The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 03, 1893, Image 3

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ixi'iviiF.Vris.'J :ikoi.ipt.oi or
It Is 100 .Win l,nnit-)evril Thou
anil Hollars Toll on Unit Ves
sel How HhlM Pas Kaeli
Other In Km l.'atial.
pmgqtlR following so-
count or a visit to
tli (anion waterway
which was therrnwn
1 11 if e n g I n c e r I ti g
achievement of Fit
tlinmiil iln I.csseps I
taken from tliu note
Imnk nf Mr. Allen,
of HitlTxIo. N. Y. Ir
V tmvo Jut come tlirmii;h the
perilous Ned Sea, with it hank of
m " i
(ryini liiilc ul lirown, yrur nml Jul
low. We he pnici here ami them n
Imitl nr A reef, icnrct-ly vmlhlo except
by the eilJy of the wnter net in inotion
by ivir Rtemncr. Tnere re ii(h of re
lief at no enter Jnlml 8t-iti' into the
Onlf of Sue. We can now ut timei
veu both iliorci ami have pnweil the
inott iluiiu'crom part of nnr Journey.
It U three ilays ilnce wo hmi,1
tlirou jh the Straits nf It ill cl Mm. Id),
at which point our Osptiiin hail tiiken
hia poat on tlio brl.iyc, anil there he hn I
remaiueil without relief teventy-two
lioun. PauiiiK up through the Oulf of
Bueis we learo Mount riiuni to the riht,
unci at lant the uradually closing i.ioro
reininil lit v nre about to enter the
great waterway. We nre inouro I oil
Tort Tewllk, Konimonly cnllel Terro
plcin. The city of Suez, from which
the canal takei it uuue, U locito.l
bout aix miles lo the weft of the curml
entrance, auii wo mint remain here mi
ll the Orient lino tender arrive with
rJvra. Our rest is not all quiet, how.
ever, lor wo are besieged on all aide by
Arabian mernliHUti in tlioir picturesque
ailing ilhowa which pty up anil down
the Arabian coast with cargoes of voITcr,
spices, gums, senna, rose leaves, and all
the drugs and perfumes of "Araby the
blest." They are not lomi disposing of
their small cargoes, especially oranges
vnd banauaa, A short trip on shore al
lows us to visit tlm southern oillces of
the caual company, situated on the edii
of a urecn ami pretty double avenui of
of lebbek and sunt tree. A tail signal
tower shows tbe state of tratllc by means
of balls and flags.
On tbe lawn is a colossal bronze statuo
of Lieutenant Waghoru, tho spirited
projector of the overland routo which
led eventually to the miking of tho
cxnal. In the office of Chart rey de
Jlonetrenx, who Is tho dirnotor of the
transit department of the ctnal, on
table, which occupies one side of the
room, is tbe miniature canal about fif
teen feet long. On a shelf abovu it are
bwd or in CANAf
ome fifty model ships, each bearing a
Kational flag. . There are sidings and
ta'.ions, lakes, ate. When a ship passes
tbe office to enter tbe canal one of tbe
tnioiatuio ships is placed in a correspond
ing position, and by ooostaut telegraphic
communication with the Mediterranean
cutrance and each section tho exact lo
cation of every vessel cad be seen at t
II lance.
Our steamer now enters the canal,
nd as ws are making but five miles per
hour w bave abundant time to study
out surroundings. Vessels are piloted
through too canal on the block system.
At each of tbe statioos, called "Oares,"
jtoero are aigojl post from which steam-
1tpi are directed tn either enter (ha abl
ins nr go into the ennui, n mv bit re
quired. A full code nf thne signals l
supplied to ships by tlm r.nal authors
Itict. Vessel not provided with nn
electric: projector or search tljhttlist ran
throw light 1 it'll) yard are not allowed
to nnviuntn tin) eunnl by night. Tim
rnnnl I 87 geographical, nr shoot KM)
statute, mile In length, 7.1 to 1!SI fcut
wiilo, ami about IID feet deep. In order
to prevent sny serious sifting nf tho
ranul or washing nf hunk It ha been
fotiml necessary to stone nml concrete
tin' m, which I now lining .lime.
Tlie rvial I a source nf grout revnnun
to the French (iovern iient, a tlm ttrllT
nn our steamer nlono I upwitril of $711110
on freight nml pasene;ers. Tlm passim.
hit dues nri nbout $.T In our money fur
llrst Hum pavieuocrs and f$2 stccranc.
