The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 31, 1893, Image 2

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CahlMt That Are Ready and Those
That Are Not A Trip Through the
(Irountl nnl the HulMIng A
dance at the Various TlutMIng
and Object of Interest.
After all complaint have been made and
mite lung about the World' Pair, tt to
probable tbat tbe question will he asked bj
ry the average American i "How shall I see
?" What thing are good to upend a long
fma oriT, what should be merely glanced at,
md what ahonld be skipped entirely. In the
init place, say the New Vork Port's Chicago
tnrreepondent, the general advice may be
riven to keep away from the Midway l'lal
nee until the end of your stay, on the ram
principle that more solid food should precede
ieeaert. Once within that fascinating side
ihow. and them la a possibility of a visitor
lot going anywhere else.
The first thing necessary for a visitor to
lo is to get the general effect of the arehlteo
nre and the grounds . This I heat accom
plished taking the Intramural Railway, aa
levated road which run Inside the fence of
the Park and takes In the complete circuit of
the Pair grounds. The tare is only ten
(wots, and the cars are comfortable and thus
far have not been crowded, hut the lntram
aral doe not afford one a eattsfsx-tory look
at the lagoons and the basins, and to accom
plish this It Is advisable that the fifty cents
necessary for a trip in an electric launch or
(none of the gondola be expended. The
Bore picturesque craft is, of course, the
Endola, but it does not move quickly nnd
route ia shorter than the route of the
Director-General of the World' Columblar
Exposition. .
The visitor having thus taken In tho gen
eral effect of the World's Fair, has seen what
will probably in years to come be regarded hi
Its strongest attraction. He may now tun
his attention to the individual group o:
buildings and the exhibits. It he Is a Nea
Yorker, he will of course go to the New York
State buildings and register there, and take
look at the one building in the grounds whict
he feels he ha a right to cull peculiarly hit
own. Bock of New York's building and sur
rounding it rimy lie seen the buildings of tht
other Htntes, some of them peculiarly appro
priate and representative, and others d
signed apparently to illustrate precisely whal
is not me prevuuing style ol architecture o
the State whose name the bull. ling hoar.
There is not In all Montana a structure wltt :
the most distant resemblance to the Montant !
wuie building i Vermont, steadiest of all Nee
England Stutes, has run riot in Chicago witt
a little I'ompelion palace; and other simllai
Instances might be named. But taken all It
all, tho Htate buildings are good and are wel,
worth Inspection. The visitor, beginning nl
the South Park gate, may puss among al
these structures in about I
t holt un hour. find.
niT rsorsE
in n himelf tlnmiv in l nwn v,nii.. .
lake. If he will thou turn to the right, ha
eon walk by the lake and see the French,
German, Spanish, and several other foreign
bulling. Continuing he will pass the Gov
ernment Building, the Muuulactures, the
basin which marks tbe spot known as the
Court of Honor, where he hug a line view tin
the one side of the gold dome of the Admin
istration Building and on the other of the
Casino and Mualo Hall, with the beautiful
peristyle running between them.
Going on and crossing the bridge, the Con
vent of Itublda is reached, and a little beyond
that is the Bhoe and Leather Building, beyoud
which is the Forestry Building und the
mountain of the cliff-dwellers. This route
by the lake Is not covered by either the In
tramural Hallway or the launohts, and la
only to be taken by the pedestrian or the in
dividual who Is willing to have himsell
wheeled in a choir and Is willing to pay fur
the luxury. A man who has taken the In
' tramural Hallway, tbe trip of the launches,
and the walk by the lake from tbe Htate
Buildings to the Shoe and Leather Building,
Buhv.. uwv 111 h 11 1 OAU1UUIUII
ao for a it is possible to do ao in three trips,
lie may now turn his attention to the ex
hibits. If he reaches the grounds by way ol
tb elevated railroad or the Illinois Central
For Cleaning Marble.
Common dry salt is Raid to be on
of tpe best atfonts for clean In mur
We, such as washbasins, sink tlxturei
and the like. It require no prepara
Won. and may be rubbed dlreotly up.
on the tarnished surfaco, reuiovluj)
any Incrustations or deposits at once,
leaving the marble shlnlna and clean.
