4J10 Kn, Thrrrta tlartuon Albion, Misery Turned to Comfort Kidney Trouble. Sleepleasneea, Dletreee-AM CURED. " Ahlon, Krln Co., I 'a., Feb. IS, TO. 'Iran trill? my that Hood's riarsaparllla tiaadone more for mo than !1 the prrwrip Moris and nthr-r mrritf-inr-s 1 hive eviT taken. For 14 yearn 1 have sufTerail with klilnev trouble; my iMMk iieinir so ltnic at tune that 1 Could Not Raise) Myself npontof my rhair. Nor could 1 turn myself In bed. I mild not tlerp. and Hfffrrri (treat 4itrr with my fond. 1 have taken t bnttlea of Hon-l's Hnrsaparllla with the tnot gratifying result. I f-l like a new person, and my terrible ptifNtinit have all gone. Life I Comfort compared to lb-) misery It im-d to be. lean now fto to bed and have a pood nlyht's reM ; ran eat heartily without any dintrem. 1 nra Hood's51' Cures willing this should be ptiblirhel for uthert good." Mr. Thkhssa Hakto!. HOOD'N PII.I.M rure Constipation lj reatoe tag tbe peristaltic action of the alimentary canal P N U ill 'HI fcnk CUB! IT WILL NOT CURE, if An aareeaMe laxative sna Knrr Tot-rtok "old by J)ni(rpi or teat by mall. 26c 60a. ana $1.00 per parknyw. f-nmpleg free. TTt T1t The Favorite IOC?! f 0TTH LM LLV fortbeTeethand areaih,lfeo. August Flower" ' " For two years I suffered terribly With stomach trouble, and was for all that time tinder treatment by a physician. He finally, after trying everything, said my stomach was worn out, and that I would have to cease eating solid food. On the rec ommendation of a friend I procured a bottle of August Flower. It seem ed to do me good at once. I gained strength and flesh rapidly. I feel now like a new man, and consider that August Flower has cured me." Jas. E. Dederick. Sausrerties. N. Y.H LEWIS M. ErMt'NI8, outh Butwlok. K. Y. 1BOILS, CARBUNCLESD IAItiB TORTURING ECZEMA, Completely Cured! I DANA Saba a fari ixjk Co., IV..aa.ll TUC hadth 'Kht-Klr' ahorltT svf-M - Ivr In Ihfir worn fumt. 1 look e lane?l wiiit.ii MiitM itmrw vuiiunta my niouu I 3 3 amount wt in. m niMuunw IMA lUtjy Un AN WUMr and not eMt to work. 1 1 zllkm 1 at-IMn it- lali I" IV I Ft U bIU, had six ami two enr-k hamelM at one time. I tried r-trjUiiutcl 5 1 could hr of but ronliuuMl ha twilia. fc IT WAX A.KJrtl to til thit CcsBMafi 1 I tonueiiicd m night and dy, Uu-iJ Iuoiuii ww inwuw. i nmu aWTrrr puna in nam : .1,4- mA ak a l iTa a.- awi SOIJRtTQ '" diMuunutrd. At la'ft l ww-w nraruuT tJAPIA B DAMrArA- ni eomiiirnmi ufiua; it, ana Ut tUlrd MUM wuirieiy i nt. . .w m. BimuiaM. Honth llartwhk, N. Y. StH Irelk K U ! 1 errtld to k U. B. llul.BK(lliK, P. M. kuw Huwick. N. T. Dana taraaDarllla Co., BaHatt, Maine. farpnii,iJoMN w.iwoKHis i AIAIUI4 Waahlnglun, .?. 'upoeeafully Proaeoutea Claims. Lt IMnclpal Bminr V.B. renalon Bureau. 3 jralnlaet war. iAauJuuuUiu; cUuuia. alty ftluue. lonth I 'ram Bicaaalve ar I tbar doa't kmum r Cverv Month 'Waaf aiail auffar frem Bicaaalve cMftaa la gat preser a4viaa I a 1 uk. .. a i Dradflldvt Pcr:cl3 Rcsclaf or , MAMTV. lumUUI ana WMtUUI i MENSTRUATION, aabto WOMAN' a ilea tree. l"'Jria MIUUTO CO., Atawaa. ta. eti to aa Baaaami . I i COLUMBIAN FAIR NEWS ITEMS SUNDAY KAIU A FAILURE. otsf.t Atinrr iW.OOO rioi t r tttm Turn, or titii m mrkr vrr.v rrw wkhk workino- MKK. WHO Wr.RH rxrciTRDTOl-OMa liY THK Tliot amin. There wna no grenl outpourinr of the ah ye worker! or nny other clnra at the ex position on Sunday. The oppressive heat imd a henvy ttorm in the miilille of the afternoon accounts tn part for the mall attendance. On the whole the fecond open Hundny can hardly be call' ed a rucce.is. julged by the standard of pop- ulnr np roral and the prerence of working' men, for whose benelit and edification in particular the gales of the Fair are open. The cafes and the beer gardens in the foreign villages were liberally patronized. The New England Slate buildings and those of I'enn. sylvanla, New York. Missouri, North Pakota, I'tab, Pelaaare. Maryland and Virginia were locked. Many of the finest exhibits were hidden from Tiew becnuxe their exhibitors or their aeents do not propose to work seven dav in the week, fhe covering which protect ineexnious at nigiu were not removed nnil on tne visitors could see were big ornamen tal booths and how cases distigured with canvas, wood or iron sheeting. 