The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 08, 1893, Image 1

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    YOU'MK I.
Hullvi'itf flmf Citlitvo.
II' I'AI.O. liliCIIKSTI'.lt .V I'll IS-
nri;;ii kaiiayay.
Tin--lent line I i iui 'mi 1 m II. .! Kill'. :iy.
Itt : I Ti t I . Sn l:i 111:1 ti":i . MitIViIl 1:ii.Ii.'s.t.
MiiKiirn l ull-' 1 1 r . I .,.tn- In tle iiiur nil
on tout lifter No. I : St 1 . I-"!, tin ?-Set-ttllins
will unite Itnit ili-i:ill fiuni t nil
I'H'ik Million, ilullt. iMi'pl -'nilii . ii- Inl-
lilll A. M. Iltnilfiiiil Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiliitliiii
mi.l enlnls ntlli lu-t iei-ll l ull-- I'liil.
lliMilfiuil. Tl.i ll. 111. tii 1 l irnlii
I'llll ltt II W lift .
111-11'. V l Hull i In I.', will" It I' lull II
HiiH'ltmi t llli'. IMiluniiv .inliii-.mi'ili '.r. mi.
.ll'KI'll. lilllllflllll.StlllllllMlllll. Mull ii In Mllll
Km-lli-lei : i-iinini't urn III .Inliil-iililnll
nllh I'. fi I'.. Iinln :i. f"l- Villein. kiilM-,
Wiim-ii. I'liiiv iiinl l-ile. , ,
10:5.1 A. M. Aiviiinttmiliitliin I'm- I Ml MoIm.
Svkes. llli! 1 : 1 1 ! Mini riinvsiiliimiet .
l:'io r. M. Iliiiilfnril Ai'i'iiiiiiiiiiiIhiIiiii Inr
lletvliliec, Kmm-Uh ii v vll If. Mlinnnt, t'nr
nii.n. Kliluniiv, .InlihsKiiliiiiit. Ml. .lettett
(Hill llllltlflllll.
4:fil I'. .M.- Mull- I'tir litillnls. Svkcs, Illu
line. Pimi x-ui n !- iiinl Wiil-inii.
Ttl I'.M.- A minitxlnlloii I'm-IniltiiRlllit
linn nnil i'liiuisii'tivriicy.
Trnlna rrle T:lii.. M.. A minimi""""
PiuixHiitiiMiii'y. H'Mfl A.M. .Mull from Vttil
Minn mill I'liiixstitiiwney: l:.o A. M.. Ae
ciiininnilnihiii friiin liriiilfiiril: I:'!" I'. M..
Ai'i'oiiMiKiiliitlini (niiii I'linxsiiiinincy! I:!MI
I1. M., Mllll flnltl HlllTlllii mill llneln'stel'!
7:.rt I. M., A iniiiiitlnllim fnini llnitlftiltl.
TIkiiixiimiI mill' tlekets "I ln cents ier
mill', kinhI fur pnssiere licltici'ii nil sltitlnns.
.1. II. MiIni viiu. A'.'fiil. I nils iiiili. I'n.
,T. M. II tmii TT I-. I . I. tet v.
tiinelnl Siiit . Hen. I'll. Audit
It Tin il. I'll. I!.i. In -II I. N. V.
4 I.I. K ill K V V A I . I . K V I A 1 1 AV A V
I'OMl'ANV I'lmiiiii'in iny Sunday
Dir. Ii, 10::. I.owlliwl" Uivi-onii.
f. tSTtt Aim.
SI'VlloN. Nil I. Nil VN.i.'l.t I'M I In
M. I'. M.L. M
I :m;
4 1 ;
.1 1;
.'1 :tn;
.i ;h
11 Mil
11 inl
5 :t t
; :,:i
11 n:
n i"
11 :ili
ll .VI
II .!
7 mi1
T r.j
7 ix
H (l
h mil
N -l
N 44!
M Vi
II -iv
II ;:
II .-
7 in
7 I"
7 '.':l
I" Vi
I :'.
I 4.i
II 11'
7 :r.
7 II
7 .M
11 :fi
II mil
I- M. l M.i A. M.l A. M
Nii.21 No il; imi
A. M
tik'ii l-'l-hrr
' KllllKt'l't'l'k
Hl'Vllolll-Vllll ..
11 r.i
7 u-il
7 ir.
7 Ml
7 44
7 Ml
h r;
H Am
H 4H
H 4-.
II ll."i!
II 17l
w i"i
II ll
in H4
Ml 'i."i.
M 10
l'i IV
ft 411
.1 :m
Nt'W lii'tlili'hi'in
Ili'il Hunk....
A.' M
M.l V. M. A M.l V. M.
Trulii-ilnlly I'xi'i'pl r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y .
ItAVII) MrCAIHKI, lius'i.. Si it..
I'lit-lnitir. I'n.
JAC. I'.AXUKKSON.Uks'i,. I'tKH. Aiit..
I'llt-liuiK, I'u
"jjjKXXS YLVANI A ltA LHoaT)."""
I'lilliiili'lpliliiA Kill' H.illnmil liltl-liiiiTlnii'
Tiililt. Ti-iiIiih li'itvi lirlfitviMHl.
