BENJAMIN F. BUTLER DEAD, STORY OF HIS EVENTFUL LIFE. The Veteran Massachusetts Warrior, (Statesman and l'olttlcian Expires Sud denly t Washington. Benjamin r Butler, of 'a"sachiisetta, died t f i is Washington res'tlence, n New Jersey nvenue, (it 1:30, Wednesday, morn ing, .Ian. 11. Theticiicial has always, to a more or a les extent, made Ills residence in Washing ton. Durint tin' present winter A case which lincl been decided ncninst li in in the highest courts of the Slate of Massachusetts ml in which he took nil appeal to the III NJVMIX 1. HITUM. I'nile'l States Supreme Court, linn demand ed hisuiuiost constant residence in this city. Finally, a lew weeks ago, the case was deci ded nguinnt him. Whether or not the lo of tlila case, to which he hud paid much close ntli'iilion, brought anything more than the sorrows ol n casual defeat w ill nut lie known, ilis death ereiited u ll iiniiiensc surprise, lis it wus not even known that he was ailing. He expired of failure of the heart. Hcujiimln Franklin I'utler was horn In Dcerlicld, N. H.. on November ft, IHl.s. He was the son (it Captain John Ilutler, w ho served under .luekstni at New Orleans, lie was graduated Irotu Waterville College, Maine, in, was admitted to the bar in lam, liegnn to prticllceluw in Massachusetts in 141. and since has had n high repiitn t on as n criminal lawyer. Mr. limler early took ii prominent par' in politics on the Democratic side, and nm e ectcd a inemher of the Mussncliusettn I Mouse in ls..'l anil ol the State Senate in 1-s.Vi. In 100 he wus a delegate to the Demo cratic National ('oiiveiillon, which met at Charleston. When a portion of the dele gates reaseiuli'ed at llaltimore lienernl Ilutler aiiiiouncd that a majority of the ielegutes of Massachusetts would not furth er I'articipiitc in the contention, on the ground that there had been a withdrawal in par. fl'the majority of the States. He further added "and iion the ground that I would not sit in a convention where the African slave Irale, which is piracy by the lawsj id' my country, is approvingly advo cated. " At the time ot I'resldelit l.liicoln'1 call for triMiis in April. 1HU1, the deceased held the commission of Hngndier Heneral ol M.lltm. l)n the 17th of that month he marched to Annapolis with the Eight Mass iichiisetts licgiment, and was pluced ill command ol tint district of Annap olis, in which ihu city of Haiti more was included. On Mny 16 he w.b made a Major tienernl anil assign I 10 (he command of the Department ol hast en! Virginia. While here lie refused to la liver to the r musters any rultigue slaves who came within his iinis. In August lis captured Fort- llatteras and Clark, on tht coast ofN'ottli ('amiinu. tienernl Ilutler then recruited an ex?di lion in Massachusetts for service on the tliill'ot Mexico, and after Furrugut captured New Orleans. A ril -I, he took jiosfessiou o the city .May 1. He instituted strict sani tary regulations and armed the free colored men. Jlia lumotis and etfective "Order No, I'M," intending to prevent women f run In mltllig soldiers, excited strong resentment, lint only in the South, hut in the North and Hbrond, and Jefferson liavia issued an or der declaring him an outlaw. In 1NW hu was placed in command of t lie Department of Virginia and North Caro lina. Alter an ineffectual expedition ngaiust Fori Fisher, near Wilmington, N. he was removed from command by tien ernl liriiiil und returned home. He served as a Kepulilicau in Congress fronl-lMKI uuiil INTO, witn the exception of the term ln7--7. and was uciive in tho liu iwaehmeut of President Jiibiison. In las;! he was elected Governor of Massuchuett- by the United Dt-mocrutic und (irceiibuck far lies. InlNMl be was the candidate of Mia reeubnc.k-l.uhor party lor 1'reaidcnt mid received l;i3.a2o vntes. Hi! wile was furuU llildrilb, uu actress. freqiienfly spoken, nnd he had pred icled that be would g. off like a flash some luy. He spoke of Mr. Illaiue in this connection atdiiiner. and asked how he was. lleing in formed