I5ntt-rf.l mill Rose. "How t!o roil keep t'mt Imltrrflj finttirinR aiounil that ros??' "Very nH;ly, wlion yon 1 now bow," wag die reply maile t tli ininilrv "You we Una ia on imitation rnm nn l an imitn t.o:i Imtteiflr. The ro.-o is inailo of pijor ii ml the strin it n metallic tulip. Tl ii turn! exttmls aliirlitly hryoml the eta a of the flower. The other rml of if. ia ftntt"ne(1 like tlin innntlipierc of o I'iiK'i ao that it u.n msily he lieM in llio tuniith. Two sinnll Imttrrflp nro fastitu 1 tn n Mii tll e!iler-p;t''h Imll ly tnratis of averv lino wir.-. I y lining the ball ilirrtlv over the tube mul peiitly lilonitijr. tliiotiftii tho tube the I nil ia anapenJeil in thn nir cin-1 tho lintterHliu have the appearance of rlnt trr.ns ronml th'i rose. The ell'n pro thiceil is very surprising. Vt conrre, tho nir must bo blown tlir.ii(jh very rrpnlarlv. This is the sntne priucipltt Unit make an ftrp-t-lifll or a liyht eork I all remain in e piili! rinm nt the top :I l Jet of water." Si u ivrk Mail Qinl hjitirc!". TrtKiiE Is u mini in Hartford who lias worked nt fortv-six different Undo, lie forms a sort of a trade union nil by himself. The Testimonials W 1'iif Vh are net .it l:a-ri!, n'ir are lliy rii.in uji In rnrofllie, nnr are tin ) from onr empluytn. Tlity are fiiits. .nvintlliat Hmsl's Nur.ip'irillA posst ,. nlisolute Mi hit, an I that Hood's Cures Jfra. K. M. Kurt 'iM Ki a.li.ll, N. V. Three Great Enemies Neuralgia, Rheumatism and Dyspepsia Another Victory for Hood's. " Fnr ovr -I yours 1 Imvr snlTt-ml wit h nrn. mlKia. rlirtimiitisin and il)'M.p!ii. Many time 1 miiiIiI not turn in Iwil, Srviru! physicians lave trialfd me ami I Imve trlt-il tlttVniil remetliis. li'it all tailed tn imv me y. rniiuifiit relief, Kive yyiirs H4C I U-i;a:i In take Homl's Hood's ESS!;. Cures SHrwipnrilla it ml il IW duiic imp a vjiM amount of ko.hI. Since iMirii.n.nK to tiike it 1 Ijavo nnl lnvl a cV. tiny I urn Ti yvnm uU ami i-rjoy oo.l )' It h, which I ittirilmt" to IIihh.V SurKU rnrillii.' Mil. K. M. Hikt, V. Kcmtull. X. Y. J""! IN IU (MM' Hll Liver III, V.iiUiM wt Kuni..'t', Itttlitftftloti, sii k lU'fuliH'lHt. oeuK I'U' l 'Oil 'August Flower" nat is August t lower for ? As easily answered as askJa. It is for Dyspepsia. It is a special rem edy for the Stomach and Liver. Nothing more than this. We believe August Flower cures Dyspepsia. We know it will. We have reasons for knowing it. To-day it has an honored place in every town and country store, possesses one of the largest manufacturing plants in the country, and s; everywhere. The reason is sitnrj It docs one thing, anddoesitrigDi Itcuresdyspcpsiatw fl.ii Trad M.rlt ) on the but WATERPROOF COAT A. J. TOWER. BOSTON. MASS. Unlika the Dutch Process "?i No Alkalies OH Other Chemicals are uneil In the ireratiou of W. BAKER & CCS reakfastGocoa irltirh ahtalutely pun mh4 aol6. i lltomor0thanihrtr timet t fA itremith ul Cocoa mixed I witti Btarcli, Arrowroot or Suuar. aud ia far mora eco- nnnuciU. cutting ie than on eut o eup. H ik drliiiout, nourliiDg, aud aUMLT JHOB0TKU. bold kfCrmnctcrjwktra. TJ7 SITCV TVvenMv Va.a Young Mothers. ITt 0t Ttm m Mtnudg M QtKf mm Chit. "BOTHER'S FRIEND" Jtub CMjIlMMMtU U i'oiw, Uurrt mndMUk. artromaorDbolUotHlBTMhr'a Trlrai"! ann. nMibui utUe inaa.and tUdbuiMpariviiw taai mu Wlefward usual la auah ' nw M I'M ijuua um lAuiar, Ho., Jaa. 1Mb, Uti. Hmut kf rxpraas, cbarirM prapald. oa tmoIm cf , vu(l aoir wMt),luoaiblloUMnaaUrflr. rAf IKLO HlWULATVat tO., ATLAMTAt Ok, kvu til au. kkcuuwrs. c vim mm FACTS ABOUr THE FAT 5. raoTtnow bas bwn made .'or the transper wllon ot en.000 ptraonaan tour to nnJ Irou iin Rrciindf. Ftrrr Nnl.ona and thirty-arep rnlonie arn repreaenterl. Added to thep an' the Vniteil Stntei i.vernnn iitandtlic var.cmStut'.a and territories of the t'nlou. niirom.r speaklnir, the prmind eoiilaln fon aere. They are a mile luuir and t l out 11 mllp liroad nt the widest nrt. The ditnii':n Irom the middle vl t'hli a is seven miles. Tin: pnlleilSon ' rxliltdts In the Ilritn ix'tioii is the lariret and mi"t Iniporlnl.t thnt has even lme:i l.rmmht trnjethe- In any li.ter nnt'nnnl exhibit Ion utlde uf the I'nile I Kinedu'n. ATHisdthalwill lmprs lt"lf upon I'm Ihonahtlnl ois-rver Is the U -t lh.it e,-er lr.ni.di ol s.