LATE TELEGRAPHIC JOTTINGS BOTH FROM. HOME AND ABROAD. What la doing On the World Over. Important ilrlelly Chronicled. tlnltrnnri pwn. At Ihe meeting (if Presidents held In I'M MRU Inst Week il wn decided In enforce irlctly Hi ml nf the Western Passeneer ml Western Freight Associations regard Ilia? the Issuance (if passes Inr the purpose vt influencing f rntllt f nny mil, The new (irdcr wnn l-nucd several days net. In the tienernl Krpfjrht and l'tnmrii!ir Agents ami lnnr in linim went Willi il Hint I hi- rnmls rliftnlil mi April lt promptly xlnit down mi the grant til new mri, Nntii w free trmis iHirimlnti of nny kind will be grunted dur ing Ili' remiiimlcr nf I hi' riirrciit year. The Pullman Car Company linn sounded the keynote nf the Wurhl'n Pair rush. II linn been uliuoniucd Unit Hip charge per tiey fnr a Inurlst rnr w ill licienltcr lie tii in-lead til l"i A Jacksonville southeastern railroad rnl Union near F.ilwardsvlllc, III., Monday night killed Mi n i ti - r Aslipiiugli, 1' Ireinun 1 1 him Ii ley, Pitcman Woods mid Scully Welsh. Several olhcrn were injured, At (irnnd Knpldn, Mich., .f n llugnri i'2 yenm nlil, ilnink nirhnlir nriil Instead nf whisky liy ml-lnke (nr hi" inoriiin brnccr anil illi'il nnnn after. Tim morn person have died n a ri'nll nf the accident on the Jacksonville Sonthcnst rm rnilwny. nenr P.dwnnlsvillc, III-., innk itic a loiiil nf nix. lineuflhe six in the fireman, nnd having opened the fiiriuuii ilimr In pill in innri! rnnl, Josl l efnrt' Hit" crash c nine. II In feared tlinl the iimtiii'iilnni mny have throw n lilin forward lulu tli lire A wrecking crew In nt work, tiidenvoring to find thp missing limly. Nnni' nf the a"scngcr were seriously luirl. The pi'ln Minor (Jcni'stn, nf (ileucester, Mass., capnized in n squall nf :ill miles nil llnriicgnt. Of her crew Hunting Itiit l-r. ( lurk Mciirtiiiy ntnl Iwn I iih brother were losl. 'I he ,,-mnimlcr were picked up ml lauded nl I lie llrcnk water. I nrllnl. t.ntmr nmf Inrinstrl-tt. Tin1 question nf ironworkers' wngen In Chicago nnni' neuf being nettled l.y the Inn of n cupper, but .'17) cents mi hour, nil ml vnncenf'JJ wilt. was finally agreed npnii. Till- strike nr List I carpenters scheduled In liike p ! Wednesday nl the World's fair grounds to enforce discipline against tinn uninn nii'ii n li ,..!. In.- Icit lliuii Ini) tiirnril mil. itMlilitglnii TIip I'ri-'iili'iil 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 I in iinpriiiiiini'iil fur lift' tliMiMi'piicinr ilrnlii hnimNiHl tipmi Kilwiinl Siiiullwno'l, n iiHrrii nf Wnsliiiiif. Ion. In) wni In liiie In en cxci uteil nil Kriilny. An npplicriiil for nil oflire m-nl tln l'ri"-l-ilenl Hn Willi llip iiiiplieiitioii t i pny lb prPKiilrnt fur Inxn nf limp in w riiini; nut n rnm mission. The nii'iicy uml iipplinitinii wire returniHl lo him. - - -I rllilf nml I'eillllllr. 1'Mwnnl Sliellenlierir. u inerilmnt nf Mm. ml ril v. Mo.. umliiv niiilit olml nml killed William Slehli n-. miii nfinie nf the wpiillliipul cili.ein of Hie tow n, w ho wui tryinn lo roll Ihfl slon1. 'I'h trnneily iliv clonal Ilic cxliti'iii'i1 of n khiik of urisloiTiil Icyniinn liurgliirH. At AOnnla. (in., I). li.l.loyil, n proiiiiiicnl farmer. lint h in w if fuhilly. She nays her Innliaml wnn playinn Willi n pistol, ill hem My ho ilrevv a wriipoii on lier lirnlhcr and file inlerferreil, w hen lip allot her. Mil will dip, iitnl l.lnyil in nmler arreit. Willinm Slooro, coioreil. wan hnneeil in MnruinnniiiR prinnii, rhiluilelphin. 'I he linnitiiiR wan cnnilnclpii with ninininl dm patch, Monre'n i rinic wan the nuiriicr of Ini rival, ( linrlcn Maililpii, also coloretl. Dennis Clonnnn, the nn itchniini who lient liin wifc'R liruinn out Willi a chair at hin , home in the rear of No. M Carson h I reel, flilnlinrK, on HL l'al'ick'a ilny lust year, paid the penalty of hin crime lit 1 1 o'clock Tlmrs lay inornliiK. In acconlance with tl)e npiitpuce of the Court lie win lumped liy tie neck until lie wan dead. JCharlen llarolil. 71 yearn old, n lirunh ipaker, livinii in New York, made an mi iiccennful attempt to ahont hii liounekeep H, Mrs. I.ouiio lioth, and then uliot lilm- JkU (U ad, ; ; l.pffUlnilve. 1n the Now York anvpinbly Mr. Ilendcr'i no-called anti-conspiracy bill wan put upon ita linal pannnc. J he niennurc, had It panned, womd have made a boycott not un lawful, and would havo enabled orkin people to prevent by any oilier menus than threats of actual forco pemonn taking their places in employment when out on strike. After a lengthy discussion the bill wan lln r.y lost by a vole of fi'J uyca and 57 noen The lemocratic lpfiislature of Kloridu lias iitianimounly nominated raited States Sen ator Samuel l'unco to succeed himself. The Colorado legislature has adjourned fine die, gr-The bill providinR for submission to vote (Ml the queslioii of the consolidation of 'JlMiklyn and New York ban been practi cally killed lu the New York toniite. t The Florida lctfislalnre convened Wednes day to remain in session sixty days. The Nebraska Legislature has adopted ar ticles