The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 15, 1893, Image 2

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DOMESTIC AND ronritllf.
What I Ootnt on Tim World Over.
Important Xvtot Briefly ('tironlclail.
Iitwnrn, ArrlftVnis anil I Slalltlrs
All minion iwrurred ut MartliavlllA
t'lit.i where an oil well fa lriit driller!
.tames Pun. 'int. the owner, hiiiI bis enl
trt were killed.
The family nf Henry '. Horner, nf Cum.
tlni, N. .1., were pu snn-d hv er Iiir tslutel
r diseased meal ami Mm. Horner died. 1 1 is
Wile and three children are still In dancer.
Mrs John W. .Innes and her I.Yyrar-ohl
dsnpiiter living near Ml, .luliel, 'lenii..
tis? burned In death liv Ihcir tlrHpi run h
Itiplire Ip they were liurniiii; 1miIi.
Mr K.lpar Voiil and four children at
mi'liil In i rn I ,,ir rrr i k nl ili nlntl
four miles from I ;ivr irintis, ., unil nil
were drowned. The creek was swollen
finiil recent ruins.
An old fashioned circ ilur sniv in n mi 1
I Wyandotte, Mich , suddenly leaped from
Its hrHriui;. struck llrriniill Mcinkr
snuari ly in the hreast and plowed lit .it
squarely thrnii-'h hi- linirl. Il also rut oil
ili aim i f A inn" i nun.
.1 inlli In I.
Th Hilling Appellate Court has decided
that the holder of a svond class railroad
ticket who purchases n berth nil a I'iiIIiiihii
sleeper may he ejected If he refuses to pay
full first-class fare.
Attorney IJpnctal Stockton, of New Jersey ,
has vfllt-inlly pronounced the nr x li in I
fihool hill iiiic.iiiI il ill oiiul, on the yrolllld
that It provides fur tie Hir"iriailiin of
public money to private coiporalions. Thia
opinion will probably kill ihe hill.
The Interest of iiiihnrn heirs rin he
legally mlil am) tin purchaser he eJveu a
fetterl title is the ! lion of Hie Circuit
Court at llliioiniiivlon. III.
The Tfiitirp- Legislature reassembled
Thursday nioriiini;. ami in the lloii a
resolution was at ran adopted requesting
that Speaker I'avls, hn wns recently dis
barred at Memphis, present hi rei;iintioii
as rp aker, hut lnvis declined lo nivn.
Theie was thin introduced a resolution lie
rlariii)! the olllee vacant, nml il was adopted
2lol). Hon. Julius A. Troimlale, of Sun."
met. was elected Speaker.
The Massai huaetts house prissed to a
third reading the hill making iht hours a
riay'e work, lor Stale. City, county nml
town einplny s.
The New York assembly adopted nn
amendment lo the I niiulmr hiauket bill,
ermittinn the use of party emblems.
In the New Jersey Senate the racing re
pealing hills were advanced to a third read
ing without debute,
Pob K:ty.iinmnii and Jim Hall met lie
fore the Crescent City Club at New Orleans,
in a battle at rairh weiiihts for a purse of
D40.0O0, the loner In receive .',."iOa. and it
aide waiter or tlil.lkH) n side. Mils is the
largest purse ever offered lor a battle in the
biatory of ptiKilisni. Over l't.M people
were present aud s iw Kitzslinmons knock
Kail nut in the fourth round. He feinted
with Ins left ami snuni: heavily with his
rirjit. The blow lnnded siiiari'ly on llnll s
chin and knocked him insensible. It was
several minutes before he regained con
acioiiauea. I'iiz was awarded Hit- lllit amid
trrmeiidotis i lieerini:.
t ashliintfin Sjetrs,
I'oetniaster (ieueral llinsell Is necrcdited
With the annoiiticement that no local Inisi
neas men need apply lor postoflires under
liis administration. He objects to commis
sioning locul business men us postmasters
for the reason that tlio actmil duties are
rfoimel by irresponsible and oilier in
onmprlent clcrVa and aubstiliites, I'ostniHS
ters under Kissell must promise to devote
tbeir entire time to the work and personally
keep Uriel ollUe bours.
l'residvnt Clevtland sent to the senate a
mefsn-e willnlrawliin the Hawaiian treaty
which lias been pending in the senate and
which wu submitted by Mr. Harrison. The
tnessiKe was very abort and pave no reason.
Their absence has given rise to a good deal
of guessing,
Secretary Carlisle appointed his ton, Lo
gan Carlisle, chief clerk of the treasury de
tsirtment, vice M. Stocks, resigned.
