The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 07, 1893, Image 3

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Otldsd Crfl From Vrnlo Propelled by
Expert Oarsmen. Conveyance
rrom the Island of
OMINrt ilown
broad Rfr))H load
lug from the door
wayof t li A k r i i h 1 -turnl
Untitling to
tint promt Imihim
iiiii IIikIh n chut
terlnji Rlimii nf
lit ho (iikI niiiHiMilnr
Vi-iii'tiiiii". 1'lnrit
iiiK in tin lutein
nntl rnliliing their
fretted Im ws
n jnuM I ho land
itiH nrx t1n gondo
las. Thov are i'ri.
1 elit.nliiutetl it ii il
Iheir ilippitisr keel Bfcm barely to
inni'li tlu water. Ono is of lliif, with
Im hi. (1 Kntitiirtmmnnts nlnngtli." aido,
fringed ciiNliiiinM nf blue IiimIi ami i
gilded stem wrought into fanciful de
)iirn, under which tho velvet liniiv'
ilig drntr lazily in tlio witter. Another
w if yellow, with silver iinn(itiri tiiul
cr.ranE tttr vw,r tonnwT or manc
iArrt'iii:i lifiuDixo.
Ono of these, expert Ixmt'ncti,, any
tlio Cliii'Rw lleeord, Manila mi tlio
ilauoiiiK low nf n Kniicluhi, with hia
Iour, liroail our thrown ncrofta the
tainted lock. Another balances mi
tip-toe nil tlio narrow atom, lnttifir
W4U - .,.,,lllllilriul
forward. Aa pnoh piiHhrs on hia onr
with auddpn vigor tlio Imnt lifts itself
nd darta forward lik a released arrow.
After that the motion ia ono iiiiRlmken
glide. Tlio oar nt tho bow and the oar
tt the atom net co-ordinately. No
word of command passes, but the gon
dola cuts nroiind grawsy point", be
tween moving luimehea and nailer
bridges. The ducks swimming slooply
along the basin scream aud ylide out
of the way.
Then the gondolas carry ouc to points
from which there aro perspectives,
nooks and contrast such na cannot be
fonnd on land. They glide around the
base of the golden liepublic, move
down the center of the grand busin and
iwing under the bridgo to the match
less roadwny between the Manufactures
Building on one side and the Electricity
Building ou thn other. This gives one
of the vistas which satisfy the eye with
suggestion of completeness. To be
sure the dnrk green pulmn along citiipr
aide are still shackled with heavy roves,
and some ol the triumphant colli
are crated m rough acnffolding.
tuese are more apects in the massive
picture. Then the gondolas cross the
calm water to the west, where riaci the
wooded island with the slashed Jnpaneso
roof showing among the bare bnshoa.
U.m): between ixscTmarr and ixaxc-
lo the east the Government building
stands in solitary pomp. The gondolas
find another unexpected path under a
bridge and paaa down tiy the scaly
wings of the Fisheries building and be
tween the posts of the stilted electric
road almost to the gateway of the lake
nd then nndnlate past the majostio
front of the Horticulture, Transporta
tion and Mining buildings and re-enter
the cramped road under the shadow of
the huge Manufactures Building.
The plain American citizen squats
in the yellow plush with tho silvered
ornaments flashing oronnd him, and
rides past the pointing groups with an
much easy dignity as any Prinoe of
the realm, Aa the boat alidw eaUv
mc fa It starting plnee lh gmdolien
draw in their oar anil turn about will
n pnnd-naturcd arin. They aro tin!
r-von breathing heavily, rtlthonqli nn
American boatman would bnvo bucg
roadv tut tlio hospital.
r.nn comyktamcrh fhom MAnrtnA.
