,S ::. t. T V'T. in oitrnnre. A W. Pn mi ' all ly , liviMtilti tiNMtl TMiiMr. itili1Uhi-ipviry -Iv !l' I!ivmiiIiUvMIp. .ll'ITl'"Hll I'ti. ,l in Im hittist tif Itcvmi'iUvlll,, '!. -utti'-o'inly. Nim-nllHrti'l. u III iri-nl i, t , ). tinil will lMM"tii'liilly f'li-ii'l- ' 111' 'MlHIl InT I'lllMM. 1'MI "ITI.VIMT Vl'!r. Ill IlitVlllK'l'. I 11: n"iriitim intfiiiii'il r,f iiniiili'ii' inn t imiimnliMl liy llii wrlli'i'' inimr. - ii'll.Mi'ion. lull' n n uuiii-tiii'i'i' nf liirtisln'i lii'M h li'm xnllrl'nl. '-'it ' 1 ti'iw iihhIm liimwM mi liipllril- '! ii'lli'r In AmioIiN Hliwk. 'i . ,,iiitiiiiiilniiloii Mini rlinm'i' nf i til should ri'tii'li lliW nllli'i' Ity 'I'lMtl, n mmiitittliMitlnti lol. A. I'i'ili- ', i..il.l-vlll.. I'll. "1-1 ii' 'In' iwwIii'Mi'o lit llryiinlilsvllli'. unci i'Iiihs mull mn"i't ' It , , -I i..vo, f '.lllor mill ln. r.MNM'SMAY. AIMMF, r.. 1!:t "i . i m-'i irwn of Aliilmnm Imv" h n In IiI.imiii mid n1puil lv tin' ft'iwt al ilv 'ill- v i'i' 'T., f,,f n mm") to turn n liniiil- siiflii'f Mii'iiti'li tin1 cvMif n iiiM'ill", Minn (t f i ni i'i to tri't, Hell liy iiilmllnir hN ii'-liy'i'mr"" litwlii"KH. A K'Hinw i wtMiiiMti'r liii Im hiIiiiiitIi fir llmt wi'lur'm fniii' limitlml firnl w-v-cn'y-twi niimil. Ims vvlttn to Alit ant P'w'mnitor (iiwral lliwn usUlnir Hint tti tioV'Tiuni'iit irivt lii-ra hwIiIom of "lliii'r iHwti'iro ntnniw at t ih Clilrniro KxtHwItlon. Shu 1h twi-nty-fiiiir .wiir olii. Tin- irri'iit, Hnmklyn liililtfti Is pttivttiif inmli'iinnti' to nivntiimi'iliiti' th" trnvi'l b"twp"n thi i-ltii'H of Now York nnil Brooklyn, nml tlio fi'dornl nnil miinli'lpul ooiHi'tit to tlio ontcrjirlMo luivlnu Im-oii olitnlivil. twootlior utriK'luri'HHliiillnr In th"lr (ri-tiornl ili'Hljrn fo tlio pxlxtliiif olio will noon lr hirtin. only furtlior up. Dr. TiOmiiifo nnd lil ootufri'triitlon nt Brooklyn nro npionlino; to tlio pulilli' for nld to pay off a heavy niorttfniri- that hnnifH ovor tlio Hpai'loim TalM-rnnolo at BiiHiklyn. Tlio Htatomont In now iniiilo that for tho pant tliroo yoain ho han ro wivoil iftiso for his work, tlio luilunco of hln salary having Ihmw tiirnod hark to tho chiui'li. Although thoro urn many applloantH for tho good poditioim In tlio world, yet th'-ro In nlwavH room for men who arc tndimtrioiiH. hoiii-Ht and ahlo. Varanelea occur every year Into which Htep thiwo who nra qualilieil. TIiIh fact imht to bo an inspiration nnd an Incentive to the young fellows who nro on tho threshold of nctivo life During 1S!2 there wein .'Hl.iii'i appll catloim for patents tiled. During tho Miuno year lI.'MTH wero issued. By tho above there appeaii to lie nodiminiitlon in the invent ivu guiilim of the American people. America lends all the countries of tho world in tho number of patents Issued. Wo have a genius in Heynolds vlllo who has nn application in for n patent, ho is hard at. work on other model which ho expects to get a patent on. Tho bill creating .lofTcrson county u separate Judicial district will not bo reached In tho I louse for several weeks yot