that he was holding his own, ha re plied: "Mark me, he will outlivo us ull yet." tienernl Ilutler retired Tuesday night at 11 o'clock, anil s ion after midnight Ins milorcd body servunt. West, heard him coughing violently. He went to the Gener al's room nnd offered his assistance. The General mentioned that Ins expectoration had been discolored with blood. He did not appear to think seriously of the matter, however, and after his valet had assisted Iiini to hie bed, he suid "That's all. West. You need not do anything more," and ap parently went to sleep. Ho had lain un his bed but a few mo ments, howte-ir, when bis heavy breathing gain caused alarm. ljuier Dunn, his nephew by marriage, who resided in the tut bounty started out in seurch of medi- lUTI.KU'S IHJCIIKSY THAT It! "would oo urr i.ikk a ri.tsu" imiovks TU THK IMl CAM! PAIN1 LSHIY. The sudden death of General Ilutler was slue to heart failure, superinduced by uu cute attack of pneumonia. General Hutler 'ciimo to Washington from New York Friday to attend to a case In (he Supreme Court. He was feeling ill ot the time, but gave the mutter no serious thought. Tuesday afternoon, while going to the War Department, he took a severe fold, which developed Into pneumonia. Nevertheless, he sat down to dinner with liis accustomed cheerfulness. The subject of sudden death was one upon which he bad cl assistance. Shortly after the doctor ar rived the Oeneral died. Tim tend was ap parently painless. 1 Btooks ot Wheat Larger. The Northwestern Miller reports the stock nf wheat In the private elevators of Minne apolis at ,.'177, 000 bushels, or only 14,000 tore than on last Monday. This inukes the toin I stock of Minneapolis 14,228.029 bushels, an lucreaae of 101,430. Miiineap olia, Duluth and Superior combined huve aiJttll.KM bushels, a gain for the week of 721,403. A year ago the dock at these points was l'CJ.OOU bushel. L 1 A OH AB OAMB AT MILLIONS. . . . . . An Expose of Venality and Corruption That Will Humble Home of the Proudest Heads in France Before It Ends. The trial of the directors of the Panama f'annl Company for fraud and emhcMle mrnt hefrnn nt larlsln the First Chamber of the Court of Ai penis and will probably last for some weeks. The defendants are Ferdinand and Charles DeLessepj, M. Ton lane, M. Cottu and M. Eiffel. Mr. I harles 1'el.esseps was fir.-t x fiinined. He avowed tlinta huge petition was got np on the occasion of the issue of shares in Iss. promoted by the company. The I'resl delit expressed his astoni-hmeut that the guarantee syndicate had interested liself in guaranteeing, not tho repayment nl capital, Vmt only the expenses nf the isue. The syu licateran no risk, heing certain thesuhscrip i.. II Would proilueeat least tile ."i Oil.iHl francs i, ceiled for expenses. M, De l.escps iidinilled that a lonuntssioii nf 2 franca f'O rent nut s, granted to the luemPcrs of the syndicate, was uiven by way ot remunera tion tor services rendered. 'J his ii.lmission plodtlccd II selection. lilt SIOI1V OK A IIIIFAT STI AI.. The trial, hich is now inidiTwav Is the fuilL'rowtli of one ol the most stuiicudoiis steals in the world's history, Thntly I reni'hmoti to I he numlier of litl.issi have lo.t f.'so.nni ihsi through their failli in the ranama canal protect. The canal was de siviied by I'etilinnnd de l.eeps, now t7, to cross the Nihmns ol Paiinuin. ll was to ne on the sea level nnd 4-'i miics in lenvlh. Hy it shi were to sail fnim the Atlaulic to the Pacific without ioing around Cape Horn, Work was liegnn in IK.HI und stopped in asi, about 'J I milesof the easiest portion being partly cotu.leted. The money has come by calls of 4in,"HSi,iki0 (rani's each Irom the French peotde, nine tenths of the suhscri bers being of the poorer classes, twho ti-ok the savings of years from the"woolen stock ings" in which they hail ticcumtilnlcil. of the money spent on the canal pioper fully !i.iSi.iK) is said to have been sloien bv means of lalse contracts nnd exorbitant charges. Ilesld- s this so msi.iNKI was spent in F ranee to corrupt officials nnd hews paers. Fully 1.110 Senators nlnl Deputii-s were bri betl by Huron de Keiuneh. w ho handled the corruption fund, w hile I he silence or approval ol the notoriously venal pre?