Wo arrive nt Ismxilin nt midnight. From
tliU town tlm railrnnd conncett with
Cairn. 'I "ft is Is tlm usual ronlo nf tlm
tourist to tlm pyramids nf (Jeexeh, wlili:h
of tlm slur pyramid nrn tlm must In-
turestini;, as tucy Hie the lareu, nud
are located about suren miles from
C.iiro. Tliu Iloolnk iMihjiiiu In Cairo
also must not bu misspd.for tbeni cii b i
seen mutiy kiirs an I queens whose
names nre familiar in Iptinu liistory.
It ia curious nnd interesting to look at
the Jewish lectures of the I'.iaraoh who
brought up Moses, ltimoiut If., who also
pla)eil so prominent a part scores of
centuries ago, ami within the present
dec win was discovered an I plurecl in his
preicnt rusting place tloipitu the ellorts
of the Knglish Government to iiave him
removed to the Kritish iiiusoiiiii.
Returning to Istmii Hit we pursue our
way up the Sucji Canal. There is n
alight current in the canal from north to
south, which is caii'ii I by t le Iiihm-jiiim
vviipciration of the l!;d ricm, which ia
constantly going o:i. Tlio averago
temporaturn of tlm water is eighty de
grees; one writer gives the maximum 100
degreos r'.ilitcrilicjit, in which article ha
also state "ir all tributcrlet were cut
oil and tbe Strait ot Ililml Mandil
:lnfi'cl up the Hud Set would be trans
formed into a vast bed of salt iu less than
100 years.
Ka.ilHrab, Tlio Bridge," ia situated
about midway on tho canal, and here are
often seen the caravans nf spice buyers
with their train oi camels, as this is tho
most froiuonted road to Hyria. At this
point we are held in a aiding, nltiioiigh
wo have fortunately oscapod thus far,
and naturally ue watch with xpuctsnt
eyes for the vessel to which we aro
lorced to give precedence. Wo have
not long to wait, nnd on their arrival
learn it is an cxcursiou party, not one of
our American style. This shipload of
strange peoplo tiu makiug tliuir pil
griuiago to Mici-a. Tucir festivals, which
occur about A'iril 1 eucn year, are toe
event of a luutime, as many a white
haired old Mohammedan, wo are toid,
will pivo his taviuga of a liletime to make
this journey to tho holy city, thero,
poasilily, to starve and die. Wo now
enter Lako Mcuzilob, a vast marshy
lagoon of brackish, shallow water,
which was at one time tho tcrtile
wheat lands of Egypt, wateio 1 froiu tho
Nile, and now thu tisbinj grounds of
hordes of very wild Arabs and of flocks
of tltinitigo'ji, pelicans, etc., wbica we
watch with the greatest interest.
On oue side of the canal the desert
stretches away like the oceau surface,
with here and there a whirlwind of sand
perhaps hundreds of feet bii;h, ctught
uo by the hot, burning wind. On our
left, along the lake, thousands of peli
cans appear sitting so close togother
that they look like n whitewashed wall
at a distance, and it is almost impossi
ble to pick oat a single bird even with
a strong glaat. Tbe spectator is fortu
nate if a dock of flamingooi rise as you
past them. While they also appear white
while standing, as they rise Into tbe air
you see the underside of their wings,
which is of a rosy pink.
This is an excellent place to watch for
tbe mirage which is almost always vial
ble in the eastern desert sometimes a
reflection of the ship itself seems to be
sailing alougtldo. We are now inside
of Port Said, the mam street ot which
runs parallel with the canal. The coat
ing at Port Said la an Interesting feature,
although we are glad when operations
are begun to leave for shore.
We are no sooner made fast lo a buoy
than hundred of Muck Arabs, with as
ninny baskets, padilie a mammoth lighter
alongside our vossel and In a short apace
nf time the huge pyramid nf roal i
down to the water's level. Tlie street
nf Port Raid are nnrrow and the stores
are odd. We apend our time nn shore
mostly In bazar and after making a
tour nf the city and having been treated
to a dinner served in tho open air at a
French hotel wo mako our wny slowly
down to our tender, where wo II ml senna
of our passengera engngod In a donkey
race on the sandy mail.