1 lie exposi lion authorities have no right to remove the coverings without the permission of the exhibitors, and no arrangements have yet been made for unveiling them on Sun dav. Not even a flag was to be seen on the buildings of (treat llritnin, t'anada. New South Wales ami India, and the doors were locked. isitors were denied access to the great display of the I nitcd Slates Uovenv ment in the bigilnmed building and the small adjuncts. Machinery hall was silent. It was a dull day for the guide and catalogue sellers, as nearly all the visitors were llncago people. Music appropriate to Hundnv was provided In the early part of the day by the Chicago Danci, out tne atiuiencci were not large. Everybody who passed through the riaisnce stopped to drain their eyes heav enward, to see the intrepid workmen re moving the inn's of scaffolding from the high and airy herns wheel and tightening tne SKes,prcparntory to putting in the six great cars which will go round with the wheel on June IS for the first lime. A dispatch front the t'hicago "Record" says: Die paid attendance at tlicKalron Pun- day was M.S44 adults, and 2,!fci0 children. or anout I'U, ""J less than la-t Minilay.aml many le than attended on certain other days of last week. The directors hail confidentially counted on a Sutn'.iiv attendance of not less than L'OO.UOO to 250.ikio. Some rain fell this afternoon, but it was a pleasant day in the main. Minuay opening is distinctly a fail' ure. All the Southern bnililinga were open t0' day except those of Virginia und Missouri. THE EDISON TOWER, a shaft 100 rrrr mini or makviived intaic- HKW'KXT MMIH. The formal opening of the Electricity bui ding took p ace I ridav night. The fea ture was the unveiling rnd lighting of the big Edison tower, erected by the (ieneral Electric Company. This shaft represent! tin highest achievement of the incandes cent lamp and la about 1U0 feet high. It springs from the roof of a cole made pavilion surrounding the base, and the entire inter ior is filled with thousands of incandescent lamps, as many hued as the Western inn set. The colors are arranged by mechanical methods, capable of being flashed in har mony with the strains of music The column is crowned Willi a well pro- fvortioned replica of an Edison incandescent amp, formed by a multitude of pieces of prismatic crystal!. Upward of 30,000 of these beautiful jewels are strung on a frame and are all lighted from the interior by hundred! of incandescent lamps. The effect produced is marvelous. FIGURES AWAY OFF. worib'i ram orrtciAut trovr thky iax't nrrss at a pay'i attemiasce. Just as the officials were mistaken In their estimates of the Sunday crowds by guess ing too heavily, so they were wrong ill the attendance on Decoration Day, Sunday the ofticiala thought l.Xi.ooo person! had paid admissions, and theofticiul figures showed less than 80,(XKi. Their guess of Tuesday'! half dollar! paid in was under lOO.OUO.while in fact 1J,007 p:iid to enter the gates, and adding an estimate of 65.UO0 free passes the Decoration day attendance was nearly 1IHJ. Chu. on the same duy In lhTt), also one of tine weather, the paid admission! to Fair mont 1'ark was 82.2 J. The marble room of the German art sec tion was thrown open to the public without ceremony. THE OFFICIAL FIGURES. SLKINO MY 1,OS,037 rttoPLI! PAID TO IE THK KA1H. The official figures ibow that during May l,tViO,037 people laid to i e the world ! fuir, of which number 22 82." w re children, and