-s ol Fans was secured in Hie same wav. The exposure came on November "I Inst, w hen ,lu!es lielaharge, in the House ol Deputies. laid the whole rotten scheme hare Dc l.esseps is a broken-down old luau. scarcely m bis right mind and robbed ol even Ins good mime. 'I lie cnnal w ill probably never be finish ed. '1 he "sen level'' idea' is impracticable. Aside Irom that, the mute leads through live miles of rock -lisi 1'eet high, to get through which engineers declaie would cost more limn I lie,issi already lost in the enterprise. A BIO HFBINU BUSINESS. Preparations Making For it in all Line of Trndo. The pause In business incidental to the hnh'.'ai's seeing to Inst longer this year thnn usual, but preparations lor the spring bus), ness are going oil actively and with the utmost confidence. In spite of reports thai more gold w ill go abroad, and in spite of uncertainties regarding legislation on the money question, the business world seems inclined to believe that there (w ill be no lerious flnanciul embarrassment, especially ss the average of commercial iinlebtcdnesj is remarkably low and failures have been comparatively unimportant. Wba' people mean by depression in liusl ness is shown in the pii iron output. .'I.LfVI tons weekly, or less than ner com smaller thnn DeeeinU'r l.w ilh a slight increa-e in stocks, and I4..'!l.' smaller tliiin n vear ago, but with slocks much reduced. The output III IWJ was i. 10'), noo tons, only tisi iul i I,..., than the largest ever kuoun bat ot (bl and (he consumption was probably the larg est ever known. Prices are wtaker, Hesse mer pig only till ft nt I'itlshurir. and Ala bama iron is offered at the West nt lower prices: but there is a belter movement tit Philadelphia. Structural iron Isdull and liar Weaker nt el .VJ, and rails are still inactive. On the other hand, textile mills me crowded with work. Sales of wool n re the largest known for many weeks. Specula tion in co;:dn h a -bis. n I i 1 1 1 i In i itr. the price declining. 1c. idthough receipts this week lire tn.lMsi bales less ninl exports 4o.inni more than a year iil-o. Larger estimates of the croii are now sent out. Wheni bus scnrcelv chnuiroil in price, though corn und naia have risen Uc each. Western receipts of wheat of four dura have been 2.AH0IKSI hnsneia; Atlantic cxpoits, wiiy TIM. ."HIS bushels. Fork has advanced $1 n barrel, and nt 118 2i is fur above the ruliiiu prices of re iVnl vears. Ileccipln of ho s at the West are Hill light and prices higher. Coffee and oil are ly unchaii jed. Merchandise imports continue fully mi to Inst vear s liuttres, while txports troin New York for two aeekshuve declined e.! n ,. 5"0, or over llo per cent. i itoe I'ltoseniTS. Speeuhition in cotiot) has been llmilihit ing. the prii-e decling a r, lai ter, ultlioiiL'li re ceiits ibis week are si bales less and ex Ixirts 4II.ISKI more than a year nun. Larger psiimutesof the crops lire now sent out. Wheat has scarcely chrliced in price und oiils have risen M cents. Western rrciptsnf vheni in four days have been -' .'vsnssi hush els, und Atlantic exports only 7 1:1. ."si, bush els. prsiM'vs luitoMrrnn. The '.lonk clearing lolals fur the week .Milled .laiiilarv I'.'. Is'.).'), with enmpurisous. as telegruphcd to b oi.sieefj(, are: New York. "tU.Tni.O'.'l llu.:i'J"i.ii7l 10(1 Ti'iPK! H'J.T.Vi.O'Jil 2!t.:VJ .! I7.nlli.l."ill I7.IMS.42H 111. 'J 14 a ill l'l.tlL'l.Ui? li,HL,0(;. I II fi I I 2.