UTfl tAt Star tSHhfr!)thn per year, in talrauee, . KTl:i,IH:", Dilltor mill I'nb. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, IXO.'I. tT-tvclcr' OTtll. ritsHcinrci' IriiliiH arrive nt the Iti'yiinliW vlllo station us fulliiWH: Ettstteartl. HVsfrrrirrf. Triilnfl, - - 11.4 n. m lTrnln tl. 7.4 n.m. Tml n I, - 1 1 p. ni. Train 2,- I 42 p. m. Train - H..HI p. ni.lTrnln III, - - Mw p, m. iikvnim.iwvii.i.k poxT-nrrirr. Malls arrive unci nnd leave the ptisl-ofllce ns follows: Arriir. Vpurf. rnoM tup ft. vim Tim hast. J.l" p. tn. - - T.nn p. m.12.:fi p m. - - '!tp. m. NIHM TIIK K.ST. t oll Til K FST. soon, m. - - a.mi p. m.lM.t ii. in. --J.l.tjn. m. Arrives from titiicl mill 1'icsoiitt villi lt.:mn in. AitIm'" friini Pintle Tuesdays, Tliiinliiys imil Siitni-diivs nl '.'.:tn p. ni. Departs fur I'lrn'iili villi'. Itutlinicl, l'nnli' :i.(i p. in. Office liniir- T.in n. m. tnnnip. ni. Money inili-r ottloc open from .inin. ill. Iii 7.:mp. in. Iti-uNii-r ollli'' npi'ii friini T.inin. in. to M ini p. m. 1.1'icil lliilliliivi from ".on tos.mi n. in. mill from I2.ni In :i.i" p. in. .1. Vt . lorsT. I'. M. LOCAL LACONICS. Go to Swartz's for your seed oats. "Shiulow social" to-morrow evening. Russian tan shoo polish nt Robinson's. Buffalo fertilizer for sale ut Swartz's. Threw fellows wero placed In the lock up Saturday night. Old poper for sale nt this office for twenty cents n hundred. Mm. Chan. Stanley, by a misstep, sprained her ankle very badly last Sun day. A number of wild duck have met their death nenr Ueynoldsvillo during the past week. Head the new advertisements of C. F. Hoffman, Bing Co., .1. 11. Arnold, N. Ilanau and .T. C. Froehlich. Mrs. Tim Regan, of Hathmcl, died last Friday. Her remnins wore burled in tho Catholic cemetery Sunday. Bell Bros., the clothiers, who are al ways to tho front, hnvo had the Harr Cash Carrier system put In their store nt DuBois. Rev. .1. Hell NelT, of Parker, will preach in the M. K. chuivh ut this place next Sunday. Rev. Neff has gained quite a reputation ns a lecturer. A contagious eye disease has made its appearance In Reynoldsvillo. It Is not uncommon tho past few days to see it man with one of his eyes tied up. Tho Daughters of St. George, will give a supper and entertainment, In tho Grand Army Hall April 22nd. All are cordially invited. Supper 2."i cents. John T. Coax will put up a two story building on the vacant lot next to Nio coli's shoe storo in West Heynoldsvllle. The lower part will lie used as n store room. Mrs. J. Hutchison, of Sandy Valley, sister of John Waite, Is very near the portals of death, caused from an at tuck of phthisis pulmonnlis nnd chronic gas trio catarrh. An Italian, with his son and cousin, wan In Reynoldsvillo several days during the past week raking in tho nickels and dimes. A harp nnd two horns wero used by tho trio. All tho druggists of Ueynoldsvillo have entered into an agreement to sell patent medicines at tho regular retail price, under a forfeit of twenty dollars, which is to go to tho poor fund. Oh! horror of horrors! house cleaning timo is here. 'Where is the man who hath wed, that never to himself hath said, aliove all things I most dread, it is house cleaning time so help me Ned ? Ed. Heilly and Miles Walsh, who opened up Hotel America nt this place several months ago, have dissolved part norship, Mr. Welsh retiring from tho hotel. Ed. Kellly Is now proprietor. Tho annual meeting of tho National Association of Railroad Surgeons will be held at Omaha, Nob., in tho early part of next month. Dr. J. B. Neale, who Is a member, expects to attend tho meeting. Some person started tho report around town yesterday that a man had boon murdered at Rathmol about ten o'clock, and that John Smith, of that place, had died suddenly. Both reports were false. A freight car off the track in the railroad yard at this place Monday morning made it necessary for all the cars to be pulled out of the long siding to allow the west bound accommodation to pass by. Prof. W. H. Quigly, of Punxsutaw ney, who is Deputy State Councilor for the Jr. O. U. A. M., Instituted a lodge, No. 024, of that name at Brookvllle last Thursday evening