KKYNOL.WVIIXK, PKNN'A., WKDXKSDAY MAIM II 2if NIIMISKK Id. VOLMIK 1. 1 i : i r.M.u, hm iii:.si ku i-iits- 1 IUHGII HAIIAVAY. i Tlicliint Hi"' lii'lvirn ImltiiK Hlilmuiy. nriiilfolil. Miliiiniilii it. Ilnllnlo. lto.lii".lei. I Muslim In 1 1 -s mill points In I n n pi ' "II i region. " On mill nfici Nov. :itli. I"1'!. mcii Kcr tnilns ulll m i It e mid ilriiiii from l ulls ( ll'l'l. Million, (lull), I ee.l Minilny. nr. Inl- . lows: till! A. M. Ilrmlfoid A iiiiinniliiiloii I or . point. Ninth lieiween I till ( n-et, ntnl llinilforil. 7:1 II. in. mled ""I" 1 I'liiixsiiinwnev. I 10 O.'. A.M. Itll II 11 In :l ml UihIii sill li i it 1 1 I'M HiiN kn n Willi-. l(lil'.riiv..loliii-onlnni!.Mt. .Icett, liitidioid. Siiliimiiiien. Iliillnhi iiinl Kmln'sii'ii iimin viiiu nt .liihii-iinliintj with 1'. K. I I'll III :i. fur Mleoi, Kane, Wiim n. Curry mill Krlc. IO:fiii A. M. Aeeominotltillon Inr llllHols, SvK", lll Utin unit I'linv-iKinvtii-y. 1:1101'. Nl. llniilfniil Ai'i'iimniiKliiilnii-I nr lleei'lilicc, III i n k HVV 1 1 Klllniint, I'nr linill, Kliluuil), .Inlin-uilllillix, Mt.,lcelt null lllltilfntd. I: AO I'. M. Mull Tor Dullnls. Sylccs, lllff linn. I'tiiiXMiiiiiwin v mill Witlstiin. TiMl I'.M.- Ai'i'itiiiniiHltitliin lor IniUoKUlii Hun nnd Pntixi.u'nwnry. TrialiiM .rrle- "tin A. 1.. Aeenminoiliitlon I'niixsiiiiiwni'.v : lii:ti A M.. Mull from Wiil stoti mid I'linxMitnw ney : Hii.Vi A. M., Ae I'MniniiHhitlitn fintn lliudfoiil: l:'-it l.M., AeeoniniiNltitton from l'iiiisiniiwin'y: : I', M., Mull fiinii IliilVttlii mnl Kuclii-Mer; ?:. l M., Aeeoiiiiiiodiillnii fintn Itriitlfoiil. Tliiiiisiiml mill' tickets in tu cents per mill', jtimmI for tmssturi' Iiclwcc n nil stntlMiis. ,1. II. Mt'l NTYItl'.. Au-l lll, I ''nils creek. I'll. .1. II. Huiiiht r. C I.i'i.v. to'llcl'lll Mllt. ticll. I'lls. A'JI'llt Ulllilfnnl. I'll. Uih Iii.ii l. N. . KN N S Y 1 A' A N I A 1 A 1 1 .1 !' A I . IN KI'T'Kt 'T lKll:MHI'.lt l'.2. Ililhlili'lplilll H K.i lc Kiillrond I'K s,,n Tlnii. Tulile. Trulii h iiM' lirlflwiiuil. KAoTM AMI !:l4 A M Tmln k, 1 1 1 1 1 cMvnt Stin.liiy fur rillil'llrv. lllit-i'Khiitu mill llit't-tnrilliili' slll 1 lulls,, ii'iihliiu ttt I '1 . 1 1 :i li I 1 1 1 In II:. HI 1'. M.. New. oik. H:X. P. Hull It , II: V. St.; llshlimlnli. H:l.i r. M. riillnitill I 'n rli if I'll f from lllltinisnrt mnl imsseinret nclies from l line In I'ltlliiilclplilit. M::im I. M. Train (i. ilally i'i it fluidity for lllirrlshiit! mnl Intcrnicilliilc stuHon. ur rlvlniMil I'hllilili'lphlll 4:i' A. .Si'W Vui k, 7:ltl A. M. Thriiiimi li fii'ln IlilHuls to Wlllliitnspiiil. I'lillmmi Shi'))lnu' iMirt frinii lliiri'lslnnu tn I'hlliiili'lphbi mnl Ni w in k. l'lilhiih'lplitn piiHvntfi't's fan i-i'iiiiiln In Kli'i'pi'l- nnillstntlH il until 7:l A. M. ".:: I'. M. Triiln 4, dully fr Miiiihtiiy. HiihIh lillt'K mill linn ini'illuK' smt Ions, in rlvlnn nl I'liirnili'lnlilH, dt.Ki A. M.I Ni-w Vnrk, M A. M.J lliilllniiili', ll:'!ll A. M.t Viishllluliill.J::itl A.M. I'llllmllll I'tll'M llllll P'lMHI'llKl'l' I'DIII'lll" ftiim Ki le mnl llllinns.i l to I'hllilili'lphlll. I'lisNciiiri'l-H In Nh'i'iM-r fur Ihilllmori' mnl ViishliiKtou III In-initwfi-rn'il Into usli ItiKton hI'I'ht lit Htirrlnti-u. r.r i n aimi. 7:M A. M.- Trnln I, dully xi'i'pt S'lniluy fur HitltrwHy, huHolM, Chniont mnl lutt'i-- nn'illnlv Httitlmm. I'txn KliluMtiy in :i:it I'. M. for Krli-. lli.Vl A. M .Trtil ii II, dully 6iv K.rli' mnl Ittti t- nit'dltitv iKilntM. :K I'. M.--Triilii II. dully 4'Xi'rpt Sunday fur Kmti' mnl ttiti't'nntlliitv'tiii loitn. Tlllidl (ill THAINS XIK HHIKTVK KltoM TIIK KAST AMI mil Til. TRAIN II li'iivcn I'hlliuli'lphhi K:.Vi a. in : Wltslillitltoll, 7. VI A. M.t illlllllliort', Ntl.'i A. M.i Wllki'shiii ii', liitis A. M.: dully I'Xi'i'tn Hin dny, iirrlvlnii in Drift wood lit H:'27 l'. m. Iim I'lilltiimi I'mlor rni rnom rhllitilclplilii t SVtlllmnHioii. THA1N li iivi-tiNi'W Vin tit 8 p. ni.i I'll I In di'lphln. Il:3 p. in.; Washington, Hi t" n. in.; Iliiltltnori'. Il:4'i i. Ni.; Unity iiitIMiik hi Drift wimm! nt tl:.vi n. ni. I'lillmtin lrijlnK cnrN from I'hlliuh'llilibi to Kile mid from Wimlitiitfton mid Hnltlvini'1' to llllmitsfHirt mid tliroiiifh pnsM'inr'! 