This Is well worthy ot remembrance,
as It is often found to be provoklnely
bard to clean tbe marble thorough!
without lujurloii tho surface. -
he wlrt fhsrl me Transportation Iraflmrig e
nearest large one when he enters, and may
look at tt first. Outside It Is exceedingly
ornamental. Whereas the general tone of
the other buildings Is subdued and they are
nearly all of plain cream color, the Transpor
tation Ilullding Is profuse In eolor, being of
red. with white and blue stencillings, the
white figures of angels of llfe-slise. The en
trance Is a study, being composed of arch
npon arch of fretted metal work. Large flag
staffs succeed one another at f.-equent Inter
vals around the whole structure. The exhll
Its nnder Its roof.are so excellent and Inter
esting that the visitor ennnnt but wish there
were more of them. Particularly interest-
Tnc natuu villao.
Ing, especially to any one who ha never beet
abroad, are the English locomotives and rail
way carriage. These are the finest used,
nnd the first, second, nnd third class sec
tions are thrown open so as to admit of thi
minutest Inspection, In this section, also
are a complete set of the locomotives used
from the beginning. which Illustrate the evo
lution from the days of the discovery of tht
possibility ot the stam railroad. Passing
through this fascinating section, the visttoi
coram upon carriagi-s of every kind and va
riety, from the feather weight sulky with
pneumatic tire to tho heavy four-horse tally
ho coach, and from the lightest delivery
wagon to the heaviest truck. The Transpor
tation Building may he said to lie one 111
which the progress made is sufflalent to war
rant a visitor speudiug a good (Seal ot hit
time there.
Having seen this building, yon moycome
by the main entrance nnd turning to the
ngnt proceed about a rod, and then turn tc
the lett and keep by the edge of tho lagoon
until you reach the bridge Immediately in
front of the Electricity Building, when you
may cross over to Wooded Island Slid take
look at the Boone and Crockett Club' cabin.
It is a modest enough log hut, with nn old
canvas-covered wagou in front of it. and tht
doorway is ornamented with old horns. In
side there are bear and deer skins, some old
harness anil working utensils. The design if
simple enough, U-ing the illustration of the
frontier hunter's enhin, nnd is well carried
out. Having inspected this bit of the fat
west, you will do well to cross back by the
way you came, as the other attraction of the
islHnd, tho Japanese village, is not yet
sufficiently complete to warrant a visitor In
spending much time over It, when there arc
so ninny other mom completed displays.
The Mining Building which you llnd your
self in front of is hardly worth the expendi
ture of much time at present. A few of the
exhibits nre partly in place, but others aro in
a state of chaos.
The Electricity Uuilding, whicn is r........
side of tho Mining Building, may also be
passed by. The outside Is the licst part of it. ,
inside there Is now little to interest one, un- !
less ne desires to make astudy of the process
of Insinuation.
Next to the Electricity Building Is that ol
Manufactures and Liberal Arts, and into that
you may safely turn with the Intention of re
maining for an hour or a week. Ten days
ago it was hardly an exaggeration to say that
there were not twenty complete exhibits in
place in this building, but now one-linlt ol
them nre In place nnd the others begin to
show signs of what they will soon be. Hour
after hour you may walk through rows o;
exhibits, ranging from pyramids of tin pnui
to parlors of the ntrcst bronzes and china.
Going up stairs among the liberal arts there
la the same attraction. Wuura you will
ii MArniNEHY halt.
linger anpenrts updn your taste, nut tr you
have a taste for anything artistic you will be
Ohio to gratify it here.
Coming out at the north end of the Manu
factures Building you are Immediately in
front of the Government Building, and If you
enter it by the entrance Immediately in front
of you, you will Uud yourself In themiddleof
the display of tbe Smithsonian Institution and
- - . ...,,,, ium jh prieuted
day by duy, but to all oppeuranoe b almost
Tl ,T7 "o irutn is inat tne Govern
ment Building Is by far the most complete in
its exhibits tu the grounds. Passing through
the Smithsonian exhibit you come into the
rotunda, with the large California trea In the
iiiKiun iuaii of ibe lexiileworxa of U'm.
