The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 07, 1893, Image 1

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Urtllrodti fflmi CaMre.
TjlTFKXfirwtTK 11 KSTKK & 1'ITTS
Tin-slum Hiii- lieitteen 1'iilloK Hldimny,
Prndfiird, Hnlnmiineii. Itnfliiln. Km-he-der.
NliigHifi rutin nnd point In the iil'''
""(in nnd after Nov. l:H1i. IW. nnwen
gertrtiltinwlll nirlvennd depnri from riiln
t'reckntiitlim, dally, except fundiiy, flu fol-
Tiiu' A. M. Hrndfnrd Arrommodnlliin-Kor
nihil Ninth between l-'nll t'rrek nnd
llnidford. 7:IA n. m. mixed trnln for
10:O5A.M.- Iliitlnlontid Hin-henler miill-lor
HrncKwnvvllle. Kldu-wiiy..lihiinnliiint,Mt.
Jewetl, Hindfuid.HiliiiiiiiiiiH, Hunnlo nnd
Knehenter; cnnneetln nt. .tohnwinlHir
Willi I. K. iniln :t. for Wilcox, hum-,
lni-f-i.n f'ju-rv find Krle.
10:&A A. !. AriMiinniiMlntlon For Hullo!,
Syki'H, Ilia Knn mid ninXMiltiiw ney.
'It A. .T VI-l-lllltlMIMIIIl ......
vle Ilia Knn mid I'linXMlltnw ney.
l.on li XI ItftKlff irtl Aefiimmodiittnn r
Hi-eehtree, llimkwiivvllle, r.iinmin, i nr
mon, Klduwiiy, .limitnonliurir, Mt.Jcwett
Hiid llniilford. ,
4:50 I'. M. Mil 1 1 For HullnK Sykcn, lllR
Kiiti, lMinxniiliiwney nml Wnlnlim.
7lS& I'.Sl. ArnininiixlMtlmi-l or lhiHuHnlK
lluti nnd I'linxnulHwney.
Train Arrive 7:10 A. M AiTommodiitlon
iinXKiiliiKiK'V; li: A.M. .Mull from wnl
Mon nnd riinxniltliwiiey; li):M A. M.. Ai
conimiMlntlon from llnidford! 1:20 r. M .,
Aeenmmodiitlnn from I'linxnutiiwnry, 4:S0
1'. M Mull from Hiiffiilo nnd Hin-hcnters
7:ltt I'. M., Aceninmndiithm from llnidford.
Thoiiwind mile tleket nt two cent per
mile. iiikmI for pieewiio between nil nlutlim.
j. II. Mc-Intyhk. Agent, I'lilhereek, I'll.
Uenrrnl dipt. Hen. I'a. Awiit
Hi milord I'll. Km-hc-iter N..
t'OMTANY commonclno; SundHy
Poc. IS, 112. Ixiw (Jrndo DlvtHiun.
No.l.lNo..V Nu.n. nil
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tilen Fisher....
No.2 1 No. INo.101
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P. M.A M.I P. M,
Tralnn dally oxeept Sunday.
DAVID McOAHOO, Okn'i.. ftirr.,
I'htNliurg, I'll.
J AS. P. ASDF.USOX, UKK'I.. Task. Adt.,
t'ltlxhiirg, Pa
IN EFFKCT MAY 21, 181)3.
Philadelphia & Eric Knllroiid Dl vision Time
Tamo. I ruliw leave nrinwonu.
9:04 A M Train k, daily exeept Hmiday for
Ftinimry, narriHnurj; ann iiuiTmeiiiaxe niii'
Violin, nn iTinii ri 1 ,i.-iiiiin ".. r. m.t
'ew Voi U. U M l. H . 1 Kalllnioru. H:4A I'. M.t
WaHlilngton, Nil?! P. M. riillman Parlor ear
from Willlamiport and paHHongor coaehon
from Kane to Philiulelphlu.