of Impeachment aerainst Secretary of Stale Allen, Attorney General Hastings, Commissioner Humphrey and ex-Stala Treasurer Hill. The IMi'tois state aenate passed the bill extruding, the elective franchise to women (n certain municipalities and township elections. The Arkansas senate passed a bill confer lug on the women of Arkansas the right of suffrage and making them eligible to mem bership on school boards, lUllglaa. Tbe Maryland annual conference of the Methodist rroteslnnt Church opened at Laurel. Del. The I'resident'a repott Hated that during ibejear there baa been ?,400 l conversion". fjf. Gotwa d of Bprlngfleld, 0., , bu been viiilllieil li Jf IIIP r il nil il itiuii in mr riilllK" (if leni hiliK iloi trlnpn enntrnry lo the hlntnrlc merit which founded the Wittenberg wl legp. I hiilera Ailvlera. l'Ari. Sevpnly ilPHthn Imvc been recfitil ed nl l.nrictil, near llrent. In (he pal fort niglil fmm a mild form of clmlern. I.nrl- nl in nntorl'iun as a hot lied of fever din ' rrmen. due to Hie niter nlmencp nf ilininii'.'!'. It In pntnnnled 'nil ix'tniuin linto liei n ut tacked and Hie dlrense Is still nprpadiii)(. Mre At ChlenRii, Ihe new World's I'nlr liolel, known ns the l.i niiml, J nil appinacliimt coin plel Ion, wan ileslroyed by Hie. The lnn, covered liy Innirani e, will bo I K',0 Kl. . ntlnrrllntieniM. The Irii k of fanner Ailninn, who plaieil nlisti itelintin on the I t. Wnvne rniimnd linckn and then ll;irv"il I lit Irnin. Impltie fnrn rewnnl, han lu-en dtiplienled bvliporge lliclinnlniin nl hrnlii, lire., on Hie Northern 1'nciiir. He Inld n Ihrillini! story of triiln mliliem. When delceliven Mil him 111 the swent tins he iniiri-ssed. iif:oni) on ii iioHniiins. 'Hie lnnllh nhin Kliiu .Ininin Imriieil In the I'neilic oeenn .March .".'l. Sixteen of llm crew in a llfelmal Iiiivh liiinleil at 1'iiiut Coiiieplinii, I ni. TTie nlher hull of Ilia rrew. Iticliidliig Hip apiniti, lire in inintlier Imiil. l-'niir pernnnn lo IliPir iive near A?nn letdniii by the enpsi.iiig nf a nnlllinnt ill w hich a parly nf III wan on a plennure ei-(lir-loti. T welve nf IIipiii were lesnled ill an eihnusied eoiidiiinii, hut the olhern perished MINISTER TO CHILE. I .X-UnVf'riHir I'm I it, nl T'ciiiirnneo, iNouilniilcil nml 4 'nlilll'tncil. 1 JAMCR II. PIlllTKn. Kx-'3ovei nnr Jit uen II, I'orter, who linn l:i noiiiiniite I an I c ilillrnie I in Minliter to Chile Ui siii:cee I Ttrick Kan, wan born In nl. l'nrls, Tenn,, where hn now re Mlcn. Ilin n lawyer nil I wnn Assintml Becrelniy nf Slate mi l.r Mjyar.l. ANOTlltill HTHIKK UKCIHIOW. fiinployen Mnv (juil Work, but 1 heir I'rlviloKon I nil There. .Iinlce .1 in ksnn. of ll.e I'mtrd Slaten IMn tricl ('cunt, ut Wheeling in chnritlmi the. Jury In the nise nf Hie Imyn Imlieleil for nlinliiii llm! the l uiteil States mnils curried nil street cam during Ihe recent si reel car lint", took iMcnsion to give an opinion re gnnling strikes, bnycnttn, llio rights nml privilecen nnd duties of employes nml the general nlilir ttinni nf t-itlx -nn. lln leadilu idea in Hint, while men may refuse In serve nil employer, their rk'htn slop there. The law does mil sTlnil Iheni to iiiterlern with the business of corporations nr Individuals by obstruction or intimidation. In a other respictn Jinle Jackson's opinion was in line with Iho recent decisions of other l'ldi ral coil r Is. Thelthode Inland Elections. A second attempt to elect members of the Ithode Island (ienernl Assembly wnn made In I'awtiicket, Cranston. Kant I'rovidence and North Kingstown on Saturday. The Demncmls were successful everywhere ex cept in Knst Providence, ex-speaker Wilson, licpublican, being clpcted in that town by a a substantial majority. Hut one represen tative was eecled in I'awtiicket, however, there being no choice in Ihe cases nf the other five, and another attempt to elect will be made next Tuesday, The result of the elections make the Legislature a tie, 41 Re publicans, nnd 41 Democrats. Twenty-six seats remain to be tilled, nnd bye-elections for that purpose will be held the coming week. I'pon the rasult of these olections depend the complexion of the Legislature and the choice of Slu e officers, thoro buying been no election he the people. A Cigarette Caused tlor Death. Mrs. Clans Fralim met a peculiar death at Hastings, Neb. She had been con lined to her bed by heart trouble for some time. The other nlternoon she lighted a cigarette to deaden Ihe pain. She full asleep and the cigarette set lire to the bedclothes. Mr. I'rahm nwoko and started fur the bath room with her clothing ablaze, she jumped into the bath tub an I turned on the water, and fainted from excitement. When tli3 tire was extinguished by noiglibors a search wus Instigated for Mrs. Krnhiu. .She was deud in the baih tub. The water was still running and her bead was submerged. A.BPHYXIATED WHILE THRESH. A Feouliar Experience Bad by Borne Farms Hands In Miohisan. While engaged In threshing a new vuriety of clover on Ihe farm of Stephen I'layfcrd, Decatur. Mich., the workmen kuridniilv be came unconscious