The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 10, 1893, Image 2

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Industrial Exposition Blnce th Ideft
W Launched Over Forty r Ago.
(Wit for being th originator of world 1
fairs must be awarded to the line Prirce
Albert, consult of Jticen Vic oria of tireat
Urilnin. The first wo'ld'B fair was held in
the Crystal Palace. London, in I8M. nn.l it
was I Vine AMiert who suggested the enter
f itipc ntl helped lr"lv lo make it ft suc
cess, ihr totnl number of exhibitor was of whom 40(1 were Americnns. The
mripu M llir gates amounted to 1 1,780,000
and Ihf net protils were tTVi.iKiri.
In IHM international exhibition were
lield at lluhlin and New York. I her wi re
4.1'M.l cxhthilnrs at the Inner, more than
tialf ol whom were foreigner. The rereipn
were only tHio.Ooo. and ihere win a loss of
:mK).' Homer Oreelev, who win one of
the directum, while on a visltto I'nris. was
arrested br our of the Kronen exhibitors for
damages incurred to his exhibit. In 1".'
Paris I. eld in exhibition, in which ihere
were 2H.0M exhibitors, oniv 144 t whom
Were American, The receipts were (4I,1I0
nd cost trio.OOO.
Pctween 18M and 1W.2 exhibition
ronitily of local intereFt were held in sever-
I cilice, nmnnft lliem being those lit Mel
bourne and Munich In 1S.M, nt Urusscls in
IK'iO. at Lausanne and Manchester in 18'i7.
at Turin in IH.Vt. at Hanover and A' hens in
JKT0 nix at lluhlin, Edinburgh and Kiorrnre
in 1801. In 18ta ft great exiiibilion was held
t l.t'.ii.lon-tb receipts ol which, were
l.ofv.tXO t.:r. exf.eiise I2:w,o0, 'ihe
nrxt World's Fair, that of Paris, wna the
rnott splendid the wnild had vet seen. It
was h-ld In tlis Champ le Mars. There
were Ml liJC exhibitors, of whom Ml were i
from the I'nited Statci. Ir. 1873 Hit Vienna
Kxpition took place. There were 70. WW
exhibitor". 0M being from the I'nited
fritalc. The cost of the buildings wan esti
mated at 7.V0n.
Then rame the famous Centrnninl Exhi
bition at Philadelphia in 1870. The build
ings then erected comprise ) a main build
ing, covering an area of'870 VH square feet;
ft machiiierv hall, covering an area of 604,
72(1 square feet; an art building covering
7t.fiMisq. feet of floor space, and 88 8i,D sq.
fret of wall space: a horticultural hull MM)
feet long. liiO feet broad nnd til leet hih;
an agricultural building covering 117.71X1
square fet and ft women s . epartment
building 208 feet In'' : ainl -i'11 tr.iad. The
lair was open-' i' Mn - 1". lOi and re
rimmed on i l..r s x in .nth lu n; that
Sin, r ,, a. . , i i m! It v !l III I i . vrnnt of
t. in h('i . fi': uumiMion fees
en "iintini; -1 ...jl 4fl. The Inrvest
!' !m. ',i mi any one day w:is 1.74.
i : '1 ',( number of exhibitors is enti
nm'cu lit 4.Xt4, ol whom K, 175 were Ameri
rans, K.KJ2 natives of Spain and her colonies
lid 3.5M subiecls of (jueen Victoria. The
total number of awards was lH.lm.of which
6MM were (:ranted to American exhibitors
mid 7. 740 to foreign exhibitors, 'the I'nited
flairs io. ernnient mnnifesle.1 speciul in
terest in the 1'iiir by ii.'oiiiiini a commit
tee In see that the cnndilioii ol the dill'erent
(Jovernmrut depart incnls wuh well repre
rented, for which purpose it appiopriaied
the sum of 7.'H.MKJ.
far s avaiii came to the front ir. IKS and
bowed Kurope Hint an imperial form of
government was not lieceernrv lor the sue
cesnfui establish nient ol a World's Kiur.
The hump de Man was opvin se t clrd ns a
B.I-. UKiacres tieiiiK approi'iimed. of which
the main buildinx covered M acres. The
total number of rxlphilors was 4u, XiKI, of
whom 3.774 came rum Great ilritiiin, l.'J'.fi
from the Tinted States und 1U47J Ironi
France. The l'uir was open from May 1.
