The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 03, 1893, Image 4

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ITIic Star.
Siilinvriiilimi tl.t'O )r year, in atlrnnvc.
An ltiilt'ii'titli'r,l Im'iil iiiiht. iulillilii'ilivi-j
n tlltllMII V III lflyilllllliYltll, .ll'ITI'I'llltl I'll.
mum- i in iiiii ii 1. 1 ,i uri iiiiHiHviiiii
nnil .li'iri'iiiini'iMinl v. Niiii-iHillili'ii). will in nl
nil Willi HUtlll", llllll Will IM'lHt'll' Il llMlll'
ly limiinls tin1 Itiltttrltiir Hum.
HtlllMfTlnt loll ltt-lll.&llMi vi-lll III nilvniii'i
('iilllllllllllriltliill Inti'liili'lt fur lilllillrillliill
nut.,1 li liutl.ii u.i.l
not fni iMililli'iiilim, Inn' im n iiiiiiiiititi, nf
Hni'i run n. niii'trniim iiioah Iti'in Millrltvil.
Aiivprtisiii' rnt4 mmli kmmti nn iippHm
tlon hi I hi- utile In Arnnliln' lllm k.
I.i'iiuliiv riuiitmiiili'iillntH imil rliitniri of
nuvtrtiHiiiiiiiti nliinilil rvnvh till tilltri lijr
Momlnv iiimiii.
Aililti'm nil foiiiiniinli'itllimK lot'. A. Hli-pli-
viiuhi, iirj iiniiiMviiir. i n,
Kiili'nil in I ln'o ni UV-fimlilsvllli,
Til., II HIM'lllltl flllNH ituill lllflltlrt
4'. . X I l.l-lll:o, Kdiiiir nnil I'nh
Tin Citli-iifi' IiiiIiihIiIiiI Allliuuv, til
n IIMM'lll tllm'tltltf hrlil I'lttxlMII'ir,
nitopti'il tin following cull for uurkltiu
tni'ti to ni ).'iiiil.i, whlcli wiih hIkih'iI lv h
iiii in It 1 1 of tliivi'. W 11 1 i mil II. Iisi-,
II. H. nnil S. N. Mrl'iu-Uiv. Tlm
olij (! nf thi'riill In fur rntiiiili'li nnil
tliot'iiuli injiiiiilziititin to iviIivhh jfi'U'V
uiii'i'h. A ciipy of tlic cull will In iimlli'il
(mill liiliiircii'triiiilntliiiiH In llilsnniiitrv
CiKNTl.KMKN: Vi. lln nllli'i'in nnil
111' Hill TH (if till Clli.l'IIH' lllllllHtl'lllI
Alliiiiu'i'. nf Wi'hIi'Iii IVihimyIviiiiIii,
I'liiniHiw'il of tli'li'uiiti'H hum nil liilmr
(ii'mini.iilii'iix. Iiiili'iii'tiilrtit innl nin'IiiI
cliilw, K li i u li I m nf IjiIhii. ili, iliivrl
innl iin lain iii'tliin nl tin 1'iinrt iih
lltTi'l'llllir lllil Ill'llllli'l'llllllll of 1,111'OltHI-
tlv Kiisfini'i'fH, H ili'liini'iiH' iiiiliin, tlin
IiiIkii' uit'iiiiiziitloiiH of New Oili'iiim,
rli it li ill;; nitti'fH of New York: tint
tyriiny iimiiifi'MtiMl in tlm trinl of tin
ll'inii'Hti'iiil mi'ii, mill tin hiiIhi'I-vIi'iii-v
llf til" till I It lit to til" illtl'IVNlH Of till!
