The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 12, 1893, Image 1

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in: yxous villi; pknxw, wednksday aimml 12, uws.
. Q f T iS'y
Mundell's olar if)
I tun piwilivi' Hint 1 1 in v? Hiniii'l liliiir
rich in nti Hi- fur ynn if ynn will rull in
my liiilnf hlini. I limn iivi-ivt'il 1111 'X
cuili'iil ni'h rtinii nf
Spring and
Summer Goods.
I ran nhnw you tin- flni'xt wWlinn nf
'mhIi In IhiM city. All lltn (;,"r'n",'','d
to ho jwrfi't't. iin trial of tho excel
lent tf"ol mul work Lh eonvlnolnit fix
11IL lioiilnif that 1 limy reeeivo B mil,
I rcmitin
Vour olieiliert rviiiil,
Rrynoldavlllr, Pa.
FNoxt divir to Hotel MiOmin ll.
, H. HUEX. bTOKE'8,
Reynoldavlllr, Pa.
Dry Goods,
Boots, and .
Fresh Groceries
Flour and
Reynoldsville, Pa.
city Meat Market
I buy the best of cattle and
keep the choicest kinds
of meats, such as
Everything kept neat and
clean, Your patronage
, ' solicited.
R; J'. Schultze, Prop'r.
(D 25
UJ !i
J 3"S
Q .
Grocery Boomers
V 11 V A XT. I
Salt floats,
Smoked INloats,
TtMA('(' ).
Everythlntf In the line of
Krcsh (ii'occiii's. Feed,
(IoihIh )hlir r(l free
jtlare hi toirn.
Cull 011 h frf ftrlfvH.
AV. C. Schultt A Son
Quick Sales and
Small Profits.
General ntock of Ladies
and Gentlemen1 Kuniinhing
GcKidrt and Shoes.
me Man
Who wears Shoes
wants, first of alll,
He likes to look at Vm
when they're off, perhaps,
but he buys 'em to wear.
doesn't disappoint him.
It Wears,
and looks well, too.
Reed's Shoe Store.
Ooiiiilrv rrwlucc
Tin- lilH-'ili' Miif 'I In n il 11111I rnMi
Tin- III lit Irrl I'lirni-.l Ii imilirr:
Tin- nir v. it; eii I', iinr lit 1- 1I.
A ilinn 11 v I'lrlli - v.m I I...... Ii il
Willi .ti "li :i Itiii'i' ' r.
Hiiri l .Irhiilc, ulih I., r 1 In- 1 'ml linlr.
Hi r rii.Mil Ii r-. mill !t' r:
ll'iw preiiil ivn" I tlini !n- v i' f:ilr:
llmv (iluil w iii I tn "i' I m r 1 lii ri-.
Ami kiimv 1I111I nuiii' .i mi' ntterl
Oil, ilti nin ef li:t t1 'I"' M'.'inrliyl
V piii'ltc of inn iitnii well:. :
A till w hell I M-unrtl lii li'-ar lift- fltrh
I 11-1 c 1 1 1 1 r 11:11111'. I l.i". ". n il nliy -
Nolllilimv she t"-'l :i 1 I I'll'llv
I Hkjh'iI Imt nmiii', iiii'I 1 fin Inn Iml'l-
Nil wnniliT slir cli'iv felier,
Or llllll I lie lil l lKl"i'.l"lvlv rnlli'it
AlmiK 1 1"' sunlit. I' i'l ii' ii !
Thin niro ilny In lli-tnlnr.
I IHinl ln-r nnmr nrirl lifti'lliui low-
Wlille iifiliiln limn"! ill riiniliim
Tlll 1 lu rk Ifiiirliril ilirek - I Imt nn know
Of riHimii 'Iivhs vrinii( tn treat her no.
Kawit .IpmiIp cm it lutulem.
Hrr I'litlli-r Mini n ! Mnnllm lli'furr Itern
llillilKilt'iiti'il rrrslili'lit nf till' rnll'tl
hllltri, mill Sill' :h III rmi''i'lrlici' tllO
Ili-tUi or It (i:'.ltii l ln.