and for several hours re- mainea in a critical vendition. The men had the appearance of being uspliyxlutud, and it supposed some active veirutabl noii. on was carried in the dust which arose when the machine commenced threshing. A Boy Murderer Sentenced. At Denver, Col., Antone Woode, tbe 11. year old boy murderer, who killed Joseph Smith for bli watch and gun, was aenteneed to 23 yean la the penitentiary at hard Uhor. - .UI..1 1. I ' . . ,. ...1 .1 - I il.. 1 MB X WIND, HEAT, FLAME DEVA8TATH1, WITH till, DEBTItO Y fropertr. Cropn. Industries nnd Homes In all J'nrts olthe J.nnd. kin Mrx Kii.irn. lol.trt, !m- The Uml serious rppMpiiI nn Hip dlunge cntiiil hnppetied at lloine'i, nenr Ibis city. I'rldny evening heavy wind arone nnd wnn folliiwod in about live minulen by a heavy full of linil. 'J bin rnun ed nil Ihe men to run to shelter. The men mi one nf the cniitilevern mil Into the en ejne limine nl one end nf Ihe liuitn inncliliip. The tracks on which It riuin extend lioilh mid nmilli. The lever wan on Hie sonlh end of the track, nml lind been i-ntelessly lelt lilifnsli lied. TTir wind nlnrleil Ihe en lit I lever down the Irni k lownrd Ihe enirliio bonne, In which 1 1 men were huddled. The mormons imichlne, weighing '.'St) Ions, fi ll dins llv upon Hip engine house, Nine men were killed nnd nis severely wounded. T he men were nil llnlinnn en ept the foreman, "nntiiel Korus. The machine Itself In lolnl loss a town wiit.d or r. avrnv nrniM sn inn-sr iv i mi niv, w. va., it Asm s. P (UK I if 1 1 mi W. Vn A destructive 111, nl ( lillmi I-lidnv iilli riionn, t.'irled in the wnrsnnl the I'll ton Sail I ntiipniiv. nml nl It n cluck hlld Iniiued everv bilstm-ss liouo nnd many residences in tint center nf the town. Ihesnli wnrkn nre n linal Inss. Smitti linuiid trains mi Hie lililo lliver It illrond weienioped there Inr several liouri by Ihe tire, nnd Ipleernphic ciimtiiuuiciition Willi the I'larim; vilhiiji' Is destroyed. I.nlesl repnrls belnre the w Ires went down w ere Hint Hip lire wus stid hunting nml n strung wind hliiwini;. Parlies nrriving here from Clillnn sny the lire there was nut under control nl N o'clock I' tiday. nml the whole limn trns iliHiiued. 'I lie plant nf Ihe suit, (nmpnuv. which is n Ininl loss, wnn valued nl "si,"ii 'I lie plnre l.inl seven nr eieht Hores, three churches nnd many line resi liences, nil nf which drive been biiriipil. nr were noon lo he. Tin loss rannnt he given, Iml il will rea' li t:'.vi,isnior f-T.',"" A I IK I Till 1. wavi: SWFI IS IT I llli MIII lllvrH. AMI TIIK IMUIII- isms ami: iiv.ini nvrii ir. Cim ai.o -A hit ?p wiivp Kridav murniiur sweet suddenly into Hip moiit'i of the I hi ciit'o river, tearing ii number nf vessel Irnin their iniinrims mid temporarity proutidnig two vessels. Some people were Im-litipil lo atlrilmtii thp phiiouicnnn to seisniic di-lnrliniicen in l.akp Micliigiin. ( Irhers said Hint it was due lo I hp uiisphsoii nlilv bieh 1eminriiltire nml lo ti rapid i h a nee in the direction olthe wind. Ihspnli hps from points on Ihe shores of Lake Miclnean stale tint the wave was Ihn liigli"it ever known. The wnter swept back over Ihe lieai Ii lidtl or "nil feet, nml rop four In live feel iihoe Hip tiormal mage. The wiivp iUn kly receded, leavintf Hie beach smooth nml cltnr. Thp phenomeiioii was was Hie misl renri'knlil" of I lie kind ever n-rnriled on the lake front. iiim-iv oiii.n'n rtin iioTrm. ( 'on vin - I lie I 'i v l it li Hotel, a Wo'ld'n I'nir lioMtelry at Mevenly second street and Sioiiy Islimil nveiiue. collapsed during Hie fclichl wind storm that prevnilisl l-irilay morning. The Imtldiiig wus nue nf tbe larjesl nl Ihe VVorlil s 1'iiir boteln nnd was nlniost completed. In im full the building crushed iiuotliiT Ntriicture, which wnn to have been used for reslaiirnut purposes in coniieiilou Willi Hip I'lv iiiout Ii. I lot li In 1 1 1 1 1 i ti L-n wereownisl by William Senrls. of I'lymoulh. Ind.. nnd were valued at (Jilssi. Thin makes three World's I'nir hotels that have heeti ibniroyed by wind and lire in nn ninny ihiyn. - I mil mi: in vt IN inr sot Ttiwrnr. K ixsAn ( 'n v. Such warm weaiher In April wan never he fore known in the noiitb went, ami tor two day the thermometer hns rnuged from tm" In tiM" in the shade, with n blistering wind blowing strongly Irom HipsouVi. I'roni KiiiKiria, Kim. lei. egrnum report the thermometer nt lis" and n lerr lie wind blowing from Ihe southwest. The almnsihere wan liniey with dust, mi l Ihe weather was nf mn-t tiiitavnrahle cliar- ncler. Kvery dav oT such went her knocks nt! millions of fui-hels from the Kansas wheal crop. The telegraphic weather e- Iurl along the KniiMis divi-ioti nf Ihe nion I'ncitic ri'l orted nn rain mid unfav orable conditions. Western t'nioti advircn stated hot wimln ami no sig.'in of niointure. A Cnlou Paclllc nltli ini arrived in town yesterday from an exlemled trio over the line ui'd told Ihe name story, i'rotn Klims- ville, Mo., n telegram reporleil Ihe Injury In wheat at Vt m-r cent. I.onnne. Kan , report ed hot winds nml the crop