Illllllll I. WIII'll US llf Illlt-Ill'lllir
cfixlK III llio IiIhIki'v of Aiiii'iln. Hint
Will tlil'llllllll Wlll'llll'f H lllllll who
I'lirtiH a livlntf "liv thoHWi'iil of IiIh fiu'i.
hIiiiII iomi-hi tin' Inlii'i'i'iil i lulil of pi'i
FOIllll liU I t V OC till HIlllirt of till- hIiivi1
1 hi' jri'mlnnl iiMii'imtlon of tin functions
of uovi'i'iittidit liy lln mpltnlistii cliiss
IIIIM 1111 HO lltllll'tll illlil 1111(1 KVstclllll
til! tllllt till IMVIlt illllllHtl'illl I'lllHM'H.
(Miilii'iu'ltiK I'vcry nvi'tim of iiiiilinitvi
onicrpi iHi . imvt rm li'il to icnllzo tlii'ir
. trim iMiiilitlon until tliclr Hiilijiiiilion
witn iiiiuiii i'oinili'ti. i I'lin now well
iiiiili'i'sliinil tin well nnil ili'cp Iniil Htiitc
in in ot mo inonoioiiNt. in I'tii'iiuriiiji
tin formation of labor orjninlziitioiiH
wiih tliclr tii'Ht Hti'ii, innl wlillo lln
.voiUiiiyiiiin won lioni'Htly romliininir
lor mo piiriioMi or IiH'ri'iiMliiLr tin of'
llclcncy of tlioir iiii'inl)crH,tlui'npitiillt(4
wciv iiihv ai I. nil I iilT polltli'iil convi'ii
tiiMi.i. ! ii'i at inr nominal ions of men wlio
wi-iii hut nycnt-i ill tliclr employ, forinn
lutinif lawn to In passed in tlieir inter
est, liiiiueiicinir t in, iiiniointuient or
I'lectioii of jitilircH wlio urn lint I'oi porato
tools, innl culminating tin Ireiisonalilo
iliui by olllivrltur tlm militia lnrj;ely
with a i'Ihsh of men wholly hiiIkW'
vint lo their HlltflitoNt ileinnnils.
Tliey havo no further nun for liihor
oiyanizntioiiH now. Kntlironeil 1m1i inal
tlm rinkertoiiH mid tin militia, uiul
million Ix'iioutli llio jjowns of tho ju
ilieinry, that I'oiiHtriii'H (ho Iiiwh friuned
In their interest, they tear off tlm mask
mid insolently wiy to tlm Iniliislilul
ohiNMeH, you luivo no rijflit that wo ii-
TliD attai'k that Ih now inndi on your
iiriani.alion is an attack on oruatiieil
lnlxir of all viK'utions. When your
oiKanlzattonH aro romlereil luirmleHH,
otlnifH will bn assaulted, until all will lx
doHtmyed and tlm employees will Ihi
oiihi an tlm UiiHsianH.
Tho (. ItizenH' Industrial Allium Ih
ouiN)Hd of (leleatcs from Uval unions
of niot all VliiHWH of lahor, who aro
ImokIciI together for political purposes.
Wo iK'lievo tlm only wav to reeover our
loHt, Indiihtriul liberty inhy tho indUKtrl
ul oliiHsen oomhinitnf to;eth(r for Indo
IHindont political act ion, and support only
Hiieli nmn and measures an will chiiiyo
thq pivsi'iit conditions to that which
wi.l iH-rnilt ns to enjoy tho wealth wo
nato. Wo Ixillevo that tho railroad
employe, the fanner, the mechanic, tho
minor and all wujfo workorn aro tho
aivliltectM of all Unit represents vlrtuo
, In wieioty and tfrand and clorioim in tho
fabric of (foverinnent. lly their IikIuh
try uiul ingenuity tho orudo nmterlalHof
nutuiv nro formed for tho uho of man:
by their bravery and iut riot ism they
defend tho homo InstitutioiiH they liuvo
l-eared i'-;aiiwt their onomieH.