8::m P. M. Train II, dally exeept Kiindny for
llHrrlNburg and Intermedlaui kiiiiIoiim, nr
rlviinr at IMilladelliliia 4:: A. M.l New Vork.
7:10 a. M. Through eoaeh from IIiiIIoIh to
xvmiamapnrt. riillman Mopping earn irom
llarrlnhiirg to Plillndelphln anil New York.
I'hlladulphla paiwengerN ran remain in
xleeper uiiillstlirlM-d unl 11 7:1x1 A. M.
S-.SI5 P. M. Train 4. daily for Hiinhurv. llnrrln
burg and Inlurmedlato hi minim, arriving at
Philadelnhla. niM) a. M.: New York. Il::m
A. m.i Halilinora, :2U A. M.l Vahlngton,7:.'l0
A.M. Pullman earn and pniwenger eoaehen
from Krle and WllllHnmportto Phlladelpliia.
PaHHtiiigera in nieeimr for Haltlmore and
Wanlilngton will be I mm-ferred Into WbkIi-
ington Bluuiwr at iiarriHiiurg.
7:3.1 A. M. Train 1, dally exeept Sunday for
Itldgway, I u Hols, Clermont and Inter
medlnte Htnlloiin. Leaves Kldgway lit a:U0
p. m. for JM'lll.
:.10A.M Train 8, dally for Erlo and lnter-
lnedlnun nolntM.
6:27 P. M. Train 11, dally exeept Hunilny for
Kane and Intermediate ntatloiiH.
TRAIN II leaven Phlladeliiliia n:N) A. m.
Washington, 7.WA. M.i llultlmnre, mini. M.
Wilkenliarro. 10:1.1 A. M.i daily except Hun
l'ulimau Parlor cur from Plilluduipliiu to
l..u ...lull., .. Ilrlfltu.ul nl A9? n u with
THAIN a leaven New York at 8 p. m.: Phllo
delnliia. 11:20 n. ni.: Vanhlnglon. 10.40 a. ni.
Baltimore, 11:40 p. 111. dally arriving at
Irift.wood lit ll:A0 a. in. Pullman Hleeiilng
ram from Phlladeliiliia to Krle and from
wiiKtilngton anu italllliiore to w iuiamsHir:
' and I hrouirh iiaHnemrer eoaeben from Phlla
del phi a to F.rle and Hultlniore to WiUiums
port and to Dulfoln.
TRAIN 1 leaves Itenovo at 6:3.1 a. m.. dully
exunpt Huiuliiy, arriving at Driftwood 7:aS
(Dullv except Bunday.)
TRAIN 10 leaven lilditwitv at 11:40 a. m.l John.
sonhurg at l):oo a. ni., urrlvlng ut C'lurmout
at u. ni.
TWAIN Ull leaves dermont at 10:M a. m. ar
riving at Jolinnonliurg at 11:40 a. m. and
King way at it :ou u. ni.
WiS 940 Itldgway T5S foci
' 12 In 4M Inland Kun 1 20 U 51
12 22 OKI Mill Ilavon lilt 6 411
" , 12;il 10 02 Di-oyland 1IIH tia.1
liim 10 10 HhortnMlllH 12.111 6 SO
1A 42 10 IA lllue HH'k 12 A4 tl 2.1
12 44 10 17 Vineyard ttun 12 A3 6 2a
12 4M 20 20 Currier 12 AO II 21
100 HUB Broekwayvllln 12 ilk II (W
110 10 42 Mi'MInn tiunimlt 12 all 5A7
114 10 4k llarveyn Kun 12 211 6,12
120 10 AA Fulln Cl-eok 12 20 6 45
14A 11 OA Dullols 12 (J6 6iW
F.aMlward. Wentwurd.
Train n, t :17 a. ni. .' Train a, 11:;14 a. m
Tntlull, 1:4.1 p, in. Train 1, 8:00 p. m
Train 4, 7:AA p. m. Train 11, 8:26 p. ui
It M. I'llEVOKT,
' Gun, Muuuger.