iriepnrably (ililn Hgrd. Andiile, Kan. brnught tidings of a similar character. Clinton, M ., reported a prospect of nut over luilf a crop and a great ileal of Ihe wheat being plowed up. The interest in crop conditions wnn never Inure intense than nt. present. The amount of si eriilnliou p.msiog over Ihe wiren between Kiiiisus City iiinl the great exchanges ban leuchcu a phenomenal volume. PlnSTKOt's rillK AT lltONTON, o. Ii'.os riiN. ( --The Yellow Pnpulnr I.umher Compunv's phint wan burned Friday after noon. Ihe lire star led In the dry-house. Along Willi the lumber consumed the Nor folk it Western railway lost a trestle and seventeen cars mid till travel nn the road wasstopped Thirty dwellings went Willi the rest nnd tweu'v-twu families lost all ihey bad. Mm. liiu-h. tin invalid, was burned to death. A high wind wus b owing and the Humes could not bu checked. The luinliormill foreman places the loss lo the company a' vliri lMHi and on the dwelling houses it will reach Ko.lKiO. There are 'i (I persons thrown out of enip oymi-nl. AX KAHTIIQCAKR. Cii.nt.rTON. S. C An earthquake wan felt ill Kugelield district Jridav. Two shocks occurred at li and 7 a. m. No dam age wan dune beyond frightening people out of their bouses. A special from Lincnlntnn, On., save two distinct shocks of earthquake were felt lu that place. SXOW IX NF.W YOUK AND BOSTOX. Nr.w Yohk. Snow began fulling here I'rldny morning, continuing two hours. Advices from the Catskills say eight inclins of fnow have fallen, while at Troy and Syracuse snow han fallen In the depth of Hire inches, liosiou had 4 inches of snow Friday. THE NEW FRENCH CABINET. Dupuy After Making" Two Attempts Forma a Ministry. A dispatch from l'uris says: . Charles Dnpuy after making two attempts, baa suc ceeded lu forming a Cabinet as follows: M. Dupuy, Premier and Minister of Ihe Inter lor; Paul Louis Peytral, Finance; Senatot Kugene Guerein, Justice; Raymond Poln carre, Public Instruction; Louis Terrerler, Commerce; Admiral Rleunler, Marine; Jules Deveile, Foreign Affairs; Francoli Viette, Public Works; General LoUillon, War; Albert Viger, Agriculture. The announcement of U. Dupoy'a policy Ii to the effect that be will ask the Chamber to dispose of the present Budget as soon as possible, to as to clear tbe way for tbe dla coition of tbe Budget of 1884. KP mill M.Kl'TIOta). f iiicaoo Cnrler II. Ilarrliou was chonnn Mnvor nf iTilcngo It n in -ijn-l y of Iti.uil nml Ihe entire I leinncrntli: ticket In elects I by mnjorltlen riuuin t frotii Hl.tiiitu III in I. Sr. Iitun, Tlie election h ir reuilip I in a vlclorv for Ihe llepuhlic ins. They sisntrpd Ihe innyor. collector, council and nio of Ihe iiiuiur i illli-p s, If noi all. I'vrun I'. Wal bridge neeuren Ilia mayoralty by a majority ol niioul :i.n si. Mit.w.M'Kr.e. Win. P. ,f. Homern, Demo crat, in elected ! ngrenn In thn Foiirtli d strict over Thooh ild Otjpti, Itepulilican, by nhoiit I,'ki tnnorily. lifTimiT lleiiirns vliow the election of Jiidga llreiker. Itepiibllciu, for nupriimi Judge and Iwn Iteiiiildican regents hy plurnlitien of morn tlinii lu ll 1 1 each. Muni cipal elections were held In nil the eiliei In llienlntp oiiinidMuf ll.droil. In spvprnl of thn old llpiiioi-rnlie sirnngnold Itepiiblicnil Mnvorn nml oMIcinln were elected, while, in n fewer number of llepiihliciiii cities Hem -crnls curried the day . llKi,rnn, Monr. The city election ri-null-ed in the election of n Ih-mnerniii' Mnvor, T reasurer nml Police .lildce. he HepiiOli ennn only nectired four eoiincilmen. Iifsvmi, I'm. - I'.igblv nine irecineln out nf ll'.i in thin illy give a plurality of 2. Ho I for M. Vim Horn, llepiihliciiii taiidldale for Mayor, over . I. I. McKtveiy. T he entire Peiiuhlicnii ticket In prnlmblv elsr,d., III. Ihn results of Ihe election today nbor Hint Iba I'emiM rnis elei ied their entne clly ticket. Illiennn II. Lawrence, Itepiihlicnii lor .Mnvor. In prolia blv defenled by I'rniik Kramer, the lu ino i rnl ic en uilidnle, by several hundred plural ity. 'I he prol, abilities nre Hint the llepiib. liciuin elected four out of seven Aldermen. woMrx ,t Tilt: ioi.i.s. K ssn I n v. Kn - (n nl excitement nt tended the liiuiiii iinil e ertlon in thin citv nnd a vole of over II im I, a very lull one be lllgcnnl. I he result Is Ihe most sweeping victory ever scored in the clly for llepuhli. cans. T be women turned out en ma-sp to cast ihelr biillnls. but sirmign an it mny seem, they did not cast Iheni for Mm. Put ler, I he wnimin candidate. Mm. Poller re reived only alioul fVi volen. all told, nnd ol Ihe-e not more than live were cunt bv wom en. Il in esiimuie l thai .1 Mul women, or Mj Per cenl. ol those registered, enst their bal lots. t,,tiiriis f torn throughout Kansas show Ihnl the Itepiiblicaus have swept evetylliing where party linen were drawn which vas 'heense in most of Ihn principiil towns. THK OHIO Kl7p;CTION8. i'incixxati.