V.nt A M-Triiln N, ilaily -i-il Hiiiulny fin
Htiiitiiirv, llm-i'lstiiii ir iiinl tiiti'Miit'illiiti' sin
tlniiM, arrlvliiK til riillmli'liilitii H:. 'n r. M.,
fw ink,H::fi I1. M.: lln ll I11101 -. ll:4." I'. M.i
W11 liini?t 1 111. N : l. p. hi. riillintiii I'lii-liir I'm
fitim VlllliiintMirl mill piittti'iiKi'r t'oiirlii'H
fiinu kiint' In l'liiliiilt'liliiu.
:i::w I. M. Tmlii 11, ilully rM'i'pi Siiinlny fur
miiTi-iiut-tr huh iiiii'iiiimiiiiii Himiunn. in--rlvliiu
ill IMilliiili'lnlilii 4:i"i A. M.: Ni-w Vuik.
7:10 A. M. 'riiiiniuh I'ntii'h fiinu IkiltnlM to
YWIIImiwpoi't. I'tilliiimi hlt'i'plntr I'm- mini
tliirrl-liiit-tf In IMillHilt'lpliIti mill Nnw 'in-k.
I'lillnili'lplilH piis-i'ni;i'i-H i'iiii ii'iniilii In
sli'i'iMT linill-tlll Im'iI until 7:1111 A. M.
V:M V. M . I111 1 11 4. ilully fur Miinlmry, IIiiitI
liiit-i mill Inti'i'ini'illitlti Nliitlnns. iirrivlnir tit
I'llllllili'llililll, ll:'ill A. M. Ni'W Vmk, tl:.'lll
A. m.i Hull Iiiiiiiv, 11:20 A. M.l Wii-lilntrtiiii, 7 ::
A.M. riilliiiiin i'iii-h mm piiH-i'inxi'i' fiiiii'iii'M
fiinu K.i-li nnil Wlllliiiii-iinrt In I'lillnili'lplilH.
I'liMMt'itucr In sli't'pt'i' fur lliililiiinii' nnil
ytu-liliimnii will tit' u-il n-rt'i'i't'ii nun vtu-ii-IiikIiiii
hI'i'kt tit linn Islnim.
7:M A. M.-Tinln 1. ilully i-xi'i'iit S-.miliiv fur
KUIiXttuv. IliilluU. rii'i'iiitini. mill Intt'i'-
tmMlliiiti HtiiiliniM. I.t'iivt's Ultlumiy nt :i:ut
i". m. fur hi'l.
tl:.W A. M."Tniln ;i, ilully fur Ki lf 11 ml Inli-r
tlM'tllllll IMlllltH.
:27 I'. M. I inln II, ilully fxct-pl Siiiitlny fur
K a Til mill llllrl-llli'illlltr stilt lull-.
XI I lit ill ; 1 1 TltAINS Knit lilMFTWtlllll
TKAIN II Ituvi'H I'lilluil.-liililu H.'.-l A. in.;
WiisIiIidxIuii, 7.:V) A. M.i Hull lllltirf, K:4. A. M.l
Wllki'-liuin'. Ill: I a.m.: ilnllv tvi'rnt him
tuv. iti-i-lviiiir nt lli-lfl wiumI lit 11:27 . M. with
I'liiliniiii I'm-lur fur ftxitn I'hilutli'lpiilii to
TKAIN a li'iivfH Xt-w Vnrk nt it p. in.: IM1II11-
ot'iptiiti, urji p. ni.: nitsiiiiiKiiiii, 11. in.;
IliiltliniM'i. U:4t) 11. 111. : tlullv lurlvlntr tit
DrtftwiNNl nt. 1I:.V 11. 111. I'lilliiiun Klt't'iiliitx
iit-H from IMilluili'lliliiii to Kilt' nnil from
Wu-liitiKiuti iintl lliiltltiioni In VlllliitnsHii-t
nnil tiirouxii iiiiNM'titxt'i' i'oui'Iii'n riiitu I'tiiiu.
tk'lphla 1o Hi-It iintl llultlinui-ti to WIllluiiiH.
IH11-I mill to IIiiIIoIn.
TKAIN I li'iivt' Kcnnvo at ft:M 11. 111., ilully
tixft'pt riuiitluy, ai'i'lvliix nt lli-lftwiHul 7;',to
a. in.
(I)ailv oxtnipt Ktintlav.)
TRAIN IH Ifavt'H ltltluwuv lit :4Jl 11. m.: .I11I111-
HonliurK itl :.1u. ui nrrlvlnu tit I 'ku niiiiit
it IH:4ft it. tn.