Tim li.-oplpof Madeira, enrstlir Chi-
t'jgu Herald in un account of llii
Truii'iiinrtaliim l!:iil'linir, travel in
nIi"Ih, not licetiuso stum- ami ii' nrc on
tin' irroiirnl nt nil times nf tlm year,
Imt Im'ivhimi' th" highways nn.1 byway
lire an prciilinrl v cnntd rni'tii tlmt run
ners nn referniilt- to whceN wlnn
quick trniiHiinriutinn in desired. 'I'lni
streets nf th town lire, paved with
nunc aeareeiy ns lug na linsi Imlle, ami
Ro smooth have they become tlircuiLdi
year of iint'cnHitiK travi'l tlmt tiny
nrn aa slippery na the surface of a
wcll-Hwcpt Hkntin rink. Tim wi-ll-tn-ilo
mini nf Mmli ira trnvrlsin Htiito. Ilia
sli'iln, while not an i'lul)onitii1n tlmaonf
Ta)?yKing Lmlw ig, n.e fully aaniiinlo,
mill look liko n richly upholHtiT"il
rhmoil rnrriagn of nnr iliiy art ii)nn
rlnnmy riiiinrra. Hcntril in thia con-vi-yanon
anil piiiilnd by the utt-rrrr or
pilot, who iliropta thn innvi ini ii(h nf
tlio Imllni'ka from n rear lint honoi iilihi
IiitpIi, thn worthy Minli iriin trnvrln
nlinnt over tlio ghiKHy lint liiirn piivo
ini'iita with nil tlm ooiniihirpiicy ami
ronifort nf a Tianlaiiilcr aittinir out for
! n fi'iint nf Mnlilirr Indiinil n tciiin of
roindvor ami in tint pnlKating rIow of
nn nnrorit. Anothir oonvpyiuipn of
the ppnpln of Mndfiia and one whirh
aiM'ompiinipd the Imllock "part" al
ready ihwrilipil ia th mountain aled.
TRB AOHIfT'LTl'nAt. HnTMrxd.
This looks like a church pew set upoi
runners. The seat will nccommodati
but two persons, however. It ia np
bolstered in red and has uo coveriii
or side curtains. Teoplo of that far
away country who use this convcyauot
simply ait beside, each other bcfor
making tho descent down the well
worn mountain road and then when
the stoerer is ready tho sled pluugui
forward with incredible speed. It il
said that it will slip over thirty and
even thirty-five miles an hour.
ITalr as a Cleansing Agent.
That the hair covering the body oi
an animal or tne nead ol a unman be
ing serves the purposes of warmth and
protection is manifest, but ono would
hardly expect to And that it also actt
aa a cleansing agent. This, however,
appears to be the fact. The minute
scales which cover the outer portion ol
a hair are fastened at one edge and free
Bt the othor, and the free edges ho in
the direction awr.y from the skin. The
surface of a hair, therefore, is like that
of a piece of fur or cloth covered with
nap ; rubbed from root to tip it is
found to be smoother when rubbed in
the eppoBite direction. This being the
case, it is evident that particles of
matter in contact with the hair must
find their direction of easiest motion
to lie toward the tip end of the hair
and away from its root. Ho, by virtue
of the peculiar structure of its surface
the hair serves gradually to remove
from the skiu which it covers all for
eign particles which may have found
lodgment there. The oily secretion,
emanating from the follicle of the
hair probably assists this aotion by
gathering up the line particle of ex
traneous dust and of scales from the
kin, aud thus enabling the hair to re
tain them, so to speak, in the grasp of
its enrious system of brushes. Every
movement of the hair, however pro
duced, must tend to set the particle
ticking upon it in motion, and, a we
have already seen, that motion can be
in only ono direction. New York
New. mow MAwntnt.
ai fvt rTTm """' i
i"'Hif:r' i i 1 "i i i
ulnar is a nrk at thus rATnit't
CANOnaat'R'1 Firs completaly detrojrd
lh farm house of RamusI fkllni In (.'liar-
tiers towmhlp, two mllrs west of tills pises,
and In th conflagration PkliM'llirts jrotmg
t children lost their lives. PkllM wat
awaksneil by tlis noise of tin flamM, and
hurrying, toths kitchen found the room In
(lama. Its smlnsvorsil to aubdii th firs,
but finding that linposillilt turntd his at
tention to rtsrulmt his little onst, who wen
alevplni. In an tipitslrf apartment. Its wai
nnsiiceessfiil In this, and two children, aged
rrp!tlvnly 4 and 0 yrarj, perl-lied In the
llmiips, A bans of only a few niontlie,
which wnatfirrihly Imrnsd, died a fow houtl
Inter. Tho firs orlglnalm! from an overheated
cook itov In the kitchen, In which natural
gas wm used.
l!ci niMJiti.r is Tim Bivirn.
roNNRM.svil.l.R. The Imiliflinf John Hoy,
wife and two children, who were murdered
.Sunday night, were burled In Hill Urov
cemetery Thursday. While preparing
Hoy' body for burial It waf r itruvered that
he had waded into the river up to his arm
pits. This is taken a evidence that he tint
contemplated drowning lilimnlf and then
changed his mind and returned to the buns
killing family ami then himself. As the
fact li not established that Hoy was a murd
erer and suicide, and soma think ha died
defending his fmilly, the l!ev. Father
O'Coniiel decided that his body could be
buried In consecrated ground.