Strange A Co., at I'slterson.N.J;. boarded up
the windows to preveut tli girls employed
there from Hirling with meu in th streets
aud neglecting their work. The girls struck
and Mr. Btranga bad to ordar the removal
of th boards.
Want to Gates Barred on Sunday.
Tbt General Synod of tb Lutheran church
n session at Canton, 0 passed retolutlona
tondemninaj tb opening of th World's
fair on Sunday sod advising all members
if tb church not to visit tbe Fair if tb
falsa art unbarred on U Eabbath.
eenrre, an exhibit tna exctte great neal of
curiosity from visitors, but which really illus
trates nothing In particular. To the right Is
the steel ease containing the tac simile of the
Declaration of Independence, the treaty of
peace with flreat Britain, and the treaty of
friendship and alliance with France, and pho
tographic copies of the Declaration and Con
stitution. Surmounting the case Is a portrait
of Jefferson, and this is surrounded by prints
of the signers. The next arch contains
Washington relics, prints of the framers ol
the Constitution anil portraits, and around
the comer In the east entrance Is the rest ot
the exhibit of the Btate Department. If yon
are a student of American history, it I Inter-
Mtnwiv rutsAKcx.
rstlng, and It contain the most valuable
collection of autographs and Slate papers In
;he grounds. Opposite this Is the small ex
hibit of the Department of Justice.
Before proceeding further toward the
north entrance of the (lovernment Building,
fou will do well to turn to your right at the
Mid of the State. Department exhibit and go
IntotheWar Department section, where you
will see cannon and guns and uniforms and
weapons of offence nnd defence Innumerable.
There is agroup Illustrating the (ireely ex
pedition, which Is particularly life-like and
Interesting. Passing across the Hmlthsnniitn
exhibit you find yourself among the dis
plays of tho Treasury and rostofllce Depart
ments, from which you pass Into those ot
the Geological Survey, Patent Office and
other bureaus of the" Interior Department.
Next to these is the Interesting exhibit of tho
Fish Commission, and then that of the
Agricultural Department. Coming out at
the entrance nearest you, you will lie within
a few steps of the building devoted to fish
and fisheries, and this, also, is well worth
going through, for it Is In a state of progress
which very nearly approaches completion.
When you leave the Fisheries Building,
you must again pits among some of the
foreign buildings, but they arc hanMy worth
while entering at present, nearly all of them
oclnx tar behindhand in their displays. You
may turn to your left after proceeding for a
short distance. nnd enter the Bulldingof Finn
Arts. No other structure approaches till
one. It is the best built, being llrcproot i it
Is well lighted, nnd It is a triumphof art out
side and Inside. Not all the pictures nre
hung, but there sre enough on the walls to
keep you busy for nn Indeliiiite length of
time. Shut up the whole of the rest ot tho
Fair, aud this building with its contents is
worth a journey to Chicago aud a week of
bad lodgings and bonrd.
The visitor who has followed the Itinerary
laid down hero has not yet been In the Wo
man's Building, but he may reach it by p.-tss-ng
to tho left after leaving the Art Building,
glitch will give him nn opportunity to see
.he large California und Illinois Statu bullil
ngs, which he did not get n view of when ho
ok the ride on the Intramural Hallway. He
Joed not pause to enter t hem, as they are not
fpt sufficiently complete, but opposite tho
Julifornia Building he can enter the Wo
man's Building, which. If not thoroughly
Inished yet, is still sufficiently llnished til
R'.trnmt us long an Inspection as you are
llile to give It.
From the south side ot the Woman's Build
ing you may pass in Horticultural Hall,
which also warrant a visit, and from there
pass by Choral Hall, which is not fully com
jilcted. You are now buck at the Transpor
tation Building whciieo you started out. and
mv seen the chief things, with the excep
tion of one or two. Turn then to your rlghl
tud pass In front of the Administration Build
ng. then by .Machinery Hall, and cross the
iridge to La Huhida. which 1 worth seeing
md is wholly Mulshed, Come buck by tin
forestry Building, nnd go out by the gat
srhlch let you In. You need not look lntc
my of the buildings except La Rabida, at
;bcy contain few completed exhibits.