187H. to October 10 of the snine yeur, and
diirinu thin time the number of admissions
wu- !' The total receipts from
visno'a were estimnteil at $2.MII,li.iii,
.-"! nu eiM iition was held ut Sydney,
' i - nil Vui.-. nt which Ihere were
- . 'i I '(J.-.1, of whom were from
the I'liited Htutes. The next year the Mel
licurne expooition was held, at which that
were I'J.7U1! exhibitors, 30U being !r m thil
In 1H3 a foroipn world's fnlr was held In
ro-ton. It wns a novel exhib tiou, lor two
reasons first, because It was only open to
exhibits from foreign coiiniries.aiid second,
because it contained exhibits from lercer
...her of f -e(?n ennn'ries than were ever
re-oiird in anv iircvii.u- w r!ds fuir.
'1 ii. rc ..;i "C:'j''blt". cou.p; i-iog 10,000
nicies. "
The laleil and re'c'- erhil:tion was
ojiened in I'ans on MiY A. and closed
on October .11 of the s.ime year. The total
cost of the rxhibliion rx.300.000 and the
total receipts wer-I'.floO.OOO. The number
tit exhibitoia nas M.000, more than had
ppearfd atativ previoua world. s fair, and
oi these nhoui l,7ft0 hailed from the I'nited
Pta'es. The awards to American exhibitors
comprised A2 prand prizes. 18!i colli medals,
V73 silver meduls, '.'20 bronie medals and
207 honoruble mentions. The total number
of vii-iiors has been estimated aa hiiih ai
A.OOO OtH), and as low as 3 000.OOO. The regu
lar price of admission was If., but owing to
the lottery system many persons were en
abled to enter at half price. The number of
admissions between Mav and November
exceeded J8.00O,000. and it is estimated that
on the last day no fewer than 400.00U persona
were admitted.
Wild regard to strangers It may be confl.
dently said tha'.fullv l.Ntt.OOO visited Taris
durinu the fair, as the registera kept in ho
tels and apartment houses bear ample testi
mony to that effect. The number of en
tries to the fair certainly showed an in
crease of 1 1.000. 000 over that of the fair in
It ti and 18.000.000 over that of the J'uila
1 delphia fair in 1876.
I The Chsn-n de Mars was i.'y.'..i ne'ccted as
li e lor Hit fair, the until apuce occupied
i-"inif I7.i acre.. The Machinery ruluce was
toe innt buililinir. Leiiipl.378 liei loliir
4i" feet wide und Hid feet bh-h. IIS rot
" was fl.AOJ 000 and it covered 1 1 eres. Nu
object at the fuir attracted so much ittlen -tion
h the famous Kilf'el Tower, ruited lo
tli ieat lieiebt of 084 feet.
Cyclone Wreoks Many Buildings at
A cyclone of lerritic proportions struck
Wilmington, Ohio. Frldnv afternoon. Treea
wrre but as straws and few are left (landing
. that encountered the storm. The City Ualll
lately remodeled, is badly damaged, the
ruof being blown off and the interior soaked ,
Every church in town exoept Ihe I'resbr
m-jjiIj rni bujly wiecked. Tlie lav bell
. I n ( bn.iu.1. Church was blown 'some
oai.ce into ihe sireet and the spire was
blown oil iwid erssiit ihnir.ah ihe roof and
ceiling. Th Cut holm ranch spire was
Jed standing, while the rv-iaiudcr of the
building v demolished.
it is miraculous that no cut wns killed
outright. "
TLe large bookstore of Hildeb-s'nt .t Mil.
iiard wss crushed like an egg shdl and the
con i en is drenched with water, : he Luc
res bouses of Campbell, HamilU Co,H.
(i. Cartwright ib Co., J. W. fciinrkr "
totn Kar.jubar, K. 8. Miller, K K. Marb.s
and many otheis were badly wr. kl. 'j n
dwelling houiiee of W. W, Collins, McN'a
luara, two belonging to C. W, Auutln and
everal others were demolished and num
bers ot others were unroofed and otherwise
damaged. .The wind blew so furiously that
email sticks and straws were found tiuluni
M iu the weather-boarding of Louies,
Tour Bailors Drowned.
A two-muled schooner, supposed to lie
the Brave of Xear lale, Me., wrnt ashore
ear lb Knob life Having station, Fluto
Island, Haas. Boon after the spars fell, and
with tbtm four men, who are tuppoaed tr
aw ail there wart on board.
1 TlallwAV Af rrfffri.
2- Mnchtnry Hall. IV'.j' A"ts.
5 Agricultural Mullriiug. IS a- res,
4 Annex to Airriciiltunil liiiiblllii-.
6 Adniinirt'.ition I'.iuld'.ng.
Hall ot Mine unit Mining. R''4' B"r-.
