star ' M HT 'V'fll. Ill KlrUHlY. I ! '11 -rll MilpiT. ltlMUIll'll.Vlry ! ii u iif. .ii-it.. -mii i ' m 'm 'm i1 rni)f Itr viim'iK vll It : -I 'Milt V. Vltl-hl!i' li-lll. H III Ill-Ill Mil 'III htH)lt'hlll,V fl'll'llll I, i .i-l.r tl44. i't . f -'I VIlM'f' VI"! I", III 1 1 VII lll'l', i "! 'n'iMiilril fur iiiiIiIIimiMiiii i rinit'il liy'lii wflii'i'w iiiiiim. ' " ' 'mm 'til rn n rllll'tlll f I'l ! Ill" iiim'm Irnm miIIi'I'imI, - Mlll'lc kl'l" II mi ll1ilMl'M , i ! -n iniiiU' lilm-k. i viilMlt ti'liitiM Mini rliillliri' nf i''s ilitiilil rnli'h Illl nlllri liy I ,-' i r -..i'iiiittl'itf ttmi to A. Hlriili , iiiif .. " 1 in imimIiiMIi'i' nt ftpynnhNvllli', . . ' miii II mil " , pi aii'i nil ly ' c. Illl- no . till ' t.r It " .V on r - .-t ..... iim( l:,l(.ir mill ltih. 't:niNIY AIMM!. 12. tKl !) I i ' M i'Miiir fur "tli"r l ii Hiiro ye ' l'ti'-i ' v 'urn "If. Tiff' "III ti no liquor or liiM'r Hiilil In S'ii'i 1 mi xi",pt l.v tin1 Ktuti", nf-t.-r .Inly Int. I".'l. Tli" tinlic timix mi tlmt tin tiii" will nut u 't tlminnh with lln work that I Ii foi'i- ttuMii In tiniK to Hil joui'il miii' if''1 l fiiri" tii" liwt of May. Many pi'oplc tin wltli opportiinltii'H as oliildr'Mi fn nt tin) wa-Hlioro: tlu-y (111 ttn'lr littlo ImniN with mintl. anil then lot tin1 KTiiin fall tlii'iiiili nno liy nun till nil aro emio. It takod four tlilnifH to Ik; a (,'ontlo nuin: Vou must 1) a jrontloiniin In prini'iploH. a nvntlenmn In jimr tutin. n jTonllonmn in your ltinnnor, nnil n con tli'inim in your pormin. Don't wliino. Kirk, Htrutrlo, hIiiU ; but ilon't whlno. Vou may mako nooin plaint lint lot it bo In a manly, Ktanil-up, onoo-for-nll fashion. Dont ilrl..lo for ovor: hut pour, and stop. It Is tho poovish, illsruntlod, lnoossant lamont. It Is thn whlno that wears. A vigorous tompest. il hourly soolil, wo oan stanil. Tho oak will braoo Itself mjainst tho Htorm nnil ilofy It. It ilosplsos tho worm at Its heart that lioroson and kills It. Who I'ousoh himself to resist u whlno? It is too contemptible toawiik cn resistance, and yet It has Its effect. The henven'y light In which virtue reveals hci w lf to tho ininil, humlilos us by showing tho defect of our principle, and saddens us by revealing tho de formity of our character. I'alnful us tho light Is. wo would not dim its luster; faded as is our moral comeliness, wo would not mar tho beauty of virtue, nor pull her down to our low level. ( n tho contrary, fascinated witli her charms, tho pui'iKisos of tho mind are stirred up to woo and wed her; to east off Its soiled and defiled garments and clothe Itse'f In her bountiful Image. A luto essayist says tho newspaper is so comprehensive in its scope, so uni versal In administering to the wants of all classoH, and of every occupation in llfo, that It brings, us it were, tho llnaiiolul mi commercial markets of tho world to our counting rooms, so that it may bo truly said that u good udvortise mont In a widely circulated nowspiicr in tho host of nil possible salesman one who never sloops and is never weiiry, who gocH after business curly and late, who accosts the merchant In his shop, the lawyer in his office, tho student In his study, the cultivated woman at tho tlrosido, who can ho In a thousand places at once, and uddress a million of people each day, snylng only tho best things at tho right time and in tho liest manner. Tho frequency with which lynch law I applied In many parts of tho United States