IfKYNOhltSYIIXK, I'MNN'A., W KDNKSDAV MAKCII IJJiKS. iMIMUKIi i: VOMWK I. V ItrtllvonJ Cttiir Cultlca. vTli.i.( ! 1 1 1'.N V AU.KV ISAI IAV A Y COMPANY ? 1 1 1 1 1. tn -i 1 1 r Sunday I). I. !"!- f , v ( irnil.' I 'i vision. I" -t y Mi m. SI Allnss. Ilr. I ll .nl. l.liMsnliliiiln . New Itctltlilii'ttl oi.li Knl.'i' Mnvsx llli' Stlllltili't') lite . . . MriHik v I tlia Hell I nil. t l(c.VlltlltlsVllll . . 1'niit'iiiist I'll ll Creek Illlllnls "Ml. Ml. I Willi.', hum I'entli'lil Tyler Cli'ti I'lslier llcnt'Ki tic Ill-mil Ihlfln.xul iit. I. No..'.. N.i.'.'.l i r I II "i :u . :n V .vi' H Mi, n I '.! il -! ii i; il v.; T ml Hi iVi 7 ii ll m 7 "tv 7 41 7 .".I h ml H IL' h ;m II mi .- .VI H II il l'i il II' II .vil il 7 mi J :i. T is I :m I ! n mi' s mil h HI S 'Jll II! S .V. II !.". ! M. V. M.U. M.U. M. WMTWAIIII. htatiiiss. Nn.2 Nn.il iNii.Hij Iml W A. m. .. m f. m. Ir. i.;f. M llrlflwiNMl Hil . 5 in il ii Hi mil Ill; .1 :i" J i llciicrctte II ft III I I" (licit I I-Iiit II IV 1 '! ill Tvlcr II II r II IVnllclil I'! I'V H ll'i 7 I.I. wiiiiimIiiiiii .... i; i. ii " i : stii. iihi i-. :: ii a; I s i;, , Hull,, I. I I lit 7 In '.''' I'! I''.' ' I" l-'nllsi'ici'l I I V 7 -.'ii! f! I". ' :i" I'iiii. -t i I ll 7 I" 1ft vtinliKUIti' ... I I! 7 In I- I'tillcr ! I si 7 !i Hi lli'll , '! l'i - tr, ll I7i ; lliiinKi lllf ! s I'' ! :' Siimmcilllc....j '.' :i.i s " II , Mn -. nil' ! '' " i" "'. Olll.liill'C Ni-u ll.'1 tili hi'lit l.tllV-lllll. ll If. ii r. i; l in in i I" :i r, licit II. ... I, I in Tiiiin- ilully fni'i-pi StiiHiiiy. Ii Will Mi l' Miiio. iii.N'i.. Sin-., I'lllllltlU'. I'll. .IAS. I'. AMU'.HSON. liCN'i.. I'ss. ,i;t riii-iiuiu, I'u AUDITOR'S IfKI'OHT Of fl'hislow TowiimIiIii for fhf uvor rtiilhm Mrrh l.llh, ISIKi. I'our I'u ml. V. J. ICtIN Kit. OVI'l'il'I'l'. Hll. To nniiiiml fiiinii'iillri'liir " " 'ii. Trrii Tonm'l fniiiilliMlfi-i'jf Krlhifi Kh'I T.intn'l ilui'iil Inil n'lili'in'iii. Sl.'n-i Is :imiiiii llll 411 I:4 III. Ily ki'i plnu imniM-i-" ilium mirvlii'miinl ivxim-iimhi 71 r:i ivlli-f orili'tx II !ft " Itll'illiMil illtiinilllltri' -7.I.V " Itllli imltl mi lit. iniilliT,. . I.i:i77ii " OlIlIT I'HIH'llHI'il "il Ift " 1 wn yi'in-n' fiiiini'll fi'i 'in mi " Imlii'iii i' ni'i' l iill :i" I.!KH I,!KK4 Noah svimiiiit. liM'in'i r. UK. Tniini'l friiin I'lilli'i'tni- imimi Iiii' til ln-l ii'iili'in'itl. ml " Imliini'c HUH 31ft VI ( H. Ily ki'i'iiliitf miiM'i-s I7:t MTVlri's 4'i mi 31ft 111 JOHN W.MTK, I'tllll'rllir I.f I'.Kll- l llllllll. lilt. T.Klllt.lll llll' M ' nm'l ilui'iil Itiit Hi'itli'in'iit, .Kllll lllllli'll H'lil'lttHKl' 11 'ill Il,li7:tl I'll. Hy Ovi'rHi'iTH rM't'liii r Hi'Klod lux it'liii'iii'il... M Kkiiiipi-hIIoiih, ' imt ci'tii. iiii i .:mn :n. . " 2 i:il h,... ' ft iff " ImlHIirii HITOIIIlt l,l4H 1.1:51 AMM Hi 47 4HI II ft7 5711 (a l,wi7:ci l.N.7:ti Knatl I'lllKl. Amor HTimrHK. HuiH'rvlMir. nu. Tnnm't ftum HunllrHtii uiit- ckI l.40l 40 To ain't from Hun iriilti mi- walil 14! ill Tonm'l from I'ollifliir rww "7 I'u. Tn-ti-ini'i-... 4-11 Ml ' oiIht Hiiiii-i'iiH,. . :mft4' " " iltiit lo Imlitnn :t:i III ,11111 K (II. um'l ri'tiiriii'il I lax " votirln'i-s ii'diM'inril. . fti:i:m ' clllM'IIH IlllHir 1,4 III UM " I linn :!-."imi " ninii'rliil i7'M " oiImt i'Xih'iim'h "i7mi " . Kxottl'l'ill Inns M IH " jmlil A. T. Mi'l'lnif,.. IA7IH " I'.llllirll lis- Aim ' Co. Tivns. iht i'iiiiI... Iliiil " ntlil on now miio :miirtii " from luxl M'ltl'n'iil, MliCi tj.iniisi r:.!ioii A. 1 . jnra'i.riiK, siiM'rviwir. 1)11. To um'l from Dillilli am win ed i,m in to am i from iimtyinr, a; ' " " (Vi. 1 it'iiHiii-i.r. nor HlroHM 1.17(11 To nm'l f rom ot hvr hoiiift's, . . 