TKAIN 20 UmvoH ClcrniiMit ut lll:Vi tu ni. ar
riving ut JulumoiiiiurK utll:4n u. ni. 11 ml
iiiUKwiiy at, 1 1 :wi 11. ni.
iTio 4i " KitiKway Fi fm
12 W n Inland Hun 1211 HAI
12 22 p Hi Mill Haven 1 IH H4tl
12.11 IIMti t'myluntl IIM 11:1.1
12 iM ID Id HhurtMMIIU 12.111 H;lO
U42 101.5 ' lllue Kot'k 12 M tl
12 44 10 17 Viiii-yurtl Hun 12 W II 2:1
12 4 211 gi Currier 12 Ml B2I
10O llrtx'kwiiyvlllo 12:pt HIM
110 1042 MrMInn Humnilt, 12 11 ft.17
114 HI4H llarveyit Kun 12 2H liiU
I2H 10 M Kulltt'rwk 12 211 A 4.1
14S 11 OS ' DulkilH 12 (fi ISIIO
Etutwurd. . Westwurd.
Tralu H, 7:17 a. m. Train a, 11:114 u. m
Train t, 1:4.1 p. nt. Train 1, 8:00 p. ni,
Train 4. 7: p. tu. Train ll,lt: p. m.
4 I1AH. K. l'UOll,
Uen. Mauager.
J. R. WIM1.
Gen. Pan. Ag't.
Ki'il limit; I" I
I. II ll siinlnltn ... I I'l "ii
Neil lii'tlili'lii ni II
Hi It It Mao II
MnvstHle I tl l'i1
Siniilni'lt llli' ... I 'J "in
lll'lHlktllll' I. "."!
Iti'll I ! :ik
1'uller I 'J 4:t
Itevimlilsvlllc .. I I"
l'iiiii'nii-1 I i"
1'iilNt'U'i'k I'M
DiiIIiiIh I :r
Htllntlll I 47
Wliitcrlmiu .... I Mi
I'.'iilli'lil 4 in
Tyler 3 I-".
lllen l l-lid-
Iti ncfi'tli. 4 4.'
Ilrmil.. J hi
llltflWlNHl :i 211
Vvotlionolrtili. O'-H.
! I ri r 1 ' N' 'T A I ' ' .
I if 1 '1. ty vn. 1. 1: lliilnirntl.
S'lilili'i'l tn 111M Inn "f llif ii'iiiililli'iiii- nf .Ii Hi r--nll
t 11. lit tlir III ilnnl.v I'lrrl lull. .Illtn- IT. I --!.
.Mi Mil -1C1 I .
I'.. N-I'l'l'.
1 H lit y mil vn. 1 k Hi mi 11 1. 11.
Kiili''t Intii'lliiii 1 if lln ri'imlilli'ini- nf .li'lTi-r
niiii I'm. tit tin inttiimyi'li'i'tlMii. .I11111' 17. 1-11:1.
I).VII i. (Jdl'lM.KV.
HI' ItllllllKVII.I.K ItilllOt 1111.
Stlliti'i'l In net lull nf till' ri'inilitti'mit nf .li-ITi'l'-niii
i n. til lln- prlitimy i-lvi-1 Ion. .Iinii' 17,
ur I'rsxni'T xc.y llmnii 1:11.
Slllilri't til lirlliilliif till' M'illillrmn nf .It'lTi'l-
1111 in. m tin' pi I mm. v rlr,lliiii. .In in 17, l-ti:i.
pill Slll ltll I'.
;i:t)i:(;F. v. waiimck.
ni l;i;i niii.i!- 11. 1. 1: lliiitnrtiil.
Mil'!, i t lii :n't l"ii n( tin' l"tiilMlriiii-i'f .li-lfiT-
I'll I 11. Ill llli' I'l !ln-M-. l-l- i-l I' ill. .ill Ml' l:. I-I' l.
p'li M
1 1 ; 1 1 r.
K. W. Mi Ml 1. 1. K.
I If I 'V I l,u Httlf.
.Ml,-, ,. I,, .1,1 l.l), ,.f 1 III
ili liiii,-l:ll- .f .It-lli
'Il'.'t l.iii, Inn'-. I'" I 11. :it tin' tirlni:ii
(i' on 11 1 11 tf fr.nvrv.
.Mil IN AVAITi:.
ni Winhi.iiw Tuwxmitr,
lllili-i't tntli'llnlliif llif l-i'lllllilli'lltwuf
It-Iff r
sniit'o.ttl Hit pt'liutil'y f lfftlnn..liittf 17,
X. I). t'OKKV.
Pllti.lfft to tlf I Inn nf llif rfptllillftllls nf
sun I'll, lit till' pi'llllllly I'lfl'tlnll. .Illtlf I'
r. hi.
W. W.rillSSMAN.
Ill I I. tVVII I. K lllltllll llli.
Slllilffl to tlftton of thf If pitlilli'tllis of .If ll'l'l
Miiu l'o. til thf ii Iintl ry flfflluu, .hltif 17, I-!1:!.
pilt ruMMISSItiNKII.
Y. T. ( OX.
. I If l-l,it TlIU N'SIIII',
Kitli.lfi'l tuui'tlnniif thf I'l'piiltlli'nitsnf I
sun I'n. ill llif iii llnui y f li-i'l lun, .liiitf 17.
I 'tiff.
Sllliji'i'l tn in tlun uf tin If piilillciilis of ,
-nit I'n. ut tin I'l-linm-y f Ifflluu, .tune I'
r. 1-11:1.
