The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 03, 1893, Image 1

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This is no Lottery Scheme,
but a donation of 8100 to my
' I will give you a Ten Cent
Money Order with each two
dollars1 worth of goods mr
chafed at my ptore, and when
ten of thope money orders
nra presented by any one per
son I will cash them, paying
81.00 in silver or currency
for them or when you buy
81.00, or more, worth of
goods at one time I will ac
cept them an ho much cash
towards paying for same.
I want everybody to avail
themselves of this offer.
. Yes, this is the place to
Save you money !
at prices surprising to every
body. New York
Though quality is the best.
We make the statement for
the benefit of those who are
not our customers, and so
may not know it: Our pricks
",. 1 A full line of
. -Dress Goods,
' The Best and Cheapest ever
brought to Reynoldsville.
A full line of Henrietta at
25c' in all .shades, 40c, 50c,
and $1. 00.
Silk warp. Henriettas.
Summer Silks for 50c. per
-. Ladies Coats and Capes the
flnest-and cheapest in town.
- Anice line of Children's
'. Jackets from 2 to 12 years.
No Fancy Prices,
: ' .,' -'Men's suits the best and
.'cheapest you ever saw for
. : the jnoney. We don't say so
except we can convince you.
. , " '.Men's Suits, . four button
. cutaway from 10, 12 . to 815,
4 worth 14, 16 and 818.
". Men's straight cut worsted
'. for -10 to 12.50,' worth 16,
; to 81 8: '
Children's Suits 5.75, are
worth 8.50 to 85.00.
A' line line of" Boys' and
' Men'B Negligee Shirts.
. Hanau.
Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
I am positive that I have something
rich In store for you If you will call nt
my tailor shop. I have received an ex
cellent Beleetion of
Spring and
Summer Goods.
I enn chow you the finest selection of
pond In this city. All tltft guaranteed
to ho perfect. One trial of tho excel
lent goods and work in convincing for
all. Hoping that I may receive a call,
I remain
Vour oh 'dient servant,
Reynoldaville, Pa.
C9"Xext door to Hotel McConnell.
Gltii Meat Market
I buy the best of cattle and
keep the choicest kinds
of meats, such as
Everything kept . neat and
clean, Your patronage
E. J. Sclmltzc, Prop'r.
Dry Goods,
Boots, and
Fresh Groceries
Flour and
Reynoldsville, Pa.
Bargain store.
Quick Sales and .
Small Profits.
General stock of Ladies'
and Gentlemen's Furnishing
Goods and Shoes.
ttHtlstlrt Which Mill Interest American
Readers Itecanse nf the Fart Thnt Hnmf.
what similar Mthm1. Are Proposed In
Farts of This Country.
The particular method of dealing with
Ihfl alcohol question which is now adopt
ed in Switzerland Is discussed ly Mr. W.
Milllet of Berne in a recent publication
at the American Academy of Political
Mid Social Science.
There is, it seems, no appreciable cur
rent of opinion among the Swiss In favor
af total abstinence, considered either as
a voluntary act or as the outcome of
prohibitory legislation. It is true that
by an amendment of tho federal consti
tution passed in 1RH5 the cantonal leg
islatures acquired the power of restrict
ing the number of places for the sale of
liquor within their respective jurisdic
tions. The power has ostensibly been
pxercised in 14 cantons, but even in
these, taken as a whole, the number of
laverns has somewhat increased.
No substantial result, therefore, has
followed the concession of restrictive
power. Such is not tho chpo with tho
alcohol monopoly introduced in 1887.
This has accomplished two things. It
has greatly improved the quality of tho
Sistillod liquors consumed in Switzer
land, and has caused a marked reduction
in the uso of them. The primary nim of
the monopoly was to bring nbont the
substitution of fermented for distilled
liquors, and short ns is the period dur
ing which tho experiment has lasted tho
results are encouraging.
Before the creation of tho alcohol mo
nopoly, Switzerland suffered from tho
practico of peddling distilled liquors
and from tho existence of n multitude
of small stills in agricultural districts.
The product of these stills, by reason of
the primit ive methods of manufacture
and tho absence of rectification, was ex
cluded from tho general market nnd
was consequently consumed by the peas
ant distillers themselves. Tho effect of
;heso siniill utills wan to mnlco the daily
irinking of "schnapps," ns the domestic
raw liquor is called, almost universal
imong farmers and agricultural hilxw
rs. It was the alarming spread of alco
holism that enBiied which bronght about
Hie chango in the federal constitution
whereby limited rights of iuterferenco
with tho liquor traflic were granted to
the authorities, both federal and can
tonal. Since the creation of the alcohol mo
nopoly, 1,400 large and small distilleries
have been suppressed by expropriation.
