The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 25, 1893, Image 7

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    "Rmmht I tint In Ofirftrlri 1d fnn hnrv an
nf(Uth for Imlt rM Inn, Mr Hmil
eti.ran.. fviry ntlrnillnif III I tint nn hi I
umiK h an if Kkv ynn fnifTttr. Lvary drimiriM
tolit It. Xt'j., L." "
A rnilrontl wit It irmiKf "f '"it 1M Iticlut
la now hiithltnc In North f'mo iim.
A I amplna rwofnprr ptr (Imp Oat,
7Tlf rirrrniMrh Oinmirr.lWriFlil'ir'i laanlft h
!l Nfu Aufitt. nml (I'IIvth. djr t'rr.M
rvei y hrrr, for i I m rnpy nr Sir I un it
rrk. It ilnlly, thw nrw ut thn
nrl.l, ri Mine nn It .lot". Hit rwimrM nf .mOt
t tt Am-lnlel nml thr 1 n If mI iTem, No
rthtr ifiiiHt whirl, aHI. for inr uf irrwlvm
lf li "I .hrk rfiM'i't. It Shm liiu. KlimtiHnl,
r nahlntt, nml lioiiMi'himl I h'imrt mnt nr un
rqimlril. Order II (rum your NVwa Airmit.
! a vrty wrik and run clown mid illd imt
fttln frtrfftvtli, like Roinnny after llmt tri!rt-
Itiic tlUfit. wttiff MtM'tCfl
SnrMNtmrltlii It ip lily ttv
ftnttnrtiilrtl, I bt-cHi. ti
tnk It, mill a mot
than 'hnil Willi Ilia
May II lMitlt me up. I
think It tiii mini nit-lxt-
trr tltnn Nfnre I wiw
Uk. I lmi ' Wn
.MirM-! with HOOD'S
PILLS. a nil nlwnfl
ri'frr l In m tn n ut lit-r
kind now. Hii-y do tin! rlf nt wi.i'uii. I am
find to rn nmmi'tid lwnmc-h H ti riiwrm lm
Hood's -" Cures
0 llnnil's SilsBiilllllll mill llis'il's I'IIIs."
Miiii. Issitn Kmiiisun, Manchester, N. II.
Out Hood's.
HOOIt'H PI M,f nrr ruin-lv -irf tillf. ran ful
ly prr.nm. from thr I! MirntilrntP.
. 4 t(:J
Dr. Kilmer's
D. H. niLGER, I..
nulmcvMe, I'a.
La Grippe Baffled!
The After Effects Cured
KT-AT WHAT Mil. Ui- It SAYS; "I hnd
tlit (tltiri'K In the tlit plnf: rtinyht cuM hih
trrw wnrw. It )Mltnil In my 14 lll ', Niiml
l,IVl:il HmlOllt MIKI1 IHlll Htld NllMTt
Inni) hnrk nnd lcir. I wim nil run down
tut) ttiwoui-mrcd. I trU-d ovri tliiitK witlintit
beni tlt. I'liyHlrlniig itave tin up l lli
I conitneniil to io HWAMI'-IKHiT nnd
before tin llrnt iHittlcwiMt trotw, I tell Im-Mit,
tnd tMluy nin Jtit tiAwi'llfind truiiK w ver.
9WAMl'-lt(or u4d my life. It I Hit
frrnHnt rcimily In the world. " J. II. Ililiirr.
llAMD',I " i t 'i not ln-iit tiiMl. tnig-
' Vl fTK"1 "Ul M-fliniL 1 you I lir l HI'
Ji A Ihv1Mb nlilr llt-ollh' fVtf
VIV And ttu'UMii!U"l TiMliuiMiimuk
MMdr t'tmMiluiiiin ti-iv.
YVTTV. pr KUmirAro. l .fl.u:i.lrfi N T.
J'Qr At DmcffUt, AO-. mid 1.UO
The Marked Success
t C,...' t?
tion, scrofula and oilier forms of inactive 13 Ulic J Jl
powcriui ioou properties,
rapidly creates healthy flesh
i i o , ,
taints develop only when the
system Becomes weakened.
Nothing in the world
of medicine has been
so successful in dis
eases that are most
menacing to life. J'hy
sicians everywhere
prescribe it.
I used August Flower for Loss of
vitality and general debility. After
taking two bottles I gained 69 lbs.
I have sold more of your August
Flower since I have been in business
than any other medicine I ever kept.