(1 I 14.H I 2U.H I 1.1.2 I 21.4 D .1.4 D 7.11 I ffi.S Chicago Huston I'hilndelphia... St. Louis Cincinnati I'ittdiurg Han Franclsio llilliiuore C.evelaiul ll indicates Increase. D decrease.) GOV. IlItOWN BUKNED IN EFFIOS People Enraged at His CommtHing the Benteoce of the Four Negro Mur derers ot IX-. Hill. ilenry Hnrtt, Cbailos H, Kmory, Joshua Ilainard and Lewis Henson, four of the eight negroes in jail at Chestertown, Mil., under sentence to be bunged Friday, have been respited to inn risuiiuient fur life. The men were taken by boat to the peni tentiary at llaltimore curly Wednesday morning, before the Govt ruor'i uctlon he came known, to avoid an attempt at lynch ing. The respited men were convicted of tut muidcrof Dr. J. II. Hill. Threats are made that the' Jail will hi burned and that the (our murderers still al Chestertown will be lynched. The excite ment il great. In Milllngton, the home of murdered Dr. Hill, the enraged populace burned Govern or Brown in etligy and tolled his death sen tence on the town bell. Hamburg's Births and Seatha, The Hamburg health oltlcer reports that there were 10.010 deaths from cholera in 1802, and 20,323 from oil causes. The births numbered 22,000. Thus the deuthl lust year outnumbered births by 3,321. HALF A MILLION LOST. The Cincinnati Ice Gorge Grinds tht Coal Fleets to Pieces... A Fine Btenmot Bunk. There was greater excitement along the river front.Cinclnnnti, on Monday thnn wni ever known before. Besides the extraordin ary heavy losses to the coal men hy the let gorge, the magnificent side-wheel steamer New Mary Houston, wni cut down by ths ice, and will probably prove a total loss. The losses (o the coal Interests are Inerens. Ing every hour, and w hile :i.v.oo i was thought to fully cover the damage, the lo-s-cs arc placed nt f 1.M1.IS1O to .'oo,0,)0, Of the valuable fleets of coal llinl weie swept away nil lire supposed lo have been totally destroyisl. Captain John Itolnr . son's fleet was ontirclv wrecked lielore it ii mi n mile Irom the place il laid been Imbedded in the poige since Friday. 1 he bonis and harues from Bucks Funding went one by one. until lint two bnrues re mained below IlisingSnn. The large nnin ber of men on these harui-s Pud a remark ably thrilling experietu e. nnd were rescued al A n nm with the greatest dilllcnltv. I he Heel of the Wnulreite Coal I oinpanv had 1 1 barges w hen il passed Kising Sun. and little hope was eiiteriniiied ol suvii.ganv of them. The steamer Dick Fulton, n large nnd powerful Pittslinrg low hoat, lying in the month of Kentucky river n ill make an nt tempt to land nny iloating crafts Hint nss of the 1.1 large rnal eleentots here only two could work. The river fell very rapid ly alter the gorge passed, leaving hundreds if crafts high uml dry on the shore, break ing many of them in pieces. The coal ele vator. Moats and iin liin-s were nearly all broken. Dozens ol sunken barges and coal boats till the elevator landings nnd busi ness will be crippled badly for weeks. The luil lior boats are all more or less disab'ed by lighting in the Ice for the pust two weeks. About noon the l c began to thin out, and messages wcreal one-senl up the river in TUirlng If another gorge had lonned. An swers were sent buck, saving the ii-e had jnrvvd at the mouth of the Little Miami, six miles above. The gorge is holding out, but it is liable to break nt anv time. Amid the excitement attending the (urination of the gorge, (he steamer New Mary Houston, lying with e ghl other large 'passenger boats nt the landing, begun blowing n distress signal. 1'be palatial steamer, that hud been the pride of the Ohio ami Mtssm-ippi rivers.wna lotiud to be sinking. All cITorls to keep her ntloal were tisebs. nnd she settled in 20 feet of water. She wns to huve departed f)r New Orleans nnd wns pnrtly loaded for the trip. All her valuable freight was lost, The niiiouut of insiir iiii'e on her is i:i,.'iiM, bHl (he Vessel was worth Hilly t'.'