'ift " buluncv 1!41U JI-iOHll tu. By um'tmliirni'd 12 Ml .1 v,i.i1.l..iM .u.l.H.n....l 'l;il 111 v.iiij'Iiiii-u iMiliwtnii.fl AMI 411 ' rlllMinn InlMir " tlinp and exiMiitM'H,.. " tmnt'iirlHl otlitirixMinHiit4 " Kxonenitlonti, " round I fis; palU on roiid con- trai'ln KHUH3 212 on 4ii :ti IU ID iimi iim 2MI27 $l,7i JOHN WA1TB, KlIIIM'liir (If roilll IllllUk. UK. To duplicate $1,071 AO CR. By BiipcrvlHoin reoolptu, 0-2.1 1.1 ,T tu MltllPlllMl in lu nfirrentMKO.. MftH IN 1ft im to exonerations... balanco l, Oil ill W.J. Hi i.i.i h. 1 Thim. IIhtchihoh, Auditors. A. Ii. MAVHKW SUBSCRIBE FOR "THE STAR" $1.50 PER YEAR. annoi ni !;mi;ms. Violltoitofitvit. (I' tt. ,-i .i: i iiti'i'lii im T i.' . wu.i.iam ii. sr i I'l'.i;. I it I l.tiVi II l.l: Itiiltiil'iilt. ;i i- In it.'l li.tl ..f till' 1 1 -tilt Ml' 'Mil- i.f .l.ll.'l - i .1. ii l i In- i ii-l iii'ii rli'i'i Inn. .Itt nr Ii. I 'Va. I n-v I IT. ,'. il: -III l.'ll I'. I'.. m:i K. l I : I 1. Mil IKVIM.I II. HI. II .ill I Iiimi'I lull i if till' ti'tilllilli'tltl-. i if Slll.lc, sun I '. .Iitli'f I. Ill till' ll I tl lit I'li-i'l Intl. .Illltf 17 SlICIIII I'. l'.l.l. IIAYII) (i. lilM'ltl.KY. UK IIII.I.IKV II.I.K III. II. II .III. Hlllilci-I t" net Inn i.f I III' leliiililliiilis nf . iiiii- yi. vim i 'i . tit nil- inutility 'i 1'iinti. .tititi i; unit SUMMIT. clI.UM.KSii. WILSON. ni- I'rixsrT ovsrtr lliiitnt'iin. ulicel In lift I. inn! I lie ii'iiiilill.-iilis nf i. n. i- .. i-n.i. in l ii. ill tin- in limit v t'li rl Inn. .Initt' I ill! lll;lilli', liKultiil'. V. WAItNK K. Ill IlKYMII.IIsvll.l.t: lllllllll (ill. itl.l.'.'l in :n -I I. hi uf tin- t i'iiii tilh-:i ii-- if .l.'Mi' mi t '. I. Ill I III' I'l I III II I V l-ll'i'l Intl. .In nr 17. I-'. ,'ll( Mil I . K. V. Mi Ml I.I.I :x. i if tv -i nv Tow Mlir. iii..-. i i.i .n il r tin-ill mi..'iMi'. nf im' mi I .1. Ml I In- ii I In. il lit -t inn. Iiiii-', !!':. l'l'Ulll) C VfltHVff, ll,l -riil.i:. .Ii ill X WAI I'K. Ilf I.NSI.IIW 'I'llttVillll Sltliji'i'l linti'liiilli.f lln li'litllilt. lll-.nl .Ii ll'i l . I-M. -.nil I 'ii. til I lu' li Itllli t y I'll i'I lull, .llllll Ii j.iiii ritKAsi iirii. X. I. CiiUKY, UK I'l NXSI'TAHNI'V lllllllM'llll. Sll1lisl 111 IH'llilll I if till' I'l'lllllilli'lltts I if SI III I 'l I. Ill llll' Jill IIIII I .V I'll'I'llllll, .III I If Ii lilli'i . Ili. ,int Tiii'..sri(i;u, V. V. CKISSMAN. I IK ( I.AYVII.I.K lllllllll (III. Slllili'i't I o tlfliiill of lllf li-ptllil It'll Its of .1 Iitlfi' stm I o. nt Iiii iii'iniiuy fifi'i inn, .huh . Is'.tl. fl' (itttmlaaloitrr. pil! i OMMIsslnNr'.lt, V. T. rox. I IK V INSI.IItV 'I'l IW KHIII I", Slllllfl'l lOtll'lllllllif lllf l-fiillilii'ltltsiif I I'lll-r IMi:i. sun I o. ill lllf iirliiiitry Ifrllnn, .luiif ii, pill fliMMISSHiNKII, DAXIKIi IlKKWKIt, (il I'rititv TottxHiiii', Slllliffl In nrliiitl nf lllf ll'lltllilli'tllis of .1 sun Co. Ill lllf I'l'lttltll V f Ifi'llnll. .Illtlf 17 l-ll'i'l s!i:i. pill I'dMMISSIiiNKIt. .IDSKIMI IIAUH, I IK lllllltlKVII.I.I'. lllllllll I. II. Slllllfl'l III II. I l.i.l nf Ihf ti'lilllilli'llll- nf .lillir Min i n. iii tl.f iii litiuty f Ifi'llnll, .luitf 17. si:t. Mt COM MISSION Kit. .KlSKI'll III'LLKKS. OK U'AIISAW ToWNSIIir, ct Iii iifllun of lltf ti'iiiililli-iinsiif .Ii- 11'fi'. i. tit I lif iii ltiiiii y f Ifi'i Inn, .1 inif 17. si:i. Sillij. sun t ' iillacillinicott. 1 MITCHKI-h, AT'l'i H X K Y-AT-I jA V. Ollli'f on W'fsl Miiin stiff!. oniHisllf lln t'oiniiifii'lal lloti'l, Hfyiiulilsvlllf , I'll. jy i. n. k. iioovi'.u, KKYNOI.DSYIMJ"., l'A. Ill'-llll'lll lll'lltl-l. Ill lllllllllllL' lll'lll Ml'lllll (list flllllfll. tipilllsltf Al'lllllll llllH'U. Ilfllllf' llfSM III I1H'I'I11 IllK. ll OTKL Mil'OXXKM ukvxoldsviijj:. va. Till' li'iulinic hate) nf Ihrtnwu. Mriiiiimi -ti'i'H for t'Diuinrrt'liil iih m. Sti ittn Im iiI. frto tim, tuitli itMHim mid rloM'tn on cvciy MMir KiiinpU iiHiiMH, 11 lllita-at i m tin, Iclt'iiliunt' i'iiii IM'i't lllllS, t. JTKL HKLNAl', kkynoldsviuj:, pa. UKEtiX cf COXSKIt, l'ntiiUux. I'lrst i'Iiish Iimvi' ry piirtli'iiliir. I.iHulfd In tin' Vf rv I't'iil rt' of tlif liusliif ss purl uftuiAn. l-'ri'i 'Iiils to mid from (i-iiIiim anil I'uininiMliuiis hiunplf iiHims riiri'iiinini'i-i'liil tiuvf If rs. YMKKK'AN IIOTKL, IIUOOKVILLK, l'A. jiUFFJxarox d- loxu, l',,-. Oiniilliils to iiiiiI from iill trnliiH. Kiiinpi'iin rfHtuiiniiit. Iloiiso hfttti'd and lU'lilfd by txns. Hot anil I'ulil wiiitr. Westfi-u I'lilou If li'Ki-ui.li mil. 