with thirty-three charter members. A West Reynoldsvllle fellow who had indulged freely in the cup that intoxl- eaten, was hauling a load of eoal Friday and drove into the culvert near the A. V.. R'y. An a result the driver stood on hla head In the ditch. Rev. Matthew Rutherford, of Evalon, Pa., will preach in the Presbyterian church at this place next Sunday. He was D. F. Robinson' pastor tor some time and Mr. Robinson speaks very highly of his preaching ability. Four M. E. Sunday schools on tho Emerickvllle charge, nil combined hnvo nlxint 300 scholars enrolled, gnvo flfi.OO to the missionary cause this year. Tho higlust they have ever given before wns JS2.0I). A (ierman who had been indulging too freely in Intoxicants, Jierformed some queer nut ios on ono of our streets one evening last week nnd led those w ho saw him to bilovo that he was on the verge of hnving delirium tremens. The Interior of Robinson's shoe storo Is undergoing a remodelling process this week. The partition lias ls-en taken out. new shelving put in, and It is to be papered mid painted. It will make a vast Improvement on the room. The contltli'iio that people have In Ayei 's Sursapaiilla as a blond medicine is the legitimate and natural growth of many years. It has been handed down from parent to child, and Is the favorite family medicine in thousands of house holds. The Interior of the M. E. church had sotneuhat of a Fourth of July appear ance last Sunday. The janitor, Aaron Rodgcrs, who is a G. A. R. man und loves the slurs and stripes, used n num ber of small Hags and a few potted plants for his decorations. A seven thousand dollar property for forty-live hundred, three lots and dwell ing. House alone is worth tho price asked. Corner Fourth and Jackson Sts., Heynoldsvllle, one square from best part of town. Address owner, C. H. Gordon, No. 20. Ilth street., S. E.. Washing ton, 1). C. The Scdler proiicrtv, two houses and one lot on Jackson street, which has been advertised for sale four or live times and eaeli time the sale postponed, will be sold at I0.H0 A. M. next Satur day, April 1.1th. Sale will take place on the premises. If you want a bargain attend the sale. Sneezing is averted by pressing tho upper lip, because by doing so we deaden the impression made on a certain brnnch of the fifth nerve, sneezing being a re flex action excited by some slight Im pression on that nerve. Sneezing docs not take place when the fifth nerve is pnralizcd, even though the sense of smell is retained. The time quickly draweth nigh when the hovincs will go to grass in tho morning and return in the evening with full udders which will fill more cream crooks, set more churns in operation and supply our markets with eatable butter. Many people have no serious objection to noise, but where Is the man who will tolerate "loud" butter? John W. Phllippi, who has liccti a citizen of Winslow township for a num ber of years, has finally decided tomove to Punxsutawney, and on Saturday next will sell all his farm implements prior to his removal. Mr. Phllippi finds that travelling as a representative of the Lindsey Mowing Machine Knife Grind ing Co. Is more suitable for him than tilling the soil. A few people have boon getting tho Stak regularly for almost one year now who have not paid up their subscription yet. Of course wo do not want to acknowledge that we need money, but it comes very handy to pay rent, em ployees, paor, Ink, postage, ito., &e. Those whom we have trusted for eleven months should lw ready and willing to liquidate. Please settle within the next two weeks. A call has liccn issued for the seventh semi-annual convention of the County Sunday School Association, auxiliary to state S. S. Association, which is to be held in tho Presbyterian church nt Drookville on Tuesday und Wednesday, May 2.lrd and 24th. 1811.1. Every Sunday school of every denomination in tho county Is earnestly requested, by the Association, to elect two delegates who will attend tho convention or send a sulistitute. Entertainment nnd lodg ing will lie furnished free to till in at' tendance. Tho W. R. C. will hold a "shadow social," in tho G. A. R. hall