J. It. WOOD.
We pus earn other on life's !nnniiot r.tnlrn;
New gnents urn innnnting to the fnntnl unlit.
V Idle wo defreml tritfethrr to the Duht,
Clone muffled 'gainst the outnldo wintry airs.
They tread upon our shadows n the y rtlmb
Vlth quick, strong stops to Join tho orowo
and crush.
We noe In sparkling eyes and nprnklnu blush
How expectation gilds the coming time.
Young forms go by on, tonnlng rosy sprays.
In brave appnrel, tints or llnwcr and nird.
Of blonsom patches by the mimmor stlrr'd.
With sheen of silk and arms that srnltrr rays.
Knew we snch cost, truo hunrt, when mount.
Ing up?
Such haste to lift the rhnllee to onr lips.
To learn if pleasure sweeter Is in sips.
Or when, with manhood's thirst, we drain the
Shall wo stand by and carp at these and suyi
"Oo, giddy ones and mothlike Are youi
Pleasure la pain, and laughter sorrow
Shall we speak thus who one were young as
Farewell! We've supp'd. Life's wine was keen
and bright)
Old friends move by nnd gain the outer door;
iiionmu uiuns uiiuuisniiu n uui mvi u iirui
And past the shadows gleams the dlstnnt light!
W. W. Alasten.
The Ilrain Work of Fashion,
Fashion makors, like poets, are born,
not inuile. It is not the ftreat artists or
the leading aociety lniHes, not even the
fiiinous beauties, any more, that make
the mode. Tliey introiluce it, Indorse,
it, realize its piwHibilities, nnd nil the
world follows. But the real inventor of
motley like the inventors of other innr
vols, live nnhonored and die unsnnp;,
while tlie other fellow Rfts the benefit.
They are qniet women or men, unknown
to the fashionable clientele, employed by
leading business houses to puzzle out
week after week something now and
startling, to evolve from their inner con
sciousness effective novelties to catch
the fancy of rich ond capricions women
animated by a desire to outshine their
And these qniet women are playing a
great part in tho cultivation of the Ixmu
tiful and the encouragement of art.
Why should it bo accounted as less an
art to minister unto the taste for the
beautiful in the dress of women than in
the elevation of the ideal in fine build
ings or exquisite hangings nnd decora
tions, save only that the art of dress hns
no perpetuity, no fixed nnd unalterable
standard of excellence? New York Bun.
Wealthy Heirs In a Hovel.
Here Is a pathetic story from Sydney:
A leading solicitor of that city one morn
ing' roneived instructions to hunt np a
young man who had quitted England 10
years previously. After a considerable
amount of trouble his efforts were re
warded, and he won directed to a certain
hovol in a low qnarter of Sydney. Thoro
he found a hut, which boasted a box and
pile of rags and straw for its sole fur
niture. A weary woman, with traces of
former beauty in her face, begged that
she and her former husband should not
be turned ont of their dismal abode until
the latter was better, and a hollow eyed
invalid, stretched on a pile of rags in the
corner, echoed the petition. And these
two people were the heirs to a fortune of
30,000. Boston Traveller.
Breeding Two-tailed Goldfish.
It is the general belief of many leading
lchthologists that the goldfish really be
longs to no genera or specie in fact, they
believe it to be a monster brought about
through breeding. This belief has been
strengthened by the fact that it is now
well known that the ingenious Celestial
has actually bred a whole colony of gold'
fish, each having two well developed tails
and two sots of anal fins. Biologists of
national reputation in this country say
that it would be equally as easy a task
to breed quadrupeds with eight logs.
Bt, Louis Republic.
Strange Acta of the Apostles,
'Mamma," said 5-year-old Nina, just
returned from Sunday school, "I dont
like the disciples. I think they were
"The dreadful child!" said mamma to
papa. "What does she mean?"
"What makes you think so, Nina?"
asked papa.
"Why," replied Nina, "our lesson to
day said thoy went through a cornfield
on Sunday and pulled each other s ears,
New York Tribune.