unless a special order can lie secured for it. Mr. Cessna, chairman of tho committee on Judicial apportionment, will ask for a special order for all tho separate Judicial bills in order to ascer tain definitely what action tho (iovernor will tnko in regard to them. Ho is said to hnvo declared his hostility to any apcclnl apKirtlonment bills when there was a general apHrtionment bill jiond Ing. Should this provo to lie tho case tho generul bill could still Ik passed, and, if votoed, perhaps a two-thirds majority obtained to pass it over tho Governor's head. Punxsutawney Spirit. Tho St. Marys dttzitlr insinuated that Bro. Elliott, of tho Volunteer, made a desperate attempt to get to tho train to Hue tho prize lighter who paused through our town, and failed, hut was fortunate enough to moot a man who had shaken hands with, and talked to, the bruiser, adding sarcastically, ho hoped tho editor would not gut a swelled head on account of tho distinction accorded him. In last weeks' issue tho editor of tho Gatcttc acknowledged the receipt of a i keg of beer and owned up to his love ? I for it and, to let him self down easy, : II . 1 . 1 .1 m A .A.. IT . .'I lmpiicuwu uiu eiiucu irtiicrniiy ' ' I.-, ...un It I. 4.. !..... it... Ho iv in, r, n v iioi, al, in i ua,u n swelled ,i ., head," no doubt. If a prize fighter was "'to pass through St. Marys the Outrite editor would be at the train to sou him, 'Spr break his neik In the attempt, because beer drinking and prize fighting fare first cousins. !F. A. Weaver, editor of tho Brook .vllle Hrpublkan, who has been at Wash ington, D. C, occupying a ixwition in the Department of the Interior, bos re ' turned to Brookville and resumed bis dutlus as editor of the abovo named paper. The change In the administra tion was tho jiersuaslve power that In duced Mr. Weaver to take up his duties as country editor. He says tlio letters "G. O. P." stand for, "Get oft and Push." No doubt la tho next four years he will occasionally think of the "Good Old Pay" he "raked In" while at Washington. As Mr. Weaver has been In the newspaper business for many years he Is not a stranger to the duties that devolve upon him In the editorial chair. It makes little difference to Un do Sam what kind of disposition a man has who works for him, but It takes a patient, kind-hearted, loving, tender, . fall-to-please-everybody kind of a man to run a newspaper, and as Mr. Weaver fills the bill, he is at homo in the sanc tum sanctorum. Rathmel. ( (!eo. Dyke Is improving very slowly. The building Ixxitn has licgutt In our town. The piislolllee Is at the old stand yet. Maxwell, whrrc's yer ax ? ('. 