Mr. Peter Zinville says he was made
new man by the use of August
Flower, recommended by me. I
have hundreds tell me that August
Flower has done them more good
than any other medicine they ever
took. George VV. Dvh, Sardis,
Mason Co., Ky. M
PIm'i It mtdy tow Oturrta It the
Beat, FanlMt to Vm, And PtiiftPMt.
bold by diuniiiu or mui by uiul,
Mt. K. T. RucUIim, Wtrrao, t.
MrcMuid BKHTatufk In Uoiwit vmIm. Plutrn
ud llar tbould pvt OVH FhWKS bt for pUu'lug
tan tnn tor CUrrh ud Bay Prvt,
khuiutlBm.DrunkMUMM.Kllhar for-
nHlNfurdu. MUuup.HfxMMier A Co., U. Aurtrft, M.y.
MarphlM Hbl Jura4 te 10
toMdnik Nu pay till earad.
01. . T tPHtNt UbMwuhn.
1. C. No atly'i rw until ratvut ob.
uJuad. WrlW for luvcnuifi Uultlr,
lion. Jonn Yaiiv, Hrnntnr for thcoiiri'
ly tf Wnyiif. In the Indinn foptalature, K
rilhnul doubt, ilin illrt l.fui'ldt'T ill lh
Kirld. lie inpl lillMli lilrllulny No 27, IK''.'. He l 14 jreiira older tlmn
lie Kime, mid in older llinn 111 prewnl boun
rinry line, If not of tlie Territory rnrmwl In
iwm, whldi Im lnded everylliinir wet nf tin
Ohio. AHlie llmecriil lilrlli liiu fnreiit
ere living In Mount comity, Tetin. Tin
HOH. .1(111 N tKVA.
eliler Vnryiii liml mnrrled n Mi I're-lionr,
in 'liniiilierilinrir, I'n , hither (our genera
tion' bark the family liml lin ill i(rrntrl from
It" ntireatrn! Inline In tlermniiy. 'J heiinnit
ir, therefore, of tieri'inn oriiin.
It wn one of Senator Ynrvnn nn. Ho
mer T., ehief of the Inti-riiHl revemn
R).'i-iit in mnt' WMiid term, ilin nvered
ii ti.I exposed the whiskey tUig. For hi inrl
in t hi. President I ininl, true to tiifl friend
who hud nliiiwil hi eolilidetire tn enrich
llicmelvi-, removed Yuryuii from hiMHt
ion. Secreinry llritow. who nil n cimdi
date for the rieidcncv. roitiptly notilied
the rreidenl thnt if " n ry mi wu removed,
he would hiiiuu lf rFiL'n. I. rant did not
mint thu to promo e llnlo chance for
the iioininatlon mil o nlloneil Yiiryim to
crve out hi cnuiiiiimoti. "Ilrinlow made
A mi-lake." nid Hcnntor Ynryaii. "He
hoiild have allowed tirant to remove Ho
mer. nd "hmihl then hnve remaned. It
would hnve ttttractcd the iuhlic nttentioii
nml ymiutliy to him, anil hi nomination
nml election to the l'reidency would have
followed Hie Cincinnati convention, nnd
tirant, with all It it ifmlnrit v, could not
have prevented tuch n result.''
In the furore lollon inir the exposure. Ho
mer T. Yttryaii't tiiinie wa promiiiently b
lore the puhlic for imitiy niouihe.
Senator Yiiryan.the Muhject of thi sketch,
ha an intcre-ding personalily nt 'i vear til
ii:e. lie is lull, liroad-shouldeieo, very
tliphtiy toop"d, nnd walk rapidly. Willi
lirni step. His mind i vigorous, his tensi-t
Acute ami hisiiervin slroiiK. He shows no
siKn of nrcitkinir down. In personal appear
ance he i said to reenihle the late I'rtsidcnl
Johnson. His face shows no more wrinkles
than most tueii of ft i. Ilisfi'iiturcs are even
And plump, hidiiiK the ancle. He enlis'itl
in the army, and served in the warof
l ew men now living have voted for lx I'res
IdentHl cnuiliihites, as li has done. It ha
only been two years since he retired Iroui
the practice of law, hut he keeps busy Nthe
executor of estAlps,ete., nnd as t lie Secretary
ot the tiild Kellows' Provident Associntion.
He has no bad liAhits, mid is regular m ev
rrythini.'. His present wife 1 ids second
wife, to whom lie was married in 1M7.
Two Deatha in A Week by Cold, the First
ln'200 Yeart. Cold Weather Items.