-len nil. I In In 'try h.n h 1 sdlt up Into min - dep.irt!nnt. ! !! Is t'ni a i of tiie spe 'inllst. le thp exlilMls n'" tn he ennlderp (rom tim Hand oint o n'.l'iil" rs the Krem h are Mrnnjisr. If thi vnret'i t o JndKed liy thn avoriiirc eteelleiiPH In art Ilnllnnd. without lioniit. tnkes til" Kill amoiii; foreiuu Nations. Is the department of natural liltory New Vor,( mate takes the lead. The Wnrd'i. Nat iir.il Feieiiee Museum of Ho -hesler hat. an i x hllilt which 1'mlpssor I'ntnii'U snysls pi f -t. It shows every form o( annual lifo "irxu ton(S to num.' It must he understood thnt the Exposition Is a eltv with a eomplets urn eminent. Then are over MUXK) exhibitors. MM two persons tor en.'h Interest repri'smit-d would ulve a fixed population of 100.000. There ar well orrfanWed and npiippeit pli':0 nr.'. Hie t'j-pr-tr nt. I th .irlilir rv exhibit l n 12-ln.-li tir.val rifle, thirtv-six feet lon and wei(rh.nir llfty tons ; a lS-lin'h naval null jio'Wet. S"ven!ee:s feet IniiK and welKhlinr t.01 pounds, tint :i-lr.eh tu'ie that will'M-hewoil by thejaekit. is thlrty-eicht feet live indies ku;i an I WdiKhs Cl'.OUO po.m . TRF.nt is a btilbllna wher babies eiri bn eheeked Just like a hat or eoat or umbrella. The eharie is moderate and the nurses arn (rixid. There was a similar institution at thn I'.iri Exposition, hut. unfortunately, several hundred babies were oil hand without elaiin anls when the exposition elos-J. From the roof of thelitis bulldinu of Manu faetnres and Liberal Art will heiimthehliri:et e leetrie seareh lluht evereonstru di d. II has reflet-tors six feet In diameter a-nl will cive a llrbt of l!4.000,00t eaudle power. It i a sened by those In eharae ol tins liubt that to people sixty miles aay thn lil.t will b Ui Jirly as bright as a lull moou. Most Inierestinir in a hUtorieal sensf arrt the trophies from the Holiouzollorn Mu"iim. loaned to i lie Ktute Department ' the I'nitml Matin (tovernmeiit for exhibition In this see ti.m. They have been sent over in the en-tody of I'artain Hovers of the t'uited State Navy, am! the State Department H'iime, Hi i re- IMinslMlity for their s.ifu k-.-epiiiK aud safe return. ) the famhor.t pier nrn mevin-4 side walks. The outer sidewalk moves nt til- rat" ( three miles an hour, so thai pacs'-interseun step upou it while It is in motion. They euii then step to an Inner sidewalk whleh has a tpeed threu miles fater. so that liiey aro cirrieil nlonu tho pier at til" rati of si:; miles nu hour and eau get ou or oft ut will w ithout Ineouvenieuee. Thf. eolden nail, whleh marus Ihn eonple. tion of the Woman's IbilMllu at the Kxposi tiou, required several weeks of ' onstant worii to make. It is eomposed of boIiI. silver and eopp -r. and.a Montana sapphire is sot in the upper portion of the shield willeh'ls nttip'iieil to the nail near the head. Mr. Potter rai nier, President oi tho Hoard of Lady Muti neers, drove the nail of gold home Willi a sil ver hammer Dr.I.vs In the collection of mnterinl caused the postponement of the ceremony of ea-tinit the vouvenlr bell to I n m.uln of historical luetai eolle. ted by the Uniijrhtei-Kof the Amer ican Kevolutloii for the purposn of i-oai-uiemoratiiitf tho openluir of tho World's Fair. The ceremony was set for the opening day, and Mrs. Cleveland was to have touched it button at tho Whitn Hotisn eonnecteil with the nutomatio arranifement which would have turned the molten metal into the mould. I the eenter of tho Electrical Hilildlne, which IB 34."i by AlK) feet, stands tho Kdison tower. This Is a iriant column, painted white and thlcklv