From the remaining 00 or 70 distilleries,
the monopoly administration is tho only
purchaser. Tho product does not go di
rectly from distiller to pnrchnser. Tho
administration takes it under fixed con
ditions nnd brings it back to the trade
only after it lias been duly rectified. Of
the profits of the monopoly, one-tenth,
now amounting to about (1140,000 a year,
mnt lie applied to the struggle with al
coholism that is to say, to the mainte
nance of the poor and the insane whoso
misfortunes may be traced to that mal
ady. Now as to the effect of the monopoly
on the quantity of spirits consumed. In
1883 the consumption of distilled liquors
per capita was 10.20 liters; in 1891 it was
only 0.32. A part of this decrease is duo
to the cessation of smuggling of distilled
liquors from Switzerland into the adja
cent countries. But after reasonable de
ductions on that score have leen made,
It is estimated that the shrinkage in the
Dse of ardent spirits by the Swiss them
selves is not less than 25 per cent The
decreased consumption is obviously duo
not only to tho extinction of private
stills, but to tho fact that a higher price
must be paid for the product of distil
leries. The joint effect of diminished
consumption and of the greatly improved
quality of tho liquor sold is expected
loon to show itself in the statistics of al
coholism. We have said that the pnrpose of the
Swiss legislature was not to abolish the
use of distilled liquors, but gradually to
supplant it by that of wine or beer. To
that end, while the price of spirits was
raised, that of fermented liquors was
lowered by relieving tlieni from certain
excise duties. So far as wine is con
cerned no marked chango took place in
the volume of consumption between 1863
nd 1890. This is attributed, however,
to the remarkable decline of tho home
production in the period named, a de
cline which had to be made good by im
portation. In the case of beer, on the other hand,
the effect of the liquor monopoly on the
habits of the Swiss people is unmistak
able. The consumption of beer in Swit
zerland increased between 1883 and 1890
from SO liters per capita to 43 liters,
showing an advance of some 23 per qent.
6o for as the Swiss experiment has gone,
It seems to show the jiossibility of sup
planting to a considerable extent the use
of ardent spirits by that of thoso fer
mented liquors, such as beer, which con
tain relatively little alcohol. New
York Sun.
An Old Custom Seldom Followed. "
In many old families the custom has
obtained from time immemorial of put
ting an extra pluto and chair for the
Itranger or an unexpected guest. In
Ihose old days there was good reason for
this. Hotels were few, and traveling
was mostly done by private conveyance.
It was the unwritten luw of hospitality
that the stranger could find a welcome
la almost every household. Of course
conditions have changed, and generosity
has taken a new form. Baltimore Her
ald. Never Tea Remain In tha Pot.
Tea should never bo allowed to stand
upon the "gi-onnds." If itmnst unavoid
ably le mado some time Wfore it is to
be used, the liquid should 1e poured from
the leaves. It may then lie kept ready
for a delayed mcmlier of the family for
long time without serious deteriora
tion, or at least without the addition of
any harmful qualities. Good House
keeping. Saul, tho first king of Israel, killed
himself rather than lie slain by the Phil
istines. Defeated in battle and his
kingdom gone, he hod nothing to live
A Decision Which Practically Makes Nam
de Plnrae Common Property.
A very interesting claim, in which
every author who uses a signature is
more or less concerned, was ignomini
onsly dismissed by Judge Lacombe in
the United States circuit court. As I
understand it, a mediocre book was pub
lished in this city purporting to have been
written by Alan Dale, thenom do plume
of ono of the brightest nnd cleverest of
New York's younger literary men. As a
matter of fact, Sir. Cohen (Alnn Dale)
did not write tho book, nnd when ho
heard of itspublication protected against
the use of his name. Protest lieing un
availing, through his counselor, Mr.
Stockier, he sued the publisher, claiming
f 1,000 dnmnges. After hearing Mr. Co
hen's testimony, Judge Lacombo virtu
ally informed tho jury that thero was no
necessity of further evidence, as it could
not lie shown that tho plaintiff's sulnry
on a daily paper in this city had lieen de
creased by reason of the publication, or
that he had had nny subsequent tronblo
with publishers.
Thnt may lie laws It's not justice.
