The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 31, 1893, Image 4

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    Suhm-riptinn $l.,10 per yntr, in lulvnwt.
An Imli'iH'ilili'nt Infill nnpiT. pilhlMirilnvi'ry
Weiiiiffiliiy lit McyimliKvlllt', .IffffrMmi I'd.
n., ,,,-r ii ,mi i in- ifiii-n'! f ii ii.'jw'lil'.YIIII'
anil .If rTi-4oitimiii1y. Nim-iMilltlt-ul, wllltrf nt
nil wiin niiiiii's, nnii will ih fHit-iuliy rrli'iul
ly townuN tlm Inlmrtiut cliim.
Hiilmrrliillnn nrli'f l.(ViMryi,ur. In nilvnnriv
('iinimiiiili'iiHiinn Ititfiiili'if for rmlillmllnn
muni. Im it impnnlt'il by tint wrllfr'n mintf,
not fur niittllriitlon, hut im n giiiirnntff
Hxl flllth. Intf rfMlnir nr Iti'tm MiUrttiMl.
ArtvfrllMnir mun mud,, kntmn nn iippllrii
tlnn nt tlm oHIro In ArnuliW HIiM'k.
I.fimluy coimiiiiult'ulliiii nnii rliniitfi uf
. nlvirili'niintf should rrurh thin olllro by
Monday inkiii.
Afliln" nil ronitminlrntlnnN 1oC A. Htcpli
annul, itfyiMMMNviiM1, I'll,
Knlfi-fil' nt tho iHistiilllfo nt. !tiynolNvlll('i
Pit., tfNnfronil flimi mull inultfr.
C. A. TV.VUV.yoy, Kitltiir and I'nfc.
"TIiito mn four ifcxMl liulltn wlilrh n
wlnti Bint K11"'! nxnn 1'HfncKtly ivimiiii
nii'iuli'il In hlrouni'lH nuil liy Ills own
example, nml which tin ciiumIiIi'iviI v
wntlally nriviwnry for tho happy nuiii-
Btromi'nt, of tompmwy i-iinoeriiN tlu-y
Bin phni'Via'lty. wvurary, Mi-niHni-sn
nml (llsjmti'li. Wlihottt ttio flint, timi' Ih
wimtoil; without tint fWMfiml. iniHtaki'H
tlm miwt hurtful to our own rn'ilit nml
tntoivHt unci thnt of otlii-in limy lx roni
milt. m): without tin' third, notliinif -itn
1x3 ilono wi-11; nnd without tlm hint, op-
portunitli'H of ml vim tuio nm liwt wliich
it Is ImpoHHlWn to ivi'n.11.
Tbo i1i'nlntion in villinny to which
Immunity cnn Hiuk, wuh forclhly llliw
trntctl in UlinoiH hy thu net of a young
fiend, Hixtcon yenm of nifo, who tried to
poison IiIm piirentH, and, fullinjr In that,
rose In the night and killed them both
by nhootinjr them. When qiieHtiom-d
ho wild ho wns "tiivd wait
ing for th old folks money."
Hunting In tixieavy to punish hucIi devil
ish ncH of Kli-it; yet, lifter all, wo won
der whether those parents always knew
whom that, Imy was at, night, when he
shoulil havo been nt home or in hi mm
other equally harmless and attractive
The (iovernment has acquired by pur
chase tho famous 'Cherokee Strip"
which includes an areu considerablv
larger than Xew Jersey and if all the
accounts im? true, of much moiv viiluu
bio soil. (Jradnally, the (uveriiment is
wiping out all tho Indian titles and
drawing to Itself tlm ownoi'ship of tho
Indliin lands. The price paid in tho
pivHont. case VI. Zt ier acre or only
9A..!iri,T.1(i. It was a good bargain for
both buyer and seller. Tho atxive
named gum will bo retained at interest
in tho Treasury and will support the
Indians from whom it was taught hand
somely. It will bring into tho market
a jMirtion of country capable of supMrt
inp some millions of people.
Tho World's Fair was open to tho
public last Sunday. A great howl has
Dcou raised that tho gates should ta
open on Sunday to give tho totaling
la an opportunity to attend tho big
show, as they could not go through tho
week. It is claimed thnt tho working
men were decidedly In tho minority last
Sunday, which shows that this class aro
not responsible for tho people of theso
United Stntes disregarding the luw of
God and our land. We claim to be a chris
tian land and then talk about disobey
Ing God's command, to keep tho Sabbath
day holy, by ojxsning tho Fair on that
day. If the gates are kept ojxn on
Sunday there are thousands and thou-
sands of christian people who will not go
near tho Fair.