to-day Is a blot upon our civiliza tion. It is anarchy In its worst form, and a public spirit should lie aroused nguiust tt which will suppress It. No inun should bo deprived of any right, more vspeciully tho right to life, until ho has been notiliedof thu charges against him, confronted with his licensers, given an opportunity to produce his witnesses, and cross-examine those produced against htm, und been tried and judged by Impartial triers. This Is the foun dation of security for all social rights, and when this idea Is put aside we have anarchy pure und simple. The thing Is not to be tolerated among a civilized people. It should bo suppressed, and public opinion Is tho ugency by which It U to bo suppi'cssed. The habit of ton-owing trouble in wrong, because it has a tendency to make us overlook present blessings, writes Dr. Tulmuge. To sluko our thirst the rock is cleft, and cool waters leap into our brimming cups. To feed our. hungor tho fields bow down with bending wheat, and tho cattle come down with full udders from- the clover pastures to give us milk, and tho orchards yellow and ripen, casting their juicy fruits into our lups. Alas! that amid such exuberance of blessings we should growl us though wo were soldiers on half rations, or sailors on short allowances; that wo should stund neck-deep in harvests, looking forward to famine; that one should foci the strong pulses of health marching with regular tread through all the avenue of life, and yet tremble at the expected assault of sicklies.; that we should sit in our pleasant homes, fearful that ruth less want will uome day ruttlo tho broken window-Muh with tempest, and sweep the coals from the hearth, and pour hunger Into the bread tray; that we who are fed by Him who owns all -1 1 .. . . 1 .1 Avauu,t ... ..... .... It is to bo lamented that this and nil comimmitleK have those who are ko ready tosH'iik lightly of woman's char acter. If tho persons who aro so iviuly with iinaiithentieated cluirgeM to lay at the door of some Iimoi'i'iit. woman, would slop und think font moment upon what il'iu-nds "ii (o purity nt w'ommi, til y on Id not bo ho fast to In Jest or in earii 'st bring charges Hint if looked Into would plac the perpetrator b liind bars, where ho so richly deserves to In-. Whatever of greatness wo expect, to attain to, either an Individual, as fam ilies or ns n nation, doicn1s upon the i-nf gimrds miii pint ctlon wo throw around our moth rs uiul sisters, for to wip out her purity Is to sink man h tn'iith the waves of despair, with no slur to guide his life Into a chami 'l of snMy. 'I'h,. roughest hand may pluck out and dost ruy the fairest Mower, and the vilest and most blasphemous tough may destroy the fair tiaine of a virtuous woman. l'un.xsutawney iS'n'r. "Six days shalt thou lalmr." says the great lawgiver. To do good work man must h" at his b 't. This condition Is attained by the use of Ayer's Sarsupar II hi. Il overcomes that tired feeling, quickens the appetite, Improves inges tion, and makes the weak strong. ( hits this week only 4.'ic. at Swartz's. Fire Insurance Since INT. Norwood ( i. I'liuiey. Hrook ville. Pa. Did mid reliable companies represented. .Vo 'iiiZ' ti'ii . All orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Walter Spry, of HeynohNvillo, Is my authorized and licensed solicitor, t'y clone policies nlso written. (1-21. t'hlldren's tan shoes 7'ie. and $1.00 at liobinson's. Special