The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 05, 1893, Image 1

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HKYNOMWVIIiliK, I'KMW., WKINKSl,.Y A I'll 1 1; T, If',!):!.
on Keying j
Mundell's Solar fpif)
Rrynoldsvllle, Pa.
Dry Goods,
Boots, and
Fresh Groceries
Flour and
Keynoldsvillc, Ph.
Nuturo luiH soon lit to luivu
chungoublo weather and why
not huvo your pcrmm garmented
with u neat and nobby suit
mudo of houvy-wolght mutoriul
' to Hiiit tbo wouthur that 1h now
creeping u xin us. You nood a
new winUir suit and oh tho cold
waves uro vory uncortuin you
will bo wbto if you pluco your
ordnr now for M'intur wouring
appurul, ho uh to huvo it to don
when blustoring wouthor is
ushered in. Such an immonso
lino of wintor patterns wax
nuvor displayed in town as can
bo soon at
(iTNoxt door to Hotel McConno
City Meat Market
I buy the best of cattle and
keep the choicest kinds
of meats, such as
Everything kept neat and
clean, Your patronage
iJ. J. Schultze, Prop'r.
V 5
LU !
? o
n -5
J r!
G roccry Boomers
vm: want.
Sail Meats,
Smoked Meals,
ToilAt v .
Everything in tin) Him of
Firsli (internes, Feed,
IIihhI remf fft-v nun
iltire in tinrti.
full on iih iiiitl ii-t ftvirrn.
W. i SeliuHz & Son
Quick Sales and
Small Profits.
General Mock of Ladies'
and (Jentlenien'H Furnishing
Goods and Shoes.
me Man
Who wears snoes
wants, first of alll,
He likes to look at 'em
when they're off, perhajm,
but he buys 'em. to wear.
doesn't disapjwint him.
It Wears,-
and looks well, too. v. ....
Reed's Shoe Store.
Umilry IWiii'i!
fAnniNcfonD lawn.
vVfin lnttli Nri'h ltn Htiimiirr itnrlnrnf tltft kliiK?
Lovi'ly nml Infty, nhul from view:
Wnlli'tl with KWt'n Mttil t-rlllniM'il Willi til in-:
llotiml 11 ilr-inr r Mini;:
Hi. 11111I Id) llti'ir iMlntM ihinn.
I ni)M'll llinl -H-nk until im
I liuvn ni't-n 1 In- Mitiiiiifr parlor nf tin Miik-
Whtt nut hi tin Mitiiiiifr I'lirlnr nf Hit klnic
II U rllHlntn lit II fl ill IrrniMili:
Wlirli MiHilnrr rnlnf, wlii'li ffirtli m tHMin.
Wlii'H riitinil mIimiii lit-. int'iTs Mini:.
Hum nml Illy thi'ir ii-Iiii-. Diiii::;
When Miiiiin- r riuiii'. wlii li nil w :ih .IlinrV
Tin klni:! In tin Annum t inl..r if lln klnitt
ji! IIiIh w nr. On. Miiiiii;i-r imiliii' nl tin klntf.
Mtiilc III tnr lilm nnil rnshiimi'il Inlr.
0ii-n nnly in ili-lli iitii nlr.
Itityii! .iiiiiv tnr tin wnrlil In rltiK 1
Hii-iiii-iI will rimnil tlie w iiIIm In Ji-wi-IIiik;
I'nr I 111)1-1-11 lnii M-i'ii 1 Iti-iii Him
llavu tint hi IiIn hiiiinni-r ui lm w I1I1 tin- klnu.
Mnry liriilln-rliili.
(Ji-iti-riil Criml'ii Onli-k IVrrritliin.
( Mm-al l i-i'iii 1011 during I In-Mii-nf Yickiv
burg llmii-iiil (Irani riiine Kiitmli-ring on
fool Inward tlin naval haltery on Liv
gun's ft on I.
The place was known iih tlin "shell
buskt-t," from lliiiiiiiiilnril 10-inidi mor
tar hIii'IIm iIiii.h i intn I ln ( in 1 .1 wliii ll
exploded and raised chimin of died that
nliiciiri'il every thing In I he vicinity for
ROIIHI ItllllllCIlt.