Princeea Kaiulanl and party have arrived in
Washington. In the party were Mr.and Mrs
Davie, Mis Davies and a private secretary.
They were driven from the station to the
Arlington hotel and immediately repaired
to the apartments prepared for them. There
were no unusual scene about the hotel. and
the arrival of the party was quiet and unos
tentatious, list. I.aker a est ladnstrlal.
Notices heve been posted at the Cofrode
and Roylor hridire works at l'ottstown. I'a.,
of reductions iu the wages of ult employes,
to go into effect March 15. lieceivers were
recently appointed for these works.
The Ann Arbor engineers and firemen at
Toledo. 0 , are on strike, and when they
went out Thursday they left the engine
and loaded freight trains where they hnp
prncd to be on the road and the new hands
have had all they could do hauling dead
ssnginea back to the round bouse and
clearing the main .rack or freight cars. Xo
passenger trains arrived or departed at
Toledo on Tbursdjv.
Fifty blooded horse and severaWolstein
Friasian cows were burned to death Wed-
neectay night on th extensive stock farm
Riverbank, in Baltimore county, Md. Loss
on building and slock estimated at $43,000.
The property mostly belonged to CJ. U. Wil
ten. The moat valuable horse hurued w as
Cabash, by liusuaw, Jr., dum Cuchua, val
ued at U0.0O0.
At Franklin, Tenn., William Knlng'i
large Mock ham, with the following valu
ab boms: Kowona. valued at $000 dam
of the gieat Pallas 2:0' i. also one of her
roll. two-year old. and half brother to
Dallas; also another half brother, Dallas,
vearliuv. Total lost, ll'.'.OOO.
Per... si.
frter Turnry. the bed ridden governor of
Tennessee is not i peeled to live more than
two weeks. He was inaugurated in a sick
bed January last.
4 rime asH Penalties.
At Independence, Kan.. William J'a'tnn,
Ihe Inst of the I 'alton eaiig. pleaded guilty
In lOiirt of murder Ip Ihe second degree fof
his part In Ihe Cofleyrilie affiilr last year.
He was at once sentenced lo the penitentiary
for life.
- .
The stars and siripes were raised over the
Paris, late city nf Paris. Ihe sister ship of
he New Yotk. of the new American line on
Tuesday at New York City, by Prances C,
tirlscom. daughter of Ihe president of the
International Steamship Company.
Mrhleiiwsrth. a villiu-e of I. Km inhahl
4snts In Power Austria, has been swept by
a terrific thunder slot m w hich lasted fifteen
hours. I'ire -ers,ns were struck dead III
the strrets and seven perished iu burning
buildings. Mnnv lives were lost In Ihe sur
rounding country.
The Pinpress of Austria has derided nni to
eoiue to America during the World's Pair.
i irvrs Mi 1 1 ( i 1 1 1 s.
flenry Cnnise. a wealthy 'firmer, Ml year
old, living n mile Iroin port Plain, N. Y".,
was iiiiirderiil the other night by a burglar.
Mrs. Crouse blew mil the light, ami after a
lively scuttle nilh the murderer, put him to
llight wilhoiil any hi oty. Cnmse was esti
mated to he worth fHi.onn or H!i,ik.
The grand jury al Atlanta, indicted
for iniirder Jnhii Force, who recently killed
her two sisters
- -
Secretary I union! bus appointed John
Seager his private secretary,
1 iiusi.tiivp.
The Tennessee l.egi-hilive Investigating
Committee reports n learfiil condition of
ullairs among Ihe convicis al mil Creek.
They are in a ili-eu-eil nml lillliv condition,
ami many nl them nre so poorly fed that
they me starving tn death.
Mr. Holseiiu introduced in the Minnesota
House a resolution which provided that the
crinoline should he kept out of (hat Stale,
and for the lullictioii of punishment upon
the person wearing it. Ir. A hell, of St. Louis
was on his feet in a moment undoflered an
amendment lo the elleci that should the
crinoline be worn within the slate Mr. Ilois
sean be compelled to wear it. 'Hie amend
ment bad the do red eflecl, and iimld roars
of laughter Mr. Iloisseau withdiew Ihe reso
lution. The Washington Legislature adjourned
yesterday sine die. wit houl electing a Culled
Stales Senator, liov. .Met I ray will appoint
ex Senator John II. Allen, whose term ex
pired March I.
Imiieachmctit proceedings havo been in
stituted in the House of the Tennessee Leg
islature against Judge .1. J. iMibose, of the
Memphis I rimiiial ourt. He is accused of
failure lo enforce Ihe law against gambling
and general derilielion of duty. A petition
signed by ,(mni citizens was presented, ask
ing thai proceedings he instituted.