't. In linll. linn. Tim huli l Is lltti'il Willi nil thf imsli'ni I'onvi'itif ni'i's. QOMMEltCIAL HOTEL, BROOKVILLK, l'A., 1'lllL 1'. CMUilEU, lrni it; Hun ink' room on tliu irrc tnul tliNr. Moiihu Iii'UUmI iy iiulurul kuh. Omnlhuit to unl from OftftNGEflBLE WEATHER Nutuit) luw noun fit to have uhunoabla weutbor and why not huvo your jKiinon garrountotl with a neat and nobby suit modo of hoavy-woijfht miiUiiul to suit the woathur that in now croopinp; uikhi uh. You nood a new winter suit and an the cold waves are very uncertain you will be wise If you place your order now for winter wearini; apparel, no an to have it to don when bluHteiinir weather is ushered in. Stuih an immenHe line of winter patterns was never displayed in town as van be Boen at J. C. FROEHLICH'S, iTNcxt door to Jlotol McConne I'Olllltl. Tin1 finnvT tin llir i:t .ni'.l l'i As fur its I In I". . '. ' i I!. It li.. v.iLI l ll l . : . ! ritiy. "S.rltr; I'. . " l lll tils llj IliU, t.i tut. Cf-M! th nt, fin., I.i fit it llir ImmI-h In ttir i hit lrft 'rri(ii Mi. 'Sirini: in cniiiim'." I'l nu. Thf iMMwItiti-r wind ! hlnv. iipt Arnl nlimitM v. ltd 11 lMii-t-rMi- i'U'm, Hut Hie hin: i ii't; Miiwt t:lnvitii Sfiy, "Si rin-r I t "'iih it," t inf. Anmt M. I.m-.vi-II in :v t 'in t 'f intntonn t-nlllu a nuii'Mixiin host. TURKEY DINNER AT WHICH THE BIQ TURKEY WAS ABSENT. flow a fruwil nf mnitry I. mis Kinllrtl a Nlcrly I'lnnnnl I'rtist-Mystrrlnilil III appraritnrn nf n Ittiust Ttirkry Tlit Fllclit of a Trmlrr Mnrsi-I. A k ' 1 1 ' ' ' 1 iioti'il fur his (iriitmlil y Initilo lint fnlltiwhiK iiiiir..vi'iin iit In tlio iilil wiyiriK, "TliiTf's iimny n Mip 'Iwlxt tint cup mul Mm hhiii'it," llio nlliiT ility in spi'tiltini; nf it iliviiiiiiiiiliiii til ii Mi'inl nf liis liml cxpf rif iii'i il in Itisiiiit his din- iht llmintih iiiisslni it train n iliiincr to wliii li In- liml lit'i'ii invilfil ninl nl which liml Ii. . it si'lccl. .1 to ri'uiiiM'l In inn' of t!m Iti.t-K riii'simpln niissiii'.' nf I tin il i titer wns mini' lli.in set nir nl Hut u. I ll. ncnil SliiiMs Itnli'l. mi (Im West ( 'hcsti-r pike nniiiiiiy nf Iwi-lvii I'iiiliiilcliilii.'iiiH in sli il in ri'iil csliitc ili'Vi liipii. cnlH hail piiiw out ill llio ciintilrv fur Kit' piirinvc nf liiiiliin.,' tiliiuil f'.r prulilalilo invest inciits, an. I hail rciiI wnpl In tliu pruprif- or nf llm nlil lio-tcliv of tln-ir f ii i i ii l; ntnl nnlcri'il iinuM fiisliionctl turkey din- tier to bo reiidy nt 0 o'clock. The order put Uip proprietor in tiis bunt humor (iidI tlm entire esliililislniiHtit. into nn iiniisiml (lurry of pxritinu preparn- tion. The linstlnr Imrried to the nenrest farmliniiHO, whero lie iurchai'il the finest turkey to Im liml, ntnl cnrrled it bnck to the hotel in triumph. Taking it into the stnliln he dispalchiil and plucked it in (frent hasto. KvnrythiiiK was exoltemeiit In the large kitchen from the t i mo llio order was nmiotiiiced until late in the afternoon, when the last dish wns ready to lie carried to tho dining room. The news nf the gentlemen coming spi-eml tliroiigli the village, ntnl every one felt duly Ixitllid to go to the hotel and pee them, and initio took a greater interest in thn affair than the hoys. They had finished