Subscription $l,fto per yenr, in mtrnncc. An tiili'i'iih'nt livnl imprr, Hlllslii'thrry Weilni"Mlny tit Id'yiinliNvlllo, .li't1Vrnii Co. Pa., ilovnlod to llm lntinln of KoynnliUvlllo anil .li'lTi'i-smii'minl v. Nnit-nnlltlriil, will tn-nt r. 1 1 Willi fnlrni"ui. nnil will In- ixvlnlly frlriid y tniinl- I hp lulmrliiK cln. nni'riiiinii iiii-i" i.wtpT ynr. in nnvnni'i. rnnuniiiilriillniift Inli'tidi'il for tiultllrtillim mint, lin n iniinnli'il by tho wnlor' 11111110, nut for tMiltllt'iitlon, tint nn n miiirniitro nf Rond full n. Inli'i'i'itlnic nrwH Iti'tiiM moIIcIIimI. Al vert Ixlnir rnti-M nuiiln known on npiilli'n tlon til tlio nlllii In Arnnlili' lllni'k. Li'turhty rnminunli'iitliiiiH nnd rlituitfo of ndvortlHt'nii'iiti tdinuld riMirti thin nlllro by Monday noon. Addii' nil i'ommiinlc'iitlon to ('. A. Htoph ennon, Kovnnldivllli', I'll. Knlcri'if nt tln mtnlnVi nt floynoliNvlltp, Ptt.. ah M'roiift rhiHH mull nmtlor. A. ft T ft I' 1 1 If MHO, Kdllnr mid lnb. Wednesday, may 2t. wx "Tlioy tny," in n-Hiionsllilo for n jftviit mnny foul ctilmnnlox. Tn Slum luimtirH nro inirlril iillvo: nnd In nil ('lilun tlitti'o In not one lutmtlu asylum. nad luck cotiioH to men who trut In lm'k," hiijh Homo ono. It nlxo frMiii'iit ly cimii's to ttion who tnwt In men. Almut tho only wiiy to tnnUi' hoiiik pooplo Imppy l to jirovlilo for thotn goiiii; sort of Imncliiiirv mnrtyriliitn. No nmn run bo n iwiuro-iimkor who In not Hint a noni'i'-kecner. You enn't Htop a florht by unklno; tbo other follow to quit. Thu iiiMiii'Ht biiHincHH in wlilrli u luiin can fiijjatro ' l"'"' I"'' witncHS ajf ill list hi lH'ljtblHir. In tho i'tnl tho BlnnuVrHr U the ono to whom pormu-nt-nt harm conic. Prof. Henry Driiiiiiiiontl hhjh there In no happlnexH in having or In p'ltln, but only In (fivlnp;, m"' world Ib on the wrong scent In tho pursuit of happiness. They think it coiisIsIh in havlnjf nnd guttlii";, and in belnir served by others. It consists In jrlvlny and In serving others. Profanity is an inexcusable, vice. It is an offense at;aist tho laws of liod and also those of our land, and yet it In a common thing to hear profane laiiguairo upon our streets dally, yea, hourly. If tho law was enforced many peuplo w ho 1.1... 41. I I ..I 1.1 uoilHlilur i iii.'iiihci ves rem iin:u union have to coino down with tho cash for tho privllego of clothing their expres sions In profanity. Tho attendance ut tho World's Fair Is disappointingly small, only about 18,(KM) per day on an average slnco It ojiened. This lias not paid tnoro than ono-fonrth of tho running expenses. No wonder the managers nro getting alarmed at. the outlook. Tho total cost of tho Kxpositlon up to May 1st is shown by tho Treasurer's report to have, been $20,2.r(1,(X)0, of which 1000,000 still re mains unpaid. There Is uncommon power In tho commonplace. Nothing Is mora com monplace than the Infinite blue of tho sky, yet ono never tires of turning to Its quiet and and abiding majesty from the vain pomps and changing HpcetiU'lcH of men. Truth, vlrtuo, faithfulness, these aro tho sky of tho soul, and all brilliant wickedness and oil worldly wisdom pass away as vain shadows be fore the everlasting glory of those, sim ple goodnesses. Kx. It Is said that using money wisely Is more of an art than getting money to use. It requires a larger measure of ability to spend money as It should 1x) spent, than to accumulate It In tho first place. Money is a dangerous thing to . handle. It ruins many a man through - tempting hlra to its overweening mir- -sult; and it ruins many another man through tempting him to squander It when gathered, or to depend on It un duly as a means of happiness or of use fulness. Tho art of