studded with incandescent llKhts. It is 100 feet liitfh. Tho effect la splendid, hut Is fully appreciated only at nnrht. The General Electric, Company ol New York ha grouped Its exhibit around the Edison column to a depth of 100 feet. The Hell Telephone Company haa a handsome house Just Inside thn south main door, the Westlnuhouse and other prominent eouipon iua laiiiiK ranged alonK the main aisle. WEATHER AND CROPS. The Agricultural Bureau Beta Forth the General Conditiona of Both. Washington, D. C This is the third consecutive cold land unfavorable week throughout the principal wheat fand corn producing states. The week was (mutually cold in the States of the I'pper Miniffipr' and Missouri valicya, where the daily tem pernlnre ranged from 5 to 15" below the normal and closed with frceiing weather, but the indications are for more favorable conditiona during the coming week in the Northwest, It has been slightly cooler .ban usual on the I'ncific coast. The temperature was slightly below the average from the lake region eastward, while it was warmer than usual generally throughout the southern states east of the Mississippi. Eieesslve rains occurred dur ing the week over the central valleys, in cluding the entire ninttr-wheat region, tho northern portion of the gulf states and in the southern portion of the spring wheat ngion. The rain-fall was units tally heavy in central Missl-tippi and Ohio valleys, in terfering materially with farm work in the principal agricultural slates. Considerable injury has resulted from floods and serere local siorms throughout the west. There was also excessive moisture in the iiO' .iern portion of the cotton region, where the land is too wet to work and fears are expressed of an overflow in lower Mississippi. Considerable acreage of oats and wheat la reporled under wnier in Illinois, and the in dications are Hint coiibideratile injury to farming interests from high water will re sult in the lower Mississippi and lower Ohio valleys and in the lowlands near the river. In Pennsylvania grain aud grars have good colors, but havu made little growth. Large acreage of potatoes and some corn have been planted, but there are fears ol botb rotting. In West Virginia wet weather bas re tarded plowing and planting. Wheat, oats and grass are in tine condition, tobacco ia progressing favorably and stock ia in fair condition. In Ohio continutd rainshave overflooded stieams and damaged crops badly on low lands. Wheat, clover, barley, rye and to bacco plants have improved, but oats and IKnaioesara rotting iu some localities. FIVE LIVES LOST. Little Bed Blver, Swollen by Baina. Carriea Boatmen to Their Death. Five men lost their lives In the ravine; currant ot the Mttle lied river near Searcy, Ark. The river is very high as a result ot the reoent beavv rains, aud the current is very swift Allen Isrown, Robinsou Ca rulh. JoeScnlt. Kandv Cooksey. and Allen Uooih were employed at the Government rork miarrv. Ther got in a small boat and attempted to criss the river to go to their dinner. . When they reached the middle ol the river tbe raging torrent overcome their strength and their boat was thrown violent ly against a rock, wrecking It. Tbe men were thrown into the river and soon carried down with tbe current Their bodies have not been recovered. THE GBKMAN SITUATION. The Reichstag Is Dissolved and Caprlvl Uaa Realcned. Great Political Excite ment Follows the Army Bill Defeat. The arm? bill was rejected In the Reich tng at Berlin by a vote or 210 to U. and immediately alter the rescript signed by the Kaiser, was promulgated, dissolving the Keichstag. The Social-Democratic members of the Itelehstng d splayed the wildest enthusiasm over the tesiilt, Thev hurrahed reieated!y. following cheer Willi cheer, tlteat confusion and uproar pre vailed In the House, and the public excite ment is nt the highest pitch in Krrlin. Chancellor Cnprivi left soon