IF HlltlllKVII.I.K llllltlirilll,
H111 1 i-f 1 lo lift Ion of thf if pit HI If mis of
son l it ill thf pi-linm-y flff lion, .lllttt i;
, isltl.
or Wahhaw 'I'iih xsiiii'.
Suliltfi io in lion of tin i-f pitlilif iitisof
sun 10. ut llif piliiiiii-y flfi'tluii, .luiif I;
', si:i.
(i MITl l I ELI,.
Olllff nn M'f-t Mnllt -tlfft. uppusltf lln
('ollillif li'lill 1 1 X 1 ' I . Itfynolilst llli. , Tu.
jyt. n. e. hooveu,
Hf-lilfiit tlfiilisi. In lnillilluir tii'iii' Mt 1I111.
ill-l fliin-fli, iipiiu-llf Ai-uolil lilufk. Ofiitlf-
llt'SS III UM'l'UllllI.
FltAXKJ. 11LAVK PwprUtw.
The li'iHllnif liutrl of the town. llriHliUiir
Icvh for rniiiinrivltil it 'ii. Klt'iiin lirttl, fr'i
Imh, tHlt nmn.s mid ruMlN on rvn y IIdhi-,
Htint 1-tMtlllN, I l 1 1 1 It l HHHH, t(l(pMIIU) -on-
iii'ft I in,
(iltKEXd- roXSElt, l',ii,hlmii.
I'liM t'linw III I'vt'ry iinriii'iiliir. Ix'iitcd In
tlin very ft'iitit of tlw liiisliii'Hit imi't tif ttiwn.
Krt'tt 'lius to nnil friiin triiliirt mill riiniiiiuiliotiM
Hiimpk' rtMiniH for I'liintiitTf lul li-uvelfiit.
iiUFFlXOTOXd- LOXO, 'ij .
Oinulliiis to mill from nil trains. Etimpeiin
restfUtirunt. IIiiiikii iif-ittetl mill flKhtetl liy
uu. Hot. nml eultl witter. Westum llniiin
Telt'Kiiiiili tillii'K in huiltllnii. Tins linttil Is
11 1 1 I'll with all tho tniMlM'ii etinvciikniciis.
I'll I L P. CAKMElt, l'miividm;
Samiilt! nionm on thu ftrtiiiiul flour. IIouhh
lie utfil liy natiiritl kuh. IJitiiilliiis tutiail from
11II trulns.
$1.50 PER YEAR.
1lhsi-u nri l liriii'," 'M..I t'n'i ;.lnli (
Flltslillli; It v ii -t:i 'I I'" lit l'i".
"t'lu'iip I full. t I'' 11 11 ' 't l -'i
Slni'i lo lf ki- i 'l l.t .Inliii M. 1 lit i r."
Nf'f r 11 wen! (In I il. "n l'i i'i 'U
A I tviilflt thf sitnfi inilf t'tnl illf,
Allll III till' ttlllldllHS tlllll tllll IllHItlt
Mllcll of llll-'M Mtfi'l III -frill- -llllt lltll.
lln kl-si-il inr, yi-s, i-ri' In' tt fill nit n;
"1'tt iis 11 ini'iuiiry. Iif t-uiil, lif fiiulil ki-f i for
Anil H0I1 il'in't klciw. .Mi. tttirl liuili rnnltl
(Ittt'-s iiiif-linlf Unit n ttiittuiti ttnuliiy
A J far lulir, It Ii tilifiu .1 t !.
Il'.li fntni's in nnil nit 1. "1 If 's Hi-nil!"
"St. t'lnlrr" I nslt, inul imtv HtiTf llr
A wiiiulf rlntt iiti'Htliin In ll'ili it hlue ryr.
"I Ihmnrlil- yon klnm lit"-. Is ll Inn
That Hie fi lluw unit n-itll) imlliliiK luyiiiiV
1 riii-o tny i'ih; llify nrt -irru inul 1-11I1I:
lloli'it arc licit -they're uliliixc nml Imttl.
"My tlitrlliiit! Mine! All. at llil" lute tlay
Knr I kuiitv iintT why he went nwny."
"Hut my kii-eii nre i-hi-np - I retnenilier.
you nee."
They are more thnti tintnlil wealth- In
-Yntikfe lllatle.
A t'nstly llllile.
Ttio most fxiiciisiytt illiiHtr.'itfil Ittink
yut iiinilti U Kitiil to lu'ii I'ililiiiiuwiiwiictl
by Tlifiiiliiro Irwin nl tJswi'Kn. ll ib
vitliii'd ttt if Ut. nil", for Mr. Irwin paiil
Hint fiiin fur tint ivttrlt. Tln nriKituil
wiim ill Ht'Vt'ii vnliiiiii'. Kiniii., nml Ity t!i
niMil imi uf ilr:ivip;;H inul t'iii'::vin.;'H it
wits I'tilar:.;! :l tu I'd uliiiiii t, fiifli I'l liy
31 iiit-li' M. wliirli tii'i iipy 17 li ft nf sput'e
tin tint t-li"lv:". 'I nit i -1 1 ; 1 1" I; : 1 1 1 1 hunk
ctititiiins It.tldll iii ti ::iii ii tiril tlntutnus,
ftiliiii'i, 1 iii:ivin::s. Ii,linf,raji!is nil
nml witttT folnr paini iii::4 nnil mezzo
tints. Ainniif; llif ill' nre purlH
of tli 'limit liililetif 'rmiiiii r." irint-
H in nirtriiif tlic "lJislinii'it llililo,"
irinti'il in 1'iliH; 1:1 it h nf lint "Nuri'in
bttri? ltilili'," the first illitHtriiti-il lliliie
ptililinlicil, jiriiiti'd in 17 HI. inul of "Lu
ther's Version" mid tho "Drpechos Uible."