The wea'lier nt Charleston, S. I'., still roll
timie below freeiinn puint, and hat linen
so tini I 'lirislniBs n thiiu; Hint has ncvei
been known In the history of Charleston.
The body of mi nged neiiro, ( 'hiirles l.aiir
rence, wns found in A shanty in one of the
teneinent districts. This man wns frozen to
death. This is the second death from cold
that has occurred within a week, mid it is
the first time ill the lin years id the citv'a
existence that any one has been known to
lice.e to ilenth in this city.
(iHU Nwn ii, Conn. The sound it frozen
over from the thore to l 'apiain island, a
narrow suntl bnr three miles out, where a fog
horn It stationed. Many people walked to
the ihland yesterday. This has hapiH-neil but
oiu e or twice in the memory of the oldest
HiiiimKroHT, Conn. l-"or the first time
in lrt years the sound It frozen beyond the
llridiieport liht, nnd thousands of people
each duy visit the veteran lighthouse keep
er. Tolf.po, 0. Sot In the history of the
present generation lint lake lOrie been froz
en as it is now. HpeciAl dispntchet indicate
that there is un unbroken Held of ice from
Detroit river to I'ut-in-llay. Fisherman
have driven 1ft miles out from Monroe, and
returned with the statement that the ice
was solid all the way, and thAt it extended
At far an they could tee. The entire Lake
Kne archipelago it frozen tip.and teAius are
Crosslin the mouth ol the Detroit river.
Hf.ri.ik. The Rhine U frozen to the
ground from Mannheim to liingen and
l-ake Constant it nearly frozen over com
pletely. In the Havel I.ukes nt 1'ottdura
the ice it 1 inchet thick. Twenty-eight
pernont dieil at Bucharest during the past
week from exKureto I he cold mid in War
law 00 persona were frozen to deutu, One
liny the thermometer fell to Gl below tero;
Four workmen were found frozen to
death under a barn near l'otsdatn. They
had evidently crawled under the barn to
-or . .
K Bulletin from the Cerium Bureau
Bhowt Incretie In Output, Capital In
vetted and Wagei.
The iron mid tteel industries of the South
ern States are covered bv n bulletin istued
bytbee'ensut Oltiee. Tliere nre 12 State
now engaged In developing their mineral
resoimei by the establish ment of rolling
in ills and steel works Alabama, Delaware,
tieorgia, Kentucky. Maryland, North Caro
lina. i'eniicMH-e, Texas, "Virginia and West
The capital invested in blu-t furnaces in
these Stutet increased from about l7.0t 0,000
in 1M0, to over .,H0J, 000 in lHWO; in rolling
mills and steel works, from over Ill.fttiO.UiO
inl80to i7,.'iio,oti0in lwxi, and the pro
ducts of these works increased f rom 29J.0O0
Ions to Slft.lioO tout, the increase being ex
clusively in steel. Tliere has beeu a marked
dec rent j in tha forge mid bloom branch of
the iron ministry, resulting from the Ira
proved process iu rolling mills and externum
of iraiihporlntlon fuciliues. Hence the manu
facture of bar iron from the ore, by the di
rect process, bus become practically an ex
tinct industry iu the South. The total num
ber of establishments has diminished, as the
result of concentration, but there hat ten
an increase in the output.
The total number of bands employed hat
diminished from i-UlM in UsbO to lH.UW, but
the aggregate wnget have increased from
u.aii.ouo to 7 ism
Starved Bather ThAn Upend Money.
Fannie Fitzsimmont died at Lowell, Mass,
,'rora hunger and neglect. Bbe had 126 in
cash about her person, and tank bock
bowing U.SOO.dejwIts,
a -r
PiMttHliiti nt th flAtiBlA sn (t ItiA llaiitA
Tersely Told.
TWH1 f-rol'NTII HAT.
Prs-tr. Thioe prepurtd ieeclies were
read In the Hennte to day. The first was by
Mr. Morrill (Hep i, Vermont, Bruin"! the
Mciinrriilmn hill; the second hv Mr. I'eller
(I'op. i, Kmisiis. in favor ol n noiistlttitioiinl
Anieiidiiient liinlllug the Presidential oilier
tooite term, mid the third by Mr. t all
(lli-in, i, Florida, In defense id the constitu
tionality nf the nut! option hill. Alter n
quorum was nroriired, ass result if a cull ol
tlie ennte. considerable provress was made
on the nnti notion hill. All Hllielidment
whs agreed to llxing the 1st o' .Inly, IWi:t, as '
the time w lien the hill is to go into eflcct.
