The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 17, 1893, Image 4

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tiultmriptinn $t.M ;xr yritr, in mft'iiwr.
' An Inili'iieiiili'nl Ineiil pnHr, inbll-lieil every
Wuilni-nihiy nl Hviio!tUvlllt, .lelTeron l'n.
I'll., ilivtili to tin- InleirmlH lit Ki'VIIiiIiIivIIIk
mnl .lel'i-i-Mnni'minty. Nnn-iiilllh'l. will It-cut
Oil with falrnim. nml will tti'iiielnlly frli nil
ly tiiwunln I hi- Inhering i-lmw.
HtilMerltilhin tirleitl.AOMrjanr,ln advance.
('iimiiinnli'iillnit't liilondt'il for iiitltllt'iitliin
tmiM. tie nertimimnlcil liy tin writer' mime,
nut fur iiiililh'iiiliiii, lutt m n xuiiriintee nf
Bimil fullli. Inleicllim hewn Iti'inx mtllrttcil.
Atlvi-rl Inlntt ruttm nimlii kniiwn mi aiilli'ii
tlnti nt tin nlllrii In Antnlili' llliteli.
I.enuhtv eninmniilt'iitlniii nml rlinnite nf
ailverllicniftitii nhniilil ruin-It thin nlllce liy
AltltldtlV IHHIII.
Aihlri" nil I'lmimiintrntliinH tot1. A. Htcili
eiitin, ltivnolilivllli, lti.
Knlei-i'il nl tln mlnllli'r) itt Ucy nolilv IMi,
Til.. n Meennil rliiui tniill mutter.
'!. A. NTKrillCNNOK, HilHiir mill rub.
Worrying about thing n ean't Itelp
la ait fool lull iw thmwItiK "tone at tlio
mi when It Htilnlnif dix-Hii'l milt tin.
If tho Kxi'IiimIiui nrf. I alili'tiiei! liy thn
ITnlteil Hliiti-H Hupi-oiim Court, tho
Anioi'leiiiiH In t'liltm will nut even lie
given n ehanen to reiflHter.
Tlimv tut' In all T.fitW tiiaml Army
Piwtit. with n total iticiiilM-t-Hh I p of InH,
4(11. The death limine; tho year eov
ereil hy tlm last report, were (I, I'M.
Tlio gate of tlm Worlil'H Fair were
I'lnw'il lust Smiilny. It that,
llXI.IXKl fN'iiiln would have etitoreil If
tlmy eonm. Every possible otTortit In
lielng tniiilo liy those wltonro In favor of
keeping tlm show open on Similay to
Rain tlirlr einl. It Is to bo hopcil that
thi'lr efforts will ho of no avail nml tlm
gates will bo kept oloseil on Humlay.
Tlm heartthe BtTeetlons, moral
sensibilities Is to lie kept an ono wonlil
kiH' a gnnlen of rare, teniler nml valu
able plants: see that they ilo not perish
for want of water, anil that tlmy arn not
ehokeil liy noxloiiH weetls. Wn are to
wati'h It oh tlm faithful tumttni'l wati-hes
tlm movements of tlm utiomy front IiIh
post of olwervntlon, in onler that no
enemy lie allowi'il to enter, anil Unit no
ovil Ih allowed to count out of It.
All other earthly pleasures arc mock
cry In cnmparlHiin to tlm contentment
of a loving homo. Other joys may hint
for a ihty ami exollo tnir intereMt for a
time, lnit they failo away anil leave tm
tmi-attsltoil. While they are present,
we feci not the emptiness of this cxeite
ment. hut with their viiiiImIi tnj- our
heartH hunger for the. blessings which
home alone can (five. Kven they who
liavo never known what It in to havu
loving heartH welcome them on tho
thrcMliolil, ami loving ItanilM minister to
their comfort, know that thcBe nro life's
mimt ptvcioim giftit, and thit-Ht for
a draught from thin cup of ieneo.