Ml R MINKIIS KATtM.Y in aim.
Trumunt Through th curelessneM of
one of their ntiinher, six miners employeil
at Middle I'reok Colliery, nf th Heading
Coiiipuny, wore seriously burned by un ex
plosion nf gni this morning. They am
Charles Mnurer, John Sengor, Frank Until.
William Holt!!, William llrctzim and Wil
liam Krdinnn. The Injuries of tho llrit four
are fatal. Tin explosion wai cutued by
naked lamp.
On, CiTV. A ewe owned by n farmer liv
ing near Do epseytown gave birth to a mon
strosity which lived but two days. It had
two perfect bodies, except that they had
but on neck and ono head, one heart, four
lungs and two livprs.all apparently healthy.
The pelt was Jet black anil as tins as silk.
Kins Mrs. Antonio Cuhlerheskl, a lady
of Mi), undertook to cross the Lake Hhor
tracks by crawling under a train. The cars
started, and th old lady was mangled to
M ary Hi lev. th queen nf the Ilsenrlng
speak-easy keepers was arrested Tuesday
afternoon. At night eight masked men
forced an entrance through th llurgesa' of-lii-e
and lockup and liroka the luck un ths
cell door In which th sieak-easy .queen
was and released her. A carriage was wait
ing outside and sh was driven off toward
Mt. l'leusiiit. This Ii the third tlm Mary
Kl ley has broken Jail.
Mhs. Naki-y Mi Caiibiohrii wns struck and
Instantly killed by a train on th bake Kris
railroad, near I'litihurg. Her daughter.
Kllen, Id years old, was alo struck and was
probably fatally hurt. The unforliiiiata
women were returning home from church.
Thev were walking linked ara. on
th r llrosd.
Tiir charred remains of Engineer Wallac
who was killed on February 11 in an accident
at Williams ststlon mi the Haltimorn and
Ohio railroad.have been found in the debris
Th gold watch he carried had melted and
was imbedded in the hip bona.
Til big new mill of the Medlx Run Lum
ber Company, in Klk county has begun
operations. The mill will saw 70,000 feel of
lumber a day. The compnny has 2ixi,ihio,0')
feet of timber, chiefly hemlock. About Kit)
men will be employed.
Two i im.imr.; of Francis Showers, a sec
tion foreman on th Vallev road at Ioian'l
Ferry, were drowned while Hilling and
their bodies have not yet been recovered.
They wore aged 1U and 12 years.
Amiion Coi r, aged AO, was found dead
under a trestle In tlnlontown. where h had
been thrown by an engine which ran over
him during the nmht. lie bad been reduced
to pauperism by drink.
Horkrt, an omployn of th rail
road company, while employed in helping
to clear the wrecK of Main's circus, near
Tyrone, was instantly killed by tank fall
tug upon him.
Tiir wtl of Henry Knhn, of Lanraatar,
neglected to call him In time for dinner.
When he awoke be was so angry that he cut
bis throat. Yet he wua old anough to know
batter, being 03.
Tin home of William Donaldson In
Clintonvllle was struck by lightning snd
fired. A daughter of Donaldson, aged 11)
years wns so badly burned that lb will die.
May 31st was the fourth anniversary of
th Johnstown flood, but no publie demon
ration was mad further than to decorui
th grave with (lowers.
Mas. David Lovr aud two daughters, of
Alverton, war dangerously injured in a
runaway yesterday. Th older daughter ii
probably fatally injured.
Tiir 10-year-old son of George bont of
Uecksburg, Westmoreland county, fell fron
s tre snd struck on a snag, frightfully in
juring himself.
RxroRTs received at the oftlc of th fltar
board of agriculture indicate a bountiful
crop of all kinds and of ston fruit except
Mrs. OrnmiiANA Frrrmak, of Mt. Holly,
left her baby at home alone for a few hours.
When sb returned the child bad cried itself
to death. Rai.tards, who killed Policeman
Oeorge Martin in April at Carlisle has bean
found guilty in th first degree.
Tux Morgan tunnel on th Stat Lint
railroad, near Sinitbtleld, caved in Saturday
It will take two weeks to clear it
Kxw Castli peopl have offered 1100 for
the arrest of some oh who is poisoning
valuable dogs,
Axdrrw Gum. was smothered to death by
cav-in In a clay mln at Rurabaugh.
A Bio religions revival is being conducted
tt Dunbar, by the Rev. F. E. Smiley.
