The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 12, 1893, Image 7

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    Mdtcaa rto.irstio Animal.
The ancient Mexican knew nothing of
(be we of bessti of burden. Tbe llama
n wild and iceminply utdcsitable lot
dotneitlo purposes. From tho bison,
sheep and goat the? dorive little or no
benefit. The dog ha always beta a
favored animal with tlie Mexicans, and
hot been used as a beast ol burden to
carry their tent and draw tbeir baggage,
a among the lavage Comsnches of North
America. In tbe day before Cortet
nd hit conquering lioits invaded the
Azteo Kingdom thenativei kept only tbe
imall, dumb dog, which they fattened
for the table. Tbe Spaniard introduced
tiorned cattle and horse, wbicli Mibo
quently trained wild, aud to this day
vast herd and droves occupy the plains
of Jaliico, Durango, Zicsteras and
Chihuahua. St. Liuis lteimljlic.
Hot a 1'allnre.
Johnny GiM Is a youthful jhllov
npher. He believes that life woiil.l
be simplified If people would be con
tent to do one thing at a time.
The other ilay Johiiny va hard at
work with taper ami pencil. His
mother looked over his shoulder.
"Why, Johnny," Mio exclaimed,
your spelling Is perfectly dreadful!
Look at that 'citlnfr in a chare.' l :u
ashamed of you!"
hut. mamma," said the little hov,
reassuringly, "this lnt a spi-Ilin
lesson. It's a composit'on."
WnAT t'ecdines ot tnc money won
It poter? Nmiclir.tly always wim
around a table. It must Ic loaned
to the fellows who lose, and U never
paid Lack.
A 'amilele SfWapRprr For One rn..
77d l'ittil'iiiiih "tfttttutir.l'thyrttiti Is .old he
11 Sew. Aiawit Ntid ilellveifit by I'lirrleM
rvety where. tor ihir ft til a copy or Sir viN n
week. Il eniilHiii dlly, flit, niw nf tlis
tvnrlil, rereivtlin ns tt iliw. tlie report rit Imt'i
the Aioriit!et I 're-s anil the t'tilti'il I'res1. No
Miter mi.r which W for nr i'mf receive
loth rf lliee report. It Jpfirllnir, Kinnnclul,
r'nehlnn, nn'l Hnii.eholil liepxrtments nrw un
equaled. Urilcr it from your News Agent.
Sir. Simeon Staples
Four Ihysicians Failed
A Running Sore Five Years
Wood Sa ma pa villa I'rrrrllu Cured
"Taunton. Mils., Jim. , ISM.
" C. 1. Honl Co.. Low-ell, Mn.
" 1 was trouhlisl wilt n ruiinlnir sore on my
ankle, iho iloctora )ronoiiiic,iii; It salt-rlieinn.
For !i years (ilurini: which time I employee! 4
different physician), I received very little. If
any, bcuetlt. mid It continued to Inn-ease, in
nine. 1 then commenced taking Hood', Sur-
rmr.Ila, and naluic Hood's Olive Ointment, and
at the end of 2 ycirs I was completely cure I,
and hav iiad no tr.iuldo with It alnco."
Biheon Staples, Kast Taunton, Mass.
II nod' PHI. cure liver Mil, sick heailach. jaua
dloa, Indlitralluii. 11y a box. lucent.
PXV 14
Unlike tiie Dutch Process
Xo Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are nwl in the
jtreparMtiua of
3 n i.r.-iA
I VI purm and oluhle
. V V fthnmttrethnnthreetimr
inn eirmi'H ui t k-ii iitiArMi
with Htarcb, Arrowrsot or
'HuL'-tr. oU 1b far more eco
nomical, coif in icss than one cent a nip.
It In (lolit:ioii, uour.Bhing, rdU EAftiLT
Sold bfiirorrni ovrrjrw.crt,
W. BAXE2 &C0., Dorchester, Man
Tali Trade Mark li on the bert
In tho World !
nnllltl Morphine ITablt Co rod in 10
IIHIIIe ltoUOdBya. No jy tllleurod.