The resolution ollered on Saiiirdnv by Mr.
Wolcotl i l(ei. 1, I 'olorado. itistriictiiig the I
committei-oti loretfii relations lo iniiiire
into the esM'tiiliture in nnd hhotit the con
fltiKlion o the Niiiinigiin c.iiinl since the
Aci'onuts ot expemhtiiie, remlered two years
ago, wa agreed to. The Mi tliirrahmi hill
went over w ithout Action, mid the Senate
ml jnuruiHl.
Hot si- l or iilninst nn hour this morn
inp the time ot the house wns cnns-jined In
the consideration of n resolution to which
there wa not the slightest opposition in aov
quarter nnd ninth wn liunlly ndupted
without otijection. It was one culling upon
the executive ili-piiiltnenls for information
li to the number nnd auioiiiil of war claims
nllowed ordisallowi d by such depart ineiitH.
Then a motion to siiss-iid the riilesnml pass
A bill lo "ettle the cliiims of Aikaii"iis mid
other Slates mulct the iviiiup land giants
fulled In secure the iiecesary Iwo-lhirds
vole and was lU'"elorc delea'ed. Mr. I'liip
mmi 1 1 ii'tiiocral Michigitui from the coin
mitiee on pn-sid mini elc -tions moved to
suspend the rules aud pa-s a joint resolution
provii'ing lor the election of senntots of the
I'lllled Spites by populiil vote. Alter tome
lilihnsteriiig on the part of the lEcpuhlicnut
the motion wit agreed to without division,
And the house Adjourned.
invrv-nnii my
Hrnir. The Antl-iiptioii bill, which hn
monopolized nlmo-t the whole time of the
Semite during the present session, and
w hich is cxpei teil lo rem h its linal vnte to
morrow. wns debuted to dny lor nearly three
hours nnd then went over without action.
HwccpingdeniinciuliniH were lutide or the
measure by Senator Hour, llepiiblican, of
Mm hiietts: Vest. Democrat, ol Missouri;
ami I'liitt. Ceptihliciin. of t oinii-i licut, as
being in utter contravention of the t 'onsti
till frill of the t'nited States and in violation
of the rights of the Stales. I he MHiurrnhnii
hill received its death blow for this session,
the iitllrmative vote falling eight short of
the constitutional majority to pass it over n
veto. A bill to repeal tlie silver bullion
purchnse provisions of the Sherman bill
reported from the coininillee on liniince
mid went to the calander. After n short ex
ecutive session the Senate adjourned.
Horsf. In the house to ilny llepiesentn
live line-ins i Itepiihlicau, I'ennsvh iiiiim i in
troduced a bill to authorize the refunding
of the 4 percent bonds, to increase the cir
culation of the iintiotiiil bunk nnd to dis
continue thi' ptirohHe nf silver bullion. Tin
session of the House was an interesting one.
Work was mapped out for the remainder
nf the week unit for put of next week, but
beyond this little wns done.
I'pon the niitioiini eineut of the ilenth ot
ri l resident Hayes in the senate nnd bouse
this morning, those bodies adjourned.
rw I n I v si VI sin in Y.
SeNAir: The discusdon rf the anti-option
hill was continued in the senate to d ly, but
no act ion wa taken. In the morning hour
Mr. I'ell'er concluded his siiecch in luvor of
f single term of the presidential ollice. Sen
liter Woli'otl introduced n bill todiHcoiitliiue
the nle of the I 'olum h ail pustiiL-e slaini'.
except tvheti ciiIIhI for. At 2 o'clock the j
senate resutned consideration of the nnti
option bill mid Mr. I'lntt concluded his ar
gument against it on constitutional gtouml.
Mr. Stewart nho opposed the bill on con
slitiitinual and hiiMiicss uroumlM. I lie hill
went accordingly over without action and J
the senate adjourned.
llot si The greater part of to-ilsy in the
House was consumed in lllibustering. The
pooling clnitsu mis killed nnd thi- hill "pass
ed. Iteiiroentntive .lolin II. Ib lntiion, of
I'eniisylvania, introduced a bill increasing
the tux upon beer and other fermented li
quors from 1 to I-' a barrel, The measure
is in accoiil Willi the proposed increase in
the tux on whisky. Adjourned.
HrxATF. The senate to-day out of respect
lo the memory of ex-President Hayes ad
journed without transacting any miscel
laneous business.