thir chores unusually early liml were promptly on hand long before the hour of serving the supper. Of tho entire community none felt his personal importance more, than Uftvo 1'eters, the colored waiter. Dave was nf portly build and prided himself in his appearance, and if he had a hatred for one thing more than nny other, thnt thing wns a claw hammer coat, which hu said Ix'longcil to society gentlemen and not to a waiter, conse quently he heM to the old fashioned roundabout jacket. Just before the time for nunounciiig that dinner was ready anumber of the village lioys stood peering through one of tho dining room windows, watching Dave arrange the different dishes on tho table and ad miring tho display mado by the twelve napkins in us many cut glims goblets. After viewing the effects of the table with a countenance beaming with satisfaction, Dave strutted toward the door and disappeared by descending the Btairs leading to tho kitchen, ami a few moments later reappeared, carrying on a largo dish the turkey, douo to a lovely brown ami beautifully garnished with carved roses, sprays of parsley and cel. ery tops. Walking toward the table ho found that no room had been left for the central ami chief adornment of the table. Taking the situation in at glance, Dave saw his mistake, and hur riedly set tho dish down upon tho broad ill of the window through which the boys wore peering, and began rearrang ing tho tnble to make room for the turkey. No sooner liml he turned bis back to the window than one of the boys softly and quietly raised the sash, while an other grabbed the turkey from tho dish and fled across the hotel yard toward the old stable, followed by his coinpun ions. After making room for tho larce dish Dave turned around, stepped to the wtnaow, raiseu me utsn ami placed it in its position in the center of the table, never noticing that tho bird had flown, Going to the sidoboard he picked np the upper bell and gave it a violent ring, thus notifying the host that dinner was ready. "This way, gentlemen; this way, pleufce," spoke the proprietor to his guests; "step this way, gentlemen,' leading them through a narrow passage from the bar to the dining room. No sooner bad be reached the dining room than bis gaze fell upon the empty plate, when he exclaimed, "David, where in the name of General Jackson is that turkey?1 Poor Davet Never was a man taken more by surprise. When for the first time be noticed the broken platter bis broad smile vanished. In an instant his jaw foil and his large eyeballs stared most frightfully, while his whole frame hook with a terrible tremor. All b could say in reply to the abrupt and em phatic question was, "Don't know, sir; it was dar, it was dar," and hurrying to the kitchen stairs be shouted down, "You, Phosby, whar In dobTs dat tur key?" "Go erlong now, you's got It np dar long ergo," The disappearance was not only s mystery to the waiter and cook. but In (lie proprietor us well, who In nu i..l.t,'i'lii' milliner asked llio guests to repair iigiiiu to the barroom whiln a thorough invest igal inn cniiltl be made, l'.vi t v (tun in I he Iiiiiim'. including Hie hustler, was que si iutii'il ntnl cross (ties tioneil, yet tin IiiiiI colli. I lie thrown on the mystery. Alter winding an hour in trying loliud the missiui; bird, and after a consultation with the fjii-'ts. fried ham ntnl eggs were substituted fur the turkey. ll was tint till two hours later, when the guest s were aliuiit to depart, that the proprietor learned what had become of tint turkey. One of the buys, iii'irn bold than his coiiipaniuim, came back to tint hotel to see bow the jokn worked, and thinking the story of tho bird's disap pearance too kim id to keep, told it to nne of the men that wern