.S.OiS) and lied about ifm) nun when built. It is expected the ice will tear the bout to pices. Two tnore bnrges of coul were cut down id the Cincinnati gas works. - - - -- - two Fly-wheels bubst and Kill Two Men and Injure a Number of Others. Two fly-wheels burst at the South NiMH Mrect mill ol the Oliver and Koherts, Wire ''ompnny, Fitts'itcg. nnd killed John Orient n heater, and Frederick Kiheu, a roll hnnd, and injured seven otliets seriously. The ac cident was caused hy tht. extreme cold weaiher, which made I tie wheels brittle. When the w heels burst there were a num ber of workmen near a I'iMiace close by and heavy pieces of iron were thrown In nil di rections. Orient was struck by a large piece snd died shortly lifter he was picked up. Frederick Kiben died tit the South Side Hospital. He bail been standing about ID feet fioni t lie flywheel when it burst, nnd was Idled into the ntr mid thrown on top ol' a limine. He hud his skull fractured by being hit with n pic e of iron. Michael Schmiiter bud bis skull fractur ed hy a piece of the Hying metal, mid he is not t peeled to live. John Novae had a leg broken: Andrew Juchas also snstiiihcd a broken h-g; Ailolph Stark was badly nit and bruised and Charles Dnlewick mid Michael Hoiiiihua were iiiju e.l likewise. There were n number ol oilier workmuu who sustained slight injuries. FIRE-DAMP'S AWFUL WOBK. Twenty-Four Miners Killed by the Ex plosion of Gaa in a Colorado Coal Mini' Nearly All Italians. liy an explosion of fire-damp In a coal mine of the I'liion Pacific railroad, rent Colon, Colorado, 24 miners were killed. The accident was caused by w hat miners rail a "windy shot," that Is, the charge of powdei hud been insuflicienily tamped. The con cussion set free and circulated the black damp, ami the almost instant death of tlit 24 men followed. Of tho 21 victims of the explosion 21 were Italians, one a Scotchman nnd two Ameri cans. Tweuly-live men were lit work in the Chamber, hu' one ol ll.ein escaped death. James (.iirmossa. the single survivor, was llirown foi aard on his face by (lie explo mon, but was not seriously hurt and. scram bling over the prostrate bodies of his fel In a. made his way to the Mtrtace. The fceue when the resi niiig party reached t he place where the accident occurred was one of utmost liovror. In al) sorts of positions, with limbs and luces drawn and distoried by the n 'ony of their deiilli. the poor fel low's were found. Some hud evidently been killed instantly by the liitul blast, ibeii bodies being so burnt und blackened as to be unrecognizable. - - - A GENERAL COLD WAVE. TPrert Ing Weather Extends as Far South as Florida. While the West Be porta Below Zero. The coldest pines on the American conti nent Tiiesduv night was While Hiver. Can uibi. w here t lie tliei nioiueter registered 40 degrees below zero In Chicago at 4 o'clock the mercury showed 2 below, and al ft o'clock tlie thermometer indicated be neath the zero murk. At night it wus 8 be low. The cold wave prevailed all over the West Slid South. At Atlanta tho teniM-riiHue wus 24 degrees nhove ucro, or eight below freezing. Freezing wiutlier reached us far touih us Flor da. Ai.i'fva, Mil il. A terrible slorm raged here. The thermometer ranged from 10 to 14 below zero. Mauistkk, Mich. The worst storm in years has raged hero since Sunday flight. All public schools are dtsertcJ. The snow is piled in huge drills. Kast Livk.hhooi.. O. A blir.zard struck this section Tuesday night and the mercury reached 10 degrees low. C'aton, O. Tuesday night waa the cold est of the year. The thermometer register ed 10 degrues below zero. Mew York's Fever Scourge. The otllclal record up to Thursday of the present visitation of typhus fever in New York City were 130 cases, 85 deaths and 0 discharges. There are S4 patients and 23 "suspects" in the North Brothers' Island hospital. An Earthquake in Indiana. A severe earthquake shock waa felt al Jefferson, lnd., ut H o'clock Thursday (light. The shock rattled the doors and windowi and shook bouses. Perseus walking ou tht I a'.teet felt the tremor. PENNSYLVANIA PICKINGS. BOMB IMPORTANT BAPPZNINCHI Of Intsreet to Dw-llers In the Kerstoa State. TIIK CM! I NCOI I-I.I'.I! CONVIC1F.U. JOIIS, I.. St l.l.:VV I.MIilFTOA I.IIMI TKr.M Of (It'll IPOMMI'.Vr, Hoi i iinY-iu no. John L. Sitllivnn. not llie slugger, who uncoupled three I'ullmnti sleeping cars from Hie fust line, midway lie tween Allnona uml Tyrone, on (he