Mr. Cohen could have proved by
George Alfred Townsend, A. C. Wheel
er, Samuel L. Clemens and other writers
of national repute that tho signatures
over which they are known to tho world
of readers G at h, Nym Crinkle, Mark
Twain mean a fortune, and that nny
use of those signatures by other parties
was not only an abuse but a traverse of
equity, dishonest and cruel. I can't un
derstand Lacombe's action in the mat
ter. It virtually says to- irresponsible
publishers: "Go nhend, publish what
yon please, lyingly announce that tho
matter is written by any author whoso
name you may prefer. Ho has no rrv.i
edy unless ho can provo that ho has lu -r
an engagement or is in disfavor with the
I wonder how Lncombo would liko to
see decisions, purporting to havo been
rendered by him, signed with his name,
circulated in the community. And I
also wonder whether it ever entered his
somewhat interesting mind that it is ad
visable to mnlot thieves, liars and liear-
ers of false witness, for the protection of
the community in general and of men
as well to whom reputation is worth
much more money than the circuit
conrt could possibly collect. Joseph
Howard in New York Recorder.
Churches as riace. of Ho fug. In War,
Our ancestors transacted a good deal
of business of one kind or another in and
about their churches. To liegin with,
tho churches of old England in turbulent
times were regarded as places of safe
custody for public and private property,
In tho border land of England and Scot
land the idea was carried out still more
completely, and churches, or at leant
their towers, became regular fortresses
and not Infrequently were objects of of
fenses and defense. We may noto in
rural England that in the cases of an
cient churches the towers are often not
merely disproportionate in size to the
rest of the church, bat are carefully nnd
strongly built, evidently with an object.
Even in peaceful Murrey and Sussex
the belfries are veritablo strong rooms
with barred windows and massive doors
and oftea contain ft massive treasnro
chest. Hither, at the first alarm, money
and valuables were hurried, for beyond
the securirjaof thick walls and bars and
bolts there was an aegis of sanctity
which in a superstitious age protected
the building from the most ruthless of
foes. The fortresslike construction of
many of tho border land churches is an
interesting study to antiquarians. Lon
don Standard.
A New Type of Girl.
I met a new type of girl the other doy,
and she was certainly refreshing. Girls
are all s good deal alike as t general
thing, you know, and one does get so
tired of the same old stereotyped girl
sweet enough in her way, I grant you,
but with an eternal sameness that grows
rather irksome.
She is a little witch to begin with.
She will steal a man's heart before he
knows it and then pretend not to know
it herself. This damsel is most attract
ive to men, for, spite of her originality,
Bho is adaptability personified. She seems
to be able to converse intelligently with
all sorts of men and gets each fellow's
fad at her finger tips too. Sho knows
more than many of her men friends, but
she never lots them suspect it She
makes each believe that she learns so
much from him and depends so much on
him. She is a very feminine, unassum
ing, natural sort of little woman, with
something appealing about her.
But down under it all she is artful.
She has mdde a study of men, and she
has profited by that study Chicago
A Terrible tlnhlt.
"Were you ever troubled with the
thought while you walked along" somo
street," said Charles EWt, "that some
how yon ought not to step on the cracks
that sepnrnte the flagstones of the pave
ment or the boards of the wnlk? You
have been th well, then you know.
That is the meanest hnhit to form.
Cigarette smoking Is bad, and cigars are
rxpitisive and so bad also. Tobacco
chewing is nliominable nnd drinking is
killing, but the crack dodging hnbit is
tho worst of all. If I could exchange
this miserable feeling that possesses me
when I walk along the streets for any
one of those habits providing I didn't
possess all of them already I would do
it instantly.
"I will start out of a morning for a
pleasant stroll, just to see the beauty of
nature, and unconsciously I will begin
to step over nil cracks. Then I will ac
cidentally step on one, nnd all my pros
pective pleasure is gone simply dis
pelled and driven away by that one mis
erable thought of utter uselessness thnt
I have stepped on a crack. I have start
ed for home of a nighttime fairly tired
and conscious of duties well done, pur
posing to enjoy a long, sound sleep.
Again I fall Into the desire to avoid step
ping on those miserable partition lines.
"If I succeed in avoiding all of them, I
rest beautifully, but if not then I go
homo nnd have n restless, nervous sloep
in which thero is no satisfaction what
ever. Of nil the dinholit-nl mental in
ventions that go to break up a man's
hnppiness and peace of mind this one
mental status of avoiding cracks is tho
most consummate that any evil genius
could afflict a man with." St. Louis
Rnndwlrlt Inlanders and Their Ills.