- I'.lisliniin here resulted nn follows: Superior .in Ige. S.'imunl Iluni, llemoernl. and present iliciimlielil, ilelents .1. I . Si liwnrls, Ki'pohlii no. I, mil liiihse, Itppiililienu In eleclpd clerk of Ihe police court lor the thiol lime, delentiug il. J. Srhilltx, liemis rnt. ( i iiii.imi Itnherl Ulee. Deinorrnt I elected lonyor over VV. J. Akers, llepuhlii nn. Armstrong, llemoernl, is re eilv Iri'iisurer, while Logue, police Jnilie, nml l iedler, police proneeiilor, bolli L'epiihlicnnn, nre re elecU d T he Demo crats elect the Justice of the peace. The council will remain llenuhliiuii. Hii i iiknvii.i r liepuhlicHim re e'ecled MiivnrScoil. They niso elect M ir-hnl T i ff end l ity Hollcitor Itogem. Wnter Works T iiistmi I 'lutrles Keriiinii nnd ;'-ly ('omruin siiuier John Lnwnou. 'Ihe llepuhlii nns elect live nut nf nix members nf council, nnd llino out of six of the hoard of educalion; alo the township ollii ers. Lll Sinilh. the 1,'epiihliciin iiiiididnie for township iruntee, died SKinlav nighl mid Ihe question an to how to hll Hip nlllep in n pu..le. ( oi l miii s The Itepuhlicann carried Hie council and scho' l board with Ihn imlicn Iioiis llml the lieinocrnts will elect the mayor and city liekein by majorities rang iug froui pin to :iisi The lieuiocraln make a slight gain over Ihe vote nf last full. Yin Nosrovvx The It (H iiitn elect both Ciimlidalcn lur water works iriisteen, gain three meiubern in c umcil nml the hoard of education, and elect nil fiu township olli tern. Tot. I no A fler one of the bitterest enm (iiii'ns fought in this city for years the Ite pu'iliiann have nucceeded in electing everv man on their ticket with one excep tion, nnd huve captured both branches of Hie council. The light wnn one of creed. the liepiibliciiu convention having been con trolled by an aulid'alholic society known an tbe A P. A., which hnsneciireil & hold on I all of the ciiies in thin vu lnitv. .vsksvii.i.k W. S. Hell, Republican, wan ilelenleil by Robert Silvey, Democrat, and the who e Deiuocrntic city ticket on the minor ollices wus elected. Akiion lireiin i. Wnllem,' llemoernl, wns elected l,T a ploiniily of 1 1 votes over P. M. Hodman, Itepubliciin. William Man on. Republican, wnn elected marshal; .1. V. Welsh, Democrat, city solicitor: John Wbee'er, Democrat, niieet commissioner. Democrats nnd Republicans curb elected three members of council; the Hoard ol id-m-ution stands: Republicans, 4; Itemocrat. 'I. W oiinTt'H Republicans elected one coun cilman nnd one nssessor;tbe Demncrats.four councilman and live assessors. The Repub licans lot the mayor, but won the City so licitor. Cantos. Republican elected Cannldy mayorover etlai h bv l.Vl majorily. The rest ol the Democratic ticket in elected With a full city council. M s.vsnt i ii I lie Dpm'irmtn elected their entire municipal ticket, capturing the ward olliccr in M out of Hi wards. Tbe majorities range Irom IK) to 4 Kl. Maiitin I'khiiv, Ihe Repuhlicnnn elect ed their entire city ticket hern except one councilman. llridgeKirt. llarnenvnlie and I'lii'hilig made a clean sweep. Rellaire di vided between Republicans and Democrats tit. Uairsville went wet. A LABOR VICTORY. Judge Bceer'a Doo-ninn Favora the Crothei hood of Engineers. The decision of Judge Scr, rendered nt Mai on. (in., nn Suturd.iy. In the case of the petition of the llrothe riiood of Ixicoinotive Lnglneers In require the receiver of tba Central railroad nf (leorgla to continue a contract nf tbe ollicers of that with that organization fur the service of its mem bers on Hie road, in regarded by the brother hood an a signal victory for that organiza tion. It bun attracted the attention of thf lawyers and caused discussion nmong them, and by them it Is said to lie the most far rcachlng.'lniportnnt and satisfactory dcclnr ntinn upon the relation of capital and labor yet rendered. In Ihe cource of his derision the Judgs pnid Ibis compliment lo railway employes generally and the Brotherhood in particular: "In this denurtmont of industry it is re ported bv the interstate commerce commis sion that there is invented in tbe t'nited Slaten !i.8'.i.475.0l5. nr nearly elht time the whole national debt of tbe countrv. Ijist year tbe railrondn transported .VSo,fX),oOO passengem. or more that eight lliiien the en tire population of the I'nited States. The operatives employed by Hie railroads num ber 7m.0uu and it is no trilling testimony to Ihe faithfulness and eltiuiencv nf the mighty army of railroad employe that of tbe vast population transported under their care only '.'Jl. or less than one two-thousandth of 1 pr cent lost their lives. "It Is. moreover true that no operatives of a railroad more than the locomotive en gineer arecharged wuh the preservation of life and property. When we are advised by tbe prool that of SiOua locomotive enji nvern of tbe I'nited States, more than 80 per cent belong to the brotherhood, it is diffi cult to believe that membership therein lessens ettich-ncy to emp'overs or lidclitv to their supreme duty to the public." The Tabernacle Debt Lifted. The New York H'orfd announce tbat the full amount necessary to free Dr. Tal ruage'i Brooklyn tabernacle from debt has been subscribed. THE SENATE SPECIAL SESS WHAT IS IIKINO I H) NIC II Y TIIK lllflll KK JIKANCIf OK C(N()lti:sM IN MVSSION AT WASHINd ION. MoxhAV The srn-lnti tn-dnv hernn Ihe tilth week nf Hs citrnnrdliiHry session with a fnir attendance of member nnd a Inrge audience III Hie galleries. 