The California State Legislature passed
thloiigh both houses u resolution Iu submit
lo Ihe people a constitutional aim'tnlinc lit,
removing Ihe State rapitol loSun Jose, pro
viding the latter city shall deed to the State
10 acres of land and n bonus of I.OUI.Oun.
The action, though hasty, appears lo have
been earnest. The Immediate animus of ihe
resolution wnsan article In a Sarnimeiilo
evening pa-r headed. "Thank (iod, the
legislature will soon adjourn," ami firoresK
ing to recite various misdeeds and mistakes
of the legislature. I lie article was read iu
the senate and Ihe resolutions were passed
promptly. Ilring transmitted lo the assem
bly il IIihi failed of the necessary Iwo-third
majority, hut a call of the hmi-e was ordered
Ihe doors were closed nml the sergeant-lit-arms
was dispatched to arrest absent mem
bers. A number were routed from bed,
drought to the u-senihly chamber and the
required vote was thus finally outuine i.
- - - - -
The linemen's strike at the World's Fair
buildings, Chicago ended Saturday, the if.V)
irikera being .ti nceilid their demand, 37
cents an hour. They had been receiving 31
Spreading rails cuused a wreck near Ma
son City, Iowa, mid ieo. Hazen, the engi
neer, was crushed to death iiuderthe engine.
Five fishing schooners sailing from Glou
cester, Mass., have been given up for lost,
with 00 lives. They are supiiosed to have
foundered in recent storms.
John ICrickson and Sum Swa:ion, two-well-to-do
farmers, of Hoo Creek, were in
stantly killed neur Cameron, Wis., by be
ing struck by the Chicago special on the
At Xorwnlk, Conn., Jiimes L. Hyatt,
United Status Treasurer, under Mr. Cleve
land from 1387 to W), died, aged 5'J.
Wllrll.l.AM ors.
Governor Turney, of Tennessee, it im
proving. A big fltet of steamships came into the
New Y'oik port Friday morning, but not
one of them brought a word of new in re
gard to the missing freight steamship Nar
onicof the White Slur line. All tepoited
terrible weather,
Chicago Switchmen Decide to Continue
at Work tor the Present.
The Chicago switchmen w ill remain at
oik for Ihe present ut leust. Thisdecisioii
was reached ut a meeting of the 'Grievance
Committee Sunday afternoon. P:very out
of Ihe Chii ogo roads was represcute Land a
majority of the members voted ugainst or
dering a strike. A muss mcetiuu nf switch
men will be culled for some day this week,
at which the decision of the Grievance Com
mittee will be presented and the whole mut
ter diKciissed.
A ortion of the new men who ha I been
secured in anticipation of a strike will be
given employment during the World Fail
rush. The other will be given truntporta
lion to their homes as soon as the railroad
managers are convitced that all Uunger of a
strike i i.osKed.
his Political ijistoby.
General Patrick A. Collins Named by
I res. Cleveland as Consul Gen
eral to London.
Is r P. Utivv. who has been nominated
by President Cleveland as Minister to Mexi
co, is an (ihiouii hy birth and at present re
sides nt I'liiini I it v. lud. He was a lleptih
licsn until s;.', w hen he Joined Hie Greeley
followers. In 1 H7II lip was nominated for
Lieutenant Governor or Indiuna by (he
lleniocrats. as a representative of the Grins
ley followers, on Ihe s.iine I rket with Ihe
"llluejr.ins" Williams ami was elected. To
ward the e ose of bis il'lininhtriiliiin Govor
nor Williams died, and Mr. Gray assumed
Ihe duties of Ihe Governor of the State.
Ill ISMI he was a cstnliihile for Ihe Ileum
rratie iiomiuiiiioii lor Governor, hut na
defeated hv Prank Landers, of linlinnnpiilis
and put upon the ticket with him for second
place. This ticket was defeated by one
headid hy Albert G. Porter, late minister
to Italy. Four years Inter Mr. Gray was
lioiiiimiled for Governor br Ihe llemocruls,
anil was electi d, ami would have been re
nominated lor a second term hut for the
fart that the Constitution ,,f Indiuna pro
hibited a Governor from tilling two terms
ill succession.
1 Hi ri mi; I tie late r-impsign Mr. Gray was a
candiiliite for Ihe nomination for the Presi
deucy mi l dad the delegation of his Slate
behind him. hut he withdrew and did all
he could lo effect the nomination of Mr.
Cleveland. I "or Vice President he stood
second in the halhillmr. Governor Gray
has always enjoyed the reputation of being
an excellent pnliliran and a good lawyer.