B4ti,3!ll persons entered on passes. This reirese ts IM!l,41i! I'.Y The total number of tickets aold during month was 1,&!1,41U. 28,328 of which were childre i'i ticket'! en riching the exposition to the sum of ttkrl,4!i8. There are now outstanding 241,413 ticket! bought during Mayj JTrr DAVIS-REMAINS Finally Flaoed in a Deep Orave in the Freaenoe of Thousands. All that ii mortal or Jefferson Davii now rests in Hollywood, at Richmond, Va. Thi special from New Orleans bearing the re maim and escort arrived there Wednesday morning. At the depot the Firat Regiment and tbe veteran! fro:n Lee and 1'lcketl campi were drawn up to do honor to the dead, while thousands of men, women and children, lome of whom had been wit(n. for bouri, testified their s ppreciation of the occasion by the moat respectful silence. Aa the casket containing the body was removed to tbe hearse beads were uncover ed. The procession then proceeded with tbe visiting escort of veterans from varioui Southern States from the post of honor to the State Capitol building, where tbe body was placed in state in the rotunda immedi ately in front of the Senate Chamber. Over 2A.000 people viewed the bier. At 8:30 the remain! were conveyed to Hollywood. Flowers were strewn along the route, and the sight was a beautiful one. At the cemetery the display of veteran wai undoubtedly much greuter tban at the nnveilina of the Lee monument, and never since the war bave io mauv Confederate soldiers been seen in one body in Rich mond. The grave was of unusual depth and lixe and wai carefully constructed of brick and lined at the head with tbe Confederate national flag, at the foot with the bat tle flag and on the sides with broad atripei of red and white the Confederate colon. Aftor the funeral services tbe casket was lowered into the grave and the vaat throng dispersed. Tna Publio Debt Statement. Tbe pu blic debt atatement leaned at Wash ington ahowe a net decrease of 1730,429 09 during tbe month of May, Tba aggregate interest and non-interest bearing debt May 31 waa 1001,790,888 63; on April SO it was 112,407,704 13. The total cash In tba tretuury was 1754,122,884 47 tbe (old reserve 105,048,840 and net cub balance 146, 614,614 aa LATXK W,W WAIFS, PlSASTftlS, Arrt PESTS ARB FATAMTItS, At Detroit, Mich., Lottie Dingemsns, aired 18 years, and her little R-year-old niece, Clara Wagner, were drowned In the river Rouge, Sunday afternoon. The younger child, while walking along the river bank, fell In, and her companion plunged in to rescue her, but both were overcome by the rapid current. William Rente, a stenographer, and wife, Elsie, hii lister, aged 20; Helen Dicta, his hli niece, and Fugh, a young man, were burned to death at a fire In New York City on Sunday. George Coulter, B. J. Morrii, William Cox and John Morrlsaey, firemen, were killed by the falling of a wall at a fire in Omaha Saturday. At Hakersfleld, Cal.. James M. Reed, 43 yeari of age, and hli wife Mary, aged 49 year, were drowned In an irrigation canal. Reed having leaped in to lave hl wife. Ftter McGovern, a young gasfitter, and an unknown girl were drowned in the Fas saic river at Newark, N. J. They were out rowing. RFi.iniori. Refore final adjournment at Readlng.Fa., the Reformed German Synod voted down a resolution that the members do all In their power to overlhow the liquor traffic and use their united efforts to have a clause inserted In the Constitution of the United States to prohibit the manufacture and sale of intox icating liquors ai a beverage by a vote of 36 to 42. The Lutheran General Synod In session at Canton, ()., adopted a resolution forbidding the marriage of divorced persons, except where the party desiring to marry was di vorced upon the ground of the commission of a cardinal sin by hii former helpmeet. ri!CA!tt-IA,L. I'otter's Rank, the oldest in Faulding county, 0., and