The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 08, 1893, Image 8

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O. R. M. KINNTCY, of Vi'ii.inr.o, Pa.,
uIhiIm liolilini: a mcI'Ii-m uf inert inn In
tlm M. K. i-liiirrh al tlil plmv, In il rim
ing liirifi- rrmvils. Unix n pliiin tullti-i'
unil ilocn nut lioltiiti' to tell ii'iiti'Msi il
I'liilhtliilix wlint It t'Xiii'ti'il of t lion .
At pi HI'll! till IiiiIIciiIImim 1110 f ill I' for
h k'kmI revival.
WeiMing Jutiilee.
On Wi'iliH-Milii y. Inn. 'Su MImw Miiry K.
Ilivnlioll. of Allen MHIh. nnil Mr! II.
K. Mart., uf Knirilrk ville, wer, unit, il
In iniirrlnce. The rerniiony took 1tii
lit tlm lioine iif tin- tiriili'V fntlirr, Mr.
Lewis lliviilmlt. Almul Ihli ly Inviteil
t'lllHlM WOIV lVHellt. Itc'V. llllletltillO,
ptiHlnr i if tlm (irllim iniiiic lliipllsl
fliiiri'li. lit Allen MiIIh. roiioinieotl I li
ceremony, after willed follouoil tlllt'ol-
rrnt.tilntlniiM, , ami tln-li ) i n n i- win
h l'Vll, lull IW (ii'll, Mlll'lop, .1. I'l'J AHl'll
ami t 'ni t Smith Imve liini iiihertlslni;
tin- dinner. pi'nniiiiiiriii'4' H woiiilerfnllv
IJIMNi, tllM ff-IINt pl'lfl'l't HI' M ll II 1 1 ll'IIVI'
tin' I'iNikini; il piirliin'ii( to tlii'in nnil
jiihI nay tin1 dinner ivih excellent.
Anions tin" wi'ilclini; pri'si'iils n e. ived
were n li antlfiil rlmir, pi-ti-i nti'il by
Mr. nnil Mm. .lolm ami liru, 11m top,
tlm Met 'onnell nnil t'iHiH'i' fiiinllii'H; a
ryslHl tlUli ly Mr. unil Mi, Wniti: foul
prr-iid by Mr. nnd Mm. Marl)!: purine
lamp liy Mr. mill Mrs. Will WIImiiii: wet
of tnliln nnpkiiiN by Mr.'Jiul Mi. 1 1 or-
. 11 i I ' . , .
uei. ei in iini' niwuis py air, mm iM r.
Alli'ii; anil IiimI, lint not Van!, oiinm a
IiiuiiIhiiiiii' lamp pri'Hi'iitcil liy .1. llerliot
Ki-w. of I'liilaili'lplila. All pivwnl
iinilc In MiyiiiK w enjoyed HiIh ilellcjit-
nil wi'iiuiiiu: anil may our young frlcndM
livo a Innjr a linppy llfo.
Ayi-rV Hair Vigor keep lh Mculp
fivo from ilamlrnlT, prcvonu tlm liair
fiiim hi'i'Oiiilnur dry and Iihi-mIi, ami
miikt'H It lli'xilili ami ulotwy. All tli
uUimcntit Unit naturo ri'ipiitvn to ninlic
tlm liulr iiliiiniliint anil bmi 1 1 f 1 1 . nr.'
-Miipplii'il hy this Ailmira1ili propitiation.
Ami HtroiiMo Ih killing ruts hy thi
woin. ' ' "
Oranilpn Tjiidwli'k tin "fflrU'it tip IiIm
iHiiw mill, ' . . I .
Ihimii IMtTi'f took a luiyo drove 4 ini
tio through thin pluoo one day liwt wi'i'k.
Am tlm I'livtinn drawn ni'iir let cvfry
man imiko up IiIk mind ti vote for tho
.man and not (or party.