1,. (i iiilifini an,! rmuily iiiiiVid to Cattish. Armstrong county. .1. A. liumlnii smiles and Is just its Imppy as if It had Ii 'ell II bey. Willie Mnliiiey, who has been suffer ing with rheumatism, Is Improving. Geo. t.. Henry, who had one of his feet crushed III the mine, Is getting b t ter. Philip Schreclnghost will move his family to Armstrong county at an early day. Patrick Mi-Closkey's two children, who have had diphtheria, are getting Ii 'tier. Master Arthur B 'Verndge has ulmut recovered from n two wick's sickness with scarlet fever. Kd. L. Moore ami I,. A. Hays will lie called upen to cuter bail to keep the peace and lie of good ln-hiivlor. The drinking saloon in our town is doing a lMiomiug business. Our bnnrd of trade meets there regularly. We understand that there are several of our young bloods preparing for n snil on the sen matrimonial as soon as the clouds roll by. We lire pleased to see a goodly stuck of groceries and provisions fur sale In the house where rot gut whiskey and sour beer was intended. On Friday last one of the Spingno mine drivers nml stable tsiss h'reeman had an unpleasant dispute which had to be settled by the master of ceremonies. Swab Bros., of Keynolilsville. have commenced the erect Ion of a store build ing in our town. It Is to he hoped that they will meet with success in their trade lieii-. Annie, a daughter of J. Milliron, has been duiigerously ill during tho past week. Wo understand she will lie taken to tho West Penn hospltnl, In Pitts burg, for treatment. '"Beauty" may lie "only skin deep:" but the secret of a beautiful skin Is pure blood. Those conrsc, rough, pimply complexions may, in most cases, he ren dered soft, smooth and fair by the pre serving and systematic use of Ayer's Snrsaparllla. Figs and Thistles. Ilium's II, nn. Mark this: You don't have to lie dls agi able to 1h good. Kear to die until you have done some good that will always live. The strongest man In tho world Is the one who can best control himself. There Is nothing easier to liollovo than a pleasing He alsiut ourselves. Perhaps there would he more power in oui' praying If there were more cheer in our giving. If all public prayers were heard and answered, angels would soon want to come down and live among us. There Is a great difference between getting a bunch of grais-s now nnd then and owning a farm in the promised land. Much trouble Is caused because wu forget that many men do not have the same kind of religion in a horse trade that they have in church. Special Notice. Try my buggies, they are ns good as tho best, and low in price. You will pny in lilil lo men a big price and get no lict tor. J. K. Johnston, liathmel. Fire Insurance Since 1S"H. Norwood G. Plnney, Brook ville, Pa. Old and reliable companies represented. JVo bmlvrmjc. All orders by mall will receive prompt attention. Walter Spry, of Heynoldsvillo, is my authorized and licensed solicitor. Cy clone policies also written. tl-21. Special Offer. We are making a aicclal offer to each of our readers paying a j'oar'a subscrl tion to the Star In advance, and to all nuw subscribers paying in advance, we will glvo them the best local paper in Jefferson county and will glvo them frou, either tho iroiiidiiA'iiK? or Ameri can Farmer, for one year. The two paper above mentioned are excellent monthly papers and tho subscription price of each Is $1.00 a year. Children's tan shoes 75c. and $1.00 ut Robinson's. Tho Central Pennsylvania Telephone and Supply company have authorized the extension of their mutalllo circuit lines from Clearfield to DuBols and Ridg way, and the construction will be com menced early In April and should be finished by the first of Juno. This will give that region direct communication with all tho lines of long distance com pany, proving of great value to the rapidly developing territory compre hended In this largo lumber, mineral and gas rogion. Willlamsport Time. Russian tan shoo polish at Robinson's The school boy that delightuth tn playing truant and tryeth to deceive his teacher will find out whon he gets out Into the world that ho played the part of a fool and deceived no one but him elf. Big Run Echo. Marries Three. ILork Haven f-xpti. If you think of marrying a woman romi'inh t yon marry thri'o creatures, a young one. a middle-aged one tied an old one. t'nless one or two die b fore their time you marry a wife, n mother nml n grandmother. In lie!' you mi'i-ry a lot of people you do not know. You don't marry for to day, or to-morrow, but for all sorts of situations. If she is gentle, mid wise, and true, you have n brli.e, but not only for the wedding day. but for sickness, and for old age. If she is only handsome she will some day grow ugly, but if she !s good ami true she will stand wear. Try to know her b fore you take her. Renl Estate Transfers. Following ari' the deeds filed for rec ord in the . eonlers office from March 1 t Ii lo March 2!Mh. for lteynoldsville borough and Winslow township: D.ivld Wheeler to Mnrgnrct Cain, for lot in l ynclilsvllle. $7iin: NVv, m bcrii. M!r .Wis. I.ttiitjiiixli. "TiredlOh.su tired all the time:" Mm. Sum it. "Well, so I used to he until I began to take Ayer's Sarsnparilla lis n spring medicine, and now 1 don't know what it is to have that tired feeling. Try it. my dear', only lie sure you get Ayer's." Men's seamless work shin s $i.f0 at Robinson's. Try Bnbiiison's $l;.(M) line shoo for men. Mttllroiit (Tttitf (Tolilt. COMPANY commencing Sunday Dec. IM, l). Low Grade Division. K A ST W Allll. No. 1. No..V No. II. Ilil Hill A. M. I'. M A. M. P. M. P. M lii 4", 4 :m in ."; 4 4 i ll :' ft 17 - ll :is n r. .1 11 4ii ft :i.i ft :m 12 ll", ft .VI ft :VI 12 i II I.I (I III I'-' .11 H III tt III . ll 4 i :n I ll II Ml 11 17 i im a fts ii v, I i 7 ii 7 hi io v, i :m I :r 7 7 in ll l 4ft I 47 7 4s 7 11 1 Till S Ml 7 '" 2 ll", S (HI 7 41 1 r. s iii 7 5i 3 i". s 2ii s ill It! S 44 S III 2 M s V, s :ki :i ." ii J", ii im I' M. P. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. W KSTW A mi" No.2 No. II No. I" imi mi A. M. A. M P. M. P. M. P. M in 4", ft ii a r ii 17 ft :ni 7 ir II 2s ft 41 7 hi n 4"i ft vi 7 :u II Vi II CI 7 41 11 (O ll III 7 ftl 12 III ll 2.1 s in 12 22: II :i7 S 12 I 111 7 III S 2"i 12 j ft 4 I 2D1 7 2ii s :i! 12 I.