. A HA NY IN Till! SNOW. A STRANGE CHRISTMAS EXPERI ENCE OP A TRACKWALKER. A ltiillrni.it Mnn'a M..r t t'ntil, Miirm Night (lift Twi-iit. Vrnra Ann, tVtirn thi Ninm Wnn I'lli'il In Uinta. AIihik I hi- llnllnmil Timk A t lirlnttnii tun. Kv-rj- tin" I think nl niri'luiin I think of ltn viir IHT','-K,iii itii I1 tritrk TaikiT 'Thin more tlimi twenty yi'iir iujr lun't II? Twenty vi'iir. in n lonu Htreteli l.ntu en 11 lni'ii In it limn in twentv vmr lie conlil p't rii'lt mid Hjieni it nil nn.l ui't rirli ii!(:iin in Unit Hpnei'Kl time iiikI Htill have lnlHnf lime tnt"rn Unt I Imvnn't I'vo just Htui1 poor nulil hIiiiiu lint n I van h . i i 1 1 Lf . HHnlini nl OhnHtnmx itlwiiy n-miielM me of HJ'.'. yeixn triickwiilUinu' then for the Vninhiliii line on mi tion lietween Tetre llmite Ami l'rTim;ton. In the uliite of linliuiin. Thnt Inistiim nilit wiih ii corker, I'll tell von I liennl ut niMiii from the na tion ttimii Unit the therniometer wiih 10 (Ipu Im'Iivv zero, iiml n niilil nnim mi It m-eineil to ret roliler mnl eohler. it flint kiiiiwpiI the I ; i v lieloiT one of the rlooront In tlmt vi'iir nii-l the rnuincH hH1 tnul A pretty tonuh t iimi- of It plow Ins their wnv through in the inoiniiiK 'After thev ilnl et Iry my Hertiim the mow whu tiimkeil mi wvi ii or einht fti't deep In Rome pliieeii liythe mile of the trnt'k. It win Rornlil that I wrnHil OoUeP Kiiekn nrtmnd my feel liefore Htnrt Inuont. pint to keep them from n frost trite Yon liet I Imteil to HtMi t unt, lint I liil muster up the rnimme nfter Awhile It wit nliont II o i-liH'k when I ptiir'eil to tfn ti.ii-k to I'lti-rin'toii, mnl th wiih! wiih in my I'jiee. It's u ilmn poor OiriMiwiM for me.' I Ihonlit to tnvell ns the wiiel eininht me n lielt in tl Hie of the heail. Here I'm fmeil to wuk thin eolil tiaek nnlil miilniuhl Wlllioiit even n liiml won! from nmlimly tomiy 'Merry Chrisimas to von." It's pretttv tmiKh. I Kiiess truck walking in mst iiixint the worst trnde n man who love company eim mlopl 'An I wnn KtampiiiK iilonif thinking like thin awity nfT nheml of in I miw n mmrkl". Il l the St. LmiiH cxpn-iw,' I anlit to myself. 11 ii I she'll ho rnmlilini over me at ahont uixty miles an hour. 5fou hHil bettor ko out in tho nnuw, oltl man. unletia yon like liein Krouml into liniR tuts. Iloo! lint tlmt snow wns dup. Wav np over my waist lint when i mt down of! tho track ami Mingly tucked away ir 'lie drift I was a heap wanner, hecaiiKothnwiml couldn't roach ma. And the old tram enmo rilit ahead with a buzi and a roar, and her old yel low headlight K"ttniK briKtitcr and IiIk ger ovorv second. It was n train of six or seven passenger couches. All were lit up as nriKht as kerosene oil could inako ra. One. two. threo, four of tho enra Whirred past mo. Unt tho lift It seemed to stop It didn't, of course, hnt tho Sight I saw seemed to nail it to my eye! "A man and n woman. They stood at the rear window. It was ojien I saw the man with his arms tint out, suppll cattoK like. The woman had a bundle tn tier anus. Then sho didn't have it. The man gave a cry of horror that raiiK ont high above tho clamor of the wheels And the rattle of the rails and tho creak tntr of tho coaches. Something shot down just past my head and landed in the snowdrift hesido tno. I shut my ves, bnt still saw the woman with the bundle and tho man with ontstretclwd, leading amis When I opened my eyes attain tho train wns a quarter of a mile awav. with her rear green Hjht stnkin swiftly into a dot and then dis Appeannu The wind cut me sharp on the "beck, and fivo miles off 1 heard tho Cborcb chime in FarriiiKton tolling tho quarter hour. 