The roughly sketched route laid doro hen
tpplies to a Hying visit made at the present
ttage of the Fair. Later in the season It inaj
)e added to, but Its general pluu will doubt
ess hold good at ull times.
Horrora of th Famine in the Interior of
A dispatch from Khniiglinl. China tny:
Kcports of widespread famine in tho dis
tant province of Shanghai continue to come
slowly in, and the stute of olmirs revealed
turpasset in horror anything h'enrd in re
cent year about Chinese famines. The gov
ernmcnt hua been giving some relief, hut
owing lo the great distances of the town
from one another in Phensi and Bbansl.and
their remoteness from the richer parts of
China, It is very ditHcult to administer re
lief efleitually. Tie peoble are driven to
such ucspernte strmta thut the aulcof women
nnd children in the affected districts is be
coming a dully occurrence, while in many
places even mule children are being sold by
their parents and In one prefecture it is re
ported that more than 70 female children
have been actually devoured by the famine
maddened people,
Thres Boys Drowned,
A lad drowninir Accident liimined in thi
Kast river neur Ibe navy-yurd. New York
Three little Brooklyn boy were drowned,
Four other were rescued iu on exhuusled
The drowned were Fred Mrtlihnev, eped
15; Ihonist O'Brien, sued D;Tlmmiis(villkv;
Kd U. The bodies were not recovered and
it is believed that thev were swept awsy
with the tide. A tugboat having
canal boats in tow was passing up river
and a row bout in which were the seven
boys got bet wuiiii the tug nnd tow. The
b.twssr which connected the tug and tow
had been sluck, but it was suddenly nude
taut. Th hawser caught the rowuoat in
such a way as to capsize It, throwing tbe
boys Into tb water.
Twslv Hundred People Homeless.
Tbe village of Btrammy, Austria be
been entirely destroyed by fits and 1,200
persona sr bouicleas.
IT WA8 OFF.N ON SUNDAY. TAT m n.nimi orrrt aud rota
Tfir.w cl.osKn.
Tbe World' Columbian Kxpotlllon was
open to the people on funday Inst and
Jackson l'ark was filled. It whs ettlmsted
that over Ki,oon people visited the fair on
that day. It was a cold raw day. too, and
for a tune It looked as though It would
rain. The day dawned bright and clear, but
toward noon tbe clouds gathered and the
atmosphere become damp and chilly. Aa a
consequence many peril ns who bud Intend
ed to go remained nt heme. However this
may lie, thomand of artisan and laborer
of all kinds were there nnd a' great many of
them tock their families. The crowd re
sembled that which collect in th public
parka on Hunday during the hot weather
when the tenement districts become oppres
sive. In view of the fact that It ran Pumlav
only a part of th Htnte building were
open. I he Mate building which were open
were those ot Illinois. California. Wiscon
sin. Col irado, Mlchiean. Maine. Iowa. Idaho,
Montana, Kansas, Nebraska, Wnihlnpton.
Minnesota, Florida Arizona New Mexico.
Ohio and Wyoming. 'Ihose which aere
closed acre Massscimseits Ith.xle Island,
New Jersey. Maryland. Connecticut, New
Hamp-hlre. Virginia. North I'nkotn. South
Pakuta, Louisiana. Missouri, I'ennsvlvania,
New York and I'elnware. The buildings
closed because thev are yet tiiflnlslied were
those of Indiana, Vermont, Wist Virginia,
I'tali, Kentucky. Texas. Arkansas and
Oklahoma. The t'nited Hates government
building we closed.
The laloons and hotel hnr down town
were practically deserted on c'lindu. Since
the opening of the fail the business -with
them ha been so rushing on Sundays that
extra barkeeiwrs were employed In many ot
them in otder to attend to the extra r-un-day
business. To-day however, they bad
little to do, and the greater part ot the d:iy
they were I ile.
tup. rttn MAKixn hoxfy.
The receipts of Ibe Fair have gradually
Increuved until now they are daily tlu.tsio
In excess of expenditures. Director James
V. hllsnorth said that the reposition Co.
I now f lw.OOO ahead of administrative ex
pense. After hearing argument all of Friday in
the Ciingmiin injunction suit against the
directors of the Columbian exposition to
prevent their closing the gate on Sunday,
Judge Stt-iti took the matter under m'l
visement until Monday morning, l ending
his decision, no action in the premises were
token by any court in Cook county.