loitering alxint the outside of the hotel. Tho next morning thn picked bones of the turkey were found scattered alsmt on the ground back of the slablii, where thn boys had, after carving it Willi their pocketknive, greedily devoured tho well ciMiked bird. Philadelphia Times. fintrlfy ftrlKlilfns llii-lr lliincyinmin. Oitini lliiiiii) John McW liters and t'.r. Charley Jones bad perhaps Urn r r- s ex- lerieiicii of any nf the ftillctnin who Were Mlgll'ietl 111 t he V.'n!' .I'l 111: I II ollt llll? ielp to thn poor. Sunday iifle rimon these (wo jr nl leti'cu had clnirgo of ll i. c ull In'" I !i"r. Had IMMiiv I". ids of t't'o- i-ii.ns mid i lot hing did lin y d. 'i . i r to (lest in it".; lot.r. 1 1 " liani" .f John Jones i.f Ml Mel)..i!iii !l i l i i i I v.,iMVMi Hit in, i: lid 1 1 n-v stm li d ..r i '" p'm- -. They id Home ilil,':. nil v in finding tin funn ier designated nnd iiiquip d of Mime nne r by where they could I'm I Mi. It's rile down dire." said a youth. minting toward the place, "nn if yon fei nt will Ii u rr v up you'll sen it weddin, 'cause John Jones is get tin tied np ter dav." They stopped in front nf Ml, nnd John Tones, n white man who follows tho nc copal ion nf carpenter, cumo nut. lie was not richly dressed, but ho was not on tho extreme ragged edgo by any means. 'What about getting married, John?" asked Mr. Junes. "I've been a-tliinkin about it," replied Mr. John Jones, "an I'm mighty glad to see you jieoplo come, 'causo 1 need help." Mr. McWnters and Mr. Jones deliv ered a liberal nllowuiiro of provisiifns to the groom, nnd nfter they had done so he said: "(leiitleniens, if you bnd liecn Ii to about ID minutes sooner you could havo been at thn weddin I got married be fore yon drove up." Tho two iliKpetiReis of chanty offered their congratulation. Atlanta (.'nnsti tntton. (rttftca Nonn to lla an Island. Tho scheme, fur cutting a canal across the Isthmus nf Corinth has bad its peri ods of trottbleand depression, like other and greater enterprises of thosamo char acter, but it npiiear to lie now rapidly approaching completion. The concession wn originally granted by the Orcek government in May, JH81, to General Turr, with whom was aftsociuted M. dn Lesscps. After the original enpitnl hod been ab sorbed nnd the operations for some time suspended, the operations wero taken up by a new company, who in 1H00 entered into a contract with a firm who under took to complete the work on March 10, 1H93, tinder a penalty of 4.000 ier month for any delay after that date, but unfor tunately about this time last yenr n wa terspout passed over the works, Hooding the excavations. The disaster necessitated a slight ex tension of the term, but tho contractors now prnmitio that a large steamer will go through llio canal cm tho &:id of April next. Great efforts tiro being mudo to render tho system of lighthouse ade quate. Tho Corinth can.il. which will have cost from first to last ', ".VIIOO. will be lit by electricity, witlt two pow erful lights ut each end aud a row of lights through its entiro length. London hi Aw a Tha Italia Allva In tha Coffla, An extraordinary incident is reported from Gunnisluke. in Cornwall. Mrs. Lean, wife of the landlord of the Tavi stock hotel, gave birth to her tenth child, and sho subsequently died. The doctor gave it as bis opinion that the baby wonld not live, and soon afterward the relatives applied to him for a certificate, saying that it had succumbed. The lit tle one was placed in its mother's arms, and the coffin was screwed down. On Saturday, when preparations were being made for the fnneral, the hnsband was startled by bearing the cry of a child. The undertaker was sent for, and on opening the coffin found that the baby was alive. Later the same day the