'I he rights of Ihn three sennforn from the nlnlen of Motilniin. Wnshlui lou nnd Wyoming lo nenm were discus ed. Aomin r question nn lo a nenn tor n right to n ni nt wns rnisisl to day by thn preseiilnlion of n petition from Jo eph W Adv. of Kaunas. Mr. Hoar presenled Ihn Ady pell'lon. hllrnlng Hint .liihn Mnrlln was never du y elected sennior Irnnt Ihe Sinte of Knnsi'is nttd Hint he f Adyi wan liuly elected nnd dentred lo be ndmltted lo a seal In the n-nnte nccoriiingly. I be pctilinii wu lend nnd wns referred In Hie i-ominiltp on priv ilegn nml eb ctioim. The senate then went into executive se-siou nnd nfierwnrdn adjourned until lo morrow. In the execu tive session n few posiiunsiern iioiiiinntionn were confirmed, all III western nml south ern mutes. I he President lo day sent Ihe following nouttnntioirs lo Ihe seiinfe: William Kdmoiid funis of New York, to be H-sis,inl secretary of the Irensiirv. vice H. M. I.iiiiilier'on, resigned; ( tmrlen S. Ilauiliii ol Miis-uf Iniselt. to be iissHtnnt secretary of Ihe Irensiirv; vice John II. (iear. resigned, James II." Fckel. to bp complroller of Ihe currency; J. K. Mi line nl the Inntrict of I 'nliimhin, to be nsisimit Irennuierol the I'nited SlnKs,; T. Soon l-nrrow of S mill I nroiinn, lo In necoiul niidilor of the treasury: .lame .1. Willie ol I' loridn lo be de utv lifih auditor of the Irensiirv; Dudley (I. Watson nf Michigan, 10 be cnllfctor ol customs for Ihn Knnt dis trict of Mictiiirau. William l.dmnnd f'urlin of New York, w ho succeeds Judge l.nmhertnii nn fine nf the nssisinul -ecrctnries of the treasury, in lis yenis of ngp nml n practicing lawyer nml white tint n profisistotinl pol-ttcmn. interest ed himself deeply In the In-t ciiiiipnigii in New York, nnd wan an "anti sunpiicr." lln is n free trader. I barles S. Ilntnliti of MnnsnchiiseHn.ti'im itittieil to he one of the assistant secretnrie of the irensiirv. is a lloslou lawyer. He is mi nclive iiiemher of the Massachusetts I niift Itpfnrin l.engue and nlso of Ihel ivil Servic, nssiK-inlioii. .Ininen II. Kckels. nnrnliinted to be comp. Iroiler of tbe currency, is only :i'i yenrnold, hut slmids titgh in the esiiiuntion nf thn people nf Illinois Mr. Kckels is mi nllor nev ami has w ritten n great deal on Ihe siihectof tarifl reforiu. Tirsnw- In Hie senate lo -day thn debate on the admission of seuatnrs appointed bv governors when Ihe letrislnlures lad to elect wns continued by Mr. Ve-t. After an exe cutive ne-sioti the senate adjourned until tomorrow. I he President sent to the senate thn fol lowing nominaiioiin. .lament!. Ilrondhead, of ,M isnnuri, lo be envoy extraordinary and minister pleni I'Otentinry of Hie ('nitcd Slnles lo bind. I tn r I let t Tripp, of South I' ikotn. to be envoy ext-nordiuary nnd minister plenipre 11 iitinry ol the I'liite I stale lo Austria- II ungaiy. Lhen Alexander, of North f'rnlinn, lobe envoy extraordinary and minister plunsi tentiary nf the I'liited Slates to dieeie, Rnuinaiiia and Serviti. James II. Itrnndbcad is by profession a lawyer, and has represented his Stale in I ungress as a member Irnin SI. Imn. Ifein ahont li-'i years rild, and has been prom lient in politics in Missouri for a long lime. Itnrileit Tripp was one of Hie plom-ern in the Dakotns hefrire (he division of Hie terri tory. He is Is venrs old, and is a brother-ill-law Ir, Senator Davis, ,,r M iiinesi,tn. IJien A lexniider is nt prcent. (ireek proles"ir at the Cniver-iiy nf North Cam iiua. lie is a little more Ihaii -Id yearn oid nnd has been in hin prevent place for I'l yenrs. KiiNKsruv T he session nf the senate to. dav behind closed doom wan devoted en tirely lo mmine mnttem. The Presid- tit sent Ihe following nnmi nation to the Semite to-dav: James S. l iving of Illinois, in be envoy extrsordiuary and miui-ter plcnipnten! inry of the Cnit'-ii Stalen tri lielgium, 'J'bmnan T. Crittenden. n Mi-sntiri. lo he corinul eeneral nf the I'nited States at thn I it y of Mexico. Iiuis c. ilughcn, of Arizona, to be gover nor of Arizona Win. T. Thornton, of New Mexico, to he governor of New Mexico. Wm. M. Maize, of Ohio, to b urvry,,r nf customn for the post of Columbus, O. Thniunn Crittenden, nf Missouri, win in named as consul geuernl to Mexico, is per haps best known In thn public through ids pursuit and destruction of Ihe ceiehr.ited James brothers, who terrorized the Stare for mnny years. He achieved this fear whi governor nf Missouri, lie was a heuteninnt colonel in Ihe Union army during tin; lata war. and is n lawyer. James S. Kwing of Illinois, who Is nomi nated to be minister to itelginrn is a law partner and cousin or Vice Pres dent Stev enson, the linn ('insisting of Stevenson Kwing. He is about .V) yean of a-e attd liven in lUnotuingtou. Tin hsiiav. The President, besides a I