The pxtontler linn lirnnnltt toother not
only nil that coitlil bu fount of tho bent
nml rarest HTortH nt illiintnitinn tho text
of the niblc, but hIho the nrt of modern
pniiiters ami etinrnvitiKS, iniikttiK it the
most cotnih tu itntl valuable copy of the
Dible In existence. Washington Stnr.
fKanliliHia In (llau.
Very few years at nothing would
please but ithiss blown to tho utmost
thinness, either plain or rngraved with
ornamental desiKiis, but now we have
returned to tho heavy faceted ilecnntcru
and goblets, which wo were brought up
to despise. Which is the stricter tiiste't1
Undoubtedly that which wo have just
discarded for tliu Kpcciul quality of glass,
which can ho rivaled in m other mate
rial, is its transparency nnd capacity for
being blown into exceeding lightness.
When cut into facets, tho former quality
is Impaired, tho latter in not displayed.
uml tho object depends for bpnuty on its
brilliancy, in which it competes nt a dis
advantage with rock crystal. Tho virtue
of an nrt cousiuts net less in bringing out
the highest quality of material than in
revealing tho mind of tho artist. Hlat k-
wood's .Magazine..
Hulling llown a Kiiefirllf
An old ncwspaiier man in Washington
tells this story of Sir. Illume:
"My llrtft experience with Mr. ISlaine
was when, as correspondent for u west
ern paper, 1 endeavored to get him to
withdraw from tho ofllcial reporters of
tho house u Kiieech which ho had mailo.
in order that I might make an abstract
of it.
'"How much of this do you want to
nseV Mr. lilamo linked.
"1 replied t lint I thought I would send
about half of it.
" 'Then I will nmko nn abstract my
self,' Mini he, 'niducing it one-half. 1 do
not doubt your skill, hut 1 want thip
speech boiled down by its friends.'"
New ork World.
The Wily of Kle pliant.
A big elephant which was employed to
drug away the carcass or a tlcau bullock
and had allowed the burden to be at
tached by ropes without observing what
it was hnppc.iK'il to look around ami in
stantly bolted, its fright incruising ev
ery moment lis the unknown object
jumped and Immiicd at its hooJs. After
running some miles, like A dog with a
tin can tied to its tail, the elephant
stopiietl nnd allowed itself to be turned
around nnd drew tho bullock back again
without protest. London Npectator.
A 8ura sign.
When a young man talks about the
business of "our firm" in a pitch of voice
that can lie heard from one end of a
street car to the other, it is a sure sign
that his wages have been raised to $0
week. New York Herald.
Jivdge Prisoner, do you ocknowledgo
your guilt?
Prisoner No, my lord. The speech for
the defense bas convinced even me of 1117
innocence, Exchange.
It is worth while for a man be venture
his life to carry rope to a sinking snip.
or to save a great cause, but to win
lino ia a college paper or the applause of
a crowd is such glory worth the price?
Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a novel
which he called "The House of Seven
Gables. " His son Julian, who is the
father of seven children, calls his house
"The House of Seven Gabblers."
There is no accounting for tastes in
this topsy turvy world. A New York
woman wears ring in which is set in a
circle of diamonds her first baby's first
tooth. .
Cnntrury Ailt lee im tn I'.ill Iiik nlitl Nleeplni.
It wtniM bt nn pttiiimliln hiiun to Im
munity if tloctnrs rinilil nitre" in their
mlvli'ti 11s to illi t. At iiri'seiit tlm nver-
nj,'d tint tt In In 11 Kt-tte of ittre bewilder
ment. 'nly lately 1111 t tiiini'iit jihy;-i i:in
has said that all our ailments ai i-e Iiuiii
overeating mid nvei'sleeiitie; mid that
Ihe Kiildeti rulo of health is to be spnrim;
lif both. Sir flumes Sawyer now comra
forward with iilinost pxartly the ojipo
lite tidvit'P. In stiealiitiKof Kiii! ( leor:;"
Ill's oft iinoteil matitn. "Six Inmrs fur 11
limit, seven for a womait, rilit Tor 11
fiMil." ho t'onsiders that the ioor old
kinir wIioki) lirnin, by the way. rer
tninly noodptl moro rest than it sepiired
hnd "iH'Ktin nt tho wronn end.