on Thurs' day evening, April l.'ltl). A literary entertainment, which will commence at 7.30, will lo given free, after which tho social will bo in order. Tho public are cordially invited, and each ludy is re quested to bring a basket containing a lunch for two. Thoro is considerable fun at a "shadow social." David Reyn olds attended one not long ago and now he would rather miss playing his faith ful old violin for a soclul dunce than stay awuy from a "shadow soclul." Attended this one und enjoy yourself, Tho historic Liberty lioll will bo taken from Philadelphia to Chicago tho latter part of this month. A speclul train consisting of several Pullman sleeping curs, u dining cur und a speclul car designed for tho bell will leave Philadelphia on tho 25th of April The train will run over the P. & K. and will stop at somo of the prominent towns along the route and will run slow through most all tho small towns to give the pooplo a chunco to see tho old bell that proclaimed liberty. Tho train runs to Erie and returns by tho way of Oil City and will run over tho A. V. R'y to Pittsburg. A number of Philadelphia officials will accompany tho bell. Six police will guard the bell during its journeys both ways and while on cxhl bltlon at Chicago. Real Estate Transfers. Following are tho deeds filed for rec ord in tho Recorders oftlco from March 27th to April 1st, for Reynoldsvillo borough and Winslow township: Samuel Whitaker to Mm. J. R. Nealo, for lot In Reynoldsvillo. $S"0; March 31st, 18i3. Tho Bell, Lewis Yates Coal Min ing Co., to Grant Allen, for lot In Rath mel, Winslow township. 10; Murch 9th, Ism Candidate for County Superintendent. This week we announce the name of Prof. W. H. Stanley, principal of tho Reynoldsvllle schools, us n candidate for superintendent of Jefferson county, Prof, lias been u successful principal of the schools at this place for two terms. He announces himself for suis'iinton dent at the earnest request of a number of lils friends in the coiintv who will do their best to see him will. Prof. Stanley s a bright young man w ith M. E. and M. S. attached to his name. Four Copper Wires. Heavier telegraph jsiles lire being strung along the Low Crude R'y which are to lie put up and the present wires trnnsfered onto them und four new copper wires will be udded to those nlrendy used. Tho work will lie com menced soon and when It is nn nrmy of men will be employed to rush It through. The additional wires are put tip by tho Western Union Telegraph company to enable them to handle the increased business resulting from tho World's Fair. A Broken Tar Did it. Mm. I). W. Atwater met with nn ue- eiilont last Thursday which will disable her for domestic duties for several weeks, and might have crippled her for life. Her baby wns playing on the flisir nnd she stepped onto a chair to get a glass jar off the cuplsiard and just as she got It in her hand she heard a noise nnd thought her baby had fallen over. Sho turned quickly and fell off the chair, still holding onto the jar which broke when It struck the lloor and cut clear through the fleshy part of her hand In us far as the second finger. Encampment Officers. The Heynoldsvllle Encampment. No. 2!2, I. O. O. F.. recent I v installed the following officers: C. P.. Thus. E. Evans: H. P.. Richard Jennings: S. W., James Abernnthy; J. W.. A. H. Hoon: Scribe, M. I. Winslow; Treasui'cr, John Heiison: Guide, George Hughes: 1st W.. M. Mohney: 2nd W.. Dan. Mornlngstar: .'Ird W.. .Tosiah Doc tor: 4th W.. Elijah Trudgen; I. S.,tieo. K. Marshall: O. S.. J. C. Ferris; IstG. toT., I,. (1. Liille; 2nd G. to T.. Fred. Scliuiig: Representative to Grand En campment, L. O. Liille. Big Six. Joseph llollinger, a farmer who lives nenr Piindable, invaded the STAR office sanctum last Saturday afternoon during the edi tor's absence and left a basket of potatoes witli n note stnting they are lor tile eilltor s supiier. tliey were immense potatoes. One wlghed two pounds and the six together weighed nine and u half pounds. They are thu "Dakota Reds." Wo wero surprised to see six such lurge potatoes in one has ket, but It is a common thing for Mr Holllnger