In Him iiistiince a few of im had watch
eil the lli:;lil of 11 1 hell, but Hie Ki m-nil
saw Hie Iminli only the moment lieforeit
striicl;, nml ilt wiml'ige threw him In
Hie i;im -.iiiil. I.o wiih 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I' t . nml con
prions Hull lime uiim Hi , Inl.s lii lore the
explosion he riilled Inmsell snlli
t'ielilly away loe i mh' Hie Hiiock, lint lint
the eartliv hIhiwi r - from the ilnst ot
J which he presetilly i incrgeil. inteiilly
1 coliHiileiinn 1111 unlit ci:;itr.
"I.ogiiii." he raid cheerily to that Ken
eral, who in the full bloom of a clean
white shirt hastened to linn, "huw can
you keep wi eh an 111 sin h 11 ilnsly placi f'
This escape u ns Inlliiweil by aunt her a
few nfli'i noons later, when 11 slii ll laliiled
by the front pole of the awning before
Logan's lent, and eight generals, (Irani
among them, rolled hastily out of the
shelter to meet uninjured when tint dust
cleared away from the recent place of
conference. T. It. Ilavis in t'osiuiixli
tan. A Trillion itfiil fam.
The reporter who may snino day Ihv
come a great American humorist was
sick, mid a friend was wuiti.ig on him A
bottle and a pill box were on the table.
"Where's the quinincr" inquired tho
young man, nosing around.
"In that hot tin." designating tho 0110
on Hie table.
"What's In the box?" naked tlin friend,
picking up both and reading tho IuocIh.
"Kim'Iiin'ii," was tho reply.
"What's tho difference'" was the some
what astonished query.
The sick man laughed.
"Well, that in the bottle I got ut
wholesale and paid tl't tints for 200
gruiiiR, and that in the box 1 bought lit
retail and paid 'Si cents for I5 grains.
Do you catch on'"
The friend gave u little whistle.
"1 presume," ho said, "eyether will
do," and gave the patient one of each.
Detroit Freo Press.
Tlaer Hklna Not I'opular In One Family.
Mm. itichnrd Croker of New York
city tolls 8(11110 funny stories of her ex
periences with ieoplo who have heard ol
Tammany tigers. One day a country
man tamo to tho Crokers Kichliold
BpringH homo to do roiiio odd job. Mrs.
Croker iKitlcixl him iceriiiK around the
floora, and ulxjut tho time itlio began to
grow RUHpiduuR of tho 1111111 ho axkod:
"Whoro are tlie tiKerH?"
"TiKer! What tifer8?"
"Why, the folkH around hero nay yon
kept tiK'era all on tho floor."
Mr. CYokur had to Hiuiln, but earnestly
told him the tigerg wero ont at pOHturo.
Tlie man looked relieved. Tho fact of it
is tiger skin rufts uro not popular in tho
Croker mansions. Washington Post.
A NovtilUt Turn..
D. (HiriKtiu Murray, tho English novel
ist, turns on his critics in u brief nolo to
London paper to demoustrato tli..t
truth is strunger than fiction. Of a re
viewer's charge that an episodo in one
of his novels was "wholly incrediblo."
Mr. Murray says: "I got that story on
the spot and luid full proof of its accu
racy. In fact, 1 built tho novel on that
genuine bit of history which your re
viower thinks incredible."
HucccMftil Fraud
It is over two years since 17 Egyptian
mummies in the old museum of Berlin
proved to be. the bodies of follows who a
short time ago took their beer in the sa
loons of the capital of the empire of
William II. It is now believed that there
is not a museum in the world that has
not been imposed upon by frauds of this
kind. St. Louis Republic.
Plenty of Orphans.
"What a mendacious duffer you are,
Phibbs!" said Oibbs. "Yon said this was
an orphan asylum, instead of which it is
an old men's home."
"Well, you go in and look for an old
man who isn't an orphan. Yon won't
find him." Exchange.
An eighteenth centnry tombstone in
the old Catholic burying ground at Con
cord, Mass., bears the following inscrip
tion: "This stone is erected by its dura
bility to perpetuate the memory and by
its color to signify the moral character
of Miss Aboguin Dudley."
Walter Scott when at school fingered
a button on bis jacket while reciting.
A cruel schoolmate cut it off, and ha
could do nothing until it was replaced.
An r iiajluli Vli-n nl Mr. Isliilim.