night of December PI last, with Intent to wieck the in rs. was convicted in court here. J here were almost I'si passengers on hoard the I'ullmun. and only the timely discovery ol a hrakrman preserved ilicm from ncciilcnt. Ihe maximum (s-nuKv for the nllense is eto issi tine and in years penitentiary Im prisonment. t i:di t:isMT ni:w castlk. SIX BACNS MI A I'ttl I.I.INi! Mit ON 1'ir.K III TWO PAYS. Ntw Csii.. Since Sunday evening a half dozen hums and one dwelling house have been set on lire and the barns burned lo Ihe ground. Two ol the burns were set on lira Monday ultertioou und another Tues day aliernnon. The other Cues occurred Monday night. At.lobn Davidson's house t lie Incen diaries climbed under a porch ami saturated a big pi.e ol kindling wood und Ihe lower side ol the Hireli with oil and (licit set (Ire (o it No nrrests have been made, hut resi dents are guarding their property. - - - Kti.i.Kii ii v i iiiAitKrrrs. Thomss i ot kvmv a thirteen year old lnd nfl'bilndelphia. grew ill on Thursday nnd complained of pains In the bean. That night be was seized Willi co ivu'sions and yesterday be died The coroner held an in ipiest and It was teslitied (hut young Cole man was in (be habit of lighting a cigarette on rising in Hie morning, smoking incess antly during the day, and indulging Ins abnormal craving lor cigarettes immediately belore rent ing at night. The coroner's ver dict wus that cigarettes killed him-. - -. II! .11 st walk (not T. Mum it. i.n. William Wandless. tried here lor the recent robbing of the Nvpaiio station, took kindly to the society of' some visitors at the l.iil Saturday, nud'when they left he Just walked out ot prison with them. He is not w ith them now, but so lar as known has not ended bis walk. t-KXs;syi.vxiA Txt' i(,OHH,O0il i r.ntr.. II Mtittsat ito. The tax returns from M counties received at the Detainment of In. lernal A (lairs -how an increase lor the veur of tii.ino.oon. There is alirge increase In Philadelphia, but a lulling on" In interior "ouiilies. - A Polish coke drawer nt llesemer. Pa., named Joseph I'ekowski has received word from Kussht that be is heir (o 1 10,000. MissMixxik Bkxpkr. of S'oyestown, put carbolio acid on Iter corns to cure them. The acid eat through the Mesh and diseased the bones. To prevent a still worse allliction two of her toes had lo be amputated. Miss. John Dux, wlfcof the new Supreme Judge, lias been chosen a trustee r.f (he Bap tist church, at Holidiiyshurg. This is the first Instance in this part ol Hie Slule where a woman has been elected to till such a po sition. Ki.kvkx Western I'liion linemen were ar rested ut Washington. Wednesiiay, lor hav ing worked on Sunday. Al a bearing belore 'Sipiire Magdl (hey furnished bail and a fur ther hearing will be held. Tiik State convention nt Scran ton of Mast er painters has adopted n si of nil-1 fl dng the measurement ol work und scale oi pi ice-. Members of the association are restricted from making a contract for a price lower han Hint fixed in the scale, thus avoiding competition, 'ihe con vent in;, favors com bining paper-hanging w ith their business. In his latest sech, Powderly declared himself a s-ocialist, and says he is but one of lij.oo i.ooj of thesamo creed in this country, Listcr Hkipi fit ami Samuel Nelce, two farmers living near Frie. while cutting tim ber Saturday were caught bv a lulling (ree. Ileidler was Instantly killed ami Neice was probably lutally injured. John I'm in, of Canonshurg, an oil well tool ilrneser, while out hunt ng Saturday was finally injured by falling and accidvn'. ally discharging his gnu. William Isswok. a Pole, (brew himself uudei a Ireigbl I rain at Johnstown yester day ai'd was filially hurt. John Mi iifiiv, a coke drawer, was killed hy a Pennsylvania railroad train on Tues day evening near leith. He wus ws- ', known as a tiauip workman. At Beuver F'alla three sledloads of merry makers lei t the other night for Darlington. The driver of one of the sleds lost his way, and while turning his team