and his good wife to seo such largo potatoes. Wo will mention just hero that we lire thankful to tho twain for the potatoes and tor their remem lierlng ye editor. All such mementoes thankfully received. May your potatoes never grow less. Ready to Act. The Hoard of Trude met in Centeir uiul hull last Friday evening. The coir stltutlon and by-laws drafted by tho committee ut the previous meeting, wero roud and adopted. Tho regular meeting of the Hoard is to lie hold on tho first Friday of each month at 7: '10 P. M. Tho mombcmhlp fee is two dol lum and the duos are not to exceed two dollars per year. Tho secretary's salary was fixed ut twenty-five dollars a year for tho first yeur. The amount of the treasurer's bond is $."i00.00 and tho see rotary's $.100.00. Tho constitution and by-laws ui-e to ba printed and each member to recolve a copy of tho same. The Roai-d is now in working order and tho various committees will, no doubt, actively look after their respective bus iness. State Examination. Thu State examination for mine in' spectors is lielng held in tho Court House at Pittsburg this week. These examinations are held every four years. There are eight vacancies to be filled. In consideration of tho fuct that tho po sition of mine inspector pays two thoug and dollars a yeur and all expenses it is not to be wondorod ut that over ono hundred men will appear before tho ex amlning committee this week with a vlow of being ono of tho lucky eight Among the number is John D. Lowther, of our town, who wont to Pittsburg Monday afternoon. Mr. Lowther passed a good examination twelve years ago and was entitled to tho position then, but at that timo political Influence guvo "unto tho victor tho spoils," and as ho did not stand In as well as somo othors he was not "ono of thorn." The law has been chaugod and now tho man who passes thu best examination gets the job. The School Board Restrained from Issuing Bonds. Holow wo glvo the order issued by Judge Clark last Friday restraining thu School Hoard of this borough from Issu ing bonds for school building purjsises. Thu board made a motion asking tho Court to dissolve the preliminary injunc tion, which was sent to Judge ('lurk at larlon this week. Just how long it will be now before n new school building will lie erected In Reynoldsvillo is one of the uncertainties: And now. April 7th. 1W.1. tho forego ing motion for a preliminary injunction, bill in equity nnd injunction affidavits. having b'eii fully considered by mo, it s hereby ordered and decreed that tho said above named respondents, School Directors of the Horough of ueynoldsvillo, be and are tierehy en- lolned anil restrained from Issuing mpoii homts In Hie amount of forty thousand f lo.noo) dollars or any part t Heroin, lo pay any luileliteilnoss t lint. may have or might be created lo pay tor school sites ami school liulliliiigs thereon, or from negotiating said bonds or any part of tho same, or from evying tnxes in said district to my the principle or interest that might lecomo due on the same, or from pur 'basing soIiihiI sites nnd building school house or houses from anil out, of the proceeds of said bonds, if any, In pur suance of any action taken by said school board by resolution of 20th of May, or in pursuance of an elec tion held the 2"th day of June, 1K02, for tho purpose of obtaining the assent of tho electors of the said Horough for an increase of indebtedness, pending- tho the determination of the Hill in Equity filed In the "' "tated case until tho final hearing therein, of tho further order of the Court.