4'oni'ln'H from I'htlit rii'lpliln to Krli' mnl IfanJilmoin to WIIIIiiiiimw Itort tind to DiiHiiIh. A1N I h'HVi'x Hi'iiovnJit H:'.V li. In., dully I'X.vpt MmiUiiy, Hrrivtoin hi llrlflwiNHl 1:M a. m. .lOHNHONHriMi JtAU.HOAlX (Daily I'Xitcpt .Snniliiy.) TRAIN 19 li'Hvi't Itlditwav nt :4(i n. m.i John ixinlnirii nt t:.V a. m., arrlvlnx nl t li'tnn'ix lit H:4An. m. irKAIN ai li'iivi'H ('Icmiimt nt IfitlW n. m. nr rltliiv nt .lolitiHonlnirx nt 11:4(1 u. in. mitf UldKwny ill ll:V H. in. 11 UXJWAY AtlLKAlU'llXD H. 11. DAILY KYfWTiStTNDAY. HOI1THWAKI). NOKTHWAHM. P.St A.M. KTATIOXH. A.M. I'.M. 12 in II 4i Kldicwny I M 1 tin 12 tH 4M IxIniMl Kim 1211 AM 12 22 II W Mill II n von 1 III H4li 12 41 tint! Croylniid I ml II :u V llllll Shorn. Milk I2.VI liittl In 42 1(11.1 HIilpKm-k 12 M H 2A 12 44 III 17 YllKiynrd Ktu 12 .V! H it 12 t 20 20 ( iirrk-r 12 IW 1121 1 110 iu; nrn-kwHyvllk- I2:ix HIM tit) 11)42 Mi'Minn Suinnril 12111 A. 17 114 1II4N lllirvi'ys Itll 12 2H S:1 1211 J" ."si Ku 1 1 I'MVk 12211 A4.1 14.1 U(A DllHolH 11! Illi A.KI THAINH I.KAVE KIIM2WAY. FHMtwiird. WontwHrd. Train N. 7:17 H. m. Tmln il, Il::t4 ll. m. Trln tt, 1:4.1 i. m. Tmln l,:tm p.m. Train 4. 7:U p. m. Traki 1 1. M:2.1 p. m. OHAK. K. IM'OH. Oim. ManaKcr. J. It. V(KI), iUm. I'hhh. An't. CftflNGEflBLE WEATHER ! NttUtro has wwn fit to liavo changuublo wuathor uu4 why not hare your TKtrson rarmenU'd with a nout and nobhy unit made of heavy-wolpht material , to Hiilt the woathcr that is now oreeplnir ujxin ub. You need a now wlntor auit and on the cold waves are very uncurtain you will be wiae if you place your order now for winter woaring apparel, bo as to have it to don when bltiHUirinp; weather in tiHbered in. Hitch an immunxe line of winter patterns wan never dinplayed in town an can be noon at J. C. FROEHLICH'S, 0Next door to Hotel McConno Gltu Meat Market I buy the best of cattle and keep the choicest kinds of meats, such aa MUTTON, VEAL BEEF, PORK AND SAUSAGE. Everything kept neat and clean, Your patronage t solicited. 12. J. Schultze, Prop'r. ANNOl'M'MMKNTS. ,'(l( I'lliiTlltiMM'AlO . Wll.MAM It. SITTK!!. ()t ( I avvii.i r Ihniiirisi!. Sulili i't to in'' I if I'll' iiftllillran.. of .li' ll'iT. son l o. nt tin' pilniti' V ! t Ion. .lunr 17. s'.. SUtrvllT. J,1)I! SIIKHII I", K. NKI I'1. (il Hi:ymi.is it i.k Itiitnit on, Sllliji'i't to lli'lloll of tin- t-i'plllilli'misof .ll'lVl't' uoii't'o. nt I In- pel in in y I'hvtlon. .liini' 17. s'l. piHMII Itll I . DAVID (!. Col'IM.KY. (IF ItllllOKVII.I.K lllllllll'lltl. Snlilct't to ni'tlon of the ifpiililli'iins of .InlTrr son Co. nt tlu prlnuiiy ch i'iliiu, .lulu' 17, IMi.l. pill HIIKKIKK. CIIAKI.KSO. WILSON. t !' I't'NXHI'TAtt Nt.v' ItlllllM'llll, Sllli,lri'l to tii't ton of t !ir ti'puhlli'tlils of .Irlfrr miii I 'o. nl tin- pt lininy I'hvtloii. .Iiiiio 17. I'':!. ,'ull HIK.KII I', ;i:)U;i: v. waiimi'K. til' lir.VMii.twvii.i.K lliiiriiruii. Sill i li'i'l to ji.'tluti of I hn li'putilli'inisof .li-tri'i--Niti t'd. tit tlir ritiiuiiy i'Ii-i-i ion. .Iiiiit- I., s'.i:i. pm mi 1 1-1; l l l . K. W. Mi Ml 1.1. KN. (if Mrt'it.v M' Tiiw xsitii', Sul!.'i't toni'tionof tlio i li'ioi ii t ii I of .li-IVi i son Co. nl tin- primary i'IitI ion. lilni'. In;t. 0'01lttl fVCrtHVCV. pilt TltKASI HKH. .11)1 IN waij i:. OfWinsmiw TnuNmiii, Siihji'i't to iu'1 ion of tho ri'piililii'misof .li'tVi-r si hi i 'o. nt the primm-y t'li'rtlon,.luni. 17, si:t. put TUKASKHKIt, N. D. :oiKY, ok I'i nxhi'TAWskv IIiiiioi'iih. llh.li'i't to lli'lloll of tlir I'i'pilhlli'lllls of Ji'llVr sMinCo.nl Ihr pi-lmry rli'i'ttou. .liini' 17, IrttJ. pill TUKAXI