Wo find pornieatinur ovory olomont
of aociuty and government tho most
V Uisiduons fiM that lias worked tho
destruction of every nation that lias
ooiiHed to muko history. IJnoquiil law-8
havo over boon moro fruitful of oppreH
tlon than Htandinif armioM. I'lijust lawn
are framed for tho jniriHwo of ovokintf
tho powur of armed foroos 1. e. toonforoo
them. Ono of tho mont pit iable ooon
omy quoHtiotiH proHontod to-day for tho
American pooplo to wilvo Ih whether
tho railroads, toleNtph and telephono
nysU'm Hhall own the people, or the
' pooplo own thorn. Wo boliove that if
tho tfovernment can tako jxiHOHsion of a
railroad Bystom through a receiver and
in a few monthti pay off its debts and
i put it on a paying hauls, it la conclusive
A evidence that it could own und oneruto
it to the bent interest of tho wholo
, i Uad laws must he repealed and eor-
. rupt judge displaced. It Is our only
, 1 hoio for future peace pronperity and
? hannlnesH. Aro wo readv to uho ovorv
effort to co-operate with all industrial
organization and unorganized lalxir of
all classed of America in tho formation
of a political union that will restore
aguin to the people a government in
keeping with the spirit of our declar
ation of Independence.
We ask you to join us of all industrial
classes of America to moot In convention
at the city of Chicago on July 4, 18113,
there to formulate demands as a basis
for tho bettor protection of tho industri
al classes of America.
The World' Fulr opened Monday.
President Cleveland was there and after
a brief BiKiech ho as tho representative
of 80,000,000 American citizens de
clared the Columbian Exposition fully
opened. It is claimed that 450,000 peo
ple paused tho turnstiles during the
first day. The big show will now be
the center of attraction for the general
public until tho loaves begin to drop.
The daily pupors will be full of tho
goings on there The accident list will
be a long one each day.
He Isn't. Is He?
When ynii pusR nlonir your wilt,
Villi IIIIIV llll'l't fniin (I'llV tllllllV
A iiiiiii wlio's iIii'shi'iI' tu ili'iith mid mnkin
you uiffv.
To Imiiii'ss vim Willi lilsolyln
III' ll'ls full nil lltvflll Mtlltll'.
Ho you Itilnk lie Ih ii "limit?" Hi Isn't. Is hi?
Wlicii ynu wulk nlium tin slnit,
Anil vim I'liioii'i' Mils iiiiiii in iiti't't.
At lllvlliiK with tlm Klrl you II flntl dim
He will Klidili nil tin flu v.
I.i'l vim tlnil lilni nlii'ii' vim in n v.
Ho yuii l Itrk lie's very ici-iuiil? lln Isn't.
is III'?
Wlii'ii In iiih'S nut for n walk
Von m n v lirnr Ills slllv Inlk.
Ills Imlr Is ilniii' In liiuivlets mill In frltry.
Ills si vle ymi bis iK'iienili:
l lunit'iii lii'iwi'i'ii his iiiiIi.
Iu ynu Itilnk lie's very Kti'iitf lln Isn't
Is lu
If n .Inilui or iiot'lnit's
l'"lilll Ills ililtv iti'l lutes.
Mltii In liii'lllitirlliK si'itlt'S of Jllstli-i slmtllil
in inisv .
If Von I'liioiiit lliiilet-stnnil
h v lit erniiitis our In-is nf Imiil:
Ho ynu I lllllll lies very JllslV III' Isn't. Islll?
lit'ii ynu enter "Herns nirl,"
U Iti'l-e for ietiflltiii nhiiitiiiii isirl.
Ami ii Icimi i lulu Is iiskeil In iniikt men
Anil In Hits iiiuitiil ilmi
Von iv wi ll In win lln inei'i
Ho you llilnk tin Juilm Is wise? Hi Isn't
Is lie?
I'r ynu Illlil. lull 'I Is tax lute,
Tlnil ii,..,.' I I... r.n. , -lui..
Anil lii IhmhIIIiik i he jiiilm i hey lutvi Imiii
Piivlliu Illlil III keep yell out.
Il Is V 1 1 III lo lniiie tiliil iiiiiii ;
Ho ynu itilnk tin Jnilm' Is Hue? lie Isn't
Is he?
for It Is mi honest ileal.