heretofore considered one of the safest, made en assignment to J. R, Rromlix. The bank was established in 1874 mid always done a large business. It done a largo bulness loaning money on land in that county. Cheverton, Marton A Co., banken.f hic.t go, made a voluntary asigtiment to Abra ham Haldwin. Assets were scheduled at 1100,000 and liabilities at 70,000. At Johnson City, Tenn., the Carnegie Land Company an I Carnegie Iron Com pany made an assignment to J. V. Cure. The liabilities, due largely to Eotern and Northern parties, are placed t 12.000. The assets are estimated at tnoO.OOO. Inability to float bonds was the cauxe. CATITAL AND LABOR. At Cincinnati all of the 70 or more furni ture manufactories. except the Robert Mit chell ant the HussRrothers comparues.ihut down Saturday night, Roth lidei are de termined and the luspcnsion threatens to continue all this year or longer. The fac tories employ 7,003 bands, with a weekly pay roll of 105,000. Tbe lockout will en volve 6,000 employes. CRIME! AND rENAI.TIKS. John Dennis, a negro market gardener, near Laurel, Debt ware, killed bis wife and father because they upbraided him for coming home drunk. Dennis fled to tbe woods, killing the iheriff in hii flight and is at large. If caught he will be lynched. Three American crooks robbed a farmer named Edy, near Rcech Ridge, Ontario.and then murdered him, hii wile and daughter Saturday. The trial of I.iizie Borden for tbe murder of her father and stepmother has opened in New Red ford, Mass. WASHINGTON, Fresident Cleveland returned from his fishing trip to Hog Island Sunday morning. Secretary Carlisle baa returned from bis trip to the Eastern shores of Mary land, where he has been entertained by Senator and Mrs, Gibson. FOREIGN. An earthquake at Guayaquil Ecuador wrecked tbe jail and crushed to death three prisoner. Many public and private build ings were dumuged. cuore. A good wheat and corn crop promise! an era of prosperity in Oklahoma. MONTHLY OIL BUMMABY. Peunsylvanla and Ohio Show an In crease While Indiana Lags There were 193 well! completely in the various oil producing sections of New York, t'ennsylvinii, West Virginia and South eastern Ohio during the month of May, 41 of the number being dry and the new pro duction was 8,131 barrel!. Compared wilb the report for April, there li an increase of 48 completed, 13 dry boles and 1,109 barrel! production. In April 147 well were com pleted, the new production was 0,1G2 bar rels, and 28 of the entire number proved dusters. March completed 140 wells; 33 of them dry and the new production wai 7,- ISO barrel!, Tbe work under way nt thecloaa of Mav consisted of 143 rigs and 203 wells drilling, a decline of 11 in rigs and an increaseof23 in drilling wella, as coniptred with the Ap ril record. This is a net increase of 88 in rigs and drilling wells over the report for March 31, Ou April SO there were 165 rigi and 208 drilling wells In the region, against 2"8 drilling Weill and 130 rigi on the 31st of asarcn. On May J, prices were again advanced for Buckeye oil, and the North Lima product now commands -tit und the South Lima 4A cent! a barrel. The Northwestern Ohio fields completed 128 welii In May. with 6. 85H barrel! production. Compared with April mere were seven lewer wells complet ed, accompanied by un increase of 1.876 barrels in tbe new production. The Ohio fields showed an increase of 20 drilling wells and 85 rigi, a net increase of 61 over the report for April. Indiana completed six more wells In May than in April, but the production was 1. 