When a Kanaka feels a bit out of sorts
he imagines that he has not been diligent
enough in his devotions to some particu
lar god. He immediately procures a
bunch of nwn or something inthennturo
of a comforting drink, and after a short
prayer to his mountain or river deity ho
murmurs apologetically, "Here's your
food" or "Here's your drink," as tho
case may be. Then ho devours the sol
ids or liquids himself. If the Kanaka's
health improves, the god Is appeased. If
sickness still creeps over him, he turns
to tho Kahun. One of the guild is im
mediately hunted up nnd approached
with a bunch of awa or a pig. Then the
Kanaka dilates upon his infirmities, and
the Kahuna begins preparing to drive
out the sickness or the evil spirit.
The patient is stripped and laid flat,
and with a bunch of tl leaves the Ka
huna rubs him nil over, murmuring
meaningless words tho while. If the
Kanaka gets well, the Kahuna's influ
ence is increased. If tho Kanaka dies, ho
was a doomed man anyhow, and the Ka
huna did his best. Such of the Kanakas
as patronizo a Kahuna nowadays do it
covertly, nnd tho Kuhnnns keep under
cover. Honolulu Cor. Chicatro Tribune.
An KtiBllth Duke Receives a Tin,
The English journals mention an
amusing epilogue of a pilgrimage to
Rome. Just after the last train which
brought the pilgrims back to London
had entered tho Victoria station an old
lady burdened with packages was with
difficulty trying to find a carriage when
a middle aged man, simply dressed, ap
proached and offered his services. .
Thinking she hnd to do with one of
the employes, the good woman gave him
her bundles, which tho obliging man
carried to the end of the station and
then, hailing a cab, placed the old lady
and her impedimenta within, nnd giving
the driver tho address sho had indicated,
called to him to dnvo on. As the car
riage was about to roll off the woman
placed a feo of twoiience in the hand of
tho mnn who had rendered her the serv
Ho was simply the Duke of Norfolk.
Tho duke pocketed the twoiience, think
ing the adventure very original. More
over, it was the first time in his life that
lie had ever earned any money by hi
own labor.
Model CUy to lis Built.
A "City of tho Future," such as Bel
lamy dreamed of, will be shown at the
World's fair of Paris, which is planned
lor the year 1UOU.
The Inventions Nouvelles proposes a
departure from the usual toy arrange
ment of miniature models, Eiffel towers,
etc, and advocates the erection of a city
on a site sufficiently lurge to illustrate
practically all the most prominent now
inventions, as well as the fruits of mod
ern electro technique. The cost of erect
ing this future model city is to be cov
ered by renting out the houses, hotels,
etc., as well ns all the stores to tho ex
hibitors. At the close of the exposition
the entire site, witii buildings, etc;, will
ho utilized as the nucleus for a new
marter of the city of Paris. Philadel
phia Record.
Now Mutely DJsaKreelnjr.
Beside tho highway that leads from
Bridgton to Norway are two burial plots
upon opposite sides of tho road. Hero
are interred the Woodsum brothers, ami
of course every ono who posses tlmt way
is anxious to know why thero is this divi
sion. The stage driver can tell you. Tho
Woodsum brothers could nover agree.
They disagreed in roligion, politics und
every conceivable point that could bo
brought up between them. Oh, their
disagreements in story form, as told by
the neighbors, would make a tale of
prickly interest. Of course they couldn't
agree to repose thoir bones upon the same
side of the road, and henco these two
graveyards, tho stones glaring across at
each other through rain, snow and snn-
sbino. Lewistou Journal. '
What, prettyl-shef With that brown skin
And hair pale hrownt the cheek too thin)
llray eyes rare cyrnt ell; have It so
That's one a-rftid point! but prettrnoi
And nine In ten would pans her by."
"Knlth, mnn, I'd bo the tenth," qnoth I.
"CWerf nnt hc! Ilo whnt j-nn list
She's, the dull dng tlmt licks your Hit;
Or only clever In ilivlne
A man's least Ml by the least Btirn-
I.lke nature, soothe, one knows not why."
Here's genius past all wit," qnoth I.
Hut Boodf Parblrul by those calm looks
Bhe'a learned In hymns nnd cookery books
Made for a spinster, whoee poor pains
Will swell tho crent world's srneral rains.
Uncounted, as the years run by."