It wiim tin' rinsing wi ill nf riiMitiirf'i'
ment exei'risi'S ill the military in'inli'iny
III .lime, IWi'.l. mul lli ili.l ie West I'nillt
liinl never ii :tiv more lirilliimt. IHh
llll'llislliMl i;lte..N (llllll nil 0V1T Hie
rimiitry were iis.ii-in.ileil In wIIiu sm the
ceri'iiiiiniis, mul the wi allli 1111 1 fashion
of New York, l'mnlilyii. Iliwton, I'hila
delphiu, Di'.lliinnre, Washington mul
other cities itowiIimI lion's ninl t.'ozzen's
holeln mul the private cultures to theit
fullest capacities. First mul foremost of
nil those there was the newly iliall'll
rated presiilent of llm Unileil States.
L'lyssi'HS. lirant. then in the Hplendor
of his fame. Then them was lenerul
William T. Sherman, his successor in
ciminmnil of the iirmy; (lenernl Unfits
Innalls, (General (Jitincy (jillmore mul a
host of lesser military chieftains mid
bIso the ofllcers of the nciulemy resplen
dent in uniform, hesides iiiitny civic dig
nitaries. Mrs. John A. Dix mul Mrs. John Bik'e
low occupied cottai?es lit ( 'o.zeii's, mid
tho Rv. Henry Wnrd Heecher wns
present to deliver tlm iierninn to thn
Kradiiales. litis glories mul the chivalry
of West Point still i Iiiiil; to it mul made
it an attraction to I he fair sex. Ilenny
Havfii's, willi its nwny legends of clan
destine cadet revelries, yet remained at
the river s eile. 1 he faculty wern all
noted urny haired professors who had
horn cngaK"'! in tntoriiiK future military
heroes for half a centnrv, somn of them.
Tlieir dean wasOriiis Mahnn, iirefessor
of ttmthematics, who was afterward to
aeek a suicido'a death in tho Hudson
rresident Grant was accompanied to
the academy hy Mrs. (Irant and their
daughter, Nellie (irant. The jiresideiit'a
on, Frederick Dent (irant, wiim a cadet
in the third class, and for that reason
the exercises had a special attraction for
the members of the (irant family. Uen
eral Thomas i. Pitcher, the sntierin
tendent of the Academy; Colnnot Henry
M. ISlack, tho commandant if tltocadot
corps; Lieutenant Colouol John M.
Ilildt. who was wooing at the time Miss
Joronio, a daughter of Leonard Jerome,
and whom he afterward married: Ed
ward C. Iioynton, tho adjutant of tho
post, and the rest of tho ollicers hud pre
pared an ulalKirato and intereslititf pro
Krammo for tho commencement, and
during tho wnek or lotier that President
Grant and I i k family wero at tho Point
thero was mortar priuitico, signal servico
movementH, tho liuildiug of pontoon
bridges, cavalry maneuvers and other
object lessons in tho art of war, with
liarudcs every .afternoon on the plateau
tiy tho battalion of cadets, and a concert
afterward hy tho government hand.
Among the junior ollicers of
periutcudent's staff was John E. HoMiicr.
a liontenant if infantry, who was as
signed as escort to the president and his
family during their stay at West Point.
Uo was a native of Massachusetts, of
good family and attractire personal ap
pearance. The daughter of tho White
House, Miss Nellie Grant, was now to
society in tho east, and the young lieu
tenant devoted much time to her enter
tainment. He wag her daily chaperon
over the military grounds and explained
to her tho many points of historic inter
est there. Ho arranged private .ter
tainmcnts and parties in hex honor at the
houses of the professors, while old dow
ager, with little lse to do than watch
passing events, noted the growing inti
macy of the daughter of the White House
and the junior lieutenant, looked on the
young couple approvingly and said to
each other, "A match, sure."
The commencement of the academy
terminated on tho evening of "Saturday,
June 14, with the hall of the graduating
class at Roe's hotel, It was a brilliant
gathering, and in the opening quadrille
there was a conspicuous set composed of
President Grant and Miss Btrother
Washington, General Sherman and Mrs.