7 Elf-tru-al itmlding, !i"4 acres.
Causing Km? Eer.ths and Fatally In
Jui icc Many Persons. Steamboat Ex
plosion and Hunaway T rain.
One ol the wnit cutiitrophics which has
occurred in yeai took t lace on the Missis
sippi river t.t West Is'and, -I miles below
i iiiro, 1.1. , Sunday morning, A rear end
of one of the bailers of the
ftcnnierHhio.ii ( 'im inna'i and Memphis,
p&i'ke. b'ew out, filling the deck cabin with
steiini nnd bf il'iig water. Several of the
deck bands and re k passrngers, who were
rating breaklast at the time, were literally
cooked i.iive and a large number received
seriou Icirns
Kollowin is the rf the dead; William
lliirs'inaii. coored. t:rcman. St. Louis.
Hampton Collins colored. Memphis. Thom
as WooiN co'oted, residence unknown.
Cyrus Mryo:. while, mate, of l incinunii,
Jiiuiped into river ami was diowncd. Two
colored men. uiiideiiiil'iil.
I'Villowing is n list of the injured, ninny
of whom will uic: 11. W. Crew-, lianvillc.
Va.; l-'red Seal. I'oiiinibii, Mis.; Charles
Jackson. lircuinn, I iiicinuati: .lainii
llownn), I'ochlooni. Mo. : (jilbcrt Childress,
tiremiin, Naslivilli': i 'older Tale. Mciuphis;
William .lack r.n. W us b'ligtoii, I'll.; Williani
Henry, Meniphi: Alben Ib.hinson: Cincin
nati; ('. .1. I'aitcrson. n bile cook, Memphis;
William H. I'likey iwhitri, deck passenger,
Newport. Ky.
The wildest consternation reigned on
board the boat and the screams ,, ihe pas
sengers and the groans and appeals of ihe
victims miide the scene a terrible one. The
boiu o ild proceed no farther and for
several hours it lay at the bank while fie
unfortunate victims lay on the deck writh
ing in agony and culling aloud for aid.
At Inst the lug Aegeus hove in sight. She
was hulled and the uflerr. S3 in number,
were transferred lo her deck, and she im
mediately sailed to Cairo. Word had been
telegraphel and every physician in town
was on the whurf to meet her. The suffer
ing of the victims was alleviated as much as
possible, bin belore they could be removed
from the boat fnurof them weredead. The
remainder were transferred to the Marine
Hospital. Another one died soon after
reaching there, and the surgeon declares
that 10 o! the 10 now in the hospital will
T'-e Big I'onr pussemter train which left
Chicago at 8:4(1 Saturday night, in crossing
the Wabash river bridge at Lafayette, Ind.,
at 1:30 Sunday morning, got away from the
engineer. The air brakes would not work.
The front cars left the truck after reaching
Ihe depot, tearing down the sheds on the
east side of the truck. The engine, baggage,
mull and express cars were thrown oil the
track, hurled some distance and broken to
The list or killed is as follows : Michael
Welsh, the engineer, nf Indianapolis; John
Lenon, of Lafayette, driver of mail wagon;
Thomas McMiihon, of Cincinnati, express
messenger; Charles Meyers, of Lafayette,
hack driver,! 'hurlcs Schaille.of Portsmouth,
O.; Kred Scheie, lire man, found dead be
neath the wreck, left leg torn off at the
thieh; Oito liesselson, Montreal, Can ; Con
rad Weissel. of Shelbyville, Ind.; William
Cbttdwick. of Khelbyville. mail clerk, is
missing; Joshuu Long, mail cIcrk.Lebunon,
Following are the names of the badly
hurt : James Carnahau, home unknown;
Cbarlea Myrrs, Cincinnati, postul clerk;
Thomas Vickcry. home believed to be in
Cincinnati, him internally. The above were
ill in the mail cur service.
The seriouslv iniured are; William l'lace.
orK rauicfort, Ind.) Jcflorsou Keese, of
Kemptou, Ind,
All the train men wrre killed, but none of
the passengers were injured. Asthcengine
left the track it struck and instantly killed
three men stunding on the platform. They
were Otto (iearelson, of Montreal, Can
ada, who had pirn-limed a ticket and was
waiting to board the train; Charles Myers,
a 'bus driver, and John Lennun, who was
in charge of the I'nited States mail wagon
t the depot. The dead that lay under the
immense pile of wreckage were not removed
for three hours after the accident, a wreck
ing train being necessary to do the work.