A MTTtt child of Mr. RufTher was drown
ed in tub of water at Crabtr.
A Half Million Patent Issusd.
Th Patent office at Waibington ha cel
ebrated th Issuance of a round half million
of patent. Patent No. 500,000 has bn Is
sued, and tb office has started with good
Uady gait toward th 1,000,000 mlleMon
marking the progress of Inventlon.Tb man
who received patent No. 600,000 la Edward
B. Hyde, of Dabuqu, la.
Twenty Collasp In th tt Flv
Months. With a Capital of 18,180,000.
A statement prepared by Controller Eck
laat Washington, shows thst from Janu
nary 1st to Jims 1st, 20 national banks, with
capital of lO.IM.OUO.have filled, as (gainst
seven national banks, with capital ol
1030,000 for the corresponding period ol
1802. Th banks that hay failed this year
Capital National Bank, Lincoln, Neb ,
Banker and Merchants' National Bank,
Dallas, Tel., First National Hank, Utile
Hock. Ark., Commercial National Bank,
Nashville, Tetin., Alabama National Hank,
Mobile, Ala.. First National Bank, I'nnca,
Neh Hecnnil National Bank, Columbus,
Tenn., Klmlra National flank, Elmira, N,
Y., Chemical National Bank, Chlesgo.C'apl
tal National Dank, Indianapolis, First Na
tloual Hank, Cedar Falls, la., Flrsl National
Bank, Brunswick, I la., Oglethorpa National
Hank, Brunswick, la Evsnslon National
Bank1 Evsnston. III., National Hank nf
Deposit, New York, National Hank nf
North Dskota, Fargn, N. I)., National Hank
I.atons, N. D., (iulf Nalinnai Hank, Tampa,
Fla., First National Hank, Hradllck. iex.,
total banks, ; total capital, rt.l.W.UM.I
Pennsylvania Legislature.
Kmirry. Ninth Day. Ilia sennt had a
hot I session this afternoon to consider bills
on second reading. To-nnilit house bill to
make taxes assessed on rra! estate a llrst
lien was detested, as was bill to provide for
apimlntmant of inspectors of meals nllered
for sale. An ong other bills passed finally
was the one authorising the superintendent
nf publie Instruction to plain in each public
school a copy of Hniull a handbook. Th
firemen's relief association bill, requiring
all foreign tire Insurance companies to pay
one hall the bonus received by the Htate
treasury for permission to do business in
this tate Into county, city and township
treasuries for the snpimrt of the fire nan s
association, and which had been vetoed by
the governor several days ago, was called
up lor passag and the inventor was sus
tained. Th Belial did not adjourn until
In the House th senate hill holding In
surance companies responsible for the rep
resentations nf their agents passed second
resiling by a strong vote. Henator Lynn's
bill authorising the Incnrporatinii of com
panies for construction and maintaining
boulevards passed second reading in the
hoiisn. (Inventor I'aitison untitled the house
of his approval of the Kearns I'lnkertun
(iov. I'attlaon sent a messsga to the senate
notifying It of hia disapproval of Henator
Murk ley s resolution for th Investigation
ol insan asylums, penitentiaries, reloriua
toriea and hospitals.
.lisrriFTii Day In the Hensts scores of
ippropriatinu bills were passed Dually,
anionic them one for thn erection of an in
stitution in Western I'eiinsylvanin for the
feeble-minded, appropriating vsi.msi. The
Keiiate. by a Vote of 21 lo :l. passed over the
Governor a veto th hill originated by (tiles
D. Price, of Erie, appruprialiiig tl,' for
the purchase of AUO copies of his prnMised
Index to local legislation from tin year
1700. The Hen ale refused to concur In tlie
House amendments to the Haker Hal lot
hill supplement by a vote nf 23 to II). These
bills passed dually: To extend the limits
3 resldenco of and powers nf notaries pub
lic. To prohibit iiedilling without a license,
rnmaka Important changes in the regula
Hun nf the National Wuanl The Kenat
pa-aeil the pure lo m! bill w tli hut alight
meiiilmenis. Henator McCarrell made
vutoruiis Unlit to except th ilnu Interests
from the stiiervlsion of th Htate hoard of
iiealtn nut laiieu. tne great majority oi tn
Vnate being opposed to the proposition.
The Neshit lull providing fur Improvement
of the public mad system as amended, was
Iiassed llnally. The foliate disposed of ell
nils un the calendar.
