The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 22, 1893, Image 8

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The Keroelmtfl Itnlilicr if tho Km Itnil a
FanMnn of f.rttltiff lllmnclf t'p In
niilrnuft nmt Iti'iHiMvi Itinnrr Story
of llli ?uri'0fiil VnyiHTH.
Pmnltcn noniid, now tlio linvti of the
utorin tussi'il niiuiin r mni IIih liniH'of
pcnri l'ul indu-try, win ihkt th" tlit:iti-r
of fur different mttii'-. In l!ie liejri lining
of tliH la?t century its il:ircnt wntern re
flected ii w'rieli itmel; terror to
t1iiniiiiiiN ef l.i" ;ri 1 p:ir,ilv7. .1 the
oimiien fltle . w World: tiic tliie'-
lycltisteiiiiL; ivr;iud luxiiri.'.iit growl ,i
friimiiiK ili i-Iioivh eoneealed, like llie
original IMrn, ;i liidinij devil, the foe of
Oml mul mini - lll.irliiieaid, the jiirute.
From ii Mrnimo lend' ney of liiim in na
ture llie life of tile pirate po"-- ii fas
oinati'e,' int. n-t, not only for tho small
liy wlin devours the paes of his half
dime yellow hack imvel, Init also for tho
render of ft ringer juilKt nml better
taste. Indeed Home of the greatest
writers have been nimbi to resist the
fapcinalioiis of this wido nml templinK
Sir Walter Scott, Marryntt him! Cooper
tlionifht it not unworthy their mighty
pens, and the Renins of Byron attained
one of its highest flights in the descrip
tion of tho prisoner Conrad in the lonely
tnrret, bnri.ig his Ixwom to the midnight
rtorin nnd defying the lightning of of
fended heaven to transfix him. Of nil
this unholy brood I'.lacklx'iird was facile
princeps, ns Milton Kays of Milan, ,
merit raised to that bad eminence." It
was nil Arabic tradition, relative to the
great unknown Atlantic that tho
gnarled and bony hand of tiie devil rose
IV out the waves of the Fen ,,f dark
ness toseie the pre-iitnptuoiis mariner,
and in his dials. lie career 1 :ia ! --:i rl
Fcctncd to lie the impersonation of thi
mystic monster, l'erlmps u greater de
mon never prowled llie seas or walked
the curt Ii in human f,.rm.
Kvcn in personal appearance he was
hideous ud repulsive, nature having
slumped him both us a physical nnd
moral monster. The num.! by which lie
wns known throughout the world was
derived from n Miigulnr circumstance,
which illustrate his mvage ferocity.
His naturally dark ami forbidding face
was covered almost to his tierce, sensu
ous eyes with n shaggy black lieiinl,
reaching below the waist. This hirsute
adornment, of which ho was very proud,
and which he cultivated with sedulous
care, he was accustomed to braid witli
ribbons nnd to twist aliout his ears until
it stood forth like projecting horns.
Into the ends of these he stuck small,
slowly burning fuses, whose sulphurous
fnmes enveloped him in a lurid hue and
rendered him a not untitling representa
tion of the satnnic ideal, whose character
he so successfully emulated. In time of
action ho slung around his neck a scarf,
into which were thrust throe llraces of
pistols. Our readers, oven those who
are not endowed with Dantesque powers
of imagination, und especially our femi
nine friends, can readily fancy the im
pression such an aspect would create
when met upon the lonely ocean, with
the black flag fluttering above his head
and his merciless face light .ng up with
a gleam of demoniacal joy as his help
lew victims walked the fatal plank.
The real name of this man was Ed
ward Teach, and ho was a native of Bris
tol, Engluud. Of his early career noth
ing definite is known. He first emerged
from olwcurity as a common sailor on
Imard a privateer commanded by Cap
tain Benjamin Hornigold, sailing from
Jamaica and preying upon French com
merce. In that humble capacity he dis
tinguished himself by his skill and cour
age, which attracted the attention of
his not over scrupulous commander, who
soon intrusted him with a prize he had
captured. In 1717 these two choice
spirit spread their sails from Provi
dence (auspicious name!) for America,
capturing en voyage three vessels laden
with wine, flour and miscellaneous car
goes; which they appropriated to their
own use and turned the crews adrift.
