFFJNO TON & LONG, Prop's. Omnibus to nnd from nil trains. European restaurant. House heated and lighted by gas. Hot and cold wuter. Western Union Telegraph ottiee In building. The hotel la Httea with all the modern conveniences. QOMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROOKVILLE, PA., miL P. CARRIER, Froprktor, Sample room on the ground floor. House heated by natural gas. Omulbus to and from all train. Don't Walk! but buy a the ' cheapest to the highest price at C. F. OFFMfN'S, The Reynoldsville Jeweler. We Have SECOND "OF" NewSpnngDressGoods! Do not fail to come and see them. They are Beauties. BING & CO., NOLAN BLOCK. Do You Know Where to Make Dollars Do Double Duty ? Why certainly at BOLGER BROS,' well Stora Clolii Eiorini, Where you will find the Largest AsMortment of SPrin SHI.!:?.'! 3pring -Jats and Handsome Jeckwear Ever offered to the people of Reynoldsville. It may be said of our stock that "Nature made it and then broke the mould," for the garments we offer look more stylish than many high priced custom-made suits. ' , OUR OBJECT In advertisirg is to let everybody know how thoroughly we combine perfection of Style, Fit and Finish with the most Reasonable Prices. Have you selected your SPRING .SUITS? If not, do not delay, but come at once and inspect our stock, which comprises the latest styles in Sacks, Cutaways, Double Breasted Square Cuts and Prince Alberts. Respectfully, BOLGER BROS., Orlfllnators ot the Small Front Sustea Allgradesfrom Recived our INVOIGB MB IN STRCT,