There's no use fur vim lo Mileiil,
tiriosii v n wind In iidite, for lie's so busy.
All hlsijiiMlIri netllleil.
He hits uno n so dlunllleil.
He II Hltnlel III Injlldue! lie Isn't. Is lie?
W hen your iii'IuIiIhii 'II erlllelse,
I'iver ready In nil. Ise,
(.inlnf eihrr H-nile's husliiess ever iiulrry;
i " iiiim uns ,- i tmi viiur iiiich,
ii tn I ii ur vlniies llnil vim hick,
Hen iiiiiii In n Iiiiiii you've pride! lie Isn't
Is he?
Or when soiiiethlim you luivi ilont
.M tikes II suhlivf fin-his fun.
Kees iheslnnili'i lnu toniriieof xnsslp ever
Ill won III Ih' mi fi lend Indeed,
If of such ii line viiu've neeil.
He II lllllll of linn ji I wol'lhV llelsu'l. Is lie?
hen it leulshiior tirenl,
Kll her litilloiiiil nr slnle.
Hhli ks lln duties i hiil should ever keep lilni
'"is ;
Listens lo Hie riillroiid iiiiiii,
A el s on em inn n 1 li in nhi t,
Hii.vouihltik he tut llhilue? lit Isn't. sln?
If he leirlslntes fur tiusls.
hell- his stud fur unlilen this! :
If loueiir the pie's crown should Illlike
nun tiiz.v ;
If he'll fawn iiptin mid smile
To deceive vim nil the while,
Ho you think he's winlli your Irusi? Hi
Isn't. Is her
When t it . linn liikelh pliii e
Vim will meel I lie tit, ill fill fnee,
I'rnl-lnu self loeiiteh yoni' vine lit will Ih
TellliiL you w hill he tins iltitie,
l.ylnu like nttl Snimi's sun,
lies ii yiiin ihni siiini Is spun. He Isn't.
is lie?
Then Hie IiiiIIhI etmiiis him mil,
People know whnl thev'le nlittlll :
They illseover Hull Ills life litis lieen I. mi
Then In isillttfs he's ih'lltl.
Anil I he elilniiih o'er hU helld
Is'll Inf III ll'es villi know." Illll lie l-ll'l
Is he?
If pclvhmifi' loehiireh ynu ?u,
III I lllil' lieiirt I lie I i-iil h i,,
U lien I lie lull lifiil i hen- m i niirklnv ever
itiisy ;
Anil von 1 1 1 1 I wiihln vmii peiv,
There's it iiiiiii vim nflen knew.
He nniv I ne l lint's iiiiiI true. Iliil
he Isti'i. Is he?
for hist week when lii Ids place.
He ulvlv 1,1,1 It lu s l&. r......
And lit rohliluu worthy Hsir wits vtry hllsy.
'' " -iiiui:'-r III II mint,
lliil would si en I liK iiclidiliur's flit.
lie mi itniiel here on eniih! lie Isn't. Is he?
As ynu rend lids lln h verse
Vim IIIIIV lireiillie n henvv eill'se,
Or In lliullmi where I hey lit you ninylii liusy.
v on ttui y foiiiii mid fume mnl sweat ;
Knciir tl lit milhtir w ill iimet.
von nniv wish he were In well, he Isn't.
Is he?
I'uiisiiinlit y, I'll.
Ornii;crB' Picnic.
At tlm annual meeting of tho Hoard
of Mamigers of the (iratigt'i's' Inter
state rienle Kxhibitlon, 1. II. ThotmiH,
of Moehanlesbiirg, la., was oloi'led
president and general mnmigor, which
Insures the suecesHof the picnic for lHIU,
as Mr. Thomas knows how to manage
Mich things. Tills will make tho twen
tieth annual picnic exhibition and it
will bo held at. Williams' drove, Cum
liorlnml county, Pa., on Monday, Tues
day, Wednesday, Thursday, Fritlay and
Saturday, August S, 211, .'ill, ill and Sep
tember 1 and 2. All communications
relative to the exhibition should lie ad
dressed to 1. II. Thomas, general man
ager, Mechaniesbiirg, Pa.