Hot sc. The house for the second time
this week ndjourued out of respect to the
memory of ex-I'reident Hnyes. Itefore
doing so, however, the genernl tlelicieucy
nppropiation hill wa rctsirted nnd pluccd
on the calendar. Mr. JW'arner ( DemiK-riit,
New York) from the committee on ii nnu
fnctitrers presented n report oil the tweeting
system nnd it also was placed upon the
Kkxatk. The new Columbian postuge
stump was vigorously attacked in theSennte
to-day by Mr. Wolcott, of Coloiado, who
called up his joint resolution directing the
discontinuance of these stumps. In n brief
but dccid 'dly breezy speech, Mr. Wolcotl
ridiculed the Postmaster (ieneral's mercan
tile lilcn thnt a large prolit might be made
from their sale to stamp collectors an idea,
he said, I lint might suit some t entrul Amer
ican State that was "a few thousand dollars
shy," He was unwilling to have unloaded
on stam p collectors "a cruel and unusual
stamp" and rather approved of a physi
cian's idea that it might be used as a "chest
protector. ' Senators enjoyed the speech,
und the joint resolution would have been
passed instantly hud not the Chairman of
the Postofhce Committee. Mr. Sawyer.inter
posed an objection which sent it to that
committee. The unti-option bill nut dis
i ussed for a little over an hour and then
went over, without action, till Monday, and
the Senate adiourned.
HorsE Tlie feature of the 'House to-day
was the consideration ot the national quar
antine biil. A number of amendments to
the bill were proposed end voted down.
Throughout tlie day the confusion in the
House was very great and its culmination
was reached when an amendment was offer
ed, the reuding of which could not bu heard
10 feet from the clerk's desk. To this fact
Mr. Dickcrson, Dem.. Ky., called attention.
He added that the bill was an important
one and should not be acted upon in a scene
of inch utter inattention. He therefore
moved that the committee (for the bill was
being considered in committee of the wuolej
rise. Th is was agreed to, and then on
motion of Mr. havimr the House adjourn
Even New Orleans Feels Jack Froat'a
Icy Touch.
Apekvexm, Must. The government ther
mometer on Batutduy registered H" above
tero.the coldest weather experienced here in
many years. The ground it coferod with
ten inchea of tnow.
Btakkville. Miss. The mercury on Bat
urduy night went to 0 above tero, the cold
est weather in ten years. The fields have
upon them six Inchet of mow.
Confettlon of a Grave Bobbsi.
George W. Marlowe, known at the "king
of ghouls," confessed to Washington (D,
C.) reporter, whom be believed doctor in
search of cadaver, that in 1892 be robbed
840 graves, and told th bodie to medical
college and pbyiicitm iu Washington and
other cilia.
A Brllltesrl Tbawihs.
Thore may Ikj more ways than on
to kill a fat, lint 1 learned nf t
novel way to protect that an I nml
from Urn mischievous youngster the
other day.
It impiioiicil flint 1 wan Mopping at
t stitiitiiei boarding house tip in Mia
Cttt-HklllH fm u few liars whom an old
muld bom dot lui'l located herself nnd
her three uiti fur the roiikhii. The)
Dhl 1(1 ten In the Imimn, from the
youngest to tho oldest, hud led the
throe ('ills such ll (In tit o that the fe
lines were JuMl.lllod in wishing during
their waking iimiiiclits that they were
It hud kept I lie old ludy on (lie
Jump Ut keep her cat out, of the
children's hands during t he duy mill
to protect 1 hem nt night l hoy hml tn
ho locked up In her room. Thin
stood Kflalrs until a few weeks iign
I ho old hidy happened to think ol a
mhotnc whereby her own mid her
pels' (roubles would be oniled. Sho
tirganli'd a lutcnilo widely for the
pn voot inn ol t'l iii'lty to utilinals.
11 wiif a tliniight thnt entered her
head ut I orlin k in the moniliig iin
ho lay nvtako tryini? to tlcvlso a
tiiellind U icllcvc thi' nils of trruihln.
Thr next iiitiiiiliv ovory child in the
hourditiK hotiNo whn corn lied In the
(Id IikIv'h room, mid alio Instilled lnt,i
tlio young tu n 1 1 m love for cvnyl hlng
tlml walked, Hew ot crawled, Includ
ing I'llliloH.
The ihildrcn. little rorript (lintiit
itil' the HMiil, they wi rc sacrlllcliig. or
thr deep iniilivc n( the old lady, all
look u pledge I" live up to hitr tcacli
Iii'n, n tid not oiily this hut to get
every iirw Imnider'H children to Join
the Norlely, too. l td fear the novel
ty would wcat oft nml t tie children
viuild fotgel their pledge, ll.e old
lady sent to the city anil obtained
III tie budges lot the children to wear.