180 barrels less. Last month s production wai 1,330 barrel! greater than that of March. In Al.ril 80 wella ware conmletad eight of them were dry hole. In May 45 wella were completed, 14 being drv holes, and the new production was but 2,055 bar rels, j.ibu Darreia lev than the preceding month. Tbe new work under way ia nnlv slightly in advance of what it was 30 days A Young Mother Ha Quadruplet. The wife of Mavor Rn n u.. i J -I W- MVHfilWffl! Germany, gave birth to a ouarut r mm. fen, two male and two female. Tha mother it only Uaua of a-. Or What Cm Waa HI. at-n.thr Colonel Fred Duma by, whose ride to Khlya made him famous, was am bltlous when a boy to become the ttrongent man In the world. Ap pointed a cornet In the Royal Home Guards nt 17, he threw himself into the pursuit of muscle. When a pre cise examination demonstrated that bis arm measured round the biceps tevcntoen Inches, his cup of joy was full. It ran over when, at Aldershot, he lifted straight out wlh one hand t dumb-bell weighing one hundred ind seventy pound and no other man in the camp could perform the isme feat He once undertook to bop a quarter of a mile, run a quartet of a mile, ride a quarter of a mile, ind walk a quarter of a mile In a quarter of an hour. Recovered the distance In ten minutes and twenty acronils. A horse dealer arriving nt Windsor with a pair of beautiful ponies that he had been commanded to show the Queen, took thera first to the quarters of the o nicer s of the II'VM Guards. Some of theso. by the way of a surprise, lea the ponies upstairs Into llurnaby's rooms, When the time came for them to bo, the ponies would not walk down-stairs. The hoMe-dealer was in a quandary, but vuung liuroahy caiuo to his help by taking a pony under each arm and walklna down the stairway. Ho wai barely out of his teens when he was acknowledged to bo the strongest man in (ircat lirltain, but bo paid the penalty of success In wasted tissues and falling health. Hit stomach refused all nourishment cave that afforded by ice-cream, und the doctor advised him to travel. Ale ence from tlutv for a lomr t.lntn the abandonment of dumb-bells, and tLa laying aside of his ambition to be come the greatest of athletes restored bim to comparative health. Fish ltecogntre Their Pood It Is a well-known fact that sea anemones have n sense by which they rocoKnlze food. This has been studied recently by Ucrr Kairel, at the Zoo logical Station, in Naples, and he lia endeavored to local izo it Among other experiments a small piece of 8 6ardino was brought carefully to the tentacles of one of tho animals; tbe tentaclo flrst touched, then otheri seized tho food and surrounded it, and the morsel was swallowed. A similar ball of blotting paper, satu rated with sea water, brought neai in the same, way, was not seized. If, however,' the ball was soaked in the Juice of fish it was seized with the same energy as the piece of tlsh, but often liberated again after a time without being swallowed. Wot tin? paper saturated with sugar acted like the other, but more weakly. If sat urated with quinine, it was refused, the tentacles drawing back. Henrietta Hersehfelil, tho first wo man graduate of the Philadelphia Col lege of Dental Hurgery, is assistant court dentist in Germany. Nearly 1000 children arc born yearly in London workhouses. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when lightly used. Tho many, who liro bet ter tluin others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Svrup of Figs. Its excellence is duo to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of R erfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing tho system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given aatisfuction to millions and met with the approvul of tho medical profession, because it acts on tho Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. f-'yrup of Furs is for sale by all drug gists in 60c and f 1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Pyrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, 8yrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if oflered. Eft HSH BR This TraW Mark Is on the twit WATERPROOF COAT SaSSR? In the World 1 A. J. TOW. POSTON. MASS. Do