Ul lUlil DR. J.STEPHENrf; kabaaon.Ohia.
ofierud ohlld-bciirln woman. I have been a
imdwifo ior ntanv yoara, and In each cava
wbera "Mothar'a Friend" had been lined It has
exsHnpliaUed wonders and relieved lnucti
mifleiini;. It la tlie lieat remedy for rlalnK ot
the kreaat known, and wnr'b tbe iiioe(oruuit
aluw, Mua. 11. M. Bbukikk,
Montgomery, Ala.
Soot br cTorttM. charfee prapald, on receipt
f price, $1 JO per Wile.
' eVM by all tlruggiau. AxkanTA, UA
The Ninth (ienoral Asembty of Tolorado
adjourned sine die. The assembly ' wna
neither strictly tirpiiblicnn. lf inocrallc nor
l'lipnllst, hut was a mixnne of these politi
cal err ci Is, the numbers nf which seemed
tntlinnpe their Ichcf whenever the In
fluence was MinVieiit. Tlicjr enacted no
laws of s'ccinl benefit to the people, except
one nlviiiR aid to idiiciitionnl instiliillona
of tlie State, mid po-silily nnenrtwoolhera,
They cpncritlly fotiplit and defcatctl all bill
rirnlatinit corporations, pnwnliroker and
Itistiraiice ccnipanica, mid In these matters
open i linrpi a of I riW ty hare Lern made
nxainst ninny members, none off which
have ever been I'ctiied. All appropriation
bills were patscd readily. With the excep
tion i f the notorious .''eventh, the last
Assembly (roes on record ns the cheapest
and most useless in the history of the
The Nebraska senate adop'eda resolution
impeaching ex-Attorney tictiernl I.eee fur
misdemeanor in ollii e. l.ecse was attorney
for four years, and is now a leader of the
Top u lists.
W. A. MacPonaM, lea ler of the oppol
linn party in the Manitoba Legislature, was
tinsea'ed by the courts, for bribery durinn
tlie lute election.
w sn,itn.
l!y the direction nf Secretary Carlis'e the
regulations of the Treasury department In
relation to the rruisiranon of I hiucse labor
ers were today modilicd, disiensiiiK with
tlie attachiuK of photos to applications of
Chinese laborers mr Chinese persona other
than lahorersi for certificate of residence
under Ihc act of May l'J, nnd render-
in),' the atlidiivit of only one creditable wit
ness of pood character to the tact of the
residence and lawful status of the applicant
within the I'liitcd Slides.
The Treasury Pepartnient is Informed
that t.VM.OM in pi d was taken Saturday
forexp' rt to l)iirns" from tlie sub Treasury
at New York. Purine the week the (tain in
Bold has been nearly f l.tvn.oiO.
l'be usual proclamation prohibiting the
takinu of seals or other fiir-bearinR animals
in Alaska or in llcrint Sea in tlie season of
y was promulgated by I resident Cleve
land on Satimlay.
iinm i u
The Norlhnetcrn State Hank, of Sib'ey,
la., closed its doors. Parties representing
the creditors state that the are
fully 1M1.0X. and that the assets will not
xcced "i.OOO.
MS(Trt:s, At liPt NTS AMI T'TM ITirS
At Fall Uiver. Mass , Frank Pnvis, ot
fomeset, and John Schollcld. of Providence
who were in the habit of sU cpliii! ab:i:ird
tlieir yatch. lying in the harbor, were found
dead, havinf; been a'phyxiate I by coal pas.
At Stanberry, Mo , two men, Newell
and I.eon Styles. wep burned fo dentil in
the calaboose. They ha I been arrested fot
driinkcuess late in the evenitiK. and it is
siipKised Iher fired the building in order to
attract attention mid ;:dn their lluerty, but
relief came too late.