He is -VI years old. The Mexican minis
try pays f 17,'iUl) a year, being u lirst-idass
lluyurd S. Gray of Chicago will aecom
pany bis father, laac P Gray, lo the Ciiv
of Mexiro, and art as his secretary. He was
post master al Portland, Ind., under Ihe for
iner administration of President I levelaml,
nml al one lime owner of the Demo --ratio
organ of Jay county.
I'M mi. Pmiik K A. Con ns, nf Huston,
who was nominated by President Clevelsno
asConsul to l.niulon.isu leading lawyer nl
the Massachusetts bar. Iu many campaign
he has been prominent ns a camaign oratoi
of great eloquence and power. Theotllceol
consul generul at I Ion Is the most lucra
tive one connected with Ihe I'lilted Stales
government. The consul general receives
a staled salary of f il,nno a year, and tlurliu
ivy the fee of the oflice umuuiited to
Twenty-Blx Days Out, But Her Agent
Are Btill HopetuI That Bhe Will
Turn Up All llight.
New Yoiik. The Naronio has been
out 20 days, and has not been spoken
once nor si-en since she left the Mersey,
early on the morning of February II for
this port. Her agents are still liof ul that
she will be heard from.
'Vie Mitritinn Hrylilrr hus this to say edl
(orally: "The nun-arrival of the While
Star steamer Naronlc is musing much alurm,
although it i pro'-ahle that she will be
beard from at either Kayol or In tow with
machinery damaged. That she ha not
been sighted pioves nothing as against
either ol these chances. F'uyal is a port iu
the Azores, about .'100 miles west of SI.
Michael, and there is not, it is said, frequent
communication between the two islands.
St. Michael is a fouling station, and nearly
all Dteumship out of coul obtuln lresb sup
plies there.
Western Bankers Trade It for Note of
Small Denominations.
Secretary of the National Treasury Cur
lisle has received offers from Chicago bank
ers to exchange $.1,000,000 ol gold for a like
amount of treasury notes of the denomina
tions of t 10 und , Jntlmution were
made that tha amount of small note that
will be needed will rench 110,000,000, tut
which gold will be puid.
Several other offers of gold for small
treasury notes were made. Cincinnati bank
ers offered HOOO.OOO, of which iiufi.uo0
were accepted. Other offers in jimull quan
tities came from bankers iu Kentucky, 111),
nois and Missouri.
Treasurer Nebeker was much pleased
with the turn affairs had tukeu, and declar
ed that suflicient offers of gold had been re
ceived to absorb all the small legal-tender
notes on hand, and there is no cau what
ever for any uneusiurss.
A Postmestsr's Hard Trip.
Sauatooa, Wyo. Alexander Lute, the
postmaster of Gold Hill mining camp,
leached Saratoga, Wyo., more dead than
ullve, and with a broken arm. Some hunt
era hud come along and taken from him. by
lorce, neurly ull his provisions. He start
ed on snow shoes and a sled to get another
supply. Lute was I I days in traveling t'3
miles. The lift!) day out he had a full and
broke h.s right urin. Last Wednesday h
killed and at his dog,
Tb State of th Money Market Combin
ed With th Weather Affects Trad.
II. fl. Dun Co.' HVrlUif eefrieo
7 r rte tays: llusiiiess dining the past week
has been atTecte I by the severe weather, but
even more hy the stringency and uncertain
ty in Ihe money markets. There were some
liquidation In storks, but none of lniirt
Hin c In products, and it Is evident that the
restrain! of exports by speculation, In the
rhiel staples, Is an Important cause of mon
etary stringency and loss of gold dy the
'I he wheat exports are quite amnll and
the price declined a rent lor Ihe week. Corn
was lirinly behl and advanced over a rem.
nml oats nearly us much, while sirk was
raised " cents, though laid and Inns were
lower. In coiion an advance of I Id oii-ur-red
In spile of the assurance that the llrit
sh siiike would not cen-e. I he pressure of
great stocks on band caused much selling,
and money was tight nml loans were cal.ed.
but the eirls ol domestic proline's from
New Yolk Inst week weie only .',! I'm, nun,
against ;,iinisi Nsl venr.
Mmiev is light at I hihnlelph'a because
recent failures liiiliiinl huge withdrawal
from Ihe hanks. Im-ieasiog demacd is seen
lor iron, which is fairly strung in Pittsburg
Al Chicago money is in verv strong ite
manil, hanks discriminating closely Siles
nl hiiildinv maieiials nre lanre and general
business tnii, . Inn inilroad blockade ami
the strike ol sw itchmen threaien lo inter
rupt btisitie s.