Thi lenvestlieSiiudny opening resolution
of the directony undiMurbed by leyal pro.
ceciiit:g. The Federal district attorney
filed his bill for an injunction nn Snturdiiv,
but no action will be taken until next week
and a temporary restraining orb-r war not
nsked pending t lie nruuinents Jon the bill.
Chief Justice Fuller will occupy n seat nn
bench, It is tht earnest ilesire'of the Oov
eriiment. according to Mr. Mitchrist, Unit
the decision shall be made bv such an array
oflegal talent that nosh dow of doubt will
rest on the justness of the judge's conclu
sions, luievcr they mny be.
The National World's "fair commissioners
eljouriieil on Friday until July 15.
Better Weather Stimulates Itetai' Trad
nnd Livened Up Other Lin a.
U U. Dim tt Co.'s Weekly Iteview of
Trade mys:
In two ways there him been quite a gener
al improvement during the put week. Bet
ter weather throughout most of the country
tins stimulated retail trade, nnd the largo
distribution of good iias mn le jobbing
trade iiurre nitive. Monetary anxieties have
curiously abated at many widely separated
points. Lime loans solicited here a week
or two npo, to provide fur extreme emergen-
:ies in different cities, have not been want
ed and threatening failures at several points
have passed without causing much disturb
ance. Yet the actual conditions do not ,-ecm to
hnvechanged m-iterially. (lold is still go
ing nut and s'.'.issi.iHi I more are to be shipped
to-day. The Treasure reserve is a.-ain re
duced below the hundred million limit
The lame demand tor re discounts and
advances by Western and Southern bonks,
liinilfii coiisidcfntly abated, has been greater
than Kastern hanks could wholly meet.
There's un delimit, improvement ill financial
n Halts snroad and the prospect ol a continu
ed omen of gold for some lime to come has
not altered.
Wheat and corn nre both about nt the
same price us n week ago. although Western
receipts of wheat in four days have been
l.mi'.Mos bushels nnd Atlantic exports 1.
KMI,MI7 bushels, nnd corn receipts have b"en
very lurce with iiisignillinut exports. Mes
pork is :i'ic higher, but other hog products
a shade lower, mid while coffee advanced
half a edit, nil ueclines I rent. A natural
recline is seen In dairy products and potr.
toes. CottcMi is also nil eighth lower, al
though the receipts have been smaller and
the expoits larger Hum lor the same week
last year, but the enormous stocks in s gut
are not diminishing more than usual ut this
Imports nre still large for three weeks in
May. exceeding lust year's by nearly fl,0CHi,.
Out . but exports have Kinicwlnit increased
and lor three weeks show a slight guin.
Money nn ( nil is cheap anil abundant, but
loans on time for roniinerviul needs nre yet
mude with omeilitllcuUv and sparingly.
The failures for the last seven days num
ber for the I'nited Slates 2.VI. Canada 14,
total U73. as compared with Itil last week.
'.'so the week previous and I'JB for the corre
sponding week of last year.
Hank cleurinm UitaU for the week emlini.
May S, us telegruphed to lirailstmta, are
us follow :
New York t5"o,Itl2.249 D 14.0
Chicago;7.M7 I US
Boston H0.-ltiu..ril7 D 7.7
Philadelphia 7-:il.",lii:t I 9.3
r't. Louis iiWfi.Ml I 11.5
I'ittsburg I.'i,3-.'l.li4 D 1U.7
Van Francisco i:i,u,Ma D iU.f
Baltimore l.i.(i7'J,hil I 2.1'
Cincinnati 13.2.M.RUO D 4.s
Cleveland 5, 377,3m) I l.S
1 1 indicates increase, Ddecrease.)
The aggregate ol cleuringa of Ml of the
principal cities of the country is !,(H3,AH,
4i", a decrease ol h.3 ier cent. The totals
exclusive of New York Citv amount to
NtiO.lOLMUB, and shows decrease of l.'J
per cent.