KKK, W. W.MISSMAN. OK Cl.Af VH.I.K IIOHOI till. huhjiH'f to tirtioiif tin ti'piilillrmiH of Ji-flS-r-soii 'Co. nt tin' ii itnni-y I'lcrtlon, .liini' 17, l1U. piK THK.ASI Isi'K, AUTHrit MOHUISON. tr I'MIIM ToWNHHIl', Huliji'i't to iirtton if the ri'piihlirmisiif ffi't. koii'Co. nt tin pi-lTiimy I'lfrilon linn 17, .Met. rntmlinitrr. pill 'OMMIssioNK.K, w. T. ro., (IkWivni.uw Townhiup, Hillijri'l totii'lk'of tin1 ri'pulilli'iiiiKof I'lVi-r-wmi Co. nt the. pi-tinm clcrilon, .linn. 17, IMM. pi( COMMIMsMONKK, DAXJKL HKKWKlt, or t'f.iuiv TiiwNHtiii'. Hnliji'rt toni'tlm- of the ii'puhlli'mm of -.li'ftvr-miii Co. tit Hh J'rimnry I'h'rtlon, Juni 17. Intiil. pilt COMMISSfONKK, .TOSK1MI DAIUl, OK illtlKIKVII.I.K HOKOI IIH, Htihjivl to tu'lkttj of Mm rcpiihlli'iinKo.,li'flVr Hon Co. tit tl.e prknmy I'lci'lloii, .lum 17, imi:i. piHCOMMIHSIONKU, JOShSMI lUILLKllS. Or Waiihaw Tdwnhiiii", Htihjoct lo iutlinif tin r!.mlill'iiits44..1cffi'r. will Co. lit III pt'tmnry idcrttoii, Juni' 17. INtlit. ATTOHX KY-AT-LA W. Ofllro on Wi'Ht Miiin Nttii't, opinm1i 1 lit' K'liinmi'i'i'inl lloll, Kcyiioltlsvlllu, f'a. "jjltRR HIVKU, RKYNOJvDSVIMJC, 1A. .Ilcsldi'iil lli'nilsl. In building ni'tir JKIiii dlst I'hiui'li, opiMmlU! At-uolil liltKtk. 4oml.. iwmH In nH'intliiK. 4iotcl. II OTKLMctXWNK.rX, KKYNOLDSVIIXK, l'A. FliAXKJ. HLACK, Vroprutor. Tb li'tiillnir liol'l4f tlmtown. Ilotulijiur torw or commiirciHl tiicn. Stcum lit'itt, fro. liUH,4inlh rooniH nnJ i'Iosimh on rvory fkior, HHiiipU' riMiniH, billiard room, ti'li'plionc itwn- IHM'Ifevlin, &c. JJOTKL HKLNA11, UEYNOLDSVILLK, l'A. OKEEXd- COSE1i, I'ri,rUlofs. Flml rftuHN inpvi'i-y pjtrtttMittir. Lornt'd In tho very s,.ntri of Ino iHndni'snptirt of town. Krofl 'huw to und fnnii tmlim nnd commo'lUiUH HuuipturoiHiiH for'oiiinu.n.iul truvuli.rH. JSl KUMJAN HOTKL, BROOKV1LLE. PA. nUFFiyOTOX d- WXO, Prop'. OmnlhiiH Ut nnd from nil trainn. F.iimpcnn rcHtutirnnt. JloiiHii lu'tiinU mid Huhti'tl hy irtiH. Hot and cold wnti'r. Wi.stnrii ITnlon Tolt'grnpli iifHtMi In Imildliiff. Thu hotel U HltoU with alltliii inodi'i-ii convMiiviiciiH. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROOKVILLE, PA., PII1L 1'. CARU1EU, Proprietor, Satniiln motnnnn tho ptuund floor. House lu'Ulod hy nuturul van. OninihUN Ui und from all truiiiu. SUBSCRIBE FOR "THE STAR" $1.50 PER YEAR. A FAIR ATTORNEY. Alnnl llm unrlil Imi Km' tiM t y Hlncr I'niisin 1 lllinn i- Hi i. I i'.iIIikp, Fur fcht Im" rro. ti . I unn-1 I Oft tri'tnlili- lit In r ut 'lr.ni.. knrnlcilw. Vlirtic'cr I tlurr tn umii In r tnov Min fruwns Unit I nln.tiM mi nnii'iy tier, And Hu ll pl'urliiiln', il ll I' ll) I. row, llrr mission W In lm ll Imi j 1 1 . l.lfi' kIIiIi-h tin iin.t-i' on i:iiili ii u Inirn, A Ktinny wnlf (min I I Ihinnloj I'vi li-nrnril linw trill. Iln pni't itll, Tlint comlni; worrmv i iist- Its mIiihIiiw. Winn till It (llllll . . lis. i I frit itomi' htililrti til iff Inipi'liilril: When ulir. dri litii'd n i hi;iiiii. I knew my rosy dri-ntu hml I'tidrd. Blir 1'iiiiitn no mini' on t hinn linim '. With lliitn Unit wntiM linM-i nizi d .Mnrlllo, Ptrnntii hlrd Hint unit plitnu d tln lr bnrk Wltrn Knilirr Nmili hrini-d tlir- hlllow. Hir finn y IIiiiiih, Itli ht tttiiti r liln. li. Thu ili'inllil 1 1 i it in . Iih t lull n tin It her, Win n In tlin I'liitrt n l.rrutlili liusli lllvi'K limimi;i' lo 1 1ns iiii'i ii di Inner. Tin nnd tn mri't mu ll 'riililim nnci Knim nit n blue ni SeottlKh lientlier: Tl nnd n mnlil Ith clu" l "f rosi, Hhiinld linvc lier lienrl lminl up In Intlier; H in nnd to keep line' piuKion n nl, TIioiikIi I'nlUiV nmiM I lit- fair environ: Hut worse to biive her ii'iiillnu Kent When one la fondly lirenthlnii I') run. When l.llllnn In lli etmed nt the Inw ; Her f lllle. be Mir,; will llie forever; I No Imrrlster lll plek n llnw 111 I'iKle ml exlretnely elever; The sherlll' ill Inl'Ki't lii imp To fensi ttiiiiti llie luv'l