Following is the full text of the Farr
free school book bill approved by Gover
nor Pattison: "School directors or
controllei-s shall purchaso text books
and other necessary school supplies for
use in public schools of thoir resiiectivo
school district as'such now text books
and supplies aro required in addition to
those at present in use in the hands of
pupils or owned by tho school districts
out of the school fund of the districts
and when so procured the necessary
book and school supplies shall be fur
nished free of cost for use in tho schools
of said district subject to the orders of
the directors or controllers thereof,
whose duty it shall be to provide for tho
;roturn of and for the safe keeping and
. care of the books, which shall be re
turned at the close of the annual school
term in each year or as the board may
It is not an untrequent thing to find a
boy who has become tired of home, and
believes that bis life will be walsted if
he d(K3s not get away from father and
mother's watchful care. It Is easy for
a boy to be discontented with his lot,
and easy to be contented. When It is
too late manv boys will long for the
joys they now despise. If a boy care
fully thinks of the matter he cannot
help but decided that no others can be
found in this broud world to take the
place of father or" mother, while the
' companionship of brothers and sisters is
' more previous than can be found outside
the home. Don't imagine you have less
enjoyment than others. See what you
cau do to bring cheerfulness into the
home oirole. Help each oue in their
labors, and you will find that it helps
you. Don't let vexations cause you to
lose your temper and speak harshly to
anyone; it is just as easy to use gentle
words, and the results are far more
t pleasant for ulL You have no idea how
much you can lighten the cares of your
loved ones and brighten and cheer the
home for yourself if you will only try.
Take the Lead and Keep It.
WlMJAMHWRT, I'a., May 20,
While reading tho HTAIJ last week I
saw an account of your intention to pave
Main St. between tho Arnold blik
and Hotel ltolnap. Why not go farther
in tho goixl work and continue to tho
A. V. It. H.V To think that your town
with a population, including tho sur
rounding community, of nlxtut five
thousand would pnvo only to blocks of
their principal street and leuvo the
worst part of it go as it is, generally,
with two or three foot of mud.
You ran go Into almost any town not
half as large as Heynoldsvlllo and you
will see bettor streets. Many of them
have oil their principal streets paved.
How Is this V I will endeavor to tell
you. They have business men; men
who arc not afraid to do something that
will help litiihl the town up and secure
thereby a much Inrger trade.
Waken up and let the world know
thnt yon exist. t,t your town take the
lend nnd keep it. How? Hy pavjng
your streets from the depot to t hoot her
end: getting electric lights; getting
electric cars, anil what, Is more Impor
tant, to tret out of the dreamy way yon
have fallen Into and endeavor with nil
your might to have a town to bo proud
of. V
Figs and Thistles.
I Hum' Horn.)
The man who has a red nose Is alxnit
the last to II ml It out.
The truth we hnte the most Is tho
truth that hits us the hardest.
Some of tho heart's sweetest songs
have lioon learned in the dark.
How easy it is for men to find reasons
for doing as they want to do.
When faith gix-s to church to pray
for rain, it always takes nn umbrella.
No man can ever travel away from
God without doing it at his own expetisi
The devil never knows exactly what
to do with the man he can not discour
If you go to church without meeting
Christ the devil will walk home with
Not one man in twenty can give a
sensible reason. If you nsk him, why ho
keeps n dog. '
It is much harder to lm a successful
hypocrite than It Is to bo a faithful
There is something wrong with the
man's head who never learns anything
from a mistake.
A great deal of meanness masquerades
In all parts of the land under tho mono
of prudence.
A Fateful Day.
Xew lletlili'liem Vlnilli'iitor
Saturday was an unlucky day at Long
Hun mines. Two painful accidents oc
curred pn thnt day by which two miners
aro laid up with broken limb. William
llixikoiiberry, while hauling some cars
with a mule, was run over by a car
which jumix'd tho track and had his
leg broken and received injuries about
tho chest. Frederick Kerr, a man past
middle age, while working uhotit some
Ichiso slate, hud a leg broken by a largo
piece which fell upon him. During tho
past threo mouths accidents in tho
mines of this region havo been remark
ably frequent.
Two Thousand Each.