It i twilight as our steamer passe
out of tlm caual hetwein two long pro
tectum Jetties. Hlie I headed for Na
ples, our nest stopping place, and ws
watch the Port Said light, which is 17.1
leet lil'.-li, until it la nn uncertain speck
and resign ourselves to lour days nf aea
life before we ali tll have aeeu Mount
Ktim, the most lofty point of southern
Italy. i
Mini-nils In Alaska.
W. T. Uolilnson, a pioneer miner of
California, tecently returned from Alas
ka, tells some interesting fact relative
to tbe (venal peninsula, its cllmnte, mines
and mining.
'The climate is not severe," said Mr.
Kobiiisoti. "Horses pass tlie winter In
the open air, and wheat and many gar
den vegetables are M til in nbundance.
The principal product of the peninsula
is roal, although gold abounds in places.
Veins of coiil live a. id aix feet thick lire
fotiml sandwiched between sandstone
and belt of lira clay. Many of the coal
veins crop nut nlong n sandstone blull
overlooking Kachekmak Itiv, nud can
b seen a mile away, oue nbovo tlio
'Some of tin ) vein contain thou,
sands of tons of clear coal,
which ran be eaaily loaded on veiscls.
li 'i' S of tlm irlieln havu been washed
out by the action of the water, nnd great
quantities can lie loiiud oil the beaco all
around the peninsula,
'Kaclieomk ISay is a landlocked har
bor, milking it pcr.ectly sale for vessm
nt anchor. The distance Irom San Kran
ciscu ia but nine days by steam and Irom
fourteen to twenty-live for sailing ves
sels. 'Tlie cost of mining and freighting
the ("tal to San Francisco would lie less
than a ton. Across the bay from tlm
coal vein are found ledges of gold,
silver and lend. Sixty miles across thu
peninxula at Toruagaii arm, the head of
Cook's inlet, n gold plnc ir thirty mile
in extent was ilii!overed Inst summer,
which was worked by four or five pros-
:0s 2& .
pectora woo took out irom sji to ." a
day with rockers. Later in tho yoar
another placer was found near Cook's
inlet, opposite Kcnni peninsula, from
which it is reported that as high asjU'it)
a day to each man was taken out by
means of the aluio box. T.iis is cilo
gold and resem'ilo that found iu Cal
averas County of this H ate."
Mr. 1 obi n sou is of the opinion that
within a year a rush will be make lor
tho mines nf Kcnal peuiusula. Sao
Francisco Kxaininer.
Iliillnnd's Windmill at tlio Fair.
Old llerr Vondonk, who ha built
forty -live windmill in Holland, came nil
tbe way from Amstordam to Chicago to
remilld at tho exposition grounds tbo
famous Dlacker mill of 1800.
Much of tbe material in the old mill
was used lo tbo construction of tho orig
inal nearly a century ago. Tho big
wooden wheels and beams are as firm ns
the day they wore placed in position ia
Evolution cf a Bright Toun; Lad.
There are in British India 10,117
shops licensed for tbe sale of opium.
raovtatox or vur nti.t. rrMMNo lis tiix
llnnisni'iioltipri'ntatlve lmon,wlm
presented the hill for Hi protection or lists
In the st renins or the state, Is coiillilimt that
It will become a law.
Tlie Mil iimkcs Its punishable liv heavy
fine to kill or cntcli llsli In snv hot boiiii
ilarv rivers and Lake Krle in this Hlnle. es
rept with rod, hook and line. All llsti may
becamtht at all seasons, except trout, which
may lie csiikIO between April 15 and July
I V Outline tlslilnv Is permissible In .luly,
Amtiiit nnd September, with dead bait. At
sll olher times it Is nnlitwfiil. The esplo.
ainn of dynamite or other substance or the
ne of llmeor other chemicals to kill llsh is
also unlawful.
In section a, snv llsh commissioner, war
den, deputy almrltT, constable or policeman
is ilireclecl to destroy nil llleual devices and
boats used In violation the tlsli laws, ami to
arrest any person having nr usltitf iliem.
Heel Ion 4 provides lor tlie arrest without a
warrant ot violators, ami the Imposition of
line and cost bv any Justice or aldermnti,
nml directs the nttleer orall lulls nnd prisons
lo receive nml retain such prisoners. Should
the nrrestlmt otllceri fail to make out a casn
the costs id the cnie urn to be iwiml mi
the county. Anv tiersou Interfering or re
alsilii' arrest nre I sll e to lino line for the
llit otrense nnd si nnd six month.' Int.
prisoiiiuetit for the second, Iu addition to
the line of Irsi lniKMed on all Icoiiceriied III
outline hshtiiir. nr floo for usuw seliiis or
olher llleinl nppliauctis. For u-ing little or
explosives Hie tine is tVl or nine months'
liiilirlsoiiinent, ilie ienalty lieitnt doubled
for the nd iiuVikc. I loe hair tlie Hons to
to the prosecutor and Hie other half to Ilia
run nly.