Unclaimed Letters.
The following letters remain unttillod
for at the postollleo in ItnyiioldHvillo,
Pa., April Slith, 1H!.I: -
Oknts: C. V. Moon, Ed. Hanton, M.
Mayno, Shclton Weed, W. II. C'hnm-
lNtrs, K. A. Smith, Dan. Note, IX W.
Hodgors, John MeCann, John Froder
lckson, A. (John, Win. Jhuston, Sam.
Buzzard, B. Ileal ale, D. A. Glenn, W.
II. Ltdle, W. C. (Julty, Col. L. II. Fa-
Lauim: Mrs. Kmma Clark, Mrs.
James Kills, Miss Maggio Williams,
Miss Emma Hanna, Miss Gortio Buz
zard, Mrs. Flora Darling, Mrs. John
McCullon, Mrs. Efllo Braider.
Fojikign: Bolesland Korkvouwakl.
Andrea Muziowskl, Josef Grudzlewski,
Andrea Dl Alto, Jan Kulik.
Whon calling for tho above letters
please say they were advertised.
J.V. Foust, P. M.
Special Offer.
We aro making a special offer to each
of our readers paying a year's subscrip
tion to the STAK in advance, and. to all
new subscribers paying In advance, we
will give them the best local paper in
Jefferson county and will give thorn
free, either the Womankind or Ameri
can Farmer, for one year. The two
pupo is above mentioned aro excellent
monthly papers and tho subscription
prlco of each Is $1.K) a year. This offer
Is made only to thoso lu Pennsylvania.
Notice to Stockholders.
The annual meeting of tho stockhold
ers of Tho Bell, Lewis & Yates Coal
Mining Company will be hold at the of-
meo of said company in ltoynoiusvllle.
Pa., on the first Wednesday the 7th
of June next at 10.00 a. M. for the pur
pose, of electing 01110018 for tho ensuing
year. Chaklks Clifton,. Soo.
May jra, ibuj.
Walter Spry has sumo good houses
and lots (or sale.
An Expression of 8ympnthy.
It Is with deep regret that wo, the
momlxirs of tho PreHcottvlllo band and
our ladles, take this opportunity In ex
pressing our hourt-felt sympathy and
sorrow for our musical director and
elillilii'ii In the loss of wife and mot her,
In the death of Mrs, W. (. White. May
this bereaved family receive many con
soling words In their hours of sorrow.
We also wish to extend thanks to the
Iteynoltlsvlllo Keystone band In show
ing their nsiMct on this occasion.
E. O'ltRltXY,
See. Prcsoottvllli! Baud.
Resolutions of Condolence.
Following are resolutions that were
adopted by Washington Lodge, No. 121,
Hitler Soiih of St. George, of Reynolds
ville, I'll.:
WllKUKAR, Through tlm Divine Prov
idence of (Jot I Ho has seen tit to remove
from our midst the wife of our brut her.
Past President, W. G. White, on tho
27th day of April, Si:i, therefore, bn It
littmlnil, '1 hat the sympathy of
Washington lentigo. No." 121, Hitler
Sons of HI. George bo extended to our
brother at this time of his sad bereave
ment, committing him to the kind con
solution of lllm who doetli all tiiliigs
Ui.nilvnl, That a copy of these reso
lutions be presented lo our brother and
Inserted in full on the minutes of the
Lodge, ami also I mi published In the
STAIt and rfiiiirr.
P. I'.. Wll.MAM ('OCPINO, 1
P. P., Wn.MAM BitoAit, U'lim.
P. P., Till M AH Sl'KAHH, )
Cnrd of Thanks.