From his own expprienre of his own
cnllinK, Sir Jninpti Hawyer is tlppidetlly
of opinion thai medicnl men rotpiiro
eight hours' sleep if they pnn ?et It. nml
thnt fnilinpf that they should hold on by
the Brand rnlo. "bo to W when you
can and RPt tip when yon mnst." Tho
lied room should bo well ventilated, and
the "nlht rap," in tho liquid form,
should I10 disenrdi'd, ns nleoliol preveiits
healthy slii'ii. It may produce a drowsy,
stupefying pfTect. but not refreshins
His advire as to PHtiiiK is sonipwhat
optimistic, "if 11 ttiiin would only pat
naturally mid nt the proper timn and
not eat too linn Ii. Im miulit eat imytliiiiK
lin liked." - t'hieau'o News-lti cord.
Iliitr lli'itf Mntt'4 lljitif .
'I never felt so lonesome in my life,"
said a gentleman rei eiitlv, "as when I
chntieed to lie thrown 0110 dnv with n
picnic party of deaf unites. Tlt"y rotild
understand each other, laughed and car
ried 011 itntl had n good time generally,
while I sat like a mummy, apart, look
ing on. but tinalilo to participate in an;
of tho fun.
'One thing that surprised me greatly,"
ho continued, "was to see them indulge
In dancing. I hail itlwoys supposed that
it was absolutely essential to hear the
rhythm of tho musio in order to keep the
time of a wHltr. or polka. To lie sum.
they had an orchestra on the dancing
barg", nnd for a time I regarded thnt as
pecnbnr. for few if nny of the party
could hear tho strains.
"After n little thought 1 solved the
mystery. The mutps could not hear the
music, but they felt it, which wns just
as effectual. To lie sure of the matter 1
spoke to the leader of the orchestra, ard
ho nsstired me that my surmise was cor
root, and that when ho was employed by
the party it wns expressly stipulated Hint
ho should bring his biggest bass drum
ami bass viols. The deep tones were
more viliratory than the ol hers, and the
mutes kept excellent waltz time by feel
ing the vibration of tho wood flooring
npon which they danced. New York
Clenernl lliitlrr'a Famnna Vat-lit.
There is considerable speculation in
yachting circles, now that General lint
lor is dead, as to into whose hands the
old America will fall. Mr. Paul Butler
told mo that he hail not the slightest
idea as to whether ho should retain it or
not. Current opinion in Lowell has do
cided thnt ho will not. His pet hobby
is canoeing, nnd it is doubtful if ho will
change at this day. The general's last
cruise, by tho way, he told me. wns
taken with the Now York Yncht club.
when he sailctl up with them from New
port, the America giving many of tho
now yachts a tussle. After that he took
a number of short trips up along tho
north shoro, but this wns Ins last cruise,
Boston Record.
Ihe IHU3 Fire !...
The fire loss of the United States and
Canada for the month of December, as
compiled from our daily riles, amounts
toft 3,85 1.4.V). Added to the figures for
tho previous mouths of 1893 this shows a
total for tho year of f.132,704,700. Tho
losses for 1H0I wero $W,7lfl,l.V), and for
1890, $ 106,99H.!Mr. New York Commer
cial Bulletin.
Australia is a great tea drinkingcoun
try, and most of the medium sorts of
black find a ready salo in the southern
land. .Very little green tea, and that
usually for mixing, is imported there.
In a single season it is said that 5,000,.
000 dead birds were used by the milliners
of our seaboard cities. Over 42,000 of
these came from Cape Cod alone.
When tho refrigerator is placed near
tho cook store in the kitchen, the cook
complains that the ice melts so rapidly
that bar milk sours every day.
OctDvius Augustus had a mortal dread
ef thunder, and whenever a storm canif
n he retired to an underground vaul',
tuilt .for protection.
Steam and Electricity In a Tug-of-war.
At the T. H. E. works in West Lynn a
few days ago a locomotive was coupled
to a mammoth electrio motor, and
power was applied to them in opposite
directions. Neither one gained a parti
cle for quite awhile, but finally with the
aid of sand thrown on the track the lo
comotive came off victorious. Boston
A pistol ball was recently removed
from the right thigh of a man which had
been there since 1864. The ball, it is
said, had gravitated about a foot and a
half through the flesh in the last 29 years.
The sonsul of the Argentine) Bepublio
at Bangor, Me., was called npon recent
ly for the first time in 20 years to aSz
bis. tea and signature io a document.
flliilnn'a n. 1 of t :u. .
It Is a curious fact that many of Mr
niaino's friends nnd mativ nf lit" fivn
paper men here who have wnfelied I m
career lie'ld liltlllv to tile belief tl;::1. lie
would die on 11 Sunday. Vtmd.-y v.':-i
his day of fate He was born on that I
ilav ntid it eoiistaittlv recur in cninn'c-
tion with the chief pventt of ItU life. It j
was on Sunday that, ho recim-d pn., . .
fion of the noted Mulligan I' tt'T". wift J
which that person was M-eking to blast
his career nnd drive him from public
life. It wat nn the Sunday previous t i
tho nssetnhliiig of the Republican con
vention at ( 'iticinnati in IN7H that he suf
fered tho sunstroke which played no in
considerable part in breaking down the
Blaine forces nnd nominating Hayes.