The business portion of the town of
rataha, Wash., was destroys 1 by lirt', I.os
Iso.imi; insuranca tri.tXD,
Fire broke out nt Sistcrcville, V. Va.. de.
troyiiiK a Ioiik trest.e of the Ohio Hiver
ruihoad. The loss is about f.'l.oj),
rltlMFR A Nil rKNSI.T!l'S.
Andrew Campbell, a well known farmer
of ItariKor, Midi., shot and killed his di
vorced wife on Sunday ami took his own
life. The couple had been living. In the
same house and became involved in a quar
rel. At a German settlement, three miles
southeast of Kali-bury. 111.. A. Ittirkhardt
seixed the lB-moulb-old child of Mrs, Wind
er, his sister and held it on a red-hot stove,
Tbe child cannot recover. Citizens may
lynch Ilurkhordt.
The employes of tbe CirneRie Steel Com.
pany nt Homestead (Pa.) received an unus
nully heavy pay on Saturday About 110,.
UK) was divided among the men.
As AxTi-PiNKrR-rox Law. The Wiscon
sin Assembly passed nil anti-Pi ukerton bill
providing that the umployment of bodies of
armed men to act its militia men, policemen
orpeace officers who are not duly authorized
or empowered to act in such rapacity under
the laws of the state, is prohibited and de
clare,! to be unlawful, and no person, firm,
company or corporation shall use or employ
any such body of armed men fur the pro
tection of person or property, or fur the
suppression of strikes.
A severe earthquake was felt in many
pans of Servis on Sunday. The village of
Veliki Popovitch was tumbled into ruins
and several inhabitants were killed. Deaths
in wrecked houses are reported from other
villages in the kingdom.
Mm n.i.ANF.ors.
A magnificent Mormon temple which
has been forty years in building was dedica
ted at Halt Lake City. Utah, Thursday. The
structure is lKtij feet long and 00 feet wide
and cost more than fAO.uOO.OOO. With gran
ite walls ranging from 9 feet thick at the
bottom to U feet thick at tbe square the
building promises unusual permanency.
Tbe Bights of Laborers to be Pro
tected. In the Senate at Washington, Mr. Voor
bees, Democrat, of Indiana, offered a
preamble and resolution on the subject of
the recent decisions of the Culled Stales
Judges at tot he refusal of railroad
employes to perform service. It instructs
the Interstate Commence Committee to in
quire into the quesilou and report to tbe
Senate what action may be nsceasary, either
by the repeal of the tenth section of tbe
Interstate Commerce sot of February 4,
1887, or by tbe enactment of additional leg
islation, for the better protection of the la
boring people of the United States In their
natural and Inalienable rights and for their
greater security from the encroachment of
corporation power. The resolution was or
dered printel and was referred lo the
Committees on Inierstate Commerce,
Is It "Coal Olir
Th "average man" (and you will find
him everywhere In the piopnrtlon of
bout ninety-nine to one) apeak of pe
troleum refined as "coal oil." This
i done primarily because of the general
Impression that the oil comet from coal,
and that coal is of vegetable origin.
Ucologtsta and scientists In general, how
ever, take a different view of the matter.
To them tbe oil is a relic of past ueo
logical ages, at well at of animilt that
lived when the earth was young. la re
ferring to the genesis of "coal oil" they
never think of it except at an animal oil.
They argue that tbe great upheavals aud
downfall! of the ear'h'i crust, which re
aulted la burying billions ot tons nf
vegetable matter, which subsequently
turned to coal, also covered millions of
gigantio aulmelt with hundreds nnd
thousands of feet of sediment. Thit
sedimentary deposit, in tho aire which
have elapsed sine: old nature was racked
with thoie rock-rending convulsions
which geologists are to fond of telling us
about, have turned into great atrata of
sandstone, limestone, etc., the oil com
pressed from tit crest azsregation o
animal remains settling in basins, to be
tapped by the Ingenious well-tinkers of
the last half of tho Nineteenth Century.