MTiat He Forgot.
Little Johnny Can I have some more
Momma Do not say "can;" say, "May
I have?"
Little Johnny I forgot.
Mamma Forgot what?
Little Johnny That I have to be par
ticular about grammar w'en I ask for
ple.-3ood News.
The Ilullet and the Opera.
As early as 1750 the ballet had been
separated from the opera and given an
independent dramatic form. Later on
in the century the ballet assumed the
form of a great rhythmical pantomime,
and for many decades was kept in the
theater of Milan in most exalted style.
Musio and Drama,
"Oh, mamma, see the poor horses!
They go all the time, and they don't got
anywhere," suid a small boy compassion
ately, pointing to the horses at work in
the thrashing machine.
Leo XIII ie the only pope that ever
sauntered down London's famons Picca
dilly. The pope performed the feat
when, as mgr. rvcel, be visited London
m ISM.
Llvellrs In Knglnnd and Knrnpn,
Liveries of uncommon nnd nnheraldio
shades nre morn common in England
than on tho emit inent. Tho Blounts, for
Instance, dress their servants in Marengo
pepper nnd salt, nnd there is to bo seen
n the parks a well known livery of vio
let, with nmaranthi'no facings a rather
startling combination. However, as . a
rnlo, good form nnd good taste nre on
the side of simplicity, nnd tho hnbitunl
livery in the best English houses is a
black or dark coat, with only the colored
or striped waistcoat and the dress white
tie. The long white tie fastened with a
pin is only allowable to tho coachman
and tho footman who rides on the box.
The butler in England permits him
self or is permitted to indulge in a li
cense which is nnhenrd of nbrond. lie
appears till dinner time in a dress coat,
the rest of the costume wing emphatic
ally a morning one. Abroad this is nev
er done. Either this functionary does
not show, or he is invnriably in a full
dress suit. On great occasions nnd in
some aristocratic houses this is ex
changed for the black coat "a la Fran
caise," tho black silk breeches and stock
ings, and sometimes even a slender court
sword, sheathed in black. Tho con-
iergo or hall porter 011 gala days wears
a rich, heavy gallooned uniform, shoes
nnd silk hose, Tils big cocked hat worn
straight ncross tho forehead en bataille,
nnd ho carries a tall, massive, silver
headed cane.
For coachman and footmen tho winter
tunny caped overcoat has been almost
entirely superseded by tho lingo fur tip
pets and long fur culls reaching nearly
to tho elbow. Some of theso have been
known to cost large sums of money.
London Lotter.
Nodding Ofl to Sleep.
The loss of voluntary power in a person
sinking quietly into sleep is very grad
ual. An object is grasped by the hand
while yet nwnlco it is seen to bo held
less and less firmly as sleep comes on.
till nt last nil power is gone, and it falls
away. The head of a iktscjii in a sitting
posturo gradually loses tho support of
the muscles which sustain it upright; it
droops by degrees and in tho end falls
upon tho chest. Tho head falls by the
withdrawal of power from pnrticular
muscles, tho slight shock thence ensuing
partially awakens and restores this pow
er, which again raises the head, and this
falling and .raising, or in other words the
nodding, continues ns long as tho dozing
off to sleep whilo in a sitting posture
At tho precise moment when tho mind
loses its consciousness there results a
general relaxation of nil tho muscles. If
tho body bo nt reBt in a lying posture,
thoro is no marked result, but if the
body be in nn uneasy posture, such ns
sitting, then tho relaxation of tho mus
cles causes tho falling of the head and
nodding described. Brooklyn Eaglo.
Ianger In the Thoughtless Compliment,
"That woman," said another as the
person to whom she referred passed out
of bearing, "is the victim of careless ad
miration. Somo one told her years ago
that she had fine teeth, and since then
she has cultivated a smilo which shall
keep them well in evidence. I sometimes
wonder if it is not my part as a friend to
toll her how wholly the effect of her good
teeth is lost in the set grin into which
her smile has degenerated to show them.