Mr. I.laiiie's career was in Hie bighent
sense creditable In t ie pinple nf Ihn
Uliiled Stali n. That. w lielieve, will lie
the liiial verdict nf hi inry 011 llni great
ililiticinll. The Al: '11:111 I'i'o;ile Im--lievcil.
whether rt hi ly or v. run' ly, tlml
Mr. lilniue wiih persi n.illy impiien' I in
corrupt Iransacliniei. nml mcnr liiily
hey Ktrncli his iianm out nf Hie li t nl
I he linn eligible for the lushest hnimi.i
In the Htate, as ileciileilly nml as minus
laloilil.v 114 1111 aiilni ial nf hoie I pur
Mises erases from the list of bis council
ors the name of some Htatesinaii wi n
lias deceived him. Again and again Mr
Itlaine tried to secure the ereatcst o Mr
to which liny man nf lln;;!ish rai enn
aspire, but each time lie was "llnii
bark" with every mark of humiliation.
The American people showed I hem
selves absolutely determined that he
should nover be cninmissinued In be the
personal representative of the. might and
majesty of the I'niled Stales. What
makes tho matter more remarkable is
' the fact that Mr. Illalnn had every ad
I vantage in his favor. Without question
he won tho greatest Kilitician in his
country, not in 0110 but in every branch
of (Kilitics. As a wirepuller and an or
ganizer bo had no rival, and he could
manipulate the party machine as no
other man in theStates could manipulate
it. He never luado an enemy where
thero was tho slightest chnncoof making
a friend, and he would take iih much
trouble to conciliate the humblest and
most unknown citizen as the greatest
"sachem." lie never forgot a supporter's
face, or failed to rcmcmbi r h.s special
predilections, and his icrsniml magnet
ism was felt not merely by Ins iiitihi.i.c s.
but by every one who heard him snak
or tiled past him and shook his hand
during the receptions of his electoral
Next, he wis one of the most accom
plished and .judicious of "old parlia
mentary hands." (Ie always managed
to hit the house "just between wind and
water." and lo niuku each shot tell. His
speeches seemed compounded of a mix
ture of wit and inspired common sense,
and though often two rhetorical they
exactly suited the temper of the audi
ence to which they were addressed.
Lastly, as an administrative statesman
Mr. Illume manuged to captivate his
countrymen. - London biectutor.
A Man With Vlnwann 8lli.r.
There is one newspumr man in this
town who is HTsnmilly interested in the
silver views of Secretary of the Treasury
Foster. It happened in this way: The
newHpuer man was detailed touHend
the banquet of the Itepnblicuu club at
Dtilmonico's recently. Secretary Fos
ter was there us one of the distinguished
guests. Like many men of public fame,
in donning bis dress suit Air. Foster bad
forgotten to put anything in Ins mcketM.
After making bis speech be hastened
to the coutroom and passed in his check
for his coat and hut He was uunoyed
to find that he bail uo change with which
to reward the servants. Turning to the
foresaid newspasr man, he exclaimed:
"By Ueorgo! Charlie. I haven't got a
cent Lend me tJ quarter." The bit of
silver was no sooner placed in bis hand
than one of the prominent bunkers of
Wall street called out. "Here, Charlie,
lend me a quarter also." Charlie was
pleasantly I in pressed by the fact that
men of money are not always men with
money. Now York Times.
No lloccacclan Iliiusn For the Quean.
The Villa Palmier!, which the yueen
will occupy during l:i r visit to Florence,
is not the villa win re LYccacciu's ladies
assembled to tell tin r tales. The real
locality of the lutur is behind the town
of Ficsole, It is, however, very likely
that Boccaccio himself did live for a
time at the Villa Palmieri. which is a
long. low, whito structure in the Italiun
style. It is situated on elevated ground,
commanding a fine view of Florence and
tho pluin of the Arno. The gardens are
very fine and abound with flowers. PalJ
Mull Uazelfi.
About Two I'ol.
A cottager near Furriugford said one
day to bis clergyman, "Tliey tells me
that this ere Lord Tennyson's u great
poet." "Certainly he is a very great
poet." "And I've been rendia a man
named Shakespeare ho was a great
poet too?" "Indeed he was." "Well,"
said the ru-tio critio as he struck his
spade deep into the soil, "I don't think
nothing o' neither of 'eni!" New York
i-Hiding l.nnt IfiiRKiigli.
It wai on Hie Stormy division of the
C. II. and . it happened, when Hiiicrin
lenilenl Ibignli's juii ilicl inn embraced
that division. Tin- car-t Imiiinl p in-en-ger
train, then called the Caiiiiini I Suit,
bad nn board five enrp e-, liii'niigli
frniii Iti'iivi r, in i hiir -e nl I In- Irain
ba;:ga;;e mnu. ll wn-, in .lime. nu! tin-wen-
her was lint, Tlie baggage 111:1 ri And
lug t heat mw phere in I he baggage car be
entiling iimlesiraliln moved three boxes
containing a cntp-e inch In lie plat
form of bis car outside, one on top of
the olln r.