Thus even past kget ate mide to contri
bute to the welfaro and comfort of pres
ent generations. St. J.ouli H'ioublic
r rientlly Ails leet
A duchess now often dresses no
net ter than licr latly'd-nmld. A lad v
of tliis rank, who, apparently, did not
iross tip to lier title, went Into n
London shop and ordered n tlor.en
pocket-haiitlkercliiefK, nnd ssketl to
have them embroidered with a T and
I dnt'licss' coronet. "Oh. tua'nm,"
laid the friendly f-hopwntnan, "If I
mi you, 1 would n', have a duch
The Argument Used
BY the makers of the second-class baking
powders to induce the dealer to push
) them off on Royal consumers is that
they cdst less than Royal and afford
the dealer much more profit.
But you, madam, arc charged the same price
for them as for the absolutely pure Royal, which
is perfectly combined from the most highly refined
and expensive materials. The lower cost of the
others is caused by the cheap, impure materials
used in them, and the haphazard way in which
they arc thrown together.
Do you wish to pay the price of the Royal
for an inferior baking powder, made from im
pure goods, of 27 per cent, less strength ? If
you buy the other powders, insist upon having
a corresponding reduction in price.
If Scrofula and Salt Rheum H
9 Of 25 Ycnrs Stanclintr.
j:I)AA SAHMJA11II.).A Os., W
tm il -I I.I.VH - ; I r, IV ifTtifV tint I htTf Iwtij
aiiftvrs r for mi- tt.t run with Ncrol- U
tiHu attil Mult Ithfiuu. lUvt
ntuauy piiyli una ,( i-ij ikM mtny dollars ji'jWi
Fimiiirirtiiry iii.-!-Im-s, till! imrittiTs, sit. rsiivs-. H
tY., ftr., stM-ll sis hlVf ImtIi tll lite lllsrsK-t for tht-H
. 'iA yt-mrt, nil f mi iivull or Isfneiit, m
Lmr. Willi rry Isitd 1 i.un-lmM-d lx-tlle t.f
tur nAnpAl'AHll4..v ol my Itruwt, wtiKD JM
-Ttuswlf linn If 1 not tx-nrtllti In P
asi illOllM rrfUtKl till- in V. I li ft llis ttti.sw
mB 1 11' 1 shuulri csll niii) (.'i'hit tin. 1 ly Istr-r. No Hqim
1-4 nt any Im'iiHIi u no nmlii Tin- or trvstunnt minrii M
ntu Mm 11 y taw, i iitui not tkrn more tfnr,
sir-hlrof tin MitiU- wImii lu my surprlw in
ouiid it whs .rllnii mf. Hve Ukfit Imik;
!bot(l-t) simI it m i I Thr Hri uf.,
. illu M4trti srrull haulaxl and I fel hk
e uvw luau. I rvt?ouiUH-ii(i r -
t. ill whs wl.h lllnod Purlflvr thal
bS-'wres. Yuur wry iniiv. B
rilt.lJ-S S. WELLS, csi
Ft. Jirtuon, St. Unrin Cu., N. V. mm
GrwT! Mr. W.ll. I. Vfll.knnwn tathlSMC-?S
(tiuuaim Ills MluCVHieuS l lru.
, , Hnimllully. J1U A. fc.MITn, E3
1 MlclwI.iU., K. V. IJrufltiM. m
I Dana Ssrstpsillla Co.. Bslfsst, Mslnt. E
m f
Coms Coasnraption, CodkIis, Croop, Horu
TunmU Sold by all DfuggUts on a Guusium.
f- ms, vaiwnHlvaaaT
rvu-l iK.11 it if rWwr urine
It ULht ItOW t litsMat Ittfl
(or fnKaMi mil i mUM. fowl o w Lm
am ris. huus; u u tt, a. t. ,
n niFi.r f. WKLL8. y
7 11. JackK.u, N. V.