Grant, Lieutenant Hosmer and Miss Nel
lie Grant and Colonel Audendried, chief
of General Sherman's staff, and Misa
Kinzey, a southern belle. The grizzled
hero of the march to the sea bad hi .eyes
open to what was going on, and in one
of the pauses of the dance said to his
partner, Mr. Grant, in his quick, abrupt
way, what the dowagers had previously
remarked, "Looks like a match," nod
dinar with his liead toward Miss Grant
mill her lii'tilrtimit escort. Mrs. Grant
had her eves opened.
Tim next day (Sunday) Nrlliii ( Irimt ru- :
inuined in !' i l 11-i' 111 in II111 hold, mul I
Iit i mill early mi tin1 following Mini
il:iy itmriiiiig was hurried awny I y her
mother In Washington, while llm presi
dent ili'iiiti'li 'I fur tlir east In response In
I nl li' invitations. Lieutenant llostiur
iiiilli'il West l'ninl a few days later mid
Went In his liiilllritl Massachusetts, whore
l.ii ilinl In it few 1 in 111 1 1 is. Afterward llm
president's daughter wiim iniirrinl tn Iho
l.tiKlisliiiinn. Ali'riionSni toriM. who died
hi Duly. Ilriinltlyii KiikI'1.
Anrli'iit Hnpi'riitltlomi.
Omens mid superstitions have their
.riL'in in the belief snggi-sted to primi
tive until that the elements and every
thing H'rtaiiiiiig tn creation had souls
ami intelligence. This Ixdief is found
among tho ancient Aryans, llm Iloimins,
the Celts, the Teutons, the Arabians, the
Chinese, the American Indians and, in
fact, in every nation. That human natui
is the Kiimo the world over and at all
times is shown by the analogy existing
between early mythology, tho source
ffiim which the superstitions of the pres
ent day are derived. New York Tele
gram. Hull' Ambition.
'I'm K'iIiih to be it postman when I
t'l ".'. t:p, I'llil Hull, WI10 li.'ul iicetl flilil
den by his father for whislliii f. "Then
1 ran tro around ringing front doorbells
mid wliisl.ling ell I plrust.'." llnrpi r'n
An Ani'c-ili'le ? Ki'
Iti'tiim vliil" traveling alighted at
Naples. One morning n servant of the
hotel ciiimi In him tind sai l that lis she
had heard tile preacher nl the c i: hedrul
make use nf hii name tnativ times, she
would be t'lanhfiil if he would choose
for her a number in the lottery about to
heilriwn. "If von me a saint, "said she.
the liiimlM-r is sure to lie a Kiwid one; if
yon are a devil, it will he still better."
lleiiitn smtleil ami clioi;e a number, but
ho never knew if the servant was lucky.
London Globe.
A Ml.lcitilliiir lprrHlnn.
In a street car the nilierilriy two worn-
( n were talking nf a sick friend when a
little girl sitting at the side of one of
them interrupted with: "Mamma, what
ii the piant of death? Will it hurt Mrs.
l.n i:. .' So many such expressions are
vldidy misleading to the groping, literal
C i;l 1 mind. New York Times.
Wllli'il If Im llrurl In Ilia KHlriuiRml Wire.
Major Earl IJraiult, an old German
newspaper nam who died Tuesday, left
a will containing u queer bequest. lie
bequeathed his heart to his wife and left
direct ions for placin ; it in her possession.
It seems that .Vajor Iraudt married
while a young man. and his wife is still
living in Germany. For sni-e reason his
ma 11 led lite was unhappy, and ho came
to A mi rica, leaving his wife in the old
country. Though estranged from her
for life. It seems that his Vive for his
wife never ceased, niul ho frequently de
clared that as his heart was still hers she
should have it after his death. In ac
cordance with the provisions of tho will
the heart 1. 4 been removed from the
body and will he forwarded to Mrs.
Urandt, St. Louis Cor. Indianapolis
In (ha Czar. Country.
On the way back from Izora the czar
wanted a cup of tea, hut owing to a sud
den ierk of the railway carriage the tea
was upset. The next morning (as goes
the story) the whole lino lietween St.
.Petersburg and Izora was carefully
searched by numbers of men ordered to
find out what hud jerked the czar's tea
ciid Every time the czar goes up and
down tn Peterhof the steamers have to
bo decorated, truflic is suspended on the
river, and occasionally even the loading
of steamers is stopped, London News.