The result Ih HiiiI all the children
In the hoiiHO strut, iitiout like tiilim
tine policeman; the cats ate recover
ing their compoHiiie, besides patches
tit new fill, nml I he old lady chii (In
hoi knitting without fear of being
disl nt bed In ti'M'ue her pets from nil
hut sudden death. New York Her
Id. Mmokllia Prehistoric flwlilt.
Tim habit of Hinoklng dried herbs In
pipes in. evldcnt.y of enormoim antiq
uity, for both In t'm Pritinli IhIiiihIh nnd
In iniiny pnrtn of F,ur(pe nnd AhIb, to
suy nothing of A mot lea. the euppoxoil
native hind of Hnmkins. pipes ol soup,
stoim nml red clay, which could no.
Iinvfl been used for liny ulnar piirpimn
Hum the burning of some form ot fra
grant wood, liuvo been dlsvovered in
giavoM and linniill which date far be
yond the dawn of hlKtory. With regard
th these IhIiiihIh, I entson'H Weekly
thinks them Ik not the elighlo-t doubt
thnt smoking wiih practiced long belore
tobacco wiih intiodncnd by Hiiwkitis nnd
llalnlgli. In tho Ilintorle of I Unites,
puhliHhed In lri7S, occurs the pAftsfige:
"Tlio perfiimn of tho dried lenves tot
colthfooloi Inyo I upon iiilcke colet
tnknii Into the mouth of a futinell or
tuimoll holpeth such nn uro troubled
with i.liorlnci-H of windn und fetch
thcvie breath thlcke mid often." Thi
polntH only to tho inedieliiiil use of the
practice; but If Ihoro wore liny doubt us
to the unliiiilty of smoking for pl-iinuro
tinning nin nnccHtoi's, II. would b (lis
I'ohoiI of by the following statement of
Dr. 1'etiio, one of thu most learned of
Iiihii untlqiiuriniiH. He says "Ktnok
Ing pipes of hroir.e are fre jucntly loiiinl
In our Irish tumuli or Hcpulchrul mounds
of tho most remoto Iinliquity. (in tho
monument of Donoiigh d'lir.en, King
of Tho mind, who was killed In I J' 7
and Interred In the A bbey of Coreum
run. In tho County of (Turn, he In repre
sented In tho iimmI lecuinbinil posture
with tin Hhort plpo or ilhiiclocn In his
Clll-Hl KlKMIgll.
A Mexican Hl reet car can he hired
for perminal use for 3.f0 a day, with
a right to Klnp til any place for two
Whut Ho Vou Krlnk?
About (i.lHIO ititoxicillitHOf different
kindH me known Itj custom hoime
The city of ponton lays claim to a Chinese
Kesri I he I'lllsburc lllspnleti.
It not only contain lf Hit lines, lmt more
lie'-lnl teleirri,ilii(i and exclusivH features
Appear tn its column than in any other news-
I-aier in this section of ths eountr. I. very
Muly reads it, everybody advertises in ,t; tu
ihould you,
About 20 letters go astray out of every
l,(Kl0.(sJ0 sent through the postcfllce.
Tbhoat T)isEAr.s commence with a Coimh.
Pohi or Hire I'tiroal, " Itiottu'i Itrtm'Htai
Tiurhti" give liniiiriliato relief. W- only is
tcj-fj. I'riie & cents.
The double handed swords of medieval
iincs often weighed 3o pounds.
Three Thousand Tens rchla.
Morse Knm., of Canton. Mass., made the
laiveal sale, of " The Kismg Sun stove polish "
during the. year IKEMhey have ever made since
they bitgiiii lis iniiiiufiictiirc. thirty years tiro.
I'uey sold the cimi-uioiia quiuit ily of seventy,
nine thousand, two hundred nnd eighty gross,
webhing I wo IhoiiHund, eixht hundred nml lif.
ty-tlve tons, which would loud a train ol over
two bm ilreil cars.
These tlgu es give some Idea of the crest p
nlarll) and incruiuting sule ot "The itisiiig Kun
btove 1'ulisU.''
The KifTel Tower is eight inches tliorter
in winter than in summer.
If stTltcteil with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp
ton's Ky-wntr. DnntgistsiMia utft's.- tr bottle.
VIuuREs 2Pcrmanenrcure.
Well Done Outlives Death," Even Your
Memory Will Shine if You Use
TIm Tstlewa lsitNt.