Hmokvllle Pcmocnit.1
On Saturday evening, tho l.'tth Inst..
W. M. Fairman and I. N. Grnlllus, worn
driving from Urookvillo to lunxsutaw-
ney in a buggy. In crossing tho bridge
over Little Sundy nt Oxilspringby some
means they drove off tho bridge. For
injuries alleged to havo boon sustained
and damnge done, they hnve brought
suit against tho county for $2,(XK1 each.
Tho brldgo belongs to the county.
Henry A. Hoed, tho shX3 man. has at
last something to help sulToring human
ity. He has tho Infalliblo Corn Curo.
which never fails to remove corns and
does not injure tho feet. No curo, no
pay. vv ny suffer when 23 cents will
stop the cause.
All the tanneries in the State of
Pennsylvania havo boon purchased by
throe corporations known as Elk Tan
ning Company, Penn Tinning Com
pany and Union Tanning Company, and
the head offices of all those groat com
panies, representing forty millions of
capital, are even now established right
here in Ridgway. lijiwiilf,
An occasional bottle of Avor's Sarsa-
parilla does more to correct tho tenden
cy of tho blood to accumulate humors,
and keep the organs sound and healthy,
than any other treatment we know of.
"Prevention is better thun curo." Try
it this month.
Pttftlna with the Ctt.
Larimer Moore. At the M. E.
Parsonage, Urookvillo, Pa., May 25,
im, by liev. J. W. Ulalsdoll, Walter
H. Larimer, of Howe, Pa., and Myrtle
F. Moore, of Aliens Mills, Pa.
Bonds For Sale.
Reynoldsville Borough bonds for gale.
Enquire at Sooley, Alexandur & Co.'s
Did you see the new base ball shoes
at Robinson's.
Nice now lamps, with Pittsburg burn
ers, at Sohultze's.
Ladles tan Oxfords $1,00 tl.25 11.50
at Robinson's. 1
Although it Is tiotclatmod that Aynr's
SarsapnrlllacuiTs every 111 to which flesh
Is heir, yet, as a matter of fact, it comes
nearer doing this than any other medi
cino ever conixiunded. In purifying
tho blmxl, it removes tho source of
noorly all disorders of tho human system.
Toadies clean your kid gloves with
Mousqiiotalrn gloto cleaner, for sale
only by J. U. Arnold, tho lending houso
In town, for dressed and undressed kid
gloves In nil tho most desirable shades.
Croaker Fertilizer.
The Croaker Fertlllsier for sale nt
.1. W. Johnston' fiN-d store, West Heyn
oldsvlllo. Frank P. Hest, agent for tho
fertilizer, also sells It nt his farm In
Wlnslow township.
Do You Need Shoes f
Wo havo tho latest styles nt popular
prices. ItKKM'S SlIOK STtlHK.
Special Notice.
Try my buggies, they are as good as
the best, and low In price. Yon will pay
middle men n big price ami get no bet
ter. .1. K. .Ioiinston, Kiithmcl.
I'lre iiaiirntiri'.
Since 1S7H. Norwood (i. I 'intiey, ItriHik
vllle, I'a. Old nnd reliable companies
represented, Ao Innkntitir, All orders
by mall will receive prompt attention,
Wnlter Spry, of Kcynoldsvillo, Is my
authorized nnd licensed solicitor. Cy
clone policies nlso written. 11-21.
Washinuton. May 27. '!.'!. )
Whereas, by satisfactory evidence
presented to the lltiilerslgneil, it has
fieen made to appear that "The First
National Hank of Iteynoldsvllle," in the
lliiroiigh of Iteyniililsvlllo, in the ( 'oiinty
of .lelTerson, and State of Pennsylva
nia has complied with all the provisions
of the Statutes of the 1'nlted States, re
quired to Ii compiled with Is'fore an
association shall lie lint liori.ed to com
mence the business of hanking.
Now therefore I. .lames II. Eckels,
Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby
certify that "The First National
Hank of ItcynoldsvUlo," In the llorough
of Kcynoldsvillo, In the County of Jef
ferson anil State of Pennsylvania is nu
thorixed to commence the business of
banking as provided In Section Fifty
one hundred and sixty-nine of the Re
vised Statutes of tho United States.
In testimony whereof, witness my
hand nml seal of olllce this 27th day of
May, lsiCI.
James H. EcKEt.s.