IMCI'MIN cot N I V I ol'ltr.
II MiMl-ionio A decision was handed
down in the liHtiphin rottnty court au4tain
Itill the foiiHtitiitloiiHllty ol ill" lloypr law,
pasied two years n-jo. Ttm Fall Itrook Tonl
( oinpatiy owns Hie enpitnl snn-k of n rail
way roinpatir, wlileh In its own name paid
ll.UH.-l :ti las for .! ii.n Us capital
stock. The coal com puny paid I.M.'i, be
tween tlm live mills ihs iihiii Hie actual
value of Its capital stock, en In. We ol its in
terest In Hie railroad. Tlie Auditor Oeiier
nl action under Hie advice of Hie Attorney
liiineral. churned the coal cominiuy with a
f'irtlier tm of (II !K1 :i:t, bec.nisn of Its
ownership of the rnilwav slinres, lunkiiig
Hie coal companv's lax ll'JlliS XI. I lie
conl I'ompniiv niiinleil, iilli-iitur itoulile
taxation nndttin tiiie.iiistitntionality of the
Hover act. The two companies indicated paid
ns tas on stock for HO iimler Hie old Inw
only SI.Vio. hilt for Isol, on.ler the llovei
bill, their oiut tnx under this dec ision will
he '11111 mi or which thev have nlrendv
paid r.,,!l III. nml jtiduiiient is entered
iisi usit the coal company lor the balance.
KMCTinit AKr ri.iM-iirr
I.SNcssrKN A fitlllleiiKed earthcpinko
shook the buildiiiKS of this town Tliiirsday
mori.iiui until their window rattle I. As
this was the wcoml slunk within a
week, people are growing iineasv.Tlie shock
like Hint nl n wtek nito, traveled Irom east
to west. t occurred nliont 4 o'clock. The
houses on the enstern lliiiitn were neied by
Hie paroxysm, nud tlieoccupnn a nwakenel
from sleep eould distinctly leel tour or live
sudden Jarring moi ions. "It felt" said one
man. "as if we were in a great cagu and a
liinnt diHir hnd given Itoeif a itnn cpilrk
shakes." This motion swept throughout
the city with a rumbling reHirt that was
ipiiek nnd short. People who bnppened to
lai up nml ahoitt stopped in ths nlreet to
look ami listen. hut hefore they hncl Hiought
twice Hieeartliipinke had passed. The shock
was fell by hundreds, nml the rumbling
founds heiinl by ninny. Outside tlm city the
nhock was noticed. No windows were brok
en, nor was any property daniHired except
of unsettling building rotimlnlioiis.
KKtlll.Y Kil l. I'll IIY A KTW.I.IOV.
(liiKKNsiit'iiii John Kl'isou, or tlempOelcl
town-hip, wns leadniK a stallion along the
road when the animal became vicious and
nttaeked him. biting nnd 'ramping him in a
terrible manner. I lad It not been Hint some
men hnpmcd nlong the road the unite
would hnve killed hi in outright.
Mii. Anna Wai.kkii, or Sandy Lake, baa
entered suit Against ltvl iiiirhsu, or the
Lake lloo-e, nl Htonehoro. tor IO.ishi dam
ages. She claims Hint bo furnished lupior
to her liiisliaml, a man of known intemKr
ats habit, so that be became Into turned
nml uiiahlo to work, nml while in Unit con
dition was struck by a train ami killed
Nun Lock Haven, the stam scow owned
by the (Jueeu'e linn Fire llru k Company,
became unmaiingeable from hluli wiicl
and overturned Thomas Heed and Fred
erick Son n, of Lock Haven, and an un
known man from l'iiillipsburg, were
Jm.ics MsTiiir and wife wero burned to
fleuth at Heaver Falls, in a fiie wliico de.
troyed their home and an adjoining stoie.
The lire ia supplied to have originuted from
an explosion of natural gas.
At McKe'sport, Stanley Porter, a (V-yesr.
old child, died in convuNioiia. He was
playing about a high flight of steps Friday
evening and fell against a sharp corner.