spending money aright Is commanding more attention than evor before In this country, where the art of accumulating money is al ready a familiar ono. A cheerful disposition Is bettor than rlchos, or social position, or any of tho rewards of ambition; hotter than all else save only tho character which God loves. But while evory one Is ready to say yes to this somewhat commonplace proposition, their conduct does not as a rule conform to the affirmative. Not because there is any one who does not wish to be choerful, "but how can I bo," he moans,' "when there are so many clouds afloat In my gloomy sky, and when my pathway in life is so full of .snares and sorrows ?" Well, it can not bo donled that on all hands there are sources of grlof and no heart is always able, with its firmest resolves to the contrary, to rise above their depressing influence, Nevertheless there is usual ly a bright side to the darkest prospect, if only it be looked for. The purpose to be cheerful whatsoever ono's situation, is half tho secret of a happy life; and the whole of it is to possess a cheerful heart out of which this fine purpose grows. No good comes of brooding. Much good comes of making the bust of things. The patent reoipe for cheerfulness is, living out of ourselves and for others. It is said of the philanthropist Howard that when he felt disposed to an indulgence of "the blues," he lifted off the threatening burden by seizing his hat and going and doing somebody what good he could. To brighten those about us is to become bright ourselves. Memorial Day. IlF.ADg'ita Df.p't of Pa. O. A. I U., Piiiladki.HIIA, May 1, 1)3. f ComhaIiks: Another year lias passed and we are again rcinlncd the ttmo is approaching when wo make our annunl visitation to tho habitations of the dead. More than twotity-ulght years havo passed slnco the Angel of Peace spread her wings over our beloved country. In all that time you havo never faltered In your devotion to the memory of your departed comrades, and now In the midst of this beautiful season of tho year, when all nature Is bright, nnd tho sweet perfume of the flowers of spring Is around nnd ntmut us, it were well that we stop nt 'he milestone of nnd with solemn thoughts nnd utterances renew our nlleglance to the cause for which so ninny of our bravo comrades went down to their death, or since tho eventful days of the war have dropped by tho wayside. I,ct us show by our zeal In tho performance of this sacred duty, that we lx-lleve It Is well for tho country to thus honor the memory of her defenders, iiml in this manner teach an object lesson of patriotism which will not soon bo forgotten. Tor our com rades who have answered tho lust roll cull there nro In our hearts words. If we could speak them, that nro as Passion Mowers, and sentences that are as wreaths of Amaranth. They sleep un der the ilew and the daisy. To their memory on May With, wo will drop the tribute of a tear: and on the lowly mounds scattered throughout our great commonwealth let us plant the beauti ful llowcrs of spring time, that will 1o watered w ith the tears of the people of a grateful country. As we Ih-iiiI o'er the graves of our comrades, we can re call, ns If In sweet communion, their noble, unselfish sacrifices and heroic tearing In the hour of danger, for humanity and civilization. In this spirit of meditation we look about us and see the evidences of prosperity all over this broad hind, ami whilst we can recall nothing which can arouse a feel ing of vinilletiveuess or sectional pas sion, we feel proud of the fact that our honored dead were comrades In tho grandest volunteer army the world ever knew. Let us, therefore, perform tho duties of