Ig batch of postmnntem. nent Ihn billowing linmlnntionn lo Hie Senate to-day: ilannin Inylor. nf Alimania. in be L'nvny Lxtraordinarv mid Minister Plenipotentiary of tbe Tinted Slnten to Spain. William lx-hren. of Minnesota, to be Commissioner of Pensions. It is doubtful whether a more popular appointment, certainly so far an the North f"l is concerned, could have been made by lit. President than the nomination of Judge William I.oi hrcn, to sin iced (ienernl liauui as Commissioner of tensions. He in o7 years old and wan born in Vermont, lln came to Minnesota in ln.'i7. nnd practiced his profession until thn war broke nut. When the war wan over he returned to Minnesota and renumtd the practice nf law. In luM.' be was iipnnted by a Republican fiovernor to a Judgeship on the Circuit bench and at the expiration of h s appoint ment was twice re elected to the same place w itliollt I J.msitioll. lluniiis fuylorisa lawyer livingat Mobile, lie is , vein , oi l. lie was sirouty recom mended lo Secretnrv lllaine by Senator Mor.'ini as one nf ihe nrhitrators.or counsel, in the lleiiiig Sc.i arbitration. TIIK NKW SK NAT K OI'FI' T.V.9. During Senator Hour n speech to-day on the nduiisnion of Senao-rs nun .inie.-l bv'liov ernors, he yielded the lb. or in ord-r to' allow iiciion to be tnken on ihe resolution for the election of ollii-crs ol ihe senate. The reso lution was agreed to wnhout the forninldy nf a division, elecpng Willinm North Carolina. Secretary of the' Senate: Richard J. UriLdit. of ind .iii.i. Sergenlil-nt-A rms nnd Doorkeeper, uml Wiliiarn II. Milhuin. D. D.. nf Illinois, pop ila'ly knonuanthe ' blind preacher,'' Chaplain: their le ins of nlllce io begin on the hr-t nay nf the meet ing nf the Fifty-third Congress. After con firming u large number oi appointees tlm Senate ndjourite I. Friday. Alto- a number of contirma. Ions were made. tlies,e:h begun bv Mr. Heir, Republican, Mssaachunstts, yesterday ngaiusttbe proposed constitutional amend ment for the impular election of Senators of Iho I'nited State was concluded by him to day. It was a scholarly, historical and statesman like argument and as such was listened to with profound attention. He did not believe that the people of Massachusetts.and the tame might be said as to any American Slate, would accept the Ero posed change of tbe method of choosing enatora, an invitation which depended not only on the claim tbat State Legislatures were unlit to be trusted with one of the chief est functions of sovereignly, but tbat Ihe Senate of ihe I'nited Stales had been on tbe whole failure. He did not believe tbat the people of Mas aachueelti were quite ready lo diicredil Ihelr own "Oeneral Oinri," wlt!i Ri WU yearn of legislative history, and to give it confidence Innlend lo a Political convention, whose members are without an oath of of fice, without a record, without nny legs! re straint, and wh i bad no accountability In Ihelr representatives, He did not believe thai they were quite prepared to any that on the whole Ihey were ashamed ol Ihe Sena lorn who bnd for 1 (eft yearn represented them In the great Nntlotinl council, 'Ihe not Ion that impulnr nullrngn wnn al ways lo be defied, and dial Ihe people hail nil wlsdnu nml nil hnt.ssly, was poor, cheap llnltery of the people. Il was not Irueibiit in the sober Judgment of the Americnii pople, the Senate bail fniled lo meet Hie lu-l eipei tnllonn of Ihe reiiernt Ion thai adopted the Constitution. I he Sennte bnd re-ponded quite nn siieedlly, and quite ni directly, to Ihe nettled desire of Ihe pnpulnr benrl. an Ihe other honne. It bnd originated fur more tlinn Itn prop irllon (if grent leading measures lu legislative his tory. Il bnd resisted what wnn evil but it bnd nlso llnlia ed nnd nis omp ished wbnl wns good. And this was never more true tlinn In r cent yen' lu conclusion Mr. Ifonr nrflte of noire nf he great men who have nhed lustre on the Semite, of Webs-er, l iny. Calhoun. Sttmtirr and Sewnrd. " We do not, "be nnld, "excel, (ind il may be we du iiir equnl other nople in arum. Pol Ihe grnudi'st victories of c in nlitulionnl liberty rinee Ihe world began, nre Ibese whose bailie ground has been Ihe American Senate-, and whose cluirnplon have been Ihe Senator who for KM yearn have resisted thn popubir pnnlngn nf thn hour, bnve led. resprcled, guided, obeyed Satuhiiay I be senate Im prnctlcnlly concluded it laho-n nnd i now uniting for en iiitittiniioii Irom the preiiprr. to bring the extra nen-mn lo a close. All Ideas of passing iisui Ihe questions Involved In tin, nppo'iiimeiit of i, inn senalorn fioin lln, Northwest has been nbiindoned end Hint mnlter will le h-rt for distsisnl nt the next session. 