It wns on a Sunday thnt ho prepared
his celebrated Florence letter declining
to bo a candidnto In iws, nnd it was on
the same day that he sent a peremptory
cablegram to tho same effect to Repre
sentative Hontello at Chicago. It was
on Hundny thnt his letter to Chairman
Clarksnn last February was given out in
which ho snid his name would not go be-
foro tho coming convention. His st-ito-ments
of the American ride of tin- Hehr
Ing sea controversy nnd Hie New Orlean.)
nlTnir with Italy wero given out 011 Sun
day. His rcfigiiitiinti of tht" portfolio of
stato was twit e tletermitu d on Sunday,
the llfst to President Arthur and the
second to I'resideiit Harrison, altleui ;!i
the latter was not sent to the tire ii l. o:
until Monday morning. That hi t het
illness wns hopeless becani" known to
the public Sunday. Dec. IS, and it was
on Sunday, three weeks later, that hit
physicians dually ndmitted the hopeless
ness of his case. Washington Cor. Chi
cago Inter Ocean.
The Wiiiimn Won.
An exciting race took place Monday
afternoon in Walla Walla between Mrs.
Mary E. Miller of Kennewick, Yakima
county, and Frank Foster of the same
plnco. They both came in on tho even
ing train over tho O. and W. T., and
neither waited for tho car to stop but
jumped off and made frantic runs for
hacks The woman offered to buy the
hackmnn's team if he would get her to
her destination in time, nnd the man
slipped a pieco into the driver's hand
in order to facilitate matters, nnd in less
time thnn I take to tell it both hacks
were seeding up tho street at a break
neck gait.
What wns the cause of nil this? Why.
it wns a race between them to see who
could get to the United States land
offices first to file on a pieco of land near
Kennewick. Tho man arrived thero first,
hut mado a mistake nnd got into the
wrong office, nnd in the tnenntimo the
womnn hnd nrrived nnd slipped in nliead
of him. The woman nlso had her wit
nesses with her, while the man was nn
prppnrptl in this important particular;
consequently she "got there with lioth
feet." Washington Statesman
Natural Gas Itslura n New Imw Queatioii.
A resolution was introduced in tho city
conncil tonight to begin a suit, for dam
ages, involving several hundred thousand
dollars, against the Northwestern Ohio
Natural Gas company, which has its
wells in this county adjoining those of
the city, and which supplies, the city of
Toledo with gas. Tho resolution is the
result of a long study of the legal nsjiect
of the case by Mr. Alexander, who intro
duced it, and upon his recommendation
it was referred to the city solicitor, who.
it is understood, is in favor of vigorous
ly prosecuting the suit. As the rock
prcssnre has gradually decreased, the
Northwestern company has introduced
three immense pumps at a station six
miles from t'.to city, nt a cost of toO.OtiO,
in order to forco tho gas through tho
40 miles of pipo snd suck it from tho
ground. This has greatly injured the
city's territory, nnd the claim will bo
mado that the nse of artificial means to
got the gas from under the contiguous
territory of the city is illegal. Tho ques
tion has never been raised in the courts
Findlay Cor. Cleveland Plain Dealer
Another Airship Invented.
Another airship has been projected by
M. GrensfeWer, who has just received
his patent papers from Washington. The
ship is a cigar shaped nffnir. 100 feet
long and 80 feet in diameter. It will
hold 85,000 cubio feet of gas and carry
2,800 pounds. The feature of the inven
tion is that it can be steered. There are
several mechanical innovations for which
great results are promised. The inven
tion varies from most airships in thnt it
can float in the water. The framework
will be of steel or aluminium, the ribs
being covered by a light airtight cover,
which will receive several coats of var
nish. The gas will be stored in a cham
ber at each end, and there will be space
left for a cabin in the middle. In this
cabin the electric motor, anchor and all
the other mechanism will find a lodg
ment. A strong partition will separate
the machine and passenger quarters.
Ut. Louis Letter.
Denth from n Barber's Rtuor.
The death of Mr. John Terry of Rector
street from a malady brought on by a
slight cut in the face which he gut while
being shaved ought to be an admonish
ment to barbers. The wound inflicted by
the razor in the barber's band was very
slight, but it was the means of admitting
into Mr. Terry's system some baneful
substance, which may have been in the
lather, or on brush, sponge or towel, or
on the barber's hand. The result was
blood poisoning, from which ho died in
a week after he had been cut, New York
( ht'np f'oittiitt!.
Pcrhnps f! "i p-eatest. postal ndvr.n"i ol
rcrenf; times Is Dint which Kn'lan l 1.'.
just t1"cide.l to r.dopt p"iuiy p'wlaijo
for ila vast, empire. Tim Hrili'tli pnstof
fico depart nt' 11!. af.'T I ; 1 . 1 1 1 t;:;,!ii..;, Ii.ti
finally accepted this prnpiv-ciitui, which
has been pr.-:'.: ed for y.-vs by that inde
fatigable reformer, Mr. Ilctiiieker Hea
ton, nnd r.s soon in I ho r.eeesi'.'iry ar
rangements can bo mailo the uniform
imperial postage of n penny 3 ci'iiin
will bo established, nnd for (hat amount
a letter can be-curried from ruglaml not
only to Canada nnd t ho West Indies, but)
to India, Australia, nnd even tho center
of Africa. This is tho cheapest postago
ever proiKifipd.