after the ills, solution of the reichsrag forl'otadam to oiler his resignation to the Kalser.and the Kniser summoned Count Hotho von K.ulenberg. the Prussian Premier, to Pottsdnm. Cotint von F.ulenherg took the place ot chancellor von Caprivi as I'nisiian Premier nhout a year ae-i when Chancellor Capri vl resigned that ottlce, owing tn the decision of the Kaiser to withdraw I lie Kducation hill from the I ru-iati l.nndtair. In the luiilst of all the confusion canted by the dissolution of the Iteichstau ami Caprlvi's resignation, a passage from the Chancellor's speech of Fiiilav, is attracting wide attention. Caprivi raid: "(iermany must get used tn it. she cannot have always a man like llismurck nt the head of affairs; a in nil such as is horn only once in centur ies and wh we diplomatic art nobody will uin nipl to deny." All (lie paper contain long leading nrllchs. In which thev describe the situa tion as critic il and sny that the electoral contest will be extremely .severe and will lead lu great chunges and party relations. BAD WEATHER FOR TRADE. There la a General Complaint About Blow Collections, il. 1. Dun iV Co.'s "Weekly Heview of Trade" says: Had htnlns-a in Wall street been unsound or unhealthy the collapse ol prices during the past week might have caused a panic Several lai ores occurred hut without disturbance and the appoint ment of receivers ol the Cordnce Company was In some snse n relief. Outide of the industrials the speculative markets are TaMier stronger than a week ai; i and business of the country, though by means equal to expectations, is not f.1 greatly disturbed by the condition ol I he nu vet the money marke's. At nearly all points the backward sia'on and bad weather, with slow collections, give cause for complaint At Pittsburg iron trade is still mote tie pressed, but business in glass is fairly good. Chicago reports shrinkage iu trade. collec tions slow, money comparatively tight, a decrease of l.i per cent In eastward ship ments, hut increase iu real estate ami build ing, Receipts of dressed beef gain, compar ed with Inst year, LM per cent, of slnep otl, of barley li t and of wheat 2.') per cent. The iron trade shows no improvement. There is pressure to sell from the West. Southern Xo. ii la told at tx .'lO.Hirtiiiiigliam and Kesspiiier has lallen to 1.1 40: nt I'nts burg bar is cut again, and structural iron is slow. The business failures occurring during Hie last seven days, numher for the Tinted Slates 'JKI. for Canada 27. or a total of Alli es compared with totals of 'J.'f last week and 2na the week previous to the last. For tbe corresponding week ot la-t ve.ir the figures were am, repn seining 11 failures for I'nit ed States and 1!M in Canada. tut: iiimnkss inuiiinrn. Hank clearings totals for l tip week ending May 4, as telet-rapln-J to imM-ief, are as follows : New York H-27.Htl.2T2 1 0.2 Chicago I22.UTM.-JIHI 1 Hi.it Hostoi p .t.s.-.n.lil!) ;',.(! Phradelphia ".:i2:i,.t.m D 2. St Louis Ii7.2-.ti.r27 I 17.4 San Francisco 17.7!n,b7! I n.a Pittsburg DI..V27.; !." I .8 llaltiuioie M.hIII.:'.'-'! D 4.1 Cincinnati lH.471,!i.'ill I Hl.f Cleveland....' ,'i.li70.i.(i2 1 .1 (I indicates Increa-e. Dtlecrea.e. ) The aggregate ol clearings of HI of the principal cities of the country is l.37s,b:p,. l-'sl. an increase cf 7.:i per cent. The totals exclusive of New York city amount to (Vil.4H4.iiSl, ami sliowi an increase of 4.5 per cent. IMPORTANT TO BOROUGHS. The Court Baya a Burgeaa Is Not a Coun-, ctlman. At Pittsburg Judge Stowe handed down a decision in the case of A. M. Carline, Joseph Price and It. M. Hol and, of llraddock, against II. C. Shallcuberger and L.F. Holtz miiii. The plaintiffs are members of the) borough councils of llraddock, Pa. H. C. Shallenbcrger Is the burgess of Ilrnddock. Jude Sto ve s'ates that it Is e'ear under a decision ol the supreme court that Shallen b rer has no right to act as a member of the