Baa Ball Heoord.
The following table shows the standing of
tb different base ball clubs u.i to date :
w. u p'ct. w. I., r'ct.
Pittsburg. 18 8 .fi-V! Baltimore 13 12 .620
('level' nd. 11 6 ,W7 Cincin'll.. 13 14 ,4U2
Brooklyn. 13 10 .SIS Wush'n... 11 14 .440
St. Louis.. 13 11 .642 New York 11 14 .410
Fhilsdet'a 12 11 .622 Chicago... 0 14 .301
Boston.... 13 12 .620 Louisv'le. 4 11 .207
Admiral Obibarui, who bos been re
lieved from sea duty, has received a com
munication from Secretary Herbert Congrats
ularing blm on Iheiucceuful conduct c
tb naval review.
At Melbourne, Australia, the Mercantile
Financial Trustee and Agency Company
bas suspended piyinent. Tbe nominal cap
ital of th concern exceed 2O,000,0Tin, and
tb Ilrltlsb deposit In th Imtltution
stnout lol,S00,0T0.
At Fostoria, 0.,Kx-Hecrctary of the Treas
ury Charles Finder mad an assignment of
his larse and diversified business interests
for the brtiePI of hi creditors. This action
I a shock that more than two score of busi
ness enterprises, in which Mr. Foster la In-terest-sl,
outside the concerns assigned, will
severely feel. Mr. Foster place the liabili
ties at tflW,0O0, and scarcely expect that
the sale of In holding will reallic sufficient
to pay dollar for dollar.
At Fietorla, O., N. 1'ortt A Co., N. Fort
and C. Foster, th predecessor of th Fos
toria Bros and Iron Works company, as
signed to J. McDonald. Liabilities (30,000,
Assets consldernbl) more. J. B. (lormley,
tho assignee, states that further Investiga
tions show affairs In even worse th than
had been at Hint thought and that the lia
bilities of the ex Secretary would reach
KOO.OOJ nnd podbly 1,0- 0000. with th
asset much less. In a letter to the presi
Mr. Foster said:
"Business is largely done with borrowed
money. Contldence in the maintenam of
sound financial condition ia es-eutlnl to
legitimate lending. That public contldence
bas lor some time been shaken in the abil
ity or capacit.i of the government lo main
tain gold payment Is evident. The imtiiral
impulse of banks in such time is to
treugthen themselves auninst some poasib e
ai d iinusunl draft. Then comes inability
to borrow, decline in prices, suspension am1
bankruptcies follow.''
The announcement wa made Saturday
morning tbat the North Baltimore Banking
Company, of which ex-Uov. Foster of Ohio
I a director, and the I'eople'i bonk of tbe
snnie place had closed their door. The banks
have so far. with the exception of Foster
Co., experienced no trouble.
Homy Knnisny, negro, wu hanged In
Richmond county, tin., jail yard for the
murder last October of Hubert '. Harris,
marshal of Somervllie.
Bobert Altxander, Louis nnd Howard
I'ugli, negro boy were hnnge.1 nt Tucka
nee. Anl., for a criminal assault on Mr.
Cox, a forme-' wife. This is the first legal
hanging for thi offense In the Stat?.
At Cnniilcn, N J., C.eo. Morris, the color
ed veteran who murdered hi housekeeper,
Klla Ford, In a fit or Jealousy, nnd wa con
victed of second degree murder, wa sent
enced to 20 years in the Trenton, N, J
penitentiary by Judge Sutuson, tbe full
extent of the law.
Report received at tho treasury depart
ment indicate a larger registration of
Chinese Hum anticipated. Reports from 40
out i f H.'i Internal revenue districts show
that 11.273 have registered.
c.rir.i. anii i.Annn.
The Miners' International Conference ha
agreed upon the necessity of a better In
tpection of mines, and ha also voted in
favor of Hie eqnulitv of men employed on
the surface and those employed under
Advices fio n Roiimunia say that floods
bnvc destroyed over fOO.isK) acres of crops,
tnd tbul the ilan ao is liear'y Al,00j,000,
The remain of Jeli'erson Davis, after
reposing in Loula.imii lor nearly four year,
have been traufeycd to their final resting
place in Hollywood Cemetery at Richmond,
Va lb? scene of the mut momentous oc
currences of his life.