In tha House these bills passed finally:
To aulbnrlre councils of cities of the second
class to tlx the salary of the Hoard of Asses-
tors ami to II x the nase lor the (letermlns
linn and classification of real estate; to au
thorize the commitment nf minors tn
charitable societies in cities of tha first and
lecoiiil class; tn pruvide lor the election of
jne ierson to till otllces nf prolhunotary,
clerk of th courts, and one pen-on to fill th
uttlce of rririster, reuurder and ilerk of or
phan's court In cilies containing 4Q,UU0
Inhabitants; to prnviil fur th assessment
nf damages when B' reels and alleys are
(hanged In grade or location; to authorize
Mrnoratioiis to Increase their capita! alock
lo t.'Kl.oisi.isii); lo provide for apisjintraent of
tme or more deputy coroner in rural
The Unvernor vetoed the act to exempt
(tfTicers of tire departments in third class
turns from the general law that all city
afHcera shall lie apiminted by th Mvor
with the consent of council.
Ninirrv.FiasT DiT -An o m th bills nsss
d finally in th senate war the: Marsnall
fine i.ina bill; lo appropriate io,uuu to iue
normal school at California: to n ak an
appropriation of tMKX) for tb construction
ot a cnannei lor neesons run inrougn ieu-
vllle; to make an appropriation of
to enable the Governor to afoul r snd equip
a Htate quarantine station for the port of
In the House these bills passed finally:
To provide for half holidays on Haturday
during the entire year; to authorise the
committment of minora by niairistrata,
Justices of the peace or Judges to charitable
societies; to create the office of county con
troller In counties containing over l.W.000
inhabitants; to further extend th Jurisdic
tion of tha courts in casea of divorce; to
provide for th punishment nf persons
willfully procuring th publication of fait
statements; to regulate th satisfaction, ex
tinguishment or discharge of dowers, lega
cies or other chargea upon land; to extend
act of 1HH6 ao aa to embrace corporations or
ganized by purchasers of railroads at sales
under powers of sal contained In mort
gage or deeds of trust without process or
decrees of court; to provide for considera
tion of borough; to authorise cilies to
make appropriations for free libraries; to
require better protection of health and
morals ot school children; to repeal all laws
providing for publication of mercantile
appraiser lists; lo prevent entering of trot
ting or racing horses out nf their classes.
The Uovernor approved these bills: Con
current resolution asking Pennsylvania
members In congress lo support th bill for
a ship canal to connect th water of I.ak
Erie and th Ohio river; directing th county
commissioner of th several counties to
procure, bind and preserve copiea of three
weekly newspapers published within each
county; to authorize courts to appoint com
missioners to ascertain and establish dis
puted lines between cities and boroughs.
The senate conlirned ths nomination of
N. C. Hhaoder, as Superintendent of Public
Instruction. The Uovernor has signed th
Half Holiday bill.
Th Senate has passed Werthelmer't bill
authorizing distillers of spirituous or vinous
liquors to sell liquors of their own mmu
facture. in original ackage of not less than
4D gallons, without a license. Speakei
Thompson signed the bill, and it has gon
to the governor. The veto of the gnyernoi
on th compulsory education bill wat
sustained by th hous to-night after a
lively debate,
Aa reported from the commute of con
ference, and in the shap that It will reach
the governor, the amended Baker ballot
bill now provides that a cross in a circl at
th head of tb party column means a vote
for th entlr ticket; also that tb statement
of voter that, on account of physical dis
ability, be desire belli, shall entitle him I
hav an assistant in th preparation of hit
ballot But if h misrepresents hia ability
to mak np hi ticket a nalty of 80 days
In Jail and 8100 fin is flxsd. When vi
dira to cut his ticket o make no mark
in th circle, but place th cross opposite
sen name.
NuiRTT-PlxroRn Ann ,Atf DAT. After
closing sceniss unparalleled In th history of
Pennsylvania Denrl Assem
bly adjourne.l al noon Thursday, tb Hons
leaving an unfinished ralemlar of Kenat
bills on which IM measures nf Varying im
portance are now sleeping for two years at
least, and many nf them loreyer. Seldom,
If ever, has the list ol unfinished legislation
attained to such proportions, and It is tn be
hoped that never In the past was tb failure
to transact public business due, as it was
last nlaht. lo deliberate purpose rather
than th lack nf tint tn properly consider
ann Rive it tn legislative sanction, io iiuiy
fiorlray Hie scenes or confusion, strlle aiu
llihusterlng would lake loo much apace.