Mot Be Deceived wlta FastM. Lnamals and Palnla whlk I- ak- aaaita, lalure tbe Iroa anil hura rod. td Kniat eiia store roiuo la Hrllltaat, Odor less, DurabU, ana tea amwiiar pays for aa ala r iliii fir km li thi ins m Mew Idea. A Kansas man, B. D. Hanna ol Cowley, has a plan for preserving wheat In the bin free from must of weevil. In 18M he had 1,000 bushels of wheat and placed it in his granary. He flrst placed a stalk of green hemp in the bottom of the granary, and for every load of forty bushels he placed another stalk or a part of a stalk ot green hemp, covering tho top, when the granary was full, with ten or a dozen stalks. When he removed the wheat one year later It was bright, plump, and without a sign of must, mold, or weevil. Live .Stock Indi cator. W Mlval theTroplo.- There are now more than 500,009 almond tiees bearing In tba United Btatee; there are hundred! of thousand of bearing cocoanut traea; thera are more than 1(8 1.000 olive treea, producing fruit equal to the best Mediterranean varietlee. Thera are more than 800 ooo bearing banana plants, SOO.ooo bearing lemon trees, 4.000,000 orange treea. and 1,000,000 pineapples. ' A Matter IT costs more to make Ro'al Baking Powder than any other, because its ingredients are more highly refined and expensive. But the Royal is correspondingly purer and higher in leavening strength, and of greater money value to the consumer. The difference in cost of Roral over the best of the others does not equal the difference in leavening strength, nor make good the inferior work of the cheaper powders, nor remove the impurities which such powders leave in the food. Where the finest food is required, the Rojal Baking Powder only can be used. Where the question of health is considered, no baking powder but Royal can be used with safety. All others are shown by official analyses to contain lime, ammonia or alum. " He that Works Easily Works Successfully." 'Tit very Easy to Clean House With SAPOLIO Do Too Sleep Peacefully f J Blessings light on him J e who Invented that iliep-cbarmtr, tbe jpiLCRim i ISPRINC I BED. : J ' Weep covers a man all over, thonghte J Sand all. like a rlonk. It Is ment for the hungry, drink for tho thirsty, bent for the a I'olil mid cold for the hoi. In short, money thut buya everything, balance ami J a weiirht that makes the shepherd equal to e J the tnoliuri'h und the fool to the wise." J The l'ilurim Is made of Highly Temper- Jed Htftel Wire, is the l'lillKKIVI'ION of I e EASK, and will lost a 1.11 KTIME. lie. e e ware of cheup mnile common wire imita- Jtlous, for "they are not wbut they seem." e t.ihlMtKl at No. 31 Warren Htraal, Saw York; e e Ko. V Hafnlltou flare, Doiuin. 0 ! Kor Mleb,v all reliable lieulera. hre IlraH Tan KmUWred Trademark OB all Z :uruulbe fllprtniB. e ( bna for Moi.rjr Savins Primer, Frae. e AllaaTark t orparattso, Beaten. a J WiasRoisas HoMon, New York, I'hllaitelphla, i I'hlravo, liHlunHire, Han rraticlaro, Lyno. J e FArTnaiu Taunton, kians.; f alrhaven. Mats.; e O Wbltiuau, llaM.1 liuxbury, Uaaa.i Plymouth. 0 J Mmiml e eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaa MEND TOUR OWN HARNESS "aesr" WITH ni THOMSONS H ty j SLOTTED CLINCH RIVETS. No tool! required. OhIt a tiara nitr ntedtd tn drlvt nil c imh tilt-in tiuily and quickiy, laviiig if clinch haoiutrlj smooth. HWquiiltig no hoc to be mi tie in lit leather nor burr tor tli Hi vet a. The? ar troajre louft-li and dnroblt. aiihioii now in ua. Jul terwitia), it n i form r nrteil, put up hi box. jfcafti xowir lmlr for ift.a or wiwl 40a la lUinpa fur a bo ut luu, as aortas ua. alau'Id by IUDSON L. THOMSON MFQ. CO., WALT II AH, NAII. AN IDEAL FAMILY MKDICINE tor laaigeauosta nuiamaaeaaa IUda(br IttuatlpaUoMe Had lHpltiii. 