KiikIIhIi Yoath anil the Army.
Walter Uesnnt., in his very entertain
ing and valuable book on "London,"
notes an important change in the early
parUif this century in the feelings of
the English gentry altout trade. Mer
cantile life ceased to attract the younger
sotii -of the gentry, who found employ
ment in the army or navy, and the city
was thus severed from tho counties.
A llraiarkabla Watch.
There is a man in this city who is ex
hibiting a watch to his friends which he
claims has a "crowmalaker balance, la
congested to heat and cold, and has a
criminal confinement." Newburyport
Cupe Colony ia tho natural habitat of
the largest known species of earthworm.
It is a soft, scaluless thing between six
and seven foot long, and much resemhlea
our common angle worm.
Some people say that it ia very bad
luck indeed for a baby to see itself in a
mirror before it ia a year old, though
why this should bo ao considered it
would be diilicult to tell.
Good mucilage may be made of dex
trin two part8, acetic acid one part and
water live parts. Dissolve all by heat
ing and then add one part of alcohol
A remedy of great value, for cats and
dogs is aweet oil. Put two tablespoon
,fuls iu their milk and they will rarely re
fuse to take it.
Some people prefer to line their stoves
with potters' clay instead of brick, and
It ia aaid to answer the purpose very
Jn.l Now II- It n frliileft Hit It, Imt llr
.Mti.v lirlo;i smiie liny.
"Whnt'n jour hoy Ike ilnin thinv.'li I'
Host on. Jefome'r" n -l:ei I he I . i iMale po ;t
Ciisler nne stormy ni;:lil. whil" I," .v.i.i
Jerome Sargent wniiul for the coach In
arrive. Mr. Sargent bttd returned from n
visit to lloslo.i theihiy before, mid it wns
raguely repnrltd in I he village thai "he'd
had gn at doin's daown b'low with lite."
Isaac," replied Mr. Sargent in n tone
of ill cnliceiiled pride, "is right ill t!l'
midst o' things. I ken jest tell ye! M'
wife, she's alius held to it that Isaac lied
got t' be Koine kind of a lit'rary fi ller
when he'd got his growth, an I declare
fnr't. It does nptiear 's ef he was in ll
pooty fa'r way f berry aunt his ma's
d'sires. He's jest right in amongst a
mess o' tli" lil'rary folic th' hull 'duriii
time; sees 'em real informal day in a.i
"Do tell!" gasped the postmaster, with
an expression of the greatest mid most
flattering nmnzement on his sharp fea
tured countenance.
"Yes, sir." said Mr. Sargent, seeing
that he had iiiad'.i a dccl.icd impression
on his listener. "I was mound with
Isaac quite n little spell one iiiornin. but
litW7i'e, I couldn't slum! no w ch fluster
In, hnriyin times as he lies right nlong!
Twotilii kill me right off, or anyways I
shouldn't never be lit for iiiiytliin ngiti
lifter a week o' sech work! Ihit Isaac
likes il, mi i e- iiiH f feel renl envy an on
concertied "I .unit gettin raound. There's
one thing his ma tin I would like t' hev
changed though, that's th' short ration
o' time they give him f git from ono
place t' nnother nn back ngin."
"lies t' hurry, dons he?" inquired tho
post muster.
"He cert'nly doos," replied Mr. Sar
gent, crossing his hands on his kneesiiiid
surveying the effect meditatively as ho
talked. "Isaac's a likely hoy at learnili,
nn they'd orter give him a little moro of
a chance, seems 's ef."
"Well, nnow, what Is Ikedoin precise
ly?" inquired tho postmaster after n
pause, during which he had waited pa
tiently for Mr. Sargent to give some
more definite information as to his son's
pursuit, which had always been shroud
ed in mystery.
"Why. I Hin t cal'latin t' tell ye jest
th' nanio they give t' a boy in Isaac's p'sl
tion," remarked tho father prudently.