child was once more pronounced to be dead, bnt the doctor wonld not permit of its being buried and ordered it to be wrapped in blankets for a few days. Glasgow Mail. Didn't Cara to Ila I'reaaatad. The wife of a well known naval officer tells an amusing story of some of her experiences in Washington society. Ou one occasion when she was asked to re ceive at an army and navy gennan, a congressman entered with a lady lean ing upon each arm. One of the floor committee at once approached him with the polite request tluit ho give his name, in order that be might bo presented to Mrs. Clonk, who received the guests of the evening. "Xo, thunk you," was tho uonchalaat reply. "I don't care to be introduced. I havo two ladies now to take care of, and that is about as much as I can ign." Kato Field't Washington. Nn Wilier Itt lliinli'l Wi'lnitpr'n. Ilr. I'.lli i, when it young mini, wascom. missioned to escort Mr. Webster to ( harletilowii, where the orator was lode liver his fuiimiM nddress nn the dedica tion of tint l;.inl:. r Hill inoiiiliuent. On tint way over Mr. Webster inquired as they licit red tint end of the brnlc whether it was possjltln to M'curea little luan ly that the senator might have Is fore m il; Ing his great effort. The yo. ng clergy man to whom this inquiry was addressed in a conlitl' tilial tone piloted Mr. Web Ster to the bouse i f a llnston merchant who lived in ( lull ieslov.n. Thin inerciiant was so embarrassed by thn honor nf tho great statesman's pres ence that bo brought out nut nun but several decanter nf thn best liquor ho bail in thn house. Mr. Webster care fully searched out thn vessel containing the brandy nnd poured from it a drink that today would Is generally termed "a tint h" nnd drank tho liquor in a few complacent gulps. Thn anxiously oblig ing merchant inquired nf Mr. Webster whether bo would not like it glass nf water. Thn senator looked up calmly nnd in bis most magnificent tones replied urbanely: "I thank you, sir, but 1 am not thirsty." t lost on tilobe. A Prliirn'n NiiIiii-.v. The crown priiicn of liuiitnaiiia is lo have an allowance from his country of t'r,'.ii'iil it year, ntnl bis uncle, King ( harlcs, js In give him I'l J.'UKl, In tho event of the crown prince's death, Prin cess Marie would have a joint uroof IT (WHI a year, half coming from Itouiuania and thn remainder from King Charles. The prince of I loin-n.ollem is to luako a settlement on his son, and thn lliikn and Ducln ss nf Kdiiibnrgli urn to give their (laughter nn allowance, but sho will not receive nny dot until nfter the death of her parents. It is no secret that there bns been a prolonged mid not altogether nmicablo negotiation respecting the settlements which were to be signed nt Sigmaringen on the day before the wedding. It is understood that the Prince of Holien rollern propose to allow 4,000 a year to Prince Ferdinand, with nn ultimate sum of 100.000. Princes Mario is to get 2,000 a year from her parent dur ing their live, with a sum of 50,000 after they have deceased. This arrange ment will rmit of a settlement of .ri0,000 upon the younger children of the marriage. London Truth. -'.loifl ltciiiltft Ilia l.vn f'hll(lrn. William Uobiuson is the mail con tractor carrying mail from llarrodsburg to Antioch. Lust November his wife died, and Tuesday afternoon he married again. His first wifo bore him II chil dren, five nf whom tire married. He ha known bis bride only a short while, and she is DO years bis junior, being in her twentieth nnd he in bis fiftieth year. The children got an inkling of the con templated marriage and sought to break it off. but the father got ahead of them, got hi bride to lie nnd tho minister and started for Macksville. The children pursued, the trail got