I he output of Iron Mnrcli 1 was ."i.7T7
Ions week I v mote limn on February I.
Ihoiinh 17 ihmi tons h-s lhati a yearaeo
Slin k tinsiild decline I 7 7'i Ions during the
month. Southern pimhi ers are wcakin
lug. and I'.'.tssi tons gray forge were sold nl
t at I : i r ti 1 1 n ir li ;i ii i . liar iron is at Ihe low
est point, i. lutes cut somen hut less severely,
anil rails dull, while structural works ate
Mill running lull tunc, hul with few new
orders. A blundering report ri-janling the
tin riutv depressed the price to '.ii cents hut
afterward ro-e In L'l. In. I he eon I market is
steady, notwithstanding the cnllase of the
Ihe business failures during the las seven
davs number, lor the I'nitid Slate", IHil
I amiila. total. L'.'-'c as compared with id
hist werli. -J III Ihe week previous to the lust
and J.ili lor Ihe corresponding week ol hist
TUT lll slvi-s IIAttoMl tl'lt.
Hank clearings Inlnl. lor Ihe week ending
March !'. as telegraplieil to lUtitir Imlr, are
as follons :
New York 777.!-Vi7l fl M f:
Chicago ii l.s:i!i 17 s
Hosloi Iiil.iill.til'i I .V7
Philadelphia 7 1 .k il.'.'.ir, I ;
St. Louis .'IH,."iL'l I H.I
San I tMliri-io j.i.711 ,HM I 7..
Pittsburg !.'.." Il M'.l I '.'L' I
Hnltiinore I :i.h:;s. i I I
liiciiinali I'J.spi.lisi 17.ii
Cleveland ll.yim.siM) I tl H
1 1 judical s increa-e, Hdeciease.j
The clearings of 7H cities aggregate
H.:H'I.M ti.7111, mi increase ol 1M per ceni.
Kxrlii iveof New York therh-aiiiig. amount
to f "d,H47,l4J, an increase of LI 4 percent.
The Senate was in session Monday for
only 11-'' minutes, but within that brief erliMl
il received a message from the President,
submitting for confirmation the names of
the members of bis Cabinet, went into
executive sesioti, passed tion and continu
ed each of the apsintments, directed a
notification of lis action to lis communi
cated to the President, came again into open
sission. had a resolution offered by Mr. Call.
I terms rat, of Florida. In reference to rail
road lands in his Slate and the Interference
of railroad companies with Senatorial elec
tions, and had a Joint resolution Introduced
by Mr. Sherman, Republican, of Ohio, pro
posing an amendment tn the Constitution.
The ameudineiit proKsed is lo fix Ihe
time for the beginning and termination of
the term of office of President and Vice
President and Congress, at niam on April
30. The change is to go into effect in 1'7.
and to continue therealter. Mr. Sherman's
I Joint resolution was laid on the table at Ids
request, lie signirvuig Ins Intention to have
It referred hereafter to the Committee on
Privileges and Flections, Then the Senate
adjourned until Thursday.
I Hi'itsiiAY. The Senate special session
reconvened to day. The president sent the
fol Inn ing nominations to the senate:
.losish yuinrv, of Massachusetts, to be
assistant secretary of Stale,
llohert A. Maine I of New Y'ork, to be
fourth assistant p a' master general.
Isaac P. Gray, of Indiana, lo be envoy ex
traordinary ami minister plenipotentiary of
the Pulled Slates to Metico.
Patrick A. Collins of Massachusetts, to he
consul generul of the Fulled Slates at Lon
don. F. P. Gale. New Vexico, to he receiver of
lihlic moneys at Itnsewell, N. M.
The senate discussed to dav for nearly an
hour Ihe question us lo ihe recent inn at Ihe
present extraordinary session of uuy busi
ness of a legislative character.
The feature of the day's proceedings was
the presentation iu executive session of the
president's message withdrawing the
Hawaiian treaty.
I he first sturier of Ihe discussion was a
joint resolution offered by Mr. Mitchell I Re
publican, Oregon ) lo amend the Constitu
tion so as lo provide for the election olt'nited
Slates senators hy the votes of the qinlllieil
electors of Ihe Stales. The next was by Mr,
Dolph calling upon the piesident of the
t'nitfd Stutes in take such measures as he
may deem necessary to consummate Ihe
agreement between the government of Spain
and the I'nite l Stutes for the relief of An
tonio Maro, a naturalized citizen of the
I'uiied State.
No discu-sinn ensued upon the merits of
the resolutions themselves, but only over
the matter of considering them at all.