council. He has no light to preside, vote or participate in proceedings in any manner A burgma. besava, is only a member of councils when it is so provided in the char ter or decree of court. The injunction re atrainiug Shalletiberger from acting as a councilman is therefore continued until further order of court. As to lloltzman, who was elected to coun cils to till a vacancy by the deciding vole of Shallenberger. it isMated lliKt he is an ac tive member of councils and has at least a color of title. He nas a prima Incia title tn the office and a proceeding to test bis right should be by quo watranlo not injunction. Tbe injunction as to bim was dissolved. NEWSY GLEANINGS. Titr. Wcllnnd Canal ia cji.-n. ArsrniA has only 1SS periodica!". "Hoxduiias's civil war has liecn crushed. Conxecticct's oyster crop has been ruined. Auoui K3 Ur.tish ships am idle oa the Tyne. The late cold spell greatly d.iaged the Co, ton. 1'fxlow fVB bas appeared in Mozatlan, Mexico. Vr.nstoxT's maple sugar season this year was a failure. The apple crop of Northwest Missouri nnd Northeastern Kansas Will heuu almost total tuiluru. In tho Inst six weeks ferr.alo footpads in Chicago, 111., have robbed twenty-five petit at nuns. Toe gate receipts at the World's Fair in Chicago amounted to nearly (900,000 belore upeuiug day. The Ohio Legislature pnrsed n bill ap propriating (10,000 lor buttlu monument at Cbiukatnauga, The 40,000 twenty-flve-eent souvenir eolne will be stamped with tbe head of Queeu Isabella, of tipuin. Tub proprietors of Northwestern summer resorts expect to derive considerable benellt lrom the World's Fair. Yale's general rueetpts for the past year were (S0,!l4tt.8L expense, (WJ,70.tW I number of student. 1U3U. Wichita, Texas, la afflicted rltb plague of born flitei so culled beeuuse they roost at night on tbe horns of cattle. Doctob HArrKiXE, the bacteriologist, haa Inoculated 400 persona at Agra, India, with cholera virus, and no evil results are re ported. Aaaoa Divwae appropriately oelebrated try the employes ot tbe Agricultural Depart meut at Washington. A majority ol them as sembled in a retired part of the grounds, where, after a saotton bad been made by As s suut Heeretary Willets. a white oak tree vaa planted in honor of tbe Bearetary of Agriculture, bec-retarv atoitoii made a sueei'-n. HE STRUCK BILLY PATTERSON. And, Owing tn llllly's Aire, He Hid Kot Ma) Anything Ahout Ills Deed. "Who atrut-k Hilly Patterson? Ahnuf. fifty years uko this was it t nest Ion asked very frequently to Illustrate, the unexpected clefeat of u candidate or a doubtful or unknown matter. Hut who struck tho Mow was nevet found out. An rxcliatigu professes to have found out. and says It was Oeorg-c W. 'J'lllrrton of Georgia. This is the story: Lust evening- wo published nn ex haust ive review of a fatuous case that of William Patterson of tieorjrla, the same Hilly that wus struck.'' This week wo ptiMlHli what Is he-Ik-vet! to lie an authentic answer to tin well-known conimdnitn. Mrs. Jennie tl. Conely of Athol, N. Y., tsays that her father, neorue W. Til lertoti, who llted at Franklin. Ga., at that time, and wh has lotiK ln:'e tiled, struck that hlatoritr Mow. As related In "Notes for tho Curious," last week, Patterson was a Haltlincre merchant, win lujd retired to his es tate near farnsvflle, Ga., where be ticcaine cntitngied intlie inniotia tiroil and received tho Mow which caused him to repeat tho question, "Who struck Hilly Patterson?" Helnif a powerful man, with a list like a sletljjc-lniiimit-r, Patterson searched lonjt and patiently fur tho man with audacity t iioukIi tn strike hlni, but his search avalkd ik. tiling. Tlllcrton kept the secret from his own family until the old man became so persist ent In his efforts to discover tho per petrator of the deed, even going so far a to leave tho country when he feared the (1,1100 reward would cause ionic one to reveal his identity to the