TIiIh life is a ficliool. Tho iniwt ad
vanced thlnkora and teaehers and toll
cm are Ht 111 under dlHcfplinennd training.
The phyHielan knowa that ho hai) jnxt
liogun to learn how to practice medielno
when age and infirmity compid him to
nlmndon jt. Tho faithful minister l
tlecjily imprcHHcd with tho fact that hln
cntiiM mlniHtry hiw l)een a work of over
coming defects and Improving his nhll
Itles and developing his gifts even until
t'.io close. Kvery true man npiears to
htmseir like aclitld learning to wnlk.and
it will bo well if through fnlls and hlun
dors ho siKveeils at hmt In learning to
walk welt. Wo noed not Ihi so much
conoerned almut doing something great
before wo die, but It is welt for lis to see
to it that we lxcomo something groat
. oro wo go henco.
"Gray hair is so common now, said a
barber tho other day, that ono wonders
what It comos from. Young men havo
It in profusion, and young women aro
vory proud whon thoy have a oolffuro
in which gray has a prominent part.
I attributo tho provalonoo of gray hair
to frequent cutting and soap. Tho doc-
' toi-s speak of Inhorcnt tendencies, and
old women gabblo of early ploty; but
soap and the harbor do more toward
taking color and strength out of hair
than anything elso. Tho singeing of
hair Is done to prevent tho oils from
. exuding from the ends of clipped hairs,
and singeing is in this regard better.
But ammonia-loaded soaps are the worst
factor. Many people uso ammonia
when washing their head, and it ontera
into all shampoo mixtures. It la also
an ingredient of some soups. It dries
up the scalp and robe the hair of all its
moisture. That Is whore most of the
gray hair of to-day comes from.
Solf-respect is one of tho best quali
ties a man can possoss. Truo self
rospect is bused upon a man's own
opinion of himself, and as no man knows
himself better than himself, he is bost
qualified to judge whether he is deserv
ing of his own respect. This matter of
self-respect, however, may easily dogon
erato into inordinate self esteem or dis
gusting vanity. Vanity is that charac
teristic which craves, the admiration of
othors, and is possessed by somo of tho
lower order of animals which haven't a
i. . 1 .1 l ; . I i ...... .
jjiMiiuui ui iiruius, lur iiinLuuim, pun-
oock. . But self-resKict, in its best sense
is a consciousness of one's own, worth,
moral, intellectual or physical. If a
man put too low an estimate upon him
self, he is modest. If too high, he is
vain.. Either renders him weaker thou
he should be. It is the man who knows
his resources and has the courage to'
bring them all into play when the occa
sion demands, that generally achieves
distinction. Punxsutawney Spirit.'
H. H. Haines attended court last week
as a witness.
Hev. Poll aid preached In the M. R.
ehureh tin Humlay evening.
James llevercdgo, sr., spent last week
at tho county seat In tho capacity of a
grand Juror.
Willie Mohney, who has been a suf
ferer with rhutimatlKtn for the past three
months, Is Improving. '
Dr. K. I). Mclletiry, who has hocn
lying sick at Ichnnon, ()., Is txMcted
Inline at an cmiy day.
Somo of our neighbors havo tasted of
tho hitter fruits of tho law and are
waiting In durance vllo until the doctor
In paid.
Communion services and the ordi
nance of feet washing was conducted by
I'lder Stephens in tlm Church of Cod
on Salihath evening.
Clark Lyons, an old resident of Wins
low township, has purchased a proieiiy
in our village, and expects to move to
town ul an early day.
h'd. I.. Monro Is now a full Hedged
const alile and H'itee ollleer. It Is to lie
hoped that the icoplo will havo no
cause to regret the I rust Hint, they have
confided to him.
Ceo. Dyke, who has been on the sick
list, for several weeks, will go to tho
Adrian hospital for treatment as soon
there can room he provided for him at
that. Institution.
.1. W. Mallow iind Peter Diil'ont
went to the county seal last week. Mr.