Ho far as th Hons is concerned tn sub
ject may be dismissed with th statement
thai certainly nothing hecsins It less than
the manner In which It passed from official
existence Into ths history of the Commons
wealth. The earlier portion nf last night
was consumed in the consideration nf con
ference reports, with occasional action on
th calendar, and until after th mhlnlghr
aiijournment ths house maintained a dig
nity and food order seldom witnessed dur
ing th closing hours of a session and which
caused much womb-ring and even flattering
comment. But It was only th calm before
the storm. Immediately on rea semblliig
th purposes of a large section nt tho mem
bership became plainly apparent, and after
that the bouse was the scene ol a desperate
and successiul eltort to carrj them out.
Among tliis bills that tell war those gy.
Ing street railways Hi rinhltocsrry mad
nd express; permitting the ears ot street
railway companies tn be rim on the tracks
of other companies; the l.anbsih bill prattl
ing electric railways the right nf eminent
domain; the amended Hanking Department
act; the McKeesport bill relating to the as
sessment of agricultural lands In cilies of th
third class; changing Hie method of electing
members of th Slatefloard nf Agricultural;
authorising natural gas companies to man
ufacture or purchase and supply artificial
gas: tha l.lovd Townsliin Road bill; th
Pittsburg Hoiilevard hill; authorizing trans
fers nf retail liquor licenses by th Conns
nf Quarter Sessions; aethnrislng school
hoards to piirchasa public school libraries
in their dl-trlt'ts; providing for th appoint
ment nf State flame Coinmissionets; en
larging (he cause of action In divorces: pira
vlifiiiR for the adoption of trade marks by
associations or unions of worklngmen; giv
ing discretionary powers to the trustees of
the Mercer Hospital.
The Factory Inspection hill was called up
nut nf order and passed, and the Conference
Conimltlee reinserted thn appropriation for
Inspector Watchorn's salary in th t'mieral
Appropriation bill.
I lie amended Haker ballot law provides
a tiena ty of inn Hue and :(Ddays Imprison
ment where a voter falsely pleads disability
In order to obtain ussis'ani e in making his
Until Houses met at II o'clock, th gal
leries in eaclt branch being crowded with
spectators. In the senate lienrge Handy
Hmiih nominated Senator C.Wesley Thomas
of Philadelphia for president pro tern. Sen
atur Monaghan did tne samn act for Mr.
Markley, id Montgomery, thn Democraiis
raucus candidal. Mr. Thomas was elected
by a Party vote, and after delivering a little
speech of thanks was sworn ill by Judge
Slinoiitou. The usual resolutions of thanks
to Lieutenant Uovernor Watre. President
protein. ' loom and the clerks of the sen
ate wereoffered with compli i entary speech
es, and. on behalf of tb senate. Mr. Ross
the liemocrstu: leader, presented Ueneral
Oobin with a handsome silver service.
Hi i liar resolutions were presented u lb
Hons re stive to th Speaker and tit
clerks, even the now spsier n en coming
in for a generous resolution nf thanks fot
tlndr impartial account nf legislative trans
actions. Mr. Fow. lor the House, presented
Speaker Thompson with an foak rase of
silver knives and forks, and Mr. Riter pres
ented a siniiliar set toChief Clerk Vooruees.
Mr. Voorhees also presented the Staki
with a gold mounted ivory gavel. All
the clerks received presents of various sorts,
end resolutions of sympathy lor Messrs.
Lawrence, leds, arid lewksbury, who wers
absent throtifh Illness, wer adopted. Until
Houses adjourned sine die at noon Thurs
Th governor approved the following
bills: Concurrent resolution asking Pennsyl.
vsnia members In Congress to support the
bill for a ship canal to connect Jthe waters
of Lake Erie and th Ohio river; directing
lu cniinty commissioners oi tn several
counties to procure, bind and preserve
copies nf three weekly newspapers publish
ed within each county; to authorize courts
to appoint commissioners to ascertain and
establish disputed lines between ci tins and
boroughs; the Sauirdsy Half Holiday bilL
Brazil wants Chinamen.
MicmoAN's Legislature has adjourned sine
ItnssiA produce 111, C10 barrels of petro
leum dally.
Tna Htate r.ningn and the Htate Alliance
has ccaleacnd In Texas.
Floods, drouth and locusts are afflicting
various parts of Europe.
Thousands nf cut t ht are being sent from
Texas to Montana for pasturago.
A Texas farmer has planted 800 acres of
Cass County land In cantaloupes.
Kassas corporations in future must file a
Schedule ot their assets and liabilities.
Eroi.akd has solicited American designs
for carts to be used by the army In India.