The speed of their vessels being crip
pled by foul bottoms, they cleaned them
upon tho coast of Virginia nnd went
in quest of fresh booty. On this cruise
they secured tho must valuable prize
yet captured, a huge French Guinea
num. richly freighted, bound for Mar
tinique. At this juncture Hornigold'
avarice seems to huve been satisfied, or
more likely his heart failed him, for,
taking the two vessels with which they
originully.Bailed, he returned to Provi
dence and availed himself of a pardon
offered by the king to all pirates who
should surrender in u specified time.
Teuch, however, only emboldeued by
access, now .assumed an independent
character and began that career of crime
which rendered his name so iufumous.
Richmond Times. ,
Khe!i.v ami Kriitry,
The khediva, .oddly enough for an ori
ental, did not smoke, but always carried
s cigarette case., und delighted in'offer
Ing it and little presents of money to the
English sentries jiluced on gunrd round
bis puluce when first Cairo was occu
pied by the British.
The khedive was ua early riser, and
wo in the habit of walking in his gar
ion early in the morning. One day,
returning from such a wulk, he was
stopiied by a sentry.
er can't go in here, yer know," said
the wan of war, with the Briton's amia
ble contempt for a fat little foreigner.
"But I belong to the puluce," fultered
the khedive, delighted.
"Oh, do jref? Got a good place?"
"Very good," was the modest response.
"Ah, yer look like it. Nothin to do
nd pleuty to eat. I wouldn't mind serv.
.ng your master. Whut sort of a feller
is her
And then, alui, the sergeant coming
ilong recognized und saluted the khe
live, to the vast discomfort of the sentry
well a to the chagrin of his highness,
who would have been glad to hear man
bont hiuuelf. Youth,' Companiqn.
The Wfinrinj of lungs.
"It Is a constant surprise to me," said
a man tho other day, "that a woman
With a palpably ugly hand will cnll
everybody's nttention to it by hanging
her fingers with sparkling rings. A cer
tain intuitive vanity that is common to
men and women alike ought to tench
her better. Freckles, big knuckles and
ngly or ill kept nnils are nil accentuated
by showy rings. I've seen u woman
Whose rough, red hand must be her
ever prcent thorn in the f! h h ud it
With big diainonds, the white sparkle
nnd dull gold setting of which in'ensi
fied the redness nnd coarseness of tho
fingers they encircled. I long to tell
such n one to put her jewels at her
throat, on her arms, in her hnir any
where but on her hands.
"In contradiction to this I recall n
woman of my acquaintance who has a
small brown hand like a gypsy' ;. She
has evidently studied its limitations, f,,r
she wears never more than one ring, nnd
that nl ways of odd design, I've seen her
wear a black pearl sunk in dull silver, a
hoop of carbuncles or an old
ring of hammered gold, but she oftenest
wears a superb alexandrite that shows
black in some lights nnd deep seagreen
in others. 1 nlwnysnpplnud her wisdom
in banishing pearls, emeralds and dia
monds or any conventional styles from
her ring box "Her Point of View in
New York Times.
Wred Map In ermnn-.
The (ierinans have some educational
Ideas which wo in this country have bor
rowed with profit, nnd thero are still
others which we might be wiso to ndopt.
Among them no doubt nre the wall
maps of different species of pe. riferous
weeds, which hangin schoolrooms where
the children can see them as long as they
go to school.
A practical idea underlies tho display
ing of those maps. It is well known
that farmers nro prone to treat ad weo.'.s
alike, and hardly to observe any differ
ence between them, whereastho natures
of weeds differ as much as tho mil ores
of other plants do, ami the sort of
treatment which will exterminate one
will sometimes increase and multiply
It is import ant therefore that the farm
er ami gardener should understand the
weeds which they are trying to extermi
nate. It is here that these German wall
maps come in. They show colored pic
tures of the most pestiferous weeds, in
all stages of growth, and also the ways
in which they scatter their seeds and
propagate themselves. By learning them
thoroughly, through seeing them day by
day on the walls, the child grows up
with a knowledge of the liest way to ex
terminate them. Youth's Companion.
I.lsxt's Gypsy TroteR.