'Tlmt sight waa a dream, old man. I said to myself as 1 pulled my legs ont of the drift. Hut tho bun dle. I exclaimed. Involuntarily 1 looked down in the drift anil saw another holt In the snow, not the one I enme ont of, bat a smaller one. "Maybe you've guessed tho thing liy this tune and maylio you haven t. Well, air that bundle was just as cute a 'JO. ponnd kid as I want to look npon. Hurt? vVeli. I guess not a littlo bit. When 1 found bun ho was laughing contentedly as you please and chewing a chunk of now tor a sugar cako." Who did he belong to?" 'You tell. 1 cun't. 1 never know and never expect to know. Ho had good Clothes on. and the odd littlo collar of lace be woro waa marked with a pretty Aillr T tlo waa fat as a Christmas tur key and the biggest eator you ever saw.' "Why didn't you find bis paronts?" "Didn't 1 try my durndest? Didn't 1 spend half my wages for the next month advertising in the newspapers? But no Answer did I get to any of them. It aoeuis to me that the man ought to have oouie and got the child, for he evidently didn't want to see it bred out like that. Bis outstretched, supplicating arms snowed that. But erhaps he only wanted to prevent Us being killed. Wbo knows? Purhap he was glad to get rid of It, and wbea be saw that somebody iad It all ngut be was glad enough to leave it to its chance fate." "What became of the child?" "Named it Tom after myself. Tom MoCoruiack is a pretty good, solid sort of a name, you know. My family may not toa very atylisn, bnt none of ttvm have tv:n banged anyway. And, yon see. the aid's collar bad a X on it I al most bad to name him Tom." 'Where is ba now?" "Trackwalking on the Vandalia, not more than twenty-five miles from the very spot where bis little baby head pinniped Into that snowbank Christinas night, 1872." St Louis Globe-Democrat Had Sympathy fur ths Court, Charles Townee, who was found guilty of grand larceny in the county court at Canadaigua, is a rather original chap. .When he was called up for sentence be made an eloquent plea for mercy and sympathized with the court "for having to sentencA an innocent man." Utloa Observer. Tha km-llmit-iit III fraiir. To understand llio extreme excitement which I ho raniima inquiry protlurrs in France wo must recoiled thai It Involves tho wliolo question of the Illness of the sovereign power lo i':,creine it a f unci ions. Tho dispute anion;; I'lvnc limrn - (lie rndicnl dispulo whicli underlies nllnlh-rrs-ls whether universal sulTrage, nn ronlrolled and niiguided either liy n tuoiinri h, nt'iesiir or a i Iiiks, Is cntnio tent to create fur ilself a sovereign pow er. That il has clinled one in the as Selulily is not questioned. That body cnn. in practice, dismiss the president did do II in M. (irevy's ease: can compel any minisl. r or cnliini t to resign; run nominate tin jr successors and can pass any law wln tever that il thinUs is de sirable for fiance, lis iietion is not nrresled liy any veto, mnl it Is not liable in pi iial dissolution without llio convent or tlmt half or itself which is culled the senate, a consent which it inipjit be Very difllcull toextort. Indeed, I lie chamber Ilself must often bo consulted, for It must pass the budget lieforo a dissolu tion can lie safe, and the budget is often delayed to the very expiration of the legal term. Tho assembly is in fact sovereign, and if the assembly- that Is, the senators and deputies taken together are proved to liavo been lirilmble, or to liavo toler ated bribery, tho deduction is painfully obvious. Universal suffrage has failed In elect an honest sovereign power. London Hat unlay lteview. ItltrrrMltig- MUsmirl Hulls. Kansas city men