"It w'd striko ye kind o' queer, smiie as
it did me fust off, till Isaac explained
'bnont it? I ain't deemed it hardly wise
t' tell his ma even jest yet, for she's kind
o' notional, an 'taint a pooty namo no
two ways 'baout it! Dot it appears 't
it's customary, mi don't mean what yo
might s'pnse or anylhiii liko it. What
Isaac dims is t' kerry what he tells mo
they cnll proof tho literary folks do
back nn forth betwixt them that writes
an them that prints. Jest think o' that!
Ilight in with 'em all, Isaac is!"
"Uo tli folks that ho works for set
much hy him?" inquired tho postmaster
in a tone of great respect.
"Th priin.n folks set a heap by him,"
replied Mr. Sargent. "It's 'Isaac' here
an 'Isaac' there all th' time with them.
Isaac says th' writin men don't seem t'
take much to him, but I told him that ef
he was a good boy an did his work well
they'd git so they'd feel real friendly to
him an be glad t' see him whenever he
come in, snmo as th' printin folks aro.
An I said f him, sort of encouragin, for
I thought he seemed kind o' daonbt
ful, 'Why, Isaac, what a good thing it
w'd be for ye ef some o' them writin'
folks sh'd take a real sliino t' ye an have
a little talk with ye nnow nn agin whilst
they was finishin np their writin for yo
t' take off (for Isaac says they never hev
it Mono when ho gits thero hardly).
P'r'aps they might kind o' set forth t' ye
; haow they vrite, an so on,' says I. Isaac
I .li.l..' u. (' !,,, Ir 'I,..,,. Ijbnl,. l,f i
Ul, v d... ,i, v in. nit i n tin a,n...j , .uv.
do, nn so doos his ma!
"When a boy," said Mr. Sargent,
rising ns ho heard tho sound of tho Ap
proaching coach, "lies a chance like
Isaac's, ther'a no knowiu what may come
V him!" Youth's Companion.
Men Who Abu! rrl.llrgri.
Chambermaids at swell hotels soon bo
come great students of human nature.
It does not take them long to size up
either the social or financial standing of
tho guests.
For instance, one showed her acumen
in this direction the other day when I
happened to call her attention to tho ar
ray of six towels on the rock over the
washstand in the bathroom.
"Think that extravagant?" said the
bright young woman. "Well, don't you
make any mistake!"
"But it most cost the house a lot for
laundry bills," I ventured.
"Not a hit of it," sho replied vivaci
ously. "Most of our trade hero ia first
class. No one ever uses a lot of towels
nnloss they ore not used to them at
home. Men who are accustomed to tho
luxuries of life do not take advantage of
the supply. It is only the clasa who usu
ally wipe their faces on roller towels
who abuse our generosity."
And doubtless the girl knew what she
was talking about. N ew York Herald.
Macer. a Roman official of Ciccro'a
time, hf.nged himself when informed
that the great orator intended to appear
against him iu his trial for peculation.
Alexander the Great had a twist in
his neck. It therefore became fashiona
ble for every one in that monarch's court
to carry the neck in tho same way.
Infancy ia the germ period of man's
existence; it ia the springtime of the
year, the time of iced sowing. Young.
Triilnril Flnli.
Kish have inauy times been taught to
perforin tricks, mul it would nppciir as
if (hey hud lunch iimre Intelligence than
hi attributed to them. .Air. J. A. l'.ailey
nf circus fainiuiticn had I wn brook limit
in a small c.tnriuiu in his private reM
denee that v it'd jaiip n:,t nf I ho water
mul talc Hie-, del 1 b , v.. "ii 1 'ie forefinger
mid t humli and . oiud nl n ring a Ii . I Ie
ti -I I when (ley reipiired lood. They
Would also leap over little bars of wood
placed about two inches above the sur
face nf tho water.
Il is a very simple matter to teach tho
fish these tricks. At first a little tower
containing a tiny, sweet toned silver bell
wns fastened to the iron work of the
aquarium with a piece of string attached
lo thn tongue of tho bell extending into
thn water wherethn trout were. On the
loose end of tho string an insect or other
tempting morse was placed, which the
fish would nt once seize, and pulling the
rord tho bell in the tower would na'n
rally tinkle. After this had licon l
peatud aeveral days the fish were left
without food for some little time until
I hey Hindu the discovery that they could
obtain it by pulling at tho string to
which the delicacies had been attached.