Tb Ball in Honor of the Infanta tbe
Most Seleot Event New York Uaa
Known. Magnificent Deoo
rations. On Friday the Infanta F.uliilie mndean in
lornial trip up the Hudson as fur us Yonk
ets on the dispatch boat Dolphin.
Tho ball in her honor in the evening st
Madison Square Garden, S'cw York City, was
curried out according to tho eluborate plan
arranged and was a great sneers in every
respect. The attendance was probably a
fuihionablo and select as was ever gathered
together in the city.
Rich und mni-nitlcent a hnve been the
decoration of Mailion Square (iarden iu
times oust, it is probable that those of to
night have never been equaled; certainly
never ill this country have tin y been sur
passed. All the artistic skill of the florist
was called into play to procnt a scene that
will never be forgotten by those fortunate
enough ti wittier it. The ball look place
iu the Asrembly room, nnd on this occasion
its appearance wit that of one vast floral
bower. From the street Mow to the Inner
most recesses ol the hall there win a pro
fusion of mil lire's choicest beauties, all
combining to make n picture bewildering
in its details, charming in its conception
and harmonious in its development.
t he tloral bower began with the entrance
on the .Madison Square side and extended
to tbe stairway forming the ascent to (he
As-embly chamber above. The lobby it
self was trans ormed intoa veritable garden
Trellises covered with vines concealed the
walls und arches and shut off any glimpse
ol the ceiling. The corners of thu hull were
broken and concealed br an exceedingly
tasteful giouping tit plants, iu which ninny
blooming (lowers were intermingled. The
entrance from Twenty-sixth street wus
treated in a sitnilurlv artistic way.
The place of honor, the Assembly hall,
was, tit courie, assigned lo the infunla unit
her suite. And her all that artistic skill
could tlo hat. been ace mplished. This
royal apartment, wa made up by making
the three boxes, at the south side nearest
the siugu into one, the whole being convert
ed into u gorgeous llorul bower, with a pro
jecting cunopy resembling in the exquisite
ness of its tri-utmeiit the interior of a tea
hell. The front stage presented a beautiful
sight. Nine private boxes were arranged
there, behind which there appeared a con
servatory ellect that ttas delusive in its
naturalness. It as created by an ingenious
grouping of lofty palms, foliage plants and
Iiiriliniere of long-steinmvd American
saury roses and lilac plums iu full bloom.
The greatest iniiirniluence wus in the
room where Her Royul Highness received
her guests. Thl large apartment wss fur
bished iu the style of Louis XV with the
costliest ol furniture and tapestry so price
less that thecoiuiiiittre took lb Jprecsution
to have it insured for (2UO.0OO. The I'rincess
stood on ilia, draped with elaborate Span
ish hangings of lb seventh century.
Th baniiust hall on the mound Hoar was
arranged like a seen in Madrid, with ban
anas, piueaprle aud orang trees in pro-
What I Going On the World Over.
Important Event Briefly Chronicled.
At Wlnton. Vs.. Hnne Company's
mammoth plug and twin factory, th o.
ond largest bouse of it kind In th Soot
and other valuable property were burned.
About '00 people are thrown out of em
ployment. Losa, (200,000; Insurance, 1150,.
At fielding, M!ch fir broke out In Rob!.
Inson A Hudson' grocery store. Fanned
by s strong wind, it spread rapidly from
tore to Mors destroying a large number of
building, among them the pottofflc and
th Leonard Holme. block. In the latter
there were several families living, They
barely escaped with their lives, saving noth
ing. Many are entirely destitute. In two
hours the lire was under control, after de
stroying f 160. 000 worth of property, lnnr
ed for tos.OOO.
At Roeklln, Cal.,twen(y Hv house. Lot
175.000; Insurance, two-third. Alice Irish,
s chambermaid, wo burned to death.
Crime nn Peaaltl,
William Sullivan tb Leech murderer,
wa lynched nt t'oruna, Mich.
At Lamar, Mn., Amot Avery wa hanged.
His crime was the murder of James A.