who did not vote in 1 Will and tho lain election lire to bo sued by tho city to test a peculiar law. The charter provides that voters who do not vote at the general cily cleclion every two years shall be chergi d with a poll tax of if'.ViO each. The registration books of tho city show that th"iewcro several thousand voters who did tint ex ercise their right of franchise last spring. At $'J"ill each thesn men owe (lie city a largo amount, mnl as that sum or any part of it would come very handy just now tho city counselor lias taken tho lirslstep toward collecting it. The money so collivted goes into the sanitary fund, but it benefits tho city departments, as money that would otherwise be taken from tho revenue fund for other purposes Is appropriated for sanitary purposes. Half of the best known business men and manufacturers, professional men and capitalists, tin mo who have largo projiorty Interests, will find their names on tho list of delinquents. Tho men who are mostly directly interested in a finan cial way in tho government of tho city aro the men who seem to tnko no part iu politics and neglect to vote. Cor. Chi cago News-Record. Lalmurlirrr'a Hlisrn In Journal. Sinco thcro is no longer any conceal ment neressary with regard to tho sev erance of Mr. Labouehero's connection with The Daily News I inny mention that tho prico paid for his sharo in the nowspajK-r was I'DO.fKK). Wlien ho first beenmo connected with tho proprietorship of tho paper, moro than fivo and twenty years ngo, ho paid tho representatives of the outgoing or deceased shareholder 11,000 for the holding of which ho has now received a sum moro than suflleieut to start a morning newspaper of his own. Nothing is yet known as to hia Inten tions, bnt it is regarded as liy no means impossible that, in conjunction with Sir Charles Dilko. who has long wished to own or have an interest in a daily paper, some plan may lie adopted by which tho advanced or disaffected radicnls, as dis tinguished from tho ministerialists, will have an organ of their own. Leeds Mer cury. Ntinres and Num. After a aevon years' courtship Qcorge Bailoy, a well to do fanner, ami Esther Bailoy, his cousin, have made two at tempts to get married in Norwich, Va., within two weeks, and the wedding is off. The ceremony was to have boon performed Wednesday of lost week, and a largo number of guests woro preont. Suddenly the prospective brido disap peared and waa found locked in her room. To her parents' appeals to como out she only replied. "I'm too nervous! I'm too nervous! It'll have to lie put off!" Nothing would do but a postponement to Monday. Monday camo and the brido wns over her nervousness and ready with tho guests. Bnt now the bridegroom did not come. Instead ho sont this message: "I'm not nervous. On tho contrary, I've got norve enough to postpono this wed ding indefinitely." And it was post poned. Philadelphia Record. Thert Iterealxd by a Itrcitra. Mrs. Cornelia M. Thomas, of St. Paul, is nndor arrest charged with hav ing stolen $1,000 from her sistor, Mrs. Mary D. Phillips, of Seattle, Wash. The circumstances preceding the arrest are peculiar. Mrs. Phillips waa in St. Paul recently. She returned to Seattle and while en route dreamed that Cornelia Thomas had abstracted f 1,000 of $2,400 which she bad in the lining of her dress. A search revealed the amount $1,000 short. Mrs. Phillips returned at once to St Paul. Mrs. Thomas was searched nd part of the stolen money found on her. The stolon bills were sewed into a belt worn next to her skin by Mrs. Thomas. Minneapolis Journal. Watch for Commandar Lcary. Governor Brown sent a request to