- And It Is further ordered that tho complainants' Isind. with sureties in the sum ol three tlioiisand dollars, dated March 22, K!, lie und is hereby un proved. liy the court, E. Heath Clark, Pres. Judge. Certified from the record, W. A. Neai.k, Prothonotnry. Arrested for Assault. A knock-down occurred in front of King & Co.'s store Monday evening which resulted In the follow who done the knocking, Archie Huntingdon, be ing arrested yesterday afternoon for ag gravated assault, lie gnvo $.'100.00 bail for his appearance nt Esq. E. Neff's olllco nt ten o'clock to-morrow morning for a hearing. The circumstances as given to a representative of the STAR were as follows: Archie Huntingdon ordered a bale of hay from King & Co., which was sent to his home und when the driver got it on his shoulder to carry to tho barn and had gotten into the front yard Ills team started. Ho dropped the hay to stop tile team. He hud some other goods lo deliver and when he caught up to the team decided to drive on. Intend ing to carry the hay to the barn on his way back. In the mean time Mr. Hunt ingdon, who works ut night on the It. ' F. C. R'y, started to his work and when he came to King tc Co.'s store he found Mr. Coleman at the weigh scales weighing a horse. Archie laid In a complaint about the hay lielng left in his front yard and u few words passed between them when Archie, while Coleman was paying attention to the weighing, gave him a right-hander on the jaw As u natural result Mr. Cole man dropped hard and the back of bis head struck the edge of u stone and he did not know what was the mutter with him forsevi'ral minutes afterwards. Two "g'.V gashes, each one an inch long, wero cut on the back of his head, one across the other, similar to an X, only not quite as neat. While Archie was getting into trouble alsiut the buy the driver returned from his trip und car ried it to tho barn. Enforce Sanitation. The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council should have liccn held on tho first Monday in April but on account of other business it was post Mined until tho following Thursday. No quorum being present that evening it was post poned until Monday night of this week. Tliero was not enough councllmen pre sent to do business und aguln it wuh postponed, Some action should 1)0 taken before many more days ubout having back yards und other disease producing pluees looked after. There should bo a thorough cleaning up and sanitation of tho streets, alleys, byways and premises where any sort of accumu lation threatens the general health or comfort of our citizens. The coming scuson, according to often refloated statements, will be ono of lurking danger In un anticipated invasion of the cholera, but even if no danger should como from that source tho necessity for tho thorough purification always exists, und every effort mude to secure it by the officials who bo in authority should bo promptly mot and heartily sustuinod by every ono who regards physical com fort and healthful surroundings as dosirublo and health-giving. An ounce of prevention in the removal of refuse heaps, may be worth more thun pounds of uncffoctuul ellort after awhile. Dissolved. Tho partnemhip heretofore existing between Ed. Reilly and Miles Wulsh, as proprietors of Hotel America, was dis solved on th) 7th of April, 189.1, Miles Walsh retiring from tho business. All outstanding bills are to be paid to the undersigned, und all bills contracted by tho firm before the dissolution, will bo paid by me. Ed. Reilly. For 8ale. A houso and lot on Juckson street, Enquire of Jos. Boody. Unsurpassed Here. We feel safe in saying that there never has b-en nn opening In Reynolds villo where a store has been ns neatly and tastily trimmed and the goods dis played so advantageously as J. H. Ar nolds' spring oH;ning last Thursday evening. Herman Sindorf, tho clerk, has giHsl tasto nnd thoroughly under stands fixing up a storo in fine style. The Interior of the store, from one end to the other nnd from flisir to coiling showed tho touch of a skillful blind. Resides the lino goods used to beautify tho store room, a numb t of potted plants were placed here and there through the room. In addition to tho four large gas lamps always used, five or six parlor lamps with colored trim mings, wore plne.'d whore their shining would show things oil to the best ad vantage. A music box produe 'd sweet music for the occasion. The now goods, flowers, music box, proprie'or mid clerk all vied with each other in trying to make it pleasant for the large number of ladles who accepted Mr. Arnold's In vitation published In last week's STAR to attend the opening. The unanimous verdict was that it surpassed anything of the kind ever