(No. 4!HW.( Compt'rof theCuniMlcy.
riiiMiimit fi nn AH of AMwmbly, 1 will al-
tl'IMl, lit tllO following tlllH'H III Hi pltH't'M, tO
ivri'lvr coiitily nml stutt tuxi's fttr w your
iwn. iitwit ;
Wiirniiw twp., Vt, Tliurmlny, Juim lt, nl
I lii' Ihhim' of (. W. ItlchiiitN, lii tin fon'mmn,
I'olk iwp.. Thiinulity, .liint 1st, lit thu Ihhhi
of I uHtm Sholt'iirr, In tin uflci iiihhi.
1 1 tit 1 1i twp., lililiiy. .him :!imI, nt thn hniist
of Milton I'iiIih', In tin fini'Momi.
1tiiimH Iwp-. l-'iMuy, .1 him '-iml, nt tlx hoiitn
of WIMIiim U iilliu't In thn afternoon.
fchlml twp., Hiitiirtluy, June ;tnl, nt the
.Tone lintel. In the forenoon, nml In tin nflef
nooii tit theMtoreiit Howe.
Ileuver tup., Monilny, June At Ii, nt the More
of It. Kelly., lit the forenoon.
Woiihvllle horoiiu'h, Momluy, Juno filh, nt
the limine of V II. tJeWI, In the iiflernoon.
Itinutfold twp., TiiomImv, .hum (it It, lit thu
hotel In Kliiutrohl, In the forenoon.
I'orler twn Tuelnv. JuneOl Ii. lit tho house
of (ieoitfe llh. In the uflernooti.
ferry twp, Wednewdtiy, Juim 7th, lit thn
hoiiHi of Hhurp Neii Us In the forenoon, mid In
the afternoon at theMtoreiit Frost burn.
t'htyvllle Itorouuh, Thtii-Hihty, June Nth, at
the 4'eiitritl hotel.
I'unxMutiiwnev borotmh, I'rhluv. Juno Uth.
lit Hotel Tumuli.
omur twp., Hattiiuuy, Juno HMh.ut Hotel
Hell twn.. Momluv. .Tune :!th. lit tho house
of Henry Hrown. In tho forenoon.
titklll twn.. MoiHliiv. June l.'ih. ut unison
Htore, In tho forenoon.
Ittir mm ttorouifli. Tuemliiv. Juno i:tth. nt
the Met' I nre llouo.
Hemlei-Hou t wn.. W filnoNflii v. Juno 14th. at
the houso of Andrew I'lfer, In the foreniMHi.
Met 'nlmont t u n.. edneMliiv. Juno 14th. at
the housi of Hnnlel North, In tin afternoon.
Oliver twn.. I hui-mhiv. Juno Ifith. at tho
Ktore In Ollvetiunx In tin foieiitMHi, and at
MeKhiMtry'H Ntoro In tho afternoon.
tviiox twp., i-i iuiiy, .iiino piin, at met raK-
en'H Htore. In tho foieiitMti.
Vlneerook twp.. 1'i lduy, Juno 111, at the ntoro
of K. Welder, In the afternoon.
Kono twp., Huiurdnv Juno lith.iit thoTreus
urer'Htttlh'o, Hrookvllle.
Wiisiitnirtini twn.. Moudav. June nth. at
Korkdulo In tho forenoon, and ut tho Wuhh
limton hotel In tho afternoon.
hnvder twn. and ItrtN-kwavvlllo iMirouiili.
Tuesday, Juno 2"1 h, at tho louiiu House.
Warsaw twp. oast, Wednesday, Junogliit, ut
the house of J . A. Fox, In the forenoon,
1'nlon twp. anil Cor leu Imii-oukIi, Thursday,
Juno tXmt at lilenn't hotel.
Huniinervllle torouirh. r i ldav. Juno 2;ird. at
tho ('ommerelul hotel, In tho forenoon.
Clover twn.. Friday. Juno lrd. ut tho houso
of .T. Ksheltnan, In tho aftornHu.
Itrookvl lo iMirouuh. hulurdav. Juno 24th. at
tho Treasurer' otllre.
Kevnoldsvlllo horouirh. TuoHdav. June 27th.
at tho Hotel McConnell.
W Inslow twn.. Wednssduv. Juno 2Hth. at tho
Hotel MoComioU,
1'artloM nuvlnir tax en at tho atxwn tlmnw.
mid plaees, will hiivo ten per rent., an that
amount will ho added when phicod In tho
liiindH of tho t'olloctoin.