i Inn, And e'en Hie J'nl: :e IH M l bis eitp At her mnl ilri'iun nf love ll slllll. riillltel M. I'ei k in Mill I'rnt.elseo Arniilllillt. Heott l iijoyril Hi Inn l.lonlned. Sir Waller Si'ult Ih iiii t'Xiitiiili) of a cn-ut niiiti, who, ko fur us wo ciin JikIkh, njoyi'd lmyiiiK tlio H'tmlti-K or liiB grt'iitni'SH, even in liin limir of tli'iith. lie wiih uri'tit enotili, lint Hum lit) wiik that kiutl of a man, mnl tlio t'ii'ciiiiixtnm'eti amoiiK wlilcli lis lived were favorable. That was In-fore the day of the penny Hmt, of the elect i it: teli'Kraph, of rail way and of the interviewer, tint! In his prime he lived nt Allotnfunl, which U equivalent iiowiuIiivh to ciiyitm that ho lived at Joppa. lie mteiim to have been siliKulurly free from the lienaltieli of greatnewi, which have rnornioiiHly In creaaeil inee the Wizard of the North went home, and mu ll of them no came in his way lie (teems to have heartily en joyed. He iipiK'ttrn now and then to have relinbixl ht'inu; turned into A rare allow, and to lieiiiu pointwl at wherever he went a Wuller Hcott. Indeed this le iiiK pointed nt neroM to have U'eu rel ished by many men whotte Kreatnesawaa nndoubtetl. Tlmckcrny deems Homo time Almost to have rtwenletl not 4)eiitK pointed nt.. All I be Year Hound. Tim Htnry or "Mninl." Few peoplo knew Tentiyiton and his peculiarities better than did hii neiKh bor Mrs. Cameron, tlio well known pho tographic artiht. who madu n line aeries of character portraits by photography to illiiHtrnto Taiinyson's piM-nis. The history of her search for and selection of .models for these characters is inter eRtittff. Maud was a starviiifr Irish Rirl, who nerved her both as model and wait ing maid. The sequel to the story of Airs. Cam eron's Maud is too pretty not to be given. When Mrs. Cameron hold iior exhibi tion in London, Aland was sent up with a chaperon to explain the pictures to the public. A gentleman came in one day, and after having aked several quea tioim left. A year or two afterward be passed into the Indian civil nervice, but before starting for tlio oact he went down to Freslrwater nnd knocked at Mrs. Cameron's door, begin for Maud's band. Tho boiiuuf ul Maud was willing, and they were married. iNew York Tribuue. Truvel In tlin Rant. How wonderful and ever present is tho contract in eastern travel to all life and movement at home. No heavy carts and lumbering wagoim jolt to ami fro between the farmyard aud the fields. Ho liht vehicles and swift equipages dash pant ou macadamized roads. Alust thore are no roads and if no roads, how much less any Vehicles or wagons. Thatched roofs and tiled cottages, lanes and hedgerows and trim fields, rivers coursing between full bunks, beyond all tho roar and sudden Binoky rush of tho train these might not exist in the world at all, and do not exist in the world of the Persian, straitened and stunted, but Inexpressibly truuquil iu his existence, ilvire all is movement and bustle, flux and speed; there everything it imper turbablo.iuimemoriiJ. immutable, slow. ''Persia and the Persian Question." A Hoy Prima Donna. First Boy You ought to come to the concert our music teacher is goiu to give. Second Boy You goiu to be in? "Yep. I'm one of the primmer don nas. We're goin to give a cantata." "Wot's thafr" "Oh, it's all about sunshine and storms and picnics and harvesters and all sorts of country things. It's great." "Do you sing all that?" "N-o. I'm only in the first scene, 'Early Moruin on th' Farm.' " "Wet do yon dor" . "I crow." Good News. The glowworm lays eggs which, it is (aid, are themselves luminous. How ever, the young batched from them are not possessed of those peculiar proper ties nntil after the first transformation. Elk hunters In western Washington are so insutiate in their greed for antlers and skins that the extermination of the elk in the forests of that section of the stats