Commander Lcary to bo in Annapolis, Jan. 9, and receive from the gov ernor the watch that was voted to Com pandor Leary by the Maryland legisla ture for his conduct at Samoa. The watch is a handBoino gold chronometer. With the chain attached it cost $000. Commander Leary is now stationed at Portsmouth, Va. Baltimore Sun. A farmer at Millersburg, Ind., experi enced Neal Dow's peculiarly contrary luck last week. Ho was boring for wa ter and struck a 4-foot vein of good coal at a depth of only seventy-five feet. It is hoped that tho Massachusetts ex periment at hatching bicephalous trout will produce a fish that will be just twice as apt to bit as the ordinary trout. Last f the Pelnx Mntinmlns; Until. Tho great floating baths which from Iheir large number form so conspicuous B feature of tho Hchio In Paris will be fore very long cease to exist. Under an order of the prefect, dated some years ngo, they aro gradually disappearing. No now ones aro allowed to Imi built, and tho old ones must not have any sulistan tint repairs done to them, but must lie broken up when no longer, if the term may bo permitted, seaworthy. The largest of all is called Siiniar llaine," and as this does not seriously imHile river tralllc, find It is owned by n number of small shareholders, whose In terest In it is being gradually extin guished, tho new rule about repairs Is less rigidly enforced Hum in some otlii-i cases. La Hamaritaiiie Is, moreover, con sidered as in some sort a public estab lishment, inasmuch ns It grants tickets St i reatly reduced rates to children in pu ic sclnsds ami to llicpoo: ,f Paris. London News. A lose" Minister. The Ilev. Mr. Jones, of Itlewbury, with A nest egg ol (."Jutland a stipend amoiint lug In t.MI per annum, left, at death tho sum of llO.uuo. lln lunl been rector of his parish for forty years, and during all that time only one mtioii had been known to sit at. his festal table. No lire was over lighted in his house, nor was a servant, kept. In winter ho would visit his parishioners to keep himself from starving of cold rather than light a lire at tlio rectory. Cnssell's Journal. Wfuiirtii ns mi .tnlnist. Professor (to hoy In natural history class) A re animals known to possess the sentiment of atTectioiri1 Boy- They nro, sir. Professor What animal has the great est natural fondness for man? Boy Woman.- Kxehaiio. Til-ess of I'ensetefire. Professor Palmer, of Harvard, discuss ing the leaching of morals in the publii M'hools, says that excess of coiiMi'iiiiei has desolated New Kuglaud like a scourge. ( 'onseieiil iousui ss becomes a moral disense mid takes the place in tin spiritual life of nervous pros! ration in tho physical life. People who are always lingering their motives, ami iiuwholo somely preiH-ciipied with directing their nets, loso spontaneity, sense of propor tion. Hut what is moro important to liiiiiimi society is their tendency to bo como bores, whoso virtues aro worso than their vices. A better rulo of conduct is that of a person who says, "I'vo made ronsonnbly sure that my instincts aro all right, so I li t my acts take euro of them selves." New York Kvening Sun. A Nlirawil llitnlnss Mali. 1'irst Mnnnger Sumo prima donnas want the earth. Second Manager That is so. 1 onco engaged ono who demanded all tho re ceipts of tho house, but still I tuado money. "How old you make out to do that?" "1 married her when tho season was over." Texas Sil'timrs . For Bronchitis "I tiewr i i'ii I izi'l Hie (ioihI of n mi'ili-i-liie mi linn li lis I have In the lust few iittiiitliH, ilMi-niK uhli'li time I have H.f. feii'il lot y (nun imi'iiniiiiilii, tellim, ,1 1 hrmii'lillls. Atlei tryhiK Milium ti ni- I'llll'S Without III lll't'.l. 1 I i ;;lli Hie are ef AVer's Cherry IVeinnil, anil Hie In 1 1 lias lieea Illlll'Velells, a Nltl;ln llime ie Hi'iiiiK mi' el I'liul.liii!. lonl Kociiiinu it e. hnl iiImIU'h rel."