Had the engine left the track a minute
sooner the entire train would have been
tnrown into the Wabash river. Owing to a
sharp curve in the track on the west side of
the river, the air brakes could not be ap
plied until near the bridge. When the en
gineer tried to aptdv the air the brakes
would not work and the train dashed into
the ataliuu, aa stated above.
A Tennessee Cyclone.
AtfJalnrsvllie. Tex., a cyclone did con
siderable dumage to prortv. Mony resi
dences were unroofed and several business
houses had stocks of goods ruined by wa
Three miles suuth of tiaineaville Air.
and Mrs. illackhiirn was probably fatally
Injured by their residence collapsing. Near
Kair I'lsliison the Hums Ke, a train was
completely lifted from the track,, with the
exception of the engine. The train had come
I., Ml,... M.I.I MB. I.,.. ...I I ... - i ....
uiiiimi mm ravine ou
feet awav, llrakrman (iunn was killed out
fight. Conductor )'. A. Taylor was badly
cut over the eye and will probably die. and
others were seriouslv injured. Otuar near
by lowui wer rtialjj wravkeel
rt to nme-tTE vip.w roiriivtsn nrostTio.t,
I 8 Mannfaefnre nnd Liberal Arte Building,
44 ncres.
9-TTic tlreat Peristyle and Jlusio Hall Cafe.
in- Landing ner.
II Transportation Exhibit. 18' acres.
1!! -Horticultural "nu. -'i acn-s.
I 13-Villngi ol all Nntions.
TIIOl tlM nl I ItlrVIOMV" "If XT Til K PAY1S
IIH ll. I-.MIKS.
The Sunday closing rules were strictly
enforced Sundav at Jackson Turk, and no
one was admitted to the ground except
workmen and the guards. The Chicavo
parks were visited by no lesj than asi.isHi
jieoplr, who wandered nloiii! Ihe drives und
graveled wuiks, rode in the boats and
stretched themselves on the grass.
It whs a noiuhle fact i lint not one of thes
lodless Mihhnih breakers did anything that
?otiId stuck Ihe average Congressman. The
men mid women were well dressed and well
behaved. 'I he park policemen bud uhsolut
ly nothing to do. In the crowd nercthotis
suds nf stranrers, and many foreigners v. hi
Wondered why Jackson J nrk should hf
?losed to such an intelligent hodv ot pcopie.
At Humboldt I'nrk, (iarlleld 1'n'k. iViu'
lass I'nrk and Washington Park great
-rrwds pa'.edtlie day promenading tbt
boulevards, ti. ling the hem his and rowing
on the ponds. Kven the little parks wrre
full ot turn, women and bubic. It i.
therefore, perfectly safe to esiimatc the
number of pioplc wlio visited the arks
yesterday at .isi.ouo'. It probably exiecdisi
thai some. Three-fourths of them no-ild
have visited Jackson Turk I nd the gate"
teen open.
nn-ohP or ati i ii.wc r.
So fur ll.e paid admissions, although,
ligh'. have xi ceded those for Corres) ond
ing dnvs at the Ceiiieuniai, l or lust week
the IjiriH'e are:
Mav 1. ollicial 12S.!s-W
Mav ollicial 13.8K'
Mav .') ollicial hi. '.'74
Mav 4 estiinuted 18. "5111
.Mav .r. eslniiDted M.ihs'
.Vny I'.esimiaicd .W.OO'I
A terrific up os:on stnrtled tvetybiMly In
the wot end of Msi hiticry Hall oil I'riilnv.
A I. caiter on the big M-inch slrnm main
blew out mid Jnmesliliis-fnrd. a sw it' liinnn,
wa blown mi leet and lniiilly sca'ded. Twc
other laoorers were also scalded, but not la
tally. No cause can be ussigi.etl f r the ex
Mi'sn- i xi. i r. rtrnci i.Tirs.
The open sir concerts in Administration
plu.a were fiorly attended Friday morning,
ownm lo the chilly uimo-pbi re The play
er, did the best they could, nir.foed in then
heavy co.ts but found d difficult to rendet
blushed music in an unl'nisbed stand to the
nccoiupaiiinient of carpenters' hummers on
the roof.
a wom n's rin iiotfi. tmis.
The Worm's Fair Hotel Association made
an assignment. Assets, HI, 870 SO; liabili
ties, H1.0 ft (i I. The failure is assigned tc
a non-pay incut of dues on the part of Iho
Oxr rcnlt of tlicWorld'sl'ftir is thnl last
month 1H.7.MI alien cabin passenger wero
luiided in ihe port of New York, more than
tw;ce the number lor April, 18!)2,
1 Cam Breaks and It Ooea. No Lives
Lost, But Much Property Destroyed.