"Auother woman I know similarly
suffers from the remark of a sentimental
friend on tho tender droop of her mouth.
She hns drooped and drooped it ever
since, till the lines have settled into a
most unbecoming because uimaturul ex.
"But perhaps tho most common ex
ample of the evil results of ill judged
praisp is the perpetual laughter. She has
really a contagious or musical laugh,
and of course somebody, often more
than one somebody, has told her of it.
And so the laugh rings out interminably
and exasperatingly. Beware the pitfalls
of a thoughtless compliment." Now
York Times.
Tastes of Genius In Youth.
It is probable that the great men of the
past developed themselves as their tastes
and inclinations led. They did not learn
all they learned because some one else
bad leurned it, even if certain branches
were a foregone conclusion, and that
which they did learn they learned be
cause they felt the impulse and tho need
It is not the man who is just likeovery
other man who helps the world along tho
most, but the man whose different train-
ing and growth makes him individual
and gives him a coign of vantage that
ho would miss if he went slipping along
just like overy one else.
Give the "backward boy" his chance,
then, at that which suits him best and
be sure no barm can happen. Harriet
Prescott Spofford in Chicago News.
Sponging With Cold Water.
Whoever feels a chilly sensation after
a worm plunge and experiences difficul
ty in regaining her normal temperature
should try the experiment of sponging
herself with cold v. ater when she leaves
the hot bath and see if the slight shock
will not tone up the skin and prevent
any subsequent chill. Harper s Bazar,
A census of the great trees of Cali
fornia, the "giant redwoods," reveals the
fact that there is even 8,075 of them left,
the average diameter of the lot being 83
feet '
It woe at a beach plcnio that little
TVillv Baked thonffhtfullv. "Mamma.
they put salt into the seat why don't
Wiey put pepper iq wor
Lord Derby and Mr. tllndntnne.
We have lost a great intelligence in
Lord Derby a great intelligence, per
haps, rather than a great intellect. For
we fancy there is a slight difference of
signification between the two. For ex
ample, it would be hard to imagine
minds more different in their constitu
tion than Lord Derby's nnd Mr. Glad
stone's. Lord Derby's pure intelligence
was in many respects much the wider
of the two. ne saw with much more
impartial vision both what was not to
his mind nnd what was, but the result
was that he often, especially in early
life, rather chilled than attracted
the sympathy of those whJm ' he ad
dressed. His light was eminently dry
light, cold light almost at times bleak
light. He seemed to say, "This Is my
view, and so far ns I enn judge the
complete view, but if yon cannot follow
me that is no business of mine, and I
am quite indifferent whether 'you agree
with me or not."
Mr. Gladstone's attitude of mind is al
most as unlike as it can be. He seldom
gives the impression of any detachment
at all. He is enger, vehement, playful,
persuasive, sympathetic, in tho highest
sense impressive. He is nothing less
than impartial on any subject Into which
ho enters with his whole mind, but he
makes yon forget this in the charm of
his invitation to agree with him. Lord
Derby's nrgnmentative shots were what
nre technically termed "chilled shots"
ns compnred with Mr. Gladstone's. If
those shots did their work, they did it
with a certain ostentations frigidity as
to the effect. London Spectator.
They Ilad Never Seen Itosee.
Two ladies, managers, came into a
school the other morning shortly after it
hnd opened. One of them wore a beau
tiful jacqueminot rose, on which the
eyes of the whole school were nt once
turned admiringly. Noting this, the
owner of tho flower gave it to one of the
teachers for the children.
"Now, children, how many of you
know what this is?" asked the young
lady, holding up the flower. Nearly ev
ery little one shook his head to indicate
One small boy and a couple of little
girls pipod out with great importance:
"It s a posie, please, ma am.