Notice. Try in buggies, they are as good us the best, und low In price. Von will pay middle men a big price and get no bet ter. .1. IC. Johnston, Kulluuel. Try liobinson's $2.00 line shoe for men. A Mnfflietlc Ifteotfr. A clever contrivance has liccn invent ed for the detection of small pieces of magnetizable metal, such as needles, tacks, steel and iron chips, etc., tliut may have entered tho human liody unawares, and hidden themselves in tho skin or deeper tissues. Tho instrument was do vised by Dr. .1. U. Williams ntul consists essentially of u partially nstntic combi nation of small magnetic needles sus pended within n glass tulie, the tulio be ing covered with tinfoil to minimize electric action, except for n mnall space through which the needle can be ob served. It is claimed that tho instru ment is sufficiently delicate to detect tho presence of one-eighth of nn inch of steel or iron wire at u distance of six inches from itself. New York Telegram. Wllllt Vou Hlmot III rllilllb A niival officer onco told tho writer that pheasant shooting in China was Very fair and would be really good if there were not so many obstacles uliout to enjoying it comfortably, lie said that the people were so numerous that if you let a gun go off almost anywhere in Chi na you were pretty suro to hit a China man. They seemed easy, however, to deal with, u small present ns damages sending them nwny in a contented Btute of mind, and indeed this naval authority did sny that they would sometimes try to get in the shooter's way on purpose to get these damages. Miieniilhiu's Magu- Inillittion In ths Muttvr of Ircu. Imitation is one of tho most marked characteristics of lniuiun nature, and in nothing is this more noticeable than in the mutter of dress. To the desire to do as others do may Is? attributed the prev alence of almost ull the fashions that have existed since the days when our primitive ancestors donned their unpre tentious fig leaves. London Tit-Bits. Metal Tie For lloadbeda. Numerous metal ties have been invent ed and many railroads have tried them, hut all have proved unsatisfactory. The principal objections to them are based on their cost and their nonelasticity. A track laid on metal ties wears out roll ing stock much faster than one laid on timber. New York Tribune. Tempting Frovldeuce. "Mary Jane," suid the Dukota farmer to his spouse, "it seems likeflyin in the face of Providence to name the boy Elijah. It sounds too much like the old feller in the Bible that was carried away by a cyclone. I don't think it's a proper name at all fer this country." Indianap olis Journal. (iuernmeut "Deadhead.' In Borne of the departments at Wash ington there are so many clerks that the DBeless ones stand in the way of those Who are disposed to work. The working clerks are a splendid force of experienced and capable inen, but the Tite Barnacles are found everywhere. Pittsburg Post. It is a common thing for actors and actresses ou the road to send money or ders to themselves at coining places on their route lists, which is often the only care for the future many of them will take. Catullus Luctatius killed himself in a peculiarly painful manner by swallow tng coals of fire and supplementing them with a piece of redhot iron. - Art, so fur as it has the ability, follows nature as a pupil imitates his master, so that art must be, as it were, a descend ant of God. Dante. Ths average weight of the