The Iwiston, Ohio, reservoir broke
Wednesday night and turned an immensa
Rood of water upon its residents along its
course. The break was in the northeast
corner of the reservoir, where a waste way
S20 feet in length is located. The break
was 200 feet wide and the water came rush
ing down in a great flood.
The artificial hank of the resorvnir is five
miles around, and the bottom of the reser
voir itself is at least ten feel above the im
mediate country below. The water averag
ed ten feet deep over the w hole reservoir, so
some idea can be imagined ol the great vol
ume that came rushing down on the coun
try below. The reservoir is locuied rive
miles northesst of Huntsvil e. coun
ty, O., and contains li!,n0u acres of water.
Hundreds of families loft their homes and
tied out of reach of ihe coming torrent. So
fur no loss of life is reporud. but the dam
age in Logan county is estimated at CMI.OOO.
Many farmers will lose everything but
their land, and they will be financially ruin
ed. HKLLFroKTAiKF-The latB reports from the
scene of the Lewiston reservoir Hood are re
assuring, and it is believed that such pro
gress has been made as will prevent furth
er opening at the present places, bi t the
entire lower banks are saturated and in a
very dangerous condition, should further
rains fall no human tower can stay an
awful catastrophe. The town and cities
directly in the line of the flood are Sidney,
)'i(iia, Tippecanoe, Ilaytnn and most of the
town of tiie Miama valley between Dayton
and Cincinnati. Telegrams have been sent
lo the authorities at all tbresiened point to
prepare for the worst as well as they can
and to hop fur the best.
The Lewiston reservoir is said to be the
second largest artificial body of water io
lbs world.
Moody and Bankey at Chicago.
IraJJ. Sankey, the famous singing evan
gelist arrived at Chicago bringing with him
party of English Christa'u workers. In
company with Mr. Moody who Is now in
th city, he will conduct revival meetings
her at various time during th World
Emma HimiiiKsoM, a daring pnvf
horsewomen and rough rider, has applied
to be allowed to ntr th long distance
sowboy race from Chadron, JJcb,, lo
vhlvago. .
14 Woman's Fuildintr.
15 I'nited States tloverr.x'r.t B'.iiUi:i,7
III Fisheries Hiiildintr.
17- Lile-Savlnir Station, cM.
18 Illinois State building,
lit Oallerie of Flue Art".
(tiisirs ami rt xt.T:r.
I'nnnie Horn, a New York woman, gavt
poison to her two children, a boy ag d 1:'
years and a girl aged 0 year, yesterday
afternoon, then shot them nnd completed
her horrid work by shoo'ing herself.
Antonio Martinex, Antonio Jo'cn finrlo!
oud Victoricn Arugon, three murderer
were taken from Jail nt Las Ltnms N. M.,
by maske I men, and hanged to ft tree.
Half a dozen mure'ers have been commit
ted near Las l.uiias in the past two month
and the citizens took this method of warn
ing the vicious element that crime must
The other night three men charged will
murder were taken from the county Jail it
Los Limits, N, M., and hanged to a cotton
wood tree, No clew to the lyncher.
n nnox. ,
The Colonial bunk of Australia, which 1
ituated at Alexandria, in the colo.iy o
Victoria, has suspended.
The town of Kownl, near Wariaw, lift
been swept by lire and US houses destroyed
I'.igbtv persons perished in the calamity
"0 families lire homeless and great ilcstitu
lion exists.
An accident, by which 20 persons lo
tlirir lives, is reported fruit the province o
'aragossn near S inht K iU'r, in tha:
province. A religious procession wus cross
ing a river on pontoons when one collupu'd
Wi Hough by I 'ompton. aged 111, and hli
sister Florence, aged 33 years, were drown
cd i:i the Petroit river, I'etroit, While in i
rowbout they tried I J cross the towline of i
bnrgc a hich inpsired their cinft and then
into the water. The bodies have Lot beel
A freight wreck occurred on the Dayton
A Michigan railroad, near l'.idinore, O., it
which five tramps ere killed and one fat
ally injured. T lie wreck was caused by i
failure to put out rear-end signals.
- --
Kl l.lolol I.