Tax demand of Italy for wheat this year la
efllnlully announced at 113,000,000 bushels.
Louisviu.r, Ky., offers 11, 000,000 bonus
fnr the transfer of the State capital to that
A Mrxicar official connected with the
stamp department of that country has ab
eonilnd with 450,000.
Thk Cramps are rushing the work on the
new aliljxs for thn United HUtes Navy 4000
men being employed.
Amoku tbe queer exports from France to
Mexico la a complete dry dock, which Is to
be set up at Vera Crux.
Tax Dock Board of New Yor Clt7 nas
adopted plan to build new plera aai bulk
head at a coat of ll, 000,000.
Thbooohoct North Oermany, Anuria,
Hungary and Bulgaria eufflclent rains have
fallen to Insure good a harvest.
OovRSNoa Tillmar, of Houth Carolina,
expects a balf million dollar profits the first
year under the new Htate saloon law.
Aa American physician baa been stationed
at Hamburg, Oermany, to guard against any
cholera suspects being aeut to tne I'nited
Ths German Emperor baa ban a perfectly
modeled small steel fortress erected at Potta
dam as a plaything for the Crown Prince and
hia brothers.
Tna Premiers of Victoria, New South
Wale, and Houth Australia recommend the
adoption by all the Australian colonies of
uniform banking laws.
Abundant warm rains followed by sun
shine have Improved the prospects of the
Russian harvest. On tbe whole the crop
promise to be fairly good.
A dispatch from Zanzibar says that Tin poo
Tib had received a letter stating that Emln
Pasha had been killed by alave banters, lie
is sold to have been abed at the time.
Biwos January 1st (60,000,000 In gold
bave been exported to Europe and the ex
port movement. Instead of having abated,
seem to bave reoelved fresh Impetus.
A wrolx village of S81 Inhabitants, en
caged In an Important Industry near Bltaoh
Lu Lorraine, Oermany, will be dismantled to
form practise ground for the artillery.
Tax elaas of "93 at th West Point Military
Aoademy la tbe imallaat In several years. The
preaent flnt olaas entered with membership
of over 100. Heslgnatlon and th pruning
knife of professors brought the nrimbe down
to Ofty-ooe,
It Was iomwhst Barrsn of Espsoiatlf
Important Result. A Ores! Many
Bill Were Introduced, But tho
Ones That Want Through Hot
of Far-Raaohlng Interest.
Th session of tha Pennsylvania Legisla
ture tist ended was somewnat barren of es
pecially Important results, While largo
number of hills were Introduced, and mans;
passed gnally, neither those which received
th legislative sanction nor thos which Ml
wr of especially general Interest.
The amended Haker HallSt law work
some Important change, but was not to tho
radical extent Its supporters desired. It and
th hills fixing polling places within tbo
territorial limits of th election districts,
and forbidlng political committee paying
for naturalisation papers, requiring lec
tors lo yota where domiciled and making
election days legal half holidays, are tho
principal measures of a political character.
. Tne labor legislation was practically In
cluded In the amended Factory Inspection,
Compulsory Arbitration, and Antl Pinker
ton bills, and the revised llitumliioti Mine
Ventilation law. Thn first Saturday ia
(September was made Labor Day.
There was a great deal of school legisla
tion, and erhaps the most Important hill
of the sets-Ion was the Farr Free Text Rook,
bill, with Irs accompanying appropriation
of s.'too.iiito for the purchase of books. Oth
ers worthy nf not are those regulating tho
salaries of county stiieriiilnndeiits prohibit
ion them for eng-igiii in leaching, except
Srntuiioiisly, prohibiting member of
oardsof school control irom holding sal
aried positions miller tbe boards; giving
graduates f chartered colleges thn same
rights to teachers' permanent certificate
etioyed by normal school graduates, and
authorising clues and boroughs not divided
Into wards lor school purposes to maintain
high schools. The salary nf the State Su
perintendent of Instruction waa also
increased from 2,.VSl(i
The re equipment of tha National Ouard
was provided for, snd a reorganlsstiou bill
making sums Important clianxes was past
ed. A naval militia was also established.