'i'he President sent the following limiiiiiiitlniis to the senne todnv: Jiimi-n II. F.'isiis. rif Louistnmi. to lie am bnssndor eslmordiimry mid minister pleni potentiary lo France. August Helm in ft Co lo be niecnl neeiiis nf the nnvy del nrlluflit nt lOiidon, vice Seligucit Pro. I he iiominnlioii nf Mr. Kuslin. who bail already been nnfirmed nn minister to France, issimply lo raise Ihn grade of tbe mission 1 1 nu enihnssv to imet the curre p Hiding clinn , m ,de bv the French gov ernment lu ihe esse of Its representative at Washington. Alter a few minor confirmation the sere ale adjourned lor the day. t THE HT ATI) TO HEl7i7l,IQUOR. Routh Carolina Will ilnvn a Monopoly of thn Matter. There will be no liquor or beer sold in Remits Carolina except by the Stnle, niter July I. infix I our of the most eminent le gal linns In the state decided the matter. Soon after the passage of Ihe Inw nt Ihe Inst sin-ion of Ihn legislature, thn llqu ir dealer! of tl.t state formed an association and em ployed counsel lo lest it constitutionality. Counsel filed ths opinion which wns suIh milled to Ihe executive lommllte'i of the li quor dealers In-t night. The council advise the liquor dealers tlml Ihey prepare lo meet the law an valid and iiiicnnstiluiioiinl, vet in view nf Ihn heiivv penalties pre crihed by Ihe act they cannot ndvise them lo i omiiiiic selling liquor alter July I. I he counsel nav Hint Ihe statute ran only , be tested alter July I hy the ntieinpt of the state or anv nf im nllieern lo seize and sell li rpmrs maniifiictuif-d in auntber slate, 'j'hft newn wnn a great surprise and will retire n large number nf s-ople Irom himiuesn. Meniitiiue the governor and mate dispenser nre irae:i,ig in the west mid north nrraug iiigioopenihn hnrrooms July I. I'mler the hew law the slntc will sell all Ihe liquor inn mer "old in South Carolina, (iov. Till n an expects lo huy the liritiorn either ill Chicago. St. I.iiik or New York. T he act tppmpnaien only f.iii.fs'll with whif h lo tart business but the (iovcrnor thinks the Itstc can rasiiv get all Hie credit il wants. "The new law." Ihe (tovernor, said in ni interview "provides ihnl every ounce of ul irdiolic lirpiors sold within the Slntn shall be purchn-ed hy the Slate ( 'ommin, inner, af ter having been suhfecied to a ti-nt and proiiriiiiu ed pure by ihe Slate chemi-t. No liquors nf any kiml can he ntnppfd into the Soite over the lice i, any railroad or ny any loiiimoii except ihe package beam certilicaio siuMied by ihe State I'oiumisnion er. All liquors are bottled or Jugged, in packages frniu one half pint to live -alloiis ear h in the Slate dispensary, under Ihe di rection ol the ( 'oiuiu n-iuner. These 'pack aircn urn henbd and tiien distributed lo the local ills, eiisaries, ot.e or more of which tuny be located in nny low u w here n petition for itn estab lishment in signed I, y u nmjorily of tbe freehold voters. Any person over l!l year of age lint nn habitual drunkard can pur rhiisp pqunrs in nny iniioimt Irom half a putt lo turee gal oiis bv niguing a written order lor the snine. The purchaser need li' t state for what purpose be wants the liquor. The maximum profit charmed dy tbe Stale in .Vi per cent, which in alio the maxi mum prohi allowed the legal ilispennaries. T t,e lir-t proht gins, to the I ommuiiweulth, while the second profit in divided between the county in which Ihn local dis pensary i, located and the municlpal ity in wh cb tbe liquor in soul. T i,e new law will make a wonderful change in li e Stale, and I think it w ill finally bu universally adopted as a solution of the liqiior.prnrncm. For 10 yearn it boa been in siiccessiul operation in Norway, in ( harleston there ate 2sO saloons where, af ter July, there wni be but lu dispensaries. Kveu the drug mores are prohibited frora selling any spirits except alcohol, and even tbat must be purcliaseu from the Slate, and a sworn account of every ounce used must be made at the end of each month, s ating just what medicines the urtice wan ued to prepare. I here are six prohibition coun ties in South Carolina, where there wi.l be uo di.spehAuries." AN OPEN AIK PROQBAM. Hundred of Thousands Will Bee Clsve land Press the Dutton. President Cleveland 'will touch oft tbo World's Fair, on May 1, in Ihe presence of from psi, Loo to l.'.n.tss) people. Tbe plan to have the opening exercises in a hull baa been abandoned and the ceremonies will be held at the east front of the Administration building. A substantial platform will be built Just in front of the Administration bul'ding. This will be connected with Machinery hall, so that Pr -sident Cleveland will only have lo step to the speakers' table to toucl ihe button. The new platform f tirnishen many oppor tunities for picturesque i fleets. It Is pio posed to mass all the electric launches, gondolnn and other water craft in the basin, in from of the Administration building. Thousands of spectators can get a fine view of iho platform from tbe water front. Arthur Again Enjoined. Arthur, grand chief of tbe Brotherhood of Locomotive Kngineer wan served with another restraining order, issued at Toledo, O., by Judge Tatt. It enjoins bim from is suing any boycotting order against tbe T. A. A. A N. N. railway, and from inducing eruDlove of connecting lines to dineriml. I nate against tbat line in any manner, pendV 1 ing further action lu tbe United Blatee cir cuit couri. r