Mercantile Licenses will bo rolloeted ut all
place vUltod, and all llcenws remaining un
jmld after tho Hrnt of July will ho placed lit
tho hands of the proper officials for collect Ion.
A. O, VtvW ILL 1 .19IN, Co. Treu.
The Percheron Stallion.
Will stand for mnrcs at the following
placcH: J. E. Mulhollund, nenr Punlo,
on Monday nnd halanco of each week at
owner's barn in 1'uradisO settlement.
Description. Sultnn Is a bright dap
ple gray, 6 yearn old. Mi hundfl high
and weighs 170U pounds; has good style
and tine action, und a good disposition.
Will show for himself.
Pedigree. Sultan was sired by Old
Sultan, Imported from France by W. T.
Walters, of ltultimore, Md. First dam
Ola Colio, by l'rince Napoleon, also im
ported from Franco; second dam, bv Old
Nigger, Imported; third dam, Wux
work, imported.
Terms. $5.00 for tho season, payable
with the first service of the horse; &J.IH)
to insure mure with foul, payable us
soon as mare is known to bo with foal;
or 8.00 to Insure living foal on foot.
Parting with an Insured mare before
known to be with foal forfeits tho insur
ance. All reusonuble care taken, but
not accountable for accidents.
Thomas Reynolds, Ir., Owner.
tivpthottotitrttt Mc.
or ri.Atvnxn lionot'oii,
tn nrt Ion of tlir remililli-iiiifi of .ti-ltiT.
win i 'o.
Ht t lie i lnmryacli'llcn, Jiinu 17, IMKI.
Pulilrct to net Inn of Hie reiiililleiinn of .ti'ffer
miii I n. nl tlie ptlmioy cli c lleii, .him. 17, hii:i.
t)ll I
or ri.ATvn.i F lioimi'iiii.
.. a..!.... ... .1... ... t..M.
noli I n.
"lnl n.'i, ... , ,,, i , i 1 1, ii i, , .1, in r
lit the primary clci lleii, .hmii 17. hii:i.
pllt HIIKIMI I',
K. NI'.I'F,
ur Itoiioi'oii,
Hlllijl'i't tiitli'lliill nf tlie repillillrnnmif .teffer
win Co. at thi' prlnitiry I'lfi'ilfin, June 17, Hi;!.
yttl hllKKII'l'',
DAVID (!. (iOintf.KY,
OK llllOOK vn.i.r lloiioi ini,
Hiltilci't to nclliili ir the ri'illillciiiiiif .leffer.
Hon 4'u. ut Hie prliiuiry elci'ilnn, .luni' 17, H:i.
f'HAHl.KHO. WIfiHoN,
or I'rMxm'T.tWNKr llonoi nii,
Culili'i'l In iii'lliinnf the ii'iiiilillcnim of .tefTer'
hum 4'e. Ill llic prliiuiry I'lei'l Inn, .lilni' Ii, Mli;i.
pill HII VM I IT,
Or Kkynoi.imvim.i! Hoiioi iim.
Ciitii'cl to net Ion nf tlie ri'imlillciinanf .lilTi'r
win ( n. nt tlie I'r lmiov I'li'cilim, .liine 17, Htl.
V.. W. Mc.MIM.KN.
Or lit VMoi.iwvn i.r. Iloiioriin,
SuliJiM't liiiiciliin i if l lie (li'iniH'nitH nf .telTer
win t'u. tit the prliiuiry elect Ion, lime, l1i:i.
(Tountit Pvanvfr.
or Winhi.ow Townhiiip,
Siililici tiiiii'iliiti nf tin ri'piilillciiiisiir .li'ifer
hum I n. nl tlie pllliuiry i lei'lliiti. .Iiiiic 17, kk.
put Ti:i:.sii:i:it,
N. I). CiiUKY,
Of I'I'NXHI TANKV llllllol'llll,
Hllliject lo net loll of the ri'pil III leu iih of .ti'lTer
win t'n. ill I lie prlniiiry I'h'i'liiin, .iiuii' 17, Imki.
or ri Avvn i r Iloiioriin,
Sn I ) III tli'lliill of tin' ll'plllilli'iow of .feffer
win )'o. ut tin. prliiuiry I'lecllon, .lime 17, IHia
poll TltKAHnirit,
or I'nio.n ToWNHiiir,
Hiilili'ct to netlmi of Hie n'tiulillcniiHof .leffer.
win Co. ut the prliiuiry t lii'ilon tunc 17, Imci.