This they never failed to do ever after
ward when they were hungry and ns
that was nearly all the time the little
bell was constantly tingling ns the lish
wi re continually pulling the cord, and
it win; quite a pretty and novel sight,
New York Herald.
'I'he Hawaiian llciitti I'myer.
I'poti tho minds nf such a people as
tho Il.iwaiians were, while under their
indent form of religion, it. was but nat
ural that superstition should gain a
rooted hold. The most curious mid ef
fective belief to which they wero made
snbject was that a man can lie prayed to
death a belief that survives among the
natives to tho present day. Forlm suc
cess of tho tragical death prayer it was
necessary to obtain some hair or a piece
of finger nail of tho intended victim. A
priest wns then employed to use incanta
tion nnd prayer for his destruction. Al
ways informed of thn doom that the
priest was invoking upon him, tho vic
tim generally pined away nnd died.
Thero is a story current that an Eng
lishman in the service of Kamehmuclia
I, hnving incurred thn displensnro of a
priest, tho latter proceeded to ' remove"
him by tho death-prayer process. The
Anglo-Saxon, however, set up nn opposi
tion altar in derision, mid jokingly pro
claimed that ho intended to pray thn
priest to death. Alarmed nt tho threat
und overwhelmed nt the failure jf his
own incantations, tho sorcerer died, prov
ing by his death his faith in his religion.
E. Ellsworth Carey in Californium
Front an Old llnok.
In one of tho older Manuals of the'
common council of Now York there ap
pears nn interesting directory of this
city for the year IMS. Then there
were exactly twenty streets nnd a pop
nlation of 251. Broadway at thut time
was De Heere straat (the principal
street). Tho Battery was Aen de Strandt
van de N. Beeir. Wall street waa De
Waal, Pearl street was De Perel straat,
Whitehall street was De Winckel atrsat,
William street waa In do Smits valley
(In the smith'a valley), and Broadway
above Wall street waa Bnyten de Lant
Poort (outside the land gate). All of
the residents were of Dutch extraction,
with the exception of one whose name
appears In the list as Jncob, the French
man. There were Roosevelt, Beekmana. Dt
Peysters, De Puys, Van Cortlandta and
Verplancks in those days. Clams, oys
ters and fish formed the principal fond
of tho settlers at that neriod. Occasion
ally in the spring New York was visited
by "such amazing flights of wild pigeons
that the sun was hid by their flocks from
shining on the earth for a considerable
time; then it was that the natives laid
In a great store of thpni ngalnst a day of
need." New York Time.
The Love of Dome.tlo Animal..
The man who has not music in his
son I is justly exposed to the disparage
ment of the poet, but what shall be said
of him who cannot find one dumb ani
mal at least on which to bestow care
and kindness? Sailors and soldiers have
their pets; the feathered, the feline, and
the canine creation are universal favor
ites. Carriers and draymen are rarely in
different to the companionship of the
fonr footed frienda, and the navvy's dog.
while his master is at work in the cut
ting or on the embankment, sits on h?
peajacket and guards the bundle con- f
taining that midday meal of which,
when the toiler returns, the good and
faithful Bervant will have his share. It
would he a very dreary and perhaps ;t
wickeder world than it is if we had
not animal pets, domestic as well a
regimental. London Telegrnph.
Trim Marriage.
A happy wedlock ia a long falling in
love. I know young persons think love
belongs only to the brown huir and
plump, ronnd, crimson cheek. So it dix's
for its beginning, just as Mount Wash
ington begins at Boston bay. But the
golden marriage is a part of love which
the bridal day knows nothing of. Youth
ia the tassel and silken flower of love;
age ia the fnll corn, ripe and anlid iu the
ear. Beantiful is the uiomiug of love,
with ita rjronhcrii. ei-ii.w,, vi..i..f .:if-
frou, purple and gold, with IU hopes of
daya that are to come. Beautiful also
ia the evening of love, with ita glad re- i
luetuurauce ana its rainbow aide ttirneui
lowarn heaven as well as earth. The
ed j
z l
te I
uore f ai'Ker.