But no one had ever heard of a rose
Most of tho children had never seen one
before. The flower was passed along
ond small noses lingered longingly over
its fragrance, while dirty little palms
patted its velvet petals caressingly. No
one saw or thought of anything that
morning but tho rose. The teacher put
it in a glass of water to preserve it, and
when school was dismissed each child
was rondered supremely blissful by the
gift of a tiny petal. As they filed ont of
the door each little waif clutched his
treasure tightly in his small hand, while
he murmured teftly to himself the name,
"Pitty wose, pitty wose." Pittsburg
An Adjective That Pleased.
Thoro is a modo of speech which may
bo termed enpheniistio by those who are
fond of "colling a spade a spado," but is
it ,not rather tho natural expression of
tho charity which nover faileth? To say
the best of others is a manifest duty,
and to do it in the prettiost language en
hances it wonderfully. And where de
fects exist that are commented on by
the unfortunato possessor in that ill
judged fashion which attempts to as
sume indifforenco to the imperfections
how deftly may the confidante turn the
current of self depreciation into a smooth
er channel by "a nice derangement of
epitaplis." A young girl bowailod her
thinness in the hearing of a man of tact,
who instantly exclaimod: "Thinl Why,
you are ethereal!
Possibly no sermon tliat tills courtly
clergyman ever preached was more im-
mediately productive of good results
than his well chosen adjective. His
hearer, delightod with tho synonym,
which involved no sacrifice of truth, but
which gavo it a more attractive present
ment, resolved thenceforth so to choose
her words as to present realities in their
most favorablo light, and to make truth
palatablo instead of a hard, bitter and in
digestible morsel, Now York Recorder.
l'oor Frlnce.
Vantardet, a native of Marseilles, has
started practico as a dentist in Paris.
Somo friends of his ono day happened to
mention the niiino of tho Prince of X
"Ah, the dear prince," said Vantardet,
"how is he getting onr
"Do you know him?" inquired one of
the party.
"I should think I did! I have already
drawn more than 10 teeth for liim.H--
Sending Photographs to the President.
What under the sun do people suppose
Mr. Cleveland wants of their photo
graphs? Do they thtnk the White House
runs an identification bureau? This to
one of the craziest crazes the American
people suffer from. Apparently there is
an Insane idea in the popular minds that
the president wants to make a national
photograph album to look at when he
isn't busy. Every mail brings its quota
of photographs, which includes the ba
bies named after members of the White
House family, all the "first" voters for
Cleveland, all bis discoverers, their wives
and families, all the freaks that spring
up, ana pictures 01 ail sorts of places.
Mr. Cleveland, however, never sees them.
The envelopes are opened by .callous
hearted clerks, utterly unappreciative of
these works of art, and the photographs
are added to the great heap already col
lected. Mrs. MoGulrk In Kate Fluid's
Safeguards Against fraud Employed at
City Elertlons In Florence.
Nowadays when almost all the na
tions of the world are discussing the
adoption of the Australian ballot system
people little realize that such ideas are
not as new as they seem. Well nigh
six centuries ngo in the city of Ftorence
wns organized a system of voting resem
bling in its essential principles the ballot
recently adopted. This is not mere hear
say either, for a historian who lived at
that time, Giovanni Vlllanl, has given us
a full account of it.
The city of Florence had begun to tire
of the arrogance nnd bribing methods of
the nobles about the year 1!)33, so it de
cided to pass laws by which fair elec
tions might be held. The city was gov
erned by six priors, elected for a term
of two months. Now, it was decided by
an assembly that these priors, together
With two persons selected from each of
the six districts of Florence, should come
together and make a list of all the citi
zens more than 80 years of nge in Flor
ence that were at M worthy of the office
of prior.
This list was then presented to a coun
cil of 07 of the principal officers and
"wise men" of the city, who voted on
each name separately. The votes were
collected by six "wtoe and discreet"
monks. They consisted of white and
black beans, and it took 08 black beans
to elect a candidate. The counting was
done secretly in a neighboring room by
the monks, nnd the result was Immedi
ately announced to the assembly, who
proceeded to vote on tho next name.