ennistt d I'llly. After the death af Patterson, Tlllcrton refused t mention thn affair, which was the host course to pursue, as his friends would dfiii!ii!s4 have twitted him with playintf tho "llvo sheep racket liver the dead Hon." It Is only recent ly that Mrs. Conely has heard of tho reward wait inn " claimant In the Franklin County (Gcnrifla) Court ol Itecnrd. The writer ha4 not been In formed whether or not she will make an etToit to secure tho (l.lioo offered as a reward for her father's rashness. Future developments will add a third and last chapter to this liilcrcNtlii": bit of history. Was There Mil .sue . s..perf M. Pcrthelot, tho well-known French tcclinlclst, In a recent com munication to tho Academle (h's Sciences, states hi belief in the some-time existence of an aifo of cop per in addition to tho three reeog-. nii'd archil-logical eons of swnc, lnoii.e (copper and tin) and irou. ile bases his opinion chleliy upon an an ((lysis of a piece of copper which had been found by M. do Si i7.ee lu the courso of antiquarian investigations In Mesopotamia, or AI .le.ira, as the Arabs iloslgiuito the famous stretch of country between tho F.iiphiatcs is ti '1 the Tigris. Tlio fragment tliu cheiiilcully determined proves to have neither tin nor .In, onterlui; Into it .-oiiip. sit Ion, thero hcliiu simply traces of lead and arsenic. Water and the atmosphero had made rav ages Into tlio specimen, which was practically a sulioxido or a compound tif protoxide anil metallic copper. As liie ruins from which thn piece of metal was taken uro authoritlvcly .'on-ddercd to ho inoro ancient than those of Habylon, M. Herthelot docs not hcoltato tn proimilgato the Iheory that an ato of copper preceded :he lirono nnd iron periods, espc ;ially as tho examination of tho com. I cnent part of a portion of a metal lic secpter which, it :s aliened, lc. limned to a Pharaoh who reigned In Kgypt Komo It.'iiio yoars licforv Christ diowed nopiirn of thu presence of tin, London Iron. Ttelle or Colonial Times. The old Pohick Kplscnpal Church In Fairfax County, Virginia, for the re building- of which tieorgo Washing, ton drew plans In 17,1, Is still stand Ing. The exterior presents tho samo upiicarancc it did when Washington drove up to It regularly on Sundays In his famous coach. Tho interior ulTcrcd severely during- tho lute war. KNOWLEDGE Brinpa comfort and improvement and tendn to iicn-onnl enjoyment when rightly useu. Tlio many, who livo hot ter thun others und enjoy lite mora, wittt lem expenditure, by inoro promptly adapting the world'ii best products to the needo of nliysicul being, will attest tho value to health of tho pure liquid luxativo principles einbruced in the remedy, fcyrup of Figs. Its cxecllcm-o ia due to its presenting in tho form most acceptable und pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficiul properties of n jierfect lux olive: effectuullv tleansiiig tho t-vstem. dirpelliiir colds. Iieadnchea and fevers and rmanentiy curing voiiaupauuu. It lias given satisfaction to millions and met with tho approval of the medical nrofession. beeuuse it acts on the Kid neys, Liver und Ho wo In without weak ening them und it ia perfectly free from every objectionable suhstunue. 8 vrup of Figs ia for sale by nil drug gists in b0o end II bottles, but it ia man ufactured by tho California Fig Kyrup Co. only, whose name is pnnieu on every pIK'KQgo, also vnu iiuiuu, oyisp ui i bud being well liifurmed.'you will but iuiutut taiy BuiwiiiiuMi u uuvnu. feminine Keen In Peril. One numerous Incident eonnrcterl it h the lire Is told by a member of Knglnc 25. lie was with a few mem. lers of that company attempting- to save a screaming- young lady who was iarig-iig- from the third story of the vnies building. At tho risk of their wn lives they tl nn 1 1 y placed her afely on the ground. Instead of run ilntt ns fast as she could for her life she carefully took hold of her