St, ISartholomew'a F-piseopal Church, Net
York (Tiy, broke the record Sunday morn
ing by taking up a collection that footed u
1.0n.). The rector asked for IS'J.ojo to re
furnish and relit the church, and the con
gregutlou, which is a wealthy ono, raisec
the limit a thousand dollars. This Is tin
church attended by the Astors nnd Yunder
hilis and in the last fo ir years it has ex
pended in charities und regular church
expenses tl,(a000.
i noes.
I'.eports received at London from th
continent show that the drought and lieu
have spoiled the beet root crop, and that at
enormous rise of sugar prices i in progrra
In several part of Au-lria the cereals hav,
been plouglitd up in preparation for nnoth
er planting, tiiuin speculators declare ll.a
all hope of saving the witter wheat 1
The gold reserve in tlie treasury i no
pretty close to lOO.OOJ.OOO. Small oflert
continue to be made to the secretary, and
there is a feeling of confidence as to the out
look for the immediate future.
Secretary Hoke Smith createJ something
of a sensation by dashing up to the Whits
House on horseback to attend a cabinet
All the furnace men, numbering about
300, employed in the Pennsylvania ' (tee
work at Duquesnr, I'., have had notice
of a 30 per cent rcductio.i of wage.
Jo Jefferson i seriously HI and wa
obliged to cancel ni Cincinnati engage
A womax in Brenham, Tex., Mr. Julia
Ft. Laatenbow, who wa bitten by a centi
pede, will die from the wound, fche ihowt
a disposition to crawl and otherwise ImitaU
tha action of the polsouou insect.
Foreigner In Franca Must Register.
To Freucli Chamber of Deputies adopted
l measure requiring foreigner resident in
franc to register, but rrjecfrd th projosl
ion to impor a fas upon foreigner.
Baa Ball Beoord.
The following table show th itandingo
th different ban ball club up to dU:
u r'et.
I., p'ct
3 ,o0i
4 ,42t
6 .401
8 .4(4
6 .371
6 .lti
Clevel" nd.
St. Loin,.
New York
2 .714 Thiladel'a
3 .OWBoston...,
3 .Oft Chicago...
8 .tl'A Pittsburg.
8 71 Baltimore
8 .oOO.Lcuiv'l.
The following poem, written by W. A.
Crofftit ot Washington city, wa read In
Chicago at the dedication of the World
Fair buildings.
Sadly on Cnlumbn watched tha nascent
Pr iwn in the gloomy ocean's western deeps.
Strange birds that day had Muttered in the
And strain's Hosiers d ialed 'round the
wandering kerl,
And yet no laud. And now, when through
the dark
The Santa Matia leaped before the pair,
And angry billows Pissed tliecnrnve
As to dcsi ruction, (iomez lla-con rame
With Captain I'liizon through the Irtnried
And to the admiral brought a parchment
Flying, "OikxI matrr: Head this writing
hi re
An earnest prayer It is from Bit on hoard.
The crew roulil lain turn back in utter
No longer o the pole the compass p-ilnts;
Into the zenith crops the northern star.
You saw but yesierdav eve an albatross
Lropdiadoh deck beneath tlie flying
Ihe devil's wind blow madly from the
Into (tie land of Nowhere and the sen
Kre rucking us ado n the maelstrom'
Francisco savs the edgs of eirlh Is near
And nd the F.rchns we slide un lie lined.
Ijisi Sunday night Liego saw a witch
Drugging the Nina by her fori-chnlnt
And wildly dancing on ft dolphin' hick;
And as she danced the blithest star in
8!iped from in lash nnd sprang info the
Like Lucifer, and left a trail of l lonL
I pray thee, master, turn again to Spain,
Oiiedlent to the omens, or. perchance,
The terror-stricken crew to escape their
May mutiny and "
"Comer. !lflcon. pence."
Fxcliimrd the admiral; "Then host raid
Now, pntiue, leave me; I wculd be
Then tngerly Columbus sought n sign
In sen and sky. nnd in bis lonely heart
Finding instead of presages of hoe
The black nnd ominous portents of despair.
As thus he mused he paced the alter deck
And gazed upon the luminous waves astern.
St range life was in th phosphorescent foam,
And through the goblin glow there came
nd went.
Like elfin shadows on an opnl sea.
I'rophetic pictures of the land hr sought.
He saw the end of his v ctor ens quest,
He saw ablaze on Isebcll's breast
A string of Aiitillenn jewels rest
The islands of the West.
He saw invading plenty dispossess
Old poverty, the land with bounty bless
And through the wretched caverns ot dis
tress Walk stnr-eyed happiness.
He saw the llourbon and llrngnnr.1 prone,
For ancient error tardy to iiione,
ttiving the plundered people back their own
And Hying from thetliroiie.