shown in town. It was not the work of a day, however, but tho result of almost two weeks hard work by Mr. Sindorf. There Is plenty of hard work and some cxiicnao connected with opening days, but it has a tenden cy to ploliso tho ladles. It may not bo out of placo to say right here that within tho past year many of our Reynoldsvillo store- hnvo boon fixing up their goods to show off to tho best advantage. After a visit to our various dry giHKls stores, gents' furnishing stores, tailoring establishments, jewelry palaces, drug stores, hardware stores, grocery stores, Ac, Ac, why should people find it necessary to go to neigh boring towns to buy what they can get at home? Tho business men of this town seem to Iks putting forth more of nn effort to please the people and they should he encouraged by your patron age. Rend the advertising columns of tho STAR and see what inducements our merchants aro offering for you to buy nt home. Excursion Tickets to the World's Fair. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company announces that the Trunk Line Passen ger committee has authorized the rail road to sell excursion tickets toChicago on account of tho World's Columbian Exposition on u basis of $40 from Now York by fast express trains, and M2 by express trains scheduled to mako tho run in thirty-livo hours or more. Pro portionate rates will prevail from all stations In Trunk Line territory. Tho round-trip rate from Philadelphia will ba Mll.no by fast trains, and 2!.20 by the thirty-five-hour trains, starting from New York. From Washington and Baltimore the rate will be .'I4..10 by fust express trains, und 27.liO by slow tin ins. These tickets will not admit of usto- olT en route, and can lie used for a con tinuous passage only. The tickets will lie on sale from April 1.1th to October .10th inclusive, and will lie valid for return trip until November 15th, JHIl.1. All tho lines lending to Chicago will sell tickets good for passage going by ono route returning by unother, so that a person may go out by tho Pennsyl vania Railroad, und, if he wills, return by the New York Central, Baltimore nnd Ohio, Erie, or nny other trunk line, or go out by any other line and return by the Pennsylvania. Figs and Thistles. Ilium's llnrn.l Golden opportunities fly low, but they tly swift. Whoever opposes truth Is bound to come out a loser by It. Love's name can be written only in blood drawn from its own heart. Tho devil has no fault to find with tho man who is in love with himself. Tho man who talks much about him self will always have a tired audience. The hypocrite throws away his mask whenever he feels sure that ho isn't watched. Tho heart is tho largest thing in tho world, because it takes more than tho world to fill it. If you want to have power to load others, learn to control the man who wears your own hat. Tho woman who paints her cheeks and the man who dyes his whiskers never fool but one person. Special Offer. We uro making a special offer to each of our readers paying a year's subscrip tion to the Star in advance, und to all now subscribers paying in advance, wo will give them the best local paper In Jefferson county and will give them free, either tho HomdiifciwI or Ameri can Farmer, for one year. The two papers ubove mentioned uro excellent monthly papers and the subscription price of each Is $1.00 a year. This offer is made only to those la Pennsylvania. See Robinson's patent tip $2.00 shoo for ladies. Fancy white middlings $2.1 per ton at Swartz's. Men's seamless work shoes $1.I0 ut Robinson's. Ladles clean your kid gloves with Mousquetaire glove cleaner, for sale only by J. D. Arnold, tho leading houso III town, for dressed and uudressed kid glove l(i all the most desirable shades. PERSONALS. -Miss Mary Cooper Is in DuBois this week. (Mins. B. French Is in Pittsburg this week. Mrs. O. Bohren visited friends In Dn Bois last Week. A. D. Deemor, of B rook vi lie, was in town last evening-. Mrs. John Iord spent Sunday with fri -nds In DuBois. Miss Mollle Enewine Is seriously HI with typhoid fever. Charles Kah visited his parents at Fairinonnt several days last week. N. O. Pimicy, of