Mrs. M. Atkinson, living near Tyrone,
was struck by trnln and instantly kille l
She was getting out of the way of a Ireivjlit
Slums Yankee Terms.
How many people, asks tho linston
Transcript, liavo hoard the vorb to
struwn (Vermont) or to atrutu (Nan
tucket), men n I tig V wander nlKitit
aimlessly? Could tlie phraae "I don't
guosa It'a sii" be properly attributed
to u genuine Vaukco, apcuking tho
ruatie Hpcech?
A Yunkce aay "I reckon" only lesj
often than ho Hays "1 gueiH." Is this
us ancient a uso with lilm as "I
guoH?," or did he somehow pick It up
from thu Southerners?
Are doughnuts called slmballs else
where than in Weymouth, llingham
nud a few other town in .Southwest
ern Massachusetts?
How far went or north must one
go before a doughnut uccomosa "nut
cake," and how much further west
beforo it becomes s "frlortcuke?"
What Is tho origin of tho formci
New England terra, now almost ole
solete, of "dodtink" for a stupid, sim
ple person? The word Is often found
In Mr. Rowland K. Jlohinson's Ver
mont stories which, by the way, are
the best Vermont diulect yet put In
The following, from Dean Stanley's.
-Sinai and Palestine," may be of in.
terest: "It may be well to reraiid
the reader that there are two errors
implied In the popular expression
Mount Calvary.' l. There Is In the
Scriptural narrative no mention of a
mount or hllL 2. There Is no such
name as Cal vary. ' Tbe passage from
which the word Is taken in Luke
, ix-iit, 33, is merely the Latin transla.
jtlon (Calvaria') of what tbe Evan,
gelist calls 'aikuIL'"
Pennsylvania Legislature.
liTT-r"omtTii lT-ln the senate a speo
lal otder was Hsert tor consideration of Hi
bill for ths appointment nf a commission
Into the causes of the poltiilou of streams.
A moti: the house hills pass I second call
inu were these: To proliihlt school boards In
elites of the second einss trom lioldliia! any
nhTce of emolument under or liema employ
ed liy said board. Toprohililt others than
tha applicants trom payiuf naturalisation
expenses. Farr's compulsory education nml
freetetl hook bills pss.ed si-coml reading. In
the seunle but not until Heuntor Hrown of
Yi.rk had maile a futile attempt to have In
serted an amendment provldn, that until
no In Hie compulsory bill should prevent
parents from tincbimt their children nl
home. In a smch he look the ((round Hint
the bill ns now trained Interferes with the
rlitbts ol parents. He called the laye and
liny souse readiiiK. It barely not
thioiiKh 30 a vole by IS to S. Adjourned.
Ill lb House Mr. rtmilh of Jerterson of
fered a fesolulloii. which was accepted,
pr.ivlillnit for the nptioliitnietit of a coiumll
lee of llireememhera ol tbe llousn nnd three
of Hie senilis ami two persons to he nppnlnt
d liy the Kovernor t empilre Into tlie nd
vlsanlllty id purchnslntt; a Mlale pilnlltiR
ntllce. Sir. lal hoi ol Chester Introdiiuid a
bill to pay the election expenses ot Hie
various contested cases, appropriation I II,
(too. Tbe iiovarnor sent In two veto inessaite
lo lilitht, both referring to school measures.
The lirsl disapproves the Neeh lull reiiiiiiiig
insirm-tion and practice ol physical culture)
in nil schools iu cities of Hie llrt and second
etnss, rcpcntitnf objections tilcci nuniust a
similar hill two years ai(i. Tlie ntiier bill
vetoed provided lor the expenses ol school
illteclors in nitemlimr die triennial conven
tions to el. ct e unity siis-rinteudeuts.
A larn iitimlier ol lulls imssed tirst read
itiK, alter which Hie lions adourned.