skirts md lifted them so as not to wet them, and s ow'y picked her wav imong- the debris, aud on tho oppo site sidewalk, whom she disatmcrcd K'jston Kvenlnit Hecord. A HiTNvr.u paper tells of "n wo man who whipped a dune." She should have taken one of her size. There Is danger of a rabbit plaziie In Kansas similar lc thai of Australia U. S. Government Baking Powder Tests. The report of the analyses of Making Powtlcrs, made by the U. S. Government (Chemical Division, Ag'l Den't, shows the Royal superior to all other powders, and gives its leavening strength and the strength of each of the other cream of tartar powders tested as follows: LEAVENING OAf. E0YAL, Absolutely Pure, The OTHER POWDERS TESTED are reported to con tain both lime and sulphuric acid, and to be cf tho following trengthi rctpeetively, . . . Royal Making Powder is absolutely pure, and of greater leavening power than any other powder. dthe kind e N THAT CURESU i tl "3 A. m Mr.s. oi ivi:r rm ititir.n, Miluur, N. V. On Crutches 10 Years I H EATING SORES THAT g H WOULD NOT HEAL !y CUItEDl CUHEOt DllANA ARstAPAII1f.l.A Cfk '. Fl UiNri.(.t I ih tn tMtif to thf efflfif! g if lANA K rAKAI'AHIIXA u Vr vi ra vi are I have lew n iitTrrlTit frnrti U IimI IIImmI larJr rlll r t Ifi-rmt ES mine tlir tt-vt-rnl l'livl iina whu pftifncsttl n 9 t l.nt wrtli h bttfllrd the kill of ilummt It t M Ffte-g.-l my fiirt. I.A I l4 A WAV nrili: VI. I.HII, m) iravi.itf tnmU nt J riinnltia iri' nkh iiotliiiitf wonlil hml. JiP Bat.t. t.tokt- nut oil in Itnitsae J I'.Vr.Hn HOKK, Fr (iioiiiht I waa ronflnrrt to M c -my hl bimI have (Wn umablr lo walk C2withniit ruli hf tir nt cr ten yrarve fa.! JeUt Fall 1 ptmhtn atlin tM4tiu 1 H DANA'S 1 J SARSAPAItlLLA g f ! Itarla Brr. It hrlvral ni from the Ural. H lHei It fn.flifully, ami I can Mw attend t U'ttT hMfrioll Uullfsairil walk m writ M gunrr. Si mm I am iiit that my ran ia aa rrar miracle M anrthiiig (fiat hafitH-na at thi- irttnt Uaj. -I f j I AMI Vl fV ililf rtlv Vi.llfe. "? H Malinir, N. V. MILS. Ol.tVLH ClIF.ItKIKR. J PPcht'frkr, wliit h ia a frtnit rrHldrM-iitciit irf jonrj pvalualilcrtiiiipmiiMl. We trflitvc hrr aUstriiH-tit tt-l nijclrua In cvrrv rairt. Wcaxa trjr rrtisnttullr vntir. u Li iaMs uwm D H Maluii, N. V. Waoknlt 4 Hrtail Uruwidl- Dana Sartaparllla Co., Bill a it, Maine. Q FN U 111 H3 SHILOHS CURE. rnm Gonnnmptlnn, Coughs. Cronp, Horm Throat Sold by H lrugtin on m Gu.rantt. If ary on doubta thai iarr.aL-un(nain atoh- BLOOD POISON alinata t au id to to at) day a. let him wr ta for A SPECIALTY. pa Uculara an1 lnvatl iratttuur tvllub Itty. Our itani'iru ia4!kina ia i. 00.000. When tncrttiry. looldaaotaaalom. aaraapirlllaor Hot Rrlnira fall, wo vimrAnu-aacuro and our Ua-lct yplitlcuu la thaun'y thin timtw.llrure pormanantly, I', allive proof ut aaicd. froa. cook KUbBUT cu.lci.iego iu Gnrfinld Ton - CurcaHlch Hadacbe.Uat4raarouipitiit)ii.Bav a UottirM IU1U, tajuplu (rev. O ttrisui Tea t.. 31 W ibib Ht , W. V. Cures Constipation 5 MAILED al Unturo oeU Co., o.S UnMidway, New York, pay rtir id utsidvn trta utatkiDery fttrkam ail atMu nolo paper, all oovakipra, uno las4 uracil, and uur auaarnlflivut piece or jewelry, iota! retail value. 4.1 rratc A A CUT KSl FOH Tit at MM TO AUKIl I 9 0Fir. WILL 8AV tor, IN St.8 JILLS- L JCiMucli auSertnc , paruap life. It Ixiya Die baat praacriwioratorth cur ofCHOLItRA OATAKIlU.KUKIJMATIaM.llDNaT UlaV KAIS Ad4 riLKft. Send 3M. for tbo flvo, ( Oeaeeoe Fhamaov, HoebeMer. N. Y. A nil Iff (Morphia Habit Car! In 10 IKIIII ItoiUdart. nu pay tin rurau. Wa3 wiao.J.ail.rMM, uaaaiwaj.vnia It -f AT St'...: (aT I I IU f -i i ' m i Forbid a Fool a Thing and that ha will do." Don't Use SAPOLIO A rmelei 4reeeer Per One ITir ftlfshutgh Cnt-iililtr-'fWrvinh 18 mild be sit News Acent and ilrllvered by Carrier evsry where, far On Oiil a copy or six Cenls a eek. It rnntalns dnlly, the news nt the world, receiving as It doe, the riorts nf both the Assnrlated Press and the Uiiind Tress, Ne ether paper whleh sells for Ons Cent receives Inth of thesp resnrts. Its Hpnrtln--, Kinancial Fashion, and llouisshnhl iN-partments are en equaled. Order It from your Newe Agent. One out of every lf1 inhabitants of the foiled States owns or rides a bicycle. F. .F. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., TrotM. of Hall's Calarrh Cure, offer f llu reward f.ir any c-ase of catarrh that cannot he cured by takb-g Ball's Catarrii Cure. Send for test) menials, free. Sold by Druggists. 7Ru. An electric mall service Is contemplated for the city of Cleveland, Ohio. Hatch's t'nlversal Cough Syrup takes right bold, SoHl eveiyhere. cents. In bsdle at least a mail's weight in lead It shot lor tvervnini!kllled. tWrham's Pills correct I ad effects of over eating. Meet ham's no others. XDcentsa box. Tiie t'ntted States contains 104,000 tipiaie miles of coal finds. frr csnt. Cuhir in. yrr 13.00. . 1G0.6 12.50 . . . 1CU 11.13 . . . 153.0 10.26 . . . 123.2 I 0.63 . . . 114. 0.20 . . . 111.0 8.03 . . . 90.5 7.28 . . . 87.4 4.98 . . . 65.0 1 Do Not Be Deceived with I'lt'tp. Fnnmclii an-i Pntnfp whkh tUln tbe hnn 1. Inlurf im- lnn tii hum rrd. tup KNin Klin xutvp Pdiittu ti nrtlllrtnt. lnp. 1M, hnrnhlr. mnrt f he cnmiimrr imvii ( r ou tin r flM. itat lfjiff- with very purtho. Tho IiavlH llHntl Cream Hr pa mtir anil I red Ciioker Com blued. Complctcst of outfit for a a1a;ry farmer. Thie tnarh nv hai an attachment which, when the bowl luta Tw?en t:.acnout, ia dropped into t tie Separator ao that a belt cud run to the churn. Write for further f-trtkulam, JJiivIa v liai.kin Itltltr. and Mfir (.. 44J to .14 ltkeNt.. Chleairo. 111.. Manufacture all kinds of Creamery Machinery and saury suvva nejnia wauiica in every county. MEND YOUR OWN HARNESS WTHorsoNs rH j SLOTTED CLINCH RIVETS No tools rr'iu.ird, nir a liammer needed todrl ni c'inih thtm caiily ami qi.tra.y, k-av.ng ih el inch atao utrly stntx Hi. K -sjuhliiff mi Imt iu ba ana.la in he ira r fie r nor t'.irr (r ti kaia. Tiier are airaaaj, lonala and atiarable. aiiI-kim now hi uaa. all nwiii. ii n i torn) ir M(.aorteil, (ut up hi imaa. lUiopa for a 1X1 ui iu, aaauria ( aiataa. Uaii id u a at yoair araiar rur ineaai, or aefi'i mc. m JUDSON L. THOMSON MFQ VVAtLTHAM, MAN. ' t AN IDEAL FAMILY MKDICINK Ifror luuiareaiion. miiosiaaiiaw. Ilradauhe, lanallaaUaa, Ma4 4'amplcaUn. tkBraialva Breath, and ail ujaordrra of lb fttoniaca. I KIPAN8 TABULtt s art atsnt vet nniuiiTl Pert Lsirer and fMiweia. art t-fntly yet prtiuiptly. Perfart saiffeaiion loiiowa Thnr nae. Mom i I by itruirirtata or aent hy mnll. tiX rfKviskl.il ?rk I'sii-ltsurf IA tuxissiV sM tfta tree aanipUa-auflrMa . 1(11' A.N a tUKMlOAL CO., KewTsrli. MUST II AVE Aernls ATONf Tt-ltampl, MUSI ilMf E Subks'k ifat. 'ili fr by mit Ittr Wf. Manip. ImuiHtiw. rnrW.II--4. Only rikhI our ever InvfulMl. heuu wrlslits Nairn uuparitlii'lml H tmr. ni yii k. Bkuh.hd, rini., !. FIENSION aalilitton, D. C. 'Succef ully Pronecuteo Claims. La t( Prlni'lpatl Examiner U S. Panatou Bureau. Liyralulaal war, l&a(JJuUivaiUu(vlsMuiM, utty auivas s IIIIKTIIAMI SV -HAH.. Thnmughly taushl Mr r-Liori.'tv. , ... anti nr-1 itin mm j. w iirtttiM. son. Ptln. 1'itli's Khortli.n! I'vllvvs.Wllli.MtrlS. l A 'I'l.' VIV THADS MARKS. Runiln'mlon i f I 1 ii s I rs. siul Milvlt-v s In pamuiutillity i'f Inynlkin. Mend rnr luv.utor. tliiuin.fir taiw iu st SluU.ut. fATHK'K O'lAHKF.I.L. Wiuisi,Tx IMJ niTrilTO THOMAHF. amt-MON, WMhlDslotT r A I I N I '- N" slly's fr unlll FliWnt nkw I ft I Lit I U IslOssi. Writs fur luDlur'a UuUla. ,lf.l'.X " I'HIt'HMI. frraH.a i'wlavl, lowla to a.- Ste BOOa III Uoi:i( IH ' ,. i Su. s. I. CBa. rN nao Ramadi' for raiarrk Is Lba f I nt. KasMi to I's. and rsn-M. I I tWJ.'.y.flaT) I I bo 14 by aruaau or anal by Biaii. I I U SUS. K.T. Haaelltua, Warnaa. P. J Irani " "M.iejtissseirl sim.nrrJ;' Jl-, &9a afJI Vf" Int ral"r SurSsl aT. v s