Hetween 8,000 and 4,000 litre o.
wine Is made every year from granci
jrrown In the garden of the Vatican.
Thi wine It used a1tntit exclusively
In dmlnlRterlnir the eacrnmrat at
mass. The Tope also assist at th
hatrestlug, and thi I one of hit
annual occupat ions to which he looks
forward with ft rent pleneure. Here
tofore hi Holiness hnn every year,
In October, found nmtisemetit In
shM-itliiK certain kind of email birds
which are plentiful In the Harden,
hut thi year thi pastime wa dis
continued, owing, It I said, to the
fact that lnt year Aeveral French
Journalist, half Jokingly, half werl
riualy, Raid that It wa beneath tlie
dignity of so Illustrious hii old man
a the l'oe ti hunt birds, to say
nothing of being rough on the bird.
New York World.
Mnse MrntlnVAIbm.
A personal Iu a lloston paper reads:
Mr. How land, who had hi face
lapped at the home Mmw In New
York the other night, Is at the
The dwnrf magnolia came to I'.urope from
China In 17K0.
The Farmer
and the Grocer.
A grocer would not pay a farmer the price of a ten
pound turkey for one that weighed but seven pounds.
Why should a farmer pay a grocer the price of the
Royal I.aking Powder ftr a baking powder with 27
per cent, less leavening strength?
The Royal Baking Powder is proven by actual tests
to be 27 per cent, stronger than any other brand on the
market. Better not buy the others, for they mostly
contain alum, lime and sulphuric acid ; but if they are
forced upon you, see that you are charged a correspon
dingly lower price for them.
mTHe kind -
tM V.. A WOl.l.AIIKK,
i- 4 ll.rklmrr, N. V.
" Tortiirinsc Eczema,
TtlB rftl.l.riWINO fTHf-NII TI-FTtMfiNIAl. WA",
'"KST I'M ItV 'I'll: I.AH'tK MMU If A NTH. R Hlrl'f
Hi.kCV W. I'ai.hi r a. : , iiruhiHr-K,.N. y. H
I)AM MAHHAl'AHff.t.A tUt.l
rNTf.i:MKN 1 hurintr tiic P" t'1"
Bitvn tuff rrd ftitiuli rlily witU ly-mil. ItBi
u - itifiies mi tiit I u inmlile t tltf ml to lay wi th. 1
n ila iiff-rrsl fn.iii n1lKaOin, ami wb ntiit m
nut ((jii. I tnl vari'iiii nn.i diet witliout tb
ift.niiigkii r:;Hj until 1 wu iittlitcfd to Irjr
h! have Hfcerl etitv tPf hntllM rsf iVl Ilk
HnrMr fnisn. klmil" "'" ltlth hm-
sfnllrflv 1lniAiti'4it Aftlt Mrvl
nrnti lllarvtlon In f-t J hriir- ifH
1 hit) Mit Ukru JM.N A'K I voultl Nut be ullv
-iww. Yuurt truly,
2 Dana ftanaparllla Co., f illut, Main.
Cures Scrofula
Mm. E.J. Rnwell, Mf.lford, Mum., Pnyn .tr
nift)ir hwi Xtfusnt-umiut H rofula y thukf)f,f
Itxir Intttlct if kftt-r hit Ii&il
much other tr FV J a'mant,anii UihK
rrthiffl to qui t"srt tiu Uw t:t,mUu,u
vt htklth. m it waa thought aho could uut live.
Tnrerl my little hn nf hereilllanr
Henifiila, which ,iei,reil all over
his fuce. l-'llf I. VMir I l,t,.l .rl,..n
npall hop ..J his recovery, wlien tinully 1 us
luilnceil to ue KJF3T5 A few bottles
eureil him, and no symtnn.s of
tlie disease reautiu. .Mu. T. I.. slATitrns,
.Vatlitrnlle, .Mist.
OurtNKtk os Blool tnl km nailr.t frrs.
bwirr srsciric Co.. r..
PATF.XT I rCNAION!4 t-Vod for Inrna
of f fiuItU or H t tii. ntu ft Patent. -ih tu
WMf f PfcNlON mil UO( STY I. A WW.
f Al'HJi K u UKKhL W AMil.tH.-N. U a
1 'SIxLTsaJ?!!
The Mast Fleaaaal Waf
Of preventtna th arlrM, eoltls, lieolacbseatie
fsvsrs I to twe the llqak! latatlve remedf
riyraesf rigs, whenever the srstera needs
tentle, tet effsrtlve flssnslng To be benefit
tie must get tho true remedy niantifneturs4
it the C'sllfornls I'lg Hyrup Co. only, (or tost
by all druggisti In Mli. and II hollies.