Ai tho t into of writ in),' UiIm (Fi'h. 4th)
tho protrat'tod miictlng at jSykcHvUlu
nt ill Rolny;. 1 Ahnnt Hftirn hnvo pro
fi'HHed itililiin. ' M
If tho men who with Instrumental in
tho (llhclmre of tho tcai'lmri in SouUi
diradiHu know wlmt, thy puhUo Ihonht
of thoir ai'tioim they would not hrai; mi
nnn'h of it.. It in nothing to hp proud of.
A wild eat haa Ix'en torrorllnjr tho
(HMiplo near Sykunyillr fov mime
ut least It wuh supposed to U it wild eat.
It has yiven I'lniw' to a rouplo of young
muii und tlinotliur day It u tracked
to its lair Iu u kitehitn in Sykenvlllo.
It wan Davo StaH'n bitf Tom eat.
: Rathmel. '
Mr. Leaeh, of DuHiils,
visited with
Ian. Thompson tuid family on Saturday.
1 J. F, Slmtci'uiid Li L. Ilouvy aro ut
tndin)f Mirt thin wtfk jnryrmti. -A
wmoimfrnlieb aftafnsl tho'salo1 or
Ore water in our town In hoing rtroulat
ed by the U!inurauiio pioplu.' "At liwt
uccounta tho doouiuunt contained tho
diK'natuivs of ubout 130 votoro. " "
The protractod moetiuK in the Church
of ChxI HtUl continuos, thlB lxilnir tlio
. eighth Vck since ita beginning:. ' Bovon
of the ofluvai'U roeolroii tho. ordlnanco
or baptism on Sunday at 3.00 o'clock.
Tno P. 'Oj J): of Aahfl tio H, O, tj. o
A. attended church on Sunday morning.
wmcn aDounuca wiin givai painoiiHin.
Rov. H. Gt' Fu'i'yiy'1 preachaj Uf'tiio'
M. E. churohon Sunday aftornonn., HIh
feel the want of regeneration once and
twico each year. . b .) i 11 iZ i'vl !
From present indieatlonn the supper
and ball jven by tho'K.rif P'lodj? tiis
'(Monday) evening will' bo a grund auc-
:r Wltlv, i)yi),, ylgorom lood, cytp-sing
"tliiwijfh thj i'In and enliiiatlnp .eVufy
tibro'of the body, o(ll ' weal ho f lu'mit
.only endurable but jSleaMirht' iluA r:
hlo..' No othor blood incdlclno & go cor
.Uil a In it result BaAycrSarHaparilln.
What it does for othoin it will do for
' .u U irtA'jt v,l .JW.1I..I I'- 4
J?uf i-..ri ! ., i .1 I.. 'I j. .J
Tiood U showing the bent 91.60 Hhoe
Cuptnla M af and Ilia Paifxaara.
The fact i .t tho pindti-n riiptnln
of the Uml rla, ('aplalu MrKily, wan a
littlntuorn open with Ms paMMif(i'r th in
n quito prudent. With tlin liunhililn
ili-slrnnf Kpiirlntf tlirtu liny uimeecKiiiiry
nnxiely, ho Informod them plainly of tlm
miiwi of tliBntoppnun of their eoiinw am)
genially aurid them of their pcrfii-t
mMy. Ho Inr. mi good. Tlio pnwiiRer i
dad n rlnlit to ask that lunch, and It wni
hut MMiKitdn to let them know tlm truth
nnd not imainiMvursii lliinns Inr tln in
wlvr. Hut what the pa'ieiij;.'rt had tin
rllit tnnslt for wnn ioi nit t.
the I'oiirmi that the enplnin win koIii-: t i
pnrHiie, nnd Captain McKay made i:
mlatako In not himiIiMu'c tln tirit 'w
nan who ipiestioned him mi Hie mihjrel.
'Why don't you aetid up rnrketHV" imn
nf I lie pnsuepi;cM Is paid tn Imvo plniii
lively ileiniiinleil. "Tin re will ho t imn
ptiotiKh for rnrketi when a vexsrl ri lines
near etimiKli to see tliem," nnswereil the
rnptaln pvnsively, hut rourteouKlv.
Tlm pnlileneN wan fatal. All r the
Implied ndmisslnti that rocket and other
dlii pa went mrctisiiry to their oMlvatiou
tlm piiHseiiKcrM hail ll terrilllo hnld ujinli
tin unlucky commander of tint ship.