I feel very grateful to tho friends nnil
hclghlt-ors w ho have Ihiii so very kind,
thoughtful and sympathizing with my
family mid I slneo our sad bereavement,
and I hereby give expression to my ap
preciation and gratitude for such kind
ness and hope they may all llnil as warm
friends in their hours of deep sorrow.
W. G. WlllTK.
Lace curtains! Lneo curtains direct
from tho mills. A great bargain. Sold
by samples at Mrs. Kate Siiiellzer's
millinery store, Jackson street. Please
cull mnl examine our stisk.
"Our Country Cousins."
"Our 'iiiiiiI ry Cousin" was witnessed
last night by ono of the best pleased
audiences of tho season. It is a good
play, mnl the company is far above tlm
average. Frank Jones, as a generous,
unsophisticated country i sin, elicited
hearty applause from tlm audience, and
the support came in for a gtMsl share of
it. It is one of tlm I lest comedy compa
nies on tlm roud.-Clurksville, T i,,
KnuiiHj llnniihli. At Iteyttolds opera
house, May nth.
Children's patent tip shoes tl."n. at
A Card.
At the lti'piiblican primaries throe
years ago I was nominated for the ollleo
of Sheriff, but by u mistake in counting
the votes Gaskill townshipin tilt: County
v i hi veil i itiii, weo. v. wai-nlck was
declared the nominee.
I aciiiiisced in this' result, pledged
Mr. VAiirnick my support, and went
homo sat IhIIciI. The next day u ineinls'i'
nf tho County Committee came to my
house and Informed mo that a mistake
had lMen discovered In the count anil
that I was the regular nominee. Ho
requested me to accompany him to
Bjteukvillo, which 1 did. While there,
I was advised by my friends to annoiinco
my candidacy and claim my rights as
the regular iiomi mf the party. This
I declined to do. Having put iny case
in the hands of the liartv 1 determined
to abide by whatever the party would
do. The Chairman, without any solici
tation on my part, very pitiMrly called
the County Committee toirct'licr to
consult mid determine what course to
tuko. The Committee resolved to re-
convene the Convention for the purMso
of recounting the vote, The Convent Ion
investigated tho count upon tho sworn
testimony of witnesses mid by u unan
imous voted declared mo the regular
nominee for I ho ollleo of Sheriff. I ac
cepted the trust and entered upon tlm
campaign to make the best light I
could for myself ami tho whole ticket,
hut tho breach was too wide to bo healed.
Thero were two candidates in the Held,
both claiming to 1st entitled to tho siii
liort of the Republicans of the county.
I conducted un himorublo campaign as
well for myself us for the Republican
party, mid thero is nothing now to
regret but tho unfortunate circum
stance tliut brought about tho defeat of
the Kepublican ticket in that campaign.
A lion t ten duys before the election Mr.
Wurnlck withdrew, and ho now clulnis
that by reason of his action in thut cam
paign. I ought not now toboacandiduto
against him.
The Wurnick ditllcultv of three years
ago is again staring tho party in the
face, and I cannot permit myself, for one
moment, to stund in tho way of party
success. I huvo, thorefore, concluded
to postpone my candidacy, and, so far
as I am concerned, give Mr. Wurnick
tho rWir JiiUl ho claims at my hands.
Thanking iny friends, tho county over,
for tholr support in the post and as
surance of friendship In the future, I
beg to withdraw from the field. I with
draw in favor of no man, but in the
interest of peace and put t unity, and
heroin pledge my support to tho ticket
that the Hopuhllcuns of Jefferson county
shall name on the 17th of Juno noxt as
their standard hearers for tho campaign
of 1803. Respectfully.
J. W. Mayes.
Fire Insurance
Since 1878. Norwood G. PInnoy, Brook
ville, Pa. Old and reliable companies
represented. So brokerage. All orders
by mail will rocelvo prompt attention.
Walter Stiry, of Reynoldsvlllo, Is my
authorized and licensed solicitor. Cy
clone policies also written. U-21.
Ladies patent tip Oxfords 75o. at Rob
inson's. Special Notice.