Mile, a traveling photographer, to secur
the tatter's team and out lit.
At Areola, III,, ex-mnyor A. B. Dimond
wss shot and almost Instantly killed by hi
partner, David Miller. The men quarreled
over a busine matter and both drew re
volver and began firing. Dimond was
shot through the breast. Miller wa wound
ed In tb band. Doth men were prominent
tVnshlnslon New.
Over 8.000 Ciiinksf. ItF.oisTr.nrn. Reports
from 44 of the 3 internal revenue districti
show tbnt 6,413 Chinese have registered. The
largest registration from a single district ia
from Colorado, where 1,500 registered.
Owing to the small amount of gold bul
lion deposited and heavy expense, Secretary
Carlisle has directed the suspension of tb
mint at (.'arson City, Ncv
William K. Quinby, editor and chief pro.
prlelor of the Detroit "Freo l'rcs" wo ap
pointed Minister to theNetherland. Webj'er
H. Ruckmnnn.of I'ennsylvonla.wasjappoint
ed Fourth Assistant Examiner in the Fat
enl Office.
f nehnl. f.nbor and Industrial.
The four hundred trummcra in CalumC
and llecla, Mich., copper mine have refin
ed to go under ground unless Sunday night
work is stopped, and tbey get the same
woges a before, 03 per month. The com-,
pany will not comply, nnd ordered all d s
satisfied men to get their settlement. There
Is no disturbance yet.
In the General Synod of the Lutheran
church In seslon nt Cinton, O., officer
were elected a follows; I'resident, Dr. C.
rnhlt-rtn, llultlniore; Secretory, W. S.Frease
York, To., Treasurer, I.oui Muuss, Cincin
nati. I.eglNlnllve.
The Michigan legislature ho adjourned.
The house passed the compulsory transpor
tation bill, which provides that railroad be
required to issue free transportation to all
state officers, In the senate tho woman'
suffrage bill was passed and will now be
come a lnw,a the signature of the governor
is assured.
A landslide has occurred at Vaerdalen,
Norway. Fifty farm wore destroyed and
over 100 persons are missing.
The wedding of the Duke of York and
I'rincesa May of Teck bat been fixed for
July 0.
A dispatch from Grnsstrelilx says that a
terrible tire occurred at Kruppamuehle,
where nn explosion destroyed a lurtte es
tablishment. Subsequently a fire started
in tbe ruins, which wipe J out 213 building,
causing a loss of 12,000,000 marks.
Tbe Swiss crop will be a disastrous and
complete failure.
The drought ha caused a losa to French
farmer of inn,000.
The Infamous murderer Fritz Hunter and
his mistress. Dorothea Krbe, who robbed
and assassinated a number of servant girls,
were executed with the aword at Madge
burg, tbe Kaiser, us usual, refusing to grant
them a pardon,
A serious plague of locusts is devastating
all growing crops in the government of
Suratov, Russia.
The Present Outlook in Pennsylvania,
v est v irginia and Ohio.
The monthly cron renort Issued At V ,.s,
Ingion comuiiis the following:
I emiarlvnnia Flood and cool mil...
damaged and retarded crops in northwest
ern portion, but conditions have been im
proved by th recent warmth.
wesc t irginia v heat ha made fine
growth: oats and grass are crowing nii,..
corn and garden vegetables are seriously af-
lecieu Dy excessive rains; rrult prospects are
promising; siock is doing well.
Ohio Corn is half Dlanted. with .nm.
coming up; wheat, oats, grass, rye, barley,
potatoes and tobacco plants ara urna-ln.
finely; cherries, plums and pear sre fulling
on Duuiy; strawberries will yield a larg
Ten Laborers Blown to Fieoos.
A powder mill at St. Ingbcrt. I;
exploded and th building was entirely
wrecked. Ten laborer were killed outright
and a large number wounded. A dynamite
factory near Opnelm was destroyed by av
explosion with a toss of 1,090,000 mark.
Tub deacon's wife wanted to 'ot
down the text, and, leaning over to
her scapegrace nephew, she whispered :
j mve you any card about your"
"You can't play in church," was the
solemn, reproving answer, and tbe
good woman was so flustered that
us forgot tier text Auon.