When the whole list nml thus been
gone through, all thoso who were elect
ed had their names written together
on a large scroll and also each name
written separately on a little slip. These
littlo slips were thrown into a bag. And
then comes a quaint custom. The large
scroll was kept In tho sacristy of the
convent of the Fran Predicatori.
The bags, one for each office in the
government, were put in a strong chest
that was locked, nnd tho three keys that
could open it were given, one to Frnti
Convorsi di Suttimo, one to the capitnno
or general of the Florentine army and
one to the sacristan of the Frati Minor!
Tho chest itself was stored in the sacristy
of tho latter monks.
It is seen how religiously all bribery
and ballot box stuffing was stopped. No
Florentine, no motter how much ho
hated the monks, would dare to commit
such a crime in the sacristy of a ohurch.
He did not fool anxious to be burning in
a hell fire after he died. But to go on
with the election, for as yet no officer
had been elected, he had only been de
clared eligible to the office.
Whon election time came around, the
thirteenth day of every other month, the
priors, with the general council of tho
peoplo, would assemble and cause the
chest to be brought forth. Then, in the
presence of the entire assembly the bags
containing the slips wore taken out, and
after being oarofully mixed one slip was
takon ont from each, and the person
whose name was on that slip was de
clared elected. Thus an entirely new
set of officers was chosen every time.
This mode of election, Vlllanl tells us
"was ratified in a full parliament in the
place of the priors whore many people
were congregated and where many
speeches were mado, praising tho law
and condemning to severe punishment
those who might oppose it." And yet
we say socialism is essentially a thing of
the present century. Pittsburg Chroni
Ilnuxlte Ores In the South.
Information hns coino to the two im
portant scientific bureaus in Washing,
ton, the geological survey and the Smith
sonian institution, of absolutely inex
haustible deposits of bauxite ores in Ala
bama and Georgia, which give promise
of solving the chief difficulty herotofore
encouutorcd in the cheap production of
aluminium for commercial purposes,
Specimen lumps of these ores analyzed
at the Smithsonian institution show 48
per cent of pure aluminium In the light
tints anu u per cent in tne crown
shades, whereas ordinary clay contains
on an average only 83 per cent. Bauxite
derives its name from the fact that it
was discovered first near Baux, or Beans.
near Aries, France. Besides France i
to found to a limited extent in Austria
and elsewhere in Europe and in worka
ble quantities in Arkansas and other
states and territories of the Union,
Cor. Chicago Herald.
A Pretty Ornament.
A pretty addition to a dressing table
or bureau is a strip of wide ribbon let
tered with some appropriate inscription.
In a guestroom, across tho top of the
white maple bureau, was such a band of
pole yollow, embroidered in old English
text in black. "The ornament of a
house is tho friends who frequent it.
The band began in a large rosette and
ended at the other side in a loose bow,
with long ends, which fell nearly to the
Slab, nnd was most dressily effective.
New York Times.
An Oppressive Feeling.
Johnny had been misbehaving while
his mother was away, and on her return
she talked very soberly to him about it,
telling him that God was always with
bim and saw all he did. Johnny left
his mother's room with a depressed look
on his fivco and was going away from
home when his dog ran after him.
Johnny turned around desperately on
the dog, crying out: "You go back it's
baa enough to have God tagging after
Botanist and Artists.
One day at the foot of a damp rock I
saw a little loan man coining toward me,
with a nose like an eagle s beak, nervous,
jerky movements nnd something quaint
and earnest in his countenance.
Unfortunately I was looking at a plant
with lmg, straight green stalk and
white, delicate corolla, which grew near
soma hidden springs.
ne took mo for a raw fellow botanist.
"Ah, hero you are, gathering plants!
Whatl By the stalk, clumsy? What
will it do in your herbarium without
"But, sir"
"Common plant, frequent in the en-
vironsof Paris, Parnassia palnstrisj stem
simple, erect, petals rounded. Those
nectaries are curious) good study; plant
well chosen. Courage! You'll got on."
"But I am no botanist."