Try my buggies, they aro as good as
tho best, and low in prloo.' You will pay
middle men a big price and get no bet
ter. J. K. JOHNBTON, Rqthtuol.
Ladles, buy your $2.00 shoos at Rob
inson's, best lu tho world.
Vrcthattntitru, OMr.
WILLIAM It. MUTTER, lionoi'iiii,
fulijeet tiini'ltnii of Hit repulillf mis of JelTer
sun Co. nt Hit prlninry vlct-Hun, .luiie 17, ISKI.
Or I'isit iiKrit Towsinp,
Siilieet tn nf Hun of the rt'pulillf nn of .letter,
son I n. nl Hit prlninry eleel Inn, June 17, Isui.
or Ubvnoi.iisvii.i.k lloitoiiui.
Hulilis't In ni'llnii of tin repitlillf tins of .li lTt r
sou I'o. nt Hie prltiinry clee Him, .liini 17, sii:i.
Or lliiooKvii.i ir lloitoi'iiti,
Hllhei'l to net Inn of Hit' replllilli nns of JelTer.
sun I 'o. nt tin prltiinry elect Ion, .luiit' 17, si:i,
Or I'I NXSI'TAWNKr lltlllOl Oil,
Hutijei't to net liill iif the reptitillemis of .telTer.
son I n. nt the n Itiiniy eleeiloii, .litne 17, Ihii.i.
Ji'oll Hlli;itll'l'7
or ItKYxoi.nsvii.i.r. Iloiuii'tiii,
Hillii'fl to net Inn of the repillillfliusnf .letTer
son Co. lit the I'rliimry elet-1 lull, .Itoie 17, I "ll I.
or Kr.YNoi.iisrii.i.n llonoeiin,
Hiihleet In ni'lli.ti nf the tli'niis'rnts nf .leffer.
son Co. nt Hie pi I lino. v eleel ton, Ititie, Istil,
Vauittit CrrrKtirrt-.
or H insi.ow ToWNSinr,
Hllll.leet liilifHiiu of the repilllllfmisof .letter
soiil'ii. nt the prlmm-y eleeiloii,.liine 17, I M:.
Jt'olt TKKAHI'ltKIt,
Or I'l'NXSI'T.VWNKT IlllllOI'tlll,
Hlllijeet to net Inn of Hie reptlhllfmis nf .lelTer
son I o. nt Hie pi liniiry eleellim, .tune 17, st:i.
orci.Awii.i.r. Iloiiornii,
Slltiett In net loll of I he replllillenns of .IcfTer.
son I 'o. nt the prl mil ry eleel Ion, .Inni 17, Islci.
Or I'nion TowNsnir,
Hiihleet In m l Inn nf Hie repulilli'misiif JelTer.
son I'o. nl the prlninry eleeihm lime 17. Islci.
(i'o in iiilowleiirr.
W. T. COX,
OrWlNSMlW Townsiiii.
Hiih.lei't tiini'lliiniif the repulillf misnf leffer
st.ti i 'o. in Hie prliiuiry elect Inn, June 17, l"'i:l.
or I'kiiiiy Township,
Hiihleet lo net Ion nf Hie rfpiil'llfiins nf JelTer
son Co, nt the I ' tl in li l y eleetlnii, Jinn 17, sti;t.
Or HlllHIKVIM.R llOIIOI'flll,
Htih.leet lo nctliin of the n'pulillt'niis of JetTer
sim Co. at the iirlnim-y i'lectioii, June 17, IstM.
Foil X)MMIHHION?:it!,
or Waiisaw Townsiiii.
Hiihjeef tn nellon of tin ri'itililliiiiisnf Ji'lTer
son Co. nt I he primary election, .In tie 17, Iswi.