Had ho only nnswereil. a ho would
lmv been perfectly jmUill.'.l In di.lin;
and im n ?reat tunny other cnplaiiiH
would certainly hnvo dmiP, "What busi
ness is that of ynurs'i" lie might have
made himself n lit! In unpopular, lint It -would
hnvo saved lilnisell frmii much
furlhrr worry. Tlm pasHengcru mm to
have actually divided theniselrpsiiitotwo
difTpreiit camps r-id disemwed a vote of
coulidetico or censure. Happily com
limn rciiho carried tho duy, nnd n vote of
confidence was cnriiml.' What would
hava been done had tho Vote of rensum
been passed wu cannot ;ihm, but thin
at least wo may say that if that limUnii
had been cirricd it would hnvo been the
plain duty of tho cnplniti In put the
mover, seconder and principal supporters
of tho resolution in irons. - London Spec
tator. Nnvi'il liy Mualp Unx.
W. A. Meiuiv, biHikkeeper for .Inscph
A. Unify, had nn pxidting experience
with bnrnlars lit his honso curly Mnnday
inoruing. I In is but recently tnnrried,
and among his wedding presents was a
music box. To this happy circumstance
Imnttrihiitcslhn fact that thnhurulnrs
did not succeed in carrying olT every
thing in his home.
On of the burglar in nnninagitig
throngh his drawing room stumbled
across the package of stored music, and
thinking probably that it contained jew
elry or silverware attempted to oKn it
In doing so he set tlm music machine in
motion, and presently Mr. Meany was
roused from his slumbers by the touch
lug trnins of "Auld Lang Hynp." Mr.
Meany got his gun mid started for the
bnrglars, nnd they started for a window.
Ho arrived at tho drawing room doorway
just in timo to see two burglars lenplng
from the window. Ho lired, but tho
robbers continued their flight. bin of
them stumbled in gntting over the front
fence, nnd Mr. Meany Is convinced that
lie shot liim, as lie found several splashes
of blood on the ground and sidewalk.
St. Louis Republic.
flu i llnnki Cnmlng.
"1 think (lie time is coming," said
Henry Smalley, u New York publisher.
At tho Lindell. "when tho ruling market
price of onr paper covered novels will lie
5 cents. I think tho revolution will
commence some time tins year. What
do I base my opinion on? Why, on our
Sunday newspapers. Take any of tho
bettor rsM of onr daily tapers nnd look
at their Sunday editions. They print
fully five times as much matter ns the
average uovel contains and a great many
nioro illustrations. Now, if tho news
paper publishers can afford to do this,
there is no mason in the world why the
book publishers can't do tho same thing.
Of course they will have to we n cheaper
paper, but I don't think tho average
reader car two straws a boat that. It 'a
the reading matter they want, nnd as
lung as It ia clean and legible they are
not going to tito inquirnif tho pa
per used is 'news' or calendered. " St.
Louis UIobe-Democrat. '
' ' Nn "Iteuilllrul Snow" In tlix City.'
If the would bo pbets who perpetrate
Bonncta about the beautiful miow would
just wiinder about the streets of lower
New York the day after a snowstorm,
there, would ho more suicides and leu
poetry. Perhaps this would be all for
lhelxrtV IJi.J. H
Wtmt a shock it wonld bo to tho ten
der fciiHcepfibilUies of lliie gentlemen to
behidd tho ditty, disreputable Italian dis
oiples of Maud Mullur heaping up tlio
alleged "beautiful" In haycock shaped
piles and carting it away I
New York has no' use for snowstorms
nor for the spring and snow poet. -Nsw
Xorlc tlerald. , . .... j
V Th Naw Mall Tin. )
Tlie pennant to be borne at the ifiast
head of the United States mail inbsifly
ships is 80 feet long, 8 feet 6 inches at the
mnst and C feet at the end of thewattow
tail. IU field is red, bordered by 9 inches
ef blue,, la the upprlof hand coWar
-Is an agrhvin Mne.'with 'arrow and a
braaeu in its talons, and bearing on the
breast a Shield with stars and stripes in
red and; wbiU. Charleston News and
Courier jj yy
Aluminium aa Coin. .