DuPout, after having boon a resident of
the P. S. for over L'O years, got his
natiirall.ntlou papers while in Itrook
ville. The building Imhuii apN-ars to ho rag
ing In our town, tjuito a numlicr of
new houses havo liccn and are under
course of erection. Swab llros. have
erected and will sunn have their new
store room rumple led.
Wo regret to say that. at. oim of the
mini's lit our village the miners have
Ihm'Ii ciimH'lleil to lay ilowu their tools
and declare a striae, for the simple
reason that the superintendent In
formed them that, tlm average weight
of the mine em's would have to be taken
at I,. 'lull pounds regardless of what llm
actual weight was.
"Tlm Dowers that bloom In tlm
Spring" are not, more virtuous than aro
those persons who purify their Mood
with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The fabled
Kllxer Vita' could scarcely Impart
grater vivacity to tlm coimteiiauco than
this wonderfuf medicine.
Do You Need Shoes t
Wo have tlm latest styles at popular
prices. Kkiod'h Kiiok Ktohk.
Seed potatoes, Karly Huso, Karly
Ohio and Snow l'Mako, also seed oats, at
Hkynouwvhxk, Pa., May 1(1, 'li.'l.
The following are resolutions adopt
ed by the members of Pride of Heyn
oldsvllle lodge, No, HI, Daughters of St.
George, of Heyuoldsvllle:
WllKHKAH, God, In his Divine Prov
idence, has seen lit to remove from our
midst our dearly beloved sister, Melimla
White, wife of our brother, W. G.
White, who departed this life tho 27th
day of April, IHIKI, therefore lie it
)int)lmt. That the sympathy of tho
memliers of Prido of Heynohlsvillo No.
SI, Order Daughters of' St. George, bo
extended to the ls'reaved husband and
family in this, their time of great sor
row, and commend them to the sympa
thy of Him "who comfortcth as a moth
er comforteth her children."
Ht milntl, That a copy of these reso
lutions 1)0 mvsenti'd to the sorrowing
family and Ihi placed in full on the min
utes of tho lodgo, and also Ixj published
In tho STAR and lofiiiifrrr.
Mbh. Crack Hkkd,
MlRS I.IZ7.IK Hinnrv, J-Com.
Ladles hand turned lace shin's W.00
at Hoblnson's.
Special Notice.
Try my buggies, they are as good as
tho host, and low In ptico. You will pay
middle men a big price and got no bet
ter. J. K. Johnston, Ilathmel.
Lodiws tan Oxford's tl.(M) at Robin
son's. To be Discontinued.
After tho tlrst of next July tho stage
lino between Ponfiold and Clearfield
will be discontinued. At that tlmo tho
mall contract for tho present year ex
pires and It is understood that tho Post
ottioe Department ut Washington has
notified Mr. Leuvy that it will not bo re
newed. This decision of tho Department
is undoubtedly on account of the comple
tion of tho new railroad from DuBois to
Clearfield. By the new route mall mat
tor will be carried much moro quickly
and with less expense. The stage line
between Ponfiold and Clearfield has
been established for muny yuum and un
til recently two stages were run dully.
.Travel from Penlleld to tho county seat
will also bo lurgoly vlu DuBois after
tho opening of tho vallroud.
Fire Insurance ,
Since 1878. Norwood G. Plnnoy, Brook
villo, Pa. Old and rellublo companies
represented. JYo bmieraije. All ordora
by mall will receive prompt attention.
Walter Spry, of Reynoldsville, is my
authorized and licensed solicitor. Cy
clone policies also written. 6-21.
Card of Thanks.
Wo hereby return our sincere thanks
to thn fiienrts and neighbors, and to the
Daughters of Mlmrty and Jr. O. U. A.
M. for their kindness and sympathy to
us during thn sickness and death of
Mrs. Young.
Mk. ani Mita. (J. 8. Akmaimwt,
C. H. YotiNti.
Unclaimed Letters.