Tho United States has been making
many Improvements nf lato in poftal
matters, but it has never lieen able to
patch np with England, whoso lead In
this matter wo must acknowledge, and
it is a striking tribute to the success of
tho English system that, superior ns it id
to ours, it yet nets a profit of (f."i,noo,00O
a year to tho government, win reim wo
usually have n deficit in our poslofTlco
accounts. Tho truth seems to lie (hat
tho lietter the postal service the j,'"r
the profit. The United Siaics, nnd t
these circumstances, can vll nii"nrd to
make radical improvements, certain that
it will l.e repaid for litem in ni.hnrt timet.
It will strike every one til. once that if
England can maintain a penny pnn!:i.';o
fir its va: t, empire, t:cntered lis it i:i
through nil the four iunrl ersof t ii" itlolir1,
it. on-.'ht to e:HIy possib!" t .i :. 11
reduction itl the rute.-t now char ; d for
foreign postaa". -New Orleans '1 itiiefi
Democrat. A Itntte nnil Illu Orercout.
A story is out on a certoiti young man
whoso purso is not tho most plethoric,
and yet he aims to dress us well ns tho
richer young men with whom ho associ
ates. Early in the winter, when it ap
peared that there wonld not bo nny cold
weather, and ho found himself in some
what straightened circumstances, ho
pawned his overcoat. At tho expiration
of the pledgo, the weather still lioing
mild, ho neglected to renew it. Tho coat
not being called for, the pawnbroker
sold it to a colored man. Two or three
days after, tho dude wanted tho coat
He was very much discomfited on learn
ing that it had been sold. Ho ascer
tained the nddrpss of tho colored man tt
whom it had been sold. He found tho
fellow, paid him tho amount that ho had
paid tho pawnbroker and took his coat.
Tho fun of it is that tho colored man is
a retainer in a suburban family wilh
whom the young man nssocintes. Tht
young man doesn't know anything ntiout
this, but tho family through tho col
ored limn, who gnve tho thing away
know nil about the overcoat. Cincin
nati Enquirer
A Grrut Sfiwon For Maple Sugar.
"Unless I am greatly mistakon," snid
Loren Cnshman yesterday, "the coming
spring will bo a great season for mapk
sugar making. It is well known to thosftt
who havo engaged in that business that
a good season always follows a winter
that furnishes abnndance of cold weath
er. Tho maple sap is always sweeter
after a period of intense frost and fur
nishes a larger percentage of sugar. Not
only that, but tho trees yield a lurer
quantity of sap after a cold winter than
they do after a winter that has frequent
thaws and periods of warm weather.
Tho biiow in our county is very dorp,
and unless remarkably warm weather
should como it will bo 011 tho ground
until well along in April. Thero is such
nn immense body of it that Rngjyr mak
ing will not commence until lutu in the
season, but when wo get at it we shall
niako more of tho tixithsomo swnot than
we have mado beforo in years." Nor
wich Hun.
An Ice Hoe Flnalilng Light ' '
A remurkublo phenomenon wus wit
nessed on tho Thames during tho even
ing of Friday. A number of pedestrians,
on Vauxhall bridge were startled by
noticing that 0110 of the largo masses of
: 1:1. . n -: . . . , ...
ico wincu wntj hiihuuk wiiu me utie was)
CTnittill,. ttilKl.u r,t 11, .1.4. a 1.. .......) -It
bum,., m..j... a ui iiu, n. 111 Uli Vll TJK
about six seconds. Not only was thin
curious and unusual sight seen from
Vauxhall bridge, but one gentleman who
had noticed it at Chelsea bridge followed
it along the Thames embankment for
some distance.
The area of tho mass was several
square yards, and this was the only one
out of the many hundreds which were
passing tho bridge at the time that pre
sented any unusual appearance. Con
jectures were numerous at the time as to
the cause of the flashes, but no satisfac
tory explanation was arrived at. Pa
Mall Gazette.
A Lost Soup I'Ute Found.
I hear a storv, bnt cannot verify it to
the effect that, in clearing out her old '
house preparatory to moving to the new
one, Mrs. Stevenson actually found the
missing gold soup plate that bos prevent
ed her from asking more than 11 peopfu.
to her state dinners. It was found, i
Tis said, stuffed way down into the back
of one of the great sofas that adorned the ;
middle drawing or music room. It is
surmised that one of the indigent for-!
eigners whom she so willingly entertains'
nf n. Knttilnv nlirKtmnnflmul ts, li it 4tt.i
- "'a " "-iv i . v uiiv
hla lun all ilinn.i ,mi IIa .1-n V.....1. M
111 il wui ntrtn t nnil ovimrnnllit ilnimi tTmJ
back or the sofa, whence he hoped to ef
tract it before going home. Foiled I
this, be left the valuable piece of platel
its hiding place to become thS source 1
ineffable annoyance to its hostess. Ne
x or necoraer.