Brookvillo, was in Reynoldsvllle on business Thursday. Jus. II. Clover and wife, of Brook villo, visit -d R ynoldsvillo last week. Mrs. Catherine Foust, of Hunting don, Is visiting her son. Dr. J. W. Foust, at this place. Mrs. Clara Roll, of Brookvillo, visited her sous, David and Fin. Roll, at this plnco during the week. R. W. Norrls. who has boon at home on a vacation, returned to Waynesburg Monday to attend college. Misses Agnes nnd Rebecca Thomas, of Anita, Pa., are visiting Robert and M. Thomas, nt this place. Rev. J. C. McEntlre, of this plnco, filled the pulpit of the M. E. church at Punxsutawney Inst Sunday. Mrs. AnnaStewart nnd Harry Stlnson, of Titusville, visited John C. Barto family several days lust week. H. B. Ynughiin, of Now York, a member of the tunnery firm at this place, was in town several days last week. Mrs. John Doylo and son, Joseph, of Clarion, are visiting Mrs. Doyle's par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Watson, nt this plnco. Miss H. J. Nicklo, formerly of Km lenton, Pu., will open a store in tho Woodward building on Main street in a short timo. Mrs. W. H. Bell has been dangerous ly ill during the past week. Little hojies were entertained of her recovery at one time. Mrs. John W. Peters, of East Brady, has been visiting her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Lattimer, nt this place during the past week. E. W. MeMillen. Democratic candi date for sheriff, formerly of McCalmont township, is now a resident of Reynolds vllle. He moved his family onto Grant street last week. Hermnn Sindorf, J. B. Arnold's dork, went to his home at, DuBois Saturday evening suffering from u severo cold, but, was able to return to Reynoldsvllle Mondny afternoon. Dr. S. S. Gilson. of Pittsburg, who has preached In the Preshyterinn church nt this place the past two Sun days, was one of Dr. S. Reynolds' school mates thirty years ago. Mrs. Richard Humplicy, formerly of Reynoldsvillo, now of Geary, Westmor land county, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. O. H. Broadhead nt Rathmol and J. M. Humphrey's family at this place. Dr. F. M. Phlllippi. of Caracas, Ven ezuela, South America, whom wo men tioned last woek of passing through this pliioo on his way to Sykesville, vis ited friends In this place the latter part of last week. Rev. 1. J. Slattery is in Buffalo, N. Y., this week attending the meeting of the Itinerant Club of the M. E. church of tho United States. Each conference has a representative there. Soven Bishops will lie in attendance. Mrs. A. G. Brown, of Prescottville. was called to the home of her parents at Chattams Run, near Lock Haven, on Monday on account of a brother, Grant Grosser, a brakeman on tho Beech Creek railroad, getting ono of his nrms badly crushed. Geo. W. Sykes and wife, who have been visiting ut Hutchison, Minnesota, tho home of Mrs, Sykos' parents, and at St. Paul and Chicago, where Mr. Sykes has been looking after somo business in terests for the woolen mill at this place, will return homo this week. Misses Lulu und Mary Reynolds, of Prescottville, duughters of Dr. W. H. Reynolds, left on the west-bound train Monduy morning for a trip over six states, to Montpelier, Idaho, near the border line of Wyoming, where their ! journey ends and if they like the place they will remain there for sometime. I IU TdM Ai.nnl.1 ,liin,rVi.n of V? I." Arnold, and ex-bunker of this place, who has been attending the Conserva tory of Music at Boston, Mass., since the Ilth of lost September, will return home to-morrow afternoon. Miss Ar nold has visited most all the places of interest in and around Boston, during her stay there. Dr. W. H. Slack, who was a teacher in our public schools for several terms, and who hus just finished tho first year's course at the West Penn Medicine Col lege, was In Reynoldsvllle this week, Mr. Sluck Is looking well, therefore, we conclude that It agrees with him to be a student at the West Penn. He has un exalted opinion of the profession he hus chooscn and the deeper he pries Into It the more he thinks it Is some thing to be highly esteemod and honored by all who have M. 1). attached to their