Thn following letters remain uncalled
for at tho Hmtolllco In Kcynoldsvllto,
Pa., May l.lth, I HUM:
Gknth: IjcwIs C. Oslsirn, It. M.
Khnngler, Thus. Swogor, .las. I ley noli Is,
.I.C. Nulton, Will Ioug, Messrs. Luke
hart tV Hush, John Hickman, Thomas
Fletcher, Dan. t. Donahue, Jos. Aaron.
Lamkh:-Miss M. Jones, Miss Annie
Heesner, Mrs. Maggie ShalTer.
When culling for tho above letters
please say they were advertised.
J. W. KotiHt', P. M.
Ladles' tan shoes, Philadelphia tip,
'J!..riO nt Holilnson's.
Creamery in Operation.
llrna'kwnyvllli. It ml.)
Tho Sugar Hill creamery started up
on Tuesday. Not. many of tho farmers
were ready and tho plant Is-gnu
operations with Hie milk of only iilxnil
fifty cows. This numlx't' will lie In
creased, however, us tlm farmers get In
s!iiimi to patronize tlio creamery. The
patrons pay a certain amount for manu
facturing tlm butter uml nro to receive
dividends each month, or when the pro
duct Is sold.
Ladles' spring heel shoes fc.!!!! at Hob
insou's. Very pretty tea sets for $1.75 at
Notice to Stockholders.
The annual meeting ,,f the stiN-khold-ers
of The I tell, l'Wls Si Vales Coal
Mining Company will Ihi held at, tlieof
Itli'e of said company ill IteynolilsvUlo,
Pa., on the llrst, Wednesday - the 7th
of .lime next at M.isi a. M. for the pur
pose of electing ollloers for the ensuing
year. ( 'II Altl.KS ( '1,11' ton, Sec.
May :inl. S!K.
rvlftlttn hi It It tltr Pltir.
Dr.l.l'-IlKTHH'K At tlm M. K. tiarson
age, Kmeiick villo, Pa., on Mav II,
IHil.l. v Hev. .las. II. .lelliart.. James
II. Help and Viola .1. Iletriek, Isith of
lleechwiNHls, Pa.
Wachoii-ISlTMt-At the M. K. par
sonage, ItriHikvllle, Pa., Mav II. I !'),
bv Hev. .1. W. Itluisdell, V. S. G.
Vaehob, of Mlg Hun, Pa., and Carrie
M. Hiter. of Svkesvillo, Pa.
'II 4 V 1 4 AT 11LJ
riit-Miuml In mi Art of AHsi-nittly, I will Ht-
ll'IMl. Ill till fllllowllttf lltlM'4 tlftll lllHl4, li
ri'ft'ivc nmnly iitnl Mailt ln.xrs for tho yi'iir
N',ri. to-wit j
Wnrsiiw lwi., Wrtt, Thiifsilay, .tiitm itt, lit
tilt' holier of 1. W. KlrlmiflH, In tin forrtMHiti.
I'iill twp., 'riini-silnv, June 1st, ut tint houHi
nf l iillnn Sluilt ncr, hi thi afternoon.
Ilciith lup., l-'ihlay. Jimm 2ml, at Itin Iiohmi
nf Milton rulnr, In tin f(iniMNtn.
lltiriM'tt (), I'l lilay, .Iniii' 'iml.til I lie lioitsi
nf WHItain aihn In thn afternoon.
lildn-H twit., Sal iirday, .htm n, at Iho
Jiiim'h hold, In the forenoon, mnl In tin after
noon al thiHoreiil Howe.
I leaver I wp., Mnmluy, June Mh, at the More
nf It. Itellx, In Hie forenoon.
Worllivllle tiorotiuh, Monthly, June fttli, lit
the house of II. UpIhI, In the aflerniHin.
Itliiifuohl twp., TueMilav, June illh, at the
hole) In Itlimu'ohl, In (he ftiieniMiM.
Toiler I wi.. Tuemhiy, June ill h, at tin hoi ho
of lleoitfe ItUh, tu the afternoon.