Chinese brain is said to be heavier than the aver age weight of ths brain of ivj other rues. CAUTION NOTICK. Not li'p l tioreliy cl veil Unit I piin'tiiiseil, on April '2, Isii?, t lie personnl iirnperiv nf II. K. Ciililut'll, In Wlnslnw iownhtp. I'onslKtlntf of t teilln irrev (ll'lifl horses, I sel iloiihle Itm ness, I hi'I lioli sfnls. I eiilt Itiu Imix, I pulr My nets, t reek sieve, 2 ImtiMllls, I si mill, 2 sets Yhlllrs, '1 lieilstiMiits. i liiltles. I wnsli sliinil, t lilivu left Hie snine In tils pussessluii hi my option anil illl persons urn wuriiisl mil to uiciliOn or inti'ifem In tiny iniiniier n-lih ilii.iliiie iiien tiotiiMl property. M. M. I'isiirii. HcyiiiiliNvllte, April II, 'irt. llnllYcmti (Mtnc fiillc. I1'I'KA1., KOCHKSTKU ft PITTS HCKim KAIIAVAY. The sliini line hctuccn litillnts. Ulihruny, lliailfMtil, Siiliiimiiieii, Itiilliilo. KiM'hesler. NhiL'iiru Pulls nnil miIiis In the upper oil ri'L'lim. on mill uflei- Nov. t:nli, IMrJ. pussen uer Inilits ulll tin Ive uiul ih purl frnni fulls Creek mi til ion, ilally, exi'epl Sunday, us fol lows: liio A. M. Iliiiilforil Ai'eiiiiininiliilliiii Tor Points North letvi-ili I nils I leek mnl lltiiflfniil. 7:t.'i n. in. tnlti'il trtiln for l'iininnwiiev. 10 II.', A.M. Iluiilih until IliN-lii'sier mull Fur llrue1 utivt I Me. ltlilu'uii.v..liitiii-oiiliiiiir.Mi. Jewell, lit hiUiii ll. Sil himillleil. till II it In II ml llitehe-ler: eoln llll'J HI .Inlilistilitilll tf with I. A K. inilit :i. fur Uih-nx, Kane, tin en. I 'tit i y ntul I'.i le. 10:55 A. M. Aeeitiiiinuiltit Inn I'm- liiiltnls, S kes, Itiu Itun nnil riiiisiiln) nev. I I1. Yl. lllinlfiMil Ac. emiiHiihilliill l ot Meet'litiee, HiiH'k)H Hie, I'illnntlil, Tur moil. Itl'lu'wuy, Joloisiiiilmm, Ml., le well ntul Hi tiiirmd'. 4:111 I'. M.- Mull- Fur liiilluls, Hykes, lilx Itun, Piinxsiiltiuiiev mnl Wiitsimt. Tifift P.M. Ai'i'oiiiiiiiul'mloii For Imllols, lllv Itun nml I'uiiN-i.MiiMii'V. Trnlna Arrive-7:1" A. M., Ari'iiininoiliitlim ruiixsHinuuey : n:U'i A.M. .Mull ftotn ul Hiim nml I'uiixsiiltiwney: In:.pt5 A. M., Ar I'ominoilmlon from lliinlfoiil: 1:2a P. M., A imiiioiliiiliin from I'linxsiittmtiev; 4:.M I'. M., Mull from IttilTiiln nml Ids hester; 7:.Vi P. M., Ai'i'iimmiMliiliou fiom lliinlfoiil. Tliotlstitnl mile ttekets til Iwn rents mt mile. iriMiil for pusstiue hetween till siiillntis. .1. II. Mi Intviik. Ailetil. Fulls ereek, I'll. .1. II. llAIIIII'TT F.. I'. I.AI'KT, (lenettil Supl. lien. Pus. Auent lliinlfoiil. I'll. KiH-hester, N. Y. 4 M.KCIIKNY VAM.KY ISAUAVAY COMPANY conimonelnir Sunday Dec. IX. IHU2. Ixiw tirade Division. rASTWAim. STATIONS. No. l.No..l.No.i. Illl I n A. M '. M Keil Hunk I.iiwsonhtiin .... New lli'lhlehem I'uk H !)-. Mtiysvllle Suiiutieivllle llriHikvllle Hell Fuller Koytiolilsvltlc .. I'lineiiusl I'ullsl'ieek liiilluls Sill. Ulll Wlitterliiirti .... I'ellllelll Tyler lilen Fisher Itene'tle Ilriinl lirlfiniHiil la 4.' Ill ,ri7 4 4 4:1 II ;m ll :is ft 17 ft ;. ft l n II 40 I'! Il'i ft ;u ft .VI1 II CI II pi A :nii ft "in H III II III ii is il :u Ii 41 I nn I IN I -i I ;i'i II Ml II ft" II 4 II ftsl 7 H II V. 7 III 7 I" 7 2:1 7 :ii III V, I :m I 4 .V 7 X II Id I 4 7 4s 1 AM I IV 2 IV s nn S IH! 7 41 7 ftl s III s III s v 2 4 : 1 .ii K 41 s in n :m II lie' M ft." :i '.ii it i'. P M A. M A. M.I P. II. WKSTWAIIII. STATIONS. No.'!! 