As the train was Hearing Oltumwa,
the baggage man uHiti looking nut was
horrified In discover one of the ho.i-i
missing. Hiiniibiiig thai .one of Hie boxes
had slid off in rounding a curve, owing
to tint high rate of speed the train bad
lieen running, he wired Superintendent
Dugun immediately upon arrival of the
train at Ottiimwu, apprising him of the
loss. Dugau wired tlie section foreman
at Ottumwu as follows:
"Patrick McOnnn Look for corpse
lost off Cannon Ball three miles west of
Ottumwu nnd report condition of same
when fonnd."
Patrick immediately started ont with
the section gang, and found tho box in
tact snd brought the sums to Ottumwu.
It was seldom that Patrick received or
ders direct from the superintendent, the
roadinaster being bis immediate supe
rior. Consequently Patrick concluded
the timo to win promotion hud arrived,
and lifter reading Dngan's telegram over
for the twentieth time wired hi super
intendent as follows: .
"Mishter iJixigun I hev found the
korop-ie, and the koropse was ded."
The operator's exHistnliitioiiH were in
vain, and Patrick would permit no
change in the message, saying:
"I iniisht obliey tho arders of Doo
gan." Astoria Examiner.
Amrrlra's Natives llenrrltiil.
This description of the natives as they
appeared to the English colonists in
Maryland was written in lOtti:
They are very proper toll men of per
son; swarthy by nature, but much more
by art; painting themselves with colours
in oyle, like a durkn red, which they doe
to keep tho gnatts off. As for their faces
they have other colours at times, us blew
from tho 1100 upward and red down
ward; somewhat contrariwise, in great
varietie and in very gastly manner.
They have no beards till they coiiie to
lie very old, and therefore draw from
each side of their mouthes lines Ut their
eares to represent u lieurd. Their up
parell generally is deere sky ns and some
furre, which they wear liko loose man
tels; and yet under this, about their
middle, all women and men, ut man's
estayte, wero roundo aprons of skyns,
which keeps them decently covered, go
that, without any offense to chant eyes,
we may converse with them.
All the rest of their bodies are nuked,
and at times some of the youngest sort
of both men and women have just noth
ing to cover them. Tlie natural wit of
this nation is very quick and will con
ceive a thing very readily. They excell
in smell nnd taste and have far shurper
sight than wo. If these people were
once Christi-ins (as by some signs we
have reason to think nothing hinders it
but wuut of language), it would be a
right virtuous and renowned nation.
Huw They Kolibeil the Marcjul..
In the old range cuttle boom days,
when money from foreign lands was
pouring into the west like water, there
were a good many sharp tricks prac
ticed in delivering cuttle. It is recalled
that tho Marquis da Mores, who tried to
cut such a conspicuous figure as a revo
Intiouizur of the American meat trade,
and who later became notorious as a
duelist, was badly sold. While in Da
kota he bought 10,000 heud of cattle
from two Englishmen. They were first
class cuttle and cost forty dollars ahead.
When these two Britons delivered tho
cows they worked one of the neatest
"skin" games that was ever beard of.
Medora, you know, sits in a valley, with
table lands en each side.
Well, the Englishmen ran 3.000 head
of cattle in on the marquis and collected
for 10,000. The way they did it was by
running the same 3,000 twice around the
hill, De Mores never "tumbled" until
he had paid his $100,000 and the tnorry
cockneys were bound for South Amer
ica. It was a clear steal of $200,000, but
the marquis didn't make much bone
bout it. He had plenty of money and
didn't care. Chicago Drovers' Journal.
On.yly Mrelii-tl I m tit Is rati ta,
A picluresiiie party of Italian Immi
grant landed at the barge olllco the
Oiher day. Them wero about a doxeo
men nml six or eight women. 'I lie men
wore clothing of a rough, hull colored
material, wiih scarfs and cups nf bright
er Iiiici. The women displayed a variety
of gay colors, -red. yellow, blue nnd pink
tireiloiiiinaliu j. Each woman was ham
lieadeil, but each wore ribbons in hiT
liair ninl n bright colored shawl nrnprnn.
The strangers attracted n great deal of
attention as they straggled up lirnndwny
from the I lull cry with their bundles.