'A 'petition baa. been addressed to the
Grenoble chamber of commerce, France,
, soliciting. ,the demonetisation , of copper
and its substitution by aluminium. The
manufacture of the last named metal at
the Froges Works, it is stated, has of late
experienced considerable '. expansion.
Baltimore Herald. , v , ;
. , ., . . . 4 '
"; . ,. A Diamond Wadding. -'
Irenos and Amea Elton of Vineland,
-aged respectively 93 and 03 years, oele
'bratsd their diamond wedding Wednes
day, having been married 73 years.
Cor. Philadelphia Press.
i ' Safety la Karrow, Croukatl Btraata.
. It is scarcely probable that the balloon
styles which the Empress Eugenia re
vived are likely V be seen in the streets
lff Transcript.
Bit Injnna m Out lha Oaa.
Munpdo-tnnh(ua. Pnh-gah-chnw and
Oh po-inah-slsh are Indians who hnve
been attending federnl court and cams
near not living to return to While Earth
anil their tepees. They wero putting np
at tho (Hobo hotel nnd blew the gas out
when they lay down to sleep. They
were almost asphyxiated when discov
ered and were revived after streniioun
efforts by n physician. St. Paul ( (lobe.
TVmnlcn ravrmiMitii In 4 mi ml n.
WiMideti block paving is proving a con
Hilctioiis failure in Montreal. Tliewoml
en block paving in front of the Liiugeviu
block in Ottawa lias stood welt, but it
was a most except imiallv exH'tisivn pav
ing nf the kind. Tlm Montreal cxM'ii
encn eonlirmn previous Indications that
our climate has little line for ordinary
wooden paving.- t ill awn Journal.
I'lirrllin lingi'Vlly In lieernls.
Wo heard yesterday of a hog being
cnitureil in tho river swamp a few days
ago Hint was marked by old t'ncln Jack
Hurst, In IS70. This would makn tlm
hog !."3 years old, which is a most. re.
ninrkiibln ago for a hog to attain.-Or.
Atlanta Constitution.
If prayer nnd womanly influence are
doing sn much for (bid hy indirect, meth
od, how ahull it Im When that electric
forco ia brought to benr through tlio but
terv of fho ballot box? Frances E. Wil-lard-
Storm king rubbors for men at Knhin
son's. For Knle.
Mi '1'iir i if sleighs at very close liguiin.
.1. I'. KlMn A- Co.
We are olTi ring great value iu our
l.oU shoe. I .miles' and gi nl li'ini-ii's,
line and heavy.
1 1 i-:i ;i's Sin ik Stoki-:.
Special Oflct.
Wo are making a sperial nllnr tneaeh
of our readers paying a year's subscrip
tion tn tlm St , ll In adviinen, and to nil
li"v subscribers paying in ndvaiice, we
will give tin m the best local i 1 1 h . i- In
.lelTcrsnn county und will give tliem
fren, cither tho HViinNiiJI Iml or Aiitt rl
vmi Furiiur, for (me year. ' The two
paper ubovc lucntioncd aru excellent
monthly papers and tho xuliscrtptlim
price of each is $1.00 a year.
lined' are offering great value for
11.50. See thnlr windows.
G.i Notice.
Hereafter on tho llrst nf each month
the Oil City Fuol Suppy Company will
mail to each of its patrons a postal card
notifying them of the amount, of gas
consumed by them during tho previous
mouth. Hy bringing those cards to the
olllco for receipt, the transaction of the
business will Ih greatly expedited, as It
will bo unnecessary ti wait for duplicate
hills tn ho made out.
oil city Fukl Hvpi-ly Co.
. I Mir tl.'HI lino kniKtks them all silly.
Wo arc selling tho goods. Call and
sec them. .