'No.liil IKl tiiirtwiiod .... Ilrtinl Ilelieel le .... lilen Fisher... Tvler I'enlleld Wllllerlllll'll .. Sulitllll liiilluls I'lillsi'ieek ... I'll neniisl Kevnnhlsvllle Fuller Hell Iltonkvllle... Siiinmervllle.. Muvsvllle Utililtlik'e ft nn II ft :nl 7 m 7 in 7 an ft 41 ft .VI il ikh II I!' 11 i'i 11 :i7i 7 inl 7 21 1 s nn s I-: S 2ft 12 aft! ft 411 ft ,m S If! I S 411 1; S Is ll lift! II 17 II 2ft II 411 in 111; in is: in 2ft, s in s l! s :is S V7 ti in! 11 l.v! II 47j III Ol, I. M.I New Itelhlelieni l.liustiuhiiiii. lied Hunk.... Trains dully except Siiudiiy. DA VI II Mcl'.Wtlitl. (iKN'i,. si it.. I'll l-l. int'. I'll. .IAS. I'.ANIiKIISoN.C.KN'l.. IMss. Aiit.. I'lllshurK, I'ii J KN NS Y LV ANIA IlAIt.KO.M). IN F.FFKlT IIF.CF.MIIKII IX, IHWi, I'hlllldelphlll Fi le Itullrnuil lilt Isloa Time T11 lilf. Trulim leave Driftwood, F.ASTWAItl) 11:04 A M-T111I11 s, dally exeepl Htimliiy for Sunliiiry, lliirrlshurir mid interiiteilluie slu tlniiM, urrlvlnir tit IMilliidelphla il:ft(i p. m., New York. 11:1.", . m .i Hit ll linore. II :4ft p. M.: Wash 1 111; I nn, S: Ift p. M. I'ullliilin I'lirliir eiu from Vlllltuiisinri mid piiNsenuei' enuelies from Katie to I'hlliiilelphhi. !l:!ls I. M . Ti n In II, dully exeepl Huiidiiy for llurrishiirir mnl Inlerinedlate stulliins, iir rlvluit tit I'lilliiilelphlii 4:2ft A. M.i New York, 7:ln A, M. Tlllnilifh enlieli finlil liiilluls lo VilllttmsHirl. riillmuii Sleeplnir ears fixini lliirrlstiiii'ir lo I'lilliiilelphlii and New York. I'lilludelplilu piisseuirers emi remain In sleeiier uudKliii lsMl tint II 7:m A. M. l::ift I'. M .Train 4. dully fur Siinhtiry. Harris Inirir mid liiiermedlale stations, 11 i-rl vlnir at. I'hiludelllhlll, ll:.MI A. M.i New York, ll::il A. M. Itall I nun e. (1.211 A. XI.; WiishliiKluii, 7::l a.m. I'lillmtiii ours und ptisseiurei' euuelui from Fi le unci U lllluiie..i t to I'hiladeliililii. I'ussenirers In sleeH'r for Itiiltiinnre mnl W11-I1I11KI1111 nill lie IraiisfeiTed into Wusli Iniftoli sieeper lit lliirrlsliiiri;. . WKSTWAKII. 7: A. M. Train I, dully exeepl Handily for Itldicway, Uiillols, Clerniiiut mid Inter mediate stations. Leaves KUIifwiiy at :i:uu p. M. fnrKrle. H:ftU A. M.--T111I11 II, ilally fur Erin und Inter mediate puluts. 6:27 I'. M. Train II. dally except Huadiiy for Kline and hit erined lale stat Ions. TIIKOI'lill TUAINS I'UK liltlPTWlMll) FltO.M THE FAST ANI SOl TH. TItAIN II leaves I'hiladeliililii S:.M a. 111.; WiiKlilmttoii, ".Mia. m.i Hiiltlinorc, H:4ft A. M.i Wilkesliarii', 10:1ft a. m.i dully except Han dily, urrlvlnir at llrlftwond lit 11:27 p. M. with I'iiIIiiiuii I'm lor car frnni I'lilludiilphlu to VllliainsHirl. TItAIN ;t leaves New York lit K p. 111.; I'hllii deliihlu, 11:20 p. m.i WuslilnKtoii, 10.40 a. m.i llalllmore, 11:40 p. m.i dully urrlvluic ut lirlflwiKHl at ll:.VI 11. ni. I'lillmiiii sleejiltiK rurs fixini IMilludeliihiii to F.rto and from Wusliliiitton und Htilttinoii. to WIUtiimsiKirt and lltrouiili piiKM'iiirer eoui'lies fiimi I'hlla delphlu to Fi le und llaltlinore lo WIIIIhiiih port und to D11 Itols. TItAIN I leaves Itcnovo ut ::ift u. ni., ilally except Hiiiulay, urrlvlnx ut lirlflwiKHl 7:;ift 11. 