They evidently found as much novelty
In their surroundings as the New York
ers found In their quaint iipiieiiriiuen.
The women apparently had the keenest
observation end puiiitcd ont to their
morn stolid mule companions various ob
jects iih the party moved along.
At Itector street they saw a flower
stand, nnd half 11 of the women
gathered about it. nnd gave vent to Volu
ble expressions of delight. They dragged
some of the men licforo the stand nnd
gesticulated violently. The men tried
to pull away frnm them, but could not.
After awhile snme pieces of money came
out of the men's poekids,' nnd wiih
much eagerness and chattering the wom
en selected hum flower apiece. The ven
dor took his pay out of (lie handful of
American silver tendered him. nml tho
party moved on, both men and women
ns jnyntis as 11 Int of school children.
New York Tina s.
A l''rl'iul of llm I'nrnirr.
The hop growers of Otsego county
have discovered what iiaturali Is have
long been trying to make farmers under
stand that skunks, instead of Itciug
their enemies, as they formerly Hiipioscd
are among theirmost useful friends. As
one bop grower expressed it. "Nowadays
we protect skunks as carefully as wn do
song birds."
Hop yards, it npK-nrs, am infested by
certain kind of grub which gnaws off
the tender vines at the root, and this
grub is tho favorite fixsi of tho skunk.
As a general thing the skunks sally
forth at nightfall, but now and then they
are to be seen at work in broad daylight.
Tho proceeding is nn interesting oun to
1 The skunk Is-gins his quest on the edge
of tho yard, where he cis ks his head over
a hill of bops and listens. If a grub is
at work upon one of tho four trailing
vines, his quick ear is sure to hear it. At
once ho begins to paw up the earth, and
presently ho is seen to uncover tho grub
and swallow it with unmistakable relish.
( Then he listens again, and if he hears
1 nothing proceeds to the next bill. And
! so ho goes on till be has hud his fill.
Now that tbo skunks are no longer
' molested, they have liecomo compar.v
' tively fearless. Sometimes, we are told,
they keep up their operations even while
tho cultivator is driven lietwcen the
rows. Cor. New York Tribune.
The Work of a Ixinilon Write.
"T. P." stands alone among popular
journalists in that practically all his
work is done for one paper. The Weekly
Sun, of which ho is the founder and ed
itor. He knows as well as any onn the
value of his own pen, and ho takes cur
to write the most important parts of the
paper himself and to append his famous
initials to all his work. A casual glance
through a tinrnljerof the paper will serve
to show the amonnt and variety of his
weekly labors.
First there is a review of the "book
of the week," which invariably extendi
over five closely packed columns. Thi
article, always conspicuously brilliant,
would be a good two days' work for
any writer. Then there are the editorial
notes from 0110 to two columns; an inter
view with some celebrity, one column;
theatrical Titiques, two or three col
umns, and lastly a few paragraphs on
tho correspondence page. All these aro
sigi.ed "T. P." Yet Mr. O'Connor con
trives to keep in tho forefront of the
political battle and also to v.'rito an ay
casional book, London Tit-Bits.
I Two Charge.
There was a suit tried in the United
States circnit court at Raleigh some
years ago in which a Baltimore commis
sion house was plaintiff and General
Bryan Grimes, who led the last charge
at Appomattox, was defendant. Judge
Bond, who presided, was strongly anti
southern during the war and a citizen
I of Baltimore. The luto Governor Fowle,
I who was a very eloquent lawyer, repre
sentea Generul Grimes, and in his ap
peal to the jury luid full stress on the
character and record of his client and
dwelt eloquently on the "last charge at
Appomattox." Coming ont of the court,
he said to the opposing counsel (now
Judge Fuller of tlie United States land
cluims court). "Fulle r. thut lost charge
at Appomattox has got mo the jury."
"Yes," said Fuller very quietly; "and
that last churge of Judgo Bowl bus got
me the verdict." And so it proved.
I Green Bag.
Various ttourc of Silk.
Silk worms are not the sole source of
the production of silk; it is also obtained
from several vegetable substances, but
of an inferior and less durable descrip
tion. Excellent colored silk is obtained
from the prepured and finer fibers of tho
bum boo, which is much in demand for .
clothing in tropical countries from its
lightness and porosity. Another form of
ilk is obtained from the pods of the silk
cotton tree, of which there are several
Varieties In existence, the material ob
tained from them being known aa vege
table silk. Brooklyn Eagle. .