- T. A. Ilmulllbolhalll, (it'll. Ktin'i', l.iin Mountain, Vu. La Crippc "l.nsl spring I un.i iski'ii ilnwii wllh la prlppe. At llini's I mis viuiiph'ti ly prns tritti il, mnl so illDli'iilt will my liri iithlnit that my lireatli sei-nu'it ns ( cniiflunt In an linn nice. I pmeureil a luillhi nf Ayer's Cherry IVi'tuml, nail mi snmipr li.ul I Iii'kuii liilihut It than relief lnl liitveit. I I'niihl nut lielleve tlmt tint ef- f. 'i't tviinl.l I," hi. rapid."-W. ll.Willhinm, IW.1 City, t. Dak. Lung Trouble "I'or mure than tweiily-flvn years, I wan n nunVri'i' from limit trnulile, iiIicihI d with ci.iikIiIiik h severe nt times as tu finite liiMiiiirrluiue, the paroxysm fre quently histlnt: three or fuui hums. I wits Iniliii'i'it tu try Ayer's Cherry 1'eiu toral, and after Ink Im; four Unities, , tliiirinmhly enriil. I run enufldeiilly rorumiiieiul this ineilieiiiH." l-'ranz lluf Iiiaini, Clay Centre, Kuiih. AYER'S Pectoral l'rennrwl bv Dr. CAvpt StCn.. Lnwnll If.. Hulil Iiyall I iriiKKlata. l'lli-ntl; li ln.lllo.., Promptto act, sure to cure J. 5. MORROW, DF.AI.EK IN Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Reynoldsville, Pa. given away ! V luivtf WHim Otltl Si.cB and Odtl WultliH in L't.li(V mnl ( JciiIIciim'Ii'h Fine Shoes. Km-nicr Ht'lliiitf prict-, s?4.H(), ;i..r)(), :.(to, L'.f.o himI 2.25. l.'l'tlllCCtl It) it piiir. I'cili.'ipK your sizt in iinunij' lliin lol; ctniK" ;iinl him'. TlicHt' 'tMlllr IIIIIhI 'il lit IIIICI', see our windows, Tlifii ftMiin itiHiilc. Wt' Ili'lVI' HttlllC ((llr mnl ciulis iii turn's, women's, lioys' mnl girls' sliocs wliicli wti liiivti iiMliiccd lo i?l.()i. nt?rNsrTrxiXT CHANGEABLE WEATHER ! N'alnro lias wen lit. to liave i 1 1 in 1 151 it t l i Hi allier ami uliv not Intve voiir ii'i Hiiii uiii nu'lili'il with a neat anil nolili.v suit II 111(1 of lleav.V-W-'ilfllt tlllltl'l'llll toMiil I went lier t hat is now 1 n 1 1 i 1 1 upon us. Von neeil a new tvinler suit ami as t ln eolil waves are verv oneei tain von Will ls wise If Villi plliee yoll" nriler now for winter weiiriim; iippan l. so as to have il In ilon when hliisteiinu weather is uslu'i'eil In. Siieh an immeiiso line of winter patterns wiih never ilis-ilnyi'il in town as fan ! seen nl .I.C. KHOKIIMCIIX W'Next iliHir to Hotel Mot 'mine Giiu Meat Market I buy 11m bt'st of callln mid keep llio clioict'st kinds of inealo, sucli ns MUTTON, VOUK VKAL AND HKKK. SAl!SA(iK. Kvcrytliintf kcjit neat and clean. Your patronat; solicited. E. .I.Scliultzo, Vrop'r. SWAB BROS, (Sueeessoi's to MeKeo A: Wai nii k, ) DEALERS IN (.IMtf'KmKS. mil' It. KKKI). CANNED (.( )(l)S, TEAS. CtJl'I'KKS, ANP ALL KINPS OF FAit.r J'RODl'CE. KIC1 UTS, ('().l'l''.CTIt)Nl':HV. TOIIACCO AND CIGARS. Wo rarrif a rotnitlrte anil freh line of UrtMrlvH. (IdoiI.h Mlrrrctt free any plare hi town. dive um a fall' trial. Swab Bros., Cor. Main mul tlth Stt. (Orphan Qlouvt SaU. VOTK'R In hr'tiy Klvcn that in purstiuncfl Anf an ordrrof the ull Cimrt to mo dlni-t-I wtllKcllat putilH' Main on tho )rt'nilMn lu'rulnafturiU'MT.bfd nti lhu2nd day of Vvv ruary, at two o'irloi'k p. m. the f l lowlntr dt'wrtln-d real t'slutc: All that certuln lot nf land nttuutd In KrynoldHvlllu, county nf IffTtTNon and Ntitto of rmiylvan.u, Uiundcd and diH,TllHid uh followH: B'(innin(f at a post, corniT on J a k son Htrvet and BtrriM alli-y, rumilntf alona Kaid alloy IV) ft to a xKt on tiordon ul fiy ; ilii-iu'o IV) fma uIodk Nald alloy parallel with Jarknon Mtitiut to poKt, for no i' of lot No 2tt; thoiK'o In a hoiii h orly dlroiHhm l.V) fuot to Juoknon ntroot; thoncu ulontt nald wtnMt V) fot to place of !