An Industrial home for soldiers' orphan
was created, with .111 appropriation for its
erection, and ilia law governing the Soldier
and Sailors' Home at Krin was amended by
externum! the right of admission to soldier
of other States who have lived five yrar In
Pennsylvania. Fraternal societies war de
fined arid regulated, and a separate bill was)
I isssed in relation to tb benefits paid by
The main hills sfTectlng th agricultural
interest were those creating th oftlc of
Dairy and Fiki I Commissioner and that pro)
Piloting th use of oleniararliie in institu
tions receiving Hint aid. The appropriation
fnr tha salary and expenses of thn Dairy
and Food Commissioner was defeated, con
sequently th law is practically nugatory
urirll the next session The two things In
which the fsrmers wer really Interested
were the additional appropriation of another
million dollars annually fur publio school
and tb bill changing the method of elect
ing member of th State Hoard of Agricul
ture. Hntli nf these were lost on the last
nighl of the session, and lost by th filibus
tering by representatives of th rural coun
ties, who were sppsrently willing to defeat
measures In wup-h their own constituent
wer interested in order to defeat those
which they thought would benefit people to
whom they were opposed.
Among other lesdip-t measure passed
and which lik thos enumerated above
have received the Governor's approval. wer
the following: F.stsblishing Sta'e Hoards o(
Medical F.xamlners; repealing th law per
mitting physicians to be pharmacist with
out pas-lug th prescribe-1 examination;
authorizing!! Governor to commission
women as notaries; defining second degree
murder; punisiiiiiR frauds by th keeper '
of stallions; providing lor the safety of em
ployes in new biiildinKs: creatin-x borotieh
boards ol health, aiithorlsiu g the formation
of co-oprativ hanking associations; appro
priating VHi.0O0 for a state library build
ing and 2!t,'t) for re l odeiing the present
cspitol. punishing dairy adulterations;
creating a Forestry Commission: regulating
mi lease and eainses of presbmntial elec
tors; prohibiting of minora under U running
elevators; general dog tax law, and compil
ing thecorporpation laws of the State. Tbo
I'K-al prohibitory laws for th boroughs of
Mt. Piessant, Westmoreland Bounty and
Verona, Allegheny county. wre repealed,
and the former has been signed by tho
(iovernor. He has also approved tha Setur
oav Half Holiday bill.
There are nearly 20O bills yet in tb hand
of the Uovernor, most of which r appro
priation bill, and will likely be disposed of
rapidly. Hie Kxcellency has :K) day In
which to approve or veto tha measure left
over, and there will probably be delay with
rgsrd to many of th mora important gen
eral billa. Among these are the Haker Bal
lot and Ueneral Appropriation bills, tbe
IJiiarantiue law. tbe bill establishing an
emergency fund of II ',0 for use by tho
State Hoard of Health in case of e daemica;
th McCarrell bill permitting street railway
to consolidate; abolishing ciry treasurer
fees; Factory Inspection bill, authorising
courts to ap. olnt Ins ectors of school hous
where school board bsve failed to provide
adequate accommodations, and providing a
penalty for auch neglect in school board;
Deputy Coroners bill; permitting mechanic
Journeymen and laborers to HI liens fos
wage against building on which thy have
been employed, and th ilawit Pur Food
During th Mission 1.120 house and senate
bills warn introduced in the house. Of tho
hous bills 2U wer negatived. 100 iad a
first time only. l'4 re i a second tlm and
postixirisd or failed, i-'t read a third tiwa
and failed, and 8 not read at all. Thar were
371 passed and sent to the senate.
Fifty-four senate bills were nejatl ved; T
fell on second and 13 on third reading, and
100 psaaed finally, making the total number
of bill passed by tbe house 311. The total
number of bills sent to the Uovernor from
both branches was Vl, H approved l.W.
vatoed i and 10 were recalled before tho
session closed. Of th 271) leftover b sign
d 101, ail appropriation bills.
Among tb House billa that wer not
niched on third reading war those for the
lamination and rcgiatration of minara;
creating a new normal school district; tax
ing beer 14 cents a barrel, and ail tb pro
posed amendment to th Constitution. Tho
Senate billa empowering boroughs to estab
lish polic pension funds, paying bountiao
for th destruction of wild cats, and stab
ilahlng a Hut Board of Undrtakts were
not reached 00 second raiding.
trx cash ox bard.
Ha bisbiiru The statement of tho
amount in the Slat Treasury at th clo of
business on May 31, txelusiv of money
appropriated to the sinking funds, shows
7,-917,134 M) hand.
VoPrent Far of ChoUra.
Treasury officials are not apprehensive
thst cholera will appear iu this country.
Th government is observing all know
precaution lo prevent th disease reaching
here, and the efforts will be donbly ls
creaiwd now that cholara has appeared tt
Hamburg. It la not thought ueorMsry to
quarantine against any of tbo Eeropeaq
port, but should cholera increase Htcrxtary
Carlisle will not hsautat to d? m.