Terry twp, Weiluesthiv, June 7th, at the
houne nf Hhurp Neale, In the forenoon, ami In
the afternoon at IheHloieal I-'iikI hm .
rhiyvllle iHimiiuh, ThiiiHihiy, Juno Nth, fit
theCeulral hotel.
I'unxMiiliiwriey iMtronjrh, I'rhhiy, Jiiih Oth,
lit Motel Timtall.
Vouint twp., Kat unlay, Juno I'M h, at llolel
nl nil.
Itell twp., Monthly, June t Jth, at thn houstt
nf lleui-v Mrown, In the forenoon.
IhiHkill twp., Monday, June IiMh.ut (Jlhon'ii
ntme, In Hie forenoon.
It lur linn horoiiuh, Ttiiihiy, June 1 Ml It. at
Hit Nh't'luiv Houne.
lleutlerHoii twp., WednnKtlny, June Nth, at
the house of Andrew I'ifer, In tho forcuiNiii.
Mct'iiltnont twp., Wednesday, .lime 141 h, at
the house of hinilel North, In the afternoon.
Oliver twp., 'Iliuinduy, June l.'lh, nt thn
store In Hllvelmiu In tin foreiiiHiu, auU lit
MrKliiHtry'H Hloie In thn afternoon.
Knox twp., I't hliiy, June lillh, at McHriick
en's Miore, In the forenoon.
Tlueri-oek twp., Friday, J unu HI, at tho Htoro
itf K. Welner, In the nf lei noon.
Hi me twp., Saturday June ITlh.ut thoTrenH
Urer'K OlUce. Hi-iMkvIlh.
Washlntdou twp., Monday. Juno Ifith, at
ItiH'ktlale In the forenoon, and. ut tho Wanh
Inulon hotel In Hie afternoon.
Hnytler twp. and ItriN'kwnyvllht iHirniiKh,
Tut'Htlay, June 3Hh, ut the lnuun I louse.
Wurnuw twp. east, Wednesday, June 2lnt, ut
the hoiiHiMif J. A. Fox. In thn forenoon.
Union twp. and t'nrsfcu hormiKh, ThiifMlay,
Juno SWnd, at Hlenn'H hotel.
Himiinervllle ImhoultIi, Friday, Junu 2.lrd, ut
the t'oiiimert'lal hotel, In the forenoon.
Clover twp., Fritlay, Junu ilrd, nt thu Iioiiho
of J. Kshelmiiii, In the afleriMHtn.
HtiMikvllle hornuuli, Huturdny, June 24 Hi, ut
tin Treiisurer'N ollice,
HeyiioldMvlllo iMiroiiuli, Tuesday, Junu 27th,
lit tho Hotel Mrt'onnell.
Wlnslow twp., WudiiHHilay, Juno 2Hth, nt the
Uotul McConiiuU.
Turtlon paylnn tuxoH nt thu uhovo tlrnon,
nnd plaooH, will huvo ten mt rent., an that
amount will ho added when placed In the
hands of thu collnrtora.
Morouiitlln Mcenson will ho collected nt nil
pltieoH visited, and all licenses n'inaluinu tin
jmhl ufter tho tlrst of July will im phieod In
thu hands of tho proper oIIIcIhIh for colleetloii.
A.. nrWILL,! VTIM, o.TrrMM.
The Percheron Stallion.
Will atund for ninrca at tho following
places: J. E. Mulholland, near Pnnle,
on Monday and balance of cuch wovk at
ownor'8 hurn In Purttdiso settlement.
Description. Sultan la a blight daii
ple gray, B yeai-a old, lfli hundit high
and weighs 1700 pounds; has good atylo
and fine action, and a good disposition.
Will how for himself.
Podigroe. Sultan was sired by Old
Sultun, Imported from Krunoe by W. T.
Walters, of lialtimoro, Md. Piint dam
Olo Colio, by Piinoo Nujioloon, ttlso im
ported from Fruneo; second duin, bv Old
Nlggor, lmMrtod; third dum, Wax
work, Imported.