Needs a ferine Hemeitr In Cleanse ike
sVhnle Srsfem
A cold is the starting point of more than
half of the fatal illnesses from November to
May, A cold is the first chapter In the his
tory of every case of consumption. A cold
Is the first staise of chronic catarrh, the most
loathsome and stubborn of discuses. A cold
Is the legitimate parent of a larje family of
diseases, such as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneu
monia and quinsy. To neglect a cold Is
almost suicide. To fall to provide ngalnst
this well-neigh Inevitable evil is iliuiferous
negligence. Pe-ru-nti is n safeguard as a
preventive, a f pet -I He as a cur for all cases
of catarrh, acuie and chronic, colds.cottglis,
consumption, etc.
Kvery family should be provided with a
copy of The Family Physician No. 2, a
complete guide to prevent and cure catarrh
and nil other winter diseases; and also the
latest edition of Die Family Physician No.
3. which is devoted to spring medicines and
the bodily disorder peculiar to the spring
of the year a book that no one can afford
to be without at this lime of the year. Kither
sent free by ibe Pe-ru-na I'rtig Manufact
uring Company of Columbus, Ohio,
Intellect nsl Item.
It Is said that a man does not reach
his full mental power until the age of
l!f, and the development of talent la
iLost marked between the ages of 3U
aud 4.I.
TttF TnnoAT. - " Brnirn i HronrMal Ttnrnnn
act directly on the organ ot the tolce. 'I hef
have an extraordinary eltect In all disorders of
the tutuiiL.
Kvery gem known to tbe lapidary ha
lieen found in tbe Culled States.
Hutch's t'nlvcrsHl t'nmrh Pyrnp most
prompt, pleasant and effectual. ITn-enta.
Tbe Mississippi and its tributaries have
12. Hit miles of navigable water.
Tteeeliam's Pills are better than mineral wa
ters. lle hum's no others. Z'i cents a hoi.
Tin Nrtt Pa DArivrtl
with l'-t . Fprtmi'lfi anrl I'nlniA which itulntLio
hwi U, inim thfirtn nml Imrn rctl.
The KlUiu Mm Sl-v.. I'liiM, HrllHnnt. Odor
iftw. htinihlc, nnl iin imiMtiinfr ikivh fur uu un
or kIkhr iiMckuMe with uvry imrchaM.
liOOH for I
; Two Beautiful Ladies I
j Vou will flnj ont on bos of
1 home; TAC1($ j
with several parlments,
anJ all dtlfcnnl ut-J
1a.K.-. a.iriJ to j 1 1 Ilia)
variuu Hume ise
the other on a bo of
! home; naiis, 1
containing several Jiffer
eiit sued nails, juitwtut
are needed for every day
Made telefy by the Atlas Tack Corp'n, Batton
Wirrhnaam-D. ston, K.w Voih. rhUstlrlpM.
Lbtcagu, liaiiibiuN. hmu J fui.tlstu, Lymt.
Fctorl) Ttunton. MrH. Fslrhivtn. Mi.
WUiuuku, Nim, Iuibtir,MM. i'.yiwuuU., Uu.
Cvry homo needs theme
Every dealer eclU them.
No toolt rii,u-i-d. umv a imnimer nenled t drive
n t f-tin b tin in euilly and MUK h., l-aviiiu the clutch
(to ultly luo'tlu K iMililnff li' e lobe mnde la
he icmhtfr nor lnr lr H Knelt. Thev r alroutf
I on alt end duriilii. At ilium no in utttt. Xil
eiikiho, niiifnrm i stm -rtesl, i-m ui hi wnei
A It .vour laivr lor iuhi or M-ni 40o lo
Uiut for a u uf iuu, aaixtrie t aUu Id by
MUO I flftf I. h.lil. k il-t. -HVi tr.rly n.U
lur 'm: bump. Iimiirn.. I iirlviillfe only kimkI
fin evr luvi'Ulnl. HfutB wrlUIH. httlm uuiwrMlFfliHl
Sl'4 ! Wrilt gui.i. UhuHlMV, I'blm., li.