Poll THKAHI'llKIl,
orCntmicA Iloiioriin,
Hiilili'cl to net Ion of the repiililli'ioiH of
win Co. nt the primmy elii tlnn, .limu i;
', iwtl.
W. T. COX,
Or Wikhmiw Township,
Huliji'i't toiictloiiiif the repiililli'iinmif ferfer
win I n. ut tlie piiiiutry elei'tlon, .linie 17, Ih'.CI.
Or I'FitiiY TowNHinr,
Hulilei't lo net loii of l he repiilillcinm of .feffer
win I'o. ut the I'lliumy t-lci-l lni. .1 utit) 17, 1 Ml I.
or linooKVii.i.K lionoi im,
HuhJiH't to net I if the repiihlli'iins of .IcftVr-
wili I'd. ul the prliiuiry flection, .1 line 17, IKCI.
ok Waiihaw Townhiiip,
Hulilei't tiinctlon of the repilhlli'iiiiHof JefTiT
wm Co. nt the prliiuiry eli i llon, Jiinu 17, 1hi:i.
Or Ki.iiiikii Tom NHllll',
Hllh.lect to ni'thili of the UeiniMTlltH of .leffer.
hoii l it. m the primary election, .lime Jl. IMiil.
Ciihlecl to net Ion of tlm 1ieiniH'riitn of Jeffer
wm I'o. in the prliiuiry fieri Ion, Juno n,
or CuiVKii Townhiiip,
Huhjeet to net Ion of I he repiihllciiiiH of Jtffer
win I'o. ut thu prlrnury elecllnn Juno 17, Ma.
Oftlco on West Muln Hlrcet, onnoblto the
t'ommervlii! Unti l, lloynoldvUlo, Pit.
jya. Ii. E. HOOVER,
ItcHidont dentlHt. In bulldins neur Metho
dlht eliiiri'h, opiHislto Arniild hliK'k. (iontlu
uohh in opurutuiK'.
FIIAXKJ. JILACK, Proprietor.
The k'ttdltiK hotel of thu town, lloudquitr
tors for eoniiiieivlul men. Hleiim lieut, five
tiuH. Iiitlh rooniH und rlootH on ovurv Mimif.
siiniple riHinm, bllllitid ruoin, tt lephono cull-
uuciiuim ate
(lliEEXa COXSEIt, Proprietors.
Klrnt I'liiHH III f very purl leulnr. Locntod tn
thu very rent re of the hiisiui'Hpurt of town.
Free 'Iiiih to und from IrHlim nnd eoniniiMlliiuii
wiuiplu roonm forcoiiiiuuivlul truvelurs.
nUFFJXGTUX & LOXO, 1',-op'a,
OmnlliUH to nnd from nil trulim. Euronuitn
rfHtuiiruut. limine heutfU und llKhteu by
Kuh, Hot unit colli wuler. Western L'lilon
Televrunli olllce In ImiIIiIIiiu. The hotel U
uttou witu uu tne uiouoru coiivoniuiieeii. .
MIL J'. CAHJlIJilt, Proprietor,
Bunmlo ronnmon tho urouiid flmir. IIoum
huuif d by uuiurul gun, ounilhui to und from
ail truuis.
Don't Walk! but buy a
the cheapest to the highest
price at
The Reynoldsville Jeweler.
We Have Recived our
New Sorins
Do not fail to come and see
them. They are Beauties.
Do You Know
Where to Make Dollars
Do Double Duty ?
Why certainly at
Well Stocted Hi Emirii
AVhere you will find the
S.Prmg; Suits,
Ever offered to the people of Reynoldsville. It may be said
of Otir Stock tliat "Natnrfi llinilft it, finrl tlien Virnl-a tha
mould," for the garments we
1 l. i i
iimuy iiigu priceu cuBtom-maae
In advertising is to let everybody know how thoroughly we
combine perfection of Style, Fit and Finish with the most
Reasonable Prices.
Have you selected your
If not, do not delay, but tome at once and inspect our
stock, which comprises the latest styles in Sacks, Cutaways,
Double Breasted Square Cuts and Prince Alberts.
OrlQlnators ot the Small ProlH System.
Dress Goods !
Largest Assortment of
Handsome jyjeckwear
offer look more stylish than
i i