111. .tohnsonbuim; kailiioad. (Daily except Sunday.) TItAIN 19 leaves Uidtfwuy at 11:40 11. m.i Jolin- HonliurK ut :M u. 111., arriving ut I leiiiiiint at 10:4ft a. in. TItAIN 20 leaves Clermont lit I0:ftft , m. nr- rlvlnir ut Johiisouliiiric ut 11:40 h. 111. unci Itlduwiiy lit ll:.V it. in. JIIXWAY & CLKAKFIKLD U. K. DAILY F.YCK1T SUNDAY. KOtrniWAHD. NOltTIIWAKI). I'.M A.M. STATIONS. A.M. P.M. mo 1140" itWwiiy Til) 7i 12 is U4N Islauil Kuu 120 6 ftl 12 22 UftJ Mill lluven I III tl 411 I2:il 1002 Croylaml IKl 6:1ft 12:is 10 to Shorts Mills , 12ftll II ao 1ft 42 10 Ift llluv Kis'k ( 12 M 11 2ft 12 44 10 17 Vlneyiinl ltllll 12 A2 U 2:1 12 4H 20 2U furrier 13 AO SSI 1 1)1 I0:k llrockwuyvlllo 12 :w DIM 1 10 10 42 Mi-Minn Summit 12.11 Sft7 114 HI4S Hiirvuys Hun I22H Aft2 1211 lllftft Fulls C'ri'ok 12 20 5 4ft 14ft HOT. UiiIIoIh 12U'i ftJU TUAINS I.EAVK ItllKIWAY. Rustwunl. Wiwtwunl. Trains, 7:17 u. ni. Train 3, ll:: . m. Train 6, 1:4ft p. ni. Train I, !l:0U p. ui. Trulu 4, 7:5ft p.m. Trulu 11,11:28 u. ni. ( II AS. K. I'llUII, lien. MunuKvr. J. It. WOOD, (Ion. 1'hss. Ag't. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Vrotlioiictiirit, V'rit. JlHHl I'ltoflniMiTAHV, Wil.t.iAM 11. HUTTKIt. (it ni.i.i: llonoi'iiii. Hiilijeel lo net Inn nf i lie repnlilli'iins nf .lelfer miti l o. m I lie pr unary elerl Inn, June 17, Ihiij, Sthrvlff. J,MIU Sit Fill IF, K NKI'K. Or IIcvmii.iisvii.i.i: Itiinul iill. Slllileel tottellnllnf I lie le, nil III 'II lis of . son I'o. ill :iepitnti eleel inn. June 17 elTer ism. pill MIFItll F. IVII) fi. (iOCIU.I'.Y. 1 f IIiiiiiikvii.i r. Ilnmii oti. Slllieet I o net Inn of the l eplltillenns of . son to. ui I lie pi I inn i etc. I inn. June I, lelTer- ', sll. pill slll-.UII I . CIIAItl.KSd. WILSON, 111" I'l'N.Xsl'TAU NKY llOIIOI'tlll. Slllijeel to uel Inn nf I he I eptllil letins f JelTer- sun I'ii. at l he pi luiiii eh i Inn, June 17, ISIKI. J.'UHMIFIIIIT. (;i:ol!(iK W. WAltNK'K, OK Kl.VNIII.IISVII.I.K IIiiIIOI IIII, Sulijeet lo net Inn of I he lepithl leans i if son t'o. at Hie I'llmury fleet inn, June i: JelTer i, li;i. pilt SI I Fill IF, K Y. Mc.MILLKN. I if Mi'Cai.mant Township, Hllli.leel tn netloli of 1 he lleliHH't-ltts of JelTiT. son Co. ill Hie primary eleellou, lone, sim. e on ut i Critiirr, pilt THF.AHI'IIEIt, .lolIN WAITK. okWinsmiw Township, Hllli.leel lo net Inn of the repilhlh'llllsof JelTer soii'Co. ut tin' primary clcel ion, June 17, lsi:i. pok N. I). COKKY, tir I'I NXSI TAWNKT IIOIIOI'llll, Huli.lei'l to uel loll of the ropuhllrmis of JelTer. son Co. at the pilinary eleetlnn, June 17, s'.i;i., V. W. CIIISSMAN. HI I'l.A vvii.i.i: llonoi'iiii, Hiitijeet to net loii nf the repitlilleiitis of Jeffer son Co. al tlie primary eleetloti, June 17, IstM. AIU'Hl'K MOFUUStiN, tr I'.nion Township, Slllijeel lo lielliill of the replllilli-mis nf JefTer sou Co. at Ihe primary eleetlnn lime 17, IstM. o0iiitiitlniirr. pilt CIIMMISSIUNFII. Y. T. COX, Or Winsi.ow Township, Siili.leel toaellonof the repulilli'tinsiif letTer sou Co. at Hie primary eleeiioti, June 17, s!M. I lit, DANIKt.. HUKWKIt. ok I'kiiiiy Township. Slllijeel to aelloll of Hie repulllleuus of JelTer son Co. al Ihe I'riinaiy eleellou, June 17, s!:i. pill, .lOSKI'II DAKK, Sllli.ieet to uel ion of Ihe repuhlieuns of JelTer sou Co. ill the prlinury eleetlnn. June 17, Is1i:l. pill COMMISSIiiNFII. .lOSKI'II HULLKIW, Or Waiisaw Township, Sillileel lo net ion of the reiilhlleulisof JelTer son Co. ill the primary eleeiiou. June 17, lii:i. ITniuttii Sniyirviiitriitiritt. Poll t.'OL'NTY Hl'I'KHI.VTKNIIKNT. l'HOK W. II. STAMKY. 1'ltlN., OF KF.Y.NOI.DHYIM.K, Sllhieet to tlie deelslnli of the .IcITcrsou Conn, ty Si'hiHil Dlreelors' Coiiveulliin, May 2, si:i. ltttcrttaitrou. ri AHTCHKLL, Ut ATTOHNKY-AT-LAW. OITIce on West Main street, onnoslte the i oiiiincrcim iioii'i, i(.ynoiiisviiii., ra ........ a It. it. K. II(K)VKI, HKYNOI.DSVILLK, 1A. Itesldenl dentist. In liuildlnir near Metho dist cliun'li, opiHislto Arnold liltK'k. (teiiile liess In operiilllix. Ciotcl. II li'VKL Mil'ONNKLI KKYNOLDSVILLK, I'A. Fit AX K J. IS LACK, I'rtrirU.r. The leadlnit lintel of the town. Heuddiiar- tent for eominerelul men. Steum heat, free bus. hat h riMims aadelnsels on every nnor. sitmple 1'iHHiiH, htlllttrd nsim, telephouu con- iieeiions, ni!. II OTKL IIKLNAI', KKYNOLDSVILLK, PA. OltEEXA COXSEIt, Proprietor. First, class In pverv nartlcultir. Located tn thu very centre nf tlio hiistiiesspart of town. l''rco 'bus to and fnnn trains mid commodious sample rooms for commercial travelers. MEIUCAN HOTEL, BUOOKVILLE. PA. JWFFJXOTOX & LOXtl, Prop'. Omnibus to mid from all trains. European restuuruut. House heated and tlichtcd by Kits. Hot und cold water. Wisitcni ITnlou TeleKiauli otlleu In biiildlair. Thu holel Is fitted Willi ull thu modern conveniences. QOMMEUCIAL HOTEL, BUOOKVILLE, PA., 1'JIIL P. CAlilllElt, Proprietor, Huniple rooms on tho ground ItiKir. House lieuU'il by naturul giw. Omnibus to and from all trains. .THE AEdlflons VceHy (UN(CTAIN.) NO PAPER LIKE IT ON EARTH Vnlju not Eccentric. Witty not Funny. ' Rtligioua nut Piout. Not for beel but for Suult. WHOLE SERMONS IN A SENTENCE. Send a dim In lamp for three feeke trill, THE RAM'S HORN, 1.60 WOMAN'S TEMPLE! R4 Per Year. CHICAGO it ok. ONLY PAPER THAT EVEHYSODY LIKES Something Nice! In Silver Tea Sets just received. Quality llic lliglid. Prices Ik Lowest CALL AND G. F. -HOFFMAN'S, The Jeweler and Optician. BING & CO., Dry Goods and Notions. HKNKIKTTAS, Jkngalincf.. Cariliimeren, Silk Dress Patterns, Fancy Drees Pattern, Indian Dimity, Kigurefl Irish Lawn, Mulls, striped and figured, Nankeen, Silkiline and Drapery Silks, Silcott, Laco and Sash Curtains, Kid Gloves, Rib bons, Hose, Gimp, Finishing Braid, in colors, Cor sets, Ties, fcc, White Gloves and Veiling for confirmation. We nave a Nice. N E W LINE ' OF GOODS, and Prices to Please All. BING & OCX, NOLAN BLOCK. Was you at our Opening Last week of Spring Goods; we appreciate the kind words of the ladies in commendation of the largest stock ever brought to the place, and their praise of our store decorations which has never been equalled in this section, and our town can now make the boast that we have a shopping mart second to none in this sec tion. We intend to keep it up to the highest mark as regards stock and tpiality. As to prices, we only ask you to compare them with other places and see if we are not ten per cent lower. In white goods we have forty different styles from ten cent grade up to forty cents a yard, including the latest styles in dimitys. In wash goods for ladies' and children's waists we have an endless variety. In single dress patterns, no two alike and trimmings to match, we have them in all the latest shades; no such a variety has ever been brought to the place. House cleaning time means a change in drap ery, something to brighten up the home. We have them from the satine grade at fifteen cents a yard up to the finest silk with silk fringe to match. Ladies kid gloves in all the desirable spring shades, both in lace and but ton, prices from seventy-five cents to one dollar and a quarter a pair. Dealing with us means a selection from the largest stock and the low est prices. What more can you ask. J. B. ARNOLD, SEE THEM T MAIN ST RET.