The great pianist, who was passion
ately fond of tho gypsies, once endeav
ored to educate and civilize a gypsy lad,
but failed ignoininionsly. The wild spir
it of the nature of countless generations
could not be tamed, and though as a
child liking tho novelty of tho new lifo
the young gypsy submitted, bnt with a
bad grace, to the instruction of the
teacher Liszt provided, he soon broke
loose, and became arrogant nnd inor
dinately conceited. However, his un
tutored playing was excellent, ami he
became the pet of thoso foolish women
in society who nre ever on tho lookout
. for some new craze to feed their flighty
craving after variety. Soon the child of
nature pined for the freedom of tho fields
and savagery, and so ho went. He ran
away three times ami was brought back,
and then Liszt let hiin go for good.
In after years he turned up again in
one of the numerous wandering gypsy
I orchestras, but ho was ouly then a medi-
j ere player -instruction had actuully
killed the real ability that a a child he
had jKissessed. So was shattered one of
the dreums of Liszt's life; he learned
I that a savage man could not be tamed
I -quite so easily as a savage beast, as many
had discovered before him. Belgravia.
A Iell'uto nt DnnR-rrous Treatment.
A certain cure for freckles is carbolic
acid, and its effects are not only certain,
but quick. The skin must first be washed
thoroughly in warm water, nnd then
dried with a soft towel. Each freckle,
or bunch of them, must lie dealt with
separately. Stretch the skin with the
fingers, and touch tho freckle with a
drop of pure carbolic acid. Allow this
to dry on the skin, und in a few minutes
it will bum and grow white. The skin
thus burned will fall off in a week or
s i, und leave a new rosy white skin in
place of the freckle. To prevent burns
from being very painful and from leuv
ing u bad scar on the skin, the blisters
formed should be pierced with a silk
threud soaked in sublimate solution.
Leave the thread in position while the
outside of tho blister is covered with a
10 per cent solution of iodoform vase
line. Fresh Bulve should be applied
daily, and Do puin will be experienced,
and severe contraction and wrinkling
of the skin after the wound is healed
will be prevented. Yankee Blade.
The Effort of New York Organ Iluildvra.
What the New York orgun builders
tell me most emphatically is that organs
are now inrde iu this country from an
urt stand point rather than a trude stand
point. They huve given up trying to
make little Gothic cathedrals of the or
gun cases. "8ieud you money on the
works," they toll their customers, "the
plain case is the handsomest case," Most
modern American organs have little or
no woodwork above the feet of the front
pipe. Cor. New York Times.
Tmutyaon and America,
Tennyson was extremely eager to go
to America, and touching this point a
tory is related to the effect that Bar-,
num offered him an enormous sum to go
there, though probably not as one of thei
attraction, of the "greatest show on
earth." "All you have to do," said Bar-!
num. "U to stand on a platform and1
have your hands well shaken." Thai
poet, however, declined the tempting I
pffer,-Cor. Boston Herald.
tn s (tatiftorons emenri-nry, A vi:it's Cnitiiliv
l'F. Ton A I, Is prompt t net anil sin In
i-iiro. A ilnse taken on the first sjin;ionis
of Crimp or Krcmi'lillK checks fin tl t-r pin"-r.-ss
of these compiiiliiM. It S'rt in llie
phlevtit, soothes tin! Inflamed tnemlmiitr,
nail linliires sleep. As n r -irmly fi r coMs.
' iim;Iis. less of vnlee. 1 1 pi pie.,
.... . v. ii nmi!i'.i;-i !:i m early slaves.
he try Pectoral
i is II similar pv.-pur eiesn. II It en-
. sell l.y leiiilhii: pit; i I"
'II i. I i a live
..: -:e. (lees lint lllie. ! . v.illl l;-J is,
: eiN to I'C tsik'-l! IH'l.lllJ in 'ICilll'e
!': i'i it -pi-ati'il te-ls In my n:i family,
s ( In II y I'eetelnl ,ih proveil i!eli II
y t 111 lent rt-mi'tty for eetiK rnieslH, ami
s .iii'tin tlHorilers of llie tliinsit. nml
! .,-'."- . V. Itartletl. I'lltstleltl. N. It.