SitTv Firrn l.v. In tbe Hennte today
tbesii House bills passed nnallv: To iermll
mnrrhie licenses to lie Issued In counties
III which either of the eniitmetln parties
may reside. to empower Councils to Increase
the maximum license itnpn.ed on transient
retail merchaiita, tochniiKe I nhor Day Irom
Hie lirst Monday in September to the llrst
Haturdny ill Hint month. The hill Intro
duced by Hennlor ( Ishoiirn, of I'hiladclphin,
tor Hie npolcMient of n committee of nine
to impiire into the cause or the pollution o
atreains nud In report lo the next l'isln
ture the result ol I's liiveslinniion. was
amended bvexlendiiut the ltcinrv lo cities
boroiiehs ami townships. The bill oriitlti
nlly provid'-d Hint it shotilil be ontlned to
the rhicf cities of the stale. At the niter
noon .e-ion then-hill p is.ed flmillv: He
hiiliiK to the lien of mechanics nnd others:
House hill to extend )uri-d e tion of courts
sons toemliracenll littirtition between stock
holders and parlies claimiiiit lo be ntiM-k-holders
id i orcortitious and hetaeeu i reel
llors nml stockholders nnd crediturs nml the
i-orMirnlloii; lo euieiver boroughs to eslnh
bsh Hijee pension luml-: tci compensate
iiiiralscrs or iitates -uliject to rollnteral
iulicrltance tax, as wed as experts employed
by them.
The Hovernor's veto of the Mil relnllmt
to the introduction of physical culture Iu
schools oT cities of the tint and second class
was sustained.
Moth Houses adopted n resolution to ad
oiirn to morrow until Monday evenini;.
Senntor Hrown of Westmotelaml made a
vigorous llcht in the sen me for Ids rond bill,
hejtiiiiiina when Hie bill came up as a spe
cial order at II o'clock, nnd kiepinif It up
nil tbroiitth the moruliirf sc-ssion nml until
Hie cpiintion wns tlundv settled nt A M) p.m.
by the clefent ol Hie hill.
Ill Hie House bills to limits Jef
erson nnd I ehnuou counties aepn
rate judicial districts were passed
finally, ns wns a bid reipiirlntt voters to ex
ercise the friinc hl-e in Hie districts iu which
they nre domiciled. Al the iioernoon ses
sion ot the House these hills passed dually;
To provide tor monthly returns nml pny.
inenls hy cotintr ollleeisol I otiimoiiweallh
moneys received by thun; Henaln hill to
authorize the tiiai of Issues if tact or the
statement and the alTadavit or' deience: tn
protect i-ontraclors, auli-ronrractnra, lab"r'
ers, nud persons I'lirnishlio materials tci
rniiroacl cotiipauies in the coti-trtieilon of
ttieir hues; toempower for-lfn tuafiurac.
luring cnrporiHioiia to ncciiirn nud liolcl
real estate really mees-ary for their Imsi
lies-; relatiin; to ccisls In etimtniil piosecc
lions, liinilioK thnnmouiit lo he allowed oil
n- arste hills of Indic tment iu any rrosect.
lion; lo limit the liability of poor districts
Alter n Sieech hy l essna eolumeiicliun Hi
Uovernor lor sreioinR the lull to allow
achiHil directors pay ror nttendimi eonven
Hons to iiomiiiaio soisriiiieiiileiil. l
House sustained Hie action or Ihe liovernor.
UivrV.Sivsii 1 1 . w In ll.m Mn.ia In.
ihiy Mr. Thomas of I'hllndelplna '
moved lo reconsider the vote by ,
which tbe road bill ol' Senator Hrown of
Westmoreland was yesterday defeated, and
his proposition was adopted, but further
action K'tsiiied, '1 liese bills nis-e l Dual
ly: To correct nn error in Hie law anrit
tniK lirpior dealers to serum liondsiiieii
from any pan or Hie county iu which the
license may lie itrantad to sell Intoxicating
drinks. To entitle cnuntias to Hid manitii
n inee In Hiatn lunatic: hospitals ot ns many
liidiiiKcnt Insane, fiee ot co-t. ih they main
Inln in their almshouse. To provide for the
ilicrasse in Hie sn ary of I he siiieriiiletideiit
of public instruction from SJ. 'esi to t:.:H.
To auilioritn cilie to establisli free lihraries
For Hie government mid retftilaiioii of
county prisons. To authorize the ((overoor
to apiojiit a commission to inquire into the
pollution of atreains. nml to report lo Hie
next legislature the results of its investiga
tion. The house lull lo provide for a board
ol nrbltrntion to seitie questions of labor
was repnr ed favor -hly.