Finally Mr. Henderson offered a resolution
dei.' it to he the sense of the senate
that at ibis extraordinary session the busi
ness transacted sbou d ' he conlined lo
executive mutters und matters requiring the
action of the senate only. No action was
taken on any of them, aud after un execu
tive session the senate adjourned until
The New Heads of Departments Take
The Oath Together.
The induction IntoofHci of the members
of President Cleveland's Cabinet, save Secre
tary Gresham, who was sworu in on Mon
day, wr.s a historic event at th Stat De
partment at Washington, D. C, Tuesday
morning. For the llrst time in history tha
new licuils of dfmrtiuents assembled in th
Diplomatic or and together look th
nuth of oflice,
'I here was quite a concourse in th cor
ridors to witness the ceremonies. Asso
ciut Justice Field, who. in the necessary
a' sent e of Chief Just ce Fuller, bad been
sell tied to administer the nuth entered,
leininit on the arm of Attorney General
Olney und accompanied by Private Secre
tary Thurber.
The new Cabinet officers' grnutsfd them
selves iiuniit a lab e, Jueiue Field and Sec
retary Gresham ut Iho The vener
able juii-t then, calling Ihe Secre:uiies to his
It-It hand, iu turn administered the statu
tory oath.
Ten Livea Lost in a Gale.
The British bark Alice M. Craig bat
been wrecked at ltosarlo, about 200 mile
from Ilueno Ay res. b'b foundered in a
gal and Captain Ross, hi stir and tight of
tht crtw wer drowned.
Four and a Half Millions of Dollars
Licked up by Flame. Frightlul
tcenesand Incidents.
.. -
One of the most destructive fire In ihe
history of lloslnn, t ext in magnitude lo Ihe
liimieis one of Tiniuksiviug Day, lrK'l and
iu the same district, broke mil I rdny afur
iiooii, and before It was placed under con
trol, three hours later, had burned over
more than a square, had reduced In li'lics
several of Ihe luagiiilleent new buildings re
cently completed on the territory burned
over three mid tt half venrs ago, had con
mined pto-erty valued by a conservative
i-slima'ent I,.VKi.!iKi, hud beeunttendisl hy
'ehcs of panic and distress nevi r before
aqiiKlid Iu Ihe memory of etieos now liv-ii:-
ami had ih s1 roved several. berhaps
many, human livs, and mutinied or iniiiiu
ed at lriisi :tu persons, some of w hom will
uie of their injuries.
nil- in in imi t v n in n.
'f'he list o t,t ilead, so as known, is
as follows :
rnknonii man. aged ahotil ''. supposed
lo be I' ted Meinhiwcralt. of 4.' cnestinit SI.
Iloherl J. Pestanx. age. I 'J I. a helde rrnati of
I luiile-iiow n. Girl, too had v burned to be
Ideutil'.ed. I.eoiiidus II. (ledpiilh, senior
Kilmer iu the him of ti e lleilnnth Iron
Mauiilarnitiiig Compaiiv boots ami shoes,
Itos'ou. Fled Meadnwcraf:, Ciiinhriilge, i
years old.
The injured, as far aa can he iis.-eriiiined,
ate: John J. Sullivan, Fast llostnn, engine.
man: Joshua Sheopard, itl, at one lime re
ported dead, ti-iiliiiK in Cambridge; Charles
J. Wrllworth. Ilovhuiv, aged :!1i; John I'.
lriiiiison;Mirhiiel lliirkiit-;Mati'!irct l iyim
eged -'-': Ada P.-rrin; I'aniel I: Nin irav Punt
Murrav; Mn Imel lievliu; , John I-. Ifvan
James llyan, Loxhury: A. W. Pedpath,
Newionville: Maiy t-iyini. Winchester; ' '. J.
Wellworth; George I!.' Clillin. Ilislrict Chief
L'.'an nervous prostration, caused hv jumt,.
ing o it of a window and falling on a wre;
ha r s (ioskins, colored; Maiilda Kit-hart-;
John J. Lyons. Lift llo-ton: Keinpton I nes
of Smith liosioti; Iteiijaiuiti Point ami Mr.
Hit h. niembeis of steamer No. 1. Soinervilte.
I hi-llsines broke out in the toy ilcpsrl
meiil ol Horace Pailrnlge it Co .'wImksi ii
pied ihe litih nml sixth Moors rif a seven
story biiiltling. rnrner of F-sex ai d Lincnlii
Unci, ewiifil I y F. L. Aim-". I he start is
lies -ribed by Iho'se nearest it us resembling
Ihe bursting of a lire cracker. 'Ihere were
many employes ol the I'artrid.'e Compniw
at work at the time and there were s- ple
on t lie other floors. The usual avenues of
escaie were nl once cut ttff I v the llames
and then hegan a scramble ior life which
sickenetl beholders.