Ktibbrr pontoons were iied b thsV
tutted fc'tulei Army In the Mexican Wai.
( alarrh I'na't Its CerrJ
TVIIIi local sppllcstlons, as they esnnot reset
the sesl of Ibe rllsi-Hse. Cafnrrh Is n M(hmt ee
eoiistlliilional dlsiuse. and In order Iu cure It
vou have to take Internal reined es. ItAll't
Cninrrh me Is Inkeu licernnllv. ami acts di
rectly on (lie Motel mill famous surface. Ilull'a
I stsrrb I 'lire is tin nils' It tnethcuie. It wm
preM,-rllied to one of Ihe best physiclsiis In this
count ry for yesri. mill Is a reaulsr nre-i riplloo.
II . conis,se'l lif t lie best tonics kliowe. com
billed with the lies! IiIishI limUlers. selliiirdl
rictly on Ibv mucous surfaces. Ihe pei fee
combination of the 1wu Insrerlleitts Is what
(iriHpicrs sitcli wotidertul result- In cm log f
iirrb. Henri for testltri'tnisl free.
V. J. Chksrv A Co., Props., ToleOo, Ol
rsjld by ilruas:ista, price 7Jc
The warm bhHsl of milmuls list often
been recom mended for consumptives.
Do Not Be Deceived
Willi I'fi'li-s. Fnsrnels snd Pslnfs whli h slsln lhM
bfoi-ls. Injure the Iron sad l.urn r-1.
1 in- iikiiik isun siove t-ou-li Is llrllllnnt fxler.
less. Iiiiralile, anil Ihe eori.unii-r piiys or no tin
or sluss l-Mi-ksin- with ert-ry ,iirclie.
H M II i
CorMConslilllDtlon. I'nns-hs. f 'rntin. NnrM .
Tnroitt Sold by sll I ruatrts on a OuarahtM.
uai iiuiu iua ;-r,;.r
1 uthi. B fl-MiiiU'ttr.K"trit"tinblrii(fi MeM iHstrV'r
Hill. Uniiipie frt. O.etriltlJiTlU . W Ht.W.V
Cures Constipation,
Holdii th wot Ml ruffV
tnrs wlili riisaft it.
1 4IU1 HTRkNV-..
Parfect ii!!"",MT
Nw I'M lmproimtrw
i'liiMtrBtsvi ( mi miui
nrwir nxMur irifKi sf
rtfJr mnifi iusmw.
Bf itntu, TI4 Hromem.
t, K vork dtj.
Hf.lnllt1 niiporf unity tn lnrn tiiinni thM wlM
?f mtftuiy finiiliiymf-Nt anil suifcry nf fiiN m ytur
tnl 2t. atAnip ff.r rlrciitnr. fNttitttlnlnir full mtt.rmm
iw.n. Adtlrr-wttsro H. Uwrpn , VtK. HHh, V. V. ( tl
1 en if ott mcrly kcp itirm divrk.n. In or
' drr to nMiuUtt Fowls. ju(lk'huty. yrni rtniMt knoir
1 M'nif iblng itbout itirm. 'lo mtt ih. wuot frsv
I tU1tM fc iMf'tt ff'V'uir th nimrieDt) i AmIm 9Ca
t Of practical p.utry ialer tntWUlJ tCWU
' twniy fl ytmr. It was wrliti-n by Atnuii whnpo
! 4il b m miu I. slid tlm, mmi Bioucy u mi.iow a nuit
! rMif Cbli Bta rssUiuR Dota Mniluif. i nt
tuptucut and If yu will riAt hj lim twiuty-nw
ar' wurk, )0U ca mmuj Lhi' Mu muoxmUy,
tad ataka yur Fowl nn dollar for yom Th
isutat ta. Utat vuu oiuat ba 4la U dttftt trabia a
him Vuuluy Var4 a avvja aa It appear, omul tmow
low o rsTssMdy U. Tbla book wUl tvmc k yuw.
11 tclla kvw lo dt(sct and t-ura dueaac, u led fat
KB and aiM fur raiiaataj; waick row la to aava im
ferctMliitc piArpwaaa; a&4 a-raryUiltic, Induad, yoa
kiLu.d know on tbia autijact tu it prvd labia.
kaaiiaid fur twaty aa oaata 9.
ok PublUhlng Houm,
' to, jy;v CUR ! E. ; .