Pl Piss's Itsawtfr tor Ckutrrh Is Um f9
I I TtPRt. Kfl"lMl tn l'. anil llimws. I I
I I moM tiy druttteia or in by utaiL I I
KmM eUa. It T. IUmUUm. WaiMi, Ha. U
Brinp romfort nnd Improvement nnd
tentls to wrHotml tnjoynimt when
rlplitly usril. The many, who live bet
ter thnn others nnd enjoy life more, with
less exienillttire, liy more promptly
atlaptltiK tho world's liest protluctt to
tho neeiU of physical lK'inp, will nttest
tho vnltto ti lienlth of the pttro liquid
lnxntivo principles rinbruccd in U10
remedy, Svrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in tho form most nceeptnlilc nnd pleas
ant to tho taste, the rt-f residue; mid truly
beiif-llciid properties of n ieifect lnx
ntivo; cfTeetiiHlly I'lennflnp the tyslem,
diKpclling colds, henduclics nnd levers
rim periiiiitiently curinu; eon-tiptition.
It hnit plven satinfnetion to millions and
met with tho iipprorid of the medical
profA'ssion, hcenuse it nct:t on the Kid
neys, Liver and llowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
8yrttp of Fics is for sale by nil tlnig
pistsin dOcaiicI f 1 bottles, but His man
ufactured by the California Ki( r'yrup
Co. only, whose name Is printed on every
package, also the name, Hyrnp of Figs,
nnd lieinif well informed, yon will not
accept any substitute if ollcred.
JTJMBO. the A'emndrs linprnvrd Cri-iim fere
sr.iiur; capscltv Umhi ii4ihio ihhiimIs yrr hou ttwn
linr-i-p ..t ulll run II. Also n mnlil HAND
t'EPRAT ' r tin- sain ot lilh AOiNfd
sro WANTED In evity urtimi, MiiMimrtunrs
nf fvcrvtiMii 111 l!n fit inftrtiliirry suit ritilli' for
r-'lt'fr ritifl rlM'.!' furtii'lf.. K nil fur ni'illiU'iM'.
UtU TO U'IT I.AKK HTItfrT, t-IIM'AfiO, jl.l.lNlll.
1'iiri lli-nr.lllnn I'rblilr Hprltiilrn. Hit rmnfl-tvitiM-
rullfil-tftilil fratni'ti uml Imm n. Vmir tiiiiiilrr
cnl'iKmtiutlit, only Or. h pnlr. Wuriti nvnnni
th nt HitmiiiiMf t'U ili'ii't know Hit nmntH'r iii n4
H'lul ut yuiir . HtPi-lrliiimil HpfctHcltxa. I Oris
Uoltt-n SovrUy 'o., iVA nut I Tn.'i ilrititilwuy, Ntw Vork.
IIIMITIIAM) II V M tils. ThnrntiKhlv tiuuitt
lur r-i"tti"'. ' 'nt. fimi iii -t life .1. ii init-i-
Hi't, rl i. 1'iilt" slioUfmiift t t sllf-tr. W tMiiaisMii t, I
f 'I' ? VrC Tit AM' MAltKN. KxiiniliifKlon
I J 1 li I niiil iiit In- un lo imti'tii.tlill tv
nf ItiM'tttloii, Si-inl for In vfiif'i-4 I miih-, in how to t't
It imliMit. I'ATIMI K ti'KAHMKI.I. W,tnvt - i (',
TIUi.MAKI'.Kl.Ml'.soN. .tti-hliifon, I
1M'. .So ntt ' tfi until I'k 1 cue oti.