the day ill a reverent spirit, and thus show to the world our appre ciation of their efforts In the days of long ago, and for the few remaining days allotted to us let us so live that when we, ton, shall huvo lieen called, "wo may wrap the drapery of our couch about us nnd lie down like one to pleas ant d reams." Hy command of Department ( 'ommnn- der Thos. (J. Sample. Sam'i. P. Town, Asst. Adjt. tieneral. Poorly Organized. llliiH'kniiy rllle Itironl. A man prominent In local labor cir cles is authority for the statement that slnco active coal developments began, tho miners of Jefferson county were never so poorly organized us at tho present time. Atone time scarcely a mine existed which was without an or ganization of some kind, and the his tory of tho pnst has been marked at different periods by a decided spirit of aggressiveness on the part of tho labor unions. Tho Knights of Laltor have been tho backbonu of all lnlsir unions in this sec tion. Other miners' organizations were instituted and waxed strong, and were auxillarly In somo form or other to the K. of L. Assemblies flourished at Ilroekport, Clarion Mines, Ueechtreo and Coal Glen, but now all havo lapsed. Tho only mining towns which havo nn organization at present aro Ilorutio and Anita. An Assembly exists ut Clay vlllo, but It is a mixed local, and not confined exclusively to mine workers. Various causes uro assigned for tbo decline of unionism In this section, but tho most likely reason is tho depression which has existed in coal mining for the past year or two. 'Yhilo some of the larger collieries havo rim pretty steadily, tho low coal districts have barely made half time. Nothing is so demoralizing in tho ranks of labor as idleness, and slack work is always marked by a corresponding decrease In agitation. Memorial Day Program. Parade will form at 0.15 a. m., right resting on corner of Main and Fifth streets. 1st, Daptist Sunday school; 2nd, Methodist Sunday school; 3rd, Presbyterian Sunday school, then all other Sunday schools that wish to join; 4th, band; 5th, Jr. O. U. A. M.: flth, P. O. S. of A.; 7th, Sr. O. U. A. M. and all other orders that wish to turn out; 8th, S. of V.; 0th, W. It. C; 10th, firing par ty with G. A. It. in rear. Column will proceed to Uoulah cemetery, at the gate will halt and open ranks and the W. It. C, G. A. It. and S. of V. pass through and receive the flowers. The proces sion will march around tho circle to a place designated and form a hollow square whore special services will bo rendered and the graves of our com rades will be decorated. Column will move at 0.30 A. M. sharp. G. A. It. re quests that all business places bo closed from 9 to 10 o'clock. Joseph Shaffer, Marshal. . Ladies cloan your kid gloves with Mousquetaire glove cleaner, for sale only by J. B. Arnold, the leading house In town, for dressed and undressed kid gloves in all the most desirable shades. Attention Ladies. All members of tho W. It. C. aro re quested to bo present at tho regular meeting Friday, May 2flth, by order of tho president. ' M. CrtAia Kwino, See. Tbo vnst facilities of tho J. C. Aynr Co., of Iowoll, Mass., enables them to plneo The Superior Ulood-purlller Ayer's Snrsnpnrllln within easy reach of tho pi h ires t Invalid. Don't 1m In duced to take a "cheap" substitute. Always remember that tbo Is-st Is tho cheniM-st. Croaker Fertilizer. Tbo Croaker Fertilizer for sale nt .1. W. Johnston' feed store, West Ilcyn oldsvllle. Frank P. Host, agent for tho fertilizer, also sells It nt bis farm in Wlnslow township. Do You Need Shoes t We have tho latest styles at popular prices. llKKIl'S HllOK STDItR. Henry A. Heed, the shoo man, has at last something to