-, ft .HI I :il 7 2s N 4H I 4'il 7 411 S s I fts, ; n; H iij 1 in' s im ii 17 2 2il S III II 2ft 2 :r.ij s :is ii 4i 2 fts s III III :i ii ii a-, in is :i l.v ii iftj hi 2ft' II 17; II 471 4 ll III Mli a. mJa. m. p. m.Ia m. p. m. STATIONS. lirll Itllllk .. I.IIUsonlllllll New lll'llilrhi'lll dull ICM-.'c Muysvillc Siinimi'i-vllle . . Ilr.xikvllle Hi'll Fuller Keynolilsville . I'liiicniisl Kullst'NM'k.... hiillnls Hlllilllll VVIlttrl'lMirn IVMIHll Tyler Ill, 'II H-lllT.,.. lll'lH-KClll, (Irani I i Ifl wood llilfl wihhI .... Ill Hill hclirelle .. ., Illi'll l-'lslicr.. Tyler IVnllelil WIiiIi'I'Iiiii n . Hillillhi Ililllols t'tillsCi-cek .. I'ltnritlisl . . . . . Kryiiolilsvllli fuller Hell Ilt'ookl'llll'... Humiiit'i'vlUe. Muysvillc OiikHlilu'e New Mcllilrlii'ln l.lltvsonlllllll Kril Hunk... Ti'iiliis dully except Sunday. HA VIII Mi'CAKOO, (Ikn'i.. Si it.. I'litshmir, I'ii. .1AS. P. AMiKltSON, ItKN'i.. Pass. Aiit.. I'ltlsliiuK. Pa p K N N S Y L V A N I ARA I IM t D. IN KFKKLT UWKMIIKK 1H, 1WI2. I'lllllldrlplilll & Ki le llullloud ll l-loli Time Tlllih. TliilliM leiivc lli lfl wimhI. K A ST W A It 1 1 9:114 A M -TihIii . dully except Hiindiiy for Suiiliuiy. Ilio i lsliiiiii nml liileiini'illiilc sin Huns, iiii'lvlnit in I'hlliidi lplilii il:.Vi p. m., New V,,lk.ll:;ift I'. M.I IllilllliMilc. 11:4.1 p. M. VtiishluiiiiMi, s:I.M. m. I'll 1 1 inn I'lirlor car from WMIIiuiiiHirl mid piiHHrnirei' cuuclirs freiii Kiini' lo I'liiliidelphlii. 3::i" I'. M.-TiiiIii ll, dully except Siiiiduy for llmrlsliinir nml Inleinii'dliile stiitloiis, iir rlvliiKiil l't I lnli 1 1 ill In 4:2.1 A. M. New Vork, 7:lli A. M. 'riiiourli i'iiui'Ii from Ililllols in VVIIIIiinisiHirt. I'lillniuu Hleepliiir curs from lltii-rlKliiim io I'lillmlelplilii nnd New 'ork. I'liiliidelphlii piisNenuers cmi rt-mulli In sleeper iiiidlsluilieil llliltl 7:M) A. M. Il::ift I'. M. Train 4. dully for Siiiiliuiy, llm i is Inii'ir mid Iniei ineilliiic siuiloiis, urrlvinir ut I '1 1 1 1 ii 1 1-1 1 I it . a. M. ; New Vol k. Ii::m A. M. Hiillluioie, 11:20 A. M.l Wa-hliiuliin, T :: A.M. I'llllmiiu curs mid piiHseniier cnuclies from Ki le nml VllllmiisHii t In I'liiladelplila. I'lissenuers ill sleeper for ilulllmore nnil Wiislilmiion will lie iriiiisferieU Into Wusli liiKten sleeper Hi lliiriisluirir. WKSTWAIIH. 7::ift A. M. Train I, dully except S.indiiy for Kid-'Hiiy, Ililllols, Clermonl mid I'nlei' nieillute hIiiIIoiih. Leuves lil(lKuy at U:UU P. M. for Ki le. 1 : "S I A . M. Trill ii :t. dully for File anil Inter nieilllilu (Hiiuls. tt:27 I'. M. Trulii 11, dully except Hunduy for Kane mid Inlerinedlui est til ions. TIIUOl (.11 THAINS Foil MilFTWOOl) FIIOM TIIK FAST ANII SOUTH. TKAIN II leuves I'lilludelphin :M A. m.l WiikIiIhiiioii, 7..VH A. M.l llii ll Imore, S:4.ft A. M. ; Wilkeslmnc, lll:l.', A. M.i daily except Hun duy, iirrivliiK al UriflwiHHl nt 0:27 P. M. Willi I'ulliniin I'm lor car from I'lilladelpnla to IlllumsiHirt. TKAIN a leaves New Vork nt s p. m. : I'hllu delplila, ll:2H p m.i Wusliluulon, IU.4H u. in.; Halilniore, ll:4ii p. in.; dully iirrlvlim at liilflwuod HI U:.MI it. m. I'lillniuu slettiiiiiK curs fnnii liilladeliililii tn File mid from Wusliliiuion anil llnliluiore to