4 ( Hraalhe and all diurdr ot lb flwaukuoa lAVttrmnA Kwela kUPANft TABULI at tcoUy jrrprowi.tiy. F liv ilruirffli trlerta or arnt hf mall, Box s.'kaat(i imj, a). For (re iR)plta-a4ilreM Ull'A.MS mrMloaLC., WrwTark. It any om daabta thai va eaa cur (fa nutiub ttoaua oaa im HtoM U a M him wr.taf paiUcalara tad lnvaU rata our rallab lltr. Uur llainrlal backing Ivefta.MOL Wheti uerrarr BLOOD POISON I A SPECIALTY. lodida pot aw lam, aarsaparillaor UutDpriafja fall, va TU trauMtara a curv and our alatrlo typhi Ian la tba only thlntf that viil car parmaMafaUy. Palitva prw( aaat avalt-d. fraa. cook kaaaov Co.. Cbioafo, III, Garfiold Toa CurMhU'k HtadMb Il?ttraaromulttsiiiu,l Ull la, aanidrra, Uahwiblu iaU Ill W. Win in.,. I, Cures Constipation AGENTS WINTED ON SALARY or coinmlnklon, to banille tba New Patent t'bentleal Ink Kru.luif Fenrll. AseiilH inaklnu S"1' per week, tlouroe Krwer Mf'g Co., 1106a, La Oroua, Wla. 1 A Tl? V'I'G TRADEMARKS. Elamlnalloa J 1 Til I atulaiivlt-e an to pateuutillity eftnventlnn, Hend for Inventors Oulilv.or bow Ui tfe a patent. Vk't JtlL'K O'FAHlltXL, Wwllisuroa. P.O. A-JP ToWgaaaabe inula asontkty fir.ll workiuforB. r. J..bu.uCo., V SafaVW ttciawiia uta st.moiniioiiii.va A Wove! Schema. Frederick Douglass baa organised a company tor tbe purpose ot establish ing a large manufacturing enterprise near Newport News, Va., building a town and giving employment to young negro men and women. 1 ne Iimil ,.r Wlillinn u. ir iiPiiinniT T-i.iH"' etl Is (tenerally happy. If yon are not happy I! employ- may lie iiri-u--- u- n" ."'"' 7.-... '.",- er work. We earnest ly nrire all such persons to er wora. v e earnest ly nrire an piien persons m write to H. F. Johnson A Co., Richmond, Va., and they ran show you a work In which you can b happy and profitably employed. A Frenchman is experimenting with a phonograph upon the language of liens, We will give Sinn reward for any ease nf ear tarrhtbat cannot be cured with nail's Catarrh Cure, laken Internnlly. f. J. 01 amy at Co.. Props.. Toledo, O. The courier system which now prevaili in China was put into operation 1). C. 200. sre your lungs sorer Union's t'nlversal Cough Syrup will cure them. ate. at druggists. In 1S77 composite portrait! were flril taken by Francis Hilton. Beecham Pills are better than mineral wa tera. Beetham'a-no others. g cent a box. Marseilles is the human hair mart. of Health i j (ata,(s gWtjaiMia Miaaja I do you KEEP A JSTORE Or do Business? m Nma a rmatai cara 10 rectiva irat a moat 3 nniqiat proaptctua ol tna greatest buiintu and J with Introductory letter by Col. A. A. i'opa, M M loundar of American bicycle Industrie ; ien. ismiri nicai taaiiiw Kiaw puuiieixr , H. T. WillLamt. tlve leadina ahavine: aoan L maker, C. J. liailey, the fammit rubber bnttli r i l t:..k. w it a niasiiiaiaH-iwrcr, j. w. niuavr, in in ait, t 47. Mut. Accident Aian.: Artemaa Ward, ol m "fuponn-'i m. Ms iuiam. An. wnter tor John Wanamakert J. F. Place, Koc better w I e- . r u: r a i can Food Co. t K. G. Hubbard, Treaa. Larkia M c at j . f li: v u ti V L Murphy Varnish Co.; A. O. Kittradga, Editor r Huainaaei W. L, Douelaa. thi pionear f 1-00 I -v. It f 1. " IS fiuaau is a ik V-U, i a iiuai i u .-nurmiT. rira. suiov bibbs iiw i raw vooipouiy, ooaion maaa, M aaataabVaayil waaii HllTSlitil QT Sand 6c la itampe lor loopafs illuttraltd catalo(iie of bicycles, gnas, and I porting goods of every deacrlptloa. John P. Lavali Anna Oa. Batei. Maaa. P N l 113 'S Tb 1vU 1 1 nod Cream toprator amj ComDlctest of eutfiti for dairv farmer. - Thla mathina hni an atUch:nent whuh, when lha bowl haabecn taken out, it dropped into th Separator ao that a belt can run to lha churn. Write fur further Carticutura. puvla JUukla itl(ltf and Mfa. o., 4o to a V. Lttka St., 1 l.lctot I if. Manuftctura all kinda of Craamcry Machinery and lairy Suppliea. (Agcnti want4 in avary county.) Plaol Reniady aw Caurrb ts tha Heat. Kaiilesl la I'm. ana rhaiMt. aekt ky e.'uuuiu w Moil by aiall, Ms a T. Uusiuaa, Wtrna, r