Merer, If love wins lore:" thouKht I.
Dora K. Ooodale In Homcmaker.
Aa Idyl of the Sunshine.
The girl was fair. Soft blue her eyes
as the skies, and pink and white her
cheeks as the mnnntain peaks at sunrise,
and golden light her hair as the moon
light air.
Ah, she was very fair.
Uncrowned save by her tossing tresses,
she stood facing the east, and the sun'
came and kissed her.
Kissed her long nnd lovingly.
Her mother saw her there and called
to her.
"Let me linger here, dear mother,"
pleaded tho fair being. "Tho air is so
sweet, the fragrance of the Bowers so
rich. The skies above me are so tenderly
blue, nnd, mother denr. I feel as If I
were a little queen standing here in tho
glorious reign of the sun."
The mother appeared at the door.
"Fudge!" she exclaimed. "You ought
to have sense enough to come in out of
that sort of a reign. Don't you know
you'll lie freckled worse than a turkey
And a heavy black cloud rose np and
swiped the sun across tho face. Detroit
Free Press.
Children Over filx Hundred Years Ago.
Somebody has unearthed a book writ
ten by Bartholomew Anglicua about
1200, of which one of the most amusing
chapters is on the children of his day.
Of these he writes: "They dread no
perils moro than beating with a rod, and
they love nn apple moro than gold and
make more sorrow and woe for tho loss
of an npplo than for tho loss of a heri
tage. They desire all that they see and
pray and nsk with voice nnd with hand.
They keep no counsel, but they tell nil
that they hear nnd see. Suddenly they
laugh, and suddenly they weep. Always
they cry and jangle and jape; that nn
neth they be still while they sh-ep. When
they bo washed of filth, anon they defile
themselves again. When their mother
wnsheth and comlieth them, they kick
and sprawl and put with feet nnd with
hands, nnd withstand with nil their
might." All of which sounds very mod
ern and up to date.
The Educated lloosler Cockroach.
Whilo a gentleman was at his office
dusk a day or two ago, one of these dis
reputablo roaches ran across the paper
on which ho was writing. He flipped it
against tho wall with his finger; and it
bounded back on the desk, lighting upon
Its back. It remained motionless for
some time until it rocovored from th .
shock and then endeavored to got upon
its foot again, but in vain. Smaller
roaches passed by thoir prostrate brother,
evidently without noticing it, but a larger
one came along pretty soon, stopped,
went over to the one that lay npon its
back, straddled across it, and giving it
a quick jerk with ita forelegs landed it
deftly npon its feet, and the two disap
peared over tho odgo of the desk, In
dianapolis News.
Ths Karth Will Fall Out of Ilalance.
Marshall Wheeler, one of the best
known of the great army of Pacific coast
scientist:), claims to havo discovered a
"third principal motion of the earth.."
which is this: Every 20.003 years thtT
globe changes its north and south poles
on account of the attraction tho earth
has for its own mugnetism. The suu,
too, strongly attracts one of the poles
ond repels the other. This being the
case, it only takes the short space of
20,903 years fur tho doublo attraction to
careen it over to such an extent that it
suddenly "flops" 90 degrees. Mr. Wheel
er says that one of these grand "flops"
occurred 0,000 years ago, at the time set
down by tho geologists as tho "glacial
epoch." St. Louis Reiblie.
An Eusy Way to Keep Insects OA Trees.
To trap various insects in the open
air, half fill wide necked bottles with
sirup or sweetened water, addinp- enough
arsenic to make the liquid poisonous.
After a rainstorm the bottle should b
emptied and refilled, as before mentioned.
Hung the bottle on tho branches of the
trees and among the bnshes, etc. This
is a ready and simple method of trappi
all insects that prey on sweets, conse"
quently keeping the trees free from muny
noxious pests that prey annually ou shade
nnd fruit trees. Cor. Bruoklyu Eagle.
About Cutting the I'luger Nails.
Thtte are several well known sayuig3
with regard to the paring of the finger '
nails, and among them are the following:
"Cut thorn on Monday, cut them for
lieulth: cut them ou TmK.lnv m,t !,..,..
for wealth; cut them on Wednesday, cut
i rutin tor a letter;, out them on Thurs
day, for something better; cut them ou
FrioUv. von out for n wif. mr l,..i.. ..
- - . V'l
Saturday, cut for long life; cut them oil
Sunday, von cut them for evil; for all
that week you'll bo ruled by th dovil:" '
Pldladolphiu T,ime,