- frlnnlnu, oontalntnir 7,-VNi S4iiare fot, muro nr ohm, Ih'Iiik a iart of a liny or tract of land HUivoyod 011 Warrant of Timothy I'tckcrlriu and othorn No. lit! and l'utontcd to CIium. H. Cox ly patont datod tlio'ilHt day nf April, A, I), iKrf.oi.roliuUlii tho Pa tun Moult "ll" Vol. 37, 1'ugo m TKRM14 Or KAI.K. The ptm-haMT to pay $Ui on day of Kale which hhuLl 1h) connldurod mid rotalned uh HtlnulatoU damaKOM upon tho purchawr'i failure to roninly with the HUlMequeut condl tioiiM of Hale; tjWon contlrinaliou of Hale by the court; tho balance of the purchase money to be Hccurcd by tkind and niortKaue on the premlM'M entorod of record, payuble In nix inontliH from conformation of hiiIo with Intor eNt therefor f i-oiu the Hame date; HH.sOKfUin of the promise to he Klven and the deed therefor nuule and doltvoivil at llie ex pUKe of tho purchattor upon complying with theno cotidltlonu. J. K Kit II, Administrator of M urn a rot Hod lor, deceuMHl. KoynuldhvlUo, Pa., Jan. ', '1K, Here it is! TRUTH nm SQUARE DEAL I And Uiey know wliere loetil. Hern Is anollier slien f liewsllial will creale anollier BIG SENSATION In this Community. Kvery person llial sludies llie inleresl of lliemselves, llieir wives and families will lake, or rallier sliould lake, atlvantae ol' this ailirle, lietaiiHe il will lie eonceded by every I'.iir inilidetl person lo be nolliin' more lli;mn t-A rjiidiloiit eirorl lo keep up our wi ll earned reputation jsh The orioinators 0! Small Proilt system. Possessing tliat steadfast tleteriiiiiiation not to be outdone by our eonipelitors. All our floods will untlero another (Ireal lediie1ion. Tliis (Jreat Diminua tion will keep thinkers Ihiiikin, anl it will also puz.le our IJivarsThinkers, especially when they comment e to think and realize t hat wo possess t he courage to do it. It will be n Perfect Boom Trousers that will leave our WILL BOOM ITSELF. And customers will help to boom il for us. You can make your selei'lion commenciii to-morrow. IiiiikIi ( ls of Ovon-onls, liiiiKlicds of Suits, litindrcds nf Ulsters $5, $7, $9 $10, $12, $14. Worth, without llie faintest shadow of exaggeration, forty to fifty per cent, more than tho above charges. Wishing to aid all by our Small Profit System, and thanking the public for past favors, We remain, always sincerely, BOLGBR BROS., The recognized lieiitlinu; Clothiers, Mutters 11 ml (Jents' Furnishers of Keyiiohlsville, P11. Just in TIIK TIIK CINPKItl'.I.IvA I.KKSKNS LA HOC AND THKIIt KCONOM V SAVKS VOU MOXKV. CALL AN I) SKK oi;h STOVES. Si W1 In fact anything you may desire in our line will b found in our mammoth store. The Reynoldsville Hardware Co. SUBSCRIBE FOR "THE STAR" $1.50 PER YEAR. Stutly Geology aanaaaap TImto IhiioI 1111 nrtirln iu thin nHr Hint U uum worthy of ronHitlmition than thin our: Wlmt tliopropln wnnt in And one that won't reipiire self hoomiiir because every Over coal, every Suit, every pair of establishment Season ! IT WILL PAY YOU TO KXAMINK Oi; I LINK OK STOVES MKKOUK BUYING klskwhkk:: AS VVK cauuy Tin: LAItfJKHT ANI HKST LINi: IN TIIK f'OL'XTY. -X- and Assaying BY THE SVSTEM OF HOME STUDY IN The Correspondence School ot Mines. To Enter, Students only Need to Know How to Read and Write. biiU fur fUKi: ( Iri'ulur of InfiirroutUiu. dtuileuls imJ Iimo no tlniti from work. No tMMik. rti4UlrvU. Tultfori i'hurKia rt-aMnulli. (irailuati-a aro aMiMiHi In olitulnlui; poMitioiii, liy the Employment Uurt'uu uf tin' PVIiool.