"Very good; you are modest. There
are rare plants here which you should
absolutely carry away. Hal What to
that? The Aquilegia pyrenaica!"
And my little man started off llko an
Izard, clambered up a slopo, carefully
dug the soil about the flower, took it up
without cutting a single root, and re
turned with sparkling eyes, triumphant
air, and holding it aloft like a banner.
"Plant peculiar to the Pyrenees. I
have long wanted it. Come, my young
friend, a slight examination. You don't
know the species, but you recognize the
"Alas, I don t know a word of bot
He looked nt mo stupefied.
"Then why do you gather plants?"
"To see them, because they nro pret-
Ho put his flower into his case, adjnst-
ed his cap and went away without add
ing another word. "A Tour Through
the Pyrenees."
Poets In the llonse of Commons.
Several memlers of the house of com
mons have published volumes of poems .
namoly: William Abraham, member for
Glamorganshire (Khondda division),
who is a Welsh bard, under the title of
"Mnbon;" William Allon, the member
for Gateshead, who is an engineer and
poet, and whose works include "A Book
of Songs In English and Scottish;" Wil
liam Johnston of Hnllykilbeg, member ,
of the southern division of Belfast, who
is poet laureate of the institution of
Orangemen in Ireland; Professor Jobbof
Cambridge university, who has pub
lished translations Into Greek and Latin
verse, and T. D. Sullivan, member of
the western division of Donegal, who
has published a selection of songs. Sir
George Otto Trevelyan published ia
1809 a volume of poems entitled "Tho
Ladies In Parliament," and other pieces,
and has also written many verses, dra
matic and satirical, of which another of
the best known is "The Dawk Bunga
Henry Smith Wright hns published the
first four books of the "Iliad" of Homer
in English hexameter verse. The prime
minister (Mr. W. E. Gladstone); though
he has not published a volume of poems.
has written verses both in English and
Latin, while among his papers is said to
be a Greek tragedy, which may one day
be sent out in book form. Mr. J. W.
Cromble, member for Kincardineshire,
to the author of "Some Poets of the Peo
ple In Foreign Lands." Two members
of the house of lords have recently pub
lished volumes of poems namely, Lord
Houghton, "Stray Verses," and the bish
op of Lincoln, "A Ladder of Hoaven."
London Tit-Bits. I
A General's Tat Charger,
Spot was General Kilpntrick's favorite
warhorse. After the war the general
went to South America, leaving Spot at
his farm with orders that he should re
ceive the best of care. After an absence'
of several years General Kilpatrick re
turned. Ho reachod home late in the afternoon
and was for some time occupied with his '
family greetings. But he did not long
forget to inquire for the old horse.
Learning that Spot was at pasture in
a distant field, the general sent for him
and a little later was told that his favor
ite stood tied to a post at the entrance of
the grounds. The general hastened out
to the piazza, whence, in the gathering
dusk, he made out the form of the
charger, who stood demurely gnawing
at the post
Just the one word "Spot!" rang out
ovor the lawn. Like an echo came back
the answering neigh.
A moment later Spot snapped his hal
ter, and with arched neck and dilating
nostrils came galloping up to the piazza
to greet his old master. 1
"We hugged and caressed each other
like lovers," said General Kilpatrick,
"and I am not ashamed to say that 110
welcome I received that day warmed my
heart more than that of old Spot."
Youth's Companion.
Penalty of a Small Vice. .
Littjo vices have their inconveniences,
as a Parisian burglar has just discovered
to his cost. It appeal's that the other
night a shop on one of the boulevards
was broken into, and a strong box was
found in the morning wrenched open
and with the contents missing. At first
It was thought that the burglar had left
no trace, but on a careful examination
of the floor a piece of chewed tobacco .
was discovered. This caused suspicion
to rest on a former employee who was
given to using tobacoo in that particular
way. He was sought out, and eventually
such proofs of his guilt were forthcom
ing that he was convicted. London
Gen. Pan. Ag't.
me all the time." New York Tribune.