That it ia not wise to fxptTinicj.'..
with cheap compound ptii-)Mrtil.g '
to be blood -puriller, hut whirh
have no real medicinal value. 'Jo
make use of any other tlmn the old
Hliinilnrd AVER'S Sarnparlllii -II. i
stipcrior llliMxi-puriller is simply
io invite loss of time, money, nnd
health. If you urn' afflicted with
8crofii)u,t ; Catarrh, ,' Kheuinntini,
.' 1 lyspepHiii, Kczcmii, ltuiiniiig Sores,
Tumors, or any other blood disease,
be assured that
It Pays to Use
AVER'S SnrsnparilU und AVER'S
"only. AYER'S Sursup.irilla umr
always be depended upon. It docs
Hot vary. It lalw;ti the same In
quality, quantity, m;d ctlelt. ' UJm
superior in combination, proportion,
iipp arailco, und iif nil IhAt to
,.btilld.up tl)6 systsni weakonnil ij
diseRse ami pain. . It (searches 'nut
' till Impurities in the blood nnd ex
pels them by tlie natural clmnncU.
Pn-unrpil l.y Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., I.nwall, Mkm. liy nil Ilrii(l.l. l'rlc-o 1 ; U iHiltlva, Si.
Curosothers, will cur you
' - ' ' sr....
gSXHAY NOTICE. . . . r
f'anie to tlie ureuilai's of tlie uiidontluned,
'uriullM', WIiinIow towniUlp, tlm Inner
part of June, IMU, two rud awl . while
rilioltud 'lve. c 'Hi owner Is requested
to romo fcrwi o. pnn a propertr, pay chaws
ancl4Ui- llwm swsy orihey wQI ba dUM.'d
of f.e.irrlliia io law. - Haubaba A. litrrioi.
SV'(h, J , - - - ,
' Notice 1i li(Mhy Riven, that letfers of iid
mlnisirnttnn nn the estate of Sanih A. Wuy.
Innd, Intn of Wlnstow township, Jefferson
county, l'a (It'i'f used, luive Ihwii ii run led to
I lie iln.leiHiiHil.. All twrwiu luilubtea to the
hiitd enlatu. ura raaueaiiMl Io lnakultiiineoiuta
payment im.l Uiom' IisvUi ebil om orilaoiuiulM
ukiuiiih uie unni win prrsaiit iO"i siitiinuti
euliHj lor sell luineiil v II hoiit rteliiy Io . '
' A. O. Mil, i. max, "
IteyuoliUvllIti, - r AelniliiWlraliir..'
' r , . r 1 1
Ains'iilkii-omilie swhinieiitsof tiS sov
urul towiitliliis ud, iHiauuBiw ef Juife.tMin
county for Uio yein- nii:i, will-lie hclU lit tlio
ottlco of the I'uunty t'omnilMHloiierHas follows,
vis: ' . r , . ! '
For llevnoldivlll. Vlnilow, "'SsIiIiivIoil
Wiiyder, bnv'kway tllh'. I'lilk unit Wiibsuw;
Mondiiy, IVtn-uury S7, iswi. )
For fmi-jtltii wney. ( hiy villi, Yiianif. Hell,
11 In Run,. (;-.kll,i HndfHoi, 7II.K ulmoiitl.
Oliver JvB'ix, Tueiliy. tubrmiry 2s. Ism.
h'or Perry. Pitee Itlnt'itolil. Worthvlllo,
Heaver, Clover, Hiiuinu'rvlUo, I'orsli'H, Union,
Wcdiit'iuliiy, March 1st, 1HICI.
Hy order of tho llounl, W. I). Kank, Clerk'
Jauuury JO, hitia,
People Find
m's HoBjvf
A. KrlliilniK Wkhr
Uiil-iHi' nil ffrenlrltf. '
W it iy nm Ftmnf,
fiphitinn) tlttl Hifnt,
Ko (nr Serl bill fnr S"ul,
Snd a illm In fnmp tot thrr yrrkt trial.
t. flO WOMAN'S TtMPLt,
Dry Goods,
Boots, and
Fresh Groceries
Flour and
l(.yiiolihvillc, I'll.