WllllmnsHirl und throiiiih passenirer eoiiches from I'liila (lelplilu lo Kile und Ilulllmore In Wllliiiins- dsirt mid to DuHols. tAIN 1 leaves Kenovo at 6.M ll. m., dully except Hunduy, urrlvluic at Hilflwissl 7::ift tt. Dl. JOHNSONBURfi RAILROAD. (Dully except Sunday.) THAIN III leuves lildnwiiy ut U:4Ua. m.l Jnhii hunhuric ut B:5ftu. ui., urrlvlim ut (.ieriiiunt ut 1(1:4.1 ii. m. TKAIN 2U leuves Clermont at I0:.V u. in. ur rivluir ut .IiiIiiikoiiIiiii'k atll:4U u. m. und HIilKwuy ul ll:.Vm. in. JIDGWAY & CLKARFIELD R. R. DAILY EYCK1T SUNDAY. BOtmiWAKll. NOKTIIWAUI). I'.M A.M. HTATIONH. A.M. P.M. 12 10 12 IS 12 22 12 :il 12 lis lft 42 12 44 12 411 1 Ul 1 10 I 14 129 14ft V40 0 4S 11.12 10 (r III 10 10 1.1 10 17 20 20 42 10 4S 10 Ml 11 Oft Itlduwiiy Island Kim Mill lluveii ('royltiud Hhorls Mills llliln Kis-k Vineyard Hun Cari'ler HriH'kwuy villi, Mi'Mlnii Summit llarviiys Kim Fulls Creuk llulloU 7 00 Hftl H4tl e: h:i (lift B2.I 2I tt (SI Ilft7 ft .12 ft 4.1 DUO 120 1 111 Km 12 .111 12.14 12.18 12 SO 12 .IS 12:il 12 2H 12 20 12 0S TRAINS LEAVE UIDOWAY. East ward. Westvrunl. Tru n S, 7: 17 a. m. Train a, II :M a. Train . I M i. in. Train 1, 3:011 p Trula 4, 7:56 p. tu. Train 11, :25 p CHAH. E. I't'UH, Ouii. Mmiavur. J. K. WOOD, Hon. 1'ttim. Ag't. Vrotlioiiptnrit, (etc. pill I'llOTIIONOTAKV, Wl 1.1,1 AM H. HirTTKR. Orl I. A Will. K Itoiioriut. Sultlect toacllon of Hie repnliliciins of .lelTer- in 1 'o. at llie ii' immy elis'tlon, June 17, lsli:t. pill SIIF.KIFK. K. KKVF. ok I!kvnoi.iisvii.i.i: lloiioi-iiii. Siiliecl lo net Inn of die retiiittlleiiusof .lelTer -son 1 o. at t lii prlnimy elect Ion, June 17, Isiki, piltslll KM I'. DAVID O. (IOUHLKY, or IIiiook vii.i.k llniiol on. Sullied lo net loii of 1 lie i-epiilillcmis of .leffer soiil'o.ai lite piliuaiy ele.'i Ion, June 17. si:i. put si 1 F.I: 1 I F. CMAItl.KHO WIf-SON. OK I'l'SXSfTAV. !K.T HollOI'lllt, Stililect to iictlonof Hie retmlillcmis of .lelTer sou Co. ul Hie pilmm-y elecilon, June 17, ls'.i:i. ,'olt SI I I K I I F. CKOIJOK W. WAKNICK. or HrYsoi.nsvii i.r. H01101-011. Sillilecl to action iif Hie lepillilicmiHof .lelTer son Co. at Hie I'rluiary eleclioii, June 17, s!i:i. put SI I F.I: IFF, K. W. McMILLKN. Of McCai.mant Towssiiip. Hulilecl function of the democrats of Jeffer son Co. at t In- primary elecilon, lime, (sli.1. (Touiittt (Trrciattrrr. pill TKKASI KF.K. .IOIIN WAITK, Ok Winslow Township, Sub led to net Ion of Hie repiilillcmisof Jeffer son Co. at the primary election, June 17, isici. pill THKASl'llF.lt, N. D. CORKY, Or I't'SXSI'TAWNKV HoltOt'llll, Huliiect to iidlon of llie retiutillcans of Jeffer son Co. at llie primary elecilon, June 17, sii:i. piUTKKASI KKK, W. W. CRISSMAN. OP Cl.AYVIl l.K HollOI'lllt, Sulilis't to acflon of Hie repiilillcans of Jeffer son Co. lit t he pi lime y election. June 17, Islri. pK TKKASfKKK, ARTHUR MORRISON, Or t'Nios Township, Suliject to action of the repiilillcans of Jeffer son Co. at the primary election lime 17. Istci. (T ommlloiic. pill COMMISSIONKK, W. T. COX, or