hot, and Robin snn's party halted, got nut on the road side, nnd there he and his love were mode man and wife. His bride was Miss Mollie Iiumett. Cor. Louisville Courier Journal. Ilr liny Mrant Wll. An utifortnnate young woman who unites artistic talent, religion xeal and poverty lives in a high hull bedroom in a boarding house, studies painting nnd teaches a Sunday school class. Her boy like her, and to show their appre i tint ion of her efforts they clubbed to ! gather to buy hera Christmas gift, which I was presented to her nt tho Snnday schnol ! festival. It was a box made of lath, con I tnining four gray rabbits nnd thus in I scribed, "To Miss Eva, with tho affec j tionnto thanks of Inr Sunday school i class." And on the top lay a bunch of 1 brilliant red nnd yellow paper roses. I Chicago Herald. A Cowboy' -at tVlth a Latino, Antnue Nelson, a Colorado cowboy, lassoed an eagle a few days ago. Nel son was riding over tho prairie on bis littlo cow pony, with his lasno tied to bis saddle, when be saw the eagle flying nbead of him quito close to tho ground. Ilo started bis pony on a run toward the bird, and when a short distance away threw his rope, which settled over the eagle's neck and under oim wing, and he succeeded in getting thn bird to the ranchhouse alive. The eagle measured 6 feet from tip to tip of its wings. In dianapolis Journal. Tha Caar to Ila tmpanir of Aala. The extraordinary report is published in several continental papers tat the czar of Bussia intends to assume the title of emperor of Asia. This step, it is said, was decided on during the stay of the emir of Bokhara at St. Peters burg. It is added that if it is realized the czar will next summer make a jour ney through central Asia. But con tinental papers are sometimes well, in exact. Pall Mall Gazette. A French doctor recently celebrated his one hundredth birthday anniversary, and tha fact was commented upon that among the large number present who hod been his patients not one was over SO years old. and most of them were much younger. Max Mailer strikes compromise be tween those who are contending for the abolition of the poet lanreateship and those who desire the post filled. His ad vice is. Don't abolish it, bnt just hang it np till another poet like Tennyson appears. I'iiiieiinlva lifituratlfinii. This is thn season nf the year when florists lire paid high prices for mailings display of their collection of plants and flowers in private houses, ballrooms nnd dining balls. To have a tropical sei ne created for ynti in the corner nf n r'sun, or i have a labl'i garnished with choice lica nties, willi thn breath and hloum nf a summer's day in each s l.'il. while Hut tnrtli is stiffened with frost, coals some thing. Smilax is used in great quail tities. Of thn nrchids, thn cypriiediiiin is thn most common nnd makes a pretty lbs-oration with maidenhair fern. Master lilies are extensively used. Roman hya cinth urn going out, nnd the Dutch hya cinth nro coming in. Narcissus are used with thn lily in decoration. The yellow daffodil are pretty in table piece. It uses nro of course tho great favorite, and florists say that, the demand fur them tbl year has a I most, been unprecedented. American lleatities lend the floriculf nral world. Them i nothing likn them, nnd during the height of the sea sun they brought its high asfl.Vifurn single rose. Much nf course depends upon thn quali ty of thn plant. Tho Mermet is a pretty pink rose. It lasts well nnd generally reaches its limit at f:lndii::eii. Tim Pearl rose is n pretty rnsn fur mo on it table. It is a yellow rose ami may reach f'i a dozen. New York Telegram. Ilnrn nf Mm. fl'l-nry'M I mr. A strung" relic bns reached the Ameri can K.xchango hotel nt San I'raiicisco ami has