is greatly feared. Thu Mum tn flet M irrle.l On. No man litis n right to get tnarricd on less than .t WH) n year. At least that is ( the rnncltision renehed the other day at the close of ll long tlfsi'iissiou on this mibjeet. Of cotifKo that, means if the man Is going to take for his bridii a sweet anil lovely young woman, who wltllii being happily provided for nt bo'll" has not been overindulged in ex travagances, and who has the sense to know that nhe can Imrtlly expect a Imix at the opera and lots of diamonds from the young man who has only so lately Hrmly established himself in business. And even if tho girl Is one of those who hns known what it is lo be out in the world at work for herself, aim run Imrtlly bo expected to marry n fellow who can tint do us well for her as she did for her self. Sho has managed to get along lx-ant if nlly by herself on fifty or sixty dollars a month, with plenty of nice, sen Bible clothes, a trip to tho theater every now and then, and every summer, or maybe every other summer, a nice little jaunt away somewhere, to forget the little unpleasantnesses of everyday ofllce life. And the way this money was to go was very nicely settled ton. The young man won't be likely to have a In line of his own to take his win some bride to, mnl there Is the unfailing call of tho landlord on the first of tho month to lt met, and that mei'ting means twenty dollars sure, and miiylie more. Sixty dollars will disappear early iu the action by tint time the butcher and baker and candlestick maker's and some other people's monthly bills have been net tied; f 1.11) n year is placing tho estimate nt very modest figures for tho wearing apparel of curb during tho year, and when nil this is willed up 1 1.200 is cared for, and something must be put uway for rainy days nnd doctors' bills mid occasional treats to the theater and tho lake, nnd $1,500 Is gone! Htill there are others who think they can get along first rate with a good deal less than this. Boston Herald. A Thnuslitleim Olil flrntlfiman. It was the night "rush hour" on the Brooklyn bridge trains. More people were crowded into one of the cars at the New York terminus than had any right to lie there without risking suffocation. Through the side entrance to the car came three young and pretty girls, swept on by the tide of humanity. The car whs crowded, but that didn't mat ter. In the crush the girls were help less. They couldn't help being pushed Into tho car, and an instant later they couldn't withstand tho coiiuterpusli which seated one of them, willy uilly, on the knees of nn old gentleman. Iu IIm) jam her two companions were thrust against this young woman, aud pre vented her from rising. It was not un til the train was well on its trip toward Brooklyn that the crowd gave way a little and she was enabled to regain her fooling. Hhe bogg! the old man's par don sweetly enough, but to her friends she said not a word until the three were safely out of the car and on the platform of tho Brooklyn station. Then she freed her mind. "That's what I call an ImjHilito man," the declared. "WhyY" said one of hor companions, "I thought he behaved beautifully. He didn't say a word." "That's just the trouble," snapped the other, "lie didn't have the grace even to say, 'Keep your seat, madam.'" New York Times. Twenty Mlrl Knoug-li. In the juaker City there is a well known business and society man who pursues a strikingly original lino of con duct. In his business ho is quiet, reg ular and industrious, and particularly prides biuisclf upon tho neutness anil accuracy which characterized his books of Hccount. During tho social season lie flits about from entertainment to en tertainment, frequently attending oieros and playhouses, always having with him some one of a score of girls to whom lie pays more or less attention. When asked why he had so many girls he