Winsi.ow Township, Huliiect toacllon of Hie renilllcansof lelfcr soii Co. ut Hie primary election, June 17, IWI. pilt COMMISSIONKK, DANIKL RRKWKR, Ok I'minr Township, Huliiect to ncllon of the repiihl leans of Jeffer son (11. at Hie Primary elis'llon, June 17, Islet. pilt COMMISSIONKK, .IOSKPH DARR, OK ItlllMIK vii.i.k Hoiioi'lill, Huli.led to ad loii of the repulillcmis of Jeffer son Co. ut H,e primary election, June 17. Istiil. piK COMMISSIONKK, .IOSKPH liri.LKRS. OK Waiisaw Township, Huh.lect to action of the repiilillcmisof Jeffer son (.'0. at the primary election. June 17. IsUX ltHrrllaitou. 1 MITCH KLL, ATTORN KY-AT-LA W. OfHce on West Main street, opposite tho I'oiiimnrclal Hotel, Keynoldsvlllti, I'a. jyu. u. k. ikkjvkr, RKYNOLDSVH.LK, PA. Kesldent dentist. In liulldluir near Metho dist church. opiMislle Arnold hlis.'k. Gentle ness In ois'ialliitf. tlotcl. II OTKL MtXJONNKLL, RKYNOLDSVILLK, PA. FUAMCJ. II LAV K, Proprietor. The leadliiK hotel of the town. Headquar ters fur eommcirlul men. Htciim heut, free lius, hath riNiins mid closets on every flisir. sample riHims, hllllard nsim, telephono con nect Ions, Ac II OTKL HKLNAP, RKYNOLDSVILLK, PA. UKEEX& VOSSEH, Proprietor. I'lixt class In every partlciilar. I.is'uled In the very centre of Ine huslness purt of town. F'ree 'hits to and from trains and commodious sutiiphi rooms for commercial travelers. MKHICAN HOTKL, IUMX)KVILLK, PA. llVFFlXUrOX rf- LOXd, Prop. Omnlhiis to nnd f mm all trains. Eiiropeno restaurant. House lieateil and lighted by lias. Hot and cold water. Western t'nion Teleitrapli omen In IiiiIUIIiik. The hotel Is lilted with all the modern conveniences. COMMERCIAL HOTKL, BROOKVILLE, PA., PHIL P. VAIUtlEIt, Proprklor, Sample rooms on tliu ifround flisir. House lieateil hy natural uas. Omnibus to and from uu trains. AEcllpjous Vccntj: (UNtlGTAniAN.) NO PAPER LIKE IT ON EARTH Unique not Fcccntrtc, W itty nut Funny, Rolitiuu not I'iuui, Not (or Sect but for Souls, WHOLE 6ERM0NC IN A SENTENCE. ScnU a dune ia ttampi fur three eeki trial, THE RAM'S HORN, $1.W WOMAN'S TCMPLC, R" Per Year, CHICAGO it once. ONLY PAPER THAT EVERYBODY LIKE SUBSCRIBE FOR "THE STAR" $1.50 PER YEAR. mi ijitfjiiwmjwM '"r jrt.-'w T-3-vT'- Sir ,r A C'nroful Kxnniiuntioii inal before prepc-ribing glassen, aul liavitig tlio MOST - IMPROVED - METHODS, and a knowledge of how to line them. Satisfaction is Guar anteed. G. F. HOFFMAN, The Jeweler and Optician' THE PLACE TOGO -FOR- Fine Dress Patterns, in the Latest Shades and Trimmings to Match, Calicos, Outing Flannels, Fine Ginghams, A full line of White Goods, Embroideries, Lace Curtains, SPRING COATS and CAPES. BING & CO. Our Stock isall New nnd the Latest Styles. Come and See. NOUHN BLOCK. . . MAIN STRCT. You are invited to attend our OPENING! taflai Ereii, April i, to inspect the Largest Line of SPRING GOODS ever brought to the place. We think it will be to your interest to be present. ' J. B. ARNOLD. IStii. So Yon ? If you don't, go to C. F. HOFFMAN. He will fit you with n pair of (Ilapaes.