precipitated about Is people down an enbaiikment i leet. The parly lauded on Iho ice covering a creek, w inch gave way, letting all into Ihe creek. Besides receiving a midwinter butb and several bruises no injuries are re ported. RonLttT fitt'SAX, a one-legged railroad waicnmaii nt lluiii'sville Intersection, was run down by an engine, und bis remaining liu cut oil. He will die. Aaot'T 2" business men o' Meadville were arrested lor not keeping the sidewalks clean. Ixa light at ronnellsvillo Samuel Hefner iirobababy fatally stuUlie l Boss llalsley. llelllev has fled. l.Awvnis are searching In (he neighbor hood of F'ranklin for (lie heirs lo .1. Gardner Kenyon's estute. Keiiyou died at Seattle, Wiish., recently, leaving a fortune of over 1,000,000. At Bagdad diphtheria epidemic is feared. Thiee children have tiled of the disease. Bi n. kit list six Indie who want to be nominated for school directors. and it issuid that some of them will succeed in butb gel ling nominated aud elected. The Allegheny and the Monongahela rivers are now frozen over for many miles up stream. At McKetort the ice will sus tain a ten in of horses, and all along the Monongahela there is fear that a sudden thaw will do much damage to river craft. P50 UIBLS CREMATED. A Honible Aooident and Fire in a Ja panese Spinning Mill. Japanese advices by mail state that a spin ning mill al Oasaca burned December 10, with a loss of 2M lives. Most of the victim! were young girls. The hundred and seven ty houses In the vicinity of tho mill caught lire from Ih sparks and were destroyed The lire was caused by Ihe breaking of out of the bells, which, getting between the ma chiiiery, waa ignited by friction and set tire to oil 'tud waste nearby. -Tin i.AKiiKST lodging contract ever let In the Stale of Washington was signed between ihe new Tacoina Mill Company and the (southwestern Kallnind Company. The rail road is lo haul 200.0110,000 feet of fir limber off Ibe mill company's lands. The los will be pawed in Tacoina and a large pait of Ihe lumber shipped to Nan Francisco. Jt will rn (joire livf to execute H e ioiUihcI. CANDY MAKING. btoiiy or now alTj Kfvnq op H W KKTM i: TS ARK rilODUC KU. A Itnt-rel nt (sugar lor Onn Kettle 1 il I nt t'loiim Melt, l-lnucre Mike Pretty nnd De licious "liOHllCS." HE art ami mystery of rnutlv niak r'j Is one tbnt in for mer ilnyi was easily summcil up. Its essen tial elements x"v lispil to he skill anil stifrar. Hut very m my other thintis enlcr into cunilv "tin ilc sitelo.'1 Flowers nnil fruits add flavor nnil frnatunce. and color, too, to sweetness, says the icw York Press. Finn candies aro ht ulii fiotn tlio linst tloulilc rclitiud auanr. It is iml, n liur (el nt a time, into hi', deep copper kct (.cs. Willi moiu or less water, nccorilinir to the consistence of tho ctimly o be tnadoof tltu syrup. The cooking isilono hy atciim, It tunic. I Into the jacket two-thirds high around tiio kct tics nnil soon 1ms cvcrythiiii; insiilo h. in; hot without datc-vr " of liurninif. Tnee candy kettles arc wa'clicd all tin Innf, anil the shut o.l tho Very instunt the syrup is cookciI ctiouli. If it Is to Ijo creamed it "ocs into the victim ntf mill, where his curvcl iinn arms, moved also by steam, whirl and toss; it until (t is n white foamy mns. Cream is usually "-mndo up" on a rtOtuOisO RKE1TIIF.S IX A table, in which a doziu small kettles are sunk. In tbcte kct'.lcs the cream is heated aud worked to a thick smooth liquid, viscidly ndlictcut I.) what ever is thrust within it. Two tir.s nt one end of tho stcmi table ate iliiing walnut'. O.iu ha n jiila of kernels ut lice cibow, a iwistctl loop nf wiro in her hiiiid. Slio lays n kernel on the loop, dips it down under the thick, piuk Mirlaco of her kettle, withdraws it, nnd drops it on a co.trsu sieve beside, her. Otic swift, deft tuiu of wrist and lingers has done it all. Tho uuts no'v o to her companion; (hey arc ahape'ess obloii'r bits, tho yel low akin ah.iwins bcto and there through tho pink jacket. E.ich is attain set in a looped