said: "Oh, all girls talk as they write very much alike, but still there is more vurioty in twenty than in one. Besides, 1 keep a rcgulur set of books at homo in which I enter every cent I spend on them, and it , affords me considerable amusement For instance, 1 charge cost of theater tickets, flowers, supper and carriage hire, and then credit it with the amount of pleasure 1 hud 'Passable time en joyed,' 'Enjoyed the evening hugely,' etc. The girls who afford me the most enjoyment receive the greater number of invitations, so I think 1 may fuirly say that 1 seek relaxation, and pleasure in the same way that 1 attend to my business on a system." Philadelphia Press. Odd Cuatora In Braill. A woman lately returned from Brazil tells of the curious nomenclature of t he streets of Para. They are Biblical or commemorative of some event in the Braziliun history. It see mod to ber quite irreverent to be told thut a desira ble location was "at the corner of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evan gelist streets." She went with her nncle, who was on business, to dine at the bonso of a wealthy merchant. Everything was very gorgeous and lavish in South American style, but on leaving she was amazed to have her hospitable host say to her, "If yon have any washing send it here." It is a custom there, it seems, for wealthy households to take in laundry work as an employment for their large retinues of servants. Cor, Utica Herald. A FORTUNE FOUND IN 60AP. Ilni, n llrilkrnmn ltrttvrrel a Nvredn'll lloiirdeil i;old. Mr. Hiiniy, in conversation with a number of travelers, told tlin following story, which ho says actually occurred in bis presence while en roiilu on adreat Northern freight train near Morris, Minn.: I iMiiirded il freight I ruin nt Hun rock, (he began) en route to Hrccken ridge. There were about, forty holxis on board the box cars. 1 arranged with three brnkemen to make the rounds and see if they couldn't be made to put up for their ride. I acted tho part of tlin conductor, while the trainmen followed out my instructions. We went from ono car to another nntil we had visited all but one. Few fulled to comply with our request, but showed hostility, und Would doubtless have taken tho advan tage of our small number hud I not pro Tided myself with a gun, which pro truded in full view from my runt pocket. Tho lust cur wo visited was partially loaded with lime, and between tho bar rels wo found two Swedes who huinllcd tho Americuu language in the most hu morous manner. Wn informed them they would necessarily have to pay fur their ride or get oil at the" next station, to which tho spokesman replied: "Vwe don't gut no miiny. Vwu bane com from Nort Docotti, nnd votk purty hard anil gats no iniiiiy." "Where do you want to go?" asked a brake num. "Vwo vunt ttl go to MainoHilis." "You are headed in the wrong direc tion," returned the brnkeman. "Val.vwo go tu Brekenridgo nnd vwe den go ast. Vwe no tiiiinn dure ho ba guile fuller und let us rude." The brakeman was not satisfied with the Sweden' statements that they wore moneyless, so they were searched. While the searching was going on ono of tho Swedes said again: "Vwe don't gate nu mntiy. Bopuse vwe ly 'bout latltllo ting like date?" I The brakeman, being satisfied thut there was no money on their persons, I was ulxmt to withdraw from the car when he discovered a small bundle in the corner of the car tied up with a handkerchief, llie bundle was ex amined. A pair of old socks and sev eral rags were tightly wrapped around a piece of soap about three by six inches iu size. The brakeman said he guessed he would tako tho soap nnyway, as ho could uso it himself. Hero tho Swedes made a robust protest, saying, "No, vwe don't vant you tu tako dote sope." "What good is tho soap lo you?" asked tho brakeinail. "Vwo vant da sope for vush wid bnfur vwe gate in Muiuopolis." "What