attracted n great, deal nf atten tion. It is the born of Mrs. O'Lenry's cow, the celebrated linvinc of Chicago that in I ST I kicked over the historic oil lamp. II. O. Atkinson, who owns the relic, gave fH for it right nfter thn fire. The hide sold for $120. Mrs. O'Lcary's cow didn't have a very big horn, accord ing to this. What boeamn of the other horn nobody know. This fine was beautifully fashioned by Mr. Atkinson's brother into the form of a fish. A niche had been cut into the edges of tho open end and eyes of glass inserted on tho sides, while ivory fins decorato it in the proper place. It is lined nn thn inside with red plush, and thus with its mouth on a bias and its curved tail it look for all tho world like a trout or a salmon as it jump out of the water. A hook is in its gill and a ribbon on the hook so that all complete, while a fish, it is a handsome jewel rase. This is the use to which the horn of Mrs. 0'leary's cow has come nt last. With the strange relic is the following, "Made from thn horn of Mr. O'lsry's cow thnt kicked over thn lamp and caused thn great fire of Chicago." San Francisco Kxaminnr. Tha In.wnUII at tha Tftaapnnn. The teaspoon ha been banished from tho table of the nltra elegant. Its nso has long been forbidden to assist in eat ing any sort nf kernel Bnd soft vegeta bles, but it survived for a time a an aid to consuming what onr grandmothers called "sanco" and for certain dessert of a custard nature or ices and icecream. Now its employment is considered, as the fashionable woman told her child, "worse than wicked vulgar" in any such service. So, like Fatima in the "Arabian Nights" eating her grains of rice, we pick at all those yielding, ge latinous and elusive substances with a little fork The teaspoon is restricted to tho teacup, and that alone. Her Point, of View in New York Times. A Heantirnl Work. Example is Ix.tter than precept, and hero is a bright one. An elderly lady In England, one of the old school of gentle women, has for several year knitted each year 70 shawls and a score nr moro of mufiler for the poor, beside cutting out colored scraps and pasting them in books Tor children in the hospital. All this novw secmB to interfere with her writing exqnisito littlo letters in a beaiitifnl hand, keeping up with the social and political events of the day by means of papers and books, arranging the flowers all over her Urge house, and giv ing the usual oversight and orders inci dent to housekeeping. The old lady is. nearly 00. New York Sun. A Chinaman's Pradle&mant. An unfortunate Chinaman, ls-ing ex pelled from the United States for some reason or other, made fruitless at tempt to reach west Canadian soil. While crossing a bridge over the Niaga ra river he was suddenly stopped by the officials, wh demanded the sum of $.V) from him. Not having the required amount in his possession, the unlucky Celestial slowly picked his way back ward, bnt was met by the United States officials, who refused to readmit him to American soil The last report concern ing him was that he was camping on the middle of the bridge. Exchange. Broka Into HU Former I'rlson. The case of persons trying to escape frosn a prison is of rather common occur rence, bnt the fact of man trying to force an entrance into one may be unique. . This, however, is what hap pened last week at the Plotzensee prison, near Berlin, where at night an individ ual scaled the prison wall aud safely landed in the yard. On being arrested he was found to be a former inmate, come, as he said, to call npen a friend he had made during his involuntary so journ. American Register. Seneca, when tired writing bis treatises on morals, found amusement in going over his accounts and calculating how much interest was due him.