wire, soct down iietiin into the thick pinknuss, an I comes up nearly doubled in sizj. A ipnct wrist motion sets it on a white paper, where other pink bonbons stand in tows. Til", looped wire, though, is not abruptly withdrawn. Instead it slips nlons up to the top, draw-ins tne warm candy with it in two faint horns, then la turned slowly over nnil is taken away, Icavins truly artistic curlicue by way ol linisli. The process is tho same witii nil creamed nu(s, also with crcii'ncd dates. Glace bonoons, nil except the very finest, mo riral molded iu s:tirci. It is made as tine- as dust und p icKcd smooth and hard iu lisht wooden trajs. Next the plastic shapes or molds, undo Ir.'t to strips ol wood, are pressed dotvii into this tine packed sturcii, w liuie they leave, a penect iinp'.iiit. Into these 'prints" candy watm enpu'li t.) bo II aid is poured qtiicKly mid lull to hiirden. At sodiii s ihe cendics have "set" tho trajs puss into the drying room, which is hcuted by steam to h device that evaporates some of the water in the moi.cino rrrp!?nM(.N'r crttuMt. syrup aud forms a hard outer crust. Tho nays are taken out of the moui naiu m suuu as (bat point is raacheit. tVheu lliey ( luoroughlr cuUl the boooout tfVo? (f Z'7 1 r ' 'r-J mi are picked out and laid In it tray ol wire netting. Then ft men with a huge) bellow! play upon them until all tbl white dusty starch blanket U blown away. Next they are crystalixed, which TUB DBS OK TIIK i"OCiAS)t;t rnriTHtt. is accomplislic 1 by aprcvlinir them nut. thin nnd stmUin hot suiur thicklv over them. Tho bulk of bonbons aro lini-d in clui. olale. I'll it is wliat happens nino timet in ten. no matter wmit the licain nlMjr. Ami every b.t of chocnluto dip. pins is hiiml work. Here is k mi! one mttsitis young, tjrcprt pea poiis, true to life In form nntl color. Ho hu bulls of liicdit, y-rcen cantlv be fore bun of the Mjrue-s of your thumb; hu bus also smaller nnd paler ones tho sir.ij of pca. l'liittciiint; a largo one ti it thic!ish round, be lays these small ones TANDY FACTOItV. tltillS till! middle, bends the tw. lobe up together, and behold your pen p:id ia ready for its stirir c vit. Hose lc'ves mid violets arc cr,ts:i!ir;.l iiy ilrIa: lliein for minute ititu boilins liot candy, tuUius them instantly out, spiciidins the n very thin mid then la w j.,.,-. . . mm Dll'I'ISlt NCCS ('OH IIDNC1K4. ni'iuklins their, with hot sus'ir :m alto!;ctlict' tedious aud li'oub!eoiinu procuis. It is much the some witn j,'Ui:i fruit, save, indfcd, lint the Iruit niu-t be cooked uutii and sutured all tlin ;i ;.i. ('ic:pnj(l clioctilatu nud ejlrico nlmnnds all beii: the suuu way. 1'irH tin uu: are lilauclicd by sciiliiins iu hot write , then I'.m tbrou.di a winuowins mtcliiut to rctuuvu the lnnls. Then the nhnotids uto put by the busncl Into biiifu conicil copper poU swims ut uu ansle of lorty live Jcjicc.-, an I so arcaiisu 1 as to Im revolved rapidly uy u stcmu gcarir. tic the bottom. Steam also keeps the pot warm, while thick, whitu su-tip isj poured over the alinouds, that nre kept whirling, wliitlins, until the susar lie lh:c' and white all over each kernel. After I hey am creamed, or they nre dipped iu t'lioc'ilatc, perhaps both. Fil berts aud utits lure the mine way. Very many cittidit!, especially those of satiny mrlace, art stamped betwceis dies. 'Ihe candy, flavored und colored, lies in it hius roll on a mirble slio, witn a hooded s-i" na un t kee; it w io work. It is dntwu nut to it kiuiill round; a (piic'c knifscits o.t it length that the ucxo minute his been cuusht betwixt ifoii jaws an j turuol ti tipiurcs and cuuuds or what a iupei you pic.itc. ('uramcls are mndu from solt euu cream nnd butter, cooked burily euousa to handle und Ihvorcd with cuocolaie, maple tujar or molussei, TUu iuas ii slirtcd soft nud yi'iiuy on n marble slab, ami theuuliillod to allow of cuttiu.s into (ijuarcs. Last and brtt of nit let H be set donf tbut iu caudy miikins clcanlioett rule Tbere are said to bo lU'J.OOO lueo tuotivu iu tin; ivutlu.