I'r saw an empire, radiant ns the day,
Harnessed to law, hut under freedom'
Proudly arise, resplendent in array,
To show the world the wav.
He saw the celestial pence in morfal gn!se
And. filled with hope and thrilled with high
Lifting its tranquil forehead to the skies
A vast republic rise.
He saw beyond the hilts of golden corn,
Iteyoiid the curve of autumn's opuleut horn,
Ceres and Flora luilvihltigly adorn
The bosom of the morn.
He saw a cloth of gold across the gloom,
An arabesque Iroiu evolutions loom.
And from t tie barren pruiric'adriven spume
Imperial cities bloom.
He saw an iron dragoon dashing forth
Along an iron thorn 'ighfarr south, north
l-.ast, west uniting in Dcnehcient g'.rtu
llemotest ends of earth.
He saw the lightning run an elfin race
j Where trade, love, grief and pleasure intrr
( Ince
And absent ones annihilate tlmcnnj spare
Communing luce to face.
He saw relief through deadly dungeonl
Foes turned to brothers, black despair 14
And cannon rust upon the grasa grown
And rot the gallows' rope.
Hr saw thr babes on labor's cottage f oor,
The bright wall hung with luxury mora
ml more.
And comfort, radiant with abounding afore,
Wave welcome to the door.
lie saw the myriad srlndles flutter round
The invriud homes where jocund Joy i
And love is throned and crowned.
He saw rxalted ignorance under ban.
Though panoplied in force since lima
And science, consecrated, led the van,
The providence of man.
The picture came and paled and
And then he raid to I'mzon in the gloom
"Now, Martin, to thy wailing helm again;
Haste to tiie I'nita; "westward keep her
iur hud a vision full of light
Keep her prow westward ill the sunset'
From ihi hour hence and let co man look
The Cool and Wet Weather Baa Damag
ed Growing Crops. Fruit Killed in
West Virginia.
The unusually cool and wet wenlher is
having its elTict on the crop of Pennsyl
vania and West Yirginiu. The rainfall fur
the past week lias been a half inch above
the normal in all pari of Pennsylvania, and
the temperature has been lower than usual
In ull sections except in and about Pittsburg.
Sunshine has been deficient all over the
State. Farm work has been greatly retard
ed.' The ollicial crop bulletin lays:
In th Northern counties little ha been
done on spring work. Snow banks still lie
in some places, and Ireex ng weathrr occur
red during thr week. Winter V'in ie re
torted in good condition. Grass looking
fairly well. In the Southern counties farm
work has progressed slowly between rain
Kvervt hiiui ia backward, but at yet ro
serious iujurv has been donr. Grain and
frua look welt but make alow growth,
mil tree budding and propecta of a good
WestVlrginla'rrporlBthat a heavy frost
on the L'4i h w us damaging to early fruits, ex
cept apples, vegetation of all kind checked.
Light frosts occurred on the isib, but no
damage wa don. Wheat, oat and
grass are reported a doiug well, and
coin ha been retarded by lb wet
weather. Small fruit hsve been
killed on low lands, applet slightly injured
in ioiii localities, pear not all killed, and
peuches seem to have been injured greatly.
Tobacco is progressing favorably, potaloe
wer damaged slightly and garden vege
table were injured in some localitie, bul
aim rain have Impioved them.
J, N. Bi.iti ii, a prominent turpentine
operator, wat brutally murdered near Wllla
coochee, Ga., by a negro employe, Tbt
negro demanded pay for work before it wa
tone and Blltch refuted lo pay him until
'alurdoy uiibt, th regular ff day.
What Is Ootng On the World Over.
Important Events Briefly Chronicled.
- -
4 nrltnl. f.nlmr nml Inif.te4tt.
At Islipcinliig, Mich., Ihe Lake Superior
Iron Company's 1. :i employes began work
tin thr right hour plan. The hours have
been reduced from 10 to "..and I he wages
untouched. 'Ihe millets promise to accom
plish as much In eight hour as they have
been doing in ten.
Nineteen thc-u-atul worklnt people em
ployed In the jute mills nt Dumhe, Scot
land, have gone out on strike.
Monnngahel. Pa., advices nrn that tha
Mrlke nt thr '.illioi.n mines is still unse'tled.
Only two men ate n ported to have gone to
work on wagons londe I for 0J bnhels. The
strikers vt nut Intrallowrd for7".
Thr striking Welshmen nt the Irondnlr,
O., tin plnte m II have returned to work.