Ladies and
Lower your hIioi bill Hits
year if you buy your nhoen of
uh. 'i nre cloHin out all
our odd Hl.eH and (Kid widtliH
at a Karri (ire and after they
are gone we will lie getting
in tlie lent iincH of hIioch over
brought to town.
We are the Leaders!
We can prove It to you!
Kveryhody can advertise,
offering baits " worthies
goods," but we have the
goods to produce to back any
or all of our advertisements.
No Deceit Here !
Try us this year and we will
guarantee to save you money,
Heeds Shoo Store.
City Meat Market
I buy the bent of cattle and
keeji the choicest kinds
of meats, such as
Everything kept, neat and
(" clean, Your patronage
E. J. Scliultze, Prop'r.
.. .
(HiK'cowtoin to MnKnoA; Warn ink,) '
uKockm ks, ;-''.!'.." .i
'' ' FLOUR, ' ':' . '
FEED, ' ' "
- CANNK1 .-.. ,
. " TKAS. .'.
FARM -n,
ti-t'KOnrt'B,' .
rif , . t'NFK('TIOM;UY,
. v . -7 . TOBAC(JO
I We t uvtH' ii -toim
Ute and frenh
. line nf ti wette
lit - 1 l-f"
fllKMl ' I
'i&H ilellwrfil ftor (Wi jtire In
1 Swab Bros.,
Vor. Main und Sth St.
Here it is!
And they know where to get it. Hero is another slice of
news that will create aiiot.hor
In this Community.
Kvery person Hint studies the Interest of themselves, their
wives and families will take, or rather should take,
advantage of this article, because it will be
conceded by every fair-minded person to lit;
nothing more than a st ruightout eirort to
keep up onr well earned reputation
0 The originators
sOm Small Proiit Sustem.
Possessing that .steadfast determination not to be outdone
by our competitors. All our goods will undergo
another (Ireat l'eduction. This Great Diminua
tion will keep thinkers thinking, and it wi'l
also pux.coiir K mil's Thinkers, especially
when Ihey commence to think and
realize that we possess the courage
Io do if. It. will bo a
Perfect Boom
Trousers that will leave our establishment
And customers will help to boom it for us. You ean make
your selection commencing to-morrow.
hundreds of Overcoats,
hundreds of Snittf,
hundreds of Ulsters
$5, $7, $9 $10, $12, $14.
Worlh, without the faintest shadow of exaggeration, forty
to fifty per cent, more than the above charges.
Wishing to aid all by our Small Profit System,
and thanking the public for past favors,
We remain, always sincerely,
The recognized landing Clothiers, Hatters and Gouts'
Furnishers of Itoynoldsvillo, Pa.
Just in
r't a urf
o I U V to. "-'
TIIK '' . " "' ' 1TWIM.
CLKAK- jjwv ' ' PAY
LAHO" 'm .stoves
KI" iSu -ncYiNo
SAVKS t,- St nniwapiafi .. , .,
JU.iM3i,3l!j; AHWK.
.MOM..1. ' feiW LAROKST
C r I ' fc. " ""v ' '"1"""'m''"t If , a -
AVDKKP-' -. '
In fact anything you may dewro in our line will bo found
in our mammoth store.
The ReynbldslIeHa1rdwrelGo.
; ; . $1.50 I'EK YEAR.
Tlioro in not nn nrticln in thin paper
Hint In mortf worthy of coiiHiiU'rntion
1 linn 1 li in oiip: VVhnt llmjicopln wnnt in
And one that won't 'require self
booming because every Over
coat, every Suit, everv nair of
Season !
aiiana-aiafra-fcai..,., , -;:OlfMY.
Educated In MEGttftNIGS - -
, - . ' Ml I 'lull'.
Corrttpondtnct School of'M
chanlca, Scranton, Pa.
T I.Ur, lU4iaU Oalf Hm4 to Im to MtU aaa WrtU.
' Inmrui tlon thoniuidi und ntnlte. Tuition chunicM
nuMinuhlH und tcrniMof puynint Ui Hiilt. niikIimiIm. No
Unit! nuvd In) limt from work. Hciul for FKf.K ( Itvulur
of lnfornmtlou.