Or Ij.iniKii Townsiiii,'t't to nctliin nf lite llf tiiiK'tnls of JelTer
son Co. at the prlninry election, June 34, listKI.
or Winsmiw Townsiiii,
Hllli.leel tiilii'tinii nf the llenits'itls of JefTer
hoii Co. at the iM linitry elect Ion, iiiun 'iAt Istiil.
orCuivKii Township,
Huh.leet tonclloti of Hit rt'tmtilli'iiiMnf Ji'tfer
soi Co. lit Hie prlliiury clee linn Jiitnt 17, ls!U.
(ft on it tu &uicrlutrttfetnt.
Hiihlwl to Hit fleelslon of the JiITers4 Cniin
ty StdiiMil lllrtietors' Coiivenllnii, May '4. Mm.
Ollltri! on West Mnln si reel, upiiosll the
Coninuirclnl lintel, HvyniililHVlllu, f'n.
Httsltlent dmillst. In tiulliliiiK nnur Mtttlio
cllst eliiirclt, npsmlt Arnold block, OeiiUe
nnsH tn operut Iiik-
Fit AN K J. JiLACh', Proprietor.
Tlm lenilliiK Itolttluf thutown. Ileadipinr
tnrs for roninutntlitl men. t-lemn lHat, fne
bus, Imtli risinis und closetM on every flisir,
Hiiinulu rooms, billiard room, tt lepltuuo cun
iiuctions, &e.
0 KEEN & COXSEH, Proprietor.
Kirst class In every pnrtleulur. Ixiruted In
the very centre of tliu laisluess part of ttmn,
Vrvu 'lius to und from trains anil commodious
namplu rooms fiu coiniuL'n'lul Iravelurs.
JiUFFlKOTOX & LONG, rrop's.
Omnibus to nnd from all trains. European
mstuuritnt. llousn hetiletl ami liuhteil by
utts. Hot und eoltt wuter. Western t'nloii
Teleirrunli otlti-e In hiiildlnir. Tlm hotel Is
lilted Willi ull the uioduru cuiivenlunces.
PHIL V. CAllIUEIl, Proprietor,
Bnmntn rooms on the irrountl fltvor. House
lieHted by nutural gus. Omnibus to uud from
ull trains.
Something Nice!.
In Silver Tea Sets just received.
Quality the Highest. Prices Jho Lowest
The Jeweler and Optician,
Dry Goods and Notions.
HKNKIKTTAS, Hriignlitifn, (iHliiiucnw, Silk
Prt'HH rjittfriiK, Vnnv.y Dnw PattrniH, Indian
Dimity, Figured Irish Lawn, Mul!, ptripod and
figured, Nan-Kan, Silkilino mid Drapery SilkH,
Silcotl, I,aee and Sash Curtains, Kid Gloves, Rib
lions, Hose, (Jimp, Finishing Hraid, in colors, Cor
sets, Ties, tc. A new line of Capes just arrived.
Call and see them.
We nave a Nice, Jf
" OF GOODS, and Prices to Please All.
i Tuesday,
New Monster Railroad
Wild West Stow !
The mastadon of all wild went aggregations! Mightiest ex
hibition of its kind in Christendom! Towering above all
others like the monarch of the forest! Coming on its own
special railroad train, giving two grand and complete exhi
bitions rain or shine, snow or blow, under two acres of snow
white water-proof canvas.
Grand Free street Parade I
At 10.30 a. sr. Positively the
any wild west show on earth.
Joel Silverheel's Premium
Indian Silver Cornet Band.
The finest, largest and most
Indian musical organization America has ever produced.
Secured by us at an enormous expense and can be seen only
with these shows. A Genuine Novelty, something you have
never seen and in all probability you will never see again.
it csots ijou nothing
To see and hear it, and we leave it. to your judgment if it ia
not a sight worth coining many miles to see. This is your
only chance to see this Great Novelty of the 19th century,
as this band goes to Europe at the close of their engage
ment with us.
Our shows are
General Admisssion 25c.
uoors open at i.uo
May 9th,
finest street parade given by
Headed by
thoroughly equipped Geniune
Children (under 121 10c.
ana v.uu o ciock. i i,