Terms. $5.00 for the Reason, payable,
with tho first Bin-vice of tho horse; ftti.OO
to Insure mure with foul, payable as
soon us mure is known to be with foul;
or $8.00 to Insure living foul on foot.
Parting with an insured mure boforo
known to be with foal forfeits the insur
ance. All reasonable care takon, but
not accountable for accidents.
Thomas Retinoids, jr., Owner.
Or t't.ATVii.i.c Honolulu,
CiiliJiH't toiti'llnn of llii n'iiilillciiiif JeffiT
whi I'o. nl tlm prliimrjr clei'llnn, .limn 17, Ihwi.
ir I'iNri iirrK TowHittr,
diililei'l to iii'tlim of Ihi' ri'iiiilillciiim nf .li.fft.r
hoii Co. t. tlie inliiiiiry I'lii'llnti, .Inni' 17, Ihii:i,
l'oll I'Hii'l'tinNii'l'Altr,
tirt't.ATirit.t.K lloiiottiiii.
Huliji'i't to art Inn nf the reiiilllt'iitiH nf Ji.rfer
niiii To. nl lite ,rliMl- fleet lull, Jlirin 17, Iniiii.
Or KKrNiu.lmvii.i.ii llniioitiiii,
Hiltil't IiiiicIIiiii of tin ri'lillMlrlilmtif .Ii-ITit
mm I it. nt I hi' primary Hci'ilmi, .Iiiiik 17, imki.
KAVIIl ti. (iolIULKV,
Or IIIIOOKVII.I.M llllllllllllll,
Hillth'i'l In iii'lluliitf the repiihlli'inm ef Ji'lTer
mm t'o. itl Hie itrliiiiiry I'lei'llim. .Iiine 17, il':i.
tiHHIIDItll K.
Or I'I'INI'TWN1! lllllllll'llll,
Hilhli'i't III lli'llimnf the li'iiulilli'lilm nf .lelTer
mm I'o. at Hie iirlnmry elt'Clliin, .liinn 17, hii;i.
p. It
KMHItll'l', ' "
Or ltKTNOI II1VII.i l! llollOI'lltl,
Hllhei'l to lli'l Inn nf t he ri'illlilli'llllH nf Jeffer.
mm I 'o. lit the I'l Ihitit-y elecl Inn, .liuie 17, ni:.
piltHMKUII I',
10. W. Mo.MILLK.N,
Or IlKTNOI.IIHVII.I.K llonoiriiii,
Hiih.lect tit iii'lltm nf the ileiniK'rtits nf JelFer
mm i'o. nt tin. iii'liniiry elecl Inn, luni, mi:i.
cr nit ut rrrottrrr.
Hllhlrrl tn lli-llnli nf the t-titlhllciilmttf Jelfer
mm I'o. ill tin pi I inn ry elecl Inn, .In ne 17. m!i;i.
Jill It 'lit K ASH II Kit,
Or I'I'NXHI'TAWNKT llollot'llll.
Hlllii-ct to ticllntittf the reillhllcliliM nf Jeirer
hen I 'it. nl t In n hiiitiy lii'cl Inti, .luni 17,
OK ( I. A Wil l. K lllllllll'llll,
Sllliji'i'l to 11 1 -I I ill nf I he I - .1 1 1 1 1 1 'it in nf .If IT. I -hum
fit. lit the iirlmtiry elecl Inn, Jiiih. 17, lir..
AllTIIUU MoltlllSoN,
HllllliH'l In net Inn of the ri'lltlltllclitm nf .tl'ITer
mm fit. ut the iiiliiiiii-y elecllim luni, 17, Ini:i.
jrolt TltRAHI'IIKIt,
Ort'nltsil'A llollot'llll,
Hllliect to lli-tlnn of the reillhllcinm nf .telTer
mm I'o. nt the iirliiniry eh-ctlim, June 17, hi:i.