do you exjiect to do in Minne apolis,1" said the brakeman. "Vwo tank vwe villo gate leddle vork tu dtl darn, as a ba prulty gudo totin." The brakeman then said ho would do the fair thing and only tako half the soap, to which the Swedes Is-gged ear nestly for nim to leave the soap. The brakeman toek the cake over his knee aud broko it through tho center, nnd lot to tho amazement of all, u twenty dol lar gold piece rolled out. By this time tho Swedes were nearly rild, and their ejaculations were Bide splitting in the extreme. The soap was then cut into bits and $200 in gold coin, consisting of twenties, tens and fives, takeu out. The Swedes had adopted this strange method of safely disguising their possessions; but, as misfortune had it, their novel idea failed. It is needless to say that tho brakeman appropriated one of the shin ing pieces for his own use, to the heart rending dismay of the sons of Sweden, and departed for the calioose. Fargo Argus. Ilrriw Jnoil from Spirit Ijtnd. "A conductor on the International aud Great Northern onco told me a queer story," remarked Ezra Morgan at the Lindell. "His name was Painter, and his run wus from Galveston to Willis, Tex. Ho said that shortly after his mar riage he mudo a compact with his wife that whichever died first should appear to the other. Sho only lived about a year, and shortly after her demise, whilo ho wus sitting reading one evening, she walked up to him and laid ber hand on his shoulder. Sho talked with him a few minutes as freely as though in the flesh; then, picking np a pair of shears that laid on the table, said: 'After I am gone yon may doubt that I appeared to yon Yoa may think it a dream or a hallucination. Keep this as a souvenir. ! and doubt not.' She cut a piece from : nor dress, lunl it on the tablo and van- isbed. Tho goods resemble white fcilk. ' but tho textile experts confess that they 1 do not know what it is; that if any such goods were ever woven in an earthly loom they do not know it." St, Louis Globe-Democrat, t binena Officials. In China thero ure two officials for each post, in order that one may spy upon the other, the rule being that no official shall report what he has done, but only what the other has done. From the highest official to the lowest all practice a system of unblushing rob bery, called "squeezing." The salury of a viceroy in some cases is 60 a year; he regnlarly draws not less than 8,000. The salary of a judge is 40 a year; hi regularly draws at least 2,000. There ure l.L'OO police in Cauton, not one of whom receives wages, und yet the office is much sought after. The fact is, we are assured, that the police are on excel lent terms with the guild or fraternity of thieves, and they work harmoniously together. Jesse Herbert. Hell Tltlevi. In flrerre. There Is it steady war of wits betweon tho Greek jHilice and tho dealers who try to smuggle out of the country tho mar ble reliefs nnd terra cot Ins found In tombs and ruins by men who take ex cellent care not to iittow their excuvo tlons to be known. Many objects rcuch Curls, Loudon, Berlin and New York, but It Is useless to inquire whence they cjiine and who found them. Latterly, however, the police nt Athens caught nn uncommonly large and II tie col lection of these antiquities on their way out of Greece The finest piece Is a relief bear ing the name of Aristlon, a veritable and uiurvelonsly imjMirtuut national docu ment. It seems, for It represents a sol dier running ut full speed toward Ath ens to announce tlin victory at Mara thon. Collector. tlovernnr Flower's tinnlile. It was known to passengers on tho fast bound southwestern limited that Governor Flower was n passenger. Two American express officials were in tho looking car when Georgo F. Hanford, traveling passenger agent of the Central llndson. entered "There comes tho gov ernor," said one of the gentlemen, "No, it isn't." replied the other. A wager of $1 was made. While the money was be ing fished out of pockets, in walked Gov ernor Flower and tisik his scat opposite Mr. Ilanford. 