help suffering human ity. He bus the Infallible Corn Cure, which never fails to remove corns and docs not Injure tho feet. No cure, no pay. Why suffer when "1 cents will stop the cause. Specinl Notice. Try my buggies, they are as good ns the best, and low In price. You will pay middle men a big price nnd get no ls-t-ter. .1. K. Johnston, Knthmcl. Very pretty ten sets for I.T.'i at Sehllltze's. Best shoe In the world at Hobln- si m's. I'lrc liiMiirmii'i Since 1HTH. NorwooiK!. l'lliney, Drunk vllle, I'll. Old and reliable companies represented. o lirnb riiiii; All orders by mall will i elve prompt attention. Walter Spry, of Hoytioldsvillo, Is my authorized and licensed solicitor. Cy clune policies nlsn written. 11-21. Ladles line sole lace shoes $X) at Hobinson's. ?viftlit(t mtth the 0Mle. mTkknnTDmwoy ut, the home of the officiating min ister, Itev. T. I lemlerson, llrnokville, C. 10. MeKcimii, of lOleo, Washington county. Pa., und Mnrtbu Dickey, of Hevnoldsville, Pa. JOTICK TO TAX-PAYEltS. I'nrHiuitit to nn Ad of Ansi-mlily, I will nt 4ikI, ut tht follow!. itr time iiikI plnce, in rcivlvt' county itml shitu tuxes for tho yvtxr lNit:t, to-wlt : WnrHiiw twp., Went, Thnrsfltiy, .fini( 1st, ut the house of (1. V. Ulfhimls, In the forenoon, I 'oik wt., Thmsilny, June 1st, ut the house uf I'ullon HhoMuer, In the iiflemoon. Ilenth iwi I'l hhiy, June 'Jud, ut. thu house of Milton I'ulne, In the forenoon. Mu melt t wji., I'l hlity, June 'iitd.iit the house of U lllfiini Wuiltiee In Ihe artei-noon. Khlreil twit., Hiitunluy, .lime :ird, lit the Jones hotel, In the forenoon, unci In the lifter noon ut lite store nl Howe. Iteuver twp., Momhty, June .1th, nt the store of It. ('. Kelt, In the forenoon, Worlhvllle hoioinrh. Monthly, June nth, lit the house of K. II. (o-lsl. In the ufiei-noon. ItliiL'imlil tw.. Tuesthiv, June llth, ut the hotel In Klnuunlil, In the forenoon. Toi ler twp., Tuesday, June lit h, ut Hie house of (ieorire liKh, In the iifternoon. I'erry Iwp, Wednesday, June 71 h, tit the house of Sharp Nenle, In the forenoon, und In the iifternoon ut the store ut Frost hurti t'luy vllle horouuh, Thursday, Juno Nili, tit the Central hotel. I'unxsiituwney lioroutfh, Friday, June Hlh, lit Hotel I'aulall. Vountf twp., Huturduy, Jiiuu luth, tit Hold I'antnll. Itelltwp., Monday, June 1'Jtli, nt thu house of Henry Itrown, In the forenoon. (asklll Iwp., Monday, June l'-'th.nt (llbson'f store, In the forenoon. Itltt Kun horouuh, Tuesday, June Flth, ut the McClure Hoii-e. Henderson Iwp., Wednesday. June Uih.ut the house of Andrew I'ifer, tu'the forenoon. MeCiiluiotit 1h p., Wednesday, June Uih.ut the hou-e of lunlel North, In the afternoon, (diver twp., Thursday, June I.Mh, ut thu Htorn In Ollvelmru In the forenoon, und ut MrKlnslry'H store In tin iifternoon. Kuo twp., Friday, June liith.ut McCtuek en'n store. In Ihe forenoon. rinerreek twp.. Friday, June HI, ut the Htoro of F. Welser, In Ihe afternoon. I one twp., Haturiliiv June 17th, tit thoTreus tirer's ( Mitre, Itrookvllle. Washington twp., Monday. June lmh, ut Itockdale In the forenoon, and at the Wash ington hotel In the afternoon. Hnyder twp. and Itroeltwayvllle Iwirouk'h, Tuesday, June 'Join, ut thu liOtfan House. Warsaw tw o. east, Wednesday, lune 'ilst, ut the house of J. A. Fox, In tin forenoon. Fulfill twp. nnd Corsica IrorouKh, Thursday, June &!nd, at tilcnn'r hotel. Hiitumervllle horouuh, Friday, Juno lnt ut tho Couiuierelal hotel, In the forenoon. Clover twp., Friday, June 2;ird, at thu house, of J, Ksheltnun, In thu afternoon. Itrookvllle horouifh, Haturduy, Juno 34th, at the Treasurer'M olttee, KeynoldKvllle horouuh, Tuusday, Juno 27th, at the Hotel McCoimoU. Wlnslow twp., U ednssduy, Juno 2M1 h, at tho Hotel McConnell, Tn rt leu paying taxes at tho above times, and pluees, will save ten er rent., us that amount will he added when placed In tho hands of tho colloeUm. Mercantile Ureases will bo collected utalt places visited, and all licenses remaining un paid after the tlrst of July will 1k placed In thu hundsof tho proper ollieiuls for collection. A, O. HcWILLIA.HS, Co. Tread. The Percheron Stallion. 