Ittliittj. U rlit for liivi ntor'ai iitililo.
nt fill
u im
a I fl''-vv;.f
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner
of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said
firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and
every case of Catarrli that cannot be cured by the use of
Sworn to before me, and
this 6th day of December, A.
o o
: LL'cas cu., u. :
and acts directly
upon the BlooJ an J
mucous surfaces.
A. W.
TOBinvroivrTA (
P. Il WAt.TIIAT.T. & CO I)rui.-L-ll. Ilnme
'sve, Ky., Buy; "Hull's CslurrU Curo turt-s
fu ry onti Unit tukl'S It."
CO.NUt'fTOlt K. D LOOMIS. Petrott. Mich.,
layn: "Tliu eftei t of Hull Cuturra Cure Is
wuudcrful." Write blm ubout it.
Sail's Catarrh Cure Is Sold by all Dealers lo Patent Medicines
Testimonials sent freo on minlU'tttlbn.
It Wat Befon the Day off
Thiy Used to Say "Wcata't Work Is Cover Bcso."
" I ntu happy to state to you and
to suffering humanity, that my wife
has used your wonderful remedy,
August Flower, for sick headache
and palpitation of the heart, with
satisfactory results. For several y ears
she has been a great sufferer, has
been under the treatment of eminent
physicians in this city and Boston,
and found little relief. She was in
duced to try Augtist Flower, which
gave immedaite relief. We cannot
say to much for it." X. C. Frost,
Springfield, Mas. t
phi; 1 .1
Wc oi
I lie float Oiiiarh Hvnm
Tuarteei Oftntl. i'nt In time.
ler you
tl1 fiT Ini(THitai,
mnde incdirlnc lor Coughs,
Jh'oiichilis nnd other dis
eases of the Throat nnd
Lungs. Like, other so
called Patent Medicines, It
Is well advertised, nnd
having merit It has attain
ed a wide Rale under tho
name or Tiso's Cure for
It Is now a "Kosfram," tlionch at first It una
romix tiniled after a prrsrrlitlnn by a regular
pbrlrln, with no Idea flint It won 111 ever go
en tlie market as a irfiir:etnry medicine. But
after rnmreiuidlnR tlist ireMrlptlon over a
thntisnnd times In oneyenr.wensmed lt"PIo'
Cms fnrt'tinsnmtlnn,"and bifsn advertising
It In a small wny. A medicine known all
over tbe world lithe result
Why Is It not Just as good ns though costln
f fly cents to a dollar for a prerrrlitlon and an
etinnl sum to have It put up nt a drua- store?
Inustrated Publlcntlont,
WITH MASS, 4firlbi.
Idklin. W..blfirl. .nil UIHU. th.
SMS tow psici
11 PAC
L I Tli.lutl AwlmHnr.l.Or.,111. spS TlmbW
U l.anil.aiiw r-n M.iImI FRRK. Aildi
UU, k. L1SUOSS.L..4 U...S. I'. H. B., St. fUl. M
Garfield Tea
I uri'ri CoiiftlfMttion, Krton-s) Coiniilrximi. bavt-H hrUrf
liillf rstuuplfifrti. (lAHVlkLVTlU Uo.,MU W. 4MU St., N. K.
Cures Sick Headache
'Successfully Prosecutns Clim.
Lms t'rtnckpsl Riaminur (' S. I'naion Hurnu.
i(VIiU ItMt MHl, IJtMtJIttiit-Mllllgl-liaisUai, Mll aUUMI
P,'i J TJn
iicuu, 1
Lucas Co.,
StntP of Ohin.
subscribed in my presence.
D. 1889.
GLEASON, Notary Public.
KKV. II. P. (-ARSON, Keotlanil. Dsk., snv
"Two boitlraof Hull h L'uturrli Cure cvmpleto
ly cured nv utile flrl."
J. v.. SIMPSON, Murnuess, W. Vs., says:
"Hull's Cuturrb Cure vurtU uie of a vury baJ
iu uf eulurru."