In the bouse the hill prohibiting brewer
or whole tin liquor de us from owning re
tail stand was nejfmivclc remitted. Focht
of I'nioti ottered u resolution, -vliich was
adopted, lor Hin npHiintrncnt of a joint com
mince to ascertain now many unnaturaliz
ed tiersons nre quartered in rhantnblq and
criminal institutions and lo re
commend rneaure to correct
the evil, ilonarably discharged soldiers of
lorelun birth are exempted from the pro
visions. A message wn read from theuov
rnor announciiiK hut he bad apiirovtd
bills lo provide lor the licensing of lyimt In
hospitals; to prevent county superinten
dents of piiulic schools teacuinit lor profit
and to regulate and estio nil ths fees to ba
cburKed by thu Justice! ol' ths puace, alder
men nnd constables.
Both Houses adjourned until Monday
Tiie governor vetoed tlie bill Intended to
confer His power of selling school prcirty
to boards of education or sc hool directors.
In hia veto Ihe (ivernor holds that such a
law would bean Infringement nn the rights
of any city or eouituiituty. I'mler tbe law
such property may be soul but the money
la required tn go into tlie sinking fund. No
action was taken on the veto offing to
meagre attendance.
"Tfc.te" of Rleetrleltr-
Thyslclans explain In an Interest
ing fashion that the e.ectrlo current
when appicd to the tongue teem to
taste sour. The gustatory or tasting
nerves, according to the doctors, are
industrious and well-meaning little
things, and, although it is not their
business to take cognizance of any
Impression made t.y touch, they do
their best to look after anything
that happens to come in their way.
Thus, when subjected to the electric
current, they telegraph the fact in
their own language to the brain, and
as their language Is exclusively that
of taste they Inform the brain that
an electric current Is sour. The or
dinary unsclentlflo citizen, having
confidence In tho stories told by bis
gustatory nerves, really believes that
the electric current has an acid taste.
Bow Ha Tried to Baeaps and Mel His
Death al t he Hand of Dan
Rills' Men.
Mareli 11. I Hit,
troop that had beon
hnvlng a soft tint
ol It for many
months within the
defense of Knot-
ville, heard some'
thing drop in their
rnis while on tires
pnrncia in me wny
lyjof nn order to pre
i I.. i.ka llm
Held ill light march
ing order. March 1.1, Ihe 1st II. r). 0. If. A.,
over I. (Km strong, tiled out of our old camp
unci through Knoxvlllo and on lo fllraw
berry I'lalns In n pelting storm of rain and
snow nud oh such mud. Homo of Ihe boy
with s No. I'i or I I brognn on their feet
would settle in tbe mud so deep as to require
help to extricate themselves. Hut aeveral
days later, niter innrchlng and wading
itioiiiitiiin streams of ice cold wnter Irons
no kle lo waist deep, round four cornpsnlee
ul us in ramp two miles south of Tnylors
ville. at a place 1 think was culled Hlaine'S
t rcrssroads.
We were under command of MnJ, Orer;
the I 'olcMiel nod the tialnnceof lbs regiment
were down on tbo Watauga Hirer, some 20
or :to miles below. As we bad no supply
train to reach us from the rear, and only a
very limited supply ol rations in our camp.
It was neeessnry lo pick up something
nrouml the country Irom our friends and a
the Johnnies had visited them so often and
niacin themselves an familiar. We thought
he-si to return the compliment nnd it was
on one of these lorniiiiig expeditions that
McQueen was taken in
I was untitled one evening that my Inrn
lend come to go out with a lew teams nnd
see what I could hring Iu snd that Iho
course we were lo take was over the moun
tain, n distance of nhoiit li miles. In a place
near .lelhirson, V. ('., where e would line! a
couple of rich plantations nml a mill stored
with grain. nlt. etc I was also told than a
strong guard nouhl be luruislicd me, na the
chances were Hint we might hnve nn inter
view with a company or relet that made
their hendcpiarler at Ibis place.
ty tram iiuisisie i lo nrmy wngona ninte
teams; lor jrunid, 10 c olored soldiers or my
reglmeiil, ami IJ ol tlie lili Tenu. (white).
A-ulo Irom this giiiinl there wete rour or
live e"'iinlec hojs. who volunteered to go
nloilT ir the fun of Hie occnsion. Among
tins number was nn Fast Teiine-sean who
was well acquainted with Hie country and
peoplo. He rode hy my l.te most of tbe
wny over, and posted me as how I would
li ii -1 Ihe places we were lo visit lor our
I lie farm to tlio rlidit wn owned by a
reh by the name of Hamilton, nnd a little
further on. nml to the lett, was the Worth
pineo, a noted reh. ivlieio Mc'Jueen anil
daughter had been stopping since our ad
vent into i ast Tennessee; niso a widow
lady by the name of Wugoner, whose home
was ai Tayloraville.