'litis is not the first time that Mr. Hittiford lias been mistaken for Mr. Flower. -Albany .loitrnal. Against ('Itftirelte Smoking. A bill passed iu the Alab.'.ma house ou Monday prohibits the sale or giving away or otherwise disposing of cigar rettes.eigarcttetobncco or cigarette paper In that state, subject to a lino nnd im prisonment. The bill also prohibits the Btiilsvif firnretteiiin auv Mibliu ulncc. "Old I'IijsIch" run ford. General S. W. Crawford was called "Olil Physics" becuusi) in the beginning of his military career he was u surgeon. He was with Major Anderson during the Immhurilmciit of Fori Sumter, and saved the lifo of linger A. Piyor, of Vir ginia, who, while under n llag of truce Insid i tho fort, unceremoniously piekod np it glass of liquid from a table and drank it for a "whisky straight." It proved to lie Iodide of potassium, but "Old Physics" pumped him out and vtved his life, Wic-hington .Star. t'mnn to l.lfo In Her :nin. Susio M. Ducolin died at tho home of her uncle, It a Hliipman. near August. Wis., and relatives telegraphed for the hotly. Tho remuins were put in a cof fin and driven by sleigh to Augusta, eight miles. When three miles from Augusta a sound issued from the coffin, and the. driver hurried to a farmhouse, where the. cover was removed and the young wom an found to be regaining consciousness. . Sho was wrapiied up warmly and taken . to Augusta, whore she now hovers be tween lifo and death at a friend's house. Cor. Chicago Herald. MutlKimatlcal Mntanrnlogy. ' There is an old superstition that as -many snows as the moon is days old when tho first snow falls deep enough to track a rabbit will fall during tho winter. When tho first snow of this season fell, on tho day following Cleveland's elec tion, the moon was twenty days old. There were six snows before New Year's . day and there have been '13 during 1803. If therefore tho old saw is to hold good this winter, one more snow is due to this part of tho country. Philadelphia Kec-. ,..i . 1 Hlylei In Csnlna Mourning. Traveling up Fifth avenue a few days ago was a woman dressed in deep mourn ing. With her was a beautiful grey, hound with long streamers of black rib bon attached to his collar. If the woman-' was in mourning for her husband, nemnss hove hud hard work to conceal a smile as' he guzod dow n on the ludicrous picture of this canine decked ont in yards of black riblion. I suppose when the stage of semimouming comes the dog will be arrayed in purple. Now York Herald. v: Oenaral Bailer's Land. Oeneral Butler was probably the own er of more land than any other citizen of the United 8tates. It is located in various states north, south and west. He owned immense tracts near Paget sound, where such property is valuable.. -He owned both sides of the great fulls on the Potomac. His lands are worth millions of dollars, the only trouble be ing that some of the titles are not very clear and may lead to Ugal disputes. Chicago Herald. The pupils of the Bay City (Mich.) high school have formed a society to which a forfeit of a cent is given every time a member makes an error in the nse of the English language. A yonng woman of Leigh, England, died one day last week from the effect of being struck in the eye by a snowball thrown by a mischievous boy. Six brothers of the Frost family at Kansas City own the following odd lot of names: Jack Frost, Winter Frost.' White Frost, Cold Frost, Early Frost' and Snow Frost, At Dundenong, Australia, there is a blue pm tree which has an estimated height of 430 feet It is believed to be" the tallest tree in the world. Oeneral Philip Kearny Wft an arm to Mexico, and was known among his men as "One Armed Phil." 4 I