W. T. COX,
Huliji'cl tniicllimnf the i-i.,tilillciiimnf li-ffi'r-mm
t'o. lit the illtiiliry elei-tlnii, .liinn 17, InIM.
Pott (,
Or I'kiiiiv TowNniii','Ct til lictlitii nf the reillhlll'llltH of Jelfer
hiiii I 'ii. ill lhi Primary elecl Inn, .Iiine 17, IMU.
Or llaooKvn.i.K lloiioi'iiii,
Hilhjecl to ili-llitn nf Hie ri.iiilillciins of Jeffer
Hiin t'o. ut H.e iirliiniry elecHmi, .Iiine 17, M'il.
Poll (,
Or Waiisaw Townhiiii.
Hiililrct tn net Inn nf Hie reinililli iiiiHiif .leffer
mni tO. nl the iirliiniry elect Inn, , I unit 17, l"t:i.
Or Ki.miKii TowNmiii',
Huhjecl tn iicilnii nf ihe 1 c tunc rut nf .ti'irer
snn I 'n. ut the iirliiniry elecllim, .1 unit 'J4, ni:i.
1'Vllt ('(,
Huh.ect to net Inn nf thn IlemiM'riitH nf Jeffer
min On. nt thu iirliiniry uleetlmi, Jiiiki 24, IxWI.
K()lt (X)MMIHHtONKlt,
Huh ice t tn net Inn nf tho ntilllillciimtof .feffer
hoii Co. at the primary tiluciiiiii Junu 17, InU.l.
Ofllco on WiMit Miiln street, oppohIU)
Ciiiiuiiorvlal llolel, UuynolilHVltlti, I'a.
H. 11. K. IIOOVEIl,
Iti'Hldent (liinllHt. In linilillhu neiir Mutho-illHti-hiiriii,
niiiMmltu Arnold Mock. Guiitlu
nuiui la npurutliiK.
FltANKJ. 11 LACK, Proprietor.
The lend Inn hotel of tho town. Ilimi1iiiir
tecs for iMiiiimerclHl men. Hteiim httiit, free
IniH, Imtti riMimn unit cIosi'Ih on ovitry fliwir,
HiimplH riMiniH, tilllltiril room, tulephune con-
llOCtlDIIM, &c.
GliEEXd- C'OXS'A'K, I'roprkUm.
First rlnm In cvnry partlciilur. Located In
thu very ci-litl-ii nf tlio IiiisIiichm purt of town.
Treo 'Iiiih to itnU from train mid commodious
sample riHinm fur c-oiiyiuirclul tru velum.
liVFFINQTOy A LOXO, I'rop't.
Omnthim to and from all trains. European
reHtiiiiriint. Hiiiihu tiuutud unit lighted by
aiiH. Hot and void witter. Wis torn Union
TeleKriinh olllcn la huildliiK. The hotul Is
lilted Willi all thu niodura conveuloncos.
MIL P. CABJtlEIi, Proprktor,
Pamiilii ronnia on the cround floor. House
heatud liy natural gas. Ouialbui to and from
all trains.
Don't Walk! but buy a
the cheapest to the highest
price at
The Reynoldsvillo Jeweler.
We Have
Do not fail to come and see
them. They are Beauties.
B1NG & CO.,
Do You Know
Where to Make Dollars
Do Double Duty?
Why certainly at
Mi mm Clolliii Eioii,
Where you will find the Largest ABHortment of
Sf?.rin8" sy.!?.??.
Handsome Jeckwear
Ever offered to the people of Reynoldriville. It may be said
of pur atock that "Nature made it aud then broke the
mould," for the garments we offer look more ntylish than
many high priced custom-made Huita.
In advertising ia to let everybody know how thoroughly we
combine perfection of Style, Fit and Finish with the moBt
Reasonable Prices.
Have you selected your
If not, do not delay, but come at once and inspect our
stock, which comprises the latest styles in Sacks, Cutaways,
Double Breasted Square Cuts and Prince Alberts.
Originators ot the Small Protlt Srjstem.
Recived our