. t the ;it 'j.', years I have lioenlaklng
: r .rry Perioral fnl liiiigtroiililes, nml
.-iivil lii it Iti use lias
Saved My Life
: ;. v r eomiiieinleil It to hnnilroils. I flml
must rlTei'llio way of laklnu this meill
i I In small nml frequent Hoses." T. M.
I itiiiens. P. M.. Bhcimnn, Ohio.
My lfe siiftereil trem a eolilt nnthlns
I: Ipril her lint AVer's Cherry IVeteral wlili li
. ileeteil n run'." It. Atnero, I'lympton, X. H.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
I'n p.iml by lr. J. C. Aycr JkCo, I-owf 11,Mmi.
Prompt to act, sure tocure
!nilil1 r:it tnii ntt In- r-1 11 If of :n;tll . :iv
IjiimI. tjtif of in-.u tm iihi. .1 II f -011
I'lHiiity. Iti l :i Iiiim lu'rn iri:iiiii"l to
till' llllt'l-l'4(H''l. Ail (HI -Mil- lllticlMl'll loTllI'
.tiit )-tiii. 11 1- ifini-icl iii tniiUi1 InitiH'ilktH'
mi int'lit tun) Miiim- liiivini; rliilhi nr Hrtiin ixK
iiiiihiM Hit -inn- will t'i'i-ni tliriM n 11 1 ht'M I
r.'tii'd fnt i'i t li'ini'iii whliunt ili'hiv in
. i. M 11.1 na .
l(i'linl'l- Mir, 1':!. VthiililMiiltMt.
Gitu Meat Market
I buy the ltt'st of rattle and
keep the choicest kinds
of meats, such as
Everything kept neat and
clean, Your patronage
K. J. Seliultzo, Prop'r.
Solid hold, Solid Silver, Fine llolled-llalc
Tpi.rpi rpw for Ladies' and
JLWLLlv I Gentlemen's Wear.
Gold Pens,
Neck Chains,
Cuff Buttons,
Society Badges,
Glove Buttoners,
Gold front Lockets,
Hairchain Mountings,
Rolled Plate Lockets,
Watch Chains for Ladies,
Plain Gold Band Rings,
Band Rings, hand engraved,
Watch ChainsforGentlemen,
Stone Rings of All Kinds,
Good Quality, Fine Finish,
Ed. Gooder's,
Main St., Opposite Stoke's Drug Store.
Gill AM !
This is no l-oltrry Scheme,
lull a tlonalion of siio lo my
I will give you a Ten Cent
Money Order with each two
dollars' worth of goods pur
chased at my store, and when
leu of those money orders
are presented by any one per
son I will cash them, paying
1.00 in silver or currency
for them or when you buy
si. 00, or more, worth of
goods at one time I will no
cept lliem as so much cash
towards paying for same.
I waul everybody lo avail
themselves of Ihis oiler.
Yes. this is llie place lo
Save you money !
at prices surprising lo every
body. New York
hkynoi.iisyiu.i'.. pa.
A Terrible Grime !
Which will open the eyes of the public and
upon investigation Ihey will discover that
Messrs. ilioli & steep Prices
on (cuts' Furnishing (foods were
Stabbed to the Heart !
So that everybody will have a fair chance to
buy.especially the man who earns his daily
bread by the "sweat of his brow."
Low Prices and Good Goods
Can always be found at our store, ami no
1 rouble to show you everything. We
have the (inest selection of cloth for
in this section of the country and
fi Pened Fit. Guaranteed.
Don"l pass by without stopping to see the new
World's Koir --
They are certainly a novelty iu all colors.
I it'Spec'i f ully,
Orlrjlnators ot the Small Profit System.
Just in
LAI toil
Til I'.I It
AN D Si: K
r t a i rr
O I U V Ld. -
Iii fact anything you may desire in our line
in our mammoth store.
The Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
(Su(.mh?(moi-h to Mi-Kuo & Wurnlok,)
( .'ON F KCT 1 ON K 1 1 Y ,
line of (ii'wwlf.
(IoihI ilellveml fren unit place in
(lire hh a full' trial.
Swab Bros.,
Vol'. Main ami Sth St.
Season !
are v-vwgffU
will be found
Dry Goods,
Boots, and
Fresh Groceries
Flour and
Reynoldsville, Fa.