8ULTRNI Will utand for mares at tho following places: J. K. Mulhnllaud, near Punic, on Monday and bulaneo of each week at owner's barn In Paradise settlement. Description. Sultan Is a bright dun plo gray, li yearn old, HiJ hands high and weighs 1700 pounds', has good stylo and fine action, and a good disposition. Will show for himself. Pedigree. Sultan was sired by Old Sultan, Imported from France by W. T. Waltoi-s, of Baltimore, Md. First dam Olo Colie, by Prlncu Na)olcon, also im ported from Franco; second dam, by Old Klggor, lmportodi third dam, Wax work, Imported. Terms. $5.00 for the season, payable with tho first Borvleo of tho horse; $0.00 to Insure mare with foal, payable us soon as mare is known to be with foal; or $H.OO to insure living foal on foot. Parting with an Insured mare before known to be with foal forfeits tho Insur ance. All reasonable care taken, but not accountable for accidents. Thomas Reynolds, r., Owner. t'mtltotietnrtti Wit. JOUritdl'IIONDTAItV, WIKMAM 11. KUTTF.ri, or t'l.Arvu.i.K linimtioii,'1't. In net Ion of tlie rt'iiiililli'inm of .Ii'ITit miii Co. nl tin' iirliiuiry eli'i'tliin, .luiie 17, JWI, ,U I'HOTIIO.NOTAKY, JOHN H. HA UK. Or PmrriiKKK Tnwsmi', Ru!icit to nclloti nf tltr I'l'pultllriitiM nt Ji'lTr sen I n. ul Ihe pi Iihiii v I'li'i'llmi, June 17, Ihiki. JAK 1'UOTIIONOTAHY, HollKHT M. SWISH F.Il, Or I't.ATVII.I.R IIOIIOI'llll.'i't In net Inn of till' retilllitlclitm of .fctTcr H4iii Co. at Urn rltniit-y cli'ctiitii, .luiin 17, I Hir.i. SOirrlfT. ,Vll HIIF.Itll T, K. NI'.FF, Or ItKYNnt.HSVII.I.K IIOIIOI'llll, Huliji'i't tiini'tlim of tlie ri'iiiitilli'iiiwnf .li'tTi'f miiii I'n. at the iit'liiiiny eli'i'tliin, .liini' 17, Ihii:i. ,VHt HIII'.KII'I', DAVID i. (lOPULFV, or IIiiookvii.i.k lloiioriin, Huliji'i't In tii'llnnnr tlie rciiililli'nn4 nf .IcITcr Nnh Co. ut the prlinnry elccl Inn, .limn 17, IMi;t, j,mhi iit:ico'F. ( HAHI.F.SO. WILSON, Or I't-NxscTAwxnr liotiormi,'i'l In net Inn of the ri'pulil leu ns of .ti'lTer Hitn I 'n. nl I lie prliiuil-y elccl Inn, June 17, IKKI, pHtPIIKKII'K, (KOIMiFi W. WAItNK'K, Or Hi:rxni.iiNVii.i.K tluiioriin, Hilli.lci't to lii'llnn nf I hi t-rpilltllrtniMof .Icircr sun I'n. ut I In. I'rlimity i-li'i'tlini, .hum 17, Ism. JiltHIIHItllH'r K. W. McMIf.f.KN, Or ItKTMII.ImVtl.l.K IIOIIOI'llll, Subject to ni'llnii nf tin ili'iniNTiilH nf .IcnYr. mum i'n. hi the ptlitiin-y eli'i'tliin, lune, tyi:i. Vtountii Crcituvtr. Jl'OK TltKASfltKK, .lollN WAITi:, or WiNsLow TowNsinr, Hlllijerl In net Inn nf lite rrpillillritim nf .Ti'lfcr miiii I'n. nt llic prliiiiiry clcrtliiii, .limn 17, 1n1i:i. i'iiU TI!KASI'ltl:it, N. D. CoKKY. Or IM'NXsi'TAWNr.r lloimriiii. Hiililcct In net Inn nf Hie ri'lilllillcllllt nf .li'tTiT- miiii I n, III the prliiiiiry elect lint, .hitic 17, v.i;i. THKASl Ul.U, W. W. CIUKSMAN, I r l i.A yvii.i.k llniincoii, In ml lull nf the miiiiIiIIi'Iiiim nf .1 1 11 -- Slllijii't SDN I II, ill the pi I nun. v ili'i'l Inn, ,liuii 17, Imii:i, JoItT HKASritKI(7 AHTIHJH MOHfMSON, Or I'nion Township, In net inn of tin' ri'lllllillrmiMiif .ll'lfer- Hilli.lci't miiii I ii. ill the prliinit-y elei'llnii film 17, Im'.cI. J'olt TltKASL'liKH, W. II. LUCAS, OrCuiisii'A llolllll'llll, Hllh.ll'Ct In licllini nf Ihe ri'lllllillcllllM nf