The Welsh sny that the company granted
them all tliry nsked, and the company'
tilllclals Imve nothing to say. The trouble
was over the American apprentice, whom
Ihe crtti on y at re tiylig to Introduce. Th
Wel!iiii'ii r determined to allow no
Americans to lea n Ihe trade.
The sinters and llnneis of Akron, ()., oil
went out on n s MotuUr morning be
cause the contractors rdu-ed to advance
their wages '.l't cr cents.
In Ihe Pennsylvania home the hill secur
ing to mechanics an I laborers the right to
Hie liens against real estate for the amount
of wages due for work done in and about
the construction, alteration or repairing
thereof has passed second reading.
Advb es fiom Shawnee. )., sny t lint t n
meeting altendtd by l.boil miner it was
decided that it wa useless to continue the
strike In view of the refusal of the Pittsburg
miners to suspend work. Ileports show that
few small mines have resumed oper
ation nt the advance demanded by the min
ers, but JO.OO'I men are Idle yet.
The union dock laborers of Itiistol, Eng., gone out on a strike against the em
ployment of non union or so cslled "free''
borers, nt.d the shipping trade is blocked
Ihtouth the lack of men to load and unltad
lltsnslers. Aerlilenfs anil I'ninlltlea
Allen Urown, llobinson Carutli, Joe
Scott. Sandy Cooksev and Allen llooth, who
were employed at the government quarr',
two miles south ef Searcy, Ark., were
drowned while attempting to cross the liv
er to go to their dinner. The tiver was
very high, and their boat capsized.
A piston head in the blacksmith shop of
the Cincinnati Southern road, at Chatta
nooga, Tenn.. exploded and John (Juiglcy,
wife und Willium Peak, colored, were in
stantly killed. Three others were badiy
The fruit crop of Michigan Is the only
one In that state thnt has not ben hurt by
the hard winter and unfavorable spring.
The ' Kansas Farmer''' crop report Inst
week from the northern part of Kansa
gives the condition of winter wheat nsvery
low. The westein third of the state nlso
presents very gloomy reports. There is a
large area of the State in w'ocat nnd the
prospect nr not very favorable. The Stu'e
produced last year in round number 71,
OuO.OOO bushels of wheat. If this year
40,iX(i,(i0O bushels are produced (he condi
tions must be very favorablo from this time
until harvest,
Washington News.
When asked for an expression
of opinion regarding his visit totheWorld'
Fair. President Cleveland a!d:"I was much
gratified nl the enterprise, skill and taste
displayed In the urrungement and appear
ance of the buildings and the results thus
far attained bcseak to my mind a great
success for the World Fair."
I'hiilern Advices,
Ran Fbaxi in o. Ileport Irom Malacca
state that cholera is muking terrible ravag
es, a many at '.'00 new cases being reported
daily. A large number of death have
Pakis. Th cholera which appeared tome
time ago in the workhouse in Quimper, De
partment of th Finittere, has now rpread
throughout the town. Ten death from the
epidemic huve been reported in the last
three days.
r Ires
The village of Paliey, 23 miles northwest
oftirand liapida. Mich,, was almost 'pr 1
out by fire. Thr lire wa started by tt.r
accidental overturning of a lump. Lose.
Six Lakes, a villages six mile f urn I-s-troit
was dtatroved by fire.
Financial ana f 'snsnerelni.
The Central Ohio Insurance Comit-iy
went into th hands of a receiver at 'lole l,
O., Edward Chittenden being ai p. .m.a'
Th liabilities ar 1 100,000 in excess of 1 1 -asset.
4'rlsne ana f'enalelea, f
At Wolf Uke, Ind.. Theodore rcndlcl, n,.
while drunk, killed hi wife with an n,
beat out the brain of hi6-montht-old c' ild
and then committed suicide. '
Ex Senator J. W. Patterson dropped tiii
the other nigbt at a prayer meeting at Han
over, N. II.
In a conflict between Uovernnxnt .
una jmiian at can vt eieo Atinco, sitA., e
on Sunday, five Indian wr kll'.rJ i,d to
wounded. Two officer wre killed ' m,
several tolditr wer wounded.
Chine Town Wiped Out. 7
Mall advice received at San 1 rme sco
from China and Japan itat that th rwet ,
Honugho, China, has again broken )t '
bank and don vast damage lo life ; and
property. In Khan Tung ;00 villa; una
hamlet were tubmerged with great lit. if ,
life. )
A Maink tuun will genii to Cfticvo
fir spur sixty feet Id lciigii ud ,
without a tend or crook la 11'
would muke Pr lUttigut flaw Vo.