I found Miss Hamilton a very apirlled
young lady, nently tlrrssed In ii suit of
home spun goods and apparently ready to
light for Southern rights. Hut In her help.
It cs condition, heing alone with her mother
and little brother, stni ielt Hint she wits
greatly overpowered, ami feared that they
wero to bo robbed of nil that they po aesaeii
I assured her Hint no soldier should enter
the bouse, but that we should have to viatt
0 nice large corn c.-lh Just back of the house
nnd this we did when nnr teams c ame up;
nnd my Tennessee soldier found here a
chain u to swap his mule for a coot!
This trade Miss Hamilton did not like,
but I told her it wns done ns a military
necessity, ns a mule minted rest and e had
lohavci horses in our business, nnd if there
was any dilleretu e In the worth of them to
present her bill lo I'nc'e Sum nlong vciih
Hie corn lull and if Ibey were loyul people
1 thought the hill would be paid in due
tune. I inquired of Miss Hampton if there
were any rebs in that vicinity and waa told
hat a company bad lust loi't there a we
enme up. uml wero likely to return ut any
time. 1 his proved lo be true, lor olioul:
two hours later, as we had nearly finished
loaning up at the mill, a com puny of about
:0 rels made in, atiac k upon tin boys, but
were soon driven ,
We stnrted on our return t-lp. and when
about four miles bad been made, one of ihe
wagons near the trout went down with a
brokon wheel, which catn-e.l a delay of some
lime. And while here I looked hack on the
road and saw this Tennessee soldier and an
other ol the mounted boys coming with two
old men, citizens marching In front of I hem
One nf these old men was .McQueen and this
was Hie way that they were taken in: Toey
had been hid near the rond, and saw, aa
Ibey supposed. Hie Inst of us pans, when
nboiit an hour later tin Tennessee soldier
nnd his romrade. who were dressed as near
like lebs ns niiytbingelse, came riding along
McQueen though' them a couple of rebs
following us up, and hci came out into the
roiid io tell them nhat he knew of us. but''
made a fatal mistake, aa the Tennessee boy
knew him and told him nnd his chum to
ninrch iu front of ttieni. as he was wanted
io lemiesaee. Mo we took them along witb
e did not reach camp nntil nearby noon
the next day. and when Biioiit a mile from
camp met t apt. loin Kills nnd his men. The
aptainsald Hint he heard that we had a
man by the name of McQueen, and he
wanted him, as he hsifheeii looking for
Mm for mine time. Kl is and hia men about
faced nnd rode into camp.
Tlie prisoners were given a trial, and Mo
Queen was given to Kills to take to the Pro
vost Marshal's ollic-o at Tsylorsville. Hut h
never got there. The old man wis made to
march in front, and pssrhap tried tonscsDe.
ss a volley or shoots were Leard in canm
and about sunset ( npi. Collin and myaell
rorle to the spot where the tiring waa beard
nnd there I saw the dead form of a man
that in lire I think would have resembled
T?i"btJu0:.WU''','D "" W- 5"M'' '" Nl,0Dl
Appropiiat Ceremonies on New Tork's
Dattery. The Mtantonomoh'e
Bslu e.
The various exercises sttending the arrival
or theAnierican snd foreign naval otBcers In
theSew York port were ushered in
.lay by the unveiling In Battery Park of tbe
statue of John F.ricsson, the inventor,
whose genius revolutionized marine
architecture and modern naval warfare..
Ibis status stand in the Dutterv. near
Ihe flagslatr opposite the Barge Office.
It is of bronze. S feet 8 inches in height
tnd rests upon a pedestal of Qtuncy grand
i leet H inches in heiuht. Portion or this
ire highly polished, while others are left in
s rough hewn state.
The ceremonies for tbe unveiling of this
memorial were held at Ihe Mutter v. Twenty
four Hwedlsh societies of New York- and
Hruoklyn and two of the Independent Or-.,
ier of odd Fellows psnicipateil in tbe af
fair. The unveiling of the statue was dona
ly Mis Faseliuda Anderson, with lunaia
by the baud l. a salute of Jl gum by Uie
sionitor Miantonoraoli.
The devel never throws any stones)
at tbe man whose religion does nob
maka a Christian wtrrlor of biuv