Jclfcr HiniCo. ill Hie prliiiiiiy clcclliiii, .liinii 17, (romtull(incv. FOH COM M I S WON K It, W. T. COX, t)r Winslow Township, HhIiJii'I fo net Inn of the ri'piilillriinsnf li'lTcr. miiii Co. lit the prlinnry elccl Inn, .limn 17, IMi:i. Foil COMMISSIONER, DANIF.L HltKWKH, Or I'kiiiiy Township, Huliji'i't tn net Inn nf I he republicans nf .Iclfer. Min I'n. nt Hip I'i-I i y elect inn, Juno 17, Foil (XM MISSION ER. .lOSKPFI DAHlt, Or HiiooKrii.i.R lloiioriin, Hnbji'ct. to lii'llnn nf Hie rcpiililiciins nf Ji'ffer Hiin Co. at I he prliiiiiry nice! inn, June 17, IMfl. Foil COMMIHHIONEH, JOSKP1I HULLKHS, or U'aiisaw Township, Huliji'i't tniictlnn of Ihe n'plllillciilisnf .Icffcr hiiii Co. ut thu prliiiiiry elect inn, .luiin 17, ImKI. Foil COMMISSIONER, M. F. WOtJDS, Or Ki.iiiikd Township, Hiitijcct tn net Inn of the licnincnilM nf .Icffer miii Co. lit the prlinnry elcrllnn, June 1, 1Mi;i. Fob COMMISSIONER, A. W. MULHOLLANI), Or VVinsijiw Township, Huliji'i't tn net Inn nf tho Hi'incx-iuti nf .Icrfcr min Co. ut. Hiu prliiiiiry clcctiiiii, Juno 4, Ni;i. FOR COMMISSIONER, S. M. SHIELDS, Or Ci.iivt:n Township, Hilbject tnlicllnn nf the ri'plllilii'linSnf .Icrfcr ihiii Co. lit tho prlmuiy elcrllnn Juno 17, Iswi. iMiacrllanrou. c, MITCHELL, ATTOI1XEV-AT-LAW. Offlcp on West Main street, opnimlto tlio Coiiiniorclul lliitol, llnynnlilsvlllo, 1'u, D H. B. K. HOOVEH, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. HiiBldcnt dentist. In liullillnir neur Metho dist church, niHisit A mold block, Gontlo iiohii In nptirutiiiK. Ootcl. T TOT EL McCONNELL, AX REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Fit AN K J. JILACK, Proprietor. Tho loiuliiiK lintel nf tho town. Ilciiliiiar tors for ciiiiuiiorcliil mini. HU'iim hunt, froe bus, hiilli riKiniM mill clnsots on evory floor, Biinipln rooms, billluiU rnuni, Uilopliuno ton lioolloiiM, JJOTEL DELNAP, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. ailEENd CONSEIt, Proprietor First Plans In every pnrtlciiliir. Lwiilod In the very rent re of tlio Imi-Iiio, pari of tnwn. 1 rro 'bus tn und from trains und commodious Buniplu moms for roiiiincivlul truvolurs. MERICAN HOTEL, RROOKVILLE, PA. li UFFJNO TON A LONG, I'rop't. Omnibus to nnd from nil trains. European roHtuiiruut. Uuiimo heuiod mill liitiitod by KHH. Hut und cold wiuer. Wi'storii L'nlou Teloxruph oltlce In bullillinr. The hotel Is uttod with nil Hie modern cuiivonlonces. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROOKVILLE, PA rilJL P. CAIWIElt, Proprietor, Bumiiln rooms on the ground floor. House heutod by uuturul gun. Omnlbu to uud from ull trulus. Don't Walk! but buy a the cheapest to the highest price at O. F. HOFFMAN'S, The Reynoldsville Jeweler. We Have Recived our SEGOND INVOIGB NewSpnngDress Goods! Do not fail to come and see them. They are Beauties. BING & CO., NOLAN BLOCK, Do You Know Where to Make Dollars Do Double Duty ? Why certainly at BOLGER BROS.' well Stottei CMlini EioFin, AVhere you will find the Largest Assortment of jS.Prl.nP! Hats and Handsome Jeckwear Ever offered to the people of Reynoldsville. It may be said of our stock that "Nature made it and then broke the mould," for the garments we offer look more stylish than many high priced custom-made suits. OUR OBJECT In advertising is to let everybody know how thoroughly we combine perfection of Style, Fit and Finish with the most Reasonable Prices. Have you selected your SPRING .'.SUITS? If not, do not delay, but come at once and inspect our stock, which comprises the latest styles iu Sacks, Cutaways, Double Breasted Square Cuts and Prince Alberts. Respectfully, BOLGER BROS., Originators ot the Small Prollt Sgstem. All grades from OF- MHIN STHET.