I be panic stricken inmates lied to win
ilowu and roof. Some esciped hy shitiiiiui;
down telegraph I ole. others hy leaping into
blankets and nets. Several jumped to the
pavement, six or eight stories below, aud
were terribly mangled, and other", how
many cannot now be lohl, fell bin k into
the cauldron of flames or were overcome by
the Dense black smoke, which suffocated all
who did not speedily escae.
I he entire lire department was called out,
anil Ihe flei-iirlmeuls uf Soniervillc, Cam
bridge, Newton, (luiiiryaiul Lrocaton nrriv
ed later by train, and aid was req icsted to
be in riniline-s from more distant ti'ies.
Yat crowds of people began at once to fhs-k
lo the scene, ami as a matter of pre. ant ion
Governor llussell ordered two companies of
militia under arms and proceeded lo the
fire in person. I he tire spread rapidly from
building to building, und despite the heroin
effort of Ihe entile lire systcin of Suffolk
county was not controlled until the sq uire
hounded hy L-sex on the north. Lincoln on
Ihe east. Tufts on the South and Kingston
on the west, had been levelled, a so one
building north of Fssex street, extendu g
along olumliia street, three mo'e on tin
east side of Lincoln street, and one corner
of the I'uiied Slates Hotel, smith of Tufts
street w hich corner contained the Fmerg
ein v Hospital.
'I he conllagration as viewed from a dis
tance was grand. At close quarters tho
scene was awtiil. While the Ames building
was burning there were ieKated explosion,
like firework". 'I he wire were as usual in
the way and greatly impeded the work of
the bremen.
William S. F. liuiririll, oflkiin, fhae A
Co.. says: "I saw upon the parapet of the
Ames building three men and one women
clinging lo the stone work. I here was no
such thing as getting a ladder up lo them,
owing to the net work of wires. Finally
they fell. Fvery one of Ihe four were un
conscious when reached.
Hoseman O'Connor says: "When I reach
ed Ihe second story the sight was most piti
ful. Men, women, aud girls, frenzied Willi
fear were struggling to reach the windows
to throw themselves lulu the street. Ink
ing one at a lime I lowered them by the
bands as far as I could, !and then dropped
them into nets spread for them below. I
succeeded In lowering some J" or I
should say that there must have been at
least '.') who never came out of the building
A Chicago Man Shoots His Wife, a
Nurse and Himself.
'.. S. Kye, a wutcuiiiun at the world's
fairgrounds Chicago, fulully shot his wife
and Mrs. Mary Weir, a neighbor. He then
turned his revolver ajainst himself and
,ent a bullet into his breast indicting a
wound which may prove latul, Kyea cum
home drunk and going Into the room where
Mrs. Weir was nursing his wife, who win
ill and in hed, he threw his heuvy overcoat
on the bed. Mrs. Weir objected und pill ed
the coat off. Kye threw it buck again, and
when Mrs. Weir uttempted to pull it off he
chased her from the room and tired two
shots at her, both taking effect, Mrs. Kyes
was arou-ed by the shooting and came run
ning out of Ihe bedroom and Kyes immedi
uiely shot her In the left side, He then
attempted to commit suicideund was tukrn
to the hospital. There is a smull chance of
his recovery, but both women will die.
Height ot Bky-tJorapers Limited.
After months ot labor on an ordinance
limiting the heights of buildings a com
mittee of the Chicugo City Council reported
thut in its judgment the height of lb logo
buildings should bo limited to 1U0 feet. A
A long debut followed Ihe If port to the
Council, and the ordinance was finally
amended lo read that no building should be
ovtr i: o feet in height, or ten stories, and
it passed in thut form.
Hans Cahi-sox and K. Myer were seen
rding down a swollen stream at Hinckley,
III., on a cake of ice. Henry Hinder drov
into the shallow waters to rescue them.
Suddenly his horse went Into a hole, taking
buggy and all out of sight. Carlson plung
ed into the water to rescue Binder, but both
men were drowned. Myer managed to
reach short.
Ox i t six citizens were present at th
meeting in Chicago, called to raise f jO.OOO
to put in repair the grave and monument
Of Abraham Lincoln at Springfield, Ilia,
The plun will probably be dropped,
Celebrated Washington' Birthday lo
Style. Six Big Warship at
Anchor In HonoluluHarbor.
The pal week has witnessed scene of
enthusiasm In Honolulu, with a display of
the stars and stripes probably more general
than at time In Hawailins history. Tha
arrival of the steamship China from San
Francisco on February JO, followed by that
of the Australia on February 22, brought
Intelligence that coued great satisfaction to
the provisional government and the Amirl parly in the islands.
n the lirst mimed date when it lieesma
known that Piesnlent Hamsun and bis
cabinet bad decided upon a fnvi.rnhlc ft. uise
iti regard to Ihe ihspiisiiioti nl Ihe Hands,
excited throngs gathered about the mail
dock. Ihe Kiiolice and Ihe news stands,
ami discussed the iulorrnntion received.
Tde prompt anion ol the administration
In the matter was warmly eoniineiiileil by
Americans, irrespective of party affiliations,
a we I as by ninny of the German residents
ami ol the inote intelligent natives. Ihe
n-ene, howevi r. was nnlliiiig like that of
February when the Australia brought
news thut the message of President Harri
son, providing for a treaty ol iiimex iliim of
the S-iiinl- had roue to thesemiie.iiuil thai as
liir a-the American government WH ,.
cerned the ishn.ils iiii-.'lii he s part of the
I inted Stales when the Australia arrived.
The day was the anniversary of the birth of
Washington, and was being observed ss a
general holiday. The streets were filled
with natives and others in their best sltire.
I-lags were lliiniing from many building.
and from the vessels iu the harhnr.
Il is slated upon good authority that the
raising of the American Ibigovir Ihe gov
ernment building was forsd upon Minister
Stevens and President Hole by the action of
the llriiish minister iu wriiiiig a letter the
previous dav demanding the withdrawal of
the Huston's fin es. I he comtmimler of
Ihe Itritish warship Garnet, Captain Hughe
Hallet, who arrived here after the revolu
tion was over, aske I permission on Febru
ary 17 lo land a hisly of men Irorn the Gar
net upon the eroiiml that Ihe Liigllsh resi
dents desired further protection. His re
uues. however, was denied. The Japanese
cruiser Naiiawiikeu. alter which the i hinted
Slates cruiser harlesion was modeled ar
rived in port unexpectedly February i,
makiii ; in addition to tha Kongo, the Gar
net, the Huston, the Mohican and the Alli
ance six men of war in port.
Tint New llreiiil.
Attention is ciillid to tho new method
,if making dread of superior lightness,
fineness ami nhnlesomeness without
yeast, a receipt for which is jriven else
where in this paper. Kven tho best
dread makers will be interested in this.
To every rentier who will try this, and
write the result to the Knyul linking
I'uwderCn., 100 Wall street. New York,
that company w ill send in return, free, a
copy of the most practical and useful
Cookbook, ronta' 'tig one thousand re
ceipts for all kind of cooking, yet pub
lished. Mention this paper.
f urious Dentil tu-loms nl Fiji.
The Fijian believe that in case ft mar
riageable youth or maiden dies without
hating (-one thrniig'.i with the els'ionta '
nuptial knot tyin ceremony of tho
islands his or her soul is doomed to
wander about forever in un intermediate
region between heaven and ihe lower
regioni. When nnynnn dies, mn, ?
woman or cliild, a whale's tooth is placej
iu the hand of tlis corpse, the ininilo
to be thrown at tree wh.c i stands at
a guide post to point out the road that
leads to heavan and the one that Icaii to
iheol. St. Loin Kopublic.
Both the method and results when
fcy rup of Fig is taken ; it is pleaaan t
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gentlyyet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver aud Ilowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, die-pels colds, Lead
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. ryriin of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt ia
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances,
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and have made it
the most popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale ia 50o
and fl bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try iu Do not accept
any substitute.
tCUMIUe. tit. tH YORK, K.f.
1 JATESTH ! PtiNtilONSt !-Sentl roe larntit.
a iir' tlnnl or Itnu lo ' 'Iji.-iIii :i Hiitut. Semi
Dlfeslof I'KN-KI.N aud iidl TV I. A Ws.
I iliac k u'l.llliil. U AKUlNiiTo.. b a!
Or Debilitated Womsa, skould us
Every iiigrtwient possesses superb Tonic
properties and exerts a wonderful influ
ence in toning up aud strengthening her
system, by driving through the proper
channels all impurities. Health and
Strength guaranteed to result from its use.
My wlfo.svho was bdrlddn for elajfct.
tai suoaua. after tuit Urdliam
J'nMte Jfcsyufaivr for two sauattaa to
(sua; well."
